Technical Assistance for eTender Initiative (Phase II)

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40% 30%


20% 10% 0%

Traditional system


29 JULY 2016, REVISED ON 8 AUGUST 2016 This publication was produced for the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Management Systems International, a Tetra Tech Company.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro



Contracted under USAID Contract No. AID-121-O-16-00006 Technical assistance services for the e-Tender Initiative in Kyiv, Ukraine (Phase II)

DISCLAIMER The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Contents ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 4 I. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE SURVEY ................................................................................ 5 II. FACING CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT USING THE TRADITIONAL SYSTEM ........................ 7 III. SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON PROZORRO AND AWARENESS ABOUT THE SYSTEM ........ 8 IV. PERCEPTION OF PROZORRO’S IMPACT ON CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT .................... 11 V. PARTICIPATION IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO................................................................... 13 VI. REASONS FOR NOT PARTICIPATING IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO ............................. 15 VII. FACING CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO .................................................... 16 VIII. WHAT CAN HELP WITH USING THE PROZORRO SYSTEM? ...................................................... 18 IX. HOW TO ENHANCE PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO? ............................................................. 20 X. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 22 XI. ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................. 23 ANNEX 1 - SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ....................................................................................... 24

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro



Ministry of Economic Development and Trade


Public Procurement Department


Union of Entrepreneurs of Small, Medium and Privatized Enterprises of Ukraine


United States Agency for International Development


Value-Added Tax

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The survey of entrepreneurs in Ukraine was conducted under the framework of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program Technical Assistance for the e-Tender Initiative, and in cooperation with the Public Procurement Department (PPD) of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) of Ukraine. The survey was administered from 11 May to 10 June 2016 with the use of professional online survey software SurveyGizmo.1 The purpose of the survey was to examine the experience and participation of entrepreneurs in public procurement, and their attitude and expectations towards the e-procurement system ProZorro in order to identify areas of improvement for the system and reduce opportunities for corruption in procurement. The survey involved more than 300 entrepreneurs. Key findings of the survey include: 

 


Entrepreneurs actively use ProZorro. For a year and a half since the pilot mode launch in January 2015, more than 80% of respondents participated in procurement through ProZorro. 64% of respondents took part in procurement through ProZorro more than three times. Most respondents received information about ProZorro from electronic sources, such as news on the Internet (60%) and social networks (29%), and through communication with colleagues and friends (40%). Traditional media (mass media) played a minor role for entrepreneurs to obtain information about the system. The majority of entrepreneurs believe that ProZorro significantly (27%) or partially (53%) reduces corruption in procurement. Cases of corruption decreased with the use of ProZorro. While 54% of respondents encountered corruption with the traditional system, only 29% of respondents encountered corruption with ProZorro. Entrepreneurs believe that the key measures that should help reduce corruption are openness, accessibility and clarity of information about the competition, clear and justifiable criteria for selecting winners, and simplicity of paperwork in competitions. A significant percentage of respondents (80%) indicated that ProZorro provides simplicity of paperwork for competitions by enabling the electronic submission of tender documents. Also, the system largely solves the problem of openness, accessibility and clarity of information about the competition (68%) and the selection of the winner (57%). Other problems remain unresolved, including the criteria for selecting the winner. Entrepreneurs prefer electronic means of communication when seeking information and receiving help in using ProZorro. Among the priority communication channels are explanatory information on ProZorro’s website, email and telephone consultations, and online training (webinars, etc.). The respondents consider manuals to be the least useful. According to respondents, procurement through ProZorro can be improved by linking databases across agencies (registers, etc.), introducing features for tracking the performance of contracts, opportunity to file an appeal on-line, signing contracts electronically, the disclosure of modifications and changes in contracts, and the provision of information security.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


I. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE SURVEY From 11 May to 10 June 2016, a web-based survey of entrepreneurs in Ukraine was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to determine the experience of entrepreneurs using ProZorro, including their level of awareness of the system, their views on the capabilities of the system to reduce corruption in procurement, as well as provide suggestions for improving the system. The survey results can be used for further improvement of the procurement system to reduce opportunities for corruption, encourage entrepreneurs to participate in tenders, and provide effective means to inform and increase confidence in public procurement and entrepreneurs' awareness on the system. The survey was conducted under the framework of USAID’s program Technical Assistance for the e-Tender Initiative and in cooperation with PPD of MEDT. Information about the survey was disseminated through ProZorro’s website and the procurement platform e-Tender, as well as through direct mail to members of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Figure 1. Small, Medium and Privatized Enterprises of Ukraine (SPMSPPU), which comprises more than 12,000 companies. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions. The survey was conducted anonymously by using professional online survey software SurveyGizmo. Participants were selfselected and, therefore, most likely do not represent all businesses involved in different public procurement actions across Ukraine and large companies (in particular).

Figure 2.

303 enterprises participated in the survey, including 80% small and microenterprises, 16% medium and 4% large.2 Almost half of respondents are enterprises registered in Kyiv (48%). Figure 2 provides distribution of the respondents registered in Kyiv according to the size of enterprises. The range of goods and services that respondents could offer on the tender was wide enough. Table 1 displays 13 products and 8 types of services that have been mentioned most often by survey

The survey referred to the definition of micro, small, medium and large enterprises provided by Article 55 of the Administrative Code of Ukraine as follows: microenterprises (average number of employees is up to 10 people and the annual revenue equal or less than €2M), small enterprises (average number of employees does not exceed 50 people and the annual revenue does not exceed €10M), medium enterprises (average number of employees is between 50 and 250 people and the annual revenue is between €10-€50M), and large enterprises (average number of employees exceeds 250 people and the annual revenue exceeds €50M). 2

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


respondents. 3

Table 1. What Types of Products Can Your Enterprise Offer on the Tender?


31000000-6 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and materials; lighting equipment


30000000-9 Office and computer equipment, machinery and instruments, except furniture and software packages 33000000-0 Medical equipment, pharmaceutical products and personal care products


32000000-3 Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and associated equipment and machinery 44000000-0 Construction and construction materials; auxiliary construction products (except electrical equipment) 15000000-8 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products


42000000-6 Industrial machinery


09000000-3 Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy


35000000-4 Security, fire-fighting, police and defense equipment


39000000-2 Furniture (including for office), furniture-decorative items, household appliances (except lighting equipment) and cleaning products 22000000-0 Printed and related products


18000000-9 Clothes, shoes, bags and accessories


34000000-7 Transport equipment and auxiliary accessories to it



10% 8%


What Kind of Services Can Your Enterprise Offer on the Tender? 50000000-5 Services in repair and maintenance


45000000-7 Construction works


51000000-9 Installation of equipment services (excluding software)


71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


72000000-5 Services in the field of information technology: consulting, software development, Internet services and support services 79000000-4 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security


48000000-8 Software package and information systems


80000000-4 Services in the field of education and training




The list of goods and services is given according to the National Classifier of Ukraine “Common Procurement Vocabulary” (CPV) ДК 021:2015, adopted by MEDT in 2015. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


II. FACING CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT USING THE TRADITIONAL SYSTEM 83% of respondents participated in the traditional procurement system, i.e. not via ProZorro. Among them, 20% said they had not encountered corruption during procurement, while 54% had faced it. 26% of respondents refused to answer this question. Micro, small and medium enterprises faced corruption more often than large. But among large enterprises there is a significantly higher percentage of those who refused to answer. There is no significant difference in the frequency of facing corruption depending on the place of registration of the businesses.

Figure 4.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro

Figure 3.

Figure 5.


III. SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON PROZORRO AND AWARENESS ABOUT THE SYSTEM The majority of survey respondents (60%) learned about ProZorro from news on the Internet.4 Other popular information channels were Figure 6. colleagues and friends (40%) and social networks (29%). Traditional media, such as television and print media, were sources of information for only 19% and 14% respectively. Notably, only 2% of respondents learned about ProZorro from the radio. Professional associations were named as sources of information by 12%. There is no significant difference in the sources of information across enterprises of different sizes. However, microenterprises more often obtained information through friends and colleagues as compared to enterprises of other sizes. At the same time, large enterprises indicated professional associations as a source more often than others. Also, there is no significant difference in responses depending on the enterprise place of registration (i.e. Kyiv vs. other cities). Kyiv enterprises used social networking as one of the key sources of information slightly more frequently and entrepreneurs in other cities more often relied on television.


The respondents were asked to choose up to three response options.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Figure 7.

Figure 8.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Figure 9. 53% of entrepreneurs believe they know the system rather well and 13% believe they know the system in detail (in total – 66%). Among those who participated in procurement through ProZorro, the percentage of those who know the system in detail and rather well is slightly higher – 58% and 16% respectively (in total – 74%).

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


IV. PERCEPTION OF PROZORRO’S IMPACT ON CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT About one-third of survey respondents think that ProZorro completely eradicates or significantly reduces corruption in procurement. A little more than half of respondents think that the system somehow reduces corruption. Quite a small percentage (16%) is pessimistic about the ability of ProZorro in reducing corruption. Medium enterprises are the most optimistic as 32% believe that ProZorro completely eradicates or significantly reduces corruption. However, large enterprises are more pessimistic (23%). Enterprises registered in Kyiv or other cities are of a similar opinion.

Figure 10.

Figure 11

Figure 12.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Entrepreneurs believe that the key measures that can help reduce corruption in procurement are openness, accessibility and clarity of the information about the competition. In particular, more than twothirds of respondents named openness and accessibility of information about bids and winners as the most effective measure. Other measures such as clear and justifiable criteria for selecting the winner and simplicity of document submission for the competition were named as the most important by more than half of respondents.

Figure 13.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


V. PARTICIPATION IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO 80% of respondents participated in procurement via ProZorro. This percentage is almost the same for enterprises registered in Kyiv and for those across all other cities. 40% of respondents participated in procurement via ProZorro during both stages, i.e. during the pilot phase and after the full-scale launch on 1 April, 2016.

Figure 14.

About two-thirds of respondents (64%) participated in more than three tenders. 23% participated in two or three tenders and 13% participated in one. Medium enterprises are the most active as 77% participated more than three times.

Figure 15.

Figure 16.

69% of respondents indicated that they participated in tenders at the oblast level, 17% participated at the municipal level and 14% participated at the national level. 43% said that they had won and lost a competition, and one-fifth had no wins at all.

Figure 17.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro

Figure 18.


The rate of wins and losses was similar among medium, small and micro enterprises. Large enterprises reported more losses, however, only a few responded to this question. The percent of losses is somewhat higher among enterprises registered in cities other than Kyiv (25% vs 19%). Small and microenterprises more often participated in procurements at the municipal level while large enterprises more often participated at the oblast level. Enterprises registered in outside of the city of Kyiv more often participated in procurements on the oblast level.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


VI. REASONS FOR NOT PARTICIPATING IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO Among those who did not participate in procurement via ProZorro, the majority (62%) cited that there was no procurement their enterprise could offer goods or services. 13% did not participate due to a lack of knowledge about the system at the time of procurement. Notably, small and microenterprises in particular didn't know about the system. Also, the percentage of those who did not participate due to the lack of knowledge about the system is higher among enterprises outside of Kyiv (21% compared with 4% of Kyiv enterprises).

Figure 20.

Figure 19.

Figure 21.

