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❋✐rst ①❛✁s ✂✵✶✸

❋✐rst ①❛✁s ✂✵✶✸

❉❇❈❋●❍❏ ▲▼●◆▼❏❍❍❖ ◗❘❱❖❲❳❖❳ ❖❨❨❏❩ ◆❬❇❳❖

P✏✑✒✓✔✕❡✖ ✗✘✙✚✕ ✛✵✵✼ ❯♣✖✘✜❡✖ ✢♦✈❡✣✑❡✙ ✛✵✵✽✤ ✦❡✑✙✏✘✙② ✛✵✵✾✤ ✧❡✚❡✣✑❡✙ ✛✵✶✵✤ ✗✘② ✛✵✶✛✤ ★✏✩✏✔✜ ✛✵✶✸ P✏✑✒✓✔✕❡✖ ♦✪ ✑❡✕✘✒✫ ♦✫ ✜✕❡ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪✤ ✘ ✪♦✜✲✫♦✙✲♣✙♦✫✓✜ ❡✖✏✚✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✫♦✏✪✖✘✜✓♦✪ ♦✫ ✶✺ ✰♦✏✜❡ ✖❡✔ ✗♦✙✓✒✒♦✪✔✤ ✶✛✶✽ ✴❡ ✷✙✘✪✖✲❙✘✚♦✪✪❡①✤ ✷❡✪❡✈✘✤ ❙✇✓✜✯❡✙✒✘✪✖ ✑② ✜✕❡ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✹❯❑✻ ✴✜✖ P❡✜❡✙✔♦✪ ✿♦✏✔❡✤ ✗✘✒✜✕♦✏✔❡ ★✈❡✪✏❡✤ ❀✘✙✖✓✫✫ ✷✘✜❡ ❀✘✙✖✓✫✫✤ ❁✘✒❡✔ ❀✦✛✸ ✽✷✴ ❯✪✓✜❡✖ ❑✓✪✩✖♦✣ ❁❡✑✔✓✜❡❂ ✇✇✇❃✓✑♦❃♦✙✩ ➞ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✛✵✵✼ ❚✕❡ ✬✪✜❡✙✪✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ✭✘✚✚✘✒✘✏✙❡✘✜❡ ✮✙✩✘✪✓✯✘✜✓♦✪ ✹❄✪♦✇✪ ✘✔ ✜✕❡ ✬✭✻ ♦✫✫❡✙✔ ✫♦✏✙ ✕✓✩✕✲q✏✘✒✓✜② ✘✪✖ ✚✕✘✒✒❡✪✩✓✪✩ ❡✖✏✚✘✜✓♦✪✘✒ ♣✙♦✩✙✘✣✣❡✔ ✫♦✙ ✘ ✇♦✙✒✖✇✓✖❡ ✚♦✣✣✏✪✓✜② ♦✫ ✔✚✕♦♦✒✔✤ ✘✓✣✓✪✩ ✜♦ ✚✙❡✘✜❡ ✘ ✑❡✜✜❡✙✤ ✣♦✙❡ ♣❡✘✚❡✫✏✒ ✇♦✙✒✖❃ ❚✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✓✔ ♦✪❡ ♦✫ ✘ ✙✘✪✩❡ ♦✫ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒✔ ♣✙♦✖✏✚❡✖ ✜♦ ✔✏♣♣♦✙✜ ✜✕❡✔❡ ♣✙♦✩✙✘✣✣❡✔❃ ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✣✘② ✏✔❡ ✘ ✈✘✙✓❡✜② ♦✫ ✔♦✏✙✚❡✔ ✓✪ ✓✜✔ ✇♦✙❄ ✘✪✖ ✚✕❡✚❄✔ ✓✪✫♦✙✣✘✜✓♦✪ ✜♦ ✈❡✙✓✫② ✘✚✚✏✙✘✚② ✘✪✖ ✘✏✜✕❡✪✜✓✚✓✜②✤ ♣✘✙✜✓✚✏✒✘✙✒② ✇✕❡✪ ✏✔✓✪✩ ✚♦✣✣✏✪✓✜②✲✑✘✔❡✖ ❄✪♦✇✒❡✖✩❡ ✔♦✏✙✚❡✔ ✔✏✚✕ ✘✔ ❁✓❄✓♣❡✖✓✘❃ ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✙❡✔♣❡✚✜✔ ✜✕❡ ♣✙✓✪✚✓♣✒❡✔ ♦✫ ✓✪✜❡✒✒❡✚✜✏✘✒ ♣✙♦♣❡✙✜② ✘✪✖ ✣✘❄❡✔ ✔✜✙❡✪✏♦✏✔ ❡✫✫♦✙✜✔ ✜♦ ✓✖❡✪✜✓✫② ✘✪✖ ♦✑✜✘✓✪ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪ ✑❡✫♦✙❡ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✫✙♦✣ ✙✓✩✕✜✔ ✕♦✒✖❡✙✔ ♦✫ ✘✒✒ ✚♦♣②✙✓✩✕✜ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒ ✏✔❡✖❃ ❚✕❡ ✬✭ ✓✔ ✩✙✘✜❡✫✏✒ ✫♦✙ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪✔ ✙❡✚❡✓✈❡✖ ✫♦✙ ✣✘✜❡✙✓✘✒ ✏✔❡✖ ✓✪ ✜✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✘✪✖ ✇✓✒✒ ✑❡ ♣✒❡✘✔❡✖ ✜♦ ✚♦✙✙❡✚✜ ✘✪② ❡✙✙♦✙✔ ♦✙ ♦✣✓✔✔✓♦✪✔ ✘✜ ✜✕❡ ❡✘✙✒✓❡✔✜ ♦♣♣♦✙✜✏✪✓✜②❃ ★✒✒ ✙✓✩✕✜✔ ✙❡✔❡✙✈❡✖❃ ✢♦ ♣✘✙✜ ♦✫ ✜✕✓✔ ♣✏✑✒✓✚✘✜✓♦✪ ✣✘② ✑❡ ✙❡♣✙♦✖✏✚❡✖✤ ✔✜♦✙❡✖ ✓✪ ✘ ✙❡✜✙✓❡✈✘✒ ✔②✔✜❡✣✤ ♦✙ ✜✙✘✪✔✣✓✜✜❡✖✤ ✓✪ ✘✪② ✫♦✙✣ ♦✙ ✑② ✘✪② ✣❡✘✪✔✤ ✇✓✜✕♦✏✜ ✜✕❡ ♣✙✓♦✙ ✇✙✓✜✜❡✪ ♣❡✙✣✓✔✔✓♦✪ ♦✫ ✜✕❡ ✬✭✤ ♦✙ ✘✔ ❡①♣✙❡✔✔✒② ♣❡✙✣✓✜✜❡✖ ✑② ✒✘✇ ♦✙ ✑② ✜✕❡ ✬✭➆✔ ♦✇✪ ✙✏✒❡✔ ✘✪✖ ♣♦✒✓✚②❃ ❙❡❡ ✕✜✜♣❂❅❅✇✇✇❃✓✑♦❃♦✙✩❅✚♦♣②✙✓✩✕✜❃ ✬✭ ✣ ❡✙✚✕✘✪✖✓✔❡ ✘✪✖ ♣ ✏✑✒✓✚ ✘✜✓♦✪✔ ✚✘✪ ✑❡ ♣ ✏✙✚✕✘✔❡✖ ✜✕✙♦✏✩✕ ✜✕ ❡ ✬✭ ✔✜♦✙❡ ✘✜ ✕✜✜♣❂❅❅✔✜♦✙❡❃✓✑♦❃♦✙✩❃ ❊✣✘✓✒❂ ✔✘✒❡✔❆✓✑♦❃♦✙✩

