Women's Volleyball Game Program - Jamestown, Avila 9/9/23

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2023 record: 7-7 (2-0)

Head coach: Jessica Squier (Morningside, 2011)

• Squier is in her 4th season as the head coach with a 40-61 record.

2023 Record: 7-5 (1-0)

Head Coach: Jon Hegerle (St. Olaf; Minnesota StateMoorhead)

• Hegerle is in his 15th season with the Jimmies, holding a 372116 record.

Stat Breakdown Jimmies Mustangs

2023 Record: 2-5 (0-0)

Head Coach: Marylyn Mozena

• Mozena is in her third season at Avila, with a 24-49 record.


Saturday, Sept. 9

Briar Cliff vs York (Neb.)

Dickinson St. vs Dak. Wesleyan

Friends at Doane

Briar Cliff vs William Woods

Mount Marty at Hastings

College of Saint Mary at Doane

Northwestern at Dordt

Quick Facts

Morningside is 2-0 in GPAC play for the first time since 2009 after Tuesday’s fourset win over the Chargers.

Morningside’s match against Avila (Mo.) is the final regular season non-conference match on the schedule for the Mustangs.

The Mustangs and Eagles meet for a third straight season, and fourth time since 2015, with the Mustangs winning the last two matches (3-0 in 2021, 3-1 in 2022).

Jamestown won both matches against the Mustangs last season.

After starting the season ranked No. 1, Jamestown fell to 17th in the first regular season coaches poll, in part to three Top25 losses.


NAIA Top-15

1. Eastern Oregon

2. Concordia (Neb.)

3. Northwestern (Iowa)

4. Viterbo (Wis.)

5. Corban (Ore.)

6. Park (Mo.)

7. Missouri Baptist

8. Indiana Wesleyan

9. Midland (Neb.)

10. Montana Tech

11. Columbia (Mo.)

12. College of Saint Mary (Neb.)

13. Bellevue (Neb.)

14. Ottawa (Kan.)

15. Vanguard (Calif.)

Sports Information Office msidemustangs.com Sept. 9, 2023
2023 Game Notes WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL Morningside 8/17 Hope International^ 3-2 W 8/17 The Master’s^ 2-3 L 8/18 at La Sierra^ 3-0 W 8/18 Saint Katherine^ 0-3 L 8/23 Dakota State 3-2 W 8/25 at Park 0-3 L 8/26 McPherson 2-3 L 8/26 St. Ambrose 1-3 L 8/30 at Dordt* 3-2 W 9/01 Bethel (Kan.)# 3-0 W 9/01 Saint Francis (Ind.)# 3-1 W 9/02 Viterbo# 0-3 L 9/02 Indiana East# 0-3 L 9/05 Briar Cliff* 3-1 W 9/09 Jamestown* 1 p.m. 9/09 Avila (Mo.) 5 p.m. 9/15 at Dakota Wesleyan* 7:30 p.m. 9/20 Northwestern* 7:30 p.m. 9/23 at Doane* 3 p.m. 9/27 Mount Marty* 7:30 p.m. 9/29 Midland* 7:30 p.m. 9/30 Concordia* 3 p.m. 10/06 at Mount Marty* 7:30 p.m. 10/07 at College of Saint Mary* 3 p.m. 10/11 at Northwestern* 7:30 p.m. 10/14 Hastings* 3 p.m. 10/18 Dakota Wesleyan* 7:30 p.m. 10/21 Valley City State 1 p.m. 10/21 Buena Vista 5 p.m. 10/25 Jamestown* 7:30 p.m. 10/28 at Briar Cliff* 7:30 p.m. 10/31 Dordt*! 7:30 p.m. * Great Plains Athletic Conference Game ^ La Sierra Tournament # Labor Day Classic Tournament ! Senior Day
St. 9:30 a.m. Noon 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.
Dak Wesleyan at Valley City
Category (2023 Stats) Kills Per Set Hitting Percentage Assists Per Set Aces Per Set Digs Per Set Blocks Per Set Points Per Set 12.23 .225 11.36 1.54 16.54 2.92 16.7 11.33 .171 10.27 1.18 16.95 1.71 14.2
10.73 .149 10.32 1.27 15.45 1.73 13.7

Head Coach: Jessica Squier (4th season)

Jessica Squier took the reins as Morningside head coach ahead of the 2020 season, bringing 15 years of coaching experience to Morningside’s program, of which more than a decade has been at the collegiate level.

