Merz & McLellan - Residential & Commercial Development

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process journal for merz & mclellan design brief

river side a pa r t m e n t s

Brief A new world-class apartment tower and commercial development is to be developed on the shores of the Swan River, built around the historical East Perth Power Station. As an historical and exciting landmark, it will be a governing influence in the design of this new waterfront destination, one that offers a host of facilities and lifestyle options in a remarkable waterfront location. The area will be offering a range of highly desirable living options and business opportunities. The community will revolve around the historical Power Station but also host art and culture centres, cafes and shopping as well as transportation. Your task is to choose an attractive name for the apartment tower, develop an identity and a variety of visual solutions for the area and its promotion.

Mandatory requirements 1 x name and identity for the apartments 1 x apartment foyer design 2 x apartment name designs (same design with different name lengthsBarnett and Willoughby Falls) 1 x land release billboard design 1 x property sale sign (with floor plan) 8 page promotional brochure for the tower (8 pages may be sample pages and not represent the whole brochure. Size to be determined by the student based on research and appropriateness) Audience The audience are predominantly young executives, both from within the existing community and those entering the area, as well as those looking to invest into a soon to be thriving East Perth development. While housing is a key issue with the development consider that the area will need to be attractive business investors also. Tone of voice The development’s name and visual identity should represent its inner city, riverside lifestyle. It should appear classy, modern, upmarket, important, active and almost arrogant. Considerations With the Perth real estate sector experiencing large booms in the current socio-economic climate there are large numbers of people moving into the state as well as Eastern states and international investors.

Hints For photographs visit East Perth’s residential development as well as the actual site (they are right next tot each other). For images of the actual tower (which is fictional) I suggest of the Multiplex tower located behind the Raffles, next to the Canning Bridge. Feel free to use any apartment block of reasonable stature. Supplied resources Australand logo must be included on your billboard, property sign and brochure. Lifestyle renderings are an optional inclusion. Floorplans are to be used on property sign and in the brochure – you may edit these to suit. Supplied copy may be used in part or whole. You may add to this copy or duplicate or edit to suit. Alternative Names Choose 1 of the following names: The Studio, The Metropol, Diamond Star, Millennium Tower, Rivercrest Appartments, The Powerhouse, Vataria, Belagio Tower, Opalesque, Alcazar, Hacienda, The Palazzo, Tremain, McLellan Merz Appartments Deliverables As listed under mandatory requirements, some resources will be provided. Submit with a bound research, ideation and development file and written rationale.


the old

power house

A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixeduse waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. Forward works to clean up the site were undertaken in 2004 and stabilisation works to the Power Station building were undertaken in 2005. Master Planning to establish a framework for future land use is now being finalised. East Perth Power Station Brief History East Perth Power Station, East Perth, Western Australia The East Perth Power Station stands majestically along the banks of the Swan River, near the Windan Bridge, in East Perth . The Power Station was established during World War I and was the only power station supplying the metropolitan area of Perth from 1916-1951. In 1968 the power

station converted to oil (from coal) but by 1974 it returned to coal firing. By 1981 the power station had become redundant as more advanced and cheaper methods of electricity generation became available. The Stations The Power Station consists of two buildings containing three power stations. The second building still embellishes the art deco style of the times. The A Station commenced generation in 1916 and was expanded in 1922 and 1928. It is believed that the building was designed in England by engineering consultants Merz & McLellan and contractor Babcock & Wilcox. Most of the building materials were East Perth Power Station, East Perth, Western Australia imported including the cement. The B station was commissioned in 1938 followed by C station in 1956. The A station had a total capacity of 32megawatts while B and C stations had of a capacity of 25mw and 30mw respectively. The first building of the power station housed A station and was designed prior to World War I and construction commenced in 1913. It later housed C station. The B station was designed c.1934 with Art Deco features and is the most recognised of the buildings. The central power station building was used to house plant and equipment and contained the boiler house, turbine room, switch house and pump house.

Jetty #1 and Jetty #2 were constructed along the Swan River in the 1920’s. Water was pumped from the river, filtered through screens to remove jellyfish & other river debris before being circulated through a condensing plant (located in the power station) where it cooled steam in the condensers. Jetty #1 no longer exists. Fly-ash East Perth Power Station, East Perth, Western Australia During the 1930’s fly-ash from the station was bagged for use in gardens. The flyash was a fine grey/orange powder that was produced by coal fired power stations. The flyash was added to manure to improve the quality of compost and soil for use on mainly vegetable gardens. The East Perth rubbish tip was used as a fly-ash disposal site until the power station was closed in 1981. Today The buildings had been vacant since 1981 and sat quietly with all its equipment and fittings slowly deteriorating however after a long delay they are currently being refurbished by the East Perth Redevelopment Authority.


the old

power house

Initial complaints about River pollution related to very visual waste that had an impact on recreation such as swimming and boating. Headlines in the 1950s and 1960s for instance conveyed the visual impacts of pollution. The oil pollution, ash beds and general spillages from the Power Station and the Gas Works at East Perth is well documented. The Swan River Reference Committee’s Report on Pollution of the Swan River in 1955 gives an indication of the extent of the problem: “In the morning, with an outgoing tide and a light SE wind, oil film covered practically the whole surface of the water from the northern e of the Causeway Island to the Bunbury Railway Bridge, with heavier concentrations close inshore along the right bank. Along this bank a dirty high water mark can be distinctly seen on the rushes, and closer to the Gasworks, rushes and natural growth bordering the river have been killed by oils and tars, etc. The river banks here are black with oil and tar scum.” [52] The waste from the East Perth Power Station was also impacting on water quality. A 1950 newspaper article headed ‘Power House Drainage Ruins River Beaches’, tells of the desolate

stretches of mud and grey-black material, added to 24 hours per day by scum and ooze from the power station. These areas were once beaches and yachting courses. Maylands Rowing Club members had by then left to join other clubs where their plates did not snag in the mud and where creosote from the gasworks was not a menace to their eyes and throats. [53] The Minister for Works admitted that the decision to allow the SEC to pump clean ash into the area was made to speed up filling the area because the dredge Stirling was about to be sent to Bunbury. He added: “ash is quite a clean material and no pollution of the river or temporary discoloration of the water beyond the immediate vicinity would result……. No possible cause of pollution could come from the disposition of the ashes but that, in fact, a low-lying, mosquitobreeding swamp was being changed into a level and wide river bank which, when covered with grass would be both useful and ornamental.” [54] caring_for_the_river/industry





yes, t h at wa s s o m e n i c e a f t e r n o o n s h o t s of the power house area, s o t h at i c o u l d g a i n a g o o d g r a s p o f t h e a r e a a n d t h e m at e r i a l s , c o l o u r s , t e x t u r e s . . . . m ov i n g o n


considerations Now as i here that the competition in terms of design is super shit, I’m going to look at it in another way. Perhaps the branding of cities would be better. The main reason i don’t want to look at the shit stuff, is that by doing this those little ideas/styles etc will have an impression on how i design, even if they are crap. So i believe it would be wise to avoid them. In terms of good design within this area we are looking for a design that is carried out well throughout all applications. Not just a logo but the complete lot of logo, to banners, to street signs to advertising. To design a estate it needs to be a holistic design not a tunnel visioned identity. So lets get started.


