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Evan Roubekas amazing anthology of amazing poems

By Evan Roubekas

I would like to dedicate this anthology to my family for being there for me everyday

Written Poems

The author of this poems is Evan Roubekas

“The internet in a nutshell” Why must we do this, school seems so pointless But it is needed to be successful Arguing about going is hopeless Unfortunately school can be stressful But when school is over, the fun begins At home to go straight to the computer Playing with friends together we share grins Playing games like a first person shooter When the night begins the fun comes to end Time to do some last minute homework Last minute work I do not recommend But in the end it all works like a store clerk When the day comes to end it's time to sleep But no! To the internet screw counting sheep

The author Evan Roubekas followed the procedure of making a sonnet with three stanzas and a couplet. Also each line has 10 syllables and the poem is in an ABAB rhyme scheme. There is also a simile in stanza 3 at the last line “But in the end it al works like a store clerk,” it doesn’t really help the poem in any way but is something I noticed. I also noticed at the end of stanza 2 the author used some repetition at the beginning of the sentences, again doesn't really help with the poem it was just something I noticed.

Every winter, I'd rather be playing games than be cold outside

The author of this poem is Evan Roubekas and the season word in this poem is obviously winter and it supports the idea of it being cold outside. This poem is a statement that represents my views on seasons and comfort. The theme is isolation and being alone, because when gaming I am alone and isolated from the rest of my family. The punctuation break in this poem is the dash and it helps the poem by making the separation of being inside versus being cold outside.

Haikus, haikus, why? They don’t serve any purpose; Leave them by winter

Analyze, analyze, why? I think the author Evan Roubekas made this poem for fun because to me this poem is a big joke. I think the tone helps with the jokiness of this poem. The season word in this poem is winter. Like to just forget about the whole poem thing by winter. The punctuation break in this sentence is the semi-colon. The break in the sentence doesn’t really help the poem but just pauses the reader.

How in the world do video games make murderers? You hear on the news that a boy shot his grandma after playing GTA 4. But if video games make murderers why don't soccer and hockey games make you a professional athlete. Why don't cooking games make me cook? People want games like GTA banned but the same is true with guns. Guns don’t kill people and neither do video games its all based on the person. The logic in society is flawed.

The tone in my poem is serious because of the serious idea behind the poem and it helps support the idea of it being serious. I think the author portrays this by having the whole poem be on a serious concept. The line length in this poem is good because it separates each idea. Like the idea of games not making you a cook or an athlete. I think the theme in this poem is flaws in society. Because in my opinion the logic in society is flawed and the theme really does help with the poems seriousness.

Found Poems

Add something Extra to turn The ordinary To extraordinary Try hard And improve Let this process Be continuous Short's life Time's long This moment, real Let this not be lost. Easy to say I know not And easier to find What you don't Make progress Step by step Success will be At your doorstep.

Success will be... Writing this analysis paragraph. Tirupathi Chandrupatia wrote this poem and I think that the literary elements really show in this poem. How parts of the poem are broke up into different section really make them stand out from each other and makes them stronger. The line length in this is really good as well only having at most 5 words and at least 2 words per line. The theme in this poem to me is obviously success. And in my opinion the tone is serious for to me this poem is serious.

Courage is what makes us Courage is what divides us Courage is what drives us Courage is what stops us Courage creates news Courage demands more Courage creates blame Courage brings shame Courage shows in school Courage determines the cool Courage divides the weak Courage pours out like a leak Courage puts us on a knee Courage makes us free Courage makes us plea Courage helps us flee

The author of this poem is Corey Fauchon and she did a great job with repe99on and parallelism. Every line in this poem starts with courage, which really emphasizes the theme of courage. Also the parallelism really does reinforce all the ideas within the poem, ideas like “Courage is what drives us” and “Courage divides the weak”. The line length is a good length because its not to long but and not very short. The tone in this poem is serious because of lines like “Courage divides the weak” and “Courage is what makes us.”

way h g i h s ' e Lif d turns n a s p m With bu r We ente tance s i d a o G Of time . And exit l Let trave Be safe And safe rs. For othe

Tirupathi Chandrupa9a wrote this poem and I think the line length in this one is effec9ve as it is short and concise. This poem is also broken up into the two main ideas of this poem. The tone in this poem in my opinion is serious because of this topic; I also read this poem in a serious manner. The theme in this poem is quite obvious, in my opinion its life and how it does have twists and turns and how

To stand forth in strength; The strength of wisdom, The strength of knowledge, The strength of power, The strength to stand tall, The strength to say nay, The strength to be proud, To be strong, able and wise, Down this road true freedom lies...

