2100 Ellsworth Road
Welcome To
Ypsilanti New Tech
21st Century Skills Personal Capacity- The features or traits that make up an individual. Use of Technology- Technology is a new way of learning. Collaboration- Collaboration is when two or more people work together in a group.
The 3 Essential Principles Respect- To be respectful is when you take care of your things, are kind to others, and listen to what you are being told to do. Trust- Trust is important at New Tech because you have to be able to trust one another with your things. Also, you have to trust other people when you work in groups. Responsibility- To be responsible is to take care of your things, such as laptops. You can also be responsible b showing up to class everyday and get your work done.
What is New Tech? New Tech is a new way of learning. It is based on project based learning. (PBL) Ypsilanti New Tech has three classes, BioLit, (Biology and Literature) HistoryTech, (History and Technology) and GeoArt. (Geomatry) Students also have an advisory class where they meet to talk about the day and bond with one another. ! Students work together in groups to make projects that are to be presented. Students present their projects to their classmates, teachers, or families.
What Is PBL?