Looking Forward 'For City People'

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Looking Forward For City People

Summer 2010


Female Empowerment

“With the Football World Cup in South Africa let us extend our view of that nation.�

Creative Minds: Tim Akkerman Willie Wartaal Jenny Lane Blitz the Ambassador and many more!

Dream Photography

-Rob Durand-Joke Schaper-


Take an exclusive peek be hind the scenes!

f O g n i k a M e h -T Sponsored by:

2 LookingForward

For City People 3

AT LAST REAL MEN MATTER Fine feathers make fine birds‌. and the accessories make them unique. This idea in mind The Hague has a premier with Masculine. Hollands first shop with fashion and lifestyle accessoiries especially for men. From trendy jewels to bold watches, from stylish bags to chique belts and from cool hats to design shaving products. At Masculine the style-aware man finds what he wants and shops as he wants..


Where in the City? Masculine Flagship Store Korte Molenstraat 11A 2513BM The Hague

Store Hours: Mo: Closed Tue, Wed, Fri: 11.00-18.00 Thur: 11.00-19.00 Sat: 11.00-17.00 Every first and last Sunday of the month: 12.00-17.00

4 LookingForward



Tim Akkerman


Willie Wartaal



The Dream of a Top Photographer

“Rob Durand”


Jenny Lane


Blitz the Ambassador


The Centipede of Creativity



“Joke Schaper”


L4- The Making Of


Music of Sneakers


Mac vs. PC?


Sidrit Tarifa

“Portrait of a fine Albanian Artist”

For City People 5




Interview Designer Semsa Ferreira “Inti Ferreira”


Female Empowerment



For more Fashion check our Photography mile!


“To Improv or not to Improv”

What moves The Hague?

6 LookingForward


Looking Forward For City People Music-Art-Fashion-Humanity

Publisher: Snatching Media Design www.snatchingmediadesign.com info@snatchingmedia.com Editor in Chief/Creative Director Francesca Schueler Contributors: Arthur Rathling Jalane Aparicio Maurice Ajanaku Kwesi Asante Jon Tarifa Jos Dirkx Leslo Wanders

Print: meindruckportal.de Ads: Masculine Cafe De Pater Inti Ferreira Spantakulous Entertainment Wanted: Journalists Promotion

Praise and Criticism: info@snatchingmedia.com

Concept: Francesca Schueler

Music. Art. Fashion.

Humanity .

Edit or’s Note

For City People 7

“Looking Forward” is a great positive concept. Ideally learn from the past, the people you met and meet, and use that knowledge to make the best choices. That is ultimately what life comes down to: “The Choices We Make”. And we have to make them. Since I consider myself an educated female in my mid twenties, there will be plenty of choices left for me to make. I am glad for the choices I made in the past (not all of course…); because they brought me here and added to the person I am today. The choices also took me right here to this flamboyant special edition of “Looking Forward, For City People”. I love magazines, and this country for its endless variety and talent in magazine production! A special edition, filled with creative minds, artists of all kind, for those city people that like a little extra and respect the Arts. Therefore at the dawn of festival season 2010 we present you with this magazine. Made with knowledge, heart, body and soul, and my Mac Book Pro. Just like a lot of music.

Enjoy and Much Love, Francesca Schueler.

-Editor in Chief/Creative Director-

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Tim Akkerman

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“Make every dream come true...” Interview: Arthur Rathling Photography: Private

Job Singer, Songwriter Location The Hague What else? I am a grateful father of son and daughter. www.timakkerman.nl Where is TIM?


After ten years of success with his former band Di-rect Tim thought it was time for a change. Putting his name in any search engine will retrieve the new TIm. A solo artist with sense for music and respect for his art. As an ambassador for the war child foundation he speaks on behalf of children around the globe, and tours the theaters of holland as the true musician he is. His Upcoming theater tour dates are available on his website.

“As I sees it I am totally against violent and aggressive behavior. I believe in the good of man. We all bleed the same so it’s not about religion or color, it is about self-confidence, so I will always react for as long as there is no violence involved. Not the first to strike but will always defend myself.”

OBSESSION “Since life is too short my main obsession is to live life to the fullest. Make every dream come true, from the family to the music.”

DESIGNER LOOK “Modern vs. Vintage the return of the styles of the early seventies, ex. The Stones and great bands like that I like.”

COOL “It is hard to be a family man and a musician at the same time, so I find it really cool that with the help of the right people, and self-confidence, I have found the balance between the two worlds.”

HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS “At the moment I am involved with WAR CHILD for the simple fact that the children are the future, and I will always fight for their case.”

NEXT TO YOUR BED? “A night stand full of some books for before sleeping and a very handy cassette recorder for the ideas I might get at anytime.”

LOVE “ I have definitely found love, in two ways even. My family and music.”

10 LookingForward

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Wil ie Wartaal “I love spending quality time in my bedroom-studio” Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography: Ilja Meefout

Job Musician, Entertainer Location Amsterdam What else? I am a beautiful human being!

