Created Created by by Magnagaurd1 Magnagaurd1 www.cpcheatsandhints.com www.cpcheatsandhints.com
News: News: Quest ForPuffle Therescue Golden Puffle With the new game Rescue the mine Puffle After the winning reis becoming busier luts for QuestaFor The place. This room Golden puffle, it isnow nowhas attwo thedifferent stage to games,for unlike enjoy, those any other room who haven’t in club penseen it yet! guin. This stage The play wonsecret every new pin has award, exept beencostume, hidden best thelatest mysteratinthe ous, adventure Penguin Play of the black puffle, and awards! The Golden puffle it’s thetraps hardest pin isI bet by many so watch everfortothe find. You must go out snowball trap, foward to the black puffle and the big boulder! But wait,atuntil the shadow aand reward the end is all-
passes and bubbles rise thelong deepjourney water. This from This is IS the mostright? tricky pin to very tough, get. But once you are finally inside Get somerememberover this friends “Once you to the stage, get the they pin, maybe this seek door is too unlocked some ad- to you forever.” venture! Doesn’t that sound like something Sensei would say?
-Magnaguard1 -Magnaguard1
This weeks puffle secret: Fire Sinsie compliments on your puffle! 1. go to your igloo 2. walk one of the black colored puffles 3. Go to the fire dojo 4. Talk to sensei!
This week puffle: Blue! Here is infomation about the Blue Puffle: Relased #: 1 Cool fact: Easy to take care of Attitude: Mild tempered, loyal, content. Favorite toy: Ball About: Thsi puffle is avaible to non-members and members! The Blue puffle is the oldest puffle in club penguin. Like all the other puffles, in club penguin you can buy the Blue Puffle at the pet shop in the plaza for 800 coins!
This weeks puffle cheat: Sad puffles? Have you ever seen a full fed, bathed, slept puffle sad? Well there is a little cheat to do this, and it’s not too complicated! Here are the simple steps on how to do this cheat: 1. Make sure you have at least one puffle very happy! 2. Press the =+ key on you keyboard!
What Are puffles? Native to the wilds of Club Penguin, puffles are small, round, furry creatures. They make fantastic pets! Several different species have been discovered and each color has its own unique personality. Everyone in Club Penguin can adopt 2 puffles, but members can adopt up to 18. Puffles are fun to have around your house as a pet, but they will run away if they’re not treated good. Puffle are known for sending complaints, yet not compliments. There are currently 9 colors of puffles in club penguin! Here are the steps of How To Buy A puffle: 1. Open you map 2. Go to the plaza 3. Cick on the pet shop door 4. Click on the catalog closest to the chat bar. 5. Flip though the book, until you find the puffle your looking for. 6. Click the adopt button and give your puffle a name!
Puffles helping penguins: The EPF
Some of you may know about the top secret PSA (Penguin secret agency), but do you know about the even more secret EPF (Elite Penguin Force)? This Elite penguin force is not played in club penguin, infact you play it on a Nintendo DS or DSI. Anyway this game includes puffles helping you. The puffle wistle will call them, and a puffle will come to do what ever they can to help! Each puffle has a specail abilty, so you must choose between them, to beat a level. Puffles are a real help, for an example, there is a cracked mine cart, and you need to fix it, call in the black puffle and click on the mine cart and the puffle will weld it
and the mine cart will be fixed! Even the purple puffle has a specail abilty, to blow bubbles! Although it sounds weak it can bubble around object and lift them up!
Funny pictures: Puffles try to eat me!!!!
The story of how I got famous: My puffle swallowed a news cam.
Very rude.
Contents: 1. News:
Quest for the golden puffle 2. Puffle secret: Sensei complements puffles 3. This weeks puffle: Blue puffle! 4. This week puffle cheat: Sad puffles 5. What are puffles? 6-7. Puffles in the past: The EPF 8. Funny pictures! 9. Content: You’re looking at the Content page right now!
Created By Magnaguard1 www.cpcheatsandhints.com Summary: page 1: Quest for the golden puffle is a big hit at the stage! Do you seek adventure? Then this is the place for you! page 2: Fire Sensei likes puffles too! Go to him and recieve advice for you puffles page 3: The blue puffle is the newst to club penguin. It’s also the most popular, because of this. page 4: page 5: Puffles are small fury creature native to club penguin. There are currently 9 puffles in club penguin! page 6-7: Puffles are a big help in the EPF (Elite Penguin Force)! page 8: LOL so funny! Page 9: (there is really nothing to interesting to write about the Contents page!)