Coach Squier’s coaching philosophy empowers young women to achieve their goals academically and athletically. By facilitating guidance and support, she hopes and expects to see her student-athletes be successful after Morningside in their future endeavors.

Squier didn’t set out to be a college coach, changing her major five times while in college trying to find the right fit. She knew she wanted to be involved in helping young men and women navigate life and provide opportunities of growth through school and athletics.

Squier holds a master’s degree in School Counseling from Lamar University.

Squier vs. the GPAC

Briar Cliff 6-1 .857 Concordia ................... 0-3 .000


Doane .......................... 2-2 .500

Jamestown ................ 0-7 .000

Midland ....................... 0-3 .000

Mount Marty 4-1 .800

Northwestern ............ 0-6 .000

Coaching Staff

Kayla Ruff Assistant Coach (4th season)

Maddie Wright JV Head Coach (2nd season)

Agnes Garder Student Assistant

Ellie Woelber Student Assistant

Molly Pitts Student Statistician

Pronunciation Guide

2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com Roster/Coaches 2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com @MsideMustangs
ASSISTS KILLS Sydney Marlow JR/OH Burlington, Iowa West Burlington 173 Aleksandra Dalach FR/S Opacz-Kolonia, Poland 306 DIGS Payton Shoquist SR/DS Mansfield, Texas Mansfield H.S. 256 BLOCKS Victoria Bouska FR/MH Plainfield, Illinois 46
Mustang Leaders
of St. Mary.... 1-3 .250 Dakota Wesleyan 1-5 .167
Dordt ........................... 3-4 .429 Hastings 1-2 .333
GPAC Standings conference record only Morningside 2-0 Concordia ................... 2-0 Northwestern ............ 1-0 College of St. Mary.... 1-0 Dakota Wesleyan ...... 1-0 Mount Marty ............... 1-0 Midland ....................... 1-1 Jamestown ................ 0-0 Briar Cliff .................... 0-2 Dordt 0-2 Hastings ..................... 0-2 Doane .......................... 0-2
# NAME POS. YR. HT. HOMETOWN HIGH SCHOOL 1 Payton Shoquist DS SR 5-6 Mansfield, Texas Mansfield High School 2 Payten Lode OH SO 5-10 Sheldon, Iowa Sheldon High School 3 Aureana Bernales DS JR 5-5 Las Vegas, Nevada Liberty High School 4 Hannah Stremick S FR 5-7 Armour, S.D. 5 Gillian DePauw S JR 5-10 South Beloit, Illinois Hononegah High School 7 Nienke van Drunen MH JR 6-2 Zwolle, The Netherlands Gymnasium Cleanum 8 Sydney Marlow OH JR 5-9 Burlington, Iowa West Burlington H.S. 9 Lauryn Bonar OH JR 5-9 Concordia, Missouri St. Paul Lutheran H.S. 10 Aleksandra Dalach S FR 5-10 Opacz-Kolonia 11 Gaby Wilson MH SR 5-10 Woodstock, Illinois Oswego High School 12 Adelyn Harris MH SO 6-0 Sioux City, Iowa Sioux City East H.S. 13 Barbora Kozouskova DS/OH JR 5-9 Brno, Czech Republic 15 Jacey Miller OH FR 5-9 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 16 Victoria Bouska M FR 6-0 Plainfield, Ill. 20 Katherine Miller M FR 6-0 Saint Joseph, Mo. 21 Claire Wilson OPP JR 5-10 Omaha, Nebraska Roncalli Catholic H.S. 22 Katherine Gray M/OPP FR 5-10 Sioux Falls, S.D. 23 Emerson Smith OH JR 5-9 Watertown, South Dakota Watertown High School 24 Jordan Kriens DS FR 5-6 South Sioux City, Neb. South Sioux First Last Pronunciation Madi Aldrich ald-rich Aureana Bernales Ber-nal-es Lauryn Bonar Boh-nar Victoria Bouska Boo-skuh Aleksandra Dalach Alek-sahn-druh Dal-augh Jaleigha Dean Juh-lee-uh Gillian DePauw Jillian Duh Paw Kennedy Gansebom Gan-suh-bomb
First Last Pronunciation Barbora Kozouskova Ko-zhozh-ko-vuh Jordan Kriens Kreens Payten Lode Load-ee Hannah Mogensen Moh-gen-sen Payton Shoquist Show-quist Addyson Showalter Show-walter Hannah Stremick Strem-ick Nienke van Drunen neen-kuh von dru-nen