city of


A design that can be applied in hundreds of ways. That is cultural, artistic, bold, angular, vibant, exciting, clean, professional, functional, innovative, modern, contempory... The best part of this design is its usability, to be applied in so many ways, to keep its image changing, to be one symbol but also different in many ways.


Clean and Readable, Reflects industry, facotry, hard work, Iron and metal. And colour comes from business.

Idea of Multiply/opacity through the use of stock. Also clear numbers. Timeless and functional for transport.

This was more so interesting due to its classy style mixed with something much more modern.

Having part of the design blurred is very interesting, causing the viewer to focus on a particular part of the design. Something that could be used in some way.


A design strategy that allows for an identity that is one but is also universal in adaption. What is important is that we can still see that they are related. Always applys well for an identity that is continually shifting evolving and wants to be percieved as doing so.

Could I bring objects into the design. using cut paper or card. Using objects. Could i get a image of a rock and follow the contours to create a image. What are possible solutions within this.

A design that involves images of the area, mixed in with colour gradients and clean type. This type is rather industrial too.


demographic a n a ly s i s

Age As the waterfront apartment and community is aiming for both business and residents. Most likely younger executives which are looking to start or grow their business in a new and vibrant area. These executives would range from 25-45, A age bracket like this comes from the age that one could afford and have the skills to start their own business and also to have worked themselves to the top of the business. Household residents would most likely be couples as this area isn’t as likely to be a family suburb. This is due to the commercial side of the community. In this case we can expect young couples/bachelors etc to be moving into the area, the age range of these people would be some what similar randing from 21-45 accounting for young couples that move out together at a younger age. These younger couples though would be doing relatively well though.

gender The gender of the area is universal, though if we be steriotypical we can assume most of the businesses would be run by a male executive. But once again no side of gender should be played up in the design of a community such as this.

social class The area will be relatively classy with business playing a large role it needs to keep this in mind. This means the social class of the area will be similar. This then means the design needs to reflect this higher social class.

Primary Geographical location These investors and couples that the development are looking for could be situated anywhere around perth. It is however most likely that they are already close by, as no one wants to move a business from fremantle to the city. This means we can assume West Perth, East Perth, CBD, Northbridge, South Perth, Vic Park, Belmont, Subiaco and Morley.

education Education of the audience in hand is most likely. If they are heading a company i would presume they have had some education within the area. We can then pressume that these people arn’t all that stupid, and hence dont need things spelt out for them. They like to be tested a bit, they are probably competitive people who know what they want and go for it. So dont dull it down.

Economic status/Income Obviously if one owns and runs a business they are doing alright. They need to have the income to allow for the living expenses of the area. The residents are also the same. They need to be doing alright to allow for the prices of the area. We all know inner city living isn’t the most affordable areas.


psychographic a n a ly s i s

What culture are we trying to create? Within the tone of voice it says it has a inner city lifestyle/riverside lifestyle. It also says It should appear classy, modern, upmarket, important, active and almost arrogant. So what is this culture what are they interested in? Well firstly they are the hunters of coffee, as any businessman is. They enjoy a coffee and perhaps a small cake, Its a good coffee that puts them in a good mood. But not only coffee is what they want, they want the good atmosphere too, they like to think that this coffee place is their special one that no one else knows about. They in this way think of themselves as better or perhaps cooler than others. They are serious when working but laugh a lot when they arn’t. They are continually on the out-look for possible investments, or good ideas. They get ideas from anything, something that can be altered to transform their business.

This is the culture where they’ll frequently go out to dinner, they’ll go to events and openings. They know most people within the town, Networking for these people is essential. They are socialites. These people are creative in their own way. Whether thats within their business or themselves. They try new things and arn’t afraid of peoples judgement... to much.

Some other interests may involve: Wine, Wine Bars, Country weekends, trips to Europe, getaway holidays, spas, reading the newspaper (informed, know-how), sitting on the balcony, wine in hand, music playing and a select few for conversation.

These are the people that drive a good car, there are no bombs in this community, unless its the barista’s. They enjoy the high life and lifes delicacies. They enjoy quality over quantity, a small amount of something amazing is better than a small amount of something good. In terms of design they are quite excepting of something new and vibrant, as long as its the new cool thing. They are used to vibrant colours, serifs with high contrast in its thick and thin strokes, they enjoy matt finishes and spot varnishes. They also like black on white, black background is just so exquisit. Anyway i think you get the idea.



ff er en t au di en ce an y di wh at ma ke s th is st ac ro ss rt h au di en ce ju fr om th e ea st pe co me so be d th is ar ea ha s th e ra ilway ? an ba se th e to er d it no t be be tt en cl os ed , wo ul ap s rh pe , in g mu ch co ol er ar ea on so me th on a is as ph em tiv e ar ea wi th mo re of a cr ea th in wi st ju t e co mm un ity no ca fe st ri p, on th rs ba ng vi it as we ll by ha bu t ex te ri or to re so on es s. fo cu sin g mo sin mi xe d in wi th bu od , an d fo t me fe s, ba rs , go ur ar t, cu lt ur e, ca ru st ic, its th io n of co ur se wi th e po we r stat du st ri al fe el . ol d, fa ct or y, in

