Echo An element of YNT that is important is that they have a program called Echo. Which helps you find out what your grades are and what assignments you have at that time among other things.
YPSILANTI NEW TECH HIGH SCHOOL @ ARDIS 2100 Ellsworth Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 T: 734-714-1053 F: 734-714-1095 W: schools/newtech/index.html
THE THREE PRINCIPLES AND T H R E E 2 1 C E N T U RY S K I L L S There are three essential in YNT and they are, trust, respect, and responsibility . Three 21 century skills are, collaboration, tech skills, and work ethic.
T R U S T :
For you to trust someone you must have some kind of bond with them, or just know they are a good person to trust. If you trust someone then you feel comfortable enough to leave your stuff you value around them
Collaboration is when people work together usually in a group to achieve the same goal.
learning is less homework and more group work.
R E S P E C T :
You get projects that span over days or weeks
tech skills:
Now different that trust you can respect almost anyone. Resecting someone is to look up to them, you want to be like them someday. Or respecting someone for something they did.
Project based learning Project based learning is something New Tech does that other regular high schools don’t. Project based
instead of daily assignments.
R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y: Responsibility relies on what you do not another person. Being responsible is like if your mom gives you five dollars and tells you only to spend three she thinks your responsible enough to listen to what she says.
Tech Skills is being able to work a computer or something else technical. like if a computer crashes at home instead of calling tech support if you have tech skills you can try to fix it yoursef.
work ethic: Your Work Ethic is how you do all your work.Your homework, school work, everything. It’s good to have good worth ethic so this way you get good grades in school and keep your job at work.