WHO IS WILLIE WARTAAL? Willie is one of the brains of “De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig”. Together with his band he tours the country and took one national music and act award after another. in 2005 they scored their major hit “Watskeburt”, and since then they kept coming with more, feeding their fans pure dutch hip hop. It seems that together with his band they entirelt live up to their record label’s name: “Top notch”. Let us have a one on one with Mr. Wartaal...

out, so I also get to know new things. I trust their style and I pick it up. In the end I know I like to dress well.”

PREJUDICE? “I don’t care, because people with prejudice are usually dumb or stupit, or both. People haven’t got shit on me, because I know I am good in what I do. It is ‘ok’ whatever they think. We live in a world where people have the right to think what they want to think and that is actually a good thing.”

COOL “Myself, I am really cool. Music and everything I do.”


“Music…I can’t explain it. It is how it is. There is no specific reason. It is the feeling I get. It is how I work and how I get things done.”

“I support Charity Organizations mentally, but not with money. I don’t trust that my money will go where I want it to go, and that is where it is needed. I know a percentage will get there, but the other percentage gets people to profit way too much and drive around in big cars.”




“I am not really deep into fashion, but the other guys in my band are. They always check fashionable stuff

“There is my music set up, my studio. It is right next to my bed. In fact I am sitting there right now. I love spending quality time in my “bedroom-studio.”

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Jenny Lane

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“...since I have met this hot steamy guy named Mark...yummy” Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography: Nine IJff

Job Singer, Performer, Dancer, Songwriter Location Amsterdam www.jennylanemusic.com WHAT ELSE? “I recently released my album called ‘Monsters’, and now we just did a club tour in Holland called “Monsters on Tour”. I had a big, 8 meters air balloon in the shape of a monster. We were going to hang that balloon above the stage. But before the first show, I put too much air in it, and it exploded. So, no big monster air balloon for the tour hahaha. Instead, I had the whole band wearing totally cool ‘monster’ outfits. The guitar player has a long furry tale, and the keyboard player looks like a werewolf. The whole band looks monstrous.”

I’m really interested in all the different colors of someone’s character; the bright side, the dark side, and all the many shades in between. That interests me very much.”


“Monsters on Tour” will start again in October.

“I think it’s cool going out to discover new artists. I love going to stand-up comedy, it’s so much fun! My favorite comedians at the moment are Harry Glotzbach and Tom Sligting, since they are really fun and out of this world. I’m also looking forward to the coming album of this great Dutch songwriter called Maaike Martens. She has amazing lyrics and a great voice.”



“I love clothes and all that girly stuff you know. It’s just that I am not a fashion follower, because I don’t live by the rules of a season. I like my own style.

“Actually I don’t, or do I? I do give change to homeless people sometimes though. So, am I a good girl that gets to go to heaven?”

It’s somewhat a mix of cute, feminine, petite, retro, and a colorful look. Since I am 1.62 m. I don’t want to wear too many wide clothes, because then I start looking like a hamster… haha. I think it’s best to accentuate your figure then.”

PREJUDICE “The brain doesn’t have a choice but to analyze someone or something you see at that moment. Thank god we can be conscious and can think about our own judgments before voicing them. We all know that sometimes we shouldn’t take all we are thinking too serious. I know that there is way more to a person than the side we see.

NEXT TO YOUR BED? “My clothes & underwear, as they always tend to fly around in the bedroom, since I have met this hot steamy guy named Mark..... yummy!”

TRUE LOVE “That’s an interesting question. If you give or receive love & energy, then at that moment it’s already real. What would mean ‘true love’ then? Would it be only ‘true love’ if someone promises love forever to you? I think love is not based on expectations, time or long durance. Love exists within the moment itself.”

14 LookingForward

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Blitz the Ambassador

“I try to speak for the people on the continent who aren’t being heard.” Interview: Jalane Aparicio Photography: Private

Job Musician, MC Location Brooklyn, New York (but the heart is in Accra, Ghana) www.embassy.mvmt.com

OBSESSION ‘Making my voice heard through music is my main obsession in life. I was born and raised in Accra, Ghana, where I was around everything from Afrobeat, to Highlife, to Motown.

think it is all one thing. I’m here to show people that it’s much more.”

I try to fuse all of those influences with Hip Hop, to create an entirely new sound that no one else can replicate. I try to make a new, African music. I try to speak for the people on the continent who aren’t being heard.”

“Nothing is better than rocking a stage with a full live band. I’ve been performing with my band, The Embassy Ensemble, for about three years now. Every time we step on stage we try to give the audience more than they expected. And the unexpected is pretty cool.”

DESIGNER LOOK “I’m not as into fashion as some other artists. I like to look good, but it’s not as important to me as the music. But I get down with a fly fedora from time to time. Either that or a Yankees fitted. Not too many people can get away with rocking both. Haha.”

PREJUDICE “Prejudice is a part of life. We all have to deal with it in one way or another. We all have our own prejudices that we have to consciously overcome. I try to combat prejudice through my music. A lot of people are prejudiced against Hip Hop because they


HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS “I support several humanitarian efforts. Currently I’m working with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Foundation. I am one of the spokesmen for the campaign. I just try to bring a first person perspective to the table, to let people know it’s not about a hand out. It’s about giving people the freedom and equal opportunity to resources, so that they can help themselves.”