Pronunciation Guide

Kyleighn Block Kylie

Diamond Sedlak SED-lack

Sophia Giorgio Jee-OR-jee-oh

Chelsea Schatzer SHOTS-urr

Reagan Moody Ray-ginn

Paige Gillund GILL-ind

Ava Leathers Ay-vuh

Mary Morstadt more-STAT

Siobhan Dittmer shuh-VONN

Jaali Hervey JAY-lee

Amari Harris uh-MARR-ee

Abigail Blake Abby

Mackenzie Vochatzer rhymes with Rochester

Paige Huhman like Human

Marylyn Mozena mary-LYNN



Head Coach: Jon Hegerle

Assistant Coaches: Jake Fulsom, Lindsey Johnson, Kennedy Conzemius


Head Coach: Marylyn Mozena (3rd season)

Assistant Coach: Hope Davis, Dow Draper

2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com Opponent Roster/Coaches 2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com @MsideMustangs
# NAME POS. YR. HT. HOMETOWN PREVIOUS SCHOOL 1 Rachel Schiele DS JR 5-2 Jamestown, N.D. Jamestown High School 2 Tenley Buddenhagen S JR 5-4 Huron, S.D. Huron High School 3 Ellie Holen DS SR 5-4 LaMoure, N.D. LaMoure High School 4 Lexi Olson M JR 5-11 Langdon, N.D. Langdon Area High School 5 Logan Sherman R SR 6-0 Marshall, Minn. Marshall High School 6 Karlie Anderson MB JR 5-10 Brainerd, Minn. Brainerd High School 7 Grace Hegerle OH/DS JR 5-10 Jamestown, N.D. Jamestown High School 8 Paige Oswald S SR 5-8 Frazee, Minn. Frazee High School 9 Darienne Johnson M SR 6-0 Eastpointe, Mich. L’Anse Creuse North H.S. 10 Peyton Wilson R SR 5-9 Glyndon, Minn. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton H.S. 11 Maddie Demars MB SO 6-0 Forest Lake, Minn. Forest Lake High School 12 Tymber Boldt RS JR 5-9 Flasher, Minn. Flasher High School 13 Lily Bertsch S SO 5-9 Eagan, Minn. Eagan High School 14 Aleah Zieske OH JR 5-10 Spicer, Minn. New London Spicer H.S. 15 Ava Mueller OH FR 6-0 Belgrade, Minn. Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa H.S. 16 Megan Moser DS SR 5-7 Medina, N.D. Medina High School 21 Charlotte Lempka MH FR 6-4 Alexandria, Minn. Alexandria High School
# NAME POS. YR. HT. HOMETOWN PREVIOUS SCHOOL 1 Kyleighn Block DS/L SR 5-5 Olathe, Kan. Metropolitan Community College 3 Diamond Sedlak OH FR 5-9 Lincoln, Neb. Malcolm High School 4 Sophia Giorgio DS FR 5-5 Elk Point, S.D. Elk Point High School 5 Chelsea Schatzer MB/OPP JR 5-9 Rogersville, Mo. Logan-Rogersville High School 6 Payton Simmons MB FR 5-9 Sedalia, Mo. Smithton High School 7 Maddie Jones OH FR 5-9 Aurora, Colo. Eaglecrest High School 8 Daphne Gardner S FR 5-7 Gardner, Mo. Spring Hill High School 11 Reagan Moody DS/L JR 5-6 Garden City, Mo. Missouri Valley College 13 Gracie Hett MB RFr 5-11 Andover, Kan. Andover Central High School 14 Paige Gillund S SO 5-5 Clinton, Mo. Clinton High School 15 Ava Leathers S/DS SO 5-6 Herculaneum, Mo. St. Pius X High School 16 Mary Morstadt S/DS SO 5-4 Shawnee, Kan. Shawnee Mission Northwest H.S. 18 Siobhan Dittmer MB GR 6-0 Pewaukee, Wis. Cardinal Stritch University 20 Phoebe Riddle MB SO 6-0 Springfield, Mo. Central High School 21 Sydney Owens DS/OH SO 5-6 Olathe, Kan. Olathe South High School 22 Jaali Hervey MB/OPP FR 5-7 Independence, Mo. Fort Osage High School 24 Amari Harris OPP FR 5-9 Kansas City, Mo. Oak Park High School 25 Abigail Blake DS/L SO 5-4 Jefferson City, Mo. Jefferson City High School 26 Mackenzie Vochatzer OH FR 5-7 Greenwood, Mo. Lee’s Summit West High School 27 Paige Huhman OPP JR 6-2 Lee’s Summit, Mo. Johnson County C.C.