Few respondents provided other reasons for not participating in ProZorro. These reasons include lack of knowledge on how to use the system, frustration that the system does not take into consideration quality of the goods (only price), and lack of clarity of the required specification for the goods.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


VII. FACING CORRUPTION IN PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO Compared with the traditional system, a much larger percentage of tender participants did not face corruption in procurement via ProZorro. Whereas only 20% did not face corruption with the traditional system, 41% did not face corruption with ProZorro. This is a significant indicator of ProZorro’s benefits. Interestingly, among those who won or lost, the percentage is almost the same. Large enterprises reported less corruption than smaller enterprises (67% - large and 37% -49% - other). Kyiv enterprises faced less corruption than enterprises in other cities and regions (43% - Kyiv and 31% other).

Figure 22.

Figure 23.

Figure 24.

Figure 25.

When asked about the extent to which ProZorro resolves issues that typically contribute to corruption, respondents more frequently mentioned the possibility of electronic submission of documents to tenders: 80% said that the system resolved this problem completely or almost completely. Others indicated that openness, accessibility and clarity of tender information (68%) and about selection of the winner (57%) are completely or almost completely resolved.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


The issues that remain unresolved, according to the majority of respondents, include the clarity and reasonability of criteria for selecting a winner, disclosure of information about misconduct and punishment in procurement, and the opportunity to appeal procurement or the results of the competition through a respected and impartial organization. Importantly, respondents do not see the last two issues as important for fighting corruption. Alternatively, respondents believe clarity and reasonability of criteria for selecting the winner is an important issue that should be resolved.

Figure 26.

Medium, small and micro businesses appeared concerned with an insufficient opportunity for appeal more than large businesses. At the same time, large businesses are more skeptical about the opportunity to monitor and analyze procurement than smaller businesses. Also, large businesses are less satisfied with the ease of the system interface. Criteria for selecting winners and the ability of the system to resolve the issue of disclosing information about misconduct are the largest concerns of enterprises on any size. At the same time, all businesses (regardless of their size) are rather satisfied with how ProZorro resolved the issue of submitting documents electronically. Additionally, a majority of enterprises across all sizes believed that ProZorro improved transparency and accessibility of tender information, and about half of the respondents believed that the system simplified the process of submitting the documents to tenders. Compared to enterprises registered in other cities, enterprises registered in Kyiv appeared to be less satisfied with ProZorro to solve the issues of the openness and accessibility of information, clarity and justification of the selection criteria, and the disclosure of misconduct.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


VIII. WHAT CAN HELP WITH USING THE PROZORRO SYSTEM? When asked about what can help entrepreneurs with using the ProZorro system, more than half of respondents replied they wanted to see explanatory information on the ProZorro website and be able to receive electronic and telephone consultations. In third place was on-line trainings (webinars, etc.). One-third chose provision of information about the use of system through video presentations via the Internet, as well as trainings and education. One-fourth preferred personal consultations. Manuals are believed to be the least useful source according to respondents. Interestingly, large enterprises are more interested in face-toface education and trainings, as well as personal consultations, rather than smaller enterprises. Respondents also noted the need for training customers and suggested the introduction of forums as possible measures to assist entrepreneurs in using ProZorro.

Figure 27.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Figure 28.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


IX. HOW TO ENHANCE PROCUREMENT VIA PROZORRO? When asked about what features need to be enhanced or added to the system (regardless of the impact on corruption) respondents' opinions were divided almost proportionally in different directions for improving the system. The most important improvements are: linking to databases of other agencies (registers, etc.) and monitoring of the implementation of contracts. These improvements are followed by electronic appeal, electronic contract/agreement with the winner, and disclosure of changes in contracts during their implementation and information security.

Figure 29.

