Double award, double degree
Czech Republic + Switzerland Study Plan FIRST YEAR Location: Czech Republic, Prague; Switzerland, Montreux University: CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences); HIM Faculty: Faculty of Economics & Management Specialization: Business Administration Dates: October – June Language of instruction: English Tuition fee: EUR 6500
Program structure (included in the price): Module 1: full-time study at CULS at the Faculty of Economics & Management, specialization Business Administration. Module 2: field trip to Switzerland (visiting SEG universities: HIM and Cezar Ritz Colleges) – 3 days/2 nights
(November-December). Goal: familiarization with the universities, study program of the third year, professors and deans, introduction to hospitality. Accommodation is included in the price.
Module 3: tutorials at the Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants. Master classes from experts in hospitality business in the Czech Republic. Lectures and practical trainings at the prestigious Prague hotels (ex. BOSCOLO 5*).
Module 4: introduction to hospitality business in the Czech Republic (for example: visiting the main attractions of
Prague and other cities in the Czech Republic, such as Karlovy Vary, a brewery tour, a CULS vineyard tour, a DHL office tour, etc.).
Module 5: July or August (according to the preference of student, 4 weeks in total). Lectures and practical trainings at 4-5* hotels in the Czech Republic. Lectures at the Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants on “Peculiarities of the European travel industry”, “Management in tourism”, “Development trends of hospitality industry in Europe and worldwide”.
Module 6: According to the legal requirements of the Czech Republic all international students who completed their secondary education outside of the Czech Republic must validate their diploma of secondary education. Successful validation of the secondary education diploma.
Not included in the price: -
Accommodation and meals in Prague, Medical insurance, Travelling to Switzerland (Module 2), Student travel card in Prague.
A student transfers to the second academic year ONLY subject to the successful completion of all modules of the first year . program and presence of required percentage of attendance.
SECOND YEAR Location: Czech Republic, Prague; Switzerland, Montreux University: CULS (Czech University of Life Sciences); HIM Faculty: Faculty of Economics & Management Specialization: Business Administration Dates: July – June Language of instruction: English Tuition fee: EUR 6500
Program structure (included in the price): Module 1: full-time study in Switzerland for 2 weeks in July (HIM). The topic of the course: Introduction to hospitality (compulsory, for credits). Tuition, accommodation and meals are included in the price. Module 2: full-time study at CULS in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Economics & Management, specialization Business Administration.
Module 3: full-time lectures from SEG faculty members at CULS in Prague – 1 week, winter semester. Module 4: tutorials at the Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants. Master classes from experts in hospitality business in the Czech Republic. Lectures and practical trainings at the top Prague hotels.
Module 5: introduction to the medical tourism industry in the Czech Republic (for example: insurance company Slavia).
Not included in the price: -
Accommodation and meals in Prague, Medical insurance, Travelling to Switzerland (Module 1), Student travel card in Prague.
A student transfers to the second academic year ONLY subject to the successful completion of all modules of the second year program and presence of required percentage of attendance.
ЗАКОНЧИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ЗА 3 ИЛИ 3,5 ГОДА С БОЛЬШИМИ ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВАМИ: 1. Два диплома из двух Европейских стран повысят качество твоего резюме и придадут ему международную ценность. Диплом бакалавра «Бизнес администрирование», выдаваемый государственным европейским университетом – Чешским аграрным университетом в Праге. Обучение проводится на английском языке.
Swiss Higher Diploma in International Management Швейцарский диплом «Международный отельный Hotel менеджмент», выдавае- HIM мый Hotel Institute Montreux, членом группы SEG, мирового лидера в области Location:бизнеса. Switzerland гостиничного Обучение проводится на английском языке. илиUniversity: HIM Диплом бакалавра «Менеджмент в индустрии гостеприимства и междуна-HOTEL Specialization: SWISS HIGHER DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL родный бизнес»,22 выдаваемый Cezar Ritz Colleges Switzerland, членом группы Duration: weeks, 2 terms SEG. Обучение проводится на английском языке.
Duration of internship: 4-6 months Language of instruction: English 2. Оплаченная стажировка в Швейцарии или в другой стране мира (4-6 Tuition fee: CHFкоторые 29000 проходят стажировку в Швейцарии получают месяцев) – студенты,
минимальную ежемесячную оплату в размере CHF 2,168. Два года, проведенные в Чехии, расширят твои возможности стажировки с точки зрения рабочей визы.
structure (included in the price): 3. Program Экономия времени: Всего за 3 или 3,5 года получи два диплома или две степени бакалавра; Module 1: full-time study at HIM*. Study hospitality at its birthplace – Switzerland, at one of the most prestigious 4. Экономия средств: educational institutions in the world. A solid combination of lectures from the industry professionals and practical Из trainings 3 или 3,5 as лет,well дваas года проведенные в Чешской республике professional excursions during full-timeпомогут studies тебе - all these guarantee full immersion into all aspects сэкономить до of 70% от твоих расходов.business. and details exciting hospitality 5. Приобрети опыт обучения и проживания в двух европейских странах; Module 2: a compulsory and paid internship in Switzerland or abroad (4-6 months). Monthly salary in Switzerland is 2172-2450. Successfulязыка: completion internship and submission 6. CHF Выучи 3 иностранных учись ofнаanанглийском; немецкий или of the internship report is compulsory.
