2013 Holmen Downtown Site Planning Report

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Photo credit: Bing

VILLAGE OF HOLMEN, WI Downtown Site Planning Report Prepared by MSA Professional Services, Inc. in cooperaĆ&#x;on with the Village of Holmen Presented to the Village Board July 11, 2013


Contents and Acknowledgements

Chapter 1:

Study Background ............................ 1 1.1 Study Purpose 1.2 Study Location 1.3 Site Conditions 1.4 Planning Process 1.5 Summary of Facility Needs

Chapter 2:

Site Plan Alternatives ....................... 7 2.1 Alternative One 2.2 Alternative Two 2.3 Alternative Three 2.4 Alternative Four 2.5 Alternative Five 2.6 Cost Summary & Design Assumptions

Chapter 3:


Preferred Site Plan........................... 15 3.1 Preferred Site Plan 3.2 Desired Design Features 3.3 Cost Summary & Design Assumptions 3.4 Next Steps

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following people are responsible for the creation, refinement, and adoption of this Plan

Village President Nancy Proctor

Village Board Nancy Proctor, President Rich Anderson, Trustee Bill Ebner, Trustee Neal Forde, Trustee Doug Jorstad, Trustee Dawn Kulcinski, Trustee Ryan Olson, Trustee Mike Dunham (former Trustee) Tony Horvath (former Trustee) Dan Moser (former Trustee)

Village Staff Appendix A: Public Informational Meeting and Community Survey Summary

Scott Heinig, Village Administrator Dean Olson, Public Works Director Mike Brogan, Park & Recreation Director

Appendix B: Preferred Site Plan

MSA Professional Services, Inc. Andrew Bremer, AICP, Project Manager Steve Tremlett, AICP, Urban Designer Sarah McDonald, Landscape Designer Carter Arndt, AIA, Architect

Special thanks to the residents of the Holmen and other individuals who devoted their time and energy to develop this plan for the future of Downtown Holmen.

Downtown Site Planning



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Village of Holmen, WI


Study Purpose Study Location Site Conditions

The following chapter summarizes the intent of this planning study, provides an overview of the planning process, and identifies the project location including existing environmental and utility conditions.

5 5 6


Create up to five (5) site plan alternatives for the project area that will conceptually illustrate potential building locations, orientation, square footage, massing, uses, parking, road and access drive design, landscaping improvements, bike and pedestrian facilities.

Primary uses include a Library, Police Department, or Village Administrative Hall, or any combination of these uses.

Develop rough cost estimates for the cost of design and construction services for each alternative.

Gather citizen input on the draft alternatives to aid in Village Board deliberations.

Select a preferred alternative.

1.1 STUDY PURPOSE In 2011, the Village of Holmen completed a Strategic Facilities Master Plan. The purpose of the facilities plan was to analyze existing and future space needs for various Village departments. The facilities plan identified a number of existing and forecasted space deficiencies including the need for additional Library, Police, and Village Office/ Hall space. The facilities plan identified a number of potential alternatives to address the various deficiencies ranging from no action, to expanding existing buildings, or building some new buildings while moving other departments into vacated/ remodeled buildings. In 2011-12, the Village acquired several parcels adjacent to Halfway Creek Park (“Downtown Planning Site”) and razed the existing buildings for the purpose of creating a building site for new Village facilities. As the next step in the planning process, the Village Board has initiated a project to conceptually illustrate the proposed alternatives from the facilities plan for the Downtown Planning Site.

Planning Process Public Input Summary Summary of Facility Needs

Conclusions from the report will be used to aid in budgeting for future design and construction services.

Demolition of the project site in 2012

Downtown Site Planning


Chapter 1

Study Background



The study site is located in Downtown Holmen, WI. More specifically the project site is bounded by Roberts St. (north), Main St. (east), Wall St. (south), and Halfway Creek (west). A recreational trail (Halfway Creek Trail) runs parallel to the creek and connects to Halfway Creek Park located adjacent to the study site on the north side of Roberts Street.

The image below displays the boundaries of the study area. The photo was taken prior to the Village acquiring the nine parcels, which collectively make up the 9.2 acre site. Prior uses of the site included light industrial and warehousing. The building denoted as “I.b� still remains on the site and in private ownership. The building is a mini-storage facility and the Village maintains the rights to purchase the Halfway Creek Park

Roberts Street






ree k

Halfway Creek Park




Legion Street


il ra T k


ee Cr

w alf



Village of Holmen, WI

I.b Main Street


C Wall Street

Chapter 1 property. Some of the site plan alternatives in Chapter 2 include this remnant piece while others assume the parcel remains in private ownership. Other notable land uses adjacent to the study site include single-family residential along Roberts and Wall Streets, light industrial and commercial along Main St., and multi-family residential south of Wall St. (not shown in photo).

The image below illustrates the environmental features of the site including the topography and areas within the 100-year Floodplain. Most of the site is relatively level; however, their is a steep drop off along the western edge of the project site down to Halfway Creek. Elevations drop from 710 feet to 680 feet. Most of this area is mature mixed deciduous woodland. The “buildable portion� of the site, the area above the drop off, is approximately 6.3 acres.

US 14 (Main St.)





710 ft.


ree k

100-year Floodplain

716 ft.

68 100-year Floodplain

Legion Street




0 71


Main Street




Roberts Street

il ra T k

e re

C ay



Wall Street

Downtown Site Planning


Chapter 1

Study Background

The image below displays the approximate location of various public utilities within the study area, along with known data on the year installed and pipe diameters. The north-south sanitary sewer main on the west edge of the site further reduces the “buildable portion� of the site area to 5.7 acres, unless the sewer main is relocated, which is undesirable due to the additional cost. The location of the utility lines is considered approximate since a survey of their location was

not included as part of this planning project. The existing data was considered accurate enough for the purposes of avoiding site planning future buildings over existing utility lines. According to Public Works field inspections, the water main along Legion Street is Transite pipe, which would need to be replaced when the roadway is reconstructed as part of any redevelopment of the site. Halfway Creek Park

Roberts Street




ree k

Halfway Creek Park

Water Hydrants

Storm Manholes

Water Valves

Storm Inlets

Water Mains

Storm Mains

Sanitary Manholes

Legion Street

Main Street

Sanitary Mains

Halfway Creek #" = Pipe Size #### = Year Installed

il ra T k

e re

C ay




Village of Holmen, WI

Wall Street

Chapter 1 1.4 PLANNING PROCESS The planning process included five Village Board meetings to review draft and final documents. A public information meeting (PIM) was held to gather citizen input on the draft site plan alternatives. In addition, an online survey was made available for those members of the public who were unable to attend the PIM. A summary of the public comments is located in Appendix A. Public input was used to assist in refinement and selection of a preferred alternative by the Village Board. PROJECT SCHEDULE: • • • • • •

March 14th - Kickoff Meeting April 15th - Review Draft Alternatives and Public Survey May 6th - Public Information Meeting May 20th - PIM & Survey Review June 13th - Select Preferred Alternative July 11th - Final Plan Adoption

Strategic Facilities Master Plan

Site Acquisition & Demolition

Concept Planning

Architectural & Engineering Design


This planning project is considered the third of five total phases necessary to complete redevelopment of the study area.

