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Yashvin K***** Identity Anthology

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Found Poems

Found Poem #1: “Water” by Secret Agent http://poemhunter.com/poem/water-91/ Found Poem #2: “Fire” by Trinity Augustin http://poemhunter.com/poem/fire-209/ Found Poem #3: “Freedom?” by Clover West http://poemhunter.com/poem/freedom-122/ Found Poem #4: “The curse of poverty” by Ramesh Rai http://poemhunter.com/poem/the-curse-of-poverty/ Found Poem #5: “www.poemhunter.com” by Anand Dixit http://poemhunter.com/poem/www-poemhunter-com-2/

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Found Poem Pictures Picture #1:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Blue_water,_Lake_Tahoe.jpg Picture #2:http://my.opera.com/Trynity34/albums/ showpic.dml?album=4775342&picture=72037422 Picture #3: http://www.zastavki.com/eng/3D-graphics/ wallpaper-16891.htm Picture #4: http://www.brocku.ca/brock-news/?p=18463 Picture #5: http://luna-desu.blogspot.ca/2013/08/ poemhunter-poetry-contest.html

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Water by Secret Agent Water washes over my hand Water slips away like sand Water trickles down a river Water slides just like a slither Water is patient and knows when to wait Water doesn’t mind if it shows up late Water falls from the sky in tears Water wipes away wasted years Water can live and die again Water can squash pry and bend Water has been here in the, and water will be here till the end Water is reliable Water is a humans friend

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis Secret Agents poem about water has a simple aabb rhyme scheme that goes from line one to eight, and then stops for the rest of the poem. The author also used parallelism because he is using water to start every, or almost every sentence. Parallelism is when you use the same word or sentence structure to start every new sentence. Secret Agent also uses personification when he says “Water can die and live again�. This is personification because personification is when you give an inanimate object the characteristic of an animate object, and only animate things can live and die. In this poem Secret Agent talks about the characteristics of water and how it is not only a tool for humans to use for development and agriculture, but that it also a powerful force of nature with limitless potential that is capable of destroying things. He also says that we can rely on water and that water is a human’s friend. What I think he means by this is that we should leave some things to nature and water to do rather than taking it into our hands.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Fire by Trinity Augustin Fire burning everywhere, Burning like a Devil inside, Creating among our home, Destroying every little thing you own, Red and Orange the desire of fire, Fire, Fire everywhere,

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis: In this poem Trinity Augustin gives fire a personification by saying “Red and Orange the desire of fire”. Personification is when you give an inanimate object the characteristic of an inanimate object. As desires are a characteristic of animate objects, giving an inanimate object a desire is a personification. Trinity Augustin also says”Burning like a Devil inside, Destroying every little thing you own”. I think that by saying this the poet is trying to use fire as a symbol for the devil and if the devil comes into your house it means destruction, or even if the devil enters your heart then it destroys you from within until you are an empty shell, left there to show the wrath of the devil.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Freedom by Clover West They say I have freedom I can do what I want They say I have freedom To speak how I feel But how is it freedom To be judged for my deeds And persecuted for speaking Revealing my thoughts How is it freedom To fear being called strange To think different thoughts To the people you call friends I live in my mind I hide in my brain I don’t dare to speak out again And I’m free to be lonely And misunderstood I’m free to be hated and shunned This is the freedom This is not freedom It cannot be freedom To hide from the world

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis In)this)poem)Clover)West)uses)parallelism)at)a)few)places)for)293)sentences)then) stops.)He)uses)it)when)he)says,)“To fear being called strange, To think different thoughts, To the people you call friends”, and also when he says, “I live in my mind, I hide in my brain, I don't dare to speak out again”. Parallelism is when a poet uses the same word or sentence structure to start a bunch of sentences in a row. I find the tone of this poem to be a serious one. To me the theme of this poem seems like the author is trying to tell people that we should not judge others based on what they say or do.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