= new audience =


demographic a n a ly s i s

Age As the waterfront apartment and community is aiming for both business and residents. Most likely younger executives, which are looking to start or grow their business in a new and vibrant area. These executives would range from 25-45, A age bracket like this comes from the age that one could afford and have the skills to start their own business and also to have worked themselves to the top of the business. Household residents would most likely be couples as this area isn’t as likely to be a family suburb. This is due to the commercial side of the community. In this case we can expect young professionals and couples to be moving into the area, the age range of these people would be some what similar randing from 21-45 accounting for young couples that move out together at a younger age. These younger couples though would be doing relatively well though.

gender The gender of the area is universal, though if we be steriotypical we can assume most of the businesses would be run by a male executive. But once again no side of gender should be played up in the design of a community such as this. Primary Geographical location These investors and couples that the development are looking for could be situated anywhere around perth. It is however most likely that they are already close by, as no one wants to move a business from fremantle to the city. This means we can assume West Perth, East Perth, CBD, Northbridge, South Perth, Vic Park, Belmont, Subiaco and Morley. Economic status/Income Obviously if one owns and runs a business they are doing alright. They need to have the income to allow for the living expenses of the area. The residents are also the same. They need to be doing alright to allow for the prices of the area. We all know inner city living isn’t the most affordable areas.

social class The area will be relatively classy with business playing a large role it needs to keep this in mind, but that doesnt mean stuck up, and business doesn’t necessarily mean black tie with black suit. This means it needs to be both seen as relatively high class but also mid class. Australia and primarily perth isn’t a place that approves that much of areas that come off as posh, we enjoy the idea that we are all equal. So it would be in the best interest of the development to keep the identity and use of the area as relatively accessable for all. education If they are heading a company i would presume they have had some education within the area. We can then pressume that these people arn’t all that stupid, and hence dont need things spelt out for them. They like to be tested a bit, they are probably competitive people who know what they want and go for it. So dont dull it down.


psychographic a n a ly s i s

What culture are we trying to create? Within the tone of voice it says it has a inner city lifestyle/riverside lifestyle. It also says It should appear classy, modern, upmarket, important, active and almost arrogant. but lets also add modern & contempory and then bring the power house into it with its industrial feel, with heavy metal, iron, bolts, rust, corigation, glass paneled windows and framework. So what is this culture what are they interested in? The community will be involved with all the small businesses, these will revolve around the continual social life within the area. Cafes, Bars, Wine Bars, Gourmet Foods, Tapas Bars and not to mention galleries, art, music, theatre and many other social occasions. The idea is that it isn’t an enclosed area, they are open to outsiders, just like fremantle has many people coming from other suburbs. If it becomes enclosed then it will be forgotten like the other east perth development.

So we are trying to create a social area, then values the old power house but also looks towards something more modern and contempory. The people involved work hard during the day and relax back at night. They enjoy a drink at a cool bar or cafe, they enjoy good food and of course quality over quantity. In terms of design they like raw materials, the contrast of wood and iron, wood and glass. They like contrast in colours like white on black. They like vibrant colours against something plain. They like hand crafted objects, type, art, digital is not the answer for them, unless contrasting against something raw.





world of energy

WEstern australian history

These next few pages are of the east perth power station throughout its history






world of energy

WEstern australian history

There is some really interesting type in this set of photos which are really worth a look into, this could be a nice way of bring the traditional and historical reference of the power station. Also most of these photos are actually of the east perth power station.


colour sourcing from the originals




naming system It was important that the naming system used throughout the development aligned with one another but still also reflected what the development was centered around. Within this process a number of possible names for the development arose. But none seemed to fit along the lines of a suburb, as you cant have a suburb called Merz & Mclellan. Other elements also arose which could be applied to the logo such as AC & DC as well as when it was established. Development name As for the actual name the name Blackstone arose throughout my research of the power station. Blackstone is one of the machines used within the plant and you can see a picture of it on the previous page (green). This seemed like an appropriate name as it is from one of the machines but also links towards the coal used within the plant, which could be considered as a black stone, in some way - sounds feasable anyway. Street Names As for other naming systems I came across 109 interviews of people who worked at the power plant on the West Australian Library website, these then would be great names for the streets within the development.

Apartment tower Name The apartment tower itself will be named Merz & McLellan after the two designers who originally designed the East Perth Power Station. The levels within this building will then be named after the timeline of the the station itself. So ground level is 1913 which is 1913 - In September construction commences on the East Perth Power Station foundations. The Premier, Mr Scadden, advises Parliament that the Power Station will generate 12 megawatts (MW) of electricity and will be enlarged to 16MW, which will be sufficient generating capacity to supply electricity for the next 25 years. This then jumps to important years in the stations history up untill the top level of the apartment tower which would be 2011 where it becomes a new cultural hub for the Blackstone development. i do wonder though whether this is too obvious and it would be better to just have the levels numbered as the alternators were numbered (red photo on previous page) Power Station - cultural hub The power station itself will obviously be called the power station still, except it will be brocken down into sections as it once was. With Station A, Station B and Station C. This could allow for divisions of the plant such as an art section (A), a museum directly for the plant (B) and Function Section (C).


swot a n a ly s i s

strengths We all know that the old is oh so cool at the moment, and if its vintage then even better. Old buildings have come back in full strength. This is then techniqually the best time to open this development which is revolving around the old power station. The real strength of the development is the location, its within the city region, but still kind of detached, so one could say 5 minutes escape from the city but still with all the positives. Other benefits include the transport being close by. Obviously the river and shoreline is a nice lifestyle touch. The fact also that the power house itself will become a cultural hub within the development. In terms of design there is a lot for it to pull from, in terms of refering to the power station. There is a lot of old type that was used in signage and on the machinery.

weaknesses The weaknesses of the area arn’t the most obvious, they are more so small things that may be involved within regulations in terms of building restrictions. As for design weaknesses it may be difficult to capture good photographs of the buildings and the machinery used. And if this is something that would be really appropriate for the design then something will need to be found as a replacement. Other weaknesses involved would be the cost in developing this area, and the ramifications if it didn’t go off. opportunities There are a vast amount of opportunities that may arise within a project as this. In this case creating some type or more so reviving some type. Also the opportunity to get some really nice photos of the building itself. It is also always interesting to gain some knowledge about your own city, in which case i have learnt a lot about the development of electricity in perth and western australia. In terms of the development there is a vast amount of opportunities for businesses, but also opportunities for residents.

threats One threat or bad possibility is that the social side of the development/development doesn’t go off as much as is needed and it becomes too enclosed and interior focused. Such as the development on the other side of the railway has. There may also be problems with the buildings themselves and the renovation of the old power station. But im sure they’ll be careful. In terms of design threats there may be a fine line between a cool industrial feel and actually appearing industruial. So this will need to be treated relatively careful.