французский (на выбор) являются обязательными предметами с первого Module 3: Stateв Bachelor examinations and finalчешский. BachelorЧем thesis defence at CULS, Prague, the Czech Republic. курса; проживание Чехии поможет тебе выучить больше языков ты знаешь, тем больше возможностей трудоустройства тебе открывается. 7. Удвой свои шансы наладить деловые связи. Наслаждайся международной атмосферой одного из самых романтичных и популярных европейских *included in the price: городов – Праги, с его быстро развивающимся рынком гостиничного бизнеса. Учись первые два курса в Чешском аграрном университете с более чем 20 000 - tuition, студентами, а последний год проведи в Швейцарии, колыбели гостиничного - accommodation in a standard twin room, бизнеса.
- meals: full-board (Monday – Friday), - meals: half-board (Saturday – Sunday), 8. Совмести надежный европейский диплом «Деловое администрирова- uniform, ние» с одной из самых быстро развивающихся специальностей, которая - student ID, пользуется большим спросом - гостиничный и туристический менед- study materials, жмент. - personal counsellor, Открой для себя огромное количество увлекательных карьерных возможно- access to university library, стей по всему миру и будь готов к получить высшие позиции в процветающей - WI-FI access, бизнеса. сфере отельного - diploma, for the period of study, 9. - medical Получиinsurance опыт обучения в большом университете Праги и в - counsellor forуниверситете the selection ofвысокого internship,уровня. Швейцарском - assistance with documentation for internship, consultations, 10.- employment Узнай особенности гостиничного бизнеса как минимум двух participation at SEGрегулярные Internationalмастер-классы Recruitment Forum, европейских стран: от профессионалов являютaccess to all entertainment facilities, плюс of university, ся -частью программы в Прагеand и в sport Швейцарии оплаченная стажировка в - professional in Switzerland, Швейцарии илиexcursions в другой стране мира. - cultural excursions, in the SEG Alumni Association. трудоустройства: специалисты 11.- membership Получи уникальные возможности
высокого уровня пользуются большим спросом в сфере гостеприимства In вorder to obtain a Bachelor Degree (CULS) Чехии. Международные сети отелей распространяются по всему миру, поэтоand a Swiss Higher Diploma (HIM) the Student му не упусти свою возможность получить работу в любой точке света. must successfully complete all modules of the
third year, defend a final Bachelor thesis, pass
12. Запишись на программу сразу после завершения среднего образоваNot included in the price: the final state examinations and successfully ния. - Medical insurance during internship, complete an internship in Switzerland or Условия поступления: - Travelling to the place of internship. abroad. - законченное среднее образование, - уровень английского языка IELTS 5.0.
BACHELOR OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT CEZAR RITZ COLLEGES Location: Switzerland University: Cezar Ritz Colleges Specialization: BACHELOR OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN HOTEL AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT Duration: 33 weeks, 3 terms Duration of internship: 4-6 months Language of instruction: English Tuition fee: CHF 43500 -
Program structure (included in the price): Module 1: full-time study at Cezar Ritz Colleges*. Study hospitality at its birthplace – Switzerland, at one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. A solid combination of lectures from the industry professionals and practical trainings, as well as professional excursions during full - time studies- all these guarantee full immersion into all aspects and details of exciting hospitality business.
Module 2: a compulsory and paid internship in Switzerland or abroad (4-6 months). Monthly salary in Switzerland is CHF 2172-2450. Successful completion of an internship and submission of the internship report is compulsory.
Module 3: State Bachelor examinations and final Bachelor thesis defence at CULS, Prague, the Czech Republic.
*included in the price: -
tuition, accommodation in a standard twin room, meals: full-board (Monday – Friday), meals: half-board (Saturday – Sunday), uniform, student ID, study materials, personal counsellor, access to university library, WI-FI access, diploma, medical insurance for the period of study, counsellor for the selection of internship, assistance with documentation for internship, employment consultations, participation at SEG International Recruitment Forum, access to all entertainment and sport facilities of university, professional excursions in Switzerland, membership in the SEG Alumni Association.
Not included in the price:
- Medical insurance during internship, - Travelling to the place of internship.
In order to obtain a Bachelor Degree (CULS) and a Swiss Higher Diploma (HIM) the Student must successfully complete all modules of the third year, defend a final Bachelor thesis, pass the final state examinations and successfully complete an internship in Switzerland or abroad.