Prototyping Interactive Experiences

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void setup()


TableofContents p5.




p10. ExamplesofInteraction p14. SimpleProcessing p20. RandomiserDiceGame p24. PetGame p32. TheGlitchKnight-Assessment1 p48. TheArduinoKitandComponents p54. TheSuper-BatmanTeam p59. EmotionalResponse-Assessment2 p70. ModuleEvaluation

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

IntroductiontotheModule Taken from the Module Handbook: “The Prototyping Interactive Experiences module will provide you with an introduction to the use of interactive softwares and hardwares, basic electronic and the developement skill and knowledge in the practice and visualisation of interaction and experience design in various design genres. In the field of contemporary digital design it is essentail that designers consider their role exists in both the virtual and physical world. This module will give you a broad and detailed knowledge of both the tools and principles of experiential design for both the screen and physical space. The relationship between user and object, audience and artowork can form some memorable and imapacting experiential design predicaments, and critical interpretation in relation to contemporary practice that will support your own practical visualisation and modeling methods. You will engage with developing skill in the visualisation, application and function of interactive tools and experimental relationships in contemporary design practise in 2 & 3 dimensions, while gaining an understanding of the value of immerse interactions in digital art & design both culturally and contextually. Analytical skill, visual understanding and practical knowledge will underpin the development of creative, interactive, immerse and visual relationships in a range of design genres. The range of projects given will include the application of interactive, designed solutions to the screen, space and place.�


Throughout this module we were advised to use a tumblr account to keep our work organised and documented. It could also be very helpful to beginners seeking guidence with simple Processing or Arduino. The tumblr page goes through, in detail, each small project complete step by step. Both final assessments for each program are available to view. This booklet compiles all projects completed through the whole trimester. Videos are not available to view but can be found on the tumblr page. Instead the movement or action will be descirbed.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet


void draw()



ExamplesofInteraction We were instructed to go out and ger images of different types of interaction we have with people, space, place, objects and things. Four different words kept coming up Pull, Push, Twist and Slide. Slide is becoming ever more popualar today especially with the development of interactive technologies, however, the main two were Push and Pull.






Void Setup () { this means that whatever command comes after it will run once. e.g. size(200, 600); } This will give me a window 200 x 600 pixels. Void draw () { this means whatever command comes next will run continuously. e.g. print( “hello world” )} it will be printed continuously. If replaced by println then the words “hello world” will be printed in a line like the above.

Putting stroke weight(10) ; before point as well as after means that everything up to the next stroke weight command will be size 10. Thats why the above image shows a dark point and a thinner line.

By typing coordinates into the void draw section you are able to create shapes. To further develop this square i could add a stroke weight figure.

By adding points and more coordinates I’m able to easily make a 2d dice. its difficult to guess accurate coordinate points. If only there were an easy way to make a triangle, square, or rect should i say‌..

Look at that! a short cut! rect and 4 figures allows me to easily make a square!

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

By typing in rectMode(CENTER); into the void setup up section means that processor will automatically centre the whole shape. HANDY!!

A second shape learnt was how to create an Ellipse. Because it hasn’t been told to centre itself it will sit where its coordinates are set.

Getting a background colour can vary depending on what you want. if you want grey scale the pick 1 number between 0 and 255. Black = 0 and white = 255.

Another 2 shapes that could be handy! Better keep them in mind for the next task!

To further develop the colour of the background you can enter 3 numbers. RGB. Red green and blue!

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Next by typing fill(120); i am able to colour every shape until another fill command comes after the first one! FIll is the same as can add 3 numbers to gain a desired colour.

By changing the figure 300 to mouseY the ellipse is able to move freely up and down the page along the Y axis.

By filling the ellipse white and the square a transparent grey we are able to achieve a nice opacity of colour.

By adding noStroke(); before the ellipse it doesn’t have a line around it, To ensure this command doesn’t continue to the square stroke(2); must be added in before the rect command.

Next was to create our initials using lines, colours and shapes we’d learnt about! To the untrained eye that looks like 5 triangles on an orangey page, however, look into the image. What do you see????? MR…thats what i thought!

Next was to add the commands mouseX and mouseY… this allowed me to use the mouse to move the desired point however it seemed quite counterproductive!

