“Working side by side with the Palmer family, I have first-hand knowledge of how stellar their cattle management and handling are. They have used the newest technologies to help them monitor and care for their herd. They have been testing for Johnes and Leukosis for more than 10 years. All cattle of breeding age are given Virashield L5 annually and youngstock are given Bovishield L5 HB and Ultra 7/Som at calfhood vaccination. Scour vaccinations are given at dry off. Additionally, the Palmers utilize their nutritionist, veterinarian and other specialists to make solid decisions for their cows. Dairying is a family passion. I see it in each of the kids and in Eric and Stephanie. Seeing this herd go and not getting to visit with them as often makes this sale hard, but I know it’s time for them to concentrate on each other and the changes that will be ahead.”
Dr. Jessica HammellPostville Veterinary Clinic (563) 864-3631
“We have been trimming for Arbor-Haven for six years now. They are one of the best herds we have worked with. The attention to detail and management from Eric and Stephanie, their kids and employees are topnotch. We were fortunate enough to work with their cows that have such good feet and legs that lameness was almost nonexistent. We were always impressed with their cleanliness and lack of hairy warts (digital dermatitis). We will miss having this amazing family as a client and hope others will enjoy their hard work and genetics with purchasing their cows and heifers.”
Chris Viljoen
Sound Step Hoof Care (507) 525-2132
“It is truly with mixed emotions that we work to prepare for the Arbor-Haven dispersal. The Palmer’s have been a true friends and customers for over 25 years. This herd was started Greg Palmer and is continued today by Eric and Stephanie and family. The details that are practiced each day are a great model for all dairy producers. The health and management of the herd is to always help all cows be at their highest ability each and every day. The management practices have allowed them to build the herd from within and to continue to have extra cows for sale on numerous occasions. We have been able to help market extra cattle for them several times. The stories that have come back to us from replacements other dairies have purchased is very rewarding. Cows from this herd have been sold to South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota and NW Iowa. In the fall of 2018 Palmcrest Olympian Dixie was part of a group of fresh young cows. Dixie was purchased by Minglewood farm in Wisconsin and went on to be EX-92 in their herd. They have flushed her to make more daughters from this special cow. This is just one of many success stories that have come from buyers.
Please join us for this special opportunity as dairy enthusiasts and friends of the Palmer’s. We know that the will be many more stores like Dixie’s. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on October 21st.”
Scott Courtney 563-380-1318

Welcome to Arbor-Haven Holsteins, formerly Palmcrest Farms, where for the last 21 years, Eric and I have established our family and laid the foundation for the love of the dairy industry in our four kids, Madalyn, Emma, Keagan, and Sophia. Eric has been farming on his family farm his whole life. Our journey as a family began in 2001, when Eric and I were married, and I, too, took an active role in the farm, while working off the farm, by taking over sick cow care, calvings, and helping with crops as needed. With the arrival of Madalyn, in 2003, I gave up my “town job” and concentrated on our family and the farm. In 2005, we took the first step of achieving Eric’s lifelong goal of passing this farm on to the future generations, by buying into ownership of the cows, forming the partnership of Palmer Farms, with Eric’s Dad, Greg. I took over the remaining herd health decisions, records, and genetic decisions. Eric focused on producing high quality forages to feed our ladies and other farm duties. At that point we began to build a herd of cows with our goals in mind. We began to breed cows that work hard, last for generations, and look good doing it. We have done this by focusing on longevity, fertility, productive life, udder composite, feet and legs, milk and components, all while maintaining type. This combination of characteristics has allowed us to breed high quality cattle, leading to numerous production and quality awards.
In the Fall of 2016, while working our way to 50% ownership, life threw us the biggest curve ball, as Eric was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of brain cancer. We are so proud of the fight he has fought as he has outlived his initial diagnosis by years. During this time, we moved forward with our vision for the future; completely buying the herd from Eric’s Dad, Greg, and transitioning the herd from the partnership prefix of Palmcrest to our own prefix, Arbor-Haven, fulfilling a vision of our children. Our children have grown not only in size and maturity, during these years, but also in skills, to take on much larger rolls to help keep the farm going. Madalyn learned how to breed cows, run the bagger, translate Spanish for our milking crew, and fills in wherever we need her. Emma became very proficient at raking hay, hauling loads of feed, translating Spanish, and doing whatever else is needed. Keagan has become proficient at running skid loader, helping run the bagger, and doing more chores. Sophia has kept us all well-fed during our many days in the field and has spent countless nights feeding calves alone during harvest. I have struggled to balance the many medical appointments and doctor visits for Eric, taking care of our ladies, and being a Mom to four active, involved, kids. We can’t thank the team on the farm enough. We, also, can’t express enough thanks to our family and friends for the never-ending support we receive in so many different ways, from prayer to food to transporting the kids to their many activities when I have been busy on the farm or taking Eric to his many medical appointments.
