REFLECTIONS Vol. 2 / Issue 2 / June 2014

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Vol. 2 / Issue 2 / June 2014


展覽 + 論壇 + 工作坊 + 放映會 EXHIBITIONS + FORUMS + WORKSHOPS + SCREENINGS 主編:梁燕蕾、田恆德、康旻杰 Edited by Janice Leung, Hendrik Tieben, Min Jay Kang 台灣文化光點計劃 Spotlight Taiwan Project 2013



Vol. 2 / Issue 2 / June 2014


展覽 + 論壇 + 工作坊 + 放映會 EXHIBITIONS + FORUMS + WORKSHOPS + SCREENINGS 主編:梁燕蕾、田恆德、康旻杰 Edited by Janice Leung, Hendrik Tieben, Min Jay Kang 台灣文化光點計劃 Spotlight Taiwan Project 2013


REFLECTIONS Volume 2 / Issue 2 / June 2014 Editors Janice Leung Hendrik Tieben Min Jay Kang Chinese and English Translations Janice Leung Design Mika Savela Full credits of photographs and illustrations used in this publication go to individual contributors and the project team of Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong. 2014 © School of Architecture, CUHK Publisher M.Sc. in Urban Design Programme School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong AITB, Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong SAR, China Tel: +852 3943 6583 Fax: +852 2603 5267 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher. ISSN 2227-8044 (PAPERBACK) ISSN 2304-1625 (PDF) Printed in Hong Kong


目錄 Contents


前言 Foreword 盧健英 Lu Chien-ying


引言 Introduction 田恆德 Hendrik Tieben


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


再想內城區-社區共利計劃 Re-envisioning Inner City Districts – Towards Community Benefit Plans


再想社區空間-以影像賦予公民權 Re-envisioning Community Spaces – Film as a Means of Empowerment


再想都市邊緣- 自力營造聚落與落腳城市 Re-envisioning the Urban Edge – Self-built Settlements & Arrival Cities


妙想氈開: 再想台港兩地社區空間 Magic Carpet: Re-envisioning Community Space in Taipei and Hong Kong


後記 Afterword 康旻杰 Kang Min-jay


盧健英 Lu Chien-ying 光華新聞文化中心主任 Director, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, Hong Kong

前言 Foreword 軟都更裡的台北進行式 Taipei in Progress: Soft Urbanism

十年前我在台北國際藝術村工作時, 正是台灣各地政府推展舊有空間再造 的旺盛期,台北國際藝術村即是台北 市最早的舊建物活化建築群之一。我 同時手上還負責另外兩個藝術村預定 地:即現在位於公館水源地,已是許 多青年藝術家進駐的寶藏巖藝術村, 以及位於陽明山的蔣公行館舊址(後 因一場無名火而延宕)。十年來三處 各自有不同的發展命運,但很幸運的 是,這些舊建物後來都在時代賦予的 新任務中開展新頁,展現新活力。 台北市政府近年提出「軟都更」的都 更策略,相對於一般都市更新常見的 「硬都更」手段,「軟都更」強調人 存在於空間裡的關係,從具有互助、 共識、情感的人際關係打造都市新面 貌,而不是一味倚賴怪手與水泥的硬 體打造。這讓台北許多舊城區變得更 有趣,人情味更濃厚,或許這也是香

Ten years ago, when I was working at Taipei Artist Village, there emerged a vogue for rebuilding existing spaces among regional governments in Taiwan. In fact, Taipei Artist Village used to be an old architectural compound that later became one of Taipei City’s earliest revitalization projects. At that time, I was also responsible for overseeing two other artist villages-to-be: one of them is known today as Treasure Hill Artist Village, in which many young artists have already resided; the other one is located at the former Residence of Chiang Kai-shek in Yangmingshan (the project was delayed due to a fire of an unknown cause). Although each of the three places has been tied to its own destiny of development over the past ten years, it is fortunate that all those old buildings have turned the page and displayed their vitality in new missions conferred by our time. In recent years, the Taipei City Government has proposed “soft urbanism” as its urban regeneration strategy. Comparing to “hard urbanism”, which is more commonly adopted elsewhere, “soft urbanism” emphasizes the interrelation between the space and its users.


港朋友去台灣旅行時最大的享受與體 會。 透過文化部光點計劃的贊助,由中大 建築學院與台灣大學城鄉所圍繞在都 市更新議題所共同策劃的「雙城對 話:台北×香港」,二零一四年二月 至三月一連在光華新聞文化中心舉辦 三週,透過論壇與紀錄片,探討了兩 城在都市改革過程中的選擇與拋棄, 衝突與對話,以及對進步都市的不同 想像。希望透過這本書的出版,能讓 更多人重視都市再造的多元可能性, 以及開放更多的參與及討論。

It aims to create a whole new cityscape out of a human relationship based on cooperation, consensus and sensibility, rather than one that is made possible by the “hard” use of excavators and cement. With this soft approach to urban planning, many old districts in Taipei have become more interesting and human, which perhaps is what Hong Kong people tend to enjoy most when they visit Taiwan. Through sponsorship from the Ministry of Culture’s Spotlight Taiwan Project, the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s School of Architecture and National Taiwan University’s Graduate Institute of Building and Planning co-organized Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong, a series of events revolving around the theme of urban regeneration. Held at Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center for three consecutive weeks in February-March 2014, the forums and documentary screenings explored the two cities’ urban reform processes, their choices and decisions, conflicts and conversations, and different imaginations of a forward-thinking city. By publishing this book, we hope that people will recognize the diverse possibilities of urban regeneration, opening up more opportunities for participation and discussion.


田恆德 Hendrik Tieben 雙城對話發起人 Urban Dialogue Project Initiator 香港中文大學建築學院副教授 Associate Professor, School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong

引言 Introduction

「雙城對話:台北×香港」是一項關 注市區重建和社區營造的文化交流計 劃,衍生自我們香港中文大學團隊與 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所既有 的合作關係。 我們得從去年的「妙想氈開」計劃說 起。這項外展活動旨在透過社區影像 紀錄和戶外放映會,讓公眾從一個 「由下而上」的參與式規劃行動中重 新發掘、重新想像閒置的公共空間。 「妙想氈開」的首站是香港老區之 一,近年面臨嚴重士紳化問題的西營 盤。 其實,始於二零一二年,我們就跟台 大的康旻杰教授,在北京天橋區做了 首項關於社區影像紀錄的實驗。去年 九月 「妙想氈開西營盤」放映會過後,康 教授和他的學生就於台北萬華區 (舊名艋舺),開始了一個相類似的

Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong was launched as a cultural exchange programme about urban regeneration and community building. It evolved from an existing collaboration between our team at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and partners at the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning of National Taiwan University (NTU). It began last year with Magic Carpet, a community outreach project that aimed to rediscover and re-envision dormant public spaces in a bottom-up process through community filming and open screenings. The first stop of Magic Carpet was Sai Ying Pun, one of Hong Kong’s oldest districts undergoing serious gentrification in recent years. Already, in 2012, we had made our first community filming experiment with Prof. Kang Min-jay of NTU in Beijing’s Tianqiao district. After the Magic Carpet open screening in Sai Ying Pun was held in September 2013, a parallel project was launched in Taipei’s Wanhua district by Prof. Kang and his students from the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning. Similar to Sai Ying Pun, the historical Wanhua


