ECHO A program were students can check there grades and view assignments. They can also check upcoming projects and assignments.
PBL is a great way to get to know people and put our heads together to get work done faster.
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PBL Project Based Learning New Tech uses project based learning to teach in a different way and to be different from other schools and the way they teach. PBL Process 1. Entry AHIUH
2. K Know list 3. NTK Need to know list 4. Problem statement 5. Next steps
The three principles Trust: have confidence or faith. Eventually you will have to trust others in your group members to arrive on time. Respect-the condition of being honored. You have to respect the teachers and other students in the classroom. Responsibility-duty: the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force. You are responsible to arrive to class on time and get your work done.
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Work Ethic-a set of values based on hard work and diligence. Collaboration-cooperation. the act of working jointly. Personal Capacity-capability to perform or produce.