NEXT TO YOUR BED “A copy of Richard Wright’s, Native Son. That book inspired me, and it’s the title of my next album.”

16 LookingForward


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someth A little

CAFÉ DE PATER De Pater is in Den Haag de muziek hotspot bij uitstek. Wat 23 jaar geleden in 1986 als een bruincafé begon, is nu de opstap voor vele Haagse musici, binnen diverse muziekgenres. Vijf dagen per week vinden er de bekende ‘Pater sessies’ plaats, waar gevestigde musici, samen met conservatoriumstudenten en rasartiesten hun creativiteit laten vloeien.

Where: Achterom 8 2511 AJ Den Haag 070 3450852 info@patermuziek.nl www.patermuziek.com

De Pater staat bekend om de vele kruisbestuivingen die er plaatsvinden op verschillende vlakken. Niet alleen muzikale cross-overs vinden er plaats, de Pater is tevens een sociale ontmoetingsplaats voor iedereen

die van muziek houdt. Daarnaast biedt de Pater ook een podium voor try-outs. Zo hebben onlangs nog Janne Schra (Schradinova) en Relax daar gebruik van gemaakt. De ‘roem’ van de Pater brengt zo af en toe ook internationale musici het kleine café binnen. Zo waren Giovanni Hidalgo, Tony Wilson (James Brown Tribute) en vele anderen van de partij een set mee te ‘jammen’, samen met de lokale musici. In de Pater zijn musici vrij te experimenteren in de ruimste zin van het woord. In de Pater wordt er niet in ‘hokjes’ gedacht, de sessies zijn daar het levende bewijs van.


For City People 17

“My life is a dream that is about to come true” Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography: Rob Durand

Job Musician, Construction Worker Location The Hague What else? I hate it when people talk too much.

OBSESSION “My life is a dream that’s about to come true. Back in the days I was always busy with music, to distract myself from the inner struggle I had with my past. Nevertheless I still believe in a great destiny.”

DESIGNER LOOK “I think that everyone should just keep their own style and wear what they think is hot. I personally like the 80s look very much.”

COOL “I think animals are cool.”


HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS “I didn’t support any yet, but I will look into a few options now, because I would like to help.”

NEXT TO YOUR BED? “A glass of water and a candle.”

18 LookingForward

Rob Durand

‘The Dream of a Top Photographer’ Text: Rob Durand and Francesca Schueler Photography of Rob: Some guy in South Africa ;-)


glamorous turn.







paint heads

With the rise of the Digital Generation many people try their hands at photography. Working only a few days a week, no sweat, having a personal assistant taking care of your appointments?

Far from the truth!

Learning the art of photography is not just theory; it is talent, emotion, innovation and hard work. However, the dream can come true. Introducing two fabulous photographers from the Netherlands, Rob Durand and Joke Schaper, who both share one talent and visualize it uniquely.

Rob Durand kicked off his career at the studio of one of the Dutch leading Photographers, and knew that this was the way to go. Right from the start he was hooked to taking the most beautiful and even slightly surreal images. At only eighteen he worked for magazines, leading record labels, and advertisement agencies. All that alongside much older and more experiences colleagues. He was respected as a young, natural talent that would soon discover his own unique style. Now, eleven years later Rob’s work can be seen in countless productions around the world. Discovering the world trough the lens of his camera takes him all over the planet. Due to that Cape Town is his second home next to Amsterdam. Let us have a look at his stunning and jaw dropping work!

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Joke Schaper

‘The Centipede of Creativity’ Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography of Joke (yes that is her on the right): Olof Wessels

OCCUPATION “At the moment I have four different jobs. I work four days a week at the Hanze Hogeschool in Groningen. I work there as a teacher on the education MBRT (medical imaging and radiotherapy). My main part is teaching Anatomy and Physiology and supporting students during their development at school. In the weekends I work in a clothing/technical water sport shop. Where I sell all kinds of things from boats to ropes and shoes to caps. In the time between those jobs I work as a professional freelance photographer and since last year I am also creative director of the magazine FART www.fartmagazine.nl. It is a magazine with a non-profit vision merely trying to inspire creative people.”

LOCATION “I live in the city Groningen, together with my boyfriend Harmen Piekema. We are together for over seven years, and still going strong.”

WHAT MAKES A GREAT PICTURE? “A great picture can be made possible by a lot of different aspects. The composition should be perfect, the lighting, the hair, the make-up, and the model. All have to be well in balance to draw the attention of the viewer and also keep his/her attention. There are many great pictures, but not all of the aspects come together perfect. You can have a great shot but still the hair is not really terrific. A perfect shot is therefore very rare. I take good pictures, but I don’t think they are perfect. They are good and sometimes great,

but I’m still looking, searching and hunting for that perfect shot that will take peoples breath away!”

WHO WOULD YOU LOVE TO WORK WITH? “From the people I’ve already worked with, I would choose for Madilon and Linda de Vries. Both are very talented and beautiful. You just can’t take a wrong picture of Madilon. Linda is the Dutch and blond Angelina Jolie. You can guess with what kind of people I want to work in the future. Angelina Jolie, Sylvia Geersen, Esmee and many more. As long as she is tall, sexy, has a strong attitude, looks and poses. I also have a list of male models :P David Beckham, Vin Diesel, Andy Whitfield and Tyson Beckford. Male models I like are muscular, well proportioned (so no blown up frogs like bodybuilders).”