「魔毯計畫」。一如西營盤,台灣的 萬華老區同樣擁有一個歷史悠久的社 區網絡,且同時面對著重建的壓力。 兩次「妙想氈開」社區行動進一步推 展中大和台大之間的對話:兩院校的 學生不但分別在西營盤和萬華區學習 研究,他們更前往對方的區分作實地 考察、訪查。另外,有關兩座舊城區 的錄像影片,更於二零一三香港深圳 城市\建築雙城雙年展中,以多媒體 的形式聯合展出。 那場展覽對香港和台北的都更手法做 了很有趣的對比。台北在社區為本的 市區重建、公民參與以至社會運動各 方面,顯然發展較為成熟。為了擴闊 「妙想氈開」的討論層面,我們舉辦 了一連串「雙城對話」活動,邀請來 自兩地的城市規劃/設計師、建築 師、學者、電影工作者、社運人士和 決策者,集思廣益,分享並反思他們

district also has a long established community network, yet is currently facing redevelopment pressure. The Magic Carpet projects led to further interactions between CUHK and NTU: students of both universities developed their school projects in Sai Ying Pun and Wanhua respectively and travelled to the other district for fieldwork studies. In addition, videos produced for the two Magic Carpet projects were jointly exhibited in a multi-media display at the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture (Hong Kong). From there we saw an interesting comparison between Hong Kong’s urban renewal approaches and those of Taipei, a city that has taken important steps in regard to communityoriented urban regeneration, citizen participation and social activism. We therefore decided to organize a series of “urban dialogues”, inviting urban planners/designers, architects, scholars, filmmakers, social activists, policymakers from Taipei and Hong Kong to reflect on the current challenges of urban renewal faced by both cities, and collect ideas as to






「雙城對話:台北×香港」舉辦一連串公開活動,包括論壇、工作 坊和放映會,邀請來自兩地的社運人士、電影工作者、藝術家、 建築師、教育家、學者、城市規劃/設計師和決策者,討論社區 營造和城市設計等議題,推動台港之間的文化交流。 Launched as a cultural exchange focusing on community building and urban design, “Urban Dialogue: Taipei x Hong Kong” comprises a series of forums, workshops and screenings, joined by social activ-

論壇 + 工作坊 + 放映會 FORUMS + WORKSHOPS + SCREENINGS 再想內城區 – 社區共利計劃

ists, filmmakers, artists, architects, educators, scholars, urban planners/designers and policymakers from the two cities.

再想社區空間 – 以影像賦予公民權

再想都市邊緣 – 自力營造聚落與落腳城市

15 / 02 / 2014

22 / 02 / 2014

01 / 03 / 2014







論壇 FORUM 10am-12:30pm

論壇 FORUM 10am-12:30pm

論壇 FORUM 10am-12:30pm

(輔以國語、英語即時傳譯 In Mandarin and English with simultaneous interpretation)

(以國語或英語進行 In Mandarin or English)

(以國語或英語進行 In Mandarin or English)

餐點 REFRESHMENTS 12:30pm-2pm

光華新聞文化中心 香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

光華新聞文化中心 香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

工作坊 WORKSHOP 2:30pm-5pm 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 香港西營盤西邊街36A後座 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) Annex Block, 36A Western Street Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

同時放映由台港兩地學生拍攝的紀錄片 Videos by students from Taipei and Hong Kong will be screened

放映會 SCREENING 2:00pm 開始 onwards 光華新聞文化中心 香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

「雙城對話:台北x香港」為中華民國文化部贊助的台灣文化光點計劃之一,亦是2013港深城市\建築雙城雙年展的延伸活動。 “Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong” is a Spotlight Taiwan Project funded by the Ministry of Culture (Taiwan), and a collateral Fringe Urbanism event at the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture (Hong Kong).

工作坊 WORKSHOP 2:30pm-5pm 香港薄扶林村 Pok Fu Lam Village, Hong Kong

網上報名 Register Online: 查詢 Enquiries:

主辦 Organizers:

合作單位 Co-organizer:

特別贊助人 Exclusive Sponsor:

尹衍樑先生 Dr. Samuel Yin

在市區重建上的實踐經驗和所遇到的 挑戰,討論如何在重建規劃過程中增 加對社區的利益。 「雙城對話」的公開活動於二零一四 年二月至三月期間,一連三個週末以 論壇和放映會形式假光華新聞文化中 心舉行,並於西營盤和薄扶林村進行 了兩次社區工作坊。三天探討的主題 分別為「再想內城區-社區共利計 劃」、「再想社區空間-以影像賦予 公民權」和「再想都市邊緣-自力營 造聚落與落腳城市」。 「雙城對話」的內容涵蓋市中心以至 偏遠地區,並特別討論了影像如何作 為空間研究和賦予公民權的媒介,藉 此進一步了解台北和香港所面臨的各 種挑戰,以及兩城在市區問題上截然 不同的處理手法。 市區重建和社會兩極化的問題日趨嚴 重之際,是次台北香港跨地域合作,

+852 2523 5555

免費入場 Free Admission

how to increase community benefits in the urban regeneration process. The public events of Urban Dialogue were organized on three consecutive Saturdays from February to March 2014, comprising forums and screenings at Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, as well we workshops in two local communities in Hong Kong (Sai Ying Pun and Pokfulam Village). The three sessions were: “Re-envisioning Inner City Districts – Towards Community Benefit Plans”, “Reenvisioning Community Spaces – Film as a Means of Empowerment”, and “Re-envisioning the Urban Edge – Self-built Settlements and Arrival Cities”. Combining discussions on city centers and the urban fringe, with a special focus on the moving image medium as a means of spatial investigation and social empowerment, Urban Dialogue attempted to provide a better understanding of the urban challenges faced by Taipei and Hong Kong, and how differently they are addressed by the two cities.


Vol. 2 / Issue 2 / June 2014


展覽 + 論壇 + 工作坊 + 放映會 EXHIBITIONS + FORUMS + WORKSHOPS + SCREENINGS 主編: 梁燕蕾, 田恆德,康旻杰 Edited by Janice Leung, Hendrik Tieben, Min Jay Kang


旨在尋求嶄新的角度、方案,讓社區 居民在重建過程中扮演重要的角色。 整項「雙城對話」計劃,包括二零一 三年香港深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展 中的聯展,均由台灣文化部的「台灣 文化光點計畫」資助。而計劃背後的 學術研究則由香港的大學教育資助委 員會轄下的知識轉移基金和優配研究 金贊助。

At a time of growing critique against urban renewal projects and increasing social polarization, we hope that Urban Dialogue has opened up new perspectives as to how to empower local communities to take a central role in the regeneration process. The entire Urban Dialogue programme, including the joint exhibition at the 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture (Hong Kong), was a Spotlight Taiwan Project supported by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan. The underlying research in Hong Kong was supported by a Knowledge Transfer Fund and a General Research Fund from the University Grants Committee.


鳴謝 Acknowledgements

作為「雙城對話:台北 ×香港」的 發起人,我想感謝參與活動的所有萬 華區和西營盤區居民,以及台大、中 大的學生。他們的支持和付出不可或 缺,並為計劃帶來重要意義。

As the project initiator of Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong, I would like to thank all involved residents of the Wanhua and Sai Ying Pun districts and the students at NTU and CUHK. Their essential contributions made this project possible and meaningful.

另外,我亦感謝每位參與「雙城對 話」的嘉賓講者、主持和回應,光華 新聞文化中心的盧健英主任和梁毓芳 小姐,計劃伙伴康旻杰教授,以及我 在中大的團隊:梁燕蕾、范哲高、 Mika Savela 和葉啟俊。

In addition, I would like to thank the speakers, moderators and respondents who participated in the Urban Dialogue, Ms. Lu Chien-ying and Ms. Yvonne Liang of the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, my project partner Prof. Kang Min-jay and my CUHK project team: Janice Leung, Francesco Rossini, Mika Savela, and Yip Kai-chun.

我尤其想藉此機會感謝中華民國文化 部「台灣文化光點計劃」、活動的特 別贊助人尹衍樑先生,以及香港的大 學教育資助委員會。他們慷慨的支持 和資助,使這次台港雙城對話得以實 現。

I especially would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Samuel Yin and the Spotlight Taiwan Project of Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, as well as the University Grants Committee in Hong Kong, for their generous support and funding that enabled us to realize the urban dialogues between Taipei and Hong Kong.