Downtown Site Planning


Chapter 1

Study Background

1.5 SUMMARY OF FACILITY NEEDS In 2011, the Village of Holmen completed a Strategic Facilities Master Plan. The purpose of the facilities plan was to analyze existing and future space needs for various Village departments. The facilities plan identified a number of existing and forecasted space deficiencies including the need for additional Library, Police, and Village Office/ Hall space. The image below summarizes the

E x i s t i n g

C o n d i t i o n s

Existing Function


existing building sizes, year built, and estimated building size needs. Building square footage needs are considered 15-20 year needs based on the projected population growth of the Holmen area and facility observations.

F o r e c a s t e d

F a c i l i t y

Year Built

Existing Total (sf)

Estimated Need (sf)

Village Administration

1980, ‘88 exp.



Police Station

1980, ‘88 exp.







Public Works Shop







Park & Rec. Shop P o p u l a t i o n


N e e d s

T r e n d s









3,236 (34.2%)

6,200 (91.6%)

9,005 (45.2%)

9,728 (8.0%)

11,322 (16.4%)

T. Holland


2,175 (22.5%)

3,042 (39.9%)

3,701 (21.7%)

4,103 (10.9%)

4,627 (12.8%)

T. Onalaska


5,803 (7.7%)

5,210 (-10.2%)

5,623 (7.9%)

4,973 (-11.6%)

4,623 (-7.0%)

La Crosse County


97,904 (7.5%)

107,120 (9.4%)

114,638 (7.0%)

119,783 (4.5%)

125,234 (4.6%)


4,891,769 (4.0%)

5,363,715 (9.6%)

5,772,370 (7.6%)

6,202,810 (7.5%)

6,653,970 (7.3%)


Source: *US Census, **WI Department of Administration 2008


Village of Holmen, WI

CHAPTER 2 SITE PLAN ALTERNATIVES 8 Alternative One 9 Alternative Two 10 Alternative Three

The following chapter summarizes the site plan alternatives that were created as part of this planning project, including design characteristics, rough cost estimates for design and building construction, and pros and cons as documented from Village Board meetings and public input. The site plan alternatives were reviewed, and in some cases revised, by the Village Board prior to the public information meeting. One substantial revision was to remove the possibility of using

11 Alternative Four 12 Alternative Five 13 Cost Summary & Design Assumptions

the site for a Library only, with a large portion sold for private multi-family residential to provide denser housing near the library (increased foot traffic) and to provide another source of funding to offset construction costs. The Village Board did not want to devote a large portion of the site to non-public uses, having purchased the properties with the intention of public use; however, it was deemed acceptable to consider the future sale of smaller remnant portions of the site for new private development if the land is not needed for public use.


Each alternative shows the location and size of proposed buildings, uses, stormwater and transportation facilities. Each alternative is a conceptual drawing meant to illustrate big picture ideas. Ultimately more detailed engineering and architectural drawings will be completed for the preferred alternative during Phase Four. Therefore, it is common to see some changes in design between initial concept drawings and final documents as more detailed analysis is completed.

Each alternative illustrates how buildings and parking areas could be expanded in the future to meet 10- and 20-year estimated facility space needs. The Village may also consider developing the site immediately to meet the 20-year facility needs. •

Phase One (within the next 2 years) - initial building or renovation often doubling the square footage of existing public buildings

Phase Two (10-15 year outlook) - expands buildings to meet the Facility Plan’s suggested space needs. There is potential savings long-term if Phase 1 and 2 is built at the same time; however, the design shows how significant expansion of each facility could be completed incrementally (reducing the upfront costs).

Phase 3 (20-30 year outlook) - expands buildings to meet additional long-term needs, sometimes requiring additional acquisition of adjacent properties.

Each alternative includes a synopsis of how other existing Village buildings maybe used, expanded, or remodeled based on the use of the site.

Each alternative includes an estimated cost for design and building construction of the site plan and the remodeling or expansion of existing Village facilities. The costs are preliminary and are subject to change based on the final design. Utilities is a constant in all alternatives and currently are not included.

Some alternatives illustrates how remnant portions of the site could be sold for new residential or commercial development; however, it has not been determined whether the Village would consider any land sales at this time. All lots suggested for sale have been subtracted from the Phase One costs (based on current land values within the area). Revenues are estimates subject to change.

Downtown Site Planning


Chapter 2

Site Plan AlternaƟves


Survey Rating:


Alternative One was rated as the most preferred alternative.

Build new Library and Police Station (separate buildings) on this SITE; sell existing Library land/ building; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use.

Summary of Desirable Design Aspects:

Library doubling square footage in initial phase. Long-term expansion may require some adjacent land for parking, which could be shared with new private development along Main St.

Police more than triples in size.

Village Hall takes over entire facility; however, future long-term expansion will require purchasing two SF lots to the east (as shown in the Facilities Study). As suggested in the Facilities Study, the parking would be expanded onto the existing vacant land adjacent to the existing parking lot.

• • • • • • • •

Summary of Undesirable Design Aspects: • • •


Village of Holmen, WI

Connection to existing trail Additional parking for Halfway Creek Trail Head and Park Connection of Roberts to Legion St. Better view of Library from Main St. than Alt. 2 Library is oriented toward green space/woodlands Allows Village Hall to expand on its current site. Library is located closer to park Facilities can be built at the same time or at a different time as funding becomes available.

Library St. cuts through otherwise usable green space. Too much parking Prefer Police located closer to Wall St.

Chapter 2


Survey Rating:


Alternative Two was rated as the third most preferred alternative.

Build new Library and Police Station (separate buildings) on this SITE; sell existing Library land/ building; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use.

Summary of Desirable Design Aspects:

Library doubling square footage in initial phase. Long-term expansion may require some adjacent land for parking, which could be shared with new private development along Main St.

Police more than triples in size.

Village Hall takes over entire facility; however, future long-term expansion will require purchasing two SF lots to the east (as shown in the Facilities Study). As suggested in the Facilities Study, the parking would be expanded onto the existing vacant land adjacent to the existing parking lot.

• • • • • • • •

Greater separation between Library and Police Station Centralized gathering place/outdoor art feature aligned with Legion St. entrance. Additional parking for Halfway Creek Trail Head and Park Connection of Roberts to Legion St. Library is oriented toward green space/woodlands Allows Village Hall to expand on its current site. Library is located closer to the park Facilities can be built at the same time or at a different time as funding becomes available.

Summary of Undesirable Design Aspects: • • •

Too much centralized parking cuts through otherwise usable green space Library setback too close to existing residential lots Lacks the trail features of Alternative One.

Downtown Site Planning


Chapter 2

Site Plan AlternaƟves

Chapter 2


Summary of Desirable Design Aspects:


• •

Build new first floor Library and second floor Village Hall on this SITE; renovate existing Village Hall for full police use; sell existing Library land/building.

• •

Library would be 2.5 times bigger in initial phase due to its placement in the lower floor of a building that includes the Village Hall which needs this suggested footprint.

Police takes over Village Hall more quadrupling the existing space it occupies.

• •

Village Hall increases its current footprint to 16,325 sq.ft. (plus the use of any common areas/rooms in the first floor).


Summary of Undesirable Design Aspects:

• •

Survey Rating: Alternative Three was rated as the second most preferred alternative.

10 Village of Holmen, WI

Larger Library in initial phase Library and Village Hall are compatible uses within the same building Outside patio area facing woodlands Potential for more green space than Alternatives One and Two. Police Station located along Main St. gives it more of a presence similar to the Fire Station.