p es t

a n a ly s i s

political Political issues may involve readability and ledgibility of signage across the development, allowing for universal accessibility. This is primarily a design issue, but also lends itself to the design of the buildings allowing for accessability. economic Due to being in a recession, to a degree, it would be wise to try and keep the costs down. One of the major things to consider here is that the design shouldn’t come across as too high class but rather professional instead. As many australians arnt all that welcoming to the rich.

social This is what is trying to be pushed the most in the design and development of this area. It is very important that this social side of the area is strong and vibrant. It should become one of the areas to go to. This is not only down to the shops, cafes and bars though, without the right design then the area wont set the scene for the cool area. In this case all items should be considered, what type of textures would promote this social side, if it has a strong nightlife around the bars what adapts to that, more street lights perhaos. Also will the area adapt for bicycles and other adaptions for lifestyle.

technological what are the limitations of the job, what can the signs be made out of, what is accesable. Do we have the ability for wood work or metal work to play a large role within this. Can a typeface be created for it? what is needed for it and is it achievable. More so what is available and how can we use technology to really push the design further.


t h e New


BUSINESS SUMMARY The East Perth Power Station was commissioned in 1913 and was completed in 1916, from here it began to slowly increase its output untill its decommision on the 24th of December 1982. In the year 2011 the government has proposed the development of a new residential and commercial area revolving around the old power station. With the Power station itself being revived into a cultural hub for art, music, museums and functions. The new development will be called Blackstone, with the main apartment tower being named after the original designers of the power station, Merz & McLellan. The area will focus on the social side of life with big pushes within the cafe, bar, restaurant and leisure aspects of the development, all mixed in with the commercial developments of small businesses from designer creatives to accountants and human resources. CURRENT SITUATION Blackstone is a completely new area, everything is new except what it all revolves around, the old power station. There is immense history here and what is belived to be some of the oldest machinery in WA for electricity. So the current situation is that this new development is opening up and blackstone needs a strong identity to set itself against its competitors. It needs to stand out and say what it is and what its about.

MARKET POSITION As Blackstone is a new development the design of the area will be very important, the design needs to capture the true essence of the development and all that it is involved with. As it will need to be advertised before it is actually built and finished. Blackstone stands between some very popular suburbs including East Perth, The City, Morley, West Perth and Northbridge. But Blackstone has the upperhand because it can be the new kid on the block all shiny and new. Target Audience Executives 25-45, Household residents, Young professionals and couples 21-45. Perth. Most likely they are already close by, as no one wants to move a business from fremantle to the city. This means we can assume West Perth, East Perth, CBD, Northbridge, South Perth, Vic Park, Belmont, Subiaco and Morley. They have the income to allow for the living expenses of the area. Professional but not black tie and black suit. They live and are apart of a social life within the area. Cafes, Bars, Wine Bars, Gourmet Foods, Tapas Bars and not to mention galleries, art, music, theatre and many other social occasions. They enjoy a drink at a cool bar or cafe, they enjoy good food and of course quality over quantity.

OBJECTIVES To Better unite and strengthen Waiting for a Hill’s Brand identity, through consistent application and a solid branding solution which reflects Waiting for a Hill’s values and aligns with the taste, style and interest of their audience. Mandatory requirements 1 x name and identity for the apartments 1 x apartment foyer design 2 x apartment name designs (same design with different name lengthsBarnett and Willoughby Falls) 1 x land release billboard design 1 x property sale sign (with floor plan) 8 page promotional brochure for the tower (8 pages may be sample pages and not represent the whole brochure. Size to be determined by the student based on research and appropriateness) Deliverables As listed under mandatory requirements, some resources will be provided. Submit with a bound research, ideation and development file and written rationale.


1913 In September construction commences on the East Perth Power Station foundations. The Premier, Mr Scadden, advises Parliament that the Power Station will generate 12 megawatts (MW) of electricity and will be enlarged to 16MW, which will be sufficient generating capacity to supply electricity for the next 25 years.

1927 The 12.5MW turbo alternator at the East Perth Power Station comes on line after two years’ installation. Generating capacity is now 32MW.

1914 The last pile for the East Perth Power foundations is driven on 4 April. Concreting commences on 21 April and construction of steelwork commences on 22 May. More foundations are laid for the East Perth power Station. East Perth Power Station takes shape. A contract is let to Messrs. Clayton, Son & Co. Ltd of Leeds, England for the construction of a 750,000 cubic feet spiral-guided gasholder in Trafalgar Road, East Perth.

1929 On 10 April, approval is given to purchase the No. 6 generating unit (25MW) for East Perth Power Station.

1916 On 3 December, the first 4 megawatt (MW) generating unit at East Perth Power Station is commissioned. The newly completed East Perth Power Station. The first 4 megawatt generating unit is commisioned. 1917 In March, the second and third turbo alternators (8MW) begin operating at the East Perth Power Station. No2 and 3 turbo alternators are commissioned at East Perth Power Station.

1928 Investigations commence on the upgrading of East Perth Power Station as electricity demand exceeds production.

1934 In November, the Governor, Sir James Mitchell switches on the power in Rockingham. The power is generated at the East Perth Power Station and boosted through the Parry Street substation in Fremantle. 1938 East Perth “B” Station comes on load with a 25MW generating unit. The power station is capable of generating 36MW. 1943 In November, Mr V.J.F. Brain, Chief Electrical Engineer of the New South Wales Public Works Department is asked to advise on the feasibility of converting the power generated at the East Perth Power Station from 40 to 50 cycles. In December, Mr Brain submits his report and recommends the immediate conversion to 50 cycles at 254 volts.

1922 In December, the No. 4 generating unit of 7.5 MW is commissioned at East Perth Power Station. This increases the generating capacity to 19.5 MW.


power station Timeline

1944 The State Government approaches the Commonwealth Government for financial assistance to undertake the 50 cycle conversion. In August, the Commonwealth Government agrees to pay half the cost of the conversion, up to a maximum of $600,000. 1945 On 23 May, East Perth Power Station’s No. 6 generator fails, reducing available power from 37MW to 18MW. In June, No 1 generator at East Perth Power Station disintegrates, sending pieces of metal through the roof and walls. One piece hits the Bunbury Railway Bridge, 500 metres away. The outcome is a further reduction in the available power supply for Perth. Heavy power restrictions are introduced into the Perth metropolitan area. Customers are now only receiving 25% of their minimum requirements. 1950 On 29 September, work is completed at the East Perth Power station on the installation of the 66kV transmission line and the 25MW frequency changer, to convert 40 cycle electricity to 50 cycle electricity.