Mustang Single Match Records

Single Match Records (25 point rally scoring)

Aces (3 sets, cont.)


Single Match Team Records

(25 point rally scoring)

Kills (3 sets)






Single Match Team Re-





Single Match Records (All-Time)

2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com Roster/Coaches
Kills (3 sets) t-1. Gabi French 19 2014 t-1. Addi Radke 19 2008 t-1. Sydney Marlow 19 2022 t-4. Jamie Vander Kooi 18 2009 t-4. Addi Radke 18 2008 Kills (4 sets) t-1. Emma Gerber 22 2018 t-1. Krista Zenk 22 2018 t-1. Krista Zenk 22 2020 t-1. Sydney Marlow 22 2022 t-5. Two players 21 Kills (5 sets) 1. Jamie Vander Kooi 26 2009 t-2. Krista Zenk 25 2018 t-2. Sydney Marlow 25 2022 4. Krista Zenk 24 2021 t-5. Two players 23 Assists (3 sets) 1. Kali Angerman 49 (twice) 2008 2. Kali Angerman 46 (twice) 2008 t-3. Kali Angerman 44 (twice) 2008 t-3. Jessica Tjaden 44 (twice) 2009 t-5. Three players 43 Assists (4 sets) 1. Kali Angerman 59 2008 2. Monica Iverson 58 2010 3. Callie Alberico 54 2018 t-4. Callie Alberico 53 2018 t-4. Callie Alberico 53 2019 Assists (5 sets) 1. Kali Angerman 65 2008 t-2. Kali Angerman 61 2008 t-2. Jessica Tjaden 61 (twice) 2009
Sabrina Creason 60 2019
Melissa Mounts 59 2012
(3 sets)
Katie Kuck 30 2014 t-1. Amanda Nelson 30 2009 t-3. Kayla Harris 27 2018 t-3. Payton Shoquist 27 2021 5. Nikki Oberfoell 26 2017
(4 sets)
Kayla Harris 37 2019
Aureana Bernales 33 2022
Kayla Harris 33 2018
Kayla Harris 33 2020
Katie Kuck 32 2014
Grace Chvatal 38 2013
Aureana Bernales 36 2022
Kayla Harris 35 2020
Kayla Harris 34 (twice) 2019
Krista Zenk 34 2020 t-4. Payton Shoquist 34 (twice) 2021
(3 sets)
TyAnn Buddenhagen 7 2014 t-1. Jessica Tjaden 7 2009
2019 t-3. at Dana College 52 2009
(4 sets) t-1. at Dakota Wesleyan 69 2017 t-1. at Dakota Wesleyan 69 2019 3. vs Black Hills State 67 2010 t-4. Three times 65 Kills (5 sets) 1. vs Hastings 77 2019 t-2. vs Briar Cliff 74 2021 t-2. at Bellevue 74 2009 4. vs Indiana East 73 2012 5. at Mount Marty 72 2014
(3 sets) 1. vs Rocky Mountain 52 2019 t-2. Nebraska Wesleyan 50 2008 t-2. at Dakota Wesleyan 50 2020 t-2. at Briar Cliff 50 2008 t-5. Twice 48 2008 Assists (4 sets) 1. at Dakota Wesleyan 65 2017 2. Concordia (Neb.) 63 2018 t-3. at Dakota Wesleyan 62 2019 t-3. at Hastings 62 2008 t-3. College of Saint Mary 62 2018 Assists (5 sets) 1. Hastings 73 2019 2. at Bellevue 70 2009 3. at Doane 68 2008 4. at Briar Cliff 67 2021 5. at Mount Marty 66 2014