Selling land for residential use Village Hall does not provide sufficient garage space for police use without remodeling building Police can not expand until both a Library and Village Hall are constructed Village Hall needs the least amount of additional space compared to Library and Police Station needs Large parking lot

Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Description: Build new first floor Library and second floor private leasable office space on this SITE; renovate existing Library site/building for Police use; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use. As shown, the land would be sold to a developer, who would build the building and parking lot on-site (Village builds the 41 space parking lot and street system). The development would be built as commercial condos, so the Village may purchase the 1st Floor with the developer holding on to control of the 2nd Floor and site/parking. Alternatively, the Village may keep control of the land by offering a long-term lease for the land to the developer. •

Village Hall takes over entire facility; however, future long-term expansion will require purchasing two SF lots to the east (as shown in the Facilities Study). As suggested in the Facilities Study, the parking would be expanded onto the existing vacant land adjacent to the existing parking lot.

Survey Rating: Alternative Four was rated as the fourth most preferred alternative.

Summary of Desirable Design Aspects: • • •

Larger Library in initial phase Building entrance oriented to Main St. Centralized outdoor art feature aligned with Legion St. entrance

Library would be 2.5 times bigger in initial phase due to its placement in the lower floor of a building that would be leased out for private office space.

Summary of Undesirable Design Aspects:

Police moving to Library meets current needs; however, future long-term expansion will require additional land (either 2 SF lots on Lake Street (suggested) or commercial lot on State Street).

• • •

Compatibility of Library and private uses in the same building Parking too far from Library Financing mechanics of a public/private venture Not cost efficient to renovate existing Library for Police Station, better to build new at that site

Downtown Site Planning 11

Chapter 2

Site Plan AlternaƟves

Chapter 2


Survey Rating:


Alternative Five was rated as the least preferred alternative.

Build new Village Hall and Police Station - joint single story building on this SITE; renovate existing Village Hall for Library use; sell existing Library land/building.

Summary of Desirable Design Aspects:

Library moves to existing Village Hall more than doubling square footage in initial phase. Renovation costs will be higher for this conversion, as the existing layout is not conducive for a library space (least compatible conversion). Long-term expansion is currently seen as expanding over existing parking spaces that would be moved to existing vacant land next to existing parking lot Police more than triples in size. Can be built at the same time or at a different time as the Village Hall building. Village Hall increases in size due to the shared space central core.

12 Village of Holmen, WI

• • •

Police Station and Village Hall are compatible uses within the same building Includes a centralized community room space with rear walkout to the woodlands Main building entrance aligned with Legion St., views from Main St.

Summary of Undesirable Design Aspects: •

• • • •

Existing Village Hall building and site not conducive to the needs of the Library and more expensive to renovate. Site doesn’t include space for a Library Selling land for residential use Parking lot/flow seems disjointed No vehicular connection between Roberts and Legion St.

Chapter 2 2.5 COST SUMMARY & DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS The table below compares the cost of each alternative by both total cost and cost per phase.

Phase 1 Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 5

Phase 2

Phase 3









































All costs are rough estimates based on the construction and revenue assumptions detailed below, adjusted from the Facilities Study. The costs are preliminary and the true actual building costs will not be determined until the buildings are designed. Costs are expressed in 2013 dollars calculated for inflation. Utilities is a constant in all alternatives and are not included within these cost estimates. In addition, it should be noted that the quality of building design materials and internal furnishing can substantially change these cost assumptions. Construction Assumptions: • • • • • • • • • • • • •


$185/sf for new building construction $90/sf for renovation of existing structures $120/sf for renovation of the Village Hall for Library use $120/sf for construction of garage areas $30/sqyd for site improvements (pavement, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, infiltration) $6/sf for communications 7% of building construction costs for furnishings (Village Hall and Library) 5.5% of building construction costs for furnishing (Police Station) $200/LF for road reconstruction $250/LF for new road construction 10% for soft costs (architectural and engineering services, legal fees, etc.) 10% contingency 2% annual inflation

Land Sale/Revenue Assumptions: Appraisals were not including within the scope of this project. A value of $125,000 per acre, or $2.85 per square foot, was assumed for any potential land sales of the study site. This value was derived from the per acre land value of other improved property in the area. Similarly, it was assumed the Village could obtain $300,000 for the sale of the existing Library building and site. This value was deprived from the per acre land value of similar adjacent commercial properties ($105,000/ac) and the average improvement assessed value per square foot of building space ($35/sf). These values are estimates subject to actual market conditions. Parking Assumptions: Parking requirements were calculated at 1 space per 250 square feet of building space.

Downtown Site Planning 13

Chapter 2

Site Plan AlternaƟves

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14 Village of Holmen, WI


Preferred Site Plan Desired Design Features Cost Summary & Design Assumptions Next Steps

The following chapter describes the preferred alternative chosen by the Village Board, including important design features.

A portion of the building would be designed during phase one to support a future second floor addition, which would allow for the construction of a larger community room (4,500 square feet). The original first floor community room would then be permanently used by the Library allowing for future expansion to an estimated 17,550 square feet.

The Police Station would triple in size from its existing space in the Village Hall. The first phase of construction includes an approximate 11,880 square foot building, including a 2,500 square foot garage. Future second and third phase construction would allow the building to reach a total size of the 21,660 square feet.

Village Hall takes over entire facility; however, future long-term expansion will require purchasing two SF lots to the east (as shown in the Facilities Study). As suggested in the Facilities Study, the parking would be expanded onto the existing vacant land adjacent to the existing parking lot.

3.1 PREFERRED SITE PLAN The Village Board opted to combine aspects of Alternative One and Two into the Preferred Site Plan illustrated on the next page and in Appendix B. Description: Build new Library and Police Station (separate buildings) on this SITE; hold onto existing Library land/building; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use. •

Initially the Library will occupy approximately 15,000 square feet on the ground floor, more than doubling the existing Library space.

A 2,500 square foot community room would occupy the remaining portion of the ground floor accessed separately from the eastern parking lot, but designed with internal connection to the Library. The community room could be used for public or private events and available during non-library hours. When not in use, the Library could use the space for programming needs through the internal connection.

The eastern parking lot may require some additional land acquisition, particularly once a larger second floor community room is built. This parking lot could be shared with new private development along Main St. This plan envisions the potential demand for new retail uses at the corner of Legion and Main St.

Summary of Desirable Design Aspects: • More of a park-like setting, central green spaces separates the Library and Police Station. •

Separate buildings allows the Village to construct a Police Station while preserving a site for a new Library as public fundraising is completed to pay for a portion of the construction costs.

Downtown Site Planning 15

Chapter 3

Preferred Site Plan

Minimizes new road construction, while also providing vehicular connection between Roberts and Legion St.

Vehicular access to the Police Station and Library are on separate roads reducing potential pedestrian conflicts.

Creates smaller parking lots strategically located next to facilities, instead of one large centralized parking area.

Space is provided for a loading zone in front of the Library.

Allows Village Hall to expand on its current site.

Connections to the existing trail are provided.

Library is located closer to the park.

