MSI Brand Book

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MSI’s Brand Book Rules and guidelines to help refresh the MSI brand.

Contents 1

Why do we need a Brand Book?

12 Our typefaces


What is MSI’s brand story?

13 Our imagery: Photography


W hat does our brand identity say about MSI?

14 Our imagery: Illustrative


How do we connect MSI and Coffey in our brand?


Core elements at a glance


Our logo


Our logo positioning


Our word mark as logo

10 Our logo: What not to do 11 Our color palette

15 External MSI branded examples 19 Standard MSI Templates 23 USAID branding 26 Coffey branding 27 Coffey branded examples 30 All other branding 31 Contact us

Why do we need a Brand Book? A strong brand is fundamental to the continued success of MSI. Our brand maintains the credibility and quality of our work. It establishes a trust with our clients. A strong brand is consistent and easy to recognize, distinguishing us from competitors. Within this book, we provide the tools and tips for anyone to be able to understand and replicate our brand. Inside you will find our brand story and brand concept, as well as basic graphic elements and standards. By following this guide, we can ensure quality and consistency in all our materials, whether internal or external, print or web, or home office or field project. As branding is an ongoing process, this living document will be subject to updates. If you are an MSI employee, please download and view the most up-to-date version on our intranet. If you have any brand queries or just want to learn more about our brand, please contact our Brand Team at

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Advancing global health


What is MSI’s brand story? MAINTAINING A STRONG COMMITMENT TO EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES MSI was founded in Washington, D.C. in 1981 by a small group of like-minded development professionals. For almost 30 years, MSI was housed on sixteen barges that floated on the Potomac River (picture below top). Today, MSI maintains a visual connection to its Washington and Potomac River roots from the view of its new offices in Arlington, VA (pictured below bottom).

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Over time, MSI has grown to become one of USAID’s most trusted partners, employing more than 700 staff members in more than 40 countries. USAID remains our main client. However, we’ve expanded our clients to include the World Bank, the United Nations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Departments of State, Labor and Agriculture, and a variety of foundations, NGOs, think tanks, and foreign governments. For more than thirty years, we’ve remained true to our core values and worked to meet our clients’ needs. We tackle development problems today with solutions that focus on the future. Our long-term projects get to the heart of creating sustainable change, whether it is in Jamaican communities that renewed their trust in the police, or Iraqi entrepreneurs that can now license a business in four hours instead of four months. Our technical experts are innovators in their fields. For managing policy change, improving performance management, monitoring and evaluating, fighting corruption, strengthening public institutions and mitigating conflict, clients look to MSI for new solutions that will help them reach their goals. While continuing to improve organizations’ performance and support democracy and governance, we have branched out into

sectors that include rule of law, economic growth, governmental integrity, natural resource management and strategic communications. We also have expanded our footprint globally – working to solve tough development problems in some of the most difficult and challenging development environments in the world, from South Sudan, Iraq, and the Democratic Republic of Congo to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and Libya. In 2008, MSI joined Coffey International Limited; bringing international development solutions to a range of additional clients, including DFID and AusAID. We work hand in hand with our colleagues in sister offices in the UK and Australia. Because of our global reach, we have access to expanded resources and viewpoints, while still maintaining strong professional relationships with our core staff and clients. Along this journey, MSI’s people have been at the core of our work. Our founder Larry Cooley is MSI’s president and continues to work on a wide range of initiatives. Many of our senior technical directors have been key to MSI for decades. Our core staff is involved in more than 80 percent of the work we perform.

What does our brand identity say about MSI? Our brand is based upon the foundation on which MSI was built — to be a trusted, productive partner to our clients. We never broadcast our accomplishments from rooftops and remain committed to a measured, practical tone in our communications. We collaborate with Coffey International Limited daily on international development projects while maintaining our own separate, distinctive brand, due to high client recognition. Our logo and the shorthand name “MSI” remain our strongest brand within our industry. This current brand refresh was created to better align with the Coffey brand while keeping our logo intact and retaining our signature shade of red. OUR MASTER BRAND Our brand has retained its core elements since the company’s inception in 1981. MSI is what most industry people know us as. MSI in red has been around for more than three decades. And our excellence in innovation and project delivery has not waned but grown on the foundation of our past. This logo still bears the pride of our great work.

