Ypsilanti New Tech 2100 Ellsworth Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197
The School Of The Future...For The Kids Of Tomorrow
Ypsilanti New Tech
Since 2010
Ypsilanti New Tech @ Ardis
The 21st Century Skills
Our Three Essential Principles
New Tech has three essential principles. The first one is TRUST. Here at New Tech we want to be able to trust one another. Trust is having integrity, strength, and ability in someone or something. For example when a student leaves his/her backpack on the table, they should trust the other students to not go through it. Our second essential principle is RESPECT. At New Tech each and every student is expected to respect everyone in the school including themselves. A form of respect is when a teacher is talking, and all the student have their attentions on that teacher. Last is RESPONSIBILITY. It is a way of being responsible. For example, when you get in trouble for doing something wrong you need to take responsibility for what you did.
What Is PBL??
PBL stands for Project Based Learning. It is when projects are used in and out of the classrooms. Using PBL is giving the students an opportunity to not only have technology use but also teaches them how to work with others. PBL is preparing the students for the future.
PBL Process • Entry document • Know list • Need to know list • Problem statement • Next steps
At our school we have four 21st century essentials. First is collaboration. That’s a from of getting together and working as a team. An example of collaboration is when four students are given a project they, work together to get a good grade in the class. The next is work ethics. It is a way of seeing if someone is too lazy to do the job. For example, when you are given a two days to write a paper on your favorite subject and you wait to do it at the last minute. The third one is personal capacity. It is when they look at what kind of person you are overall. An example of that is whether you’re being kind to others or not. Last is technology use. That’s if you know how to use a computer. For example, knowing how to force quit.