The Plummet It usually starts in middle school doesn’t it? That’s where it all goes downhill. For some kids, it goes straight down into the deepest canyon. This is what I like to call “the plummet.” Call it that, call it “feeling down,” call it “the blues,” just don’t call it what it actually is; don’t call it what your shrink does. Then everyone will think you’re deranged. You don’t want that, do you? It starts at I feel down. Goes to I’m really sad. Becomes I always feel so blue.
Turns to Something’s wrong with me. Spirals straight down into Nobody even cares.
It can even end with I’m worthless, or I can’t take it anymore… But don’t let it. Don’t worry. Trust me. You won’t hit the ground. There’s no ground to hit, except for the one you make. Grab hold of rock while falling Get your hands dirty and scratched. Climb all the way back up. Take as long as you need. You’ll see the sun and sky again eventually. Sarah Nikaj, 12 free verse poetry
Carrying Burdens Molly Huyer, 11 digital art