“The strength of knowledge” and knowledge is power, and knowledge is understanding how to write an analysis paragraph. Karl Stuart Kline wrote this poem and it has both repetition and parallelism. The sentences all start with the same word “The strength” (for the most part) which really helps support the idea of freedom because to be free you must be strong. And the sentences all have the same structure. I think that the line length and line structure really work because it is short and not much to say which I think really works for this poem. In my opinion this poem's theme is freedom. The tone is this poem is serious because being free is a serious subject and idea.

'Tis sad to think that many with power abuse it those with power who abuse it weak not strong There is nothing wrong with having power in the first place it is the abuse of it that is all wrong For the abuse of power leads to serious crimes against the powerless though power in good hands it is quite okay And good people with power never do abuse it they use it in the most constructive way Some people with power are quite benign people and philanthropic one of them can say But those who abuse their power to the law may never answer though to karma there's a price they have to pay The abuse of power leads to dictatorial regimes that leads to serious crimes against humanity In the despicable crimes against women and children the wrongs of power gone wrong for all to see The people who abuse their power should never have it though to their power they desperately do cling Power in the right hands an advantage to others and power in the wrong hands is a dangerous thing There is nothing wrong with power from once 'tis used well but some with power they do abuse their rule And some with power they can become quite nasty and derive pleasure out of being cruel But power in the right hands can be a blessing and kind people with power their praise we ought sing

Since they have the gift of empathy within them and happiness to others they do bring.

The author of this poem is Francis Duggan and first off I am going to start with the theme of this poem. The theme to me is power and corrup9on. As it is portrayed throughout the whole piece and is the main idea behind it. The piece is broken up by sentences, and the line length is good because it helps keep the ideas separate. The sentences aren’t too long to be a run off sentence and aren’t too short. The tone in this poem is definitely serious having been a serious concept and idea.

My Vignette

My name has various meanings in different languages. In Hebrew my name means, “rock.” In Greek my name means “good messenger,” and in my names origin language Welsh although I am not Welsh, but it means “Young warrior.” Evan George Roubekas is my full name and I will start from the back and work my way to the front. My last name is of Greek origin, and although I couldn’t find it’s meaning, it has a lot of meaning to me. Roubek as in my opinion is a very unique name, coming from my dad’s side of the family. When I hear my full name called it makes me feel proud, having known my heritage comes from a proud and free nation that is unfortunately in debt. My middle name comes from my dad’s father. I was never really fond of the name George, as I don’t think I look like a George, but nonetheless it is my name and I’m stuck with it. Also if I had the chance to change the name I wouldn’t mostly because this is the name my parents gave to me and I don’t think it would be worth it to change. I never really am called by this name and never really use it. My first name is Evan; I have always liked the name Evan as I think it fits me. My name is believed to be derived from the name John and is rarely used as a girl name. In 2008 my name ranked 38 in popularity in the United States. And in 2005 my name was ranked 18 in popularity in Canada and 25 in Ireland. In other languages my name can be compared to Ivan. I never really developed a nickname from my name and I never really got teased or bullied for my name, I think this is because it is hard to create a nickname from the name Evan. My name makes me who I am, I have lived with it for all my life and I plan to live with Evan for the rest of my days.