PHILOSOPHY “A lot of Dutch friends call me a centipede of creativity. I do many things and all at the same time :P But all with a lot of fun. I have never had a complaint or a fight/argument with anyone. Every single cooperation I have with other people will be a small party. All of the models I have worked with are very enthusiastic about my work ethic. If the models are having a good time so am I; and if the complete team has a good time, success and good results will automatically follow. I shoot and live life with a big smile upon my face always looking for adventures and new goals.”

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Model: Anna Arendshorst @ Max Models Hair and Make-Up: Hilda Jonkman Stylist: Jalal de Boer Dress: Bas Kosters

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Model: Madilon Bos @ Max Models Hair and Make-Up: Madilon Bos

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Model: Anna Arendshorst @ Max Models Hair and Make-Up: Hilda Jonkman Stylist: Jalal de Boer Dress: Sepehr Maghsoudi

38 LookingForward Model: Renske de Roos Hair and Make-Up: Saskia Wagenvoort Stylist: Iris van der Meer

Model: Jessica Knuppe Hair and Make-Up: Joke Schaper Stylist: Joke Schaper

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Model: Madilon Bos @ Max Models Hair and Make-up: Madilon Bos

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Model: Thijs ten Dam Hair and Make-Up: Joke Schaper Stylist: Joke Schaper

For City People 41 Assistent:Harmen Piekema Models: Janina Nacke & Myriel Brechtel Make-Up: Nina Rรถll Hair: Yudeska Monart Styling: Cemile van Dalen Dogs: Raidon en Tairo (Ras: Akita Inu)

The E-N-D

42 LookingForward

Inti Ferreira ‘Raising ones gaze will diminish all borders.’ Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography: Semsa Ferreira

Two years ago the doors opened and its customers respect and enjoy their style and atmosphere. Inti Ferreira picks the very best materials for quality, comfort, relaxation, and for you to look your best. The fashion concept is classical, but not classicist, it is sexy but not sexist...simply elegant. Inti Ferreira’s style is pure, it is good taste and desire...for those who know what they want. SEMSA FERREIRA, THE FOUNDER AND DESIGNER BEHIND INTI FERREIRA GAVE AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW ABOUT HER BUSINESS AND COLLECTIONS. HOW DID THE IDEA TO START YOUR OWN BRAND COME ABOUT? “It is not entirely new for me. I had my own boutique for many years in Germany prior to Inti Ferreira. The only new factor in the equation is the brand itself. Many things did not go as planned, and simply developed by chance. I never wanted to open a large boutique such as this one, but we just happened to walk by the store and it was suitable. Let’s just say I did not search for it, it found me. The preparation for the first collection took approximately two years. We began the planning process is 2006 and opened our doors at Noordeinde in The Hague in 2008. Looking back at how everything went, I can say I am very happy and satisfied. We have also linked up to resellers in Germany, who are selling a few lines of my collection.”

‘Sometimes I can design 20 different clothes in one night. It is like a chain reaction, either you are on the roll or not.’ Semsa Ferreira

HOW DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION TO DESIGN NEW COLLECTIONS, NEXT TO RUNNING THE BUSINESS? “It just comes to me. Sometimes I can design 20 different clothes in one night. It is like a chain reaction, either you are on the roll or not. I don’t know where it comes from really. It also doesn’t have anything to do with location. I sometimes have the idea, sitting on a plane or waiting for a train, all I need is time to myself. What helps is seeing different places, so the entire collection is round and complete. Creating an entire collection is a lot different than creating just one dress you know.” HOW MANY HOURS DO YOU WORK EVERY WEEK? “In an average week I am happy when I get seven hours of sleep and have two hours a day with my daughter. I work 10-12 hours a day though, and sometimes even more.” WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN A COLLECTION? WHAT ARE VALUES YOU DEMAND OF FASHION? “It all depends on the occasion for me. The best client is the one that knows what he/she is looking for. Is it for an evening, or daily life? It is important for me to be able to wear an outfit to work, and also to a dinner. It has to be functional and beautiful at the same time. Another very important value is that it should never look like it was mass-produced.

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I like to go against the trend, so everything in my collections is unique and produced with extra care. I decide everything, from design to material, to cut. It is simply a limited production, so we can take that extra care and time.”

‘The man with a new idea is a Crank until the idea succeeds.’ -Mark Twain-

WHICH OTHER DESIGNERS INSPIRE YOU? “The French Designer Francois Girbaud and the Japanese Designer Yamamoto have great styles and designs. There are a few Berlin based designers I admire too, they all seem to have something in common, and are still different, avant-garde almost, with great cuts and fit. I really like that.” DO YOU FOLLOW TRENDS IN FASHION? “I do not obey trends in fashion ever, I like timeless pieces. The truth about trends is that once u see a trend on the street, it has usually already passed.”