In addition to the list of features proposed by the questionnaire, implementation of which should improve procurement via ProZorro, respondents gave other suggestions. Most of these suggestions are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Suggestions of Survey Respondents for Enhancing Procurement Procedures and ProZorro Suggestions for enhancing ProZorro:  Simplify the interface platforms  Move regulations and explanatory documents from Google Drive directly to the website  Remove accumulation of references  Improve search engine  Provide an opportunity for product search  Provide search of orders by activity  Provide search by cities: for example, Kherson, and which tenders are in Kherson  Simplify electronic submission of documents  Provide an opportunity to monitor selection criteria  Provide information on the average market prices of goods/works/products  Provide an opportunity to monitor the implementation of the contract by the customer as well as by the supplier TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


  

Create a catalogue of bids-winners with deep product identification Add control of customer actions in determining the winner, put him/her in a timeframe Ensure the inability to download files (proposals, statutes, etc.) and provide only acquaintance (reading)

Suggestions concerning procurement policy and procedures:  Oblige customers to attach/disclose documents during announcement of procurement  Standardize documentation packages  Clearly require provision of documents without further adding or modifications  Require balance sheet for the last 3 years  Regularize the list of documents required to participate in the competition because certain criteria can be met by a limited number of participants, giving suspicion of collusion  Reduce the participation fee  Improve quality of the requirements for bidders (it means that not only the price should be set as the key indicator but also the financial and reputational performance of participants)  Select winners not just at the lowest price, but rather provide clear technical requirements, compare compatible in quality goods, and take into account the warranty of provider  Consider quality by taking into account the cost of materials  Establish a single approach to determine the qualification requirements for insurance companies  Eliminate the requirement of at least 2 participants for open bids  Block the bids if equivalent bidders are not allowed to participate  Increase the number of rounds in the auction  Oblige the customer to accept the offer with the lowest price in the auction  Set the limit for bid reduction  Change the distribution of orders with VAT and without VAT  Provide equal conditions of competition for payers and non-payers of VAT  Reduce usual response time to the complaint, given that by the time a compliant about violation during the procurement is resolved, a contract with another party may already be concluded  The product or service must correspond to the documents submitted by the bidders in ProZorro. In practice, it turns out that the supplier puts documents for the goods of one manufacturer, but in fact carries the products which are beneficial to him/her. This is an issue of honest competition.  Establish ratings of participants  Make available the information about the rating of every auction participant (100/0, i.e. 100 times participated and 0 contracts) to reveal trolls  Create a "black list" of suppliers who do not systematically fulfill the conditions of the procurement system.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


X. CONCLUSIONS The survey has shown that:      

Entrepreneurs quite actively participate in procurement via ProZorro and are quite familiar with the system. The main sources of information about the system are electronic news and social networks, as well as personal and professional contacts. The trust of entrepreneurs in public procurement increases by introducing measures to simplify procurement procedures and make procurement more transparent. Unresolved issues still remain, including, for example, a lack of clarity and inconsistency of criteria for selecting winners. However, ProZorro has already shown impact in reducing corruption in procurement. Further, entrepreneurs prefer electronic forms to get explanatory information about procurement, including posting information on ProZorro’s website, the ability to receive electronic and telephone consultations, and education in electronic format. Entrepreneurs want to see further improvement of ProZorro’s functionality, including links with databases of other agencies (registers, etc.), the introduction of functions for monitoring the implementation of contracts, electronic appeal, signing of electronic contract with the winner, disclosure of changes in contract conditions, and information security. Entrepreneurs also want enhanced rules and procedures of procurement, standardization of packages of tender documents, clear requirements and criteria for participation, and other measures to strengthen trust in public procurement and encourage participation in tenders.

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro



TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


ANNEX 1 - SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire – E-procurement System ProZorro 1. What type of business entity is your enterprise? 1. Microenterprise (the average number of employees does not exceed 10 persons and annual income does not exceed an amount equivalent to 2 million euro)

2. Small enterprise (the average number of employees does not exceed 50 persons and annual income does not exceed the equivalent of 10 million euro)

3. Medium enterprise (the average number of employees is within 50-250 persons and annual income does not exceed the equivalent of 10-50 million euro)

4. Large enterprise (the average number of employees exceeds 250 people and annual revenue exceeds the equivalent of 50 million euro)

