Checklist for MultiGenre Writing Project (2009) Rough Draft Due on: May 20 th (before Memorial Day)…or sooner! All pieces should be typed, unless the genre calls for something different. Each piece can have its own unique title. You should think about an overall theme for your portfolio, (and title) and pick/develop all of your pieces, titles, “Connective” pieces, and other material accordingly.
Checklist for Rough Draft: Biography: Literal/Figurative: ______________________________________________________________ Memoir (12002500) words_________________________________________________________________ “This I Believe” Essay: ____________________________________________________________________ 6 Word Memoir #1 (w/visual):_______________________________________________________________ Additional visual piece or 6 word memoir #2: ___________________________________________________ Three poems or highly figurative genre pieces (one of these pieces may be your descriptive/object piece): ________________________________________________ `______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Your choice of THREE (or more) of the following: Catcher/Fountainhead connections: __________________________________________________ “The Things They Carry”: _________________________________________________________ Who Knows If It’s Good Or Bad?” __________________________________________________ “A Life Worth Living”: ___________________________________________________________ Song/Album/Book/Movie, etc Piece:_________________________________________________ st rd 1 person/3 person conflict OR 2 “Siblings”: _________________________________________ Stream of Consciousness piece: _____________________________________________________ 10 “Connective” pieces (suggestions: indelible moments/serialized piece/dialogue/quotes/ 6 word mems, etc.) Page Notes (at the end of each piece), which clarify, explain, and make connections between your pieces. Notes do not have to be juxtaposed with actual pieces (could be an appendix, footnotes, etc) Rule of Thumb: The shorter or more abstract the piece, the longer the notes should be !
Any additional (optional) pieces that are completed can also be submitted with the rough draft. I am open to discuss alternatives to the given required pieces, if you have inspired alternatives. Quality is the goal, not conformity! Note: the rough draft is graded based solely on completion of requirements (so long as it is not perfunctory). It will not be qualitatively graded—although the final draft will be. It is up to you to improve the quality of your paper for your final draft. ***You must resubmit all pieces (revised) with the final draft. *** Keep hard (and paper) copies for yourself, and to avoid any later problems!
Final Draft:
Due on:_June th (Late penalty June h)
Each the following requirements must be met by at least one piece in your final portfolio: (a piece may be used more than once to fulfill your requirements, but not more than twice. Ex: Your memoir may also be a piece that has a lot of dialogue, but may not be your highly detailed piece as well.) Highly figurative piece (not the Bio)_______________________________________________ Highly detailed piece (if not your “description” piece _________________________________ Piece using a lot of dialogue _____________________________________________________ Piece juxtaposing photo (not the 6 word memoir)_____________________________________ In addition, your final draft should have: A title page. A number of photographs or other pictures/visuals to juxtapose with your pieces. An introduction, preface, or note to the reader. (¼ to one page) A table of contents Reflection paper (on writing and assembling the project): One page minimum. Written AFTER the project is finished! Additional pieces that you think add quality to the overall project. (Clearly list those pieces above) Use these areas to be creative as well.
Make sure your final project is checked for conventions and layout. This is a final project, be proud of it! You will not get your final project back because it counts as you final exam, and we are required to keep them. Your paper will be returned to you before you graduate. Papers will be used as general and specific models next year, unless you indicate to me that you do not want your paper used.