“I would like to add: I value that it is all made in Europe. I love and respect all other cultures, but I live and sell in Europe, so it is all made and produced here.” Inti Ferreira is an exclusive fashion store for women and men located at Noordeinde 111 in The Hague. www.Intiferreira.eu

The Music of Sneakers 44 LookingForward

Text: Maurice Ajanaku Photography: Private

Mr. Ajanaku writes about Sneakers, Music, and L4.

Being Editor-in-Chief for AJANAKU.com, I have seen that over the past few years’ sneakers have become a larger part of our lives. They are no more the shoe we slip into when playing a game of Basketball or run a marathon. They have now become an extension of our personality. The colorways, model, and brand we choose say more about us than we think. You could even say that sneakers are like music; each model has its on rhythm and sound that appeals to certain groups of people. But which sneaker fits the crew of L4? Do they all fit one brand, or does each member have their specific model and brand. Let’s presume they would go for the largest brand in the sneaker world out there, Nike. The question still remains, which model would they choose? Let’s start with the most obvious choice, the Air Force One, from 1982. One of the greatest and classic shoe Nike still has in their collection. Created by Bruce Kilgore, the shoe is a reference to Air Force One, the plane that carries the President of the United States and was the first basketball shoe to use the Nike Air technology. But for which model would they go? The low-cut? The mid-top? No, they would go for the rarest out there, the high-top. This being the obvious choice, what would be their wild card? Which model within the Nike collection now embraces their music and their lifestyle? There is only one, which can do this, the Nike Air Royalty Macaroons. This new model, finding its inspiration in the French pastry, is designed to look

and feel edible, but is pure inspiration really. There is another contender, which is from the other main brand out there, Adidas. This time we don’t look at a specific model but at a specific line. Adidas Originals. This is the heritage line of Adidas, which focuses on their history between the 1940’s and 1980’s. The two reasons why this would be the perfect choice for the guys from L4 are the ambassadors of the classic model, RUN DMC and the fact that the whole line is about Celebrating Originality. The perfect beat to appeal to the band. So is that it? Well, recently the last of the top 3 brands in sneaker industry, PUMA, has connected their classic model, the Puma Suede with music. They introduced the Suede Road, which took us on its musical journey through time, by releasing six new colorways which pay tribute to the different musical styles and cultures that welcomed the Suede over time: hip hop, acid jazz, punk rock, skate grunge, reggae dub and britpop. But are any of these really what L4 is about? Are any of these original? Inspirational? Refreshing? Or even stretching the norm? Maybe the younger brands like A-Life, CLAE, or even Creative Recreation are the right choice. I will leave you to be the judge of that, but actually think that the Air Force One, Originals, and the Suedes each fit a specific member. Who do you think each sneaker matches with?

Mac vs. PC We know this page is way too full. This piece is too good to scrap it though. READ WITH CAUTION!

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Text: Kwesi Asante Photography: Private

It has become one of the age old questions. It now seems to be on par with a lot of philosophical questions people debate…. In the correct circumstances, posing this question is the difference between a light hearted exchange, and all out warfare between consumers, geeks, and fanboys. This question has remained the same since the comparisons started in the the mid to late 80s. WIth each iteration of these competing products the debate becomes more and more heated… The question: Mac or PC, which one is better? Preference is a large factor in this debate but there are 3 avenues that an accurate comparison can be made. The hardware, Software and consumer interaction. Hardware: One of the biggest misconceptions when comparing MAC and PC products is the assumption that they are different from a hardware perspective. In fact, the hardware they’re built on is 95% the same, and get closer to 100% with every new product. The only difference is the fact that Apple often chooses the best available components to build their machines. And since Apple controls the hardware and software, they’re able to get the craftsmanship to the high level we have come to expect from Apple. While this almost guarantees high quality, this is both a good and bad thing because choosing the best of the best always means the consumers pay considerably more for products they most likely will never use to it’s full capability. Apple also tends to inflate the price of their product even when the cost of the components don’t warrant it. Microsoft is a software only company so they don’t deal with the hardware. Instead they license their Windows property to many different companies like Dell, HP, ACER, ASUS. Because of the open nature of the Microsoft model, there is more of a chance of incompatibilities. On the positive side, that also means that the cost of entry is much lower. Computer components aren’t made to all be the fastest and best available. They’re made to perform specific functions. With open hardware models, the companies are able to offer computer products to the world; not just to those who can afford the high costing Apple products. Software: Both OSX and Windows are full fledged operating systems with capabilities needed for all aspects of daily use by both consumer and professional. Due to some really excellent marketing from Apple, the perception of OSx’s superiority over Windows has successfully seeped into the minds of the general public. Microsoft also didn’t help themselves until releasing versions of windows that clearly needed more development time. With their current offerings, both products are the best they’ve ever been. Although preference is a factor, many professionals agree that Windows far surpasses OSx on security for professionals. Unfortunately for Microsoft, Windows has had such a bad reputation that many aren’t willing to give their new offering a chance. Consumer Interaction: On this front, Apple has always dominated. From their marketing to the way they shape public perception of their

