1 minute read
Chapter 7 | Implementation
Fix the small dog area; many dogs can fit under the fencing by the maintenance gate. This is a potential safety issue given the proximity to HWY 151.
Undeveloped Parks
Minnie's Meadow a sign notifying residents that site is a public park. a walking path throughout park; create access point at end
Develop a master plan to guide future park improvements.
Develop a master plan to help guide future park improvements.
Acquire additional lands along the river via purchase or easement southward to Cooper Road and northward to Mill Street.
Develop a pathway from Cooper Road to Mill Street linking with planned downtown river walk improvements.
Address access to the park: currently no parking lot or paths, and park
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Survey Results Summary
(A full list of open-ended question responses are on-file with the City of Beaver Dam, and are available upon request)