How New Tech is Different. New Tech is a (PBL) Project Based Learning school that is centered on a strong culture of trust, respect, and responsibility. As New Tech students we take projects and get into teams too work together and get our job done. I think that New Tech will be a huge influence on all the students life as they carry out learning skills throughout high school.
21st Century Skills. 1.Work Ethic. 2.Personal Capacity. 3.Collaboration. 4.Use of Technology.
3 Essential Principles. 1. Trust.-Needed in friendship. 2. Respect.-Respect your surroundings. 3. Responsibility.-Take care and have a good watch of what your handling with, Such as your laptops.
(734)714-1053 Grade-Freshmen Ypsilanti, Mi. 48197.
Director- CORY McELMEEL. Cory has been at Ypsilanti Public Schools huh for eight years. He was a 2010 recipient of exellence award k-12. He was a 5th grade teacher at Erickson Elementary. He is also a great principle! Facilitator-CARLI PACHECO. Carli was an English Language Arts teacher fir 6th and 7th grade. Also working for 8 years in Ypsilanti Public Schools. Ms. Pacheco was involved in bjjbdbdj yearbook advisory, district literacy consultant. She was also a cheerleading coach. Facilitator. - HAN SOWDER. Mr. Sowder is a biology teacher in Bio/Lit. He is teaching along with Ms. Pacheco. He earned his bachelors degree at VanderBilt University in molecule Biology. Facilitator-KATHERINE FISK. Katherine has been in the Ypsilanti School District for 12 years at George Multi-Age Academy, She was at Erickson Elementary school as a art teacher. She is teacher with Mr. Perry in Geo/Art. Facilitator-MATTHEW PERRY. Mr. Perry is teaching Geo/Art with Ms. FIsk. He taught technology at West Middle School for 2 years, He is also a mathematics and computers at Ypsilanti High School. He also worked at camps! Facilitator- TRISH THOMAS. Mrs. Thomas teaches History/Tech with Mr. Salzer. Trish has been with Ypsilanti District for 11 years now. Also has always been apart of alot of clubs. She is also a GREAt teacher! Facilitator- MARK SALZER. Mark grew up in Florida but he then moved too Michigan and became apart of Ypsilanti Public Schools for 8 years. He teaches History/Tech with Mrs. Thomas. He is a great person too go too when you need help on computers!
What is New Tech? New Tech is a small high school. It contains people that do projects with a large group,working on the computer. If you go to New Tech you have to be able too work in groups and get along with everyone.We also call it, (PBL) Project Base Learning. New Tech is a freshmen school with just a small amount of 125 kids. Every year grades go up. I think everyone is glad tat they can start in a fresh new high school!!