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OUR EXTERNAL ABOUT US STATEMENT More effective public administration in Iraq. Enhanced roles for women in conflictaffected areas in Colombia. Decreased child labor and more children in schools in Morocco. Fairer oral trials in Mexico. Stronger organizations to address HIV/AIDS prevention in Zambia. We are always driving toward results. For the last 30 years, MSI has helped to deliver development results across the developing world. We care deeply about the global issues we tackle. Our projects drive governments and organizations toward better results, helping the people they serve to live better lives. We work in partnership. We are proud to have worked with USAID, private sector, local organization partners, universities and foundations to create solutions to global needs. We collaborate with our partners in some of the most challenging political and economic climates in the world. We are defined by our staff. They are global citizens. We hail from 20 countries, speak more than two dozen languages and have a grounded feel for the places in which we work. We believe in sustainability. Today, we work hand in hand with local partners, including local, regional and national governments, media and civil society organizations, in South Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan to provide the tools and know-how to sustain the reforms long after we depart.

Our staff are development experts. We possess a core group of development experts in the fields of monitoring and evaluation, public sector reform, governance and anti-corruption who forge close relationships with our clients and partners to achieve the most effective development outcomes. More than 80 percent of MSI’s core technical work is performed by a group of 100 in-house professionals. We’ve expanded our global reach. In 2008, we became part of Coffey International Limited — joining forces to bring effective international development solutions to clients including DFID and AusAID. This has given us global reach to offices in Australia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and the Asia Pacific and, most importantly, can act nimbly and swiftly when clients call upon us. We focus on the outcomes. Our innovative tools and methodologies build capacity and ensure sustainability – all with a focus on development effectiveness. We see the future. Ultimately, we aspire to create a poverty-free world in which governance and rule of law are the basis for a better life.

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OUR VISUAL BRAND: PHOTOGRAPHY AND GRAPHICS A core visual element of international development work is photography. We display our international work realistically, through unvarnished photos taken by our field staff. We tell a human story. We assure the audience that our authenticity remains in the people we help. In all of our products, we tell rich stories by weaving in active and engaging photos that add to the context and narrative. A newer element to our brand that has been added in the last one and a half years is the infographic. Infographics, or compelling combinations of word and image, helps us to reach a wider audience than ever before. You can see these graphics woven throughout our Sample infographic:

Sample photos:

proposals, website and social media platforms. The communications department works hand in hand with technical staff to develop these products, making them a true reflection of the quality of our technical work.

E-learning is a vital tool in future field training efforts. Nothing beats a great face-to-face training, but with diminishing foreign aid funding, it has become a tool that our clients need and we are capable of producing.

By applying our image of reliability to our visual, digital and verbal brand, we can continue to create a positive image for MSI.


OUR DIGITAL BRAND Two years ago, we redeveloped the MSI website to engage the user in a more interactive, visual experience. With the immediacy of the Internet age, we have become more responsive to our clients’ needs online through a responsive website and social media. MSI has an expansive presence on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. These communications outlets bring greater clarity to our work, while still limiting the promotional aspect of MSI. They are an engaging forum for domestic and international audiences that did not exist 10 years ago. We have also expanded our services to include the use of video and other multimedia. MSI is a strong proponent of video storytelling for reporting and project capture. We feature our technical experts in short information videos, as well as in producing documentaries and news stories for USAID and our own use. Our communications department also embraces other multimedia like podcasts and e-learning. The podcasts are a medium where informal discussion can take place with our technical and field experts.

We remain committed to the same honest, thoughtful, and measured verbal brand upon which MSI was founded. We do not overpromise on what we can deliver or inflate our results. We place an emphasis on language that is straightforward and simple. It reflects our expertise but doesn’t talk above our audience. We also work diligently to capture lessons learned and overall results. We not only share this externally through our products, but internally as well. Our marketing materials are written in a results-oriented fashion to capture what we have accomplished on behalf of USAID and other donors. TERMINOLOGY When referring to Management Systems International in marketing, use the acronym MSI first, and thereafter refer to us in first person plural (i.e., we, us, our, etc.). For documents that follow client reports and deliverables, use Management Systems International, and then the MSI acronym thereafter.

How do we connect MSI and Coffey in our brand? In 2013, Coffey consolidated its brand into one simple orange brand (see Coffey branding section). As part of that brand refresh, we no longer refer to individual service lines but one Coffey. The Coffey International Development logo is no longer in use (nor is the turquoise which was used for many years).

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We reference our relationship to Coffey in our brand logo with the subsidiary language. VERBAL REFERENCES COFFEY – W hen referencing Coffey International Limited, you may refer to them as Coffey. – W e are the Americas division of Coffey’s international development business. – W e are a subsidiary of Coffey International Limited.