田恆德 Hendrik Tieben


15 / 02 / 2014


再想內城區 –




主持:田恆德 香港中文大學建築學院副教授 回應:李俊峰 藝術家、社區工作者(香港) Moderator: Hendrik Tieben Associate Professor, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Respondent: Lee Chun-fung Artist and Community Worker, Hong Kong

首輪「雙城對話」於光華新聞文 化中心揭幕:來自台北和香港 的政府規劃師、社運人士及城市 設計師,在論壇上跟觀眾探討兩 地不同的都更方向和規劃文化。 隨後,台灣的嘉賓講者前往西營 盤社區進行導賞和工作坊,與本 地居民以互動形式交流、分享 經驗。

The first of the Urban Dialogue series began with a forum at the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, with government planners, social activists, urban designers and audience members discussing the different urban renewal approaches and planning cultures in Taipei and Hong Kong. It was followed by a guided tour to Sai Ying Pun, where the Taiwanese guest speakers shared their experiences and interacted with local residents in a community workshop.


黃麗玲 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所所長兼副教授

HUANG Li-ling

Director and Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University

「參數式的更新、大規模的更新、以 資金和地產為導向的更新,都不應該 成為主流。這個規模的更新會造成很 多看不到的文化流失,同時失去公共 參與過程的要素。」 “Parametric, large-scale, capital- and developer-oriented renewal should not be the mainstream. This kind of urban renewal weakens our culture without us noticing. It also hinders the process of public participation.”

「在城市變遷的洪流中,如果我們能 夠留下一些讓人交流、發展潛能、改 變都市的機會;我想這就是我們要對 話的起點。」 “In the face of a changing cityscape, if we could provide opportunities for people to exchange ideas, develop their potentials and transform the city, then I think this is the starting point of our dialogue.”


台港兩地的都更發展 Urban Regeneration in Taipei and Hong Kong

黃麗玲,現任國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研 究所所長,亦是台大全球化城市研究中心 的創辦人。研究範疇包括全球化發展、亞 洲城市研究、社區與地方營造、城市規劃 和設計理論。黃教授曾出任台北市都市計 劃委員和桃園縣都市計劃委員。 Huang Li-ling is director of the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning and the Research Center for Globalizing Cities at National Taiwan University. Her research interests are globalization and development, urban studies in Asia, community building and place making, and theories of planning and design. Huang was also a board member of the Urban Planning Commission for the Taipei City Government (2009-2010) and the Urban Planning Commission for the Taoyuan County Government (2008- 2009).


林崇傑 台北市都市更新處處長

LIN Chung-chieh

Director, Urban Regeneration Office (Taipei City)

「我們必須在傳統僵硬嚴密的體系之 中,尋找一個鬆動制度、活化城市的 新機制,我們需要一種新思維。」 “In this traditional, rigid structure, we must search for a flexible system and a new mechanism to revitalize the city. We need to think out of the box.”

攝影:汪德範 Photo: Wang Te-fan

「軟都市主義不靠硬體建設,不是蓋 一個大的劇院、一個新的大樓,而是 怎麼讓所有市民重新認知這個城市的 需要、他們要過甚麼樣的日子、二十 年後他要讓他的下一代過甚麼樣的日 子。」 “Soft Urbanism doesn’t rely on hardware construction. It’s not about building a huge theatre or a new center, but rather about how to allow all the residents to rediscover the city’s needs, asking what kind of life they want to live, and what kind of life they want their next generation to live 20 years later.”


軟都市主義的都市再生行動: 台北實踐 The Praxis Toward Soft Urbanism in Taipei

林崇傑,建築師、都市計劃師,現任台北 市都市更新處處長、文化部聚落及文化景 觀審議委員會委員。林處長長期於台北市 推動都市設計、歷史保存、社區營造、公 共藝術、創意城市與都市再發展之工作, 策劃並執行上述領域之體制建立、法令訂 定與各項行動計劃。 Lin Chung-chieh is an architect and urban planner. He is currently Director of Urban Regeneration Office of Taipei City, and a committee member of Settlement and Cultural Landscape of Ministry of Culture, Taiwan. His work, which focuses on developing mechanisms, regulations, and practices, is an important contribution to the urban design, preservation, community empowerment, public art, urban redevelopment and the promotion of a creative city in Taipei.


陳德君 台北市社區規劃師

CHEN Te-chun

Community Planner, Taipei

「當議題找對了,空間給出來了,社 區的居民可以以志工方式,發揮各自 的能力,把整個平台建起來。」 “After we have found the issue and got the space, community members can bring out their talents by volunteering. And the whole platform is built.”

「我會放棄公共空間;我會從私人做 起,所謂私人就是個人,例如每個小 朋友,讓他感興趣,從小朋友影響到 家長,從家長影響到學校,再從學校 帶到社會其他地方。」 “I’d given up public space; I’d rather start from the private realm, which means the individuals. For example, we pique the interest of children. From there we can get to their parents, and then to their schools, and from there we can further get to other areas of society.”


由下而上社區共利的規劃實踐 – 從抵抗到計劃 (中萬華經驗) Bottom-up Community Benefit Plan – from Resistance to Project (Middle Wanhua’s Experience)

陳德君,二零零二年畢業於台灣大學建築 與城鄉研究所碩士課程,其後一直投入社 區發展與老舊街區再生工作,在萬華區與 草根組織合作,爭取並運用政府經費,推 動小尺度、由下而上的社區設計與環境改 造計劃。二零一二年夏天完成台灣首次以 國小學生為對象的「小小社區規劃師」培 訓營;二零一三年運用台北市都市更新處 「URS 都市再生前進基地」計劃的補助經 費,以私人古蹟為據點,創造串連社區公 共生活的平台網絡,開創傳統產業老舊社 區與文化創意展覽活動接軌的不同經驗。

Chen Te-chun graduated from National Taiwan University’s Graduate Institute of Building and Planning in 2002, and has since been devoting herself to community development and urban regeneration in Wanhua area in Taipei. Often collaborating with grassroots organizations, Chen promotes small-scale, bottom-up redesign and regeneration community projects. In the summer of 2012, she completed Taiwan’s first training camp for young community planners. And now she is launching a “URS” project that creates an alternative platform for discussing heritage and regeneration issues.


馬昭智 香港市區重建局總監(規劃及設計)

Michael MA Chiu-tsee

Director (Planning & Design) Urban Renewal Authority, Hong Kong

「我們不應只著眼於舊建築結構的重 建,而要考慮到重建為社會以及居民 所帶來的多種後果。」

「我們嘗試以一個引導者的角色,把 政策和民意拉在一起,再看是否有妥 協的餘地。」

“When we talk about redevelopment, it’s not just about the redevelopment of old structures, it also hinges on a lot of consequences about the social dimension and the people living there.”

“We’re trying to be a facilitator, to get government policy and public opinion together and see whether there’s a compromise.”


重建發展 Redevelopment

攝影:市區重建局 Photo: Urban Renewal Authority

馬昭智,一九八零年代畢業於倫敦大學學 院 Bartlett 建築學院,曾於不同的香港政府 部門及政策局工作。二零零六年加入市區 重建局,任職規劃及設計總監,對保育計 劃的重建與實踐作總體規劃。 Michael Ma Chiu-tsee graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London in the 1980s. He has worked in various government departments and policy bureaus in Hong Kong. In 2006, he joined the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) as Director of Planning & Design, taking charge of the master planning of redevelopment and implementation of conservation projects.


羅建中 建築師 香港歐華爾顧問有限公司總監

Chris LAW Kin-chung

Architect and Director The Oval Partnership Limited, Hong Kong

「香港有非常豐富的文化生活,但多 年來沒有足夠機會讓人們參與其中。 長遠來說,我們覺得每個香港人都應 該享有這個參與文化生活的機會。」 “Hong Kong has an extremely rich cultural life. But throughout the years there have not been enough opportunities for people to take part in it. Ultimately, we think everyone in Hong Kong should be able to participate in the cultural life of the city.”

「我們希望大家來到市中心,觀看這 個城市、討論這個城市,並投入其 中。」 “We want people to come in to the centre of the city, look at the city, talk about the city, and get engaged in the city.”