16 Village of Holmen, WI

3.2 DESIRED DESIGN FEATURES The purpose of this project was to develop a preferred site plan that illustrated the use, size, and location of public improvements at the study site, and to documented modifications to existing Village properties. The preferred site plan is conceptual in nature. While the building footprints, road, and parking lots have been drawn to scale, one can expect slight modifications to the general layout during final design and construction to account for unknown contingencies. Some landscaping features have been added to the final site plan; however, a precise landscaping plan will need to be developed for the site once the buildings and parking lots have their final designs. During the planning process there was some discussion regarding the design of buildings and internal spaces. While outside of the design scope of this project, the following features were preferred by the Village and should be incorporated into the final design of the site and buildings:

Chapter 3 Green Space: • At this time, no uses have been identified for the central green space. Ultimately this portion of the site could support 3/4-1 acre of passive or active recreational uses.

Representative Photos

Landscaping: • The use of native plant species is desired. • Legion Street should be tree lined as it acts as the major access road into the Library. • Additional trees will be planted periodically along planned pedestrian routes. • Parking lots will include vegetative islands to provide shade and stormwater infiltration areas. • The turning circle on Legion St. should be landscaped with decorative plants and/or public art. • The private Police parking lot and garage will be screened from view from the Library. • The rear yard of the Library will incorporate privacy screening to shield the outdoor patio from the adjacent residential uses. • An area for a small botanical garden (feature not shown) may be desired for wedding photos, particularly, if the larger second floor community room is developed. Stormwater Management: • The use of rain gardens, pervious pavement, and vegetative bioswales is the preferred treatment for stormwater infiltration. Building Orientation: • The Library will be oriented toward the creek to maximize views of the existing woodland. • The primary entrances of the Police Station and Library will be pronounced and oriented toward one another to tie the entire site together. • The southeastern corner of the Library should include a unique design feature as it is the primary view from Main St. and the entrance to the Library along Legion St. Building Massing: • Buildings will be designed with both vertical and horizontal expressions. • The front of the Library will be designed with a 1.5-2 story appearance in order to blend in with the planned second story community room addition. • The front entrance of the Police Station should be designed with a story and a half height to compliment the taller Library.

Downtown Site Planning 17

Chapter 3

Preferred Site Plan Representative Photos

Building Materials: • The use of natural building materials such as stone, wood, and brick is recommended, particularly for front facades in order to blend in with the natural environment and existing Halfway Creek Park facilities. •

The use of multiple building materials, particularly on the front facade, is recommended.

The use of windows and sky lights is recommended to allow natural light infiltration and exposure to views of the site, particularly for the Library.

The Police Station and Library should have consistent or compatible building materials. Compatibility may be achieved through the use of various visual architectural elements, such as similar rooflines, building orientations, forms/shapes, proportions (scale and mass), door and window patterns (fenestration), materials, and other architectural detailing

Pedestrian and Bicycle Amenities: • New multi-use paths will connect the Police Station, Library and Community Room to one another and to the existing Halfway Creek Trail and Halfway Creek Park. •

Pedestrian crossings will be clearly marked at street crossings.

Pedestrian safety enhancements should be installed at the intersection of Legion and Main Street.

Benches will be placed periodically along the planned paths, along with trash and recycling receptacles.

Multiple bicycle racks will be located in front of the Library and at least one in front of the Police Station and Community Room.

Sidewalks will be provided on at least one side of Wall, Roberts, and Legion streets.

Lighting: • Decorative street lights will be installed along new paths and Roberts, Legion, and Wall streets similar to those used in Halfway Creek Park. Other Site Amenities: • Outdoor art, sculptures, fountains, educational and historical markers, and community informational kiosks should be incorporated throughout the site. •

An outdoor patio should be incorporated behind the Library for use by public and private events.

18 Village of Holmen, WI

Chapter 3 3.3 COST SUMMARY & DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS The cost to design and construct the preferred site plan by phase are described below. Costs include the same construction assumptions as used for the five draft alternatives. Library Only Costs: Phase One: $4,279,378 Phase Two: $0 Phase Three: $2,331,222 Total Cost: $6,610,599 Police Only Costs: Phase One: $2,912,956 Phase Two: $1,871,185 Phase Three: $1,848,170 Total Cost: $6,632,312 Village Hall Only Costs: Phase One: $372,645 Phase Two: $0 Phase Three: $3,422,820 Total Cost: $3,795,464 Road/Trail (Re)Construction Costs: $330,525 Phase One (Wall St): $108,000 Phase Two (Legion & Roberts): $222,525 Total Cost: $330,525 Utility Costs (this SITE only): $85,000 Based on historical notes, the water main in Legion St. is Transite main and will need to be replaced – construction of the new facilities is the opportune time to accomplish that. This would require approximately 465 feet of 8” main. This is also an opportunity to loop and eliminate the two dead end mains on Legion and Roberts St. This would require an additional 400 feet of pipe, making the total 865 feet of 8” DIWM. The Village would also need 1 hydrant assembly, two 8” gate valves and the water service for the Library. Projects are assumed to occur during Phase Two.

Proceeds from land sales: $0 No land sales of this site or the existing Library is anticipated at this time. Total Project Costs: Phase One: $7,672,979 Phase Two: $2,178,710 Phase Three: $7,602,212 Total Cost: $17,453,901 All costs are rough estimates based on the construction and revenue assumptions detailed in Chapter 2, adjusted from the Facilities Study. The costs are preliminary and the true actual building costs will not be determined until the buildings are designed. Costs are expressed in 2013 dollars calculated for inflation. In addition, it should be noted that the quality of building design materials and internal furnishing can substantially change these cost assumptions. Parking Assumptions: Parking requirements were calculated at 1 space per 250 square feet of building space for the Library and 1 space per 350 feet of building space for the Police Station.

3.4 NEXT STEPS The details and recommendations contained in this report will be used by the Village Board to aid in the development of future municipal budgets and fundraising activities. •

2013 - Budget for architectural and engineering design services in 2014

2013 - Beginning fundraising for Library construction

2014 - Architectural and engineering design

2015 - Construct phase one improvements

Downtown Site Planning 19


PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING SUMMARY A Public Informational Meeting (PIM) was held at the Village Hall on May 6th, 2013 from 6pm to 8pm. Seventeen individuals signed in at the meeting, a few others attended but did not sign in. The meeting was an open house format and included a 20 minute presentation at the start by staff from MSA Professional Services. The presentation included an overview of the project objectives, schedule, history, overview of the 2011 Strategic Facilities Plan, and an overview of the five site plan alternatives. Public input was gathered using a hard copy of the online survey so that the responses received at the meeting could be incorporated with the online responses. A total of five hard copy surveys were received, although some attendees indicated they would complete the survey online after the meeting.