1955 On 17 February, conversion of East Perth Power Station to oil firing is completed. 1956 On 19 June, the 30MW, No. 7 turbo alternator at East Perth Power Station is commissioned. 1957 Bunbury, Collie, South Fremantle and East Perth Power Stations are linked to form the South West Interconnected Grid. 1958 The frequency change from 40 cycles to 50 cycles is completed in the metropolitan area and those areas supplied by the interconnected grid. 1967 The last of the original 4MW units at East Perth Power Station is taken out of service. No 3 turbo alternator at East Perth Power Station is decomissioned. It is now located at World of Energy. 1981 In June, it is announced that the East Perth Power Station will close as soon as the existing coal stocks at the power station are exhausted. 1982 On 24 December, after 66 years’ of service, the East Perth Power Station is decommissioned.

1952 By October, 20,000 customers living in the Perth metropolitan area have been converted to 50 cycle electricity. 1953 By December, 50,000 customers living in the Perth metropolitan area have been converted to 50 cycle electricity.


p o w e r s tat i o n

employers For Sreet Signs

Adam Matyas Aileen Sampson Alan Trevor Andrews Anne Kathleen Bunting John Aquilina Arthur Leggett Arthur Mizon Arthur Woods Barbara Ziembinski Barry Demmler Barry Goldman Basil Archer Basil Archer and Jean Archer Berna Blanche Anning Bert Hobbs Bill Brenchley Bill Winch Bob Mengler Brian (Billie) William Powell Brian Scull Brian William Marshall Bruce McDougall Chris Martin Colin Batten Colin Burns Colin Richardson Cyril Carter Dale O’Grady Deanne Hetherington Dellas Clements Derek Walkington Doris Sparrow Dorothy Jenkins Doug Saunders Eugene Maxwell (“Max”) Keyser Fred Hamley Fredrick (“Fred”) McCulloch

Gaye Goddard Geoff Wayman Geoffrey Lance Addison Giuseppe Faraone Gordon Ratcliffe Harold Woodcock Heather Bennett Herbert Pearce Ian Fieldgate Ian Malcolm Macpherson James (“Jim”) Marsh Jennie Carter Jim Yelland John Marsh John Peter Stratton John Saville John Toohey Judith Anketell Judy Siddins Ken Raftis Ken Ross Kenneth A. Nicholas Kevin Cameron Kevin Hamilton Kevin Wulff Kim Butt King Dewar Kit Woods Lawrie Shaw Les Helfgott Lorraine Jean Kregers Lyn Hawkins Margaret Elizabeth Allan Margaret Elizabeth Gillies Maria Tancredi Mary Bedelia Peake Interview with Maureen Byrne

Maureen Otto Maxwell (Max) Shean Merredith Southee Michael Goff Mick Malone Neville Martin Neville Percival Brabazon Norman Choules Norman Plummer Patricia Meckelburg Patrick Troy Peter Black Phillip Rappeport Pieter Andriessen Rae Blake Raymah Rappeport Rex Bull Richard and Marjorie Murphy Richard Hart Robert Deal Robert Oakes Roger Marlow Ron Alexander Ron Waters Sarah Cooke Sid Clarke Ted Raymond Terence Goff Terry Crawford Terry Richmond Thelma Gunzburg Tom Gard Walter (Wally) Sampson Wilfred Connors and Faith Connors William Henry (“Harry”) Butler



visual Research




feel idea



For Communication

classy, upmarket, important, active, modern & contempory , power station, industrial, Machinery, old type, signs, art, culture... heavy metal, iron, bolts, rust, corigation, glass, paneled windows, framework.








blackstone Refinement


working with one of the first sketches I thought this would work quite well with the curved A and K as well as a x-height that was a little larger, but it just doesn’t seem to say the right thing. I think it needs to be harsher, perhaps with stronger angles. It may be wise to have blackstone with a small x-height then Merz & McLellan can have a larger X-height. Would be a nice contrast.


looking at the type on this sign i began thinking it may just be worth re-creating it. The first thing was to adjust the image so that the type was straight and in the right perspective. The next was removing the background to get a better look at the type itself. And it’s pretty nice, I think it’ll communicate what I’ve been trying to accomplish throughout my sketches. So just as a test lets break up the image and see how it looks in Blackstone. Sweet, so that’s just what im looking for so lets get our vector on.

Okay so in the process of converting the type into a vector so that i could then adjust it and go over it, i found that the subtlties of the actual sign being vecotrised was really nice. It gave it those qualities which a really clean type just didn’t have, wear and tear one could say I think. So the bottom is with some more alignment and kerning and I think it actually works really well in terms of what it needs to accomplish.


so this is just a test to see what it’s like and i think it works really well. Just needs some minor refinements to particular letters and it should be good to go.




a pa r t m e n t

merz & McLELLAN Refinement


Influence for logo

decreased width of e, l & and increased m. Tails of c longer.


test one

decreased width of M, e, r, l, n. Brought top of z in & e bridge in

m’s the same, and adjusted c to elongated and reduced width

going over strokes to make actual shapes. introduced a grid to get a balance between all letter forms.

the result of strokes now into shapes.


increased tracking. opened up the ‘m’ more on the inside, and likewise with the ‘a’ and ‘n’. brought top of the ‘z’ in.

increased width of ‘M’. Decreased interior weight of ‘m’. heightened inside points of the ‘m’.

reduced width of ‘e’ & l’s and adjusted kerning.

increased kerning of merz, to balance against Mclellan.

test two


felt it wasn’t bold enough. so increased vertical lines within all letterforms. imitating width of the original image.

increased width of the ampersand.

minor adjustments to the ampersand.

test three


Now im happy with the logo here. but i feel that it needs to also have that subtle distortion to it as the other does. and if its too much then fair enough ill go back to this one but i think its worth a try to see how it turns out and reflects the other.