During our time in the dairy industry, we have formed many close bonds and have gained many close friends, who are family. We will cherish our business and dairy industry friendships and connections for years to come. Our kids have a lifelong passion for all things dairy, the great things to eat, great activities to do, and the great people in the industry. This is evident through their involvement as County Dairy Princesses and promoting our products and by their involvement on the dairy judging team and in the show ring. We may not have won the class, but we were proud of our homebred show animals that also perform outside the show ring, here on the farm. The opportunities provided by our dairy industry have been vast, and for our kids, they will be lifelasting.
As Eric’s battle is entering the final phase, we have had to make the very difficult decision to sell the cows and exit the dairy industry we love so much. We hope our kids let this passion lead them to do great things in life.

We would like to thank the team that has helped take care of our girls throughout the years, specifically Daniel, Greg, and Lyle. We would also like to thank Chris, our hoof trimmer, David and Jessica, our herd health vets, Postville Vet Clinic, Dan our nutritionist, Dave our agronomist, our Select Sires Repro team, Richard, our Foremost Farms fieldman, and our many milkmen. We would also like to thank the Courtney Sales LLC crew, our fitters for the week, our salesforce, and our ringmen, especially Scott and Amy, Blake, Brooke, Brody and Brinlee.
High quality cattle, as a result of our breeding program, and reduced cull rates, has allowed us to sell several groups of young cows for dairy, enabling other herds to benefit from our philosophies and cow families. Today is your chance to take a part of Arbor-Haven home with you. Thank-you for coming, and we hope you find some of our ladies that you, too, can find success within your herds.
~Eric & Stephanie Palmer & Family~PALMCREST DOC TAYLA
1840003145780813 99%RHA-I EX-90 EEEVE @ 3-11
Born: September 13, 2018 • Herd No. 1418
2-11 2x 364d 35811 3.4 1226 3.3 1165 RIP 2-00 2x 273d 25630 3.3 852 3.2 820
Fresh: September 7, 2021
Bred: June 2, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
• 1st 3-Yr-Old Allamakee County Fair 2022
Woodcrest King Doc
840003132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 3.09SCS -1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Mcfly Tart
840003130784580 99%RHA-I VG-86

4-01 2x 305d 35590 4.1 1467 3.2 1140
5-01 2x 264d 28050 4.3 1213 3.2 893
2-11 2x 275d 28000 4.2 1171 3.3 913
2-00 2x 263d 22890 4.1 946 3.1 719
Life: 1108d 114620 4.2 4800 3.2 3668
Foxberry JS Mcfly-ET
13886772 98%RHA-I *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA -619M +4F -9P 99R 8/22
PTA +.57T -1.27UDC +.32FLC GTPI +2000G Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
3rd Dam Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81
305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
305d 30200
840003218865876 99%RHA-I
Born: October 29, 2020 • Herd No. 1650
Bred: January 10, 2022 to S-S-I Renegade-ET 550HO14134
Woodcrest King Doc
840003132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 3.09SCS -1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Mcfly Tart
840003130784580 99%RHA-I VG-86
4-01 2x 305d 35590 4.1 1467 3.2 1140
5-01 2x 264d 28050 4.3 1213 3.2 893
2-11 2x 275d 28000 4.2 1171 3.3 913
2-00 2x 263d 22890 4.1 946 3.1 719
Life: 1108d 114620 4.2 4800 3.2 3668
840003145780713 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: September 26, 2017 • Herd No. 1318
4-00 2x 309d 31093 3.9 1214 3.0 928
3-01 2x 277d 26540 4.2 1107 3.0 791
1-11 2x 305d 22540 4.2 945 3.0 670
Fresh: October 3, 2021 • Herd No. 1318
Bred: January 2, 2022 to Synergy Renegade Zz Top-ET 7HO15471
Farnear-BH 1st Grade-ET
840003125993676 99%RHA-I *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +484M -10F -5P 98R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 2.59SCS +1.4DPR 2.7%DCE
PTA +2.16T +2.58UDC -.04FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2245G
Palmcrest Mcfly Tart
840003130784580 99%RHA-I VG-86
4-01 2x 305d 35590 4.1 1467 3.2 1140
5-01 2x 264d 28050 4.3 1213 3.2 893
2-11 2x 275d 28000 4.2 1171 3.3 913 2-00 2x 263d 22890 4.1 946 3.1 719
Life: 1108d 114620 4.2 4800 3.2 3668
3rd & 4th Dams
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
Foxberry JS Mcfly-ET
13886772 98%RHA-I *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA -619M +4F -9P 99R 8/22
PTA +.57T -1.27UDC +.32FLC GTPI +2000G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
840003218865976 99%RHA-I
Born: October 3, 2021 • Herd No. 1750
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest 1st Grade Tobi
840003145780713 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
4-00 2x 309d 31093 3.9 1214 3.0 928
3-01 2x 277d 26540 4.2 1107 3.0 791
1-11 2x 305d 22540 4.2 945 3.0 670
Foxberry JS Mcfly-ET
13886772 98%RHA-I *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA -619M +4F -9P 99R 8/22
PTA +.57T -1.27UDC +.32FLC GTPI +2000G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
Extended pedigree listed above...