Core elements at a glance Every brand is made up of core elements that create a distinctive identity.

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The elements below are all you need to create MSI branded documents. By consistently using these elements and not altering them in any way, we solidify our identity. Core elements include: 1. Logo 2. Color palette 3. Typography 4. Imagery Our logo is available for download on the MSI intranet here: Communications. The following pages will explain each of the elements and how to use them correctly.

Arial Regular Times New Roman Helvetica Neue

Our logo Our logo consists of the MSI word mark, full company name and subsidiary line (pictured right). Please adhere to this original format of our logo. Do not try to recreate, alter or break the logo apart.

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Word mark

Full company name

Our logo has three color variations, pictured at right: 1. Full color

Subsidiary line

2. Black 3. Reversed



This is the logo to be used in all situations, unless color printing is not available or the logo must be placed over a background color, photo or illustration.

Use over a background color, photo or illustration.

2. BLACK Use when color printing is not available or to save color ink

Our logo positioning

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The preferred logo placement for all print collateral is in the top right corner of your document.

Our logo must be surrounded on all sides by the space specified below to ensure maximum visibility. The clear space of our logo, as visually described below, is proportionate to the size of the logo. This space is equivalent to half of the ‘M’ in the acronym ‘MSI’ and must be maintained at all times.

The minimum size of our logo is dictated by the readability of the text. The minimum acceptable size of our logo is 1.3 inches wide by .4 inches tall. When resizing our logo, always take care to maintain the proportions to avoid distortion.

In digital publications where the logo is featured in the footer, the logo should also appear on the bottom left. Preferred logo placement for all printed communications

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If for a valid reason you need to make the logo smaller than the minimum size, please use our standalone word-mark instead of our full logo. Word mark:

Preferred logo placement for all web communications

Advancing global health


Our word mark as logo In very limited situations, the MSI acronym can be separated from the company name and subsidiary text.

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Unless it fits within the below parameters, please contact the branding team ( to inquire about whether you can use the word mark as a standalone logo. Allowable reasons for standalone word mark: – T he full logo has previously been featured on the document – T he logo needs to shrink below the minimum size (detailed on page 10) – T he logo needs to fit within a confined shape (i.e., circle or square) These situations include the PowerPoint interior footer, letterhead interior page footer, circular stickers, watermark, and social media profiles.



Our logo: what not to do Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do with the MSI logo.

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Here’s what not to do: – Do not use old versions of our logo – Do not cut off subsidiary line – D o not stretch or otherwise distort the logo beyond original proportions – Do not change any of the logo’s colors – Do not obscure the logo by positioning it on a busy background



– Do not add effects to the logo – Do not retype logo text – Do not change the composition of the logo NO STRETCHING



Our color palette

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Our primary color, red, is used for our logo, headlines and content highlighting. If adding color to any MSI document, the first choice should be MSI red.

Our secondary colors, river blue and yellow ochre are meant to be used as needed for increased color variation. Use these colors as complements to the red as well as for accent and highlighting. No other colors should be used in documents as it creates a jumble of too many colors and diminishes our brand consistency.

Our neutrals are meant to offset our primary and secondary colors to create visual balance. Use these colors as background fields behind text, negative space or for emphasis (black only). Please primarily use white for negative space.

But use red modestly, as it is a bold color and can easily become overpowering. Avoid coloring large fields with red. DEEP RED










web R 158 G0 B0

web R 88 G 141 B 157

web R 176 G 96 B 39

web R 110 G 106 B 122




web R0 G0 B0

web R 255 G 255 B 255

print C 23 M 100 Y 100 K 22

print C 69 M 33 Y 32 K1

print C 24 M 69 Y 100 K 12




print C 15 M 18 Y0 K 59

print C0 M0 Y0 K 100

print C0 M0 Y0 K0

Any value percentage of this color may be used.

Any value percentage of this color may be used.

Any value percentage of this color may be used.

Any value percentage of this color may be used.

Avoid using percentages of black; please use the custom gray provided.

Our typefaces

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Use Arial for all standard documents and materials, including in Microsoft Office programs such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.

Use Times New Roman in proposals and long documents for comfortable readability.

Use Helvetica Neue for all public-facing marketing materials (i.e. brochures, banners, etc.). If Helvetica is not available on your computer or laptop use Arial.