got this above text, screen shot it, placed into illustrator and live traced it. Then brought it back over. has come across well but needs refinement on the ‘r’, ‘&’ and ‘c’

got this above text, screen shot it, placed into illustrator and live traced it. Then brought it back over. has come across well but needs refinement on the ‘r’, ‘&’ and ‘c’


when i was driving along canning hwy i noticed an old sign which was a Mcsomething and it had the ‘c’ up the top, and it adorned on me that that was the common thing to do with old type signs.



railway museum Photographs








level names of

merz & McLELLAN Refinement


The levels within this building will be named after the timeline of the the station itself. So ground level is 1913 which is 1913 - In September construction commences on the East Perth Power Station foundations. The Premier, Mr Scadden, advises Parliament that the Power Station will generate 12 megawatts (MW) of electricity and will be enlarged to 16MW, which will be sufficient generating capacity to supply electricity for the next 25 years. This then jumps to important years in the stations history up untill the top level of the apartment tower which would be 2011 where it becomes a new cultural hub for the Blackstone development. i do wonder though whether this is too obvious and it would be better to just have the levels numbered as the alternators were numbered (red photo on previous page) Now for this to work obviously each level will need to be just the year itself. The information about these years can then be found in the foyer - within the foyer design. So as for each levels sign they should probably be a serif style, to contrast against the raw Merz & McLellan Logotype. In this case I believe the top set of numbers would be best suited. So ill get these, edit them in photoshop and pull them over into illustrator and then finally bring them back here for some minor refinements. Okay tried this first with the number two and as you can see its just too messy. Which means ill need to just go over the numbers with the good old pen tool.











As nice as those numbers are i think they are just too dated, and in effect just aren’t communicating what i need them to. so i’m going to use these ones as i think ill be able to gain something more modern from them.


before i continue i fee i need to establish the look i’m trying to communicate, also to remind me what im working towards so as a reminder: classy, upmarket, important, active, modern & contempory, power station, industrial, Machinery, old type, signs, art, culture... heavy metal, iron, bolts, rust, corigation, glass, paneled windows, framework.

As for interior I’m looking for a feel such as these images:



apartment level names are constructed from the numbers bellow, i have done some for example. these will be made out of cut metal but spray painted in a matte black. The hallway will probably be a white wall with wooden floor boards which air fairly washed back of colour.

there then needs to be a description on the base level of the apartment as to what these level names have come from. As picture frames are going to be used throughout the building it would work well to produce this as an A1 poster. This would also convert well into a promotional piece that can be attached to the brochure.




f u n c t i o n , a r t, m u s e u m

the power station Refinement


s t a t i o n


estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station


estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station estd 1913

power station

current branding all together

estd 1913

power station


design of the

Foyer/reception Refinement


exposed piping throughout the apartment are colour coded. these act as a feature throughout the building


photography for the frames in the foyer and within the apartment hallways. also for brochure use, and other media




design of the

brochure/promotion Refinement




a promotional brochure for those considering buying, the promotion is a box with a bottle of port/wine and a small brochure inside. the design emphasises photography and quotes with clean simple type.


The decisions i have now is how to do the brochure with this, in terms of fitting it in a box it would have to be at the largest 90 by 270 as thats the size of the bottle, but then this creates quite a small brochure, which almost feels a little piss weak (if i can say that), in other terms it just hasn’t got as much presence as it should have. So we could lose the box and have it be larger or perhaps we could do the brochure in another way. Could the brochure perhaps just be on the back of the poster? this would save money and also mean there is less for them to carry when they got it. This would also stem out well in getting some history out about the power house, plus they get a relatively cool poster too. So lets consider this, whats the best way for the brochure to work as a combination with the bottle and also as a stand alone promotional piece. I also think it’d be really cool to produce the floor plans as blue prints, perhaps on a baking paper or thinner stock.



The yellow publication here has given me the idea to introduce various stock into the brochure, say if i had the floor plans on them.

I like this one more so for the box and interior, and the idea that the brochure could just sit on top.

I also think something really contempory like this could be applied to the brand, of course with the colour application of the area.

This reminded me of the old really clean manuals, which could be a really nice touch/ just look cool.


Okay so looking at these ones more so in terms of the layout used with the one column to two column usage of type as well as how it’s used with photographs. Also nice with the random colour bursts that it has around the place.


The idea of wrapping the bottle itself in a nice wrapping paper that is developed from the branding.

This is more so focused on the box itself with the tie around it. Nice old style similar to the old folders you see going around.

This last one i have picked out as it contains the text and images as if it was a brochure. Which could be a really good appoach for getting the size into the brochure. This may also work really well with the poster.




So for the photographs i have selected some lifestyle shots from my holidays and then i have the railway museum shots in the greyscale.

These should work as a nice comparison against each other within the layouts especially with the colour difference.


is the on the Swan River

The headings will align with the heading used within the power station history.

We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

The subheadings or quotes will be italic. In this case Bodoni.

It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along

Body Copy here is Frutiger at 9pt with 12pt leading and aligned to the baseline grid. This isnt the best combo of typefaces though.

is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities. It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities.

Trying the serif and sans serif around the other way now. So frutiger as the sub head and garamond as the body copy. Body Copy here is Garamind at 11pt as it’s x height is a lot smaller. The leading may even need to be opened up more for these. Not sure if a serif body copy is the way to go...

This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along


is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

Grotesque as sub heading and likewise for the body copy.

It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia.

This actually works quite well as a sub heading as it flows well from major heading to sub heading. But is it classy enough?

A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along the river, making it more accessible to surrounding suburbs and the

Too much to have all the same type though. would probably need a more open body copy.

is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities. It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river.

Caslon for the heading here, but I don’t think it’s modern enough for what we are trying to communicate. Also tryed it as a body copy, but I think Id have to see it layed out and with the photos to say yes to a serif copy.

The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along the river, making it more accessible to surrounding suburbs and the CBD. Redevelopments will create places for people while ensuring


is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities. It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along

Trying Caslon sub heading with the Frutiger copy... The frutiger copy is kind of nice as it’s quite moddern, but im not sure if it’s open enough. looks like it may need some tracking...

is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities. It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river.

This is now hoefler as the sub heading and still frutiger as the copy, but i have extended the tracking of the copy. Its good to see how these work together but in the end i think i need to see it when actually flowed within the document.