Farnear-BH 1st Grade-ET
840003125993676 99%RHA-I *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +484M -10F -5P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.16T +2.58UDC -.04FLC GTPI +2245G
Palmcrest Mcfly Tart
840003130784580 99%RHA-I VG-86
4-01 2x 305d 35590 4.1 1467 3.2 1140
5-01 2x 264d 28050 4.3 1213 3.2 893
2-11 2x 275d 28000 4.2 1171 3.3 913
2-00 2x 263d 22890 4.1 946 3.1 719
Life: 1108d 114620 4.2 4800 3.2 3668
Extended pedigree listed above...
6840003208368246 99%RHA-I VG-86 VG-MS @ 2-11
Born: September 10, 2019 • Herd No. 1536
2-00 2x 349d 32194 3.4 1107 3.0 976 RIP
Fresh: September 22, 2021
Bred: March 30, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085

Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET
840003014562176 99%RHA-I VG-88 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1020M +29F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.7PL 2.58SCS -1.2DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +2.35T +2.21UDC +.14FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest 1st Grade Tobi
840003145780713 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
4-00 2x 309d
Farnear-BH 1st Grade-ET
Palmcrest Mcfly Tart
840003130784580 99%RHA-I VG-86
4-01 2x 305d 35590 4.1 1467 3.2 1140
5-01 2x 264d 28050 4.3 1213 3.2 893
2-11 2x 275d 28000 4.2 1171 3.3 913
2-00 2x 263d 22890 4.1 946 3.1 719
Life: 1108d 114620 4.2 4800 3.2 3668
7840003218865967 99%RHA-I
Born: September 22, 2021 • Herd No. 1741
Sire: Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
Dam: Palmcrest Pharo Talia
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn VG-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
4th Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
5th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
840003139190505 99%RHA-I VG-87 VVVVV
Born: November 25, 2016 • Herd No. 1247
5-00 2x 278d 35792 3.7 1328 3.1 1105 RIP
4-00 2x 290d 34370 4.0 1379 3.1 1068
3-00 2x 305d 34300 3.9 1352 3.0 1018
2-00 2x 294d 25200 3.7 928 3.1 769
Fresh: December 2, 2021
Bred: March 19, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 99%RHA-I EX-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +908M +22F +23P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.89T +1.54UDC +.29FLC GTPI +2320G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
840003218865995 99%RHA-I
Born: December 2, 2021 • Herd No. 1769
840003145780850 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 3-08
Born: December 7, 2018 • Herd No. 1455
3-02 2x 211d 26697 3.9 1052 2.9 766 RIP 2-00 2x 305d 24680 4.0 981 3.1 765
Fresh: February 7, 2022
Bred: August 1, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
840003014562176 99%RHA-I VG-88 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1020M +29F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.7PL 2.58SCS -1.2DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +2.35T +2.21UDC +.14FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Kingboy Tressa
840003139190505 99%RHA-I VG-87 VVVVV
4-00 2x 290d 34370 4.0 1379 3.1 1068
3-00 2x 305d 34300 3.9 1352 3.0 1018
2-00 2x 294d 25200 3.7 928 3.1 769
ABS Jazzman-ET
840003128557422 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1821M +54F +49P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 2.70SCS -1.8DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA -.33T +.44UDC -.90FLC 93R 8/22 GTPI +2469G
Palmcrest Kingboy Tressa
840003139190505 99%RHA-I VG-87 VVVVV
4-00 2x 290d 34370 4.0 1379 3.1 1068
3-00 2x 305d 34300 3.9 1352 3.0 1018
2-00 2x 294d 25200 3.7 928 3.1 769
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 99%RHA-I EX-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
Extended pedigree listed above...
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 99%RHA-I EX-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
Extended pedigree listed above...
