MSLGROUP Germany Public Affairs Survey 2012

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Public Affairs Survey 2012 – Synopsis –

INTRO For the eleventh consecutive year, MSL Germany interviewed 300 public affairs professionals from leading companies and industry federations in July, with over sixty replies being received. „With our Public Affairs Survey, we provide a comprehensive insight into the beliefs of Public Affairs Officers in Germany” says Axel Wallrabenstein, Chairman of MSLGroup Germany. “The changes since 2011 are quite remarkable and should be helpful in the formulation of lobbying strategies.” In this document you’ll be provided with the most important results. The complete survey is available in German on our website (

4 MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012

Before the election year: improved reputation for German government Public Affairs Managers have more faith in the German government. 60 percent rate the government’s work as “good” compared to only 34 percent in



60% GOOD

2011. One year before the election this indicates a clear upward trend, representing the best result for the Christian-Liberal coalition in this term.

37% POOR



3% n/a

MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012 5

Grand coalition after 2013? For the 2013 federal election, the majority of public affairs analysts expects a grand coalition between CDU/ CSU and SPD: 95 per cent think such a coalition is

„very likely“ or „likely“. 90 per cent do not believe in a repeat of the current coalition between conservatives and liberals.

How do you rate the chances for the following coalitions for the federal election in 2013?

cdu/ csu & FDP 5% very likely 53% not very likely 0% likely 37% unlikely

5% n/a

spd & greens 7% very likely 37% not very likely 42% likely 10% unlikely

5% n/a

CDU/CSU & SPD 50% very likely 5% not very likely 45% likely 0% unlikely

0% n/a

spd & greens & fdp 3% very likely 39% not very likely 15% likely 37% unlikely

6% n/a

cdu/ csu & Greens 0% very likely 27% not very likely 2% likely 62% unlikely

10% n/a

6 MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012

Steinbr端ck as candidate for chancellorship Former minister of finance and SPD hotshot, Peer Steinbr端ck, is deemed to be the ideal candidate for the chancellorship from within the Social Demo-

cratic Party, beating the 2009 candidate and former foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Who is the ideal candidate for the chancellorship within the SPD?


Hannelore kraft


dr. frank- walter steinmeier


sigmar gabriel


Peer steinbr端ck

MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012 7

Expectations for the economic development The years of steady economic growth in Germany are coming to an end. 73 percent are expecting stagnating growth for 2013, 16 percent expect an

economic downturn. Compared to 2011, 70 percent of respondents predicted a continuation of the boom.

How do you estimate the economic development for 2013?





I Expect continued growth

I expect stagnating growth

I expect an economic downturn


8 MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012

Economic outlook for the Euro-Zone A clear majority of the public affairs executives deems a stabilization of the economic situation in the euro zone as „not very likely“ or „unlikely“. More

than one-fifth (23 percent) opt for „likely“. Only two percent believe that a stabilization is „very likely“.

Do you expect a stabilization for the whole Euro-Zone in 2013?








MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012 9

Maintaining political contacts The social web is becoming increasingly important for Public Affairs and their contact management. The number of those using social media for political public relations increased by 24 percent to a total of 44 percent. Classical instruments are still preferred by Public Affairs Managers: All respondents use

personal meetings with decision-makers, 65 percent organize political salons or evening events. 52 percent stay in contact with the junior level of the German Bundestag through workshops or breakfast events.

Which tools do you use in order to maintain your political contacts?

35% PERIODIC mailings

27% newsletters

65% political salons or evening events




100% Personal meetings with relevant

political decision-makers

47% PANEL discussions

social media and web 2.0


10 MSL Germany Public Affairs SURVEY 2012

Use of external service providers Those who work with external service providers were asked about their selection criteria. Most important to them is „ experience / references“ (67 percent), followed by „the network of the service provider with relevant decision-makers“ (62 per-

cent). The price-performance ratio plays a role for half of those surveyed, Internationality and the campaigning skills of the service provider are both at 26 per cent.

What are the criteria for selecting external service providers?


the network of the service provider with relevant decision-makers


price-performance ratio


internationality of the service provider


campaigning skills of the service provider

10% others



The complete survey in German is available for download here: For more information please contact Florian Wastl (+ 49 30 / 820 82 – 524,

MSLGroup Germany GmbH ChausseestraĂ&#x;e 8 10115 Berlin

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