非常香港 2013 Very Hong Kong 2013

羅建中,歐華爾顧問有限公司董事兼創始 人,曾獲香港建築師學會年獎和十大傑出 青年獎,其設計項目也獲得英國皇家美術 院和英國皇家建築師學會等世界性機構組 織的獎項。羅氏為二零一二年威尼斯建築 雙年展香港展館的主策展人和建築師,現 爲藍屋城市保育和公衆參與項目籌委會主 席,也是非常香港基金會的創始人。 Chris Law Kin-chung is a founding director of the Oval Partnership and has received numerous accolades over the years, including Architects of the Year and Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong. His projects have been awarded by such international institutions as the Royal Academy of Arts and Royal Institute of British Architects. He was the chief curator and architect of the Hong Kong Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2012, and is currently Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Urban Conservation and Community Participation Blue House Project, as well as the founder of Very Hong Kong Foundation.


袁智仁 香港本土研究社研究員

YUEN Chi-yan

Researcher Local Research Community, Hong Kong

「在香港,社區營造仍處於一個很反 抗的模式,現在還未到達規劃的層 面。」 “In Hong Kong, community building is still operating on a confrontational model; it hasn’t reached the planning level yet.”

「我們沒有中間人把專業知識跟社區 放在一起;藝術其實是一個方法,但 藝術不能提供另類的規劃方案給社 會。」 “We don’t have a middle person to connect professional knowledge with community issues. Art could be a solution, but it cannot provide alternative plans for society.”


在重建的危機下重 新發現社區意識 Rediscovering a Sense of Community under Redevelopment Crisis

袁智仁(原人),植根香港的城市研究 員,畢業於香港科技大學社會科學院的哲 學碩士課程,自二零零六年起開始研究 觀塘的社區生活,並舉辦社區活動,為小 販、街坊爭取權益和公義。 Yuen Chi-yan (Yuen Yan) is an urban researcher based in Hong Kong. He received his M.Phil in social science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and has been researching the community life of Kwun Tong since 2006. Over the years, Yuen has also organized many community events to fight for social justice, and for street hawkers and residents to claim their rights to the city.








22 / 02 / 2014


再想社區空間 –




主持:康旻杰 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授 回應:盧健英 光華新聞文化中心主任 Moderator: Kang Min-jay Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University Respondent: Lu Chien-ying Director, Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center

是次於光華新聞文化中心舉行的 活動,集合了台北和香港的電影 工作者、社區規劃師和設計師, 探討如何透過影像紀錄和放映 會,研究城市狀況之餘,更讓居 民參與改造社區的創意過程中。 講者和觀眾經過論壇上的討論、 分享後,觀賞兩地製作的精選電 影和紀錄片。

In this event at the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, filmmakers, community planners and designers from Taipei and Hong Kong explored how filming and screening could serve to investigate urban conditions and empower residents to reshape their communities in a creative process. After a discussion between the speakers and the audience at the forum, selected films and documentaries produced in both cities were screened.


吳碧霜 台北市社區營造中心執行長 中華民國社區營造學會執行長

WU Pi-shuang

Chief Executive Officer, Community Empowerment Network & Community Empowering Society, Taiwan

「我們希望透過影像紀錄,逐漸挖掘 社區的特色和議題。」 “Through visual documentation, we hope to gradually dig out a community’s characteristics and issues.”

「我們要求影片回到社區去放映,讓 拍攝者跟社區產生互動,也去聽聽居 民對這個影片的想法。」 “We want to bring the film back to the community and screen it there, in order to create interaction between the filmmaker and the community, and to listen to what residents have to say about the work.”


當社區營造遇上社區「影」造 ──社區培力的另一種模式 When Community Building Meets Community Filmmaking – An Alternative Model of Community Empowerment

吳碧霜自國立中興大學歷史系畢業後,一 直致力於社區營造和文化資產保存的工 作,曾執行多項社區培力計劃,累積各類 媒合社區資源的經驗,並透過社區營造, 讓人相信自己有改變社會的力量,以公民 參與作為創意社會的基礎。 Wu Pi-shuang graduated from National Chung Hsing University’s Department of History. She has been focusing on community building and preservation of social capital, and has organized many social empowerment projects, accumulating a lot of experience in matching community resources. Through the process of community building, she aspires to make people believe in change and in citizen participation as the foundation of a creative society.


簡偉斯 電影導演 (前台灣女性影像學會理事長)

CHIEN Wei-ssu

Film Director (former Chairwoman, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)

「以前,婦女運動都是由精英的知識 分子婦女推動,可是真正的改變需要 來自一般人。沒有家暴、沒有離婚的 媽媽其實更難改變,因為她們已有一 個既有的生活狀態 …… 她們透過 『玩布』的過程去認識自己,產生了 很多奇怪的質變。」 “In the past, feminist movements were advocated by elitist, intellectual women. But real change has to come from ordinary people. In fact, it’s more difficult to change housewives who are not divorced and not facing domestic violence, since they already have established a living pattern … They get to know themselves through this ‘stitching’ process, which brings a lot of curious changes to their lives.”

「我覺得即便是由非專業電影工作者 拍攝的影片也極具價值;這些影片都 在為社會寫下歷史,為社會做見證。」 “Those movies have great values, however shot by amateur filmmakers. They are witnessing society and writing history for society.”


從《玩布的姊妹》到 NGO 團 體紀錄片工作坊— 談婦女、社 工、志工影像培力與賦權 From The Stitching Sisterhood to Documentary Workshops for NGOs – On Image Empowerment of Women, Social Workers and Volunteers

簡偉斯,一九八四年畢業於國立政治大學 外文系,一九九三年於美國俄亥俄州立大 學攝影暨電影系研究所獲得碩士學位。二 零一一至二零一三年擔任「台灣女性影像 學會」理事長及台灣國際女性影展主席。 目前是獨立製片及導演,國立交通大學兼 任助理教授。簡導演長期關注女性經驗, 其劇情片、紀錄片、實驗電影和影像裝置 觸及各種女性議題。與郭珍弟共同製作導 演的16 釐米電影《Viva Tonal 跳舞時代》 更於二零零三年獲台灣金馬獎最佳紀錄片 獎項。

Chien Wei-ssu graduated from National Chenchi University in Western Languages and Literature in 1984, and completed her Master’s degree in Photography & Cinema at Ohio State University in 1993. She was the Chairwoman of Taiwan Women’s Film Association and Women Make Waves Film Festival from 2011 to 2013. Chien is currently a video / film director and adjunct assistant professor at National Chiao Tung University. Since 1993, Chien has been devoting herself to moving-image production concerning women’s issues. Co-directed and co-produced with Kuo Chen-ti, her 16mm film Viva Tonal—The Dance Age won the Best Documentary Award at Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival in 2003.


潘達培 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院專業應用副教授 (前香港電台紀錄片導演)

Eric POON Tat-pui

Associate Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (former Documentary Director at Radio Television Hong Kong)

「由殖民地開始,然後是一個過渡 期,然後回歸,然後是特區 ...... 自從一九七八年,《鏗鏘集》一直就 香港對於土地運用、公共空間、城市 發展等議題,做了很多很重要的影像 紀錄。」 “Starting from the colonial period to a transitional era, then through the handover to the SAR Government ... Since 1978, Hong Kong Connection has been visually documenting the city regarding its land use, public space and social development.”

「我們拍紀錄片的,不管是主流傳媒 還是公民社會,都在為社會做紀錄。 在拍攝《鏗鏘集》的過程中,我常常 處於一種跟公民社會互動的狀態,在 他們身上學習到很多觀點,然後利用 主流傳媒的平台,嘗試去做一些事 情。」 “All documentary filmmakers - whether from the mass media or from civil society - are making social records. Over the Hong Kong Connection filming process, I was often in an interactive relation with civil society, from which I learned a lot of perspectives. Then I used a mainstream platform to try to do something there.”


