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Existing Plans

There have been many planning efforts over the last two decades that address the Downtown in some way. The documents from these planning efforts are acknowledged here. This section highlights the importance of each plan to the Independence Downtown Revitalization Planning Process. Our analysis included gathering critical information from the existing plans for collaboration of this plan.

Comprehensive Plan Update 2015

The comprehensive plan for a community is a blueprint for the city’s future growth. It presents a vision for the future along with long-range goals and objectives. Comprehensive plans ensure that future land use and growth is consistent with the vision the citizens of the city have on important issues. Comprehensive plans cover all major aspects of a city, including those important to a downtown revitalization plan: community character, downtown, land use and economic development.

The comprehensive plan identified maintaining existing character and beautifying main street as two key issues and opportunities but did not provide policy or action. This plan will expand on those issues and provide specific goals and policies to enhance and revitalize downtown.

The economic development chapter of the plan provides policy ideas for economic development strategies that are further explored in this plan and updated with new trends and market analysis that we are seeing. This section specifically mentions “encouraging development, retention, and expansion of locally owned businesses, encouraging infill and revitalization, and maintaining, developing downtown as the central community activity center and expanding the Independence economic base”. All of those policies are a great base for the City to continue efforts for the downtown.

Downtown Assessment 2010

In 2010, the City had a small downtown assessment performed. It asked residents and students specifically to provide one word descriptions of downtown. The most popular descriptions were historic, potential and rundown. All of the responses from students were negative. The summary of this activity came out to five points essentially saying that the downtown’s vitality affects the entire community. The resources are there, so Independence must focus on the existing assets, capitalize on those, and understand that it is an incremental process. This plan will lay those assets out and provide action steps to reach the downtown’s full potential.

SWOT and Action Plan 2018

In April of 2018, the City participated in a SWOT and Action Plan, facilitated by hue.life. The categories for this activity were Economic Outlook, Upkeep, City Promotion, Services and Entertainment, and Community Negativity. Each of the main categories had the same three sub topics; current reality, 1st year accomplishments, and success indicators. Groups came up with the current reality of the main categories and from there brainstormed what accomplishments should occur by the first year, and from there what was the measure of success by topic. Many of the topics were about economic development, community character and the downtown area.

A community coordinated action calendar was created in this process for April 2018 - March 2019. The actions were assigned a champion and then a month that they were to be done.

Branding Update 2016

The City of Independence did a branding update in 2016. This is important to the downtown revitalization plan because the community character and identity of the downtown are essential to continued and future success. This study explored what defines Independence and how Independence can create a better experience for residents, businesses and visitors. An extensive amount of research and public engagement went into this process. Much of the feedback about downtown Independence has been consistent with the previous plans as well as our own engagement tools throughout this process. Important feedback was that 86.2% of residents make an effort to shop local, and that 78% of respondents would spend more money in Independence if there was better shopping variety. Another stark statistic was that half of the business owners surveyed believed that the City is not on the right track and there is a divide between age groups and what they want to see in the community. The update suggested aesthetic improvement with community art projects and increasing seating in downtown as well as cleaning up vacant storefronts. Working to revitalize the downtown area was a way to create the brand of Independence.

Iowa Living Roadways

This plan by the Independence Visioning Committee focused on beautification of the landscape along Highway 150 and 20. The area affecting downtown, suggested that signage incorporate the patriotic theme into the gateway, way-finding signage and add metal letters with simple font to the front facade of the Wapsipinicon Mill. The plan also suggested a trail extension along the portion of the river in front of downtown. The existing parking area would be redesigned so that the trail would be adjacent to commercial properties that would provide shade. It was suggested that the historic storefronts should follow the Main Street Program philosophy and continue the historic character with more modern businesses.

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