Mac's anthology

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Mackenzie Cook’s Anthology By Mackenzie A. Cook

I dedicate this to my dog As she is so cute and helps me through everything!

What about haikus? We hear them all the time now, Laying in the snow

The writer asked a question, and never answered it!!!! Like why didn’t they answer it! Maybe they were trying to leave you puzzled so you would read some of their other pieces to try and figure out. This bugs me, I wish they would have answered their question about haikus but whatever. They did have a season word and the change of subject. It must be difficult to try to and change the subject and still have it make sense in the slightest bit. I don’t really like haikus as they are so short, but this one has the word snow in it so its alright.

ith my team, w e m o h r, e ill k This project is e live steam, th d n a , n fu e th , As we prep for ots to make sure h s e m o s e k ta r, We prep our gea we are of pure, e s u a c e b , s it h r We call ou





a few

, some propane o ls a d n a , ’s B ck cocaine, ra c We share B e k fa e m o s clear st friends, e b As we raid and ll ti s re a t e s, other, y e concave len ic n We shot each ir e th h g u look thro Our marksmen

We know our jobs, got the backs of each other, We always help, because we are brothers, Never forget, never forgive, we share A team, we shoot and breath, the exact same air,

BB‘S to the head

As we all retire to our warm and cozy bed

I can tell what the theme is pretty easily, it is teamwork and being brothers. I can tell that the writer wrote this like a sonnet because its fourteen lines long and there are 10 syllables per line. There is also some rhythm due to the rhyming. It really helps you read the poem because it would seem kind of boring if someone were to just talk about airsoft and teamwork.

What is School like? School is like a prison We can’t leave, School is like an island We are all trapped, School is like a pie It is good at first until you reach the crust, School is like a toilet It is full of germs, School is like a salad You have to put something on it to make it better, School is like a stupid cat It never dies, School is like a garbage truck It smells, it’s big and you can hear it from a mile away, School is like a baby It always needs your attention, School is like a shark It just keeps chasing, School is like going to jail You never want to go back

I like how he separated his ideas, but they all still kept the same concept. I also like how he uses a lot of similes that everyone would get, and also the examples. As far as i can tell though there isn’t a rhyme scheme at all in this poem.


my drag mouse across my desk wondering when this match will start worrying about being the first to start, getting my grip, readying my hands, one on the keyboard one on my mouse, as I wait legs twitching we talk about the plan for this match knowing we have the advantage we decide to attack, wondering which way they will go and if they will get out flank it’s always a worry before every major game, not know if they will come out and beat you, so the stress kicks in ten seconds left, the stress kicks in always knowing your team needs you, and you need them, if not you would fall in humiliation never to play again

I think the writer of this piece has a lot of experience in the field of using computers. I like how he gets into how his hands are stable, as thats what needs to be, and his legs are twitching with anxiety. He also makes it sound like he is playing in a tournament or competition as he says “before every major game.” Another thing is, the picture isn’t too clear, like how is that a mouse! He may have lots of experience using one but not making them out of words. I believe the tone that the author was trying to create in this poem was, anxiety as he states that, and also his love for the unknown of other humans reactions and plans. I also like how he leaves you hanging with ‘never to play again,’ it really is a great way to end a poem.

I think the concept of this poem is good. talking about how something so vital has come so far yet we never really realize how much we use it. Another thing they could have talked about though is the new DDR4 ram being developed. But also they could have talked about the pros and cons of DDR3 and how its different from graphics ram (GDDR5). There isn't really a theme or tone in this poem that i have found.

SELF RESPECT Self respect is self love Self respect provoke love for others Self respect is GOD respect Self respect is self nourishing Self respect is self control Respect and love Respect and praise Respect and join Respect and rejoice Respect and celebrate Respect and enjoy For the love of god is respect.

They start with the word respect within at least two words of the start of the line in every line besides the last. I think they did this on purpose to really drill that you need to respect yourself and other things to get the most out of life. The theme of this poem is respect, obviously, as they say the word a lot. but not just respecting others, but yourself and things in your life. I also think that the boxing gloves hanging up on the infinity symbol means forever hold your peace and never lash out at people. And also it could mean treat other how you want to be treated, in theory put down your gloves and respect eachother for your differences.

Does Life Thrive If The Nature Is Not Good Enough? The roaring of the ocean has its own reason

The dew drops are so cool to douse the fire

It eats up of us each and every poison

The earth teaches us how to endure the torture

The blowing of the wind is so soothing The rain of the cloud is so refreshing,

How sweet it is to quench the thirst with fresh water! Trees tells us how to give food, shadow and shelter

The wide blue sky above and high

How tasty the fire makes our food stuff!

Gives us a space to dream and fly.

Does life thrive if the nature is not good enough?

I like how they use the descriptive language in their writing because it isn’t too much so it sounds like they swallowed a dictionary. But just enough to add pictures to the writing. For example “The roaring of the ocean” they could have said ‘the ocean’ or the magnificent swishing of the ocean.’ I don’t know about you but I like how they wrote it, a little better than the two others ways they could have written it.

Hey what did you do this weekend?

Want to do something later?

We sit here at school, People talking all around, As your try to concentrate, and get your own work done, You try to ignore them, You join in time to time, You move away others, You know somethings due, You try to get things done, But for some reason you never can, But for some reason you talk to them, But for some reason you get distracted, Just to fail again, and again, and again

Mac, again you got under average 63/100

Hey yeah i’ll do something later. and nothing really.

