2008 Scoring Rubric for MultiGenre papers Papers are to be graded “holistically” A 90100 Overall Requirements (Checklist)
B 8089
C 7079
D 6569
F 65>
Generously exceeds requirements
Meets or exceeds minimum requirements
Meets all requirements
Falls short of meeting requirements (missing 12 required pieces)
Far from meeting requirements (missing 3 or more required pieces)
Several superior pieces Consistently “quality” work
Several very good pieces Consistently “satisfactory” work
Generally “satisfactory” work Some less successful and perfunctory pieces
Some satisfactory work Many “perfunctory” pieces
Mostly “perfunctory” or unsatisfactory work
Interesting mix of genres Good use of figurative language, symbolic language, metaphors, etc.; Stylistically sophisticated, with language that is precise and engaging; a notable sense of voice Exposes something interesting about the author; Thorough notes that consistently explain, elaborate, and add to genre pieces. Well proportioned to genre pieces.
Mix of genres Uses figurative language, etc.; Fluent and original, with evident awareness of altering language for different goals; individual voice evident Exposes something about the author
Few genres Language mostly commonplace, prosaic; Coherent but basic use of language; individual voice emerges occasionally; Superficial topics, little learned about the author
Only perfunctory genre mixture; Poor language use; inconsistent coherency; little sense of individual voice No insight about author
Incomplete “Simplistic” depictions and language; Language is incoherent and inappropriate No insight provided
Thorough notes frequently elaborate, explain, and add to genre pieces. Generally well proportioned to genre pieces.
Some notes provide elaboration and explanation. Inconsistent attempt made at proportion.
Minimal notes with little elaboration and explanation. Not proportionate. Notes restate ideas in genre pieces.
Missing or minimal page notes that add little or nothing to the paper.
Thematic Organization
Successfully unified thematically clearly organized
Shows obvious effort to “unify” paper Clearly organized
Shows minimalbasic effort to “unify” paper Occasionally inconsistent
Disorganized and shows little unity
Not unified Incomplete
Connective Pieces
Has strong and creative connective pieces which develop theme and meaning
Care shown in connective pieces which often develop meaning and themes
Connective pieces are poor or irrelevant and rarely add to development of meaning or themes
Few connective pieces, or pieces do not connect to main pieces or themes
No connective pieces, or pieces do not connect to other pieces.
Formatting and Appearance
Creative, interesting layout and appearance Well formatted and typed Good use of pictures or other visual supplements Genres are formatted accordingly
Evident care for final layout with creativity evident Well formatted and typed Pictures used to supplement pieces Genres appropriately formatted
Basic presentation and layout with hints of creativity Well formatted and typed Some pictures used, not necessarily in conjunction with theme Genres not formatted appropriately
Little care evident in final appearance Not typed/ poorly formatted No pictures
Essentially no errors in conventions
Occasional convention errors that do not hinder comprehension
Occasional convention errors that sometimes hinder comprehension
Shows minimal effort in final appearance Poor formatting/ typing No pictures/ other graphic supplements Genres not formatted appropriately Frequent errors that hinder comprehension
Overall Quality of Pieces
Creativity and Personal Expression in Language Use
Page Notes
Conventions and Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, Usage, etc)
Little evidence of proofreading, etc.
Name ________________________________________ Circle one:
Final Draft
Rough Draft