February 2022: Off Campus Management Sent on behalf of the Manchester Student Partnership; Incorporating Manchester Student Homes on behalf of the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester City Council and Greater Manchester Police. At this time, the health and safety of our Manchester community continues to remain paramount. The Manchester Student Partnership are committed to supporting all residents’ on key off-campus issues. Below is a summary of activity that each of the partners is undertaking to proactively and reactively respond to issues in off campus communities. The Role of the Partners is as follows: Noise & Anti-social Behaviour How to report noise (linked to student properties) Manchester City Council’s Licensing and Out of Hours Team are operating between the hours of 8am and 4.30am every night. All new cases need to be logged online, which you can do via this link and a Compliance Officer will make contact with you. Should you have an open case and wish to report ongoing noise nuisance please contact 0161 234 5004. This is a city wide service, although for any student related incidents, a full investigation will be undertaken by Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester Police and Manchester Student Homes. The team will endeavour to attend incidents if noise is ongoing and having a significant impact. All noise monitoring will be undertaken from the street or if you feel comfortable from inside your home. Please be assured that Manchester Student Homes will be informed of any student related incidents by Manchester City Council. In real time, please do not report these directly to MSH. It is really important that the Council are made aware of noise related incidents as they are occurring in order that they can endeavour to respond quickly. How to report Anti-Social Behaviour Please see as follows a web link for how to report, at Manchester City Council: https://secure.manchester.gov.uk/forms/form/102/report_anti_social_behaviour Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour which can be reported could include: • • • • •
hate crimes/hate incidents; use or threatened use of violence; repeated abusive language or behaviour; harassment; damage to property; or domestic abuse and violence.