Arial Regular for headlines

Times New Roman for headlines

With Arial Bold for subheadings

With Times New Roman Bold for subheadings

Helvetica Neue Light for headlines

Arial Regular in smaller sizes on body copy. Ut aut offic temperum Aximenihiti abor sedipsae verum fugia pos corit reptatur aped quam, inus eos eat. Ceptas sam, volum vendit perum nimus eatem con re officab ipsumquia imus ea ditas sitat. Ratum hilissum dusdaero imet alitat adictibeatem volupta site etur aut et quosti unt libus rerror modios sus dolliquam volupta endit perum nimus.

Times New Roman in smaller sizes on body copy. Ut aut offic temperum Aximenihiti abor sedipsae verum fugia pos corit reptatur aped quam, inus eos eat. Ceptas sam, volum vendit perum nimus eatem con re officab ipsumquia imus ea ditas sitat. Ratum hilissum dusdaero imet alitat adictibeatem volupta site etur aut et quosti unt libus rerror modios sus dolliquam volupta endit perum nimus perum fugeti nimus eatem soma.

Helvetica Neue Regular 9/12 on body copy. Ut aut beauoffic temperum Aximenihiti abor sedipsae verum fugia pos corit reptatur aped quam inus eos. Ceptas sam, volum vendit perum nimus eatem con re officab ipsumquia imus ea fugetili con ditas sitat et.

“ Arial Bold can also be used for quotes and pull-out copy”

“ Times New Roman Bold can also be used for quotes and pull-out copy”

“ Helvetica Neue Bold can also be used for quotes and pull-out copy”

With Helvetica Neue Bold for subheadings

Our imagery: Photography Photography is the anchor of our imagery. We believe that using photos is the best way to authentically show our impact worldwide.

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Some of the best photos are taken by our own staff who know our projects, the people that they work with, and the best story to convey. Our photo database contains more than 2,000 photos from the field. The tone of our imagery is authentic and realistic. When selecting photography, ask yourself: does this picture get to the heart and humanity of our work? Please opt for photos with at least one person featured to emphasize our goal of helping those less fortunate in developing countries. Use professional cameras when available. Mobile pictures, especially from newer smart phones, may suffice and are better than no pictures! Our theme of photo grids takes into account that one photo does not always tell the totality of the story.


Advancing global health


Advancing global health


Our imagery: Illustrative When the need arises for more specific imagery, we pull from our library of maps, data visualizations, infographics and icon sets. If none of these are appropriate, a custom illustration must be created based on our overall illustration style so all our graphics, old and new, work together as a cohesive set.

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Our illustration style is clean, colorful minimalism: flat color, simple shapes, and considerable whitespace. When creating new illustrations, please adhere to this style and use our brand colors.

External MSI branded examples

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Advancing global health

Title over two or three lines example

Title example


Subheading style goes here

Subheading style goes here

Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Amuscia nitatet exerum mo cum restia

Vopy pelecus ciunturios asi to quidel eos conserecto magnam is ne net rerfere pudani cumquatur rendi ut dollaut atendit faceperit adis entium rerchil id magnihi llestiatur, volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur, tem. Ibus ad ma dolorro eicaeperatur aut vollit lanis ut quaspic tem si vel erias et laborum nulluptur aliquia dolorum es imusa quibus vellab idundit es experch iliqui aut quamus.

Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Ut faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm eatem quam. Albus ad ma dolorro eicaepera ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam ibus, sincienist, etusdae niad ex cepratur sin.

“ Big pull out endi tate alicon totatat isquiae vendicid minctae preiundi to que doloriae dolup tatur aditas reprehent alit, commolorrum ut omnis sunt acidebites quidus et quicus coneninm que doloriae dolup emmo”

Ulparum quaecabo Ulparum quaecabo Ulparum quaecabo Ulparum quaecabo

Aut offic totaernam et, is esto maionse lame plitis incti rernam faccum volupide imolori qui ipsandu cidigni hiliquis inis et optate volest everro quatem quia sit, optatem saeseri busdae vendae dolum que explaci aectatur sum anis dit des consere recte impe senim etustia commolu ptatque nem quatur. Quiscie ndistio nsedipist ent que es duntus sum anis dita. Dae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore ipsanditia. Copy pelecus ciunturios asi to quidel eos conserecto magnam is ne net rerfere pudani cumquatur rendi ut dollaut atendit faceperit adis entium rerchil id magnihi llestiatur, volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur etusdae niad ex ceept.