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These two images show how you can program processing to react to the where abouts of the mouse. (mousex and mousey) If the mouse is in the top right corner of the screen then an image will show. If the mouse is in the bottom left corner of the screen then a different image will show etc. This is done by typing boundaries into processing for each ‘if’ command. To make the images show you must first of all load the images in the ‘void setup’ section. By naming each image ‘pic1, pic2’ etc you can then reference them in the ‘void draw’ section. With that in mind it was time to move on to our first asignment.

RandomiserDiceGame After learning the simple concept of processing. Creating shapes, lines, backgrounds, colours, variables, integers, the println command and using mouse x and y commands we recieved our first assignment. Our task was to design a fun or interesting way to roll a virtual dice. My final outcome came in the form of an invisible labarith.

TheInvisibleDiceGameThatsFunToPlay I decided to make an invisible labarith and people had to reach the end of the path where the randomiser dice would be. For the hand in we had to make a 1 minute film of it being tested. The testing was very helpful as it allowed me to see where my game fell short and where i needed to improve it. One problem was that people didnt understand the purpose of it- most got fustrated with it (which was the purpose of it). It needed to be improved by keeping the path up after you had already past a point as well as when the user falterede from the path the screen could flash red. These were the 5 rules I set for the game: There are 7 points in the path you must hit before you come to the dice. You can move left, right, diagonal, up or down. If at any point you want the cheat sheet you must say “I want to come to the dice side!” You’ve played dot to dot before but have you played dot to dice? You’ve followed a path before but have you followed an invisble path?

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

These screen shots show the code for the randomiser game as well as one of the points you must get too. if(mouseX < 300 && mouseY < 300 && mouseY >200 && mouseX >200 ) { strokeWeight (5); ellipse ( x*5, y*5, dia, dia); } The above code means that if the mouse’s postion is within these boundaries then an ellipse with a stroke weight of 5 will show on the screen. The pages that follow will show you the game being tested.

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If at any point you wanted to stop playing (i.e given up because the game was FAR too difficult) then all you had to do was say “I want to come to the dice side� and you could reciece the cheat sheet which has the path to follow on it!

PetGame Our next assignment for Proccessing was the produce a pet game that had emotions and had a certain interactive feel to it. Much like a tamagochi game you used to play when you were a child, or non technological pets like sea monkeys or the alien in the jelly. Our hand in for this assessment was a presentation in which we had to talk about our different ideas as well as our iterations throughout the design process.


ConceptOne-ShapeRecognition Touch screen/ button consoled game to teach younger children how to look after a pet. Through use of colour we will portray 4 simple emotions. Using simple forms helps children to learn how to look after a pet and recognise shapes. By correctly looking after the pet its shape would evolve and children would learn more complex shapes.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

How it would work: Circle signifies pet, circle changes colour when emotion is changed. 4 emotions are happy, sad, angry and indifferent. Small green triangle represents veg, its fed by key ‘v’. Small red square represents meat, its fed by key ‘m’. After being fed a certain amount of times it evolves to a triangle, square, pentagon….eventually to a star. The shape evolves as it is fed: -Starts as a circle -Then a triangle -Then a square -Then a pentagon The amount of food determines how quickly it evolves, 4 to evolve from circle to triangle, 8 to evolve from triangle to square and so on. You can over feed it, and then have to wait a set time until it is available to either evolve or eat again.

ConceptTwo-ColourAndEmotionRecognition This was the beginning of our final concept. It originated from the idea of making a childs game to help them learn the connection between colour and emotion. The child could hover over a colour in the corner of the display and see what colour portrayed what emotion. However, the design had its flaws, firstly it deviated from the brief being about a pet and secondly it needed to be more interactive. The next few pages are screen shots of how it worked, including the coding and display screen.