(3 sets) 1. at Sioux Falls 93 2009 t-2. John Brown Uni. 88 2014 t-2. Dakota Wesleyan 88 2017 4. Briar Cliff 85 2022 5. at Doane 81 2021 Digs (4 sets) 1. at Hastings 118 2008 2. Evangel 103 2014 3. vs. Park (Mo.) 101 2019 t-4. Concordia (Neb.) 99 2018 t-4. Wayland Baptist 99 2009 Digs (5 sets) 1. vs Dakota State 117 2022 2. vs Mayville State 110 2022 3. vs Baker 107 2012 4. vs Sterling College 105 2014 5. vs Providence (Mont.) 104 2019 Aces (3 sets) t-1. Presentation 15 2021 t-1. Haskell Indian Nation 15 2009 3. Valley City State 14 2014 4. vs Dickinson State 13 2013 Aces (4 sets) t-1. Mayville State 11 2014 t-1. vs Hastings 11 2019 t-3. Four times 10 Aces (5 sets) 1. College of Saint Mary 15 2021 2. Dakota Wesleyan 14 2014 3. MidAmerica Nazarene 13 2021 t-4. Mount Marty 11 2014 t-4. Black Hills State 11 2009 Blocks (3 sets) 1. vs Jamestown 15 2012 t-2. at Northwestern 14 2008 t-2. Hannibal-LaGrange 14 2009 t-4. three times 13 Blocks (4 sets) 1. College of Ozarks 19 2009 2. Dordt 13.5 2014 t-3. Midland 13 2018 t-3. Oklahoma Baptist 13 2009 t-3. Concordia (Neb.) 13 2012 Blocks (5 sets) t-1. Bellevue (Neb.) 19 2012 t-1. Doane 19 2017 3. Hastings 18 2014 4. Black Hills State 16 2009 5. Dakota Wesleyan 14 2014
1. vs Dakota Wesleyan 55 2020 2. vs Nebraska Wesleyan 54 2008 t-3. vs Rocky Mountain 52
Kills 1. Augustana 99 1996 2. Northern Colorado 93 2000 3. at Briar Cliff 90 2007 4. at Wayne State 86 2000 t-5. Twice 84 Assists 1. Nebraska-Kearney 88 1996 2. Mount Marty 83 2004 t-3. Northern Colorado 81 2000 t-3. at Briar Cliff 81 2007 5. at Wayne State 80 2000 Digs 1. at Briar Cliff 154 2007 2. Briar Cliff 141 2007 3. Minnesota-Morris 124 1998 t-4. College of Saint Mary 119 2006 t-4. Concordia 119 2002 Aces 1. North Dakota 23 1997 2. vs Faith Baptist 19 2004 t-3. at Dakota Wesleyan 16 2007 t-3. Mayville State 16 1997 t-5. Seven times 15 Blocks 1. College of Saint Mary 19.5 2000 t-2. Minnesota-Morris 19 2000 t-2. at Bellevue 19 2012 t-2. College of Ozarks 19 2009 t-2. Doane 19 2017
Jessica Becker 6 2014 t-3. Addi Radke 6 2009 t-3. Jessica Tjaden 6 2009
(4 sets)
Addi Radke 7 2008
Melissa Mounts 6 2012 t-3. TyAnn Buddenhagen 5 2014
Riley Callan 5 2010
12 players 4
(5 sets)
Sydney Marlow 6 2022 2. Kendall Evans 5 2021 t-3. Five players 4
(3 sets)
Briana Schaeuble 14 2012
Amber Jarzynka 11 2008
Emma Gerber 8 2019
Briana Schaeuble 8 2012
Six players 7
Jennifer Buyert 9 2014 t-1. Briana Schaeuble 9 2012 t-1. Liz Sutherland 9 2009 t-4. Six Players 8 Blocks (5 sets)
Briana Schaeuble 12 2012 2. Kylah Brewer 11 2022 t-3. Brittni Olson 10 2017 t-3. Anastasia Ott 10 2012 t-3. Ashley Vande Stouwe 10 2014
Monica Casper 33 2000 2. Monica Casper 31 2000 3. Kate Boeve 30 2005 4. Tasha Feldman 29 1997 5. Theresa Kathman 28 1996
1. Kali Angerman 81 2007 2. Kate Ankrum 79 1996 3. Breanna Larsen 78 2000 t-4. Three players 72
1. Jericho Johnson 57 2007 2. Jericho Johnson 39 2007 3. Grace Chvatal 38 2013 t-4. Three players 27
Stephanie Baddeley 9 1993
Kali Angerman 8 2007
Kate Ankrum 8 1994
Tiffanie Honsbruch 8 1997 t-5. Eight players 7 Total Blocks
Briana Schaeuble 14 2012
Jennifer Gruber 13 2002 t-3. Jennifer Gruber 12 2002 t-3. Briana Schaeuble 12 2012 t-5. Three players 11
Aces 1.