company, they’ve been able to use it as a very important tool to build brand loyalty and keep their consumers happy. For many years while Microsoft has been known as the IT giant; having to deal with all the criticism that comes with being on top, while Apple has enjoyed the “underdog/ company of the people” status. Many comparisons that Apple uses as their proof that they make a better product has in most cases been creative marketing. Statements pointing out that OSx is virus free and safer is a mis-statement. OSx does have viruses, although few and far between. And the reason for the lack of viruses is where the mis-statement comes in. Viruses are programs created by hackers to perform malicious tasks on your machine. Tasks like, stealing banking information or anything else of value that you may have. Hackers prefer Windows over Mac because although Macs installment base is growing, PCs still account for more than 75% of computer users in the world. That includes big businesses and governments. Virus creation isn’t a quick and easy process so Viruses on PC gives them a larger infection opportunity. Secondly, the security layer of OSx is such that it would be considerably easy to infect the system. That is why businesses and governments use a combination of Unix/ Windows for their environment. There’s been analysis from the tech community that Apple has left this as a strategic decision. With public opinion so favorable for their OS, if they were to apply strict security, they run the risk of having prominent businesses and governments switch from Windows to OSx. At that point they would be on the radar of hackers, because those systems would then contain valuable information. In fact, it has been theorized that the large growth of Macs in the consumers space will have a negative effect and malicious code for OSx in the coming years and will become a common occurrence. Conclusion: OSx and Windows have had a very colorful past. In their current state, they’re both pretty evenly matched. Although marketing has been used to skew the perception of the general public, on paper, windows is more of a well rounded OS, with options for both consumers and businesses. Apple has spent a lot of time getting the user experience on OSx to stand out. That is why OSx is more and more becoming the choice of consumers. Some aspects that have been left out by Apple are said to be on purpose. Due to the closed nature of the Apple business model they have the ability to control more aspects of their product. From a usability view, OSx is still one of the best out there. Windows has come far on that front but they’ve had to play catchup to Apple. What you’ve read is analysis, facts, and theory from myself, and other well respected technologists. Depending on what you need from your computer, both OSX and Windows are good choices. Some software you need may have exclusivity to one or another. Do your investigation and use what works for you. Try not to listen to the marketing vail they pull over the eyes of the consumers.

46 LookingForward

Female Empowerment girlsandfootballsa.com Text: Jos Anna Dirkx Photography: Sonia Bianchi

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ABOUT Girls and Football SA promotes football for girls and women, by launching an educational campaign and workshops, and reaches out to a broad public through reporting on the importance of girls and women in sport. We aim to change the attitude towards girls and women in South Africa, by empowering them through sport, allowing them to be exposed to role models, and by creating an educational program that deals directly with challenges they face with regard to their health and sexuality. By creating awareness on issues facing girls and women in South Africa, we include a worldwide audience, thus promoting the importance of the social development of girls and women. The project takes place in South Africa. The immediate goal is to explore implementation of the workshops and educational campaign in the Western Cape, after which the goal is to expand to the rest of Southern Africa.

ACTION Workshops: The workshops Girls and Football SA aims to hold are dedicated towards providing a platform for girls to enjoy sport, while at the same time being guided by coaches and mentors trained in HIV/Aids awareness and prevention. We estimate that twenty girls attending a workshop will go back to their homes and influence five friends and family members. When more girls attend the workshops, the amount of people reached grows exponentially. Educational Campaign: The educational campaign allows us to link girls in school with role models providing them with a positive outlook regarding

their future. According to the Inter Press Service, girls in schools are suffering due to socio economic restrains in South Africa. There is very little sensitivity towards issues such as unwanted pregnancy and sexual abuse in schools. Merely attending school is not enough to promote positive social development for girls, but by providing girls with role models and information directed specifically towards their development, we are able to increase equality. Media reach: The South African Football Association has expressed to us several times that raising awareness through journalistic reports on women’s football is crucial to the development of girls and women. By creating promotional videos and a documentary, we involve several media outlets in order to reach a worldwide audience, making this a global movement for sustainable social change. We aim to bring to light the issues girls and female athletes face.

IMPORTANCE Interpol estimates that one woman is raped every seventeen seconds in South Africa. This is a problem in itself, but is worsened by the fact that compounded disbelief leads to the victims not reporting the rape. Without support and information made available for girls, main problems facing young girls in South Africa will continue to be HIV/Aids, rape and unwanted pregnancy. Our project addresses these inequalities by challenging the attitude towards girls and women in South Africa and battling pre conceptions of girls, especially participating in sports. We aim to break down the stigma surrounding

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girls, including those who participate in sports (e.g. with regard to sexuality) through education and providing girls with role models they can look up to. It is crucial for the participants of our project to be exposed to strong young women coming directly from their own communities.

BEGINNINGS With the Fifa Men’s World Cup 2010 in South Africa, the team realized that it is crucial to the development of girls and women that attention is also paid to the emancipation of girls and women via sport. Girls and Football SA was established because of a direct need to focus on issues important to girls and women, while simultaneously placing an emphasis on sport as a tool for development. The moment that led to this innovation was when discussing the importance of the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2010 and how such an encompassing and worldwide event can at certain times exclude women. The importance of sports for development of girls and women has to be recognized, especially in South Africa, where the potential and rights of girls and women at times remains unnoticed and unconsidered.