拍了紀錄片二十年 Twenty Years of Documentary Making

潘達培,資深電視紀錄片編導,現為香港 中文大學新聞與傳播學院專業應用副教 授。過去二十年一直為香港電台電視部旗 艦節目《鏗鏘集》拍攝紀錄片,作品逾百 齣,展現人文關懷,真實紀錄中國和香港 社會的變遷。其作品屢獲本地及國際電影 電視節獎項,當中包括《孩子上戰場》、 《扣著腳鐐跳舞的中國律師》、《走過二 十年》等等。潘氏監製的青年人跨媒體計 劃《香港檔案.X 》,更獲得國際廣播聯 盟流動電話/跨媒體最佳製作大獎。 Eric Poon Tat-pui is Associate Professor of Practice at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s School of Journalism and Communication. A veteran documentary producer, Poon has produced more than 100 TV documentaries for Radio Television Hong Kong since 1993. Some of his best-known works, including Child Soldier, Defending Justice in China and Twenty Years On, have won numerous awards in local and international film festivals. Poon has also worked as Executive Producer of youth programs and cross-media projects, such as HKfile.X, which received the International Media Excellence Award from the Association for International Broadcasting.


田恆德 香港中文大學建築學院副教授

Hendrik TIEBEN

Associate Professor, School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong

「我們對[西營盤]的建築和歷史發 展已研究了好幾年,但仍未確切了解 到居民的生活狀況。於是我們採取了 另一種策略,不是紙上談兵,而是實 在、實時地展示空間可以怎樣改造。 」 “Even after several years of looking at the historical transformation and building typology of the [Sai Ying Pun] district, we still didn’t know anything about the people living in the area. So we felt we had to use a different strategy, showing how spaces could look different, not just on paper but also in real time.”

「除了投訴和等待政府幫助之外,居 民也可以積極爭取他們想要的,把社 區生活帶回到那些完全給閒置的公共 空間嗎?」 “Instead of waiting for the government and complaining, can residents define themselves actively for what they want to have in the neighbourhood, and bring community life back into spaces that are totally deserted?”


妙想氈開:西營盤 Magic Carpet: Sai Ying Pun

田恆德身兼建築師、城市設計師和香港中 文大學建築學院副教授,近年為院校開辦 城市設計理學碩士課程,主要講授城市設 計和城市研究理論。田氏目前的學術研究 專注討論城市形態與進程,以及香港、澳 門和珠江三角洲地區的公共空間。 Hendrik Tieben is an architect, urban designer and Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is Programme Director of the M.Sc. in Urban Design at the university, mainly teaching urban design and theory. Tieben’s current research projects focus on the urban forms and processes, as well as the public space in Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta region.




《看不見的村落》 導演:廖憶玲、朱栢頴,25 分鐘 Invisible Village, Directed by Liao Yi-ling, Chu Po-ying, 25 min

《阿霞的掛鐘》 導演:陳芯宜,19 分鐘 The Clock, Directed by Singing Chen, 19 min

《今天友沒友?》 導演:馮忠恬,17 分鐘 Will My Friends Come Out Today?, Directed by Feng Chung-tien, 17 min

《豬》 導演:陳芯宜,25 分鐘 The Pig, Directed by Singing Chen, 25 min

《山城台北》 導演:鄭清心、聶克,20 分鐘 Taipei Mountain City, Directed by Pinti Zheng, Nicholas Coulson, 20 min

《鏗鏘集》“鐵路修到菜園村” 香港電台,22 分鐘 Hong Kong Connection: “Railway construction extends to Choi Yuen Village”, RTHK, 22 min

《小房子》 導演:田田圈文創工作群 / 玩匡匡影 像工作室, 4:36 分鐘 A Small House (URS+), Directed by TienTien Circle Creatives / FramePlayer Film Studio, 4:36 min

《鏗鏘集》“再見菜園村” 香港電台,22 分鐘 Hong Kong Connection: “See you again, Choi Yuen Village” RTHK, 22 min

《南機場幸福宅配》 導演:謝雯惠、謝欣霓、高弘政, 22 分鐘 Nanjichang Home Delivery with Love, Directed by Hsieh Wen-hui, Hsieh Hsin-ni, Kao Hong-cheng, 22 min

《鏗鏘集》“消失中的鄉土” 香港電台,22 分鐘 Hong Kong Connection: “Make way for development”, RTHK, 22min 《在浮城的角落唱首歌》 導演:麥海珊,50 分鐘 (節錄) On the Edge of a Floating City, We Sing, Directed by Anson Mak, 50 min (excerpt)


《南機場幸福宅配》 Nanjichang Home Delivery with Love

《豬》The Pig


放映會 SCREENING 《阿霞的掛鐘》 The Clock

《在浮城的角落唱首歌》 On the Edge of a Floating City, We Sing



01 / 03 / 2014


再想都市邊緣 –




主持:潘浩倫 建築師、二零一三年港深城市\建築雙 城雙年展(香港)執行策展人 回應:伍美琴 香港中文大學城市研究課程主任 Moderator: Allen Poon Architect and Executive Curator, 2013 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture (Hong Kong) Respondent: Ng Mee-kam Director, Urban Studies Programme The Chinese University of Hong Kong

最終一輪「雙城對話」把議題從 內城區移至邊陲的非正式聚落, 先由兩地學者、城市規劃師、社 運人士和村民代表在論壇上發表 意見,再前往薄扶林村進行社區 工作坊,連同論壇觀眾和本地居 民,一起為城中村落構思可持續 的活化策略。

The last Urban Dialogue shifted attention from inner city districts to informal settlements at the urban fringe. It comprised a discussion forum joined by scholars, urban planners, social activists and representatives of local villages, as well as a workshop at Pokfulam Village, bringing together the guest speakers, the audience members and local residents in exploring sustainable strategies for the more rural parts of the city.


劉可強 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉發展基金會董事長兼執行長

John LIU Koh-chiang

President and Executive Director, National Taiwan University Building and Planning Research Foundation

「政府必須願意作出改變,民間對歷 史保存要有更新的想像,專家學者應 抱持動態的觀點,三方面都需要彼此 調適、對話與交流,然後慢慢形成共 識、一個共同的價值觀。」

「為甚麼居民一定要參與在歷史保存的 過程裏?任何歷史保存計劃都是很複雜 的過程,得花很多年去完成,但我們終 究要從人的角度去掌握當事者的處境, 進而跟他們一起完成這項任務。」

“The government has to be willing to change; members of the public have to think anew of historic preservation; professionals and scholars have to develop a dynamic concept of conservation, too. All the three parties have to adapt to each other through dialogue and exchange. Then we will gradually reach a consensus and a shared value.”

“Why should residents participate in the process of historical conservation? Any historical conservation project is a complex effort that takes many years to complete. But in the end we still have to look at it from a humanistic perspective, put ourselves into the shoes of the people affected, and accomplish the task with them together.”


寶藏巖的過去、 現在、未來 The Past, Present and Future of Treasure Hill

劉可強建築師的專業實踐奠基於紮實的建 築訓練和懇切的社會關懷。他於華盛頓大 學及加州柏克萊大學取得建築碩士、博士 學位,期後曾任教於加州柏克萊大學、賓 夕法尼亞州立大學、北京清華大學、中原 大學、及台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所,劉 教授對城市規劃的貢獻廣受認同,歷年來 獲得多個獎項,包括美國加州州政府住屋 設計獎、台北文化獎等。他的作品始終基 於人本,於空間形式之外延展出豐富而正 義的社會想像,其研究則着重結合參與式 規劃設計方法及倡議式民主規劃精神,長 期投入建築與都市保存、社會住宅、建築 的在地認同、弱勢社群培力及社區營造等 課題。

John Liu Koh-chiang received his M.S. in architecture from University of Washington in 1969 and Ph.D. in architecture from University of California, Berkeley in 1980. He had held teaching and research positions at National Taiwan University, Tsinghua University, University of California, Berkeley, Chung Yuan Christian University and Pennsylvania State University. Liu’s contributions to urban planning and design have been recognized by numerous honors, including the Taipei Culture Award, Taiwan Architects Association Annual Awards (First Prize) and State of California Affordable Housing Award. His research focuses on sustainable environment design and planning, participatory design method and theory, community building and architectural design for historical space.


廖咸浩 國立台灣大學外國語文學系教授 (前台北市文化局長)

Sebastian LIAO Hsien-hao

Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University (former Director, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government)

「把居民留下來,目的不是為他們而 已,而是要把他們所代表、所象徵、 又或者具體呈現的精神,讓所有市民 了解甚至學習。我們不是為保存而保 存,那裡應該有一個更大的公共利 益,這才是意義所在。」 “We keep the residents there not just because we want to keep them, but also because we want to spread the spirit that they represent, symbolize, or manifest, to allow other people to understand and even learn from them. That’s why we do conservation. We conserve not for the sake of conservation, but for a wider public interest. This is what we find meaningful.”