The curse of poverty by Ramesh Rai Poverty Poverty is a curse for human society Poverty prevails there where the injustice is Poverty exclaims there where the illiteracy is Poverty is purely man made So it has to be eradicated from its root The society afflicted with poverty Is reprehension of entire human society Corruption is the source of poverty Only a fearless society can be said Free from all poverty Where the people are dumb and discounted Poverty exists there Poverty shows, how many immature person Rule the country Poverty is the reason for all philosophical end.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis In)this)poem)Ramesh)Rai)uses)Parallelism)from)lines)1)to)5)by)saying,)“Poverty, Poverty is a curse for human society, Poverty prevails there where the injustice is, Poverty exclaims there where the illiteracy is, Poverty is purely man made�. He then stops until the poem ends. Parallelism is where a poet uses the same word or sentence structure to start a new line. The tone I get from reading this poem is a saddened tone trying to raise awareness of a problem closer to us than most realize. I think that the theme of this poem is that we should provide education for everyone so that the curse known as poverty does not exist.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

www.poemhunter.com by Anand Dixit Hunter of poems Punter of poems Hunter of poems Poems of poems Poets all around the world Huddled, muddled, befuddled Poems of all types Angry Poems, Brave Poems Childish Poems, Death Poems Energetic Poems, Guilt Poems Hilarious Poems, Idiotic poems Jolly Poems, Killing Poems Love Poems, Moody Poems Naughty Poems, Oooh Poems Patriotic Poems, Queer Poems Romantic Poems, Silly Poems Tame poems, Undead Poems Victory Poems, Wooing Poems Xtra Poems,Yankee Poems Zoo Poems Good place to recite Good place to incite

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis The repetition in this poem is “poem” because it is said so many times like when the author said “Angry Poems, Brave Poems, Childish Poems, Death Poems, Energetic Poems, Guilt Poems, Hilarious Poems, Idiotic Poems.” In the very beginning the author has a triple a rhyme when they say “Hunter of poems, Punter of poems, Hunter of punters” and then it stops for the rest of the poem. The poet also uses parallelism when they say “Huddled, muddled and befuddled”, but that is the only place they use it.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Written Poems Written poem #1: Snow Written poem #2: Candy Written poem #3: Fruits and vegetables Written poem #4: The truth about religion Written poem #5: The fruits of life

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Written poem pictures Picture #1:http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Snow... Picture #2:http://www.clker.com/clipart-4114.html Picture #3: http://www.pickycook.com/scraps/ 16fruitsandvegetablesyoudontneedtobuyorganic.aspx Picture #4: http://www.njemploymentlawfirm.com/ religious-discrimination.html Picture #5: http://www.leanitup.com/30-healthiest-fruitson-earth/ Sunday, 20 October, 13

Snow As the snow came back So did the early darkness and cold; Then it suddenly left

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis: In this haiku the kireji is the semicolon because it is the cutting word that is causing you to pause before continuing. The kigo in this haiku is snow because it snows only in the winter. The tone I get from reading this poem is a sad tone because the poet talk about darkness and cold. I think the theme of this poem is how quickly the weather changes because the poet says “Then it suddenly left”, I underlined suddenly because when you say “it left” then it seems like it gradually left, but when you say “it suddenly left” then you think that it was there one day then left the next day.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Candy Candy, candy can be hard, candy can be soft. Candy can be chewy, as well as mushy. Candy can be smooth or rough or even bumpy. Candy can be tall or short, it can even be skinny or fat. Candy can be square shaped, rectangle shaped, circular shaped, or even a pentagon shape. Candy can be yellow, it can be white, even black. Candy does not discriminate. Candy makes people who eat it happy, candy is candy, nothing more and definitely nothing less.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis In this poem the author is using parallelism. Parallelism is where the poet uses the same word or sentence structure to start a new sentence, and in this poem the poet uses the word candy to start every new sentence. The poet also uses personification once. Personification is when a poet gives an inanimate object a characteristic of an animate thing. When the poet says, “Candy does not discriminate” it is personification because only animate objects can discriminate. I think the poet used the line length they did to make the poem look like a candy so that it made the poem more powerful. The poem looking like a candy made it more powerful because when you just read a bunch of lines you think, “okay that was good”, but when the words are arranged to look like the subject then you are able to imagine the object in your mind, and the mental picture changes as you keep reading the poem. I think the theme of this poem is that humans should be like candy and not discriminate against other for their skin colour or anything else. The tone I get when I read this poem is a joyful tone, as if somebody is reading this poem to a kid to cheer them up.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Fruits and vegetables The juice of the apples, it is sweet but it can also be sour The orange coulor of the oranges, it is as bright as the sun Lemons are yellow like bees and flowers, but also sour Making shapes out of orange peels, it is such fun Plumps are purple like the dusk sky with all its mysteries and beauties Cucumbers are green and cool as if they were from the deep seas Grapes are like life, there are hard patches and soft ones Like boomerangs, bananas, when flying can pass as big bees Pineapples are yellow like the sun that sustains life in the world Watermelons are the big, plump, juicy jewels of the fruit world Strawberries are light red and can be used to flavour curd Mangoes are orange and green and tend to be curled at the end Fruits are the natures gift, they can fill the stomachs of the hungry Fruits were created by nature to feed people, they were meant to be free