GOALS Girls and Football SA has various goals, which are all geared towards inspiring the development of girls and women, in order to help gender equality progress in South Africa. Without a focus on girls and women, it is hard to reach this gender equality regardless of the fact that it is highlighted in the South African Development Community Gender Protocol, the South African constitution and is the United Nation’s third Millennium Development Goal.

FOUNDER Girls and Football SA was initiated by Jos Dirkx. Her passion for social justice and gender equality has found outlets in a number of projects and debates; fund-raising and campaigning, for increased public awareness of women’s rights. By simultaneously giving young girls a platform to grow and learn about themselves, and reporting on this through a number of media outlets, it is her belief that one can achieve social development both locally and worldwide. The other individuals behind Girls and Football all bring their expertise to the project. Sonia Bianchi’s experience with NGO and fund-raising work provides us with much-needed know-how on the workings of grants and organizations. Sonia tirelessly works on establishing contacts, maintaining a professional demeanor and using her past experience to help lead and guide this initiative. ThatoyaOna Marumo has a great passion for business, people, entrepreneurship and sustainable developmental driven initiatives, and balances out the sometimes high-flying creativeness of other members. Janah Hattingh is our project photographer, and also, as it happens, a legal expert. Katie Bozeman provides ideas and expertise on fund-raising and project development, and Tonje Olsrud, as the most serious football player on the team, is working on the development of the workshops. Tonje has helped with much of the technological aspects of our project. Together we believe that our devotion to social justice, education and development, and excitement for the project, will lead to a safer and more enjoyable existence for young South African girls.

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If you want to support the project, please visit www.girlsandfootballsa.com. You can also support Girls and Football SA by voting for us starting July 27th, 2010. Go to the website: www.changemakers.com/node/73424 and vote for the project Girls and Football SA. This will help Girls and Football SA be in the running to win a prize through the Nike and Ashoka Changemakers Challenge and will help realize this project! Your support is much appreciated.

‘Without a focus on girls and women, it is hard to reach this gender equality regardless of the fact that it is highlighted in the South African Development Community Gender Protocol, the South African constitution and is the United Nation’s third Millennium Development Goal.’

50 LookingForward



at’s Wh

it Up w


‘DaVinci, Jesus Christ, Dr.Dre, and Bigotry’ Interview: Francesca Schueler Photography: Private

On March 21st 2010 you launched your Debut Album “Counting Coins” with a powerful Release Party. How were the reviews?

If you had to pic a band, that sounds like you, who would it be?

Stam: “The reviews were good and people really liked it. There was some disappointment shown about the show being 30 minutes.”

Mic-Nif: “I’m not too sure actually, because I haven’t heard any fully-live Hip Hop band that has three MCs like we do. Besides that, we don’t just bring Hip Hop, we mix it all up and just bring energy.”

I heard you were even in several national charts. Can you tell me something about that?

Who would you like to work with in the near future?

DNA: “Yes we did make it to the Alternative charts @ no.1 and The Top 100 we entered at 52 I believe I’m not sure about that anymore, but it was a very exciting period for us having done so well with the album.” Stam: “We were in the Alternative Charts on the first place for over two weeks!”

Stam: “Cristina Branco, Blof, Damian Marley, Nineka, Paulo Flores, Salif Keita, Mos Def.” DNA: “Hahaha I would definitely love to work with Quincy Jones & Dr. Dre. These two men have made it from 0 to the top on their ability to take an artist and push him or her to become better than they could have ever imagined.” Mic-Nif: “Well, if sky is the limit, I would love to work with Dr. Dre on a record.”

Where can we find you next? Any big performances in store? DNA: “Well, we are currently busy with planning some events around the country and we have drawn interest from quite some key organizations abroad in countries such as Germany, the U.S., and the Middle East. For upcoming shows check our agenda at L4music.com.”

What artists inspire you? Stam:“True ones, regardless their choice of words, genre, and style. A true artist is the reason why we still have this beautiful art of music alive. Dire Straits, System of a Down, Cristina Branco, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Tupac, Harold Robbins, Blof...so many.” DNA: “Besides the fact that their music must be great, artist that have a character and drive that can be seen in their persona usually inspire me. I don’t really have one favorite. How ever R.I.P Michael Jackson, no one was or will ever be like him!!” Mic-Nif: “There are so many artists that have inspired me throughout my career that I don’t know where to begin. But let me give it a shot; besides the legends i.e. Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Sting and others, I’ve also been inspired by Hip Hop artists such as Common, Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek, Nas, Guru, Eminem, The Roots, J Dilla, to just name a few.”

If you could meet someone who has already passed away a long time ago, who would it be? Stam: “JESUS CHRIST.” DNA: “Leonardo Da Vinci, simply because that man managed to predict and invent damn near everything that we use these days.” Mic-Nif: “I think that would be my grandmother who raised me as a kid.”