ONLINE SURVEY SUMMARY In order to reach a wider audience, including those individuals who could not attend the May 6th public informational meeting, an online “survey” was developed by MSA. The survey consisted of base demographic questions, questions regarding public facility construction priorities, general and specific questions regarding desirable and undesirable aspects each of the five site plan alternatives. The survey was available through the Village’s web site, including links to the 2011 Strategic Facilities Plan, the five site plan alternatives, and the presentation from the May 6th PIM. The survey was available from April 25th through May 13th. Availability of the survey was announced through multiple local newspaper articles leading up to and after the May 6th PIM. A total of 66 individuals completed the online survey. After reviewing the survey results the following observations are offered by the MSA: Respondent demographics: • Total number of respondents = 71 • 78.6% live in Holmen • Age group with the highest response 35-44 (30% of all respondents), second highest age group 45-54 (22.9% of all respondents). • 54.3% of respondents have at least one child under 18 living at home, 45.7% of respondents have no children living at home Respondent use of existing facilities/services in the last 12 months: • 40.8% of respondents indicated they visit or call the Library at least once a week, 25.4% at least once a month • 28.2% of respondents indicated they visit or call Village Hall at least once every 3 months, 23.9% at least once every 6-12 months • 70.4% of respondents indicated they had zero visits or calls to the Police Station in the past 12 months, 21.1% at least once in the last 6-12 months Respondent opinions on compatibility of public uses within the same building: • Respondents were equally split between “Village Hall & Police Station” and “Library & Village Hall” as most compatible uses within the same building • 83.1% of respondents indicated a “Library and Police Station” as least compatible in the same building

A-1 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Respondent opinions on priorities for public infrastructure improvements: • 66.2% of respondents indicated the Library was there highest public infrastructure improvement priority (26.8% indicated the Police Station, 7.0% indicated the Village Hall) • 54.9% of respondents indicated the Police Station was there second highest public infrastructure improvement priority (14.1% indicated the Library, 30.9% indicated the Village Hall) • 61.8% of respondents indicated the Village Hall was there lowest public infrastructure improvement priority (19.2% indicated the Library, 18.3% indicated the Police Station) Respondent opinions on using portions of the planning site for private development: • 41.1% indicated “No” • 16.1% were “Undecided” • Of those that indicated “Yes”, the highest percentage 21.4% indicate only in those areas that are not designated for new public buildings or parking Respondent preferences for each site plan alternative, highest average rating (lowest score equals top preference): • Alternative 1 (separate library and police station) = 2.50 • Alternative 3 (first floor library, second story village hall) = 2.61 • Alternative 2 (separate library and police station) = 2.98 • Alternative 4 (first floor library, second floor office) = 3.39 • Alternative 5 (joint village hall and police station) = 3.52

The purpose of the public informational meeting and online survey was to inform and educate area residents about the Village’s ongoing public facility planning efforts and to obtain input regarding each of the five site plan alternatives. The public input will serve to inform Village Board member’s discussions and decision making process; however, the input gathered is nonbinding.

The following pages provide a summary of the responses to the survey questions including written comments.

A-2 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

TABULATED SURVEY RESULTS Q1. Over the pas t 12 m o nths o n average ho w o ften did yo u o r a m em ber o f yo ur ho us eho ld vis it o r c all? Ans wer Optio ns Village Hall Holmen Library Holmen Police

Onc e a week 3 29 2

Onc e a m o nth 13 18 0

Onc e every Onc e every 3- Onc e every Zero vis its 3 m o nths 6 m o nths 6-12 m o nths o r c alls 20 8 17 10 5 3 4 12 2 2 15 50

Res po ns e Co unt 71 71 71 answered questio n 71 skipped questio n 0

Q2. U s ing y o ur o wn d e finitio n o f c o mp a tib ility , p le a s e ra te the fo llo wing c o mb ina tio ns o f p ub lic us e s within the s a me b uild ing (1 = mo s t c o mp a tib le , 3 = le a s t c o mp a tib le )? R a ting R e s p o ns e A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 A v e ra g e Co unt Library & Police Station Village Hall & Police Station Library & Village Hall

0 35 36

12 28 31

2.83 1.62 1.55

59 8 4

71 71 71

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

71 0

Q3. P le a s e ra te the fo llo wing p ub lic infra s truc ture imp ro v e me nts in te rms o f p rio rity fo r imp ro v e me nt o r ne w b uild ing c o ns truc tio n (1 = hig he s t p rio rity , 3 = lo we s t p rio rity )? R a ting R e s p o ns e A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 A v e ra g e Co unt Library Police Station Village Hall

47 19 5

10 39 22

14 13 44

1.54 1.92 2.55

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

71 71 71 71 0

Q4. W he re d o y o u liv e ? A ns we r Op tio ns

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

Holmen Town of Holland Town of Onlaska Other

78.6% 12.9% 5.7% 2.9%

55 9 4 2

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

70 1

A-3 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q6. P le a s e ind ic a te the numb e r o f c hild re n (18 a nd und e r) liv ing in y o ur ho us e ho ld ? R e s p o ns e R e s p o ns e A ns we r Op tio ns P e rc e nt Co unt

Q5. P le a s e ind ic a te y o ur a g e ? A ns we r Op tio ns

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

0.0% 1.4% 11.4% 30.0% 22.9% 18.6% 15.7%

0 1 8 21 16 13 11

<18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and older

0 1-2 3-4 4+

45.7% 42.9% 11.4% 0.0%

32 30 8 0

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

70 1

70 1

Alternative 1 Q7. Rate the fo llo wing as pec ts o f this alternative in term s o f ho w well it m eets yo ur expec tatio ns ? Ans wer Optio ns Type of uses on this SITE Location of all public facilities in the Downtown Site/building layout (placement of buildings, Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering Transportation connectivity (roads, sidewalks,

Exc eeds Belo w M eets No Opinio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n 5 37 19 3 9 1 8 46 18 1 7 38 17 2 6 39 9 1 11 43

answered questio n skipped questio n

Res po ns e Co unt 64 64 64 64 64 64 7

Q8. On a s c a le o f 1 to 10 ho w wo uld y o u ra te this a lte rna tiv e ? (1 = s tro ng ly d is lik e , 10 = s tro ng ly lik e ) A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

7.8% 9.4% 6.3% 0.0% 21.9% 10.9% 7.8% 20.3% 6.3% 9.4%

5 6 4 0 14 7 5 13 4 6

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

64 7

Average rating: 5.875

A-4 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q9. Comments regarding aspects of the design you like (Alternative 1): N umb e r R e s p o ns e T e xt 1 2 3 4 5


7 8 9 10 11 12 13


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

parking behing library. long drop off area to library, easy access to Roberts. Village Hall stays on Main St. I would eliminate wall street extension and keep open green space behind the police station. otherwise its great. like library location best of those presented Site is more park like than Alternative 2 Taking advantage of the creek. I strongly agree that Holmen needs a new, updated, larger library for the number of kids and families in our area. I recently visited the Trempealeau Library, which is in our library system, and this library was MUCH better than Holmen's current library. Please make a new library a priority for our kids and families! In this design, I like the way the library parking and police parking are separate. Not bad but I see no need for tha library. I like the new building sites for library and police station and remodel Village Hall where it is. I do not see a need for a library at all, unless it was a technology center. Most stuff is done on computer nowadays anyway. i think the street has a nice flow to move people through the area. Cleaning up the downtown area I like having the library facing toward the greenspace and located near the park, making it an easy destination for families. I also like the extra bike path loop, which helps incorporate a more open feel. It makes sense to expand the Administrative building on the current site. We have a library so the next logical thing would be to build a new police station. i feel a new facility for law enforcement needed most- then a library- but keep in mind e-books will be if not already are, the thing of the future-no need to built large structure to house books that wont be checked out and the administration should stay where they are- they will have added room when cops move out see present library site after they move to get it back on taxroll Redesign the building to have Park/Rec & Police & Village Staff in ONE building. That will save $$ Separates Police Station site from Library if it is deemed the police station needs to be on this site. Library location, Green space Like: Use of existing Village Hall for village business Like: Selling existing library Is there the possibility of having a room for the historical society? Buildings are near to each other. Good use, flow of space, road, parking, etc. Location Of the library Like the creation of "library street" Looks very inviting. Largest Library plan.