「政策一定要從情的角度出發,而且 必須要從少數的觀點出發,但這個少 數必須是弱勢的,不是單純的少數。」 “A policy has to depart from a humanistic perspective, and which has to be a minority perspective that represents the disadvantaged. It’s not minority in a numerical sense.”


寶藏的失去(與復得?):寶藏 巖規劃案中前衛藝術、公共利益 與文化規劃的糾結 The Loss (and Recovery) of the Treasure: Avant-garde art, public good, and cultural planning in the case of the Treasure Hill Project

廖咸浩為台灣大學外文系碩士、史丹福大 學比較文學博士,並於哈佛大學作後博士 研究,曾前往芝加哥大學、華盛頓大學、 普林斯頓大學和香港中文大學等作訪問學 人。二零零二至二零零四年間出任中華民 國比較文學學會總幹事,並於二零零三至 二零零六年間擔任台北市文化局局長,推 動、策劃多項具前瞻性的文化計劃,包括 漢字文化節和數位藝術節。廖教授現職台 灣大學外文系,主要研究現代詩和小說、 文學和文化理論,以及文化政策的形成。

Sebastian Liao Hsien-hao received his PhD from Stanford University and was post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University. He was visiting scholar at University of Washington, Princeton University, Chicago University, University of Western Sydney and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 2002 to 2004, Liao was President of the Comparative Literature Association in Taiwan. He also served as Director of Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government from 2003 to 2006, during which he launched many pioneering cultural projects such as the Chinese Character Festival and the Digital Arts Festival. Liao is currently Professor of English and Comparative Literature at National Taiwan University, specializing in modern poetry and fiction, literary and cultural theories, and cultural policy formation.


康旻杰 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授

KANG Min-jay

Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University

「沒有思維進步的政府專員,就很可 能沒辦法在實質上作更多積極的改 變,就是說你可能會看到很多抗爭, 很多對抗。」

「甚麼是理想城市?是完全以開發為 優先的城市?還是它可以有很多層 次,每個層次都有各自的故事,各自 的記憶?」

“If we don’t have progressive commissioners in the government, actual positive changes won’t be likely to happen, meaning you’ll probably see a lot of conflict, and a lot of confrontation.”

“What is an ideal city? Is it a city which always prioritizes development? Or is it one that consists of many layers, each of which has its own stories and memories?”


蟾蜍效應: 蟾蜍山聚落的邊緣效應 The Toad Effect: The Edge Effects of Toad Hill Settlement

康旻杰專任國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究 所副教授,開設都市設計與文化地景理論 及實踐的相關課程。他是專業者都市改革 組織常務理事、中華民國都市設計學會理 事,及文化部公共藝術審議委員會成員。 他同時是都市保育和社會革新的行動者, 主導和參與過許多社會空間的實踐計劃, 包括台北寶藏巖及剝皮寮的保存與規劃項 目。

Kang Min-jay is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Building and Planning of National Taiwan University, teaching theories and practices related to urban design and cultural landscape. He is an executive board member of OURs (Organisation of Urban Re-s), a board member of Chinese Institute of Urban Design, and a member of Public Arts Review Committee of the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan. An activist of urban conservation and social innovation, Kang has conducted and participated in many socio-spatial practices in Taiwan, including Taipei’s Treasure Hill and Skin-Peeling Alley projects.


冼昭行 香港明愛薄扶林社區發展計劃團隊主任

Benjamin SIN Chiu-hang

Team Leader, Caritas Pokfulam Community Development Project, Hong Kong

「寶藏巖是我們的老師。我們看到台 灣有一個很大的文化資產保存法,這 是我們希望香港能夠效法的,因為目 前香港只有單幢建築物能夠保育下 來,卻還沒有法例去保護整個地方。」 “Treasure Hill is our teacher. Taiwan has a comprehensive Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, and this is what we want Hong Kong to follow suit. In this city, only individual buildings can be preserved; there are no such laws to protect a whole area.”

「二零一三年年頭,特首公佈『解除 薄扶林發展限制』,村民知道他們不 能坐以待斃,所以發起了這個『留 住』運動 …… 把人留下來,我們才 能夠把故事留下來 …… 成為一個永 續的聚落,然後成為一個香港人共同 擁有的文化資產。」 “In early 2013, after the Chief Executive announced the ‘Lifting of Pokfulam Moratorium’ policy, the villagers knew they couldn’t just sit and wait for things to happen. So we launched this ‘Live the Pokfulam Village’ campaign … We retain people in order to retain their stories ... so that we can become a sustainable settlement, and a social capital to be shared among Hong Kong people.”


社區主導的留住薄扶林村運動 Live the Pokfulam Village – A Community-Driven Campaign

冼昭行,香港大學社會工作碩士課程畢 業,二零零二年加入香港明愛,曾先後服 務深水埗及長洲社區,二零零五年接任明 愛薄扶林社區發展計劃團隊主任至今。二 零一二年為機構撰寫《薄扶林村:太平山 下的歷史聚落》一書,並獲頒發該年度的 香港書獎。 Benjamin Sin Chiu-hang received his Master of Social Work degree at the University of Hong Kong. He joined Caritas Hong Kong in 2002, and has since served in Sham Shui Po and Cheung Chau communities. Sin has been Team Leader of the Pokfulam Community Development Project since 2005. His publication, Pokfulam Village: the Historic Settlement below Tai Ping Shan, won the Hong Kong Book Prize 2012.


陳允中 香港浸會大學社會學系研究助理教授

CHEN Yun-chung

Research Assistant Professor Department of Sociology Hong Kong Baptist University

「香港的規劃大都是我們叫『推土 機』的規劃,即是把一個地方剷平, 然後重新建過 …… 我們希望菜園村 是最後一個被推土機推倒的一個村。」 “Urban planning in Hong Kong is most often what we call ‘bulldozer planning’, which eradicates an area and then builds it up all over again … We hope Choi Yuen Village is the last village demolished by a bulldozer.” 「新菜園村不是一個散村,也不是一 個封閉的圍村;它是一個民主村的示 範,也是對直接民主的一項實驗。譬 如我們開會有個規矩:小組先開會, 定了一層,第二天才開大組會議,做 最後決定,沒有大會通過的事全都不 可以做。這就是我們花了很長時間建 立的一個民主之道。」

“The new Choi Yuen Village is not a loose settlement, nor is it a walled village; it’s a model of a democratic community, and an experiment of direct democracy. For example, we have set a rule for our meetings: First we have small meetings to gather opinion, then, on the next day, we have a big meeting to make the final decision. We can’t carry out anything that is not approved by the big meeting. This is the democratic process that we have spent a lot of time developing.”


社區參與營造生態村: 香港菜園村的經驗 Community Participatory Planning of an Eco-Village: The Experience of Choi Yuen Village, Hong Kong

陳允中,在馬來西亞出生的社區規劃師( 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士,美 國加州大學洛杉磯分校城市規劃博士) ,目前是香港浸會大學社會系研究助理教 授,專注於創新研究和批判城市研究。自 二零零四年抵港,陳氏就活躍參與保育及 社區營造的都市改革運動,諸如保衛皇后 碼頭及保衛菜園村運動。二零零六年,他 與友人成立民間團體「社區文化關注」, 提倡社區參與營造計劃,包括自二零零六 年開始的灣仔藍屋「留屋留人」活保育計 劃,和自二零一零年開始的四十七戶菜園 新村重建生態村計劃。

Chen Yun-chung was born in Malaysia. He was trained as a community planner (MPhil in Planning, Taiwan National University; Ph.D. in Planning, University of California, Los Angeles) and is Research Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Sociology, focusing on innovation studies and critical urban studies. Since relocating to Hong Kong in 2004, Chen has been actively participating in urban reform agendas on preservation and community building. In 2006, he co-founded Community Cultural Concern (CCC), a NGO that launches participatory community building projects such as the living revitalization of Blue House, where original tenants have a choice to stay, and the planning of Choi Yuen New Village, where 47 households move and rebuild their community together.