The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities.


is the on the Swan River We believe in a Vital Perth. To us, this is innovative urban renewal and town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities. It’s quality infrastructure and architecture, inspired by the natural beauty and heritage of our city, with sustainable development and future generations in mind. It’s listening to our community, industry, urban development partners and local and State government. It’s working together to revitalise urban places in Western Australia. A key destination on the Swan River, the East Perth Power Station is set to become a mixed-use waterfront precinct with a range of urban living, working and leisure opportunities. It will capitalise on the exceptional accessibility benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks and the river. The rejuvenated heritage-listed Power Station building, in its magnificent foreshore setting, will combine with a variety of engaging leisure activities to create a unique place and experience for visitors and residents alike. With the majestic Power Station building as its heart, this 8.5hectare site is poised for new life. EPRA’s vision for the East Perth Power Station project is to transform the former industrial site into a vibrant waterfront destination and a community with a mix of living, working and leisure opportunities. This will be a pedestrian-friendly area with exceptional accessibility, optimising the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) benefits presented by the site’s proximity to major arterial roads, rail networks, cycleways and potential ferry opportunities. Revitalisation of this foreshore area will create further links along

Trying the serif and sans serif around the other way now. So frutiger as the sub head and garamond as the body copy. Body Copy here is Garamind at 11pt as it’s x height is a lot smaller. The leading may even need to be opened up more for these. Not sure if a serif body copy is the way to go...

Okay so, first attempt at the poster but i changed it to A2 as the A3 was too small to work both the type and images into. And i know another change hey! but from looking at this where I am currently going I dont think it’ll be all that interesting, nor show of my skills that much. So now im going to do the old manual style as a A5 booklet. Or ill take it in a more posh way with the images speaking the machinery.


Alright, first check up to see how it is develioping. So in this more posh version I am using the same title typeface as on the poster, then I am using garamond for the quote in a relativerly large point size and caslon for the body copy. So far it’s developing well but ill have to see how it goes with the other pages. But it should translate across really easily. Ill just have to make it change a little across each page so it doesn’t become boring.

As you can see white space will play an important role. Also the idea is that everything is constrained within a certain area and no photos or text move out of these margins. The framing idea from the foyer artwork also stems out into the brochure.

during putting together the first mock up i found i needed a few more photos of some food so i took a few of my mums lunch, which turned out to have a nice balance in colour and texture, plus actually looked pretty damn tasty.


This is the first mock up of the brochure, but for it to work i need to have an extra spread to make up the booklet.

there will also be a separate document for the floor plans, which will be treated like blue prints and placed in the pack.


refinement checklist for each spread Layout Lines top & Bottom? Distance between type/lines/photos Colour Changes

Type Widows? Tracking? Kerning? Quotes Kern? 1st Capital?

Photos Replacements? CMYK Contrast Brightness Resolution Positioning

Other refinements? Over all colour scheme?

The cover of the brochure came together very quickly in that i knew which photo I wanted to use. As i had already decided that it would wrap around well, it would have the depth of colour that i wanted, would be plain enough for the logo and would also give away only a little of what the design is all about. Also the fact that it’s the door to which opens the rest of the brochure.

The back is then just the other side of this image but with the australand logo and a Inquiries number.


Okay So the first main refinement was creating a separate page for the introduction, which is treated plain and simple so that it ties in with the poster. The spread itself then had quite a few refinements such as the quote being kerned, the river now in colour, and the contrast and brightness has been edited in it. Small alignments such as the base line has been edited. The gaps between the photos have been

reduced, the two pages are also level with each other. And lastly the body copy has had minor refinements such as doubles spaces and forced line breaks for the small words, then there is a new ampersand in the quote. Also tryed a brown for the 1st page but didn’t really communicate the same higher class as the black.


So first up the quote has been kerned and the new ampersand applied. The capital ‘E’ has been enlarged a little as it was competeing against the next few capital letters in the sentence. Basic alignment across the lines top and bottom and lines were applied to the left page meaning the photos were decreased. One of the photos were replaced as the green wasn’t working

against the other colours there. A few of these photos were then edited for more contrast and deepness. The glass of spritz was also reversed around.


Ampersand replaced, the little ‘c’ in McLellan was aligned better, the whole quote was kerned, The body copy was also better aligned. This then meant the top margin could be increased. The photos were also edited in contrast and brightness. Lastly general alignment was made with the lines and photographs.

Also tryed this in a brown to get a bit more punch out of the page but I feel it just ends up looking stupid, kind of doing more when it just isn’t needed.


Okay so new ampersand, and the quote has been kerned. Then the body copy has been better aligned and widows adjusted. This then meant it could all be brought down and the top margin larger. The phots were then brought down and lines were added to the top and bottom of them. The photos were then edited for contrast and

brightness. The top left food was replaced with another photo that was more in focus and the ice cream was positioned better, likewise with the city lights.


First up basic alignment, the photos were reduced in size to equal each others weight. And also aligned up the top so it has an equal margin. Lines were also added at the top and bottom. The contrast and nightness was also adjusted. The type has had minor refinements on the little words that stuck out. The quote has had some forced line breaks and kerning adjustments.


Quite a few changes to the photos in this one, seeing as it talked about the water playing a bigger part I broke up the photos between machinery and water themed. These photos were then edited in contrast and brightness, then a few changes to the positioning of them. These were then aligned with the type and lines were added above and bellow the photos. The type was

better aligned and a capital T starts off the body. The quote was also edited with kerning and the new ampersands.


and all together... classy, upmarket, important, active, modern & contempory , lifestyle, power station, industrial, Machinery, old type, signs, art, culture...


The Floor plans will also be folded up and placed within the pack along with the brochure and the poster. This will be printed on a low GSM A4 blue stock to give the feel of the old blue prints. The emphasis in this page was to play on the old machinery manuals or blue prints, so a more industrial feel was being emphasised, which should contrast nicely against the brochure and align well with the poster. I have also adopted a key or legend rather than the other naming style that was given to us as this is how the old manuals would usually label their machines.


This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

chosing between the wood texture, plain colour, machinery, the actual power house, perhaps something more lifestyle or maybe set the scene with a river photo. would want the folder to be like this but not sure if i can make that.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.




This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

wrap around sticker

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

This is innovative urban renewal & town planning that fosters vibrant inner city communities.

Okay so with some refinement of primarily the images I got to something i was happy with, the choice was essentially industrial, lifestyle or set the scene. And of course it makes more sense to set

the scene than show the machinery in this case. So this will be the folder that the poster, brochure & floor plans go in.


design of the

billboard Refinement


The idea of the billboard is that it needs to be quick to read, and get the general jist of it. Needs to be photographic needs to read left to right and needs to be memorable or needs to cause intrigue

So the first question is what is the photo and what is the tagline?