2. Which region is your enterprise registered in? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

The City of Kyiv Vinnytsya region Volyn region Dnipropetrovsk region Donetsk region Zhytomyr region Zakarpattya region Zaporizhzhya region Ivano-Frankivs’k region Kyiv Region Kirovograd region Luhans'k region Lviv Region Mykolayiv region Odesa region Poltava region Rivne region Sumy region Ternopil region Kharkiv region Kherson region Khmelnytsky region

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Cherkasy region Chernivtsi region Chernihiv region Autonomous Republic of Crimea Other (specify exactly) ______________________

3. The next two questions are about the type of goods (products) or services your company can offer for the procurement. The list is given according to the current classifier Common procurement vocabulary. The first is about goods - what kind of products can your enterprise offer for the procurement? (Select as many as needed) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

03000000-1 Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products 09000000-3 Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy 14000000-1 Mining, basic metals and related products 15000000-8 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products 16000000-5 Agricultural machinery 18000000-9 Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories 19000000-6 Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials 22000000-0 Printed matter and related products 24000000-4 Chemical products 30000000-9 Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages 31000000-6 Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting 32000000-3 Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment 33000000-0 Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products 34000000-7 Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation 35000000-4 Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment 37000000-8 Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories 38000000-5 Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) 39000000-2 Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products 41000000-9 Collected and purified water 42000000-6 Industrial machinery 43000000-3 Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment 44000000-0 Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus) Other (specify the name)_____________________

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


4. What kind of services can your enterprise offer for the procurement? (Select as many as needed) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

45000000-7 Construction work 48000000-8 Software package and information systems 50000000-5 Repair and maintenance services 51000000-9 Installation services (except software) 55000000-0 Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services 60000000-8 Transport services (excl. Waste transport) 63000000-9 Supporting and auxiliary transport services; travel agencies services 64000000-6 Postal and telecommunications services 65000000-3 Public utilities 66000000-0 Financial and insurance services 70000000-1 Real estate services 71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services 72000000-5 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support 73000000-2 Research and development services and related consultancy services 75000000-6 Administration, defence and social security services 76000000-3 Services related to the oil and gas industry 77000000-0 Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services 79000000-4 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security 80000000-4 Education and training services 85000000-9 Health and social work services 90000000-7 Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services 92000000-1 Recreational, cultural and sporting services 98000000-3 Other community, social and personal services Other (specify the name)_____________________

5. How did you find out about e-procurement system ProZorro? (choose 3 most important) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Television Radio Print media Flyers Professional association News on the Internet Social networking media Friends or colleagues Has just found out through this survey Other (specify exactly)_____________

6. To what extent are you (or employees who work on your behalf with the system) familiar with the system, its functions and capabilities? 1. Know in detail TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


2. 3. 4. 5.

Know rather well Know somewhat Don’t know at all Hard to tell

7. To what extent, in your opinion, does e-procurement system ProZorro impact corruption in public procurement? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Completely eradicates corruption Significantly reduces corruption Somewhat reduces corruption Does not reduce corruption at all Hard to tell

8. What are the most critical measures to reduce corruption in public procurement? (choose 3 most important) 1. Openness and accessibility of information about the tender and selecting the winner 2. Simplicity of paperwork and possibility of electronic submission of documents for the tender 3. Clear and reasonable criteria for selecting the winner 4. Disclosure and punishment of abuse in procurement 5. Opportunity of appeal of tender or its results through a respective and impartial institution 6. Other (specify exactly) ______________________

9. Did your enterprise participate in procurement NOT via ProZorro system? 1. Yes 2. No (go to question №11)

10. Did you face corruption in procurement NOT via ProZorro? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t have the answer

11. Did your enterprise participate in procurement via ProZorro system? 1. Yes, participated (go to question №14) 2. No, didn’t participate

12. You said you hadn’t participated in procurement via ProZorro. What was the reason? 1. Didn’t know that such a system existed (go to question №19) 2. There were no procurement my enterprise could offer goods or services (go to question №19) 3. Didn’t want to participate in procurement TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


