1 minute read


This plan is adopted as a complement to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. As such, procedures for adoption of this plan, and future amendments, shall follow similar Committee/Common Council approvals highlighted below:

PPAC Recommendation

The Committee shall meet to review the plan and pass a motion to recommend approval of the plan or plan amendment.

Plan Commission

The plan shall be presented to the Plan Commission for review and recommendation to the Common council.

Public Hearing

Prior to adopting this plan, or plan amendment, the City could hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed plan or plan amendment, but is not required by the WDNR. The meeting notice should provide a method for submitting written comments, and those comments should be read or summarized at the public hearing. The public hearing may be held by either the Parks and Placemaking Committee, Plan Commission, or Common Council.

Plan Adoption

This plan and any future amendments become official City policy when the Common Council passes, by a majority vote of all elected members, an adoption ordinance. The Council may choose to revise the plan after it has been recommended by the PPAC Committee, and after the public hearing (optional).

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