李鳳眉 香港打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟代表

LI Fung-mei

Representative of Ta Kwu Ling / Ping Che Alliance for ‘saving our home’, Hong Kong

「非原居民全都要搬離,原居民則可 以留下,這是一個怎樣的規劃方案? 我們非原居民以前跟地主租地,那都 是一塊塊荒地,我們建路、築水道、 打井、建屋,那全都是我們雙手蓋 的,所以我們是建設者。但是整個規 劃都沒有徵詢過我們的意見。」 “All non-indigenous inhabitants have to move out, while indigenous inhabitants have the right to stay – what’s behind this policy? “When we first rented those farmlands from our landlords, they used to be barren lands. We paved roads and constructed a drainage system, dug wells and built houses. We made this place from scratch by our own hands. But we were not consulted over the whole planning process.”

「一個真正的規劃是以人為本、由下 而上,而不是高空鳥瞰的。我們本身 已有很好的社區網絡,但是那些鄉委 派、地產商、政府在推動整個規劃, 我們就被犧牲了。」 “Urban planning should be people-oriented and bottom-up, but not from top down. We have formed a very good social network among ourselves, but with those rural committees, property developers and the government being the driving force behind the planning, we feel like we are sacrificed.”


守護邊土的一個聯盟 A Guardian of the City Edge

打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟成立於二零一二 年八月。源起於二零一二年七月政府進行 東北發展規劃第三次諮詢時,原住在打鼓 嶺坪輋區,落戶近百年的非原居民始獲悉 自己的家園將被剷平、再發展,而在整個 諮詢規劃中一直被蒙在鼓裡。於是我們一 群非原居民自組起打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯 盟,為家園、為土地、為本土農業、為不 公義而抗爭。 Ta Kwu Ling / Ping Che Alliance for ‘saving our home’ was formed in August 2012, a month after the Hong Kong government commenced the phase three consultation about the North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning. Having not been informed over the whole consultation process, we, nonindigenous inhabitants in Ping Che area in Ta Kwu Ling – whose families have resided there for almost a century – came to realize that our homes would soon be demolished and redeveloped. So we formed the alliance to fight for our home, for local farming, and for social justice.







妙想氈開: 再想台港兩地社區空間 Magic Carpet: Re-envisioning Community Space in Taipei and Hong Kong


二零一三年港深城市\建築雙城雙年展(香港) 策展: 田恆德、康旻杰 展覽設計及製作: 范哲高、葉啟俊、胡幼函、 陳敬杰、呂行、曾仁威 2013 Bi-City Biennale Of Urbanism \ Architecture (Hong Kong) Curators: Hendrik Tieben, Kang Min-jay Exhibition Design and Production: Francesco Rossini, Yip Kai-chun, Hu You-han, Chen Ching-chieh, Lyu Hang, Zeng Ren-wei

透過社區影像紀錄和戶外放映 會,「妙想氈開」計劃旨在以草 根角度,重新剖析香港西營盤和 台北萬華區的公共空間,從而在 都市生活的場域上創建「異托 邦」。

By way of community filming and outdoor screening, the Magic Carpet projects reinterpret the public spaces of Sai Ying Pun (Hong Kong) and Wanhua (Taipei) from a grassroots perspective, creating a heterotopia in the arena of urban life.


妙想氈開西營盤(香港) Magic Carpet in Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


萬華魔毯計劃(台北) Magic Carpet in Wanhua, Taipei


妙想氈開西營盤(香港) 香港中文大學建築學院 Magic Carpet in Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong School of Architecture, CUHK

結合生活紀錄、社區參與和城市設計 的「妙想氈開:再想西營盤社區空 間」計劃,旨在發展另類的市區重建 策略,鼓勵街坊市民構想對社區有利 的發展方案。 位於港島西區的西營盤,是香港最古 老的分區之一。因市區重建和大型基 建陸續落成(如今年即將啟用的港鐵 西港島綫),西營盤近年來經歷翻天 覆地的改頭換面:舊唐樓、老店和社 區原貌,受發展和租金飆升影響,以 驚人速度消失;簇新的貴價西式食肆 和高尚住宅,以至豪華的酒店,均在

一兩年間相繼湧現。西營盤的劇變, 正是現今香港舊區「士紳化」的寫 照。 二零一三年九月中秋節晚上,「妙想 氈開西營盤」露天放映會於正街舉 行。曾經是區內最熱鬧的正街,自上 世紀七、八十年代街邊排檔被迫遷出 後,便成了荒廢的公共空間。沿山而 上的街道,跟一般影院後排略高於前 排的設計一致;計劃團隊於是選擇在 那裡播放由該區中學生拍攝,有關當 地居民的錄影訪問,重構正街本來在 西營盤社區的核心角色。


The project Magic Carpet: Re-envisioning Community Space in Sai Ying Pun combines documentation of daily life, community engagement and urban design. Located in the western part of Hong Kong Island, Sai Ying Pun is one of the oldest districts of Hong Kong. Due to urban renewal and major infrastructure projects (e.g. the MTR West Island Line to be opened in 2014), the area has recently been undergoing drastic changes. Old walk-up tong lau buildings and traditional shophouses that once characterized the community are disappearing rapidly, while upscale bars and restaurants, high-end residences and luxury hotels start to flourish. Sai Ying Pun’s transformation epitomizes urban gentrification across Hong Kong today.

The Magic Carpet project aims to develop an alternative approach to urban regeneration, encouraging residents to formulate their own ideas as to how their district could develop as the basis for a community benefit plan. Centre Street was selected as the venue of an outdoor cinema event in Sai Ying Pun in September 2013. The street – once the bustling centre of the district – has become a deserted area after its street vendors were forced to move out in the 1970s-80s. Collaborating with local secondary school students, the project used the steep slope of Centre Street to create an outdoor cinema setting, showing video interviews of local residents and re-envisioning the street’s original role as the heart of Sai Ying Pun’s community.


作為台北的起源及歷史核心,舊名艋 舺的萬華,在城市發展軸線東移的過 程,具現了社會及空間邊陲化的都市 現實,由上而下的都市更新政策及老 城再發展策略亦逐步以開發邏輯改變 歷史街區的體質。但萬華同時又是諸 多非正式城市與隨機城市現象的縮 影,也是戰後各類型現代主義式公共 住宅最集中的地區。萬華邊緣性的特 質意外地培育出一處包容性更強的都 市環境,容許不同階級、身心狀態、 和社會文化背景的社群共同經營出看 似混亂、卻頗為自由便利的街道生 活,甚至有助於草根社區的自主動員 及弱勢社群的相互扶持。 在萬華都市更新與再開發過程,如何 與在地社區共同提擬更重視常民生活

主體性、更具社會包容性與文化永續 性、且更有利居民自發培力的「社區 互利規劃」,正考驗空間規劃專業者 與其規劃對象間「互為主體」的真實 互動。 台大建築與城鄉研究所,持續對萬華 地區的歷史人文與空間社會議題進行 研究及參與式規劃行動。這項影像與 映演計劃本身乃透過深度社區訪查及 文獻研究,藉由不同拍攝手法與影片 類型,與被拍攝的社區主體協力完成 影片,進而由影片內容發掘社區的空 間及社會議題。影片完成後,在社區 內選擇適合放映的場所,邀請被拍攝 者與社區居民一起看電影,重新闡釋 公共空間的意義,繼而共同提擬該公 共空間及社區空間規劃的策略。


萬華魔毯計劃(台北) 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所 Magic Carpet in Wanhua, Taipei Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, NTU

The marginalization of Wanhua (whose original name Monga signifies Taipei’s historical core) due to eastward urban expansion leads to a series of “axis-realignment” renewal policies and top-down planning implementations. Yet it also evolves into a locus of tactical urbanism, constantly redefining the meaning of public space amongst a high concentration of post-War resettlement and public housing projects. The “edge effect” of Wanhua’s marginal status curiously promotes a more tolerant and inclusive environment conducive to the development of grassroots initiatives and community autonomy. Launching the project of Magic Carpet in Wanhua is thereby

a dynamic process to involve local communities in rediscovering lost or in-between spaces and re-envisioning an alternative paradigm of the Ideal City from bottom up. Students from the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning of National Taiwan University collaborate with Wanhua’s cultural groups and individuals, and activate the apparatus of community filming and screening as well as participatory mapping to catalyze a self-regenerating and -empowerment mechanism for the historical city. In face of intensifying urban renewal and neo-liberalist development, the inhabitants of Wanhua may assert their rights to the city through such direct spatial actions.