4. Other (specify exactly)_____________ (go to question №19)

13. Why didn’t you want to participate in procurement? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Didn’t consider procurement a significant sales channel (go to question №19) Didn’t trust that the supplier will be chosen fairly (go to question №19) Didn’t have time to participate in the tender (go to question №19) There was no certainty that our offer would be competitive (go to question №19) Just decided not to participate (go to question №19) Other (specify exactly)_____________ (go to question №19)

14. How many times did your enterprise participate in the tender via ProZorro? 1. Once 2. Two-three times 3. More than three times

15. In tenders of which public authorities did you participate? 1. Oblast administration (select oblasts) 1) Vinnytsya region 2) Volyn region 3) Dnipropetrovsk region 4) Donetsk region 5) Zhytomyr region 6) Zakarpattya region 7) Zaporizhzhya region 8) Ivano-Frankivs’k region 9) Kyiv Region 10) Kirovograd region 11) Luhans'k region 12) Lviv Region 13) Mykolayiv region 14) Odesa region 15) Poltava region 16) Rivne region 17) Sumy region 18) Ternopil region 19) Kharkiv region 20) Kherson region 21) Khmelnytsky region 22) Cherkasy region 23) Chernivtsi region 24) Chernihiv region 25) Autonomous Republic of Crimea 2. City administration (specify cities) 1) ________________

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


_____________ __________________ _________________ ____________________ 3. Institution of national level (ministry, agency etc.) (specify the names) 1) ________________ 2) _____________ 3) __________________ 4) __________________ 5) _______________________ 2) 3) 4) 5)

16. Did your enterprise win or lose the tender(s)? (choose one or two response options if at least one tender has been completed; or choose “No answer” if any tender you participated in hasn’t been completed) 1. Won 2. Lost 3. No answer (the tender hasn’t been completed yet)

17. When did your enterprise participate in procurement via ProZorro? 1. 2.

Before 1 April 2016 After 1 April 2016

18. Did you face corruption in procurement via ProZorro? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t have the answer

19. Which functions, in your opinion, should be improved or added to the system? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Security of information Link to data bases of other agencies (registers, etc.) Electronic contract/agreement with the winner Disclosure of any changes in contracts during their implementation Monitoring of the implementation of the contract Electronic appeal Changes of procedure for electronic auction for a decrease Other (specify exactly) ________________________________ Don’t know/don’t have any opinion

20. To what extent does Prozorro resolve the following issues: Issue 1.

Completely resolves

Resolves significantl y

Resolves partially

Doesn’t resolve at all

Don’t have any opinion

Openness, accessibility and clarity of tender information

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


Simplicity of paperwork for the tender Possibility of electronic submission of documents for the tender 4. Clear and reasonable criteria for selecting the winner 5. Openness and accessibility of information about selecting the winner 6. Disclosure of information about misconduct and punishment in procurement 7. Opportunity to monitor and analyse procurements 8. Opportunity of appeal of tender or its results through a respective and impartial institution 9. Ease of system interface 10. Other (specify exactly) 2. 3.


21. What should help you use the system ProZorro? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Education through trainings and workshops Education in electronic format (webinars, etc.) Explanatory information on the ProZorro website Manuals Electronic and telephone consultations Personal consultations Video presentation (via the Internet) how to use the system Other (specify exactly) _______________________________

22. If you have any thoughts or comments on Prozorro system, provide details: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________

23. If you have any thoughts on fighting corruption in public procurement, provide details: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________

24. If you prefer (but not obligatory), enter the name of your enterprise: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


25. If you prefer (but not obligatory), provide your name and surname: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________

26. If you prefer (but not obligatory), provide your e-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________

Thank you for participating in the survey!

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ETENDER INITIATIVE (Phase II) Survey of Entrepreneurs on their Experience in Procurement via ProZorro


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