Descriptive Subheading | 13

Namuscia nitatet exerum Quoro dommia omnisquibus mi, utemped ma il il ium que illamenis verovid molorem sum aut que velesequis ad qui vel molor abore sit ut volorep roribusam, est alitem fugias exeria si nossuscium rero conecae et doluptatius con cor mi, sit mo maionsendi intiissit audia velit vellatus elesequis ad qui vel molor. Epe doluptatibus molorersped et, ommolorit a plabo. Namenime ad estiscitae aut es dunt vit occus. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecatem rehenecat hil modi dolupta sperion pra.

“ Big pull out endi tate alicon totatat isquiae vendicid minctae preiundi to que doloriae dolup tatur aditas am endi tate alicon totatat isquiae vendicid minctae preiundi to endi tate alicon” Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi unt at estem dest, sinciassimus dolorite re, exersped utas molor autatem. Et quas dolo etur, ommolor estion. imi, cus sum volupta volupicto dollendiae. Neque repudi cuptati de volorro reprovi tiorepuda isimusaperum venderitem rem ipsam volum velenihilla volorum quas il am. Modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut. Tiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es. Consequuntur, ommo que mo magnihiciis se omnit liquatquasi utatur aut exerupt atusciet elignimi, cus sum volupta. Atiat volorro estiberem et doluptas accuptiunt platem is molo blaboris ipsa consequi dis ditaspit, sequasp elluptat eicipsus, cum eatus nonsedite vendi quas sunt, sinulla boraes dolut pore

sin estionet vidi officie nientec aborae plis pe sum venis dolupta tenihillum fuga. Ihillo qui ut autem consequatem dolorum ut ulparum dolupta nihil magnatur re parite doloritas sit volor. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi unt at estem dest, sinciassimus dolorite re, exersped utas molor autatem. Et quas dolo etur, ommolor. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui excervial amnamon sonis. Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae daya errum hil modi dolupta. Epe doluptatibus molorersped et, ommolorit a plabo. Namenime ad estiscitae aut es dunt vit occus. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecatem rehenecat hil modi dolupta sperion pra. Nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui excervial amnamon sonis. Quisit ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non retem. Tiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi unt at estem dest, sinciassimus dolorite re, exersped utas molor autatem. Et quas dolo etur, ommolor estion. imi, cus sum volupta volupicto dollendiae. Neque repudi cuptati de volorro reprovi tiorepuda isimusaperum venderitem rem ipsam volum velenihilla volorum quas il am. Modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi funt velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecatem rehenecat hil modi.

8 | MSI 2013

Title example

Title over two or three lines example

Epe doluptatibus molorersped et, ommolorit a plabo. Etta namenime ad estiscitae aut es dunt vit occus. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur corestiur.

Subheading style goes here Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni itatet exerum fugiae aborec tisciandae ipsape. Namuscia nitatet exerum






Objective 1 Objective 1








Objective 1 Objective 1


Eloriea asim aximam as exetuarla Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Pitatet exerum aut acepro to beatest. Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Ut faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm. Quistis eum fuga. Arcietur maxim nem que voluptatur sam rem aut latquas as etur sunt eosantur aut am etum sed ut fuga. Enda est, qui occum quatur asimaxim as ex et et acculpa exero bean. Consequia quist reiunt facerum facerum quiaes pellupt aquidest lautassun tem simuscid quae quodit, exceatia doluptat occatem.Invererferum

14 | MSI 2013


● Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus. Velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ● Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia emquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest

fugit, estoccus eum, solor aut eium nobitiur sequibus et quam fuga. Nemporessum fugias elliquam aut iunte parum quam et enes pliquam volessim qui sunda quiaes pellupt lautassun eum.

● Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia, emquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest

Do loreped millendamet officab orepera ectatur, occup taquas solupta temquis utem. Beaquodis dolum ad et ut odi aut aut mint facea volum velit invendit parum hil mos idia aliam em. Quodis dolum ad et ut odi aut aut mint facea volum velit invendit parum hil mos idia aliam em officiab nurtfigio.

Consequia quist reiunt facerum facerum quiaes pellupt aquidest lautassun tem simuscid quae quodit, exceatia doluptat occatem. Invererferum fugit, est, occus eum, solor aut eium nobitiur sequibus et quam fuga. Nemporessum fugias elliquam aut iunte parum quam et enes pliquam volessim qui sunda lautassun tem simu scid.

Eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. epratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui sunnama quam et enes pliquam. Faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate. Ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent.

Eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. epratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui sunnama quam et enes.

As et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Ut faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm .

Faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm, pliquam volessim qui sunda quiaes pellupt lautassun eum bea nime laborec tisciandae ipsape. Lautassun tem simuscid quae quodit, exceatia doluptat occatem lautassun amop. Sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae.

