The total number of vehicles using Vilas Park Dr. during this period of study falls around 1,300 to 1,700 a day on weekdays and slightly less on weekends. City of Madison Traffic Engineering maintains a web-based traffic count application.69 The app obtains a daily average for certain street locations in the City. As a comparison, for the intersection of Drake St. and Randall Ave., the daily average is 4,600 vehicles utilizing Drake St. and 1,600 utilizing Randall Ave.70 At the intersection of Vilas Park Dr. and Mills St.,71 the average is 4,450 at Mills St., but there is no historical data for Vilas Park Dr.
TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Peak hours at the study intersections were found to be 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 4:00-5:00 p.m. during the week and 9:00-10:00 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m. during the weekend. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic were counted separately from vehicles at the intersections to show heavily used crosswalks around the park. Pedestrian activity was the highest during the weekend, with the greatest number of pedestrians utilizing the multi-use path at Edgewood Dr. and Vilas Park Dr., at Vilas Park Dr. and Orchard St., and at the zoo entrance at Drake St. and Grant St. A summary of peak-hour vehicle and pedestrian traffic movements at the five study intersections can be found in the weekday (Figure 5.104) and weekend (Figure 5.105) intersection activity diagrams, Figure 5.103 provides a description of the activity diagram content.
Figure 5.103. Intersection Activity Diagram Description
69 City of Madison Traffic Engineering, 70 For the year 2017 71 For the year 2015