Whether researching the brown water or navigating high-seas naval action during the American Civil War, this month's source—— provides a quick method to learn more about individual vessels. This site offers both free use as well as a subscription service. The standard access provides more than 150,000 citations, while the subscription service (fee starts at $8 per month) contains over 3.2 million records. Start your quest at https://

Day by Day through the Civil War in Georgia

introduction-to-searchingshipindex-org/ to learn about search tips!

This writer selected the CSS Nashville to demonstrate the types of information one will discover while exploring the site. A search of the Confederate ship - which formally carried the names Thomas L. Wragg and Rattlesnake—yielded the results in the image below. An additional 28 entries—from links to books, websites, journal articles, and newspaper articlesprovide additional information from various sources. Note: some links, primarily to newspapers, require a subscription to access the material on the referenced site. (Example: Accessible Archives.)
Sail (or steam) through these records and continued success researching the American Civil War!

Michael K. Shaffer is a Civil War historian, author, lecturer, and instructor who remains a member of the Society of Civil War Historians, Historians of the Civil War Western Theater, and the Georgia Association of Historians. Readers may contact him at or request speaking engagements at www.civilwarhistorian. net. Follow Michael on Facebook, michael.k.shaffer, and Twitter @ michaelkshaffer.
Until now, a daily account (1,630 days) of Georgia’s social, political, economic, and military events during the Civil War did not exist. In Day by Day through the Civil War in Georgia, Michael K. Shaffer strikes a balance between the combatants while remembering the struggles of enslaved persons, folks on the home front, and merchants and clergy attempting to maintain some sense of normalcy. Maps, footnotes, a detailed index, and bibliographical references will aid those wanting more.
February 2022 • $37.00, hardback
Michael K. Shaffer is a Civil War historian, instructor, lecturer, newspaper columnist, and author. He is a member of the Society of Civil War Historians, Historians of the Civil War Western Theater, and the Georgia Association of Historians. Contact the author:

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