Descriptive Subheading | 15


MSI Brand Book / 16



Title over two to three lines example


Title example


Namuscia nitatet exerum Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Ut faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia eumqui corpore.

“ Big pull out endi tate alicon totatat isquiae vendicid minctae preiundi to que quisus doloriae dolup tatur aditas reprehent alit, commolorrum ut omnis sunt acidebites quidus” Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae naumisua.

Nam, omnisquibus mi, utemped ma il il ium que illamenis verovid molorem sum aut que velesequis ad qui vel molor abore sit rero conecae et doluptatius con cor mi, sit mo maionsendi intiissit audia velit vellatus.

Subheading style goes here

Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum.

● Perferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus hitaasimin nonseque rest beatest aligent preprem

Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus hitaasimin nonseque rest beatest aligent preprem.

Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro: ● Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest

● Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sine Rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpor.

● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo sum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia. Namuscia nitatet exerum

Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum. Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus hitaasimin nonseque rest beatest aligent preprem. Rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpor. Fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia velessin excerum atureni quiae volut volesttius, omnimodi temquis essus, sit hitasimin nonseque rest, voloribus, torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Ut faces de doles rehenistota iusdae pos enis eliqu enditate et alic totatat isquiae relm faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia eumqui corpore Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio sin con plibusant ollopia.

Arcietur maxim nem que voluptatur sam rem aut latquas as etur sunt eosantur aut am etum sed ut fuga. Enda est, qui occum quatur asimaxim as ex et et acculpa exero bea nime laborec occum quatur asimaxim qui occum quatur asimaxim as ex naumisua: ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo sum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia. Nem que voluptatur sam rem aut latquas as etur sunt eosantur aut am etum sed ut fuga. Enda est, qui occum quatur asimaxim as ex et et acculpa exero bea nime laborec occu preprem ipsanditia dollop.


MSI Brand Book / 17



Our people

Employee name




● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum. ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum.

Subheading goes here Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae bea archil emmanura. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi unt at estem dest, sinciassimus dolorite re, exersped utas molor autatem. Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae bea archil emmanura rehendam idem. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur corestiur. Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate exersped utas molor etusaniatur sperion. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae bea archil emmanura rehendam idem. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolorsinciassimus vi.

● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae. Namuscia nitatet exerum. ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem. ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae remporepre. Vit as volendi tota qui nisquiam, sed et esequis rehendam idem dolenih illupta voluptatiae simetur, corestiur? Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate. Optiore nitatemporem nullatures ex exerioribusa corempore necus am, volorrorios dolor sin es ea sumendae doleserum aut exerumqui aciendae nemqui odi unt at estem dest, sinciassimus dolorite re, exersped utas molor autatem. Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin autom excerum atureni quiae bea archil emmanura rehendam idem. Quisit, ut perrum hil modi dolupta sperion pra veliqui ut aut facepel loreptas non re, tem aut aut eaque dis aborem fugit auta velit poritae cum enducit iorporenit quo tecate bea archil emmanura rehendam idem .

Our people


Subheading goes here Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quuinoa hummaer tara. ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae volorionsed quo bea archil ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae volorionsed quo bea archil ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae volorionsed quo bea archil ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae volorionsed quo bea archil ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin excerum atureni quiae volorionsed quo bea archil ● Sed et eiuritatur, se ipsundiatus aut quam dolescil et lat preprem sum fuga. Udae volorionsed quo bea archil etusaniatur aut acepro to beatest aligent ut ero cone mo cum restia quaturio. Namuscia nitatet exerum fugiae rempore audictur aut quam dolescil et lat preprem ipsanditia veles sin