■♥t r♥❛t✐✁♥❛✂ ✥❛❝❝❛✂❛✉r ❛t ✱ ✥❛❝❝❛✂❛✉ré❛t ■♥t r♥❛t✐✁♥❛✂ ✄☎❞ ✥❛❝❤✐✂✂ r❛t✁ ■♥t r♥❛❝✐✁♥❛✂ ✄✆✝ ✆✝❣✞s✟✝✆✝❞ ✟✆✄❞✝♠✄✆❦s ✠❢ ✟✡✝ ☛☎✟✝✆☎✄✟✞✠☎✄❧ ☞✄✌✌✄❧✄✍✆✝✄✟✝ ✎✆❣✄☎✞③✄✟✞✠☎✳

■❇ ✥✐ss✐ ♥ st❛t❡✥❡♥t ❚❤✁✂✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞✟✆❝❝✆✞✆✉r✁✆☎✁✆✝♠✠☎♦✡✁✈✁✞♦♣✝✄q✉✝r✝✄❣✱☛✄♦✇✞✁✡❣✁✆☞✞✁✆✄✡❝✆r✝✄❣ ✌♦✉✄❣♣✁♦♣✞✁✇❤♦ ❤✁✞♣☎♦❝r✁✆☎✁✆☞✁☎☎✁r✆✄✡♠♦r✁♣✁✆❝✁❢✉✞✇♦r✞✡☎❤r♦✉❣❤✝✄☎✁r❝✉✞☎✉r✆✞✉✄✡✁r✠☎✆✄✡✝✄❣✆✄✡r✁✠♣✁❝☎✳ ❚♦☎❤✝✠✁✄✡☎❤✁♦r❣✆✄✝③✆☎✝♦✄✇♦r☛✠✇✝☎❤✠❝❤♦♦✞✠✱❣♦✈✁r✄♠✁✄☎✠✆✄✡✝✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞♦r❣✆✄✝③✆☎✝♦✄✠☎♦✡✁✈✁✞♦♣ ❝❤✆✞✞✁✄❣✝✄❣♣r♦❣r✆♠♠✁✠♦❢✝✄☎✁r✄✆☎✝♦✄✆✞✁✡✉❝✆☎✝♦✄✆✄✡r✝❣♦r♦✉✠✆✠✠✁✠✠♠✁✄☎✳ ❚❤✁✠✁ ♣r♦❣r✆♠♠✁✠ ✁✄❝♦✉r✆❣✁ ✠☎✉✡✁✄☎✠ ✆❝r♦✠✠ ☎❤✁ ✇♦r✞✡ ☎♦ ☞✁❝♦♠✁ ✆❝☎✝✈✁✱ ❝♦♠♣✆✠✠✝♦✄✆☎✁ ✆✄✡ ✞✝❢✁✞♦✄❣ ✞✁✆r✄✁r✠✇❤♦✉✄✡✁r✠☎✆✄✡☎❤✆☎♦☎❤✁r♣✁♦♣✞✁✱✇✝☎❤☎❤✁✝r✡✝❢❢✁r✁✄❝✁✠✱❝✆✄✆✞✠♦☞✁r✝❣❤☎✳

Choosing the right combination

The core of the Diploma Programme model

Approaches to teaching and approaches to learning

The IB mission statement and the IB learner profile

Academic honesty

Acknowledging the ideas or work of another person

Learning diversity and learning support requirements

Prior learning

The extended essay and the IB learner profile

Relationship to theory of knowledge

International dimensions

Internal and external deadlines

The supervisor’s role in commenting on one completed draft of the essay


Recommended: things to do

Recommended: things to avoid

The research process

Writing the extended essay

The length of the extended essay



Contents page


Bibliographies, references and citations

What is a bibliography?

Major documentation styles

What is a reference?

What is a citation?

Appendices, footnotes and endnotes


CDs, DVDs and audio-visual materials

Specimen materials

Using the assessment criteria

Award of diploma points

A: research question (Objectives 1 and 2)

Achievement level


B: introduction (Objectives 1 and 5)

Achievement level


Achievement level


C: investigation (Objectives 1 and 3)

Achievement level


D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied (Objectives 3 and 7)

Achievement level


E: reasoned argument (Objectives 1 and 4)

Achievement level


Achievement level


F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject (Objective 7) Achievement level


G: use of language appropriate to the subject (Objective 6) Achievement level


Achievement level


H: conclusion (Objectives 1, 4 and 5)

Achievement level


I: formal presentation (Objective 5)

Achievement level


Achievement level


J: abstract (Objective 5)

Achievement level


K: holistic judgment (Objective 1)

Achievement level



Choice of topic Categories 1 and 2: Literature

Category 1: Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language in which the essay is presented

Category 2: Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language of the essay compared with a literary work(s) originally written in another language

Category 3: Studies in language

Examples 1, 2 and 3: Language in a cultural context

Examples 4, 5, 6 and 7: Language and mass communication

Treatment of the topic


Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Category 1: language

Category 2: culture and society A: essays of a sociocultural nature with an impact on the language

B: essays of a general cultural nature based on specific cultural artifacts

Category 3: literature

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Illustrations and maps

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria

Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Introduction to the essay


Academic level


Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: Research question

Criterion B: Introduction

Criterion C: Investigation

Criterion D: Knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: Reasoned argument

Criterion F: Application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: Use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: Conclusion

Criterion I: Formal presentation

Criterion J: Abstract

Criterion K: Holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment


Choice of topic

Treatment of the topic

A weak essay in this category would be one that:

Researcher’s reflection space

Interpreting the assessment criteria Criterion A: research question

Criterion B: introduction

Criterion C: investigation

Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied

Criterion E: reasoned argument

Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subjects

Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject

Criterion H: conclusion

Criterion I: formal presentation

Criterion J: abstract

Criterion K: holistic judgment

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