I will now talk about how each poem relates to me. The 6irst sub-­‐topic I will talk about is “everyday life.” I will start with the poem “Everyday” by me (Evan Roubekas). This relates to my life because this is my life, I wrote this poem based on my everyday life and what I do. I wrote the poem “The Internet” based on a fact I found when browsing the Internet and I wrote this poem on the Internet because it is my favorite place to be. There is so much to discover, tons of people to meet and websites to browse through. My next poem “I would rather” relates to me because it’s true, I do stay inside and play games if it is too cold to go outside. The same is true if it is too hot outside. The basement cools me down if Calgary ever makes it to 30 degrees Celsius. The next poem “Life’s highway” by Tirupathi Chandrupatia really works because life to me is a long road that is 6illed with twists, bumps and forks in the road. In life bad stuff will happen stuff may not always go the way you want it, but its all part of the road of life. “Let travel, be safe, and safe for others.” This part of the poem is my favorite because, when traveling down the road of life, you have to be safe and to keep your friends and family safe as well. Because you never know what’s around the corner. The poem “Success” made by the same author as the poem above works with my life and my topic because it’s something that happens everyday and something everybody strives to achieve. I try to be successful whether it is in school, during sports or even just playing games. And 6inally my last poem in this sub-­‐topic a poem I made, called “Why, Haikus?” I wrote this poem when I was bored, I wrote this poem as a joke. When I’m bored I like to come up with things to entertain myself as I wait for whatever I should be doing to end. My next sub-­‐topic is one that is deeply related to my identity because it stands for everything I believe in, and that topic is “Freedom and Corruption.” “There is nothing wrong with power” by Francis Duggan is the 6irst poem on this list and I think it is the most powerful. I really like this poem because it 6its with my worldview on power. To me knowledge is power and when power is in the wrong hands, it is abused. I agree with this poem most de6initely and I think it 6its my identity. It 6its because to me our neighbors (the U.S.) are corrupt with power “abuse of power leads to serious crimes against the powerless.” Some of these lines could be used as a chant such as “Power in the right hands an advantage to others and power in the wrong hands is a dangerous thing.” The next poem is “Courage” by Corey Fauchon and I really think this 6its in this topic because you need to have courage to be free. I completely agree with what the poem is talking about. Courage comes with freedom and you will also need courage to conquer corruption. “Society’s logic” By me and I wrote this poem about a topic that was one my mind and that I felt strongly against. I personally do not think that video games cause murderers just as much as I do not believe that guns kill people. It all depends on the person’s actions. My 6inal poem “Freedom” by Karl Stuart Kline really fits with my iden9ty because its something I believe in because without freedom there is no point to life. Everyone should be able to live life how you want to.

Work cited list Backgrounds: Bigstock success. The creative penn. September 15, 2013 http:// www.thecreativepenn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/bigstock-Success.jpg Anon. South web. September 15, 2013 http://southweb.org/wp-content/uploads/ 2013/06/anon.jpg Life is a highway. Images2. September 15, 2013 http://images2.layoutsparks.com/ 1/112636/life-is-a-highway.jpg American-Flag3. Blog Stonebriar. September 15, 2013 http://blog.stonebriar.org/wpcontent/uploads/2012/07/American-Flag3.jpg Courage1. 1000 inspirational stories. September 30, 2013 http:// 1000inspirationalstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/courage1.jpg Jana1. Fast company. September 30, 2013 http://images.fastcompany.com/upload/ jan1.jpg Sharpwriter. Welcome to the internet please follow me. Devian art. September 30, 2013 http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/232/0/a/ welcome_to_the_internet__please_follow_me_by_sharpwriter-d5buwfu.jpg Madaale. October 8, 2013. http://madaale.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Playstationbanned.jpg Mount peaks. October 8, 2013. http://mountpeaks.files.wordpress.com/ 2012/03/1069646562-lgl-2d-4096x40962.png Good wallpapers. October 14, 2013. http://good-wallpapers.com/pictures/10392/Greece %20Grungy%20Flag.jpg

Poems: Tirupathi Chandrupatia. Poem Hunter. Wednesday September 4, 2013 http:// www.poemhunter.com/poem/success-96/ Tirupathi Chandrupatia. Poem Hunter. Wednesday September 4, 2013 http:// www.poemhunter.com/poem/life-s-highway-2/

Francis Duggan. Poem Hunter. Wednesday September 4, 2013 http:// www.poemhunter.com/poem/there-is-nothing-wrong-with-power/ Karl Stuart Kline. Poem Hunter. Thursday September 5, 2013 http:// www.poemhunter.com/poem/3-25-freedom-1960-s/ Corey Fuachon. Poem Hunter. Thursday September 5, 2013. http:// www.poemhunter.com/poem/courage-50/

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