Trenz Pruca 4321 First Street
Anytown, State ZIP
The elements of YNT are that we do things different from the high school like we get to take our laptops home but first we have to build a bound of trust and responsibility.
Williams Brothers Surf School 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP
Important elements YNT:
2100 Ellsworth Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (1734)714-1053 Grades 9-12
3 Essential Principals:
21st Century Skills
• Trust
• Collaboration
• Work Ethic
• Technology Usage
The reason why we use these 3 essential principals at New Tech are to learn how to gain relationships with the other students that surrounds us.
• Personal Capacity
The 21st century skills is a guide to help us learn how to be professional while doing business. And it is also teaching us how to be successful business aqaintces.
About PBL:
PBL is a list that helps you