Namuscia nitatet exerum Pelecus ciunturios asi to quidel eos conserecto magnam is ne net rerfere pudani cumquatur rendi ut dollaut atendit faceperit adis entium rerchil id magnihi llestiatur, volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur, tem. Ibus ad ma dolorro eicaeperatur aut vollit lanis ut quaspic tem si vel erias et laborum nulluptur aliquia dolorum es imusa quibus vellab idundit es experch aut magnum. Atendit faceperit adis entium rerchil id magnihi llestiatur, volorecturi quatinuscide et laborum nulluptur aliquia dolorum es attendia. Orions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur, tem. Ibus ad ma dolorro eicaepera ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam ibus, sincienist, etusdae niad ex cepratur sin erferen ihilia. Copy pelecus ciunturios asi to quidel eos conserecto magnam is ne net rerfere pudani cumquatur rendi ut dollaut atendit faceperit adis entium rerchil id magnihi llestiatur, volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur, tem. Ibus ad ma dolorro eicaeperatur aut vollit lanis ut quaspic tem si vel erias et laborum nulluptur aliquia dolorum es imusa quibus vellab idundit es experch iliqui aut quamus volor ecturi quatinuscide tusdae nigtio et laborum nulluptur aliquia dolorum es. Torions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis autom exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur, tem. Ibus ad ma dolorro eicaepera ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus phil block amigira igent eratus acerfer ruptatur igent eratus acerfer. Orions equaectis eosam sim faces ea iditasp erferen ihilia denistibus, sincienist, etusdae nis ad ex cepratur sin con plibusant, as et eumqui corpore pudandus et quam, aut omnienihit que porro beatem quam quia ne ligent eratus acerfer inum ruptatur aut volorepudae occae ilit eatio. Volorecturi quatinuscide nimagnimus quis exceperepti te voloria dolores aped et voluptia nimintur tem.


Title over two to four lines example

MSI Brand Book / 18


Standard MSI templates

MSI Brand Book / 19

All templates are available for download on MSI’s intranet here: LETTERHEAD



600 Water Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20024 USA



MSI Brand Book / 20



MSI Brand Book / 21


MSI Brand Book / 22


USAID branding

MSI Brand Book / 23

GRAPHIC STANDARDS MANUAL This is the Graphic Standards Manual for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). It sets the standard for the design of all USAID public communications.

Please refer to the Graphics Standards Manual for design guidance.

The guidelines in this manual are compulsory for all Agency employees and contractors producing communications funded in whole by USAID, in accordance with Automated Directive Systems (ADS) 320. A separate publication, the Partner Branding Guide, details co-branding guidelines for communications co-funded by USAID. Below is the Standard Graphic Identity (Identity) for USAID. It is to be used to mark all programs, projects, activities, and public communications that require acknowledgement of USAID*.

The previous chapters dictate how we brand documents that are typically used to market and explain MSI’s work, as well as basic administrative materials including business cards, letterhead, CVs and contracts to name a few. However, with little to any exceptions, our project-related documents, including quarterly and annual reports, PPTs, training materials and fact sheets will adhere to USAID brand guidelines. There are 2 reference points for USAID Brand Guidance: 1. T he USAID Graphics Standards Manual sets the standard for the design of all USAID public communications. The manual can be found here: 2. A DS 320 provides agency procedures for the branding and marking of USAIDfinanced assistance awards. It can be found here: ads/300/320.pdf.





This manual and the USAID Identity were developed to ensure that the United States Government is visibly acknowledged for its contributions and funding specified as foreign assistance.

First Edition, January 2005 * In all cases, the specific contracts, grants, and other funding mechanisms prevail.




BACKGROUND ON USAID BRANDING USAID’s framework legislation, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961/Section 641 requires that all programs under the Foreign Assistance Act be identified appropriately overseas as “American Aid.” The Agency undertook a refresh of its brand identity almost a decade ago and revised the rules for the implementing partner community, requiring greater adherence to brand guidelines. If you would like to understand more about USAID’s brand, visit: It is important to note that the Agency has separate and different branding policies and marking requirements for its implementing partners: one for Acquisition Awards (generally contracts) and one for Assistance Awards (generally grants and cooperative agreements.)

The Process USAID relies on implementing partners to be familiar with brand guidelines and brand properly. There are several individuals at the Mission level who are involved with the branding process, including the COR and AOR. The Development Outreach and Communications Officer or DOC is also frequently involved with the process outlined below in terms of review. There are four steps involved with the Branding and Marking process: 1. When responding to a RFP or RFTOP, MSI prepares a Branding and Marking Strategy that specifies the project name; how the project will be positioned; the desired level of visibility; and any other organizations to be acknowledged. 2. The Branding Plan and Marking Plan is submitted to USAID with the response to the RFP or RFTOP. This specifies how we will implement the Branding Plan. It also enumerates(typically in a chart) all of the communications that will be marked with the USAID identity. 3. USAID review takes place. 4. Immediately after award, the CO must brief MSI, if the selected contractor, on USAID’s monitoring and enforcement of the agency’s branding and marking requirements. (320.3.1.3). Thereafter, the COR serves as USAID’s point-of-contact for reviewing materials for compliance and answering questions.