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis: In this poem about fruits the poet is using a couple of similes by saying things like “Pineapples are yellow like the sun that sustains life in the world” and “Grapes are like life, there are hard patches and soft ones”. The poet also uses a metaphor when they say “Watermelons are the big, plump, juicy jewels of the fruit world” because it is making a comparison without using like or as. The poet uses a simple abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme and each line is fourteen syllables long, as is to be expected of a sonnet. The poet is also using a lot of symbolism by saying things like “Watermelons are the big, plump, juicy jewels of the fruit world” because they are using watermelons to represent jewels. I believe the theme of this poem is that fruits are more than food because they can be used to symbolize things.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

The truth of religion Authors note: I do not mean to offend anyone and what they believe in, this is just what I believe. Religion. Religion is like a mask the world wears to hide it’s true face Religion is used as a weapon, a weapon capable of killing everyone Religion is an excuse to start war Religion is like a business, you go to pray but you also pay Religion is like an instruction manual, it tells you what to do and what not to do

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis: In this poem the poet uses, “religion is”, to start every new sentence and this is parallelism. Parallelism is where you use the same word or sentence structure to start every new sentence. The poet also uses similes when they say, “Religion is like a mask the world wears to hide it’s true face”, “Religion is like a business, you go to pray but you also pay”, and when they say “Religion is like an instruction manual, it tells you what to do and what not to do”. A simile is when a poet uses like or as to make a comparison between two objects. I do not think the poet cared about the line length because it looked like they wrote what they wanted to then moved on to the next line. It also looks like the poet is trying to convey the message that people should not blindly believe everything that religion tells them, but to also believe what they think is morally right.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

The fruits of life Fruits, Fruits are like life Mangoes and bananas are like life, after the first few steps, it’s enjoyable Grapes are like you friends, they are each unique and can’t be replaced Oranges are like the different phases in your life, they are all connected Apples are like all the different moments in your life, some are sweet and some are sour Plums are like the path in life, there are sweet patches and there are sour patches all in the same fruit

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Analysis: In this poem the poet uses a lot of similes by saying things like “Mangoes and bananas are like life” and “Grapes are like you friends”. The tone I get from this poem is a kind of joking tone but also a serious tone. I think the theme of this poem is to tell people of the moments of life and to enjoy it no matter what. Also I think the poet is trying to tell people that you should cherish all the moments and friends in your life.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

My Name, Identity vignette My Name I always wondered what my name meant, and now that I have found out what it means, I’m going to tell you all about it. The meaning of my name in Hindi is winner of fame. No other meaning exists in any other language. In English, Hindi, and Spanish my name is spelt Yashvin. The languages where my name is spelt differently are French, where my name is spelt Yashvine, and German, in which my name is spelt Jaschwin. To name me was like trying to make smoothies or making a five star course, you keep trying new flavours and ingredients until you get it. Just like that my parents kept blending and trying new names. Then the gears in my parents’ heads finally started moving like the gears in a grandfather clock that got fixed after years of collecting dust, and they came up with something, Yash and Vin. Yash means fame and when Vin is added to it then the meaning changes to winner of fame. People who have the name Yashvin tend to have a shrewd, aggressive, business nature, intent only on personal gain with independent success as well as financial success as they’re biggest motivating forces. I agree with the nature of my name because I am a lot of those things. I like my name as it is as original as a piece of art, and also because it is amusing to see people trying to say it, but I don’t like the meaning of my name because it seems absurd. If I were to change my name then I would have a hard time doing so because I have never thought of changing my name and I would have no idea on what to change it to. The story behind my name is that when children in my culture are born, the family consults a priest who gives them an auspicious letter for the name of the child based on the time and place of birth. In my case the letter was y, my parents wanted a name for me that had fame incorporated into it and so they chose Yash. After a while they felt that the name was incomplete and so they added Vin to the end to change the meaning of my name from fame to winner of fame and to change my name from Yash to Yashvin. When asked if I have a middle name, most people are astonished to hear me say no as they thought I would have a middle name just because so many others do. To name me as a girl would be like going through a maze blindfolded, it is hard and it takes really long but it is still possible to do it.

Sunday, 20 October, 13

Thank you for reading my identity anthology

Sunday, 20 October, 13

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