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ConceptThree-Morality The avatar is moved around with the mouse and in each corner of the display are different surroundings: The Beach Water Grass Land Lava Pit Each image adds or subtracts a value from the avatars morality counter. If it is placed in the grass or beach its number increases. If its put in the water or the lava pit it decreases accordingly. Once the counter reaches 0, the avatar faints. The next few images show the game working with the coding and display screen.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

As shown in the last four images, the smily face shows different emotions in each section. When the avatar is placed at the beach you can see him chill out and put sun glasses and a hat on. When it is put in the water section you can see the the avatar drowning. When he is placed in the grass section you can see him begin to eat. And finallly when he is placed in the fire setion you an see him burning. Each section holds its own counter. When at the beach or eating grass the counter begins to count up which can be viewed at the println section. When the avatar is placed in the water or fire the counter decreases rapidly. Once the morality counter reaches 0 the avatar faints. This can be veiwed on the following 2 images.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

TheGlitchKnight-Assessment1 Brief Investigate and critique how the design and production of modern technologies are addressing the relationship between humans and objects and vice versa. The final response must be implemented using processing. This report will outline a solution, purpose and rationale of the design.

WhatIsAGame? In context a game can be defined as an activity that one engages in for amusement. This definition will be important to remember throughout the design process. A feeling that we associate with amusement is happiness, however, although games bring happiness they also have a dark and disturbing shadow of negative feeling. The main feelings within this shadow are anger and hatred. Games have such an effect on the subject it can lead them astray, they forget themselves and become someone they are not. Is it the level of competitiveness the game brings? A game can’t be accused of being unfair, as the computer does what it has been programed to do. The darkness comes from within the subject. In spite of this, when the subjects skill level grows on a particular game and it is able to complete level after level that is where the happiness comes from. The game gives you a sense of achievement. When designing my game I will keep this in mind. That although the subject may not be able to complete the game first time after a few attempts they will get to the end and have that sense of achievement. The intended happiness a game should give you.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

OldGames One of the first computer games was developed in 1962 was called ‘Spacewar’. The basic gameplay of Spacewar involves two armed spaceships, “the needle” and “the wedge” attempting to shoot one another while maneuvering in the gravity well of a star. The object of this game was a simple one, destroy the enemy ship. Spacewar was very popular in the 1960’s. Some are known by the same name. Some are straightforward clones, but most have introduced additional variations to the game play. For example various rates of acceleration, missiles affected by gravity, fuel regeneration over time and shields. Something so simple could bring competitiveness, enjoyment and most importantly happiness. Although still around today, another aged game is ‘Tetris’. This game involved slotting descending shapes into the neatest possible order. The first level was easy, however, as the game progressed and you go more of a feel for it the shapes begin to speed up and you have to think faster. This game played on your reaction and decision making speed. Unlike the last game where your game play involves another human and involves ‘dying’ this was against the computer. This game could be played in an arcade continuously even though you’ve played it over and over again. The game has a such an effect on you, it makes you believe that you can keep going one step further, if you’d moved the shape slightly more to the left you would have progressed to the next level. In my game design I wish to make people feel like that, make them want to play more. Furthermore, a game similar to Tetris in the way that you play against the computer was ‘Pac-man’. The aim of Pac-man was to collect all the yellow dots, any fruit that popped up and avoid the ghosts at all cost. When you completed one level by collecting or ‘eating’ all the yellow dots you would move onto the next which would have more perils in store for the subject. “Old computer games couldn’t be won. They just got harder and faster till you died. Just like real life” Although slightly humorous, this quote has a point, most new video games whether they are on a console or computer always have an ending. Maybe it would be nice to create a game that has no end. The happiness for the user would come from repeatedly getting further and further, why do they need an end?

NewGames Unlike old games where you went to an arcade to play them on a massive console with a joystick and a red and blue button, gaming technology has advanced so far that we now have small consoles. Some with there interface on the console or others with controllers. In light of this, many of the games created for these consoles aren’t as simple as the games of the past. Many have story modes; some based on altered real life events, some magical stories of what could be, has been or never will be and others that let you live a life you can’t. This progression from what was and what is now could be that todays society demands more, however, they all have one thing in common; they bring happiness to the subject. The games of today require a lot more brain power that the ones of the past. Because each one has an intricate story that demands the subjects full focus, concentration and devotion. Whereas after finishing a game of Pac-man it could be forgotten about until the next time you want to play. The level of addiction for the games of today eg Call of Duty, Fifa, and World of Warcraft, relies on you repetitively playing until it is complete. They now all have additional features like online gameplay. Its is easy to spend hour after hour on these consoles as when you enter this virtual world with friends ‘nothing else matters’. The level of addiction that comes with these games is disturbing when you look back, however, when your in the moment slaying dragons and killing people you don’t notice. The game I want to design is going to be one that can be put in place to kill 5 or 10 minutes waiting on a bus. No to derive the worst in people or take over there lives. To give them moments of amusement.