USAID branding MARKING FOR CONTRACTS An acquisition award is otherwise known as a contract. USAID receives “exclusive branding and marking” for the work conducted under all acquisition awards. This means that the foreign assistance delivered is clearly credited to the American people. It also means that competing logos or identities, such as MSI’s, are excluded.

MSI Brand Book / 24

Examples of a USAID branded press release, press statement, etc.

Federal regulations require all programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities to be “marked,” or to visibly bear, the USAID Standard Graphic Identity as seen above. This was designed to clearly communicate that this aid is, “From the American people.” Templates for facts sheets, press releases, and other common communications are provided in the Graphics Standards Manual. (See Templates) USAID has developed customized identities for countries that receive U.S. assistance. The brand tagline, “From the American People,” has been translated into various languages and can be obtained here: MARKING FOR ASSISTANCE AWARDS USAID and implementing partners both receive equal branding on all activities or products under an assistance award (320.3.3. and 22 CFR 22.91(a)). This is effective for all assistance awards effective after January 2, 2006 or ongoing awards that are substantially amended after January 2, 2006.

USAID, UNAIDS and UNICEF logos with co-equal branding.

USAID branding

MSI Brand Book / 25


– P roject vehicles (not being used for administrative purposes)

The process for creating a Branding and Marking Plan and/or strategy is straightforward. A template for this process will either be provided by the Mission in the RFP or RFTOP or can be found on the Branding at MSI page on the intranet here: Communications.

– Video products

When MSI prepares a Branding and Marking plan, it is designed to itemize program materials and deliverables they propose be marked, explain materials to be used for marking, and detail how the USAID Identity will be incorporated into such items as project signs, plaques and stickers. Once you have entered in all relevant information that is specific to the project and proposal, you can e-mail this document to communications@ for final review. Please allow 3-5 business days for a full review. WHAT IS BRANDED? All programmatic communications products and materials are branded with USAID logo, as per USAID branding and marking regulations, including: – Project Signs – P ublications and materials: reports, studies, brochures, USAID-funded surveys, etc. – Event Banners and roll-ups

– P roject-related websites that have received approval from the Website Governance Board – U SAID (not partner) ads in newspapers, on TV and radio – C ommodities and equipment, e.g. hospital beds, computers and other equipment provided through USAID assistance programs However, please note that contractors/grantees must use their own corporate business cards. They may not use USAID’s identity on their business cards or other administrative materials. If you or your project team are not sure what needs to be branded or how, you can contact In some instances, you will need to pose your question directly to the A/COR for clarity. EXCEPTIONS AND WAIVERS In some limited instances, MSI applies for waivers and/or exceptions on its projects. Exception and waiver rules/requirements are outlined in ADS 320.3.2.5 and 320.3.2.6. If at any time an exception or waiver of the branding and marking requirements is needed, the COR must immediately bring this to the CO’s attention. (320.3.1.3)

WHAT IS AN EXCEPTION? It is typically granted at the beginning of the award process. It lays out non-emergency practices in not marking certain deliverables for programmatic reasons. It is determined by agreement or contract officer and should be incorporated into the Branding and Marking Plan. There is a relatively quick review and approval process. WHAT IS A WAIVER? A waiver is granted when the USAID principal officer (usually the Mission Director) determines that marking would post compelling political, safety or security concerns or that marking assistance would have an adverse effect on the host country. There is often a lengthy review and clearance process involving the C/AOR, Regional Security Officer or RSO, the Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs and the Mission Director. FINAL BRANDING AND MARKING PLAN If we have been awarded a project and received a final Branding and Marking Plan approval from USAID, please submit the final plan to In that way, if you have a question about branding or need our assistance, we can refer to your approved plan.

Coffey branding You can see from the Coffey and MSI Brand Books that we are aligning our look and feel. So, while MSI remains a distinctly-branded part of Coffey, our overall look has a consistency to it. If your document needs to be Coffey branded, please refer to the latest Coffey Branding Guidelines, which can be downloaded from the MSI intranet.

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All other branding USDA



Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI)


Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI)

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Produced by

( S / GWI )

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In instances in which we work for the U.S. State Department or other U.S. government entities, the brand standards and guidelines will vary. Please defer to the brand guidance provided by those agencies.

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Contact us HOW TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE WITH BRANDING You may submit your materials for internal brand review by emailing the Brand Team at Please fill out a branding request form, available on the MSI Intranet here: Communications. However, this should only be used for the Communications Team to do a final review to ensure brand consistency and adherence to brand guidelines. All of our templates are available on the MSI intranet here: Communications. Please contact the Brand Team at with any questions.

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