You Should come to New Tech because it is a new building and you would learn a lot from this school. Also we have great teachers here that are commented to help the kids out and you learning a lot about technology. If you want your kids to be ahead of everybody else, the best choice would be Ypsilanti New Tech High School.
COMPANY NAME 1234 Main Street Anytown, State 54321 T: (123) 456-7890 F: (123) 456-7891 W: www.apple.com/iwork
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm221/bayw Decorated%2520images/funny-cartoon-com smiling.jpg&imgrefurl=http://s297.photobuck albums/mm221/bayward/Decorated%2520im %3Faction%3Dview%26current%3Dfunny-ca computer-tips-smiling.jpg%26sort %3Dascending&usg=__SDpcceQir9PgzXJfo-
2110 E!sworth rd. Ypsilanti , MI 48197
ESSENTIAL P R I N C I P L E S Have you ever heard about New Tech high School
Trust- So we can feel comfortable about leaving our stuff out and trust other for protection and always having our back.
or know about it. Well you going to find out now!! New tech is a school that teach you how to learn
Respect- To treat other by how you wanted to be treated and to feel comfortable around others
dierent type of technology and it help you get ready for the business world. When you go to New Tech high school you would love it and you would be ahead of everybody else. You would have a lot of experince of how things go for a job or others. We also have great teachers here a New Tech and they always there if you need their help. The cool part about New Tech is that everybody get their own laptop, is that awesome!!!!!
Responsiablity- To be responsible and always have the right things together and being a great role model. N E W T E C H M A I N S K I L L S $ 4 4 9 . 0 0 New Tech 21st century skills. Collaboration- Working together as a group to accomplish something together. Work ettic- When you put a lot of effort in your work or trying your very best. Personal Capacity- trying your very best for different things.
Here at New Tech you will meet new
people and you would make new friends. When you at New Tech we are like one big family. We do a lot of group projects and single projects, the reason why is so we can get you ready for the business world. When you come to New Tech you would have a fun year here!!!!
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Technology use- To use technology the right way and to use it for your work to be advance.
New Tech PBL Process There are 5 steps in the PBL process and this help for projects and also it work if you working on something. They are Entry document, know list, need to know list, problem statement, and last bit not least is next step. These steps will help you understand things more easier and it help put work together quickly too.
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