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MobileGames Many mobile games are one in the same as the old games. A vast majority don’t have a storyline e.g. flappy bird, helicopter, zombie crush, fruit ninja. The aim of the games are to get as far as you can without dying, in contrast, there are games like angry birds that have a story behind it. A big influence on my game design will be flappy bird. A continuous game that once you die you regenerate at the beginning. In light of this, my game will use the concept of flappy bird but where the bird stays the same speed but its surroundings get more treacherous the surroundings of the knight will get more difficult to dodge and its speed will increase as you get further on.

GlitchKnightReactionGame Concept The concept of ‘Glitch Knight’ will be to dodge the blood demons through the cave he must travel. The Golden Knight will have to keep his wits about him to progress from level to level. As each level is passed the user will have to deal with an increase in speed and in some levels more blood demons. This will game challenge the users reactions an as each level is passed as sense of happiness will be achieved.

InItsSimplistForm Before adding all the artwork into Processing. I began with a simple ellipse to represent the Knight. I first want to achieve its ‘glitch’ type movement. I did this by assigning the knight a position depending on which key was being pressed. If ‘c’ was pressed the knight would glitch to the third lane, if ‘d’ was pressed it would glitch to the second land and if ‘s’ was pressed it would glitch to the first lane. Each lane having an individual control (an assigned key) would allow the knight to jump to and from any lane it wants. The image on the next page shows the code i used. The following three images show the three different positions on the screen the knight will be able to take.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

ItsMovingBackground There were two directions I could have gone in to created the rectangles/ trolls that the ellipse/ knight would have to dodge. One would be to create a randomiser for where they would originate from and the other (easier way) would be to make a background in photoshop and assign a colour the knight would have to touch to show the game over screen. Although i mentioned the second method would be easier it would also allow me to be more creative with the aesthetic of the background. Firstly, I used a white background with bright green squares in order to get the coding right before I inserted the final images. By using the ‘colour c = get( c, 50)’ coding I am able to add in ‘if commands after. These commands after say that if ‘(c, 50) is equal to -1674447 (the colour green) then it will go to the game over screen. This means that when I do my final back ground with the blood demons in, I must assign the colour red to the ‘if’ command.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

Another command in the last image is the ‘game’ variable. The game variable is an integer placed at the top of the processing file, it equals 0. If the knights co-ordinates equal the same colour I type in to the if command it makes the game variable equal 1. This is the reason the ‘game over’ screen comes up, in this case shown as pic1.

IntegersandImages The integers allowed me to setup up variables to use in my game. Instead of using a definite figure each time they are able to change. This meant that if I wanted to use it as a control I was able to say if( game == 0) then processing can continue without any trouble, however, game was equal to 1 I could make the program respond how I want it to. By loading the images in setup I am able to refer to them in the ‘void draw’ section as whatever I chose to name them e.g. pic1, pic2, pic3 etc.

BackgroundSpeed As the game progresses through the levels the speed of the background increases depending on the colour of the floor of the cave. As the caves floor darkens the speed of the background increases. This is determined by the knight entering a new level. Much like the coding for when the knight goes over the blood demon, the speed is adjusted accordingly. This will create a more competitive gaming experience for the user. As they progress through the levels of the game there will be more demons with an increased speed testing the users reaction speeds.

StartGame A new feature that added to the game was the start button. When the start button is clicked the game will begin. I also added in some background music to add to the tension and entertainment.

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Artwork The ‘Glitch Knight’ is a simple game with simple objectives therefore I wanted to follow through with that in the design of the game. I originally wanted to design some kind cave trolls as you can see below, however, processing wouldn’t pick up its colour. I then had to change the objective of the game, instead of dodging cave trolls you must dodge the blood demons on the floor.