So First ideas were using the text ‘5 minutes escape from the city’ and I placed this in Liberator which is the same as the poster and other headings used throughout the applications.

5 Minutes Escape From The City

5 Minutes Escape From The City

The only first choices here were which photo to use, i knew I wanted to use the river as I wanted to set the scene, and this contrasted well against the text as it showed something relaxing that was quite the opposite of the busy city.

The main problem here is trying to have the type visible enough over the image, but it’s quite difficult as you dont want the image too dark.

5 Minutes Escape From The City

5 Minutes Escape From The City

Tryed another photo of the river, which actually works really well as it is dark enough for the type and then there are some small apartment towers in the background but they arn’t too strong or overpowering within the photo. The type was then pushed down to the bottom corner.

Thought i would introduce a border to see how that would look but I think it becomes too commercial and in a way looks like toyota, prob because of the type and then the little logo in the bottom corner.

5 Minutes Escape From The City

So same layout but without a border and it is nicer, but still seems to cheap...

5 Minutes Escape From The City


5 Minutes’ Escape From The City

Just had my uncle come in and supposedly need the apostrophe on minutes, but i think im going to lose this text anyway as if you think about how many places close to the city use a tagline where its a place to ‘escape’ and only so far away...

Also just using the logo, if I can get the logo in someone’s head then thats enough for them to look it up online and get the rest.

Just repositioned the photo to bring it up a bit more and enlarged it a bit more.

Edited the photo, just to make it a little brighter and sharper. Then also re-positioned it.

I was thinking it may need a little more to hint at what Merz & McLellan actually is. But not sure what should hint at this and what type should be with it, as this is probably too industrial.


Or perhaps just be out with the fact its about lifestyle... looks a bit shit though...



Alright so brought the other logos into it and created a strip down the bottom where these could work nicely together and with the photo.

Perhaps having a stonger emphasis to what you get if you were to live there. Then bringing in the tag line, but not sure if this is perhaps a bit too cliché?


These photos work better together but I’m still not set on them, and i dont think they’ll relate to the sachel bag as much as the river photo.


Okay so finally i have decided to go with this billboard, For one it relates to the sachel bag, then it also sets the scene of the area as in gives a hint of the location of the apartment. Now i havn’t got the phone number or website on here, as it seems pointless to me. We live in the twentyth centuary, everyone looks stuff up online now, and when passing a billboard who is going to be quick enough to get a number down. So as for the rest i just have coming soon and Merz & McLellan as this at least hints that most likely a development of some kind is coming, or this view is coming soon to you if you buy this apartment.


design of the

for sale sign Refinement


The construction of the For Sale sign was pretty simple as i knew it had to be a combination of the brochure, billboard and floor plans... It was more so getting the proportions correct and the colour balance.

Only refienment is top and bottom are now 100% black and legend has been increased. Lastly The logos down the bottom have been spread out so a contact number could be attached to the sign. Once again in this I am pushing the location and lifestyle side of it with the photography, whilst keeping rest relatively drawn back to hint at the industrial and modern side of the brand.


design of the

Foyer-reception Refinement



The left side of the foyer with photo frames containing old machinery photos as well as the foyer poster.

The right side containing the reception desk. The floor boards are continued up the wall as a feature.


rat i o n a le f i n a l ly

The East Perth Power Station was commissioned in 1913 and was completed in 1916, from here it began to slowly increase its output untill its decommision on the 24th of December 1982. In the year 2011 the government has proposed the development of a new residential and commercial area revolving around the old power station. With the Power station itself being revived into a cultural hub for art, music, museums and functions. The new development needed push the social side of life for a higher classed market but also needed to play on the nostalgic side of the old powerstation. Some of the keywords that the design needed to represent include: Classy, Upmarket, Modern & Contempory , Power Station, Industrial, Machinery, art and culture... The deliverables for the Power station brief are a cohesive solution, they work together to build the required image of the development, like a brand is built over time. The solution itself is a mix of three things: the lifestyle, the machinery and the location. These are all treated equally and work together to communicate its overall feel which shows the possible lifestyle, the old machinery of the power station and the location along the scenic river. The first design solution was the three logos which were reminicent of the old signage that would have been around the station. That doesn’t mean that they look old and dated though, when treated in the right way they become something much more contempory and modern with their sans serif solid type style. The names themselves

have also been selected upon solid reasoning which origninates from the history of the power station. Blackstone being one of the machines from the east perth power station and Merz & McLellan designers of the power station.

really preach it all. This was then aligned with the floor plans which were designed to look like the old industrial manuals with a modern twist. Which then finally all comes together in the pack which reflects the billboard and for sale sign.

The levels of the apartment tower are also reminicent of old type and have been adapted from the old railway pullies. These are also treated in the same style which allows them to be both modern and nostalgic of the power house. The foyer from here houses the poster which contains the timeline of the power station which would educate people as to why the names are labeled in this manner. The foyer is then also housing a number of framed photographs of the old power station all mixed in with some washed out floor boards against white walls and a long black counter. Raw materials were a must within this foyer to push the superiority of the old construction of the power station.

The billboard is based on simplicity. Show the location and cause intrigue. That’s how it works, the scenic dusk photograph of the river followed by the simple tag line ‘Coming soon, Merz & Mclellan’. This billboard also avoided un needed information like numbers as we all know we just look things up on our Iphones or laptops. Plus who is quick enough to get a number as they drive past, unless you’re in a volvo. The For sale sign then brings the good bits from the billboard, brochure and floor plans into one composition allowing the consistency of the brand to grow.

Now hopefully before we got to this stage or pehaps afterwards the audience received a pack which contained the history poster, which was deigned with emphasis on the industrial feel. As well as the brochure and floor plans. The Brochure was the main material that needed to encapsulate the lifestyle of the development, as well as the play on the machinery and power station and lastly the location of the development. Not to mention being both up-market, modern and industrial. This was achieved through the use of clean type, bold serif quotes, a strong grid and alignment system and plenty of photographs to

In overview a design solution that is everything it needs to be, Classy, Upmarket, Modern & Contempory, nostalgic to the Power Station, it’s Industrial heritage & Machinery as well as the good bits in life like food and wine with a scenic view of the swan river.


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