A-5 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q10. Comments regarding aspects of the design you dislike (Alternative 1): N umb e r 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22

23 24

25 26 27

R e s p o ns e T e xt Wall Street access will not be used much. Concern: how will kids cross safely from east of Main St. Need a safe crosswalk with flashing lights, a stoplight, or a bridge. extend Roberts instead of Wall St. and put in speed bumps and a crossing walk for children and biking off Main St. Police station does not need to be 10,000 sqft! Even with interrogation rooms, locker, storage, its too big! Take 1/2 of designaged police station space and add 5000 to the library. police station belongs along hwy 35 not center of town 12,000 sqft is a bare minimum for library when needs are assessed at 16000. The police station is tiny yes, but it is not as revenue positive as the rent the county pays to hep pay for the library, take 1000 to 2000 sqft off the police station and add it for administration space at the library, give everyone space this way, including the county library. Yes I was at the May 6th meeting. The houses on Main that block the view. don't know how realistic it is to depend on selling old library site I'm very much against the library, I think the Village President wants a library in hopes her name gets put on it, as the swimming pool has the last village president's name! I do not support such an extensive change to the road construction - seems unnecessary and wasteful. !00% against a new library. Police dept. Public Works, and Village Administration need the room more! i'm not real excited about the buildings being separated as they are. i'd rather the library closer to the creek as opposed to the parking lot being there. Parking lot along the green space Don't really like connecting of Legion and Wall St, takes up buildable space. The extra 18-space parking lot behind the library seems unnecessary in Phase I. Locating the police department in the current administrative building makes more sense in providing a central location closer to primary roads from which officers can respond as needed. We gain no positive economic impact from building these buildings downtown. It also doesn't make any sense to build a library separate from a community center including a senior site and youth center no matter where you put it. If we truly want to serve as many people as possible, the two largest groups to serve are seniors and kids, plus having separate sites shows a complete lack of understanding of transportation needs of both groups. Even now, some of the seniors that attend our senior site have to schedule 2 public transit trips to visit our library and senior site even though they are only a block apart. Wheelchairs can roll down hallways much easier than alleyways. This property was aquired to improve the public space for the community by the new park. While a new police facility may be needed, I do not think it belongs in this location. Police station does not belong here Not sure two buildings are necessary. Police station in such close proximity to the park does not send the right message for a family-friendly community. The library needs plenty of room for programming for all ages. 1. The creation of Library Street seems un-necessary. Both streets could be dead ends and would allow for a more usable green space to the west of the police station. 2. Add on street parking on Leigon Street and reduce parking library parking lot size. This would increase green space and parking would be closer to building. 3. Move library further west to create opertunity for landscape view to the west instead of at the parking lot. police station should be stand alone on main st and not combined or near library I do not think that placing a police station on property by the community park adds to the attractivness of the Village as a great place to live. While I do not question that we need a larger police facility, the police department should be separate from parks and libraries. People want their community to be safe, but they do not want to necessarily view the police station while enjoying a picnic. Two new buildings is unnecessary and very costly. This is a beautiful piece of property, and should be developed to continue the theme of community, the legion park. and welcome visitors ans residents to relax and enjoy the area.The police department does not belong there. . Not sure that library and police station so physically close sends the best message to residents or visitors. Don't really feel having the Library and POlice that close together is a good idea.

A-6 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Alternative 2 Q11. Rate the fo llo wing as pec ts o f this alternative in term s o f ho w well it m eets yo ur expec tatio ns ? Ans wer Optio ns Type of uses on this SITE Location of all public facilities in the Downtown Site/building layout (placement of buildings, Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering Transportation connectivity (roads, sidewalks,

Exc eeds M eets Belo w No Opinio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n 7 30 19 5 11 3 4 43 4 7 20 30 5 4 25 27 22 4 2 33

answered questio n skipped questio n

Res po ns e Co unt 61 61 61 61 61 61 10

Q12. On a s c a le o f 1 to 10 ho w wo uld y o u ra te this a lte rna tiv e ? (1 = s tro ng ly d is lik e , 10 = s tro ng ly lik e ) A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

9.8% 8.2% 16.4% 4.9% 13.1% 6.6% 21.3% 8.2% 8.2% 3.3%

6 5 10 3 8 4 13 5 5 2

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

61 10

Average Rating: 5.213

Q13. Comments regarding aspects of the design you like (Alternative 2): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

R e s p o ns e T e xt Village Hall remains on Main St. Design feature. Access via Roberts and Legion Central parking and green area. I don't like anything on this. Nothing I do like. Shared parking, separation of two buildings. Location of the library near the park Expansion of existing administrative building is a good idea. You should buy the houses next to the building and build what is needed there. Redesign to have Park/Rec & Police & Village Staff in ONE building. That will save $$$$ Common parking areas make more sense Less cost due to roads not being created Historical Society room? Lots of parking available. shared parking between buildings

A-7 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q14. Comments regarding aspects of the design you dislike (Alternative 2): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19


R e s p o ns e T e xt Large parking lot front and center too much centralized parking access is not convienient police should be on main street in Holmen either on State or Main in Viking Tool Property too chopped up. police should be on 35 looks more like a parking lot than site 1 Same as previous option. I don't like how the parking lot is shared between the library and the police station. This seems less "friendly" for kids going to story time. The Village spent a lot of money for a huge parking lot! Looks like a big parking lot! don't care for traffic flow to design. I feel as though the shared parking lot takes away from the more pleasant layout that would include green space. Perhaps the infiltration areas will help alleviate that feel of too much pavement, but I don't think so. Locating the police department in the current administrative building makes more sense in providing a central location closer to primary roads from which officers can respond as needed. The road costs cannot possibly be $0 when you will need to tear up the roads for plumbing, sidewalks, parking and stormwater runoff. We will only need 136 parking spaces during Kornfest, if it continues, so this expectation is unrealistic. Too commercial with all the parking between buildings. Again, this should be a space accessable to the public without linking the park and library to the police station. Police station does not belong here There is a need for community room spaces. Where would the senior citizen location be held? Library is too small. Police and library are too close together. Police station should be on a main thoroughfare. Is there room for programming? Two buildings is unnecessary, and they are too far apart. The poor residents of Wall St. will have police racing past their homes constantly, and the site layout is overall very poor. Again the police station is taking up valuable park space. In 2004 and 05, the DPI recommended that for a community the size of Holmen and it's potential for a population explosion, a library of 16,000 sq ft was recommended for average service to area residents. that's not even excellent service - only average. now 8 years later, we should be considering a library of at least 18.000 sq ft.