Ellipse to Knight

Troll to Blood Demon

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LevelIntroductions Each level introduction is the same speed as the first level giving the user time to regroup before more carnage. As the game gets higher in levels the speed increases with the change of colour of the background.




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if ( page number < 46 && page number > 0){ booklet = proccessing; }else(){ booklet = arduino; }


TheArduinoKitandComponents From the Arduino page: “Arduino is an open source electronics prototyping platform based on felxible easy to use hardware and software. Our first few classes involved us getting to know all of the parts within the kit so we could gain a wide range of knowloedge about each piece of equipment in order to complete our final assessment to the highest of standards.



This kit comes with most of the common components in it.

The Arduino board is a microcontroller board that uses a usb connection for both power and program upload.

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The breadbaord is a fantastic thing for quickly prototyping circuits. Each column of holes is connected together.

Used for uploading the programs onto the arduino. It can also be used as a power source for the board itself.



Can be used to emit little squeals. Melodys can be programed as well as different sounds.

The starter pack includes 10 red, 10 green and 1 RGB LED.



A typical servo motor consists of a small geared electric motor which has a built in potentiometer which allows for position control.

This is an image of a few more components. Jumper wires, a large range of resisters, swtiches, ldr’s, potentiometers and temperature sensors.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet


The first challenge we had to overcome was to simply connect the arduino board up to one led. We then had to write a program to make it flash our name in morse code. A lot of the layout commands were simlar to processing however there were a few different ones for turning things on and off. Loading images in processing was very simaler to loading components in arduino

Our net task was to include a switch and an LDR sensor into the program. The switch was to be used an on/off and the LDR acted as a variable resister. The LED was set to blink depending on the light intensity. As it got darker around the LDR the LED would begin to blink quicker. The code resembled something like the below code.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

Our final task before we began our first ‘proper’ task was to get the servo motor to work. We used an example from the arduino page to make the servo move from 0 to 179. Like processing we used the command ++1 to move it one at a time. The speed of the movement could be increased by changing the number at the end of ++. Once the speed was increase to over 10 the motor began to get quite confused.

TheSuperBatmanTeam Before we began our next task we were put into teams of two. These would be our teams for our final hand in for the arduino section of the arduino. First of all we had to come up with a team name. I liked Batman and Elly liked Super man so we came up with the name “ The Super-Batman Team”. We had to use and LDR in a way that when it got dark and LED or LED’s lit up. We had make a 1 minute film showing it working as well. Because of our name we decided to make a SuperBatman symbol to call the two heroes in a moment of need. Firstly we had to come up with a group manefesto and think of three compaines and why we liked them.

“Go Beyond what’s Asked”

Its our job to think about what the consumer needs. But go beyond what they think they need.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

Apple Apples manifesto: “Think Different” Phones have gone beyond what we need them to do with regard to simply ringing and texting people. Laptops, ipad’s and ipod touch’s have challenged what the users thoughts are on how we should interact with technology.

CocaCola Coca-Cola’s manifesto: “Life tastes good” Coke have used the word ‘life’ as a metaphor for how good the drink tastes. What we regard as a simple fizzy drink is marketed as going beyond it physical presence to taste as good as life!

BP-BeyondPetroleum Manifesto – “BP is progressive, responsible, innovative and performance driven. Our logo – the Helios - symbolises these values.” Their logo may symbolise this but their actions do not.


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The last 3 pages show images from this small project. The circuit was programmed to get brighter the darker it got. We did this by using if commands. The LDR acted like a variable resister and we were able to set different values of darkness or brightness in which the LED’s would react to. This exercise was helpful in getting used to the coding for arduino. Although it is a lot like processing there are still a few differences.

DesignandDevelopment Booklet

EmotionalResponse-Assessment2 TheBrief The human body is a complex system of surfaces and organs that can detect heat, light, sound, movement, and we respond to these stimuli, or inputs based upon a contextual map of our surroundings, and in some cases our emotional state. As well as this, emotional stimuli can also elicit a physical response that for many of us is uncontrollable, for example blushing. Using the Arduino microprocessor ( you are asked to design an object which exhibits the human response characteristics to an input factor, based upon a specific human response to stimuli (see table below). You may choose one of the input response characteristics below or choose your own stimuli and response if you desire. We had to show our brain storming, ideas, design thinking, iteration and final idea in a mucha pucha type powerpoint. This is a powerpoint that uses only pictures. 20 slides 20 images 20 seconds. GO!