ABS Jazzman-ET
Kingboy Tressa
840003139190556 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
Born: July 3, 2017 • Herd No. 1298
2-09 2x 283d 25350 4.1 1046 3.1 777
3-08 2x 297d 24730 4.4 1087 3.2 787
1-10 2x 294d 20970 4.1 859 3.1 660
4-08 2x 160d 16482 4.1 671 2.9 479 RIP
Fresh: March 30, 2022
840003218865907 99%RHA-I
Born: March 31, 2021 • Herd No. 1681
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Uecker Supersire Josuper-ET
70726929 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +2382M +74F +65P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.88SCS -3.0DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.43T +.55UDC -.97FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2617G
Palmcrest Davis Taylor
840003125575890 99%RHA-NA
1-09 2x 295d 23810 3.9 929 3.0 712
2-08 2x 228d 21120 4.0 853 2.9 622
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn VG-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
4th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
840003218866013 99%RHA-I
Born: March 30, 2022 • Herd No. 1787
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Josuper Tanya
840003139190556 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
2-09 2x 283d 25350 4.1 1046 3.1 777
3-08 2x 297d 24730 4.4 1087 3.2 787
1-10 2x 294d 20970 4.1 859 3.1 660
4-08 2x 160d 16482 4.1 671 2.9 479 RIP
Uecker Supersire Josuper-ET
70726929 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL Palmcrest Davis Taylor
840003125575890 99%RHA-NA
1-09 2x 295d 23810 3.9 929 3.0 712
2-08 2x 228d 21120 4.0 853 2.9 622
Extended pedigree listed above...
Larcrest Captivating-ET
840003149236600 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1023M +82F +48P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 2.80SCS +.5DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +1.63T +1.25UDC +.65FLC 81R 8/22 GTPI +2849G
Palmcrest Josuper Tanya
840003139190556 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
2-09 2x 283d 25350 4.1 1046 3.1 777
3-08 2x 297d 24730 4.4 1087 3.2 787
1-10 2x 294d 20970 4.1 859 3.1 660
4-08 2x 160d 16482 4.1 671 2.9 479 RIP
Uecker Supersire Josuper-ET
70726929 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Davis Taylor
840003125575890 99%RHA-NA
1-09 2x 295d 23810 3.9 929 3.0 712
2-08 2x 228d 21120 4.0 853 2.9 622
Extended pedigree listed above...
De-Su Barcelona 14195-ET
840003141559589 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +766M +100F +48P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.86SCS -.9DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.33T +.82UDC +1.29FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2811G
Palmcrest Josuper Tanya
840003139190556 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
2-09 2x 283d 25350 4.1 1046 3.1 777
3-08 2x 297d 24730 4.4 1087 3.2 787
1-10 2x 294d 20970 4.1 859 3.1 660
4-08 2x 160d 16482 4.1 671 2.9 479 RIP
840003208368305 99%RHA-I GP-81 @ 2-03
Born: May 1, 2020 • Herd No. 1595
2-00 2x 116d 8275 4.3 353 3.1 257 RIP
Fresh: May 13, 2022
Bred: August 23, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Uecker Supersire Josuper-ET
70726929 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +2382M +74F +65P 99R 8/22
PTA +.43T +.55UDC -.97FLC GTPI +2617G
Palmcrest Davis Taylor
840003125575890 99%RHA-NA
1-09 2x 295d 23810 3.9 929 3.0 712 2-08 2x 228d 21120 4.0 853 2.9 622
16840003253809411 99%RHA-I
Born: May 13, 2022 • Herd No. 1801
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn VG-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
4th Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
5th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
Aurora Magellan-ET
840003202985632 99%Rha-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1187M +63F +50P 82R 8/22
PTA +5.2PL 2.73SCS -.8DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.21T +1.63UDC +.32FLC 80R 8/22
GTPI +2786G
Arbor-Haven Barclona Talisa
840003208368305 99%RHA-I GP-81 @ 2-03 2-00 2x 116d 8275 4.3 353 3.1 257 RIP
De-Su Barcelona 14195-ET
840003141559589 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +766M +100F +48P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.33T +.82UDC +1.29FLC GTPI +2811G
Palmcrest Josuper Tanya
3rd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Taylor
1-09 2x 295d 23810 3.9 929 3.0 712
2-08 2x 228d 21120 4.0 853 2.9 622
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn VG-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
840003218865846 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 2-01
Born: July 4, 2020 • Herd No. 1620
1-09 2x 138d 10378 3.2 332 3.2 332 RIP
Fresh: April 21, 2022
Bred: August 13, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793

Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22 PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
2nd Dam Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
De-Su D Mayfield 893-ET
69473980 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +665M +2F +4P 99R 8/22
PTA -.1PL 3.10SCS +.3DPR 1.4%DCE
840003145780853 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
Born: December 13, 2018 • Herd No. 1458
1-09 2x 286d 22000 