When I was writing this i decided to add the the extra speech bubbles to add more detail onto the topic. Also when was writing this i decided not to put too much detail in and try to keep it boring, because thats the feeling you have on a dragging school day. I don’t know if you will appreciate this because you may feel different on your days at school, but you didn’t write this did you!!? I also decided to use parallelism to try and bore you out even more but still keep it half interesting by getting points across. All in all i get my point across, and also use some literary elements.

Embrace The Change I changed my hair I changed my style I changed my look I changed my smile I changed my hat to suit the fad I changed the clothing that I had I changed my diet and my routine I changed into a fitness machine

I changed my lifestyle I changed my physic I changed from welcoming to quiet and meek I changed my character and changed my friends I changed the way the story ends I changed the goals and sights I’d see I changed everything that made me me

I changed my mind I changed direction I changed how I viewed my reflection I changed right back to how I began Exactly the same but a completely changed man

First of all as we can all tell, he used parallelism. for all the lines except one he starts with, ‘I changed.’ Then he goes on about how he changed. I think the theme in this is kind of sad but not too much. I think that because he starts out changing who he is to fit the time, then it all comes back to who HE was to begin with. also the rhyme scheme I believe is, A, A, B, B ,C, C... Ect. for example at the end of line 15 began and at the end of line 16 man.

Universal Motion Around the hub, the galaxies turn Pinwheels scrubbed, in magnetic urn Gravity attracts, while motion glides Equal force acts, to sustain the rides

The best conductors turn fairly fast While the resistors last with the past Lines of force roll round the outside Because the course is too dense inside

The Milky Way, is towed along Its center conveyed, by nature's song The flux lines strum, as they pass by A radio hum, an electrical sigh

When the field of the planet is low It tends to yield all turning flow

And so it be, with our own sun If more than one set of poles it has By magnetic sea, its field is spun It will turn yet, but less as lines pass The axial spin, then thus does tow It's satellites in an induction row

I like how this poem reads, you start to get in a rhythm a little ways in and thats due to the rhymes. Since your in this blissful rhythm you don’t notice some of the bigger more scientific words because they just fit into how the poem reads. The rhyme scheme i believe is A, A, B, B, C, C Etc. For example in line one last words it reads Turn, and line two last word it reads urn. These two words rhyme in our society today.

Hello Amanda, Hello birthmother, this is what I’ve learned about my name in the culture I was raised. I hope you like it and could reply with what it means in the native culture of my ancestors. My name means Son of a King to my parents, as that is what my grandma told them it meant. In Ireland it means Son of the Wise Ruler and in Italy it means Son of Coinneach. (Coinneach is a name for a Gaelic person so I really don’t get that one. But my dad is also not a king or the equivalent of one today. He is wise and rules our house with an iron fist but that is where his rule ends. Our family shares common last name with one famous person, a sailer rocking on the white hard seas, he is the great explorer by the name of James Cook. My dad loves this adventurous explorer almost as much as his family. I sometimes think that it is because they share a name but he says it is because he explored so much unknown land. Such as the Hawaiian islands and the East coast of Australia. He also remapped a lot of places in great detail. Sometimes get teased with Mac’n’cheese or other not so creative names. Some people say my name is a girl’s name. I guess it is in our society but in others it is an honored guys name such as Ireland. Sadly though I do not live in Ireland and because if this i do not know of any famous people that share my first name. (I guess this could be a positive cause then no assumptions are made on me). With a nice ending, my name also flows like the sea with its three syllables and nine letters. Other names they could have chosen for me sound almost like the seagulls soaring over my rich name, bland and used lots in society as my name is almost unused and smooth sounding. But the nickname I go by is short and bland because when I was younger I did not realize the smooth sweet sound of my name. I shortened it to one syllable and three letters. Although I like my true rich name it is not really societally acceptable, and also fairly long to a 6 year old. I may start to use it more in high school honoring my name keeping as if I were the son of a king, not standing down from anything and fighting till the end. I am Mac Cook to most but to my dearest parents and family I am still, and always will be, Mackenzie A. Cook.

Sincerely -Mackenzie A. Cook

Work Cited List of Poems: Gifford, Jacob. what is school like?, PoemHunter. N.P. December 17, 2008. Web Sept. 9th, 2013. Lemming, Flying. embrace the change, PoemHunter. N.P. May 25, 2008. Web Sept. 9th, 2013 Udiah, Universal Motion, PoemHunter. N.P. Sept. 9th 2013. Web Sept 10th 2013 Abdul Wahab, Does life thrive if the nature is not good enough?, PoemHunter, N.P. June 8th 2013 Web Sept 10th 2013 MURENDENI NENGOVHELA, Self Respect, PoemHunter, N.P. May 8th, 2009. Web Sept. 10th 2013 http:// Work Cited List of Images: UnKnown, Images Wikia, Images Wikia. N.D.Web Sept 9th 2013. HappyStudio_Snowflake.png UnKnown, Life as a Snowflake in a Snow Globe, Later Day Musing. Blogspot,Web March 18th, 2013. Sept. 9th 2013*upsSN5BKpebuIekAphpiQz0U/snowflake.jpg Capture the Flag Paintball/Airsoft, Airsoft big game. Facebook. Sept 2nd 2013. Web Sept. 9th 2013. https:// 579722812091480.1073741833.144630278934071&type=3&theater UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 10th 2013. Memory Express, Sabertooth z87, Memory Express, Memory Express. N.D. Web Sept 10th 2013. http:// UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 10th 2013 UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 10th 2013 UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 11th 2013 Defrain-stars.jpg UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 11th 2013 UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 11th 2013 UnKnown, N.P. N.D. Web Sept 11th 2013 images/3/3b/Earth-1260.jpg

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