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We began with the broadest of terms with our brainstorming focusing on a wide range of things a person would do. Thinking in what components we would use with regard to input - process - output. We then decided that we wanted our box to be happy all the time until it was approached by someone- which in turn makes it angry. When thinking about what kind of components we would need to portray these emotions we thought about the movement, the sound and the colour the box would poccess. The movement of the boxes surroundings could be detected by an ultrasonic sensor. Happiness could be portrayed through the colour blue (LED’s). If the box is a ‘happy loner’ it could sing to itself. The angry part of it could be displayed through shaking ( eccentric motor) and the anger could be protrayed through the colour red (LED’s). A servo motor could also be used to make the box pull a gun out. The next few images show the electronics we were considering using for our final outcome.


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The following images show the development of the circuit, the box and film. It also shows the progression of me adding the different components to the board. Servo motor, ultrasonic sensor, piezo, LED’s and eccentric motor. 10 x 10 x 10 seems like a big enough box for everything to fit in, however because the gun needed quite a large amount of space for clearence so it didnt get caught on the wires it all had to be squished down.

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The above two images are screen shots taken from the final film. The film tells a story of a guy sitting on the rocking chair he always sits on day and night. A young box comes round giving out free hugs. The other box is content to sit there by himself and doesn’t want disturbed. He gets angry and pulls his gun out. Eventuallly the young boy musters up the courage to give him a hug. His gamble pays off they become best friends.

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Above shows the final design for the code. Although there were many iterations throughout the whole design process the coding for this was influenced largely by smaller pieces of code already on the arduino website. It was a matter of setting up the first circuit with the ultrasonic sensor and all the leds. When the distance = whatever the LEDs would go red else they would stay blue. Then adding a piezo and programming different pitchs of sound for different distances away. Next was to add the eccentric motor. This gave the box the quality of being angry and aggitated. Finally was adding the servo motor. If an object or thing got within a certain distance from the box it would turn 180 degrees (showing the gun). A green LED was also add to communicate to the viewer that the box was ok.

ModuleEvaluation This module was successful in widening my scope on a large range of different ways I could present and develop ideas for any of my future projects. I now have a good understanding of both Processing and Arduino and could confidently use them as effective design tools . With regard to the processing part of the module it was successful in highlighting how broad the oppertunities for design are on it. It was very interesting to see everyones different take on what a game could be, all using the same program. I feel the Arduino section of the module was also very successful as I already had an understanding of variables, intgers and vocabulary of the program gained from the processing part of the module. Now that we are at the end of the module I think the fact we had to keep a tumblr account and do so many smaller projects was successful as it was advantageous to have them all the refer to making this booklet. I found it quite difficult to get my head round how the variables worked at the beginning of Processing, however, by the start of the first game when we were making, I had a good understanding of them. Another failure I noticed was the amount of iteration done throughout the module. I knew where I wanted to go with each project and when I tested I took what was said into consideration and changed a few things. I think I could have gone one step further with the testing stages of each of my assessments. I really enjoyed making the game for Assessment 1. The brief was very broad and allowed me to bring my interests into play. Knights and slaying demons! I liked the fact that by the end of the processing and arduino parts of the module I had a very broad knowledge base of the programs, a knowledge base that I could utilise in future designs. I liked making videos throughtout the whole module as it something i’m very interested in. I enjoyed the Arduino part of the course as i already had a basic understanding of circuit building and programming from Technology at A level. It was great to further my skill set in the this line of design. I disliked having to do so many small projects week after week, however, it has been very advantageous for putting together this booklet. I disliked how slow the class was at times as well, I understood that there were foreign students in the class so everything needed to be explained a lot but I think it could have been slightly quicker. In spite of this, sometimes there were things I didint fully understand and it was great to spend an afternoon on it. It was advantageous moving from processing to arduino as the layouts, the idea of variables and intergers are all very similar. It was also very interesting coming from a fully digital program to making physical circuts.

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