What else? Stam: “I think Holland should pay more attention to struggling artists. What’s up with this TMF garbage? Every year the same people performing, the same old story, it’s not even senseless anymore; its just bogus and mad irritating. There is so much talent in these jam session spots around the country. I am surprised with the ability some of the music channels have when they put playlists together...that they even dare, jesus!” Mic-Nif: “Well yeah I would like to once again remind the world that our album “Counting Coins” is available on iTunes and that L4 is busy putting together some really nice work for the next album. Stay tuned and get ready for the next L4 Sound Bombs!!!”

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Mic-Nif in action, in his final scene. Stamina and his extra in one dramatic scene.


High-tech equipment!


DNA: “The song it called Tranquility and it describes what all three of us want after we come to the end of our journey, which is peace and tranquility. Plus; it is a really good song, my favorite from the album.” www.L4music.com

What do you see in your reflection?

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Sidrit Tarifa

‘Taking A Closer Look At One Of The Finest Albanian Artists’ Interview: Jon Tarifa Pictures: Courtesy of Sidrit Tarifa


completely different art forms like music or sculpture (3d) to be expressed in its uniqueness.”

“Tirana, Albania.”

WHEN DID YOU START PAINTING? “When I was a little kid, I was always sketching and doing throw-ups on walls in the U.S., but really got into it when I went to the Art Academy in Holland. There is where I was introduced to various techniques and genres. This made me want to achieve more!”

WHAT IS ART TO YOU? “To me Art is the best way I know to express my inner thoughts and ambitions. A best friend at times when no one is around.”



“In the beginning it was just something I did, but as time passed and I kept on drawing and painting, I realized that this was a big part of whom I was. It was how I expressed myself best. So since then, really anything inspires me. Life itself is my main inspiration.”

“Well, Albanian Street Art is almost non-existent. The only Street Art you see here are political slogans, this is due to the current situation. The economy is really low and everyone seems to be into politics and cheering for one side or the other. It’s basically free advertisement with no artistic value. Only vandalism, and I want to change that!”



“I don’t believe as much in style as in a “technique or a way of expressing your world through…” I believe that every idea and/or concept is unique. Every idea needs different material or techniques or

“I found my new passion, video and filmmaking. I have been busy for a little over a year now exploring the infinite possibilities of using this art medium.” Contact at: sidrittarifa@yahoo.com.




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54 LookingForward

To Improv Or Not To Improv‌ Text: Leslo Wanders Photography: Courtesy of TSVAD

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THE HAGUE IS WELL KNOWN AS A CENTER OF POLITICS, JUSTICE, PEACE, (BEACH) PLEASURE AND MUSIC. BUT WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW IS THAT THIS CITY, WITH ITS SPECIFIC SENSE OF HUMOR, HAS A BIG SCENE OF COMEDY, AND SPECIFICALLY IMPROVISED COMEDY. THERE ARE MORE THAN 4 IMPROV AMATEUR COMEDY CLUBS IN THE CITY ITSELF, AND 2 (SEMI) PROFESSIONAL ONES, WITH SOME OF DUTCH FINEST IMPROV COMEDIANS. Maybe the term “Improv comedy” itself is not well known to the big audience, but most people will recognize it from TV programs like “Who’s Line Is It Anyway”, “De Lama’s” (in Holland) and “De Vloer Op”. This way of acting doesn’t have a long history. A little more than 30 years ago, the Canadian Keith Johnstone discovered that actors, who have problems being authentic on stage, could be helped a lot with improvisation. He produced a lot of ‘games’ to create short scenes. To let the actors improvise on stage themselves during a show, and not only during the training sessions, he shaped those games into a sport: the theater sports were born, which is the most well known form of improv comedy. In theatre sports, 2 teams will compete against each other by playing scenes 1 by 1. After every scene, the audience and/or the judges will give points to each of the teams, so there can be a winner at the end of the show. In general the real winner is the audience. Since Keith Johnstone defined the basics of theater sports, many people enjoyed seeing the unexpected moves and words on stage or television, or even

started playing theater sports themselves. On the 4th of June, even 4 clubs competed for the unofficial The Hague improv championships of 2010: ‘t Slippertje, Improfessioneel, De Tegenpartij and the organizer ADHD (Achter De Haagse Duinen). Although all teams did their best and were playing scenes at a very high level, it was the group Improfessioneel who won the “Gâhwe Auievaah” (= The Hague slang for “Golden Stork”). While the focus of theater sports is on short scenes and fast humor, there are other forms of improv comedy with a focus on more “in-depth” acting. With “De Vloer Op” (= “On The Floor”), a director will tell 2 or 3 actors what the exact starting situation is in the scene, including names, age, and current problems. The result: scenes which will last longer, contain more developed characters, and are hilarious due to recognizable situations from every day life. One of the amateur clubs, the previous mentioned ADHD, is training once a week to give performances throughout the year, on every first Friday of the month. One month an ADHD team has a theater sports match against another Dutch club, the other month a team of just ADHD actors will play scenes in theater sports style or in the style of “De Vloer Op”, thereby covering the whole range of improv comedy.

If you’re interested to see one of the shows, starting again next October, just check the agenda on their website: www.tsvadhd.nl. And when you already have some theatre sport experience: “They’re always interested in new players.”

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