Season Stats (2023 season)



2023 Game Notes msidemustangs.com Roster/Coaches
# NAME POS. YR. HT. HOMETOWN HIGH SCHOOL 1 Jordan Kriens DS FR South Sioux City, Neb. 2 Hannah Stremick S FR Armour, S.D. 3 Lauren Carlson DS/OH FR Spirit Lake, Iowa 5 Adelyn Harris M SO Sioux City, Iowa East 6 Kennedy Gansebom OH FR Bennington, Neb. 7 Katherin Gray M/OPP FR Sioux Falls, S.D. 8 Makenzie Buss DS FR Wonder Lake, Ill. 9 Lauryn Bonar OH JR Concordia, Mo. St. Paul Lutheran 10 Madi Aldrich M SO Colorado Springs, Colo. Doherty 11 Hannah Mogensen DS FR Sioux City, Iowa 12 Miyah Whitehead M FR Le Mars, Iowa 13 Abigail Webb S SO Monument, Colo. Lweis Palmer 14 Addyson Showalter DS SO Sheffield, Iowa Hampton-Dumont 15 Jacey Miller OH FR Cedar Rapids, Iowa 16 Kendyl LaShay DS SO Troy, Wis. East Troy 21 Cassie McDermott S JR Elizabeth, Colo. Elizabeth 22 Aleksandra Dalach S FR Opacz-Kolonia, Poland
1 Sophie Ketterling FR 5-3 Napoleon, N.D. Napoleon High School 2 Haylie Hakanson FR 5-10 Jamestown, N.D. Jamestown High School 3 Charlee Krieg JR 5-9 Cavalier, N.D. Minnesota-Crookston 4 Alivia Ding S SO 5-5 Bismarck, N.D. Century High School 5 Ashley Olson MB SO 6-2 Waverly, Minn. Watertown-Mayer High School 6 Kinsey Zuroff OH SO 5-8 Beulah, N.D. Beulah High School 7 Ally Sea DS SO 5-3 Walker, Minn. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley H.S. 8 Gracie Adamson FR 5-10 Brookings, S.D. Brookings High School 10 Cheyanne Scalese OH SO 5-9 Lancaster, Minn. Kittson Central/Lancaster H.S. 11 Bernadette Newman FR 5-10 Jamestown, N.D. Jamestown High School 12 Alexus Olson MB SO 5-11 West Fargo, N.D. West Fargo High School 14 Kennedy Wendel FR 5-8 Carrington, N.D. Carrington High School 15 Emma Ketterling FR 5-4 Napoleon, N.D. Napoleon High School 16 Macy Fridgen MB SO 6-1 Bismarck, N.D. Century High School SP K K/S E TA PCT A A/S SA SE DIG DIG/S BS BA BLK TL 51 0 0.00 0 12 .000 30 0.59 8 0.16 239 4.69 0 0 0 50 133 2.66 72 474 .129 7 0.14 8 0.16 128 2.56 2 10 12 47 2 0.04 0 5 .400 13 0.28 10 0.21 90 1.91 0 0 0 4 1 0.25 0 1 1.000 2 0.50 0 0.00 4 1.00 0 0 0 32 24 0.75 1 41 .561 179 5.59 6 0.19 53 1.66 1 6 7 20 17 0.85 9 53 .151 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 0.25 1 5 6 51 160 3.14 75 544 .156 9 0.18 6 0.12 129 2.53 0 13 13 33 16 0.48 6 50 .200 259 7.85 11 0.33 61 1.85 0 6 6 1 0 0.00 1 2 -.500 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 0 0 0 8 4 0.50 5 14 -.071 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 2 2 46 1 0.02 1 5 .000 3 0.07 12 0.26 21 0.46 0 0 0 4 1 0.25 1 4 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0.50 0 0 0 43 26 0.60 11 91 .165 3 0.07 0 0.00 12 0.28 10 36 46 50 54 1.08 22 143 .224 1 0.02 0 0.00 20 0.40 9 26 35 49 117 2.39 52 342 .190 2 0.04 0 0.00 62 1.27 0 26 26 25 1 0.04 2 5 -.200 1 0.04 1 0.04 5 0.20 0 0 0 10 9 0.90 2 27 .259 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0.30 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 - 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 11 0 0.00 0 0 - 1 0.09 1 0.09 11 1.00 0 0 0 ## PLAYER 1 Payton Shoquist 2 Payten Lode 3 Aureana Bernales 4 Hannah Stremick 5 Gillian DePauw 7 Nienke van Drunen 8 Sydney Marlow 10 Aleksandra Dalach 11 Gaby Wilson 12 Adelyn Harris 13 Barbora Kozouskova 15 Jacey Miller 16 Victoria Bouska 20 Katherine Miller 21 Claire Wilson 22 Katherine Gray 23 Emerson Smith 24 Jordan Kriens 25 Avery Noble

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