A-8 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Alternative 3 Q15. Rate the fo llo wing as pec ts o f this alternative in term s o f ho w well it m eets yo ur expec tatio ns ? Ans wer Optio ns Type of uses on this SITE Location of all public facilities in the Downtown Site/building layout (placement of buildings, Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering Transportation connectivity (roads, sidewalks,

Exc eeds M eets Belo w No Opinio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n 7 26 26 1 19 1 7 33 26 1 6 27 1 13 22 24 3 10 21 26

answered questio n skipped questio n

Res po ns e Co unt 60 60 60 60 60 60 11

Q16. On a s c a le o f 1 to 10 ho w wo uld y o u ra te this a lte rna tiv e ? (1 = s tro ng ly d is lik e , 10 = s tro ng ly lik e ) A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

18.3% 0.0% 11.7% 6.7% 11.7% 16.7% 15.0% 10.0% 3.3% 6.7%

11 0 7 4 7 10 9 6 2 4

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

60 11

Average rating: 5.200

A-9 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q17. Comments regarding aspects of the design you like (Alternative 3): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


13 14 15 16 17 18 19

R e s p o ns e T e xt best library village combo Plenty of green area. Once again, nothing to like. Nothing. i like the conciseness of the design - good flow through area - more concentrated parking - less spread out - more green space. new home potential is intriguing. More green space and a view of the creek not a parking lot Feel Library and Village Hall are good compatability use. Like 2 story plan. Shared village hall and library make sense in being able to share/combine meeting spaces. The patio area to the west of the library has good potential for a place for patrons to sit and enjoy the green space of the trail. Library combined with Village Hall would at least allow for shared meeting spaces in one building. Police in administrative building would be acceptable. Redesign Park/rec, police, village staff into ONE building. Save $$$$ This does give the library the space it probably needs while also expanding Village Hall. Not sure how 2nd floor Village Hall access will work for some of the community. How much space will separate entrances require? The other plans were exceptional, but we all realize that there is just so much money. With a two story building, there will be an elevator for handicap accessibility, so this would allow the library to be more square footage. Selling land would allow for more tax base. It appears that green space is greater on this plan. Library and village hall are good partners. Gives library lots of space. Police would fit well with the existing village hall. Parking is limited, but they don't need much. Building is already divided into office spaces so minimal remodeling required. This idea looks limiting - not enough room for growth Like the idea of the police Dept. expanding on the current Village Hall site. Building only one new building is a plus. Using that building for multiple purposes is also a good idea. I like the green space. Location of library green space Really like the idea of police separate from the library, but still downtown. Village Hall space would accommodate police needs very well.

A-10 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q18. Comments regarding aspects of the design you dislike (Alternative 3): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R e s p o ns e T e xt Village Hall neds to remain on Main St. big enough for both library and village hall. is there expansion space? police should not be downtown no residential please. residential is how you describe Holmen Residential area would block a nice view to the creek area. And can we bulldoze that unoccupied ugly yellow house across from the Fire Station? I think the library should be a stand-alone building. I think the library should have plenty of space to be an excellent library with an awesome children's area (similar to the children's area in La Crosse or Onalaska). I didn't know the Village bought this land to put up residential housing. Why is there such a significant cost difference between remodeling the current village hall for the village to stay in it (375K) vs. remodeling the village hall to be used for the police station (1M)?

9 10 11

Again, I don't think library should be included. parking is to far away from buildings Don't think we need a cul de sac. Use Roberts St as an exit/entrance.


Would prefer a Village/Senior center like Waunakee,WI to accomodate senior programs and family programs, fitness center...if we could have one. But instead prefer to have village hall separate so that library can continually expand and have a large selection of materials. Many of us travel to Onalaska and La Crosse due to the larger selection there. Village Hall can use vacated space in current building...Remodel interior for larger spaces for voting, functions, etc.

13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

While this parking lot is larger than the one in Alt 2, it seems less obtrusive, perhaps because it is separated from the trail by the building. Library should be part of general community center and to do otherwise is a mistake. Library is not even close to being our #1 priority. Parking lot is now next to park. Not the most desireable asthetic for the park. Is the residential area on the land that was sold to the village? If so, did the people who sold the land do so with the knowledge it would be re-sold? This survey does not provide answers to so many questions that it is not real useful. I cannot tell by the plans if the Halfway Creek trail is accessible from the library. Programming for all ages needs to be considered. I'm not sure how 2nd floor access to Village Hall would work out. Also would like to know more about the planned sale of residential area. Was this property not purchased from the former owners for the purpose of a community space? Don't think we need a brand new village hall, just more space in the current one. Would rather have the village hall on main street than the police department. Single road access, and village on second floor. not enough room for the library Is Village Hall parking adequate for police station? The building doesn't give them much for large storage areas. Is new residential space in downtown Holmen really needed?

A-11 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Alternative 4 Q19. Rate the fo llo wing as pec ts o f this alternative in term s o f ho w well it m eets yo ur expec tatio ns ? Ans wer Optio ns Type of uses on this SITE Location of all public facilities in the Downtown Site/building layout (placement of buildings, Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering Transportation connectivity (roads, sidewalks,

Exc eeds M eets Belo w No Opinio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n 7 20 29 3 25 1 7 26 2 7 19 31 2 7 23 27 2 9 23 25

answered questio n skipped questio n

Res po ns e Co unt 59 59 59 59 59 59 12

Q20. On a s c a le o f 1 to 10 ho w wo uld y o u ra te this a lte rna tiv e ? (1 = s tro ng ly d is lik e , 10 = s tro ng ly lik e ) A ns we r Op tio ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

16.9% 5.1% 6.8% 15.3% 16.9% 6.8% 10.2% 5.1% 10.2% 6.8%

10 3 4 9 10 4 6 3 6 4

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

59 12

Average Rating: 5.051

A-12 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q21. Comments regarding aspects of the design you like (Alternative 4): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

R e s p o ns e T e xt Village Hall remains on Main and Police remain near middle of town village hall and library in close proximity similar services - very generally Little I think the concept of having business lease space is a positive one. But this may not be the right approach to it. NOTHING! Waste of space and money! Nothing. i'm intrigued by the footprint/shape of the building design. View of the Creek not the parking lot - connected Do not like at all. Redesign with Park/Rec, police, village staff in ONE building. Save $$$$ None This allows for all buildings to be used to their fullest. Two story makes sense instead of building out. Will this include community spaces? Student/youth rooms, senior citizen rooms. exercise class rooms. educational rooms? Like the spacious feeling of the building sitting on the property. Looks smaller compared to the other designs This gives the library the space it needs and fits in well with the park. An alternative of sharing with Village Hall would be fine also.


Makes complete sense to move police station to existing library site (why don't more alternatives have this??) Library should be able to house youth center and community meeting rooms if it is this big. Save money by only building one new building. This is by FAR the best alternative.


Infrastructure is brilliant. Building on existing library property would give police station a new building plus a presence on a main street (State) instead of hidden near the park. Library should still be allotted 18,000 sq ft to start with - especially if the county offices intend to occupy a portion of the building.

A-13 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q22. Comments regarding aspects of the design you dislike (Alternative 4): N umb e r

R e s p o ns e T e xt

1 2 3

Police need a bigger space than old library site Huge waste of space (site) I think the library should be stand-alone. It is really important to our community.


What a waste of taxpayer's money to hire these people to design a big parking lot!

5 6

Waste of space and money. There's that stupid library in the picture again! less immediately accessible parking would seem to be an initial detriment compared to previous design it seems. not sure you want commercial development across the street for the design layout. Too much wasted buildable space. Should be used for municipal (or future municipal) buildings. Rentals not our objective. I'm not sure I agree with combining space for private businesses with a public building. Site was not purchased for commercial use as the Village displaced a number of existing commercial ventures to purchase this site. We should not be involved in leasing a new building. Again, I believe parking is next to the park? No streets defined in some of these plans. Same question about the people who sold the property to the village; were they told it would be a for profit venture in office space for the village? Dual acess, Great placement of all facilities. Use existing buildings, and create a beautiful park. Library is too small. Is there room to grow? Village hall is good right where they are, adding the old PD would be more than enough room for them. Why was there no consideration to a plan such as #1 with the police station being substituted as Village Hall? Parking looks more inconvenient than other alternatives. "Office space" should be for youth center and community meeting rooms. Really like the entire plan!! It doesn't say how much square footage the library will have.