文:康旻杰 Text: Kang Min-jay


康旻杰 Kang Min-jay 雙城對話計劃伙伴 Urban Dialogue Project Partner 國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所副教授 Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Building and Planning National Taiwan University

後記 Afterword 「雙城對話: 台北×香港」 具現了多種「開放」性對話的可能 Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong is an “open” dialogue in various ways

它的開放性討論指向這兩個主要亞洲 城市的空間再定位。台北與香港同時 面對全球化時代的都市競爭、和與中 國之間的經濟及政治拔河,即令他們 因此遂行的空間再結構始終引人矚 目,我們卻也懷疑其誘發的都市變遷 意義是否真正強化了內部市民及都市 社區的認同。

It is open to spatial repositioning of two major Asian cities which are closely intertwined in terms of urban competition in the era of globalization and their economic and political tugof-war with Mainland China. We are intrigued by their consequential spatial restructuring, yet we also question if the meaning of the incurred urban transformation strengthens the identities of their citizens and urban communities.

所以,「雙城對話」的開放性也朝向 批判性思考及公共辯論。對都市開發 先於社區營造、都市更新重於既有都 市紋理的質疑,在幾場論壇中一再地 浮現,特別當兩個城市因新自由主義 邏輯而引起的仕紳化議題,儼然威脅 了許多具歷史與文化意涵之鄰里、與 其未來空間及社會的可持續性,這種 覺醒對都市治理的改革至為關鍵。

Therefore, the Urban Dialogue is open to critical thinking and public debate. The questioning of development priority over community building and urban renewal over existing urban fabric emerged again and again in the forums, particularly when the issues of gentrification following the neo-liberalist logic in both cities have become an underlying threat of spatial and social sustainability in many neighborhoods of historical and cultural significances. Such awareness is critical for the renovation of urban governance.

「雙城對話」的開放性延伸至創意改 革及創新治理。論壇中多次提醒,無 論是歷史核心或都市邊陲的獨特社

The Urban Dialogue is open to creative reform and innovative governance. The forums reminded that the distinct communities of both historical cores and urban edges could sustain


區,都有可能利用「社區共利計劃」 的協力合作機制,在急遽都市化的過 程中存活維續,甚而重現活力。由上 而下的政策必須在民主社會中經常性 地與由下而上的倡議聲音及提案對 話,尤其針對那些因資本開發蔓延而 受衝擊的弱勢地區,社區培力的價值 更應被納入綜合發展規劃的操作模 式。 因而,「雙城對話」的開放性也向草 根行動及參與式規劃設計打開。論壇 和工作坊中受邀的講者及專注的聽眾 代表了兩個城市的社區行動精神及理 性決策傳統,「雙城對話」成為再展 望台北與香港可持續未來遠景(或某 種務實性「理想城市」範型)的共 享/互學平台。運用影像及映演計劃 作為建構社區敘事、啟動草根行動、 及創造公共空間之媒介的實驗性規劃 設計方法,也被引介到都市對話過 程,以啟發更多的創意實踐。

and thrive in the process of rapid urbanization with a collaborative mechanism of community benefit plan. The top-down policies must engage in constant dialogues with bottom-up voices and initiatives in a democratic society, and the values of community empowerment should be incorporated into the mode of comprehensive planning, especially for the disadvantaged neighborhoods overshadowed by the sprawl of capitalistic development. The Urban Dialogue is thus open to grassroots activism and participatory planning and design. The invited speakers and the attentive audience of the forums and workshops signified the community activist spirit and rational policymaking tradition of both cities, and Urban Dialogue became a platform of sharing and mutual learning for re-envisioning the sustainable future (or a paradigm of practical ideal city) of both Taipei and Hong Kong. Experimental modes of planning and design, such as employing filming and screening as media for constructing community narratives, triggering grassroots activism and making public places, were introduced to further inspire creative practices.



「雙城對話」的開放性鼓勵進一步的 跨領域及跨社會階層溝通互動。兩個 城市的開放性對話揭露了彼此的差異 與相似性,但尤強調在現實都市脈絡 下提擬可行的社區共利計劃的共同目 標。這類計劃並非基於個別的專業者 或菁英視野,卻更注重在地與全球 間、不同領域及多元社群/社區間、 都市系統與行動主體間持續且外延的 對話機制。

It is open to trans-disciplinary and cross-social stratum communications and interactions. The open dialogue between the two cities revealed their differences as well as similarities in many aspects, yet the common goal of proposing applicable community benefit plans within realistic urban contexts was highlighted. Such plans are not based on singular professional or elitist vision but rather on continuous and outreaching dialogues between the local and global, between various disciplines and diverse communities, and between the urban system and the active agents.

「雙城對話」自身即是打開各種可能 性的開放式對話。

The Urban Dialogue is itself an open-ended dialogue open to new possibilities.

中文翻譯: 康旻杰 Chinese translation: Kang Min-jay




雙城對話:台北×香港 Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong



發起人 Project Initiator 田恆德教授 Prof. Hendrik Tieben

光華新聞文化中心 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center

計劃伙伴 Project Partner 康旻杰教授 Prof. Kang Min-jay 統籌 Manager 梁燕蕾 Janice Leung 設計 Design Mika Savela 主辦 ORGANIZERS

盧健英 Lu Chien-ying 梁毓芳 Yvonne Liang 張萬成 Chang Wan-chen 盧筱萱 Linda Lu 香港中文大學建築學院 School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 社會科學學士(城市研究)學生 Students of the BSSc in Urban Studies 城市設計碩士學生 Students of the MSc in Urban Design 葉啟俊 Yip Kai-chun 長春社文化古蹟資源中心 The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage

香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

香港中文大學建築學院 School of Architecture, CUHK

香港薄扶林村 Pokfulam Village, Hong Kong

特別贊助人 EXCLUSIVE SPONSOR 尹衍樑先生 Dr. Samuel Yin

「雙城對話:台北×香港」 為中華民國文化部贊助的台灣文化光點計劃之一 “Urban Dialogue: Taipei × Hong Kong” is a Spotlight Taiwan Project funded by the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan



MASTER OF SCIENCE IN URBAN DESIGN THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Urban design plays a key role in creating livable, sustainable and socially just cities. As one of the most dynamic and fascinating laboratories for contemporary urbanism, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta offer a wide range of challenges and opportunities. Launched in 2012, the M.Sc. in Urban Design programme of the School of Architecture at the Chinese University of Hong Kong aims to prepare committed designers to engage with these challenges. Through a multidisciplinary combination of design studios and focused modules, students develop design skills while integrating new knowledge about essential areas for urban design, such as community participation, ecosystems and transport networks. Courses in urban history, transportation and environmental economy provide a deeper understanding of the forces of urbanism and the impact of urban design on the environment and society. The programme’s international and Asian networks and dedicated faculty offer students an intensive and high-impact addition to their professional education. For more information see our programme website (, or contact: Tel. +852 3943 1309 Fax. +852 3942 09827 School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong Room 106, AIT Building Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong SAR, China




ISSN 2227-8044 (PAPERBACK) ISSN 2304-1625 (PDF) M.Sc. in Urban Design Programme School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong

展覽 + 論壇 + 工作坊 + 放映會 EXHIBITIONS + FORUMS + WORKSHOPS + SCREENINGS 主編:梁燕蕾、田恆德、康旻杰 Edited by Janice Leung, Hendrik Tieben, Min Jay Kang 台灣文化光點計劃 Spotlight Taiwan Project 2013

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