7 8 9 10


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

A-14 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Alternative 5 Q23. Rate the fo llo wing as pec ts o f this alternative in term s o f ho w well it m eets yo ur expec tatio ns ? Ans wer Optio ns Type of uses on this SITE Location of all public facilities in the Downtown Site/building layout (placement of buildings, Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering Transportation connectivity (roads, sidewalks,

Exc eeds M eets Belo w No Opinio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n Expec tatio n 5 29 25 0 25 0 3 31 26 1 4 28 0 7 23 29 25 2 3 29

answered questio n skipped questio n

Res po ns e Co unt 59 59 59 59 59 59 12

Q24. On a s c a le o f 1 to 10 ho w wo uld y o u ra te this a lte rna tiv e ? (1 = s tro ng ly d is lik e , 10 = s tro ng ly lik e ) A ns we r Op tio ns

R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt

R e s p o ns e Co unt

22.0% 5.1% 0.0% 11.9% 10.2% 6.8% 18.6% 15.3% 3.4% 6.8%

13 3 0 7 6 4 11 9 2 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

59 12

Average Rating: 5.220

A-15 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q25. Comments regarding aspects of the design you like (Alternative 5): N umb e r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

R e s p o ns e T e xt worst layout less At least there is no library in this one. like the shared village hall and police station like the green space and athletic fields like that no road construction would be necessary Finally one without the library. i like the overall flow of the design and accessibility to specific areas. the green space options are worth looking at closer Good use of buildable space. Police near Village Hall is good idea, provides security for Village Hall employees. Disgruntled citizens are more likely to visit the Village Hall or Police Department. Library could be expanded to include community center on existing administrative site under this plan. Makes more sense to have Village Hall and Police together. No residential property. Make it green space for further growth. none The sale of the property makes sense Not one thing. The library was in the village hall 30 years ago - the library needs room for programs, technology, and study rooms Good use of a new building, similar to current use. Plenty of parking. Absoutly nothing What a terrible idea!!!

A-16 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q26. Comments regarding aspects of the design you dislike (Alternative 5): N umb e r 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



R e s p o ns e T e xt Village Hall should remain on Main St. terrible! extensive remodeling cost! poor parking no green space could do this anywhere outside of town The library wouldn't seem much different than it is currently if it was moved to the existing village hall. I think it would be really expensive to change the current village hall into a library. Still seems to be a lot of parking! ( If you need space for a library, put it in the Public Works Facility where you have the two street sweepers parked. you might as well sell them as long as they're not being used. the year is almost half over, and most streets still have the winter sand on them. I've never seen the streets so dirty this late in the spring!!! not sure what infiltration area will entail? Could a library/community center be built where the Athletic field/Residential is at in this plan? What would the costs be? The "shared space" area should have a purpose- Community center? no comment great use of old buildings!!! thing are closer together. There will not be enough parking nor library space in the current Village Hall building for a proper library that can continue to grow with the community. 10 years after moving into current Hall building, we'll be revisiting this issue of needing a larger library. I would prefer to see the library located in this space, near the park. That increases the usability of both spaces for family and patrons of all ages. Because the library also experiences higher overall traffic, it takes advantage of the environment and atmosphere created by the park and becomes a destination. There is still nothing that will help Holmen economically in any of the plans. We should consider doing an economic impact study to determine if a community center placed in our northern TIF would be beneficial to the growth of Holmen, particularly as a combination with other buildings such as the future Gundersen Clinic and a possible YMCA. BAd, Bad, Bad Waste of beautiful area. Is the village hall large enough for a library space needed for everything that a library should offer? Everything. Major renovation for a library, poor parking, WAY TOO SMALL. They will outgrow the space in 2 years. The library needs to be a focal point! No Library. Don't like that the village hall is so far from Main St. This is a huge new structure that seems like more than we need currently. Wasting beautiful park. City hall to small for Library,plus no parking. Why would you have a playground next to a police station and a busy village hall. 1. Existing Village Hall is not that much bigger than the current library. NO space improvement!! 2. Extensive remodeling of the entire building would be necessary. Libraries need open space for staff to observe users. I would think they'd want more computers than they have now. Where would you put 20 computer stations? Where would the check-out desk go? Terrible idea. 3. Library materials are heavy. Is the flooring structure strong enough to bear the weight of literally tons of books - considering there is a basement under the building??? 4. Parking is poor for a library. If residents are to use the back parking lot it means dual entries to the building during evening and Saturdays. Very difficult for workers to monitor. There is no way the existing Village Hall space would be big enough for a new library.

A-17 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q27. P le a s e ra te e a c h o f the a lte rna tiv e s (1 = mo s t p re fe rre d a lte rna tiv e , 5 = le a s t p re fe rre d a lte rna tiv e )? A ns we r Op tio ns






R a ting A v e ra g e

R e s p o ns e Co unt

Alternative 1 Concept (build new Library and Police Station (separate buildings) on this SITE; sell existing Library land/building; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use)








Alternative 2 Concept (build new Library and Police Station (separate buildings) on this SITE; sell existing Library land/building; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use)








Alternative 3 Concept (build new first floor Library and second floor Village Hall on this SITE; renovate existing Village Hall for full police use; sell existing Library land/building)








Alternative 4 Concept (build new first floor Library and second floor private leasable office space on this SITE; renovate existing Library site/building for Police use; renovate/expand existing Village Hall for full administrative use)








Alternative 5 Concept (build new Village Hall and Police Station - joint single story building on this SITE; renovate existing Village Hall for Library use; sell existing Library land/building)








a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

56 15

Q28. P le a s e ra te the fo llo wing a s p e c ts o f s ite d e s ig n in te rms o f imp o rta nc e in y o ur e v a lua tio n o f a lte rna tiv e s fo r the d e v e lo p me nt o f the D o wnto wn P la nning S ite ? E xtre me ly S o me wha t Lo w Not R e s p o ns e N e utra l A ns we r Op tio ns Imp o rta nt Imp o rta nt Imp o rta nc e Imp o rta nt Co unt Type of proposed uses on this SITE (e.g. library, village hall, police station)







Locations of all public facilities within Downtown (e.g. library, village hall, police station)







Increasing parking opportunities near Halfway Creek Park







Connecting Roberts and Legion Street together







Connecting Legion and Wall Street together













Providing opportunities for private development on this SITE







Creation of place (terminus vistas, gathering places, greenspace, etc.)







Total estimated cost for Phase 1 improvements







Total estimated cost for final build-out improvements







Site/building layout (placement of buildings, parking, etc.)

a ns we re d q ue s tio n s k ip p e d q ue s tio n

56 15

A-18 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

Q29. Should the Village Board consider using any portion of this site for private development (e.g. residential, commercial, or office use)?.....you may choose more than one "yes" response. Answer Options No Yes, but only in those areas that are not designated for new public buildings or parking Yes, but only for residential development Yes, but only for office use Yes, but only for retail use Yes, but only if public and private uses are in separate buildings Undecided

Response Percent

Response Count





10.7% 12.5% 7.1%

6 7 4





answered question skipped question

56 15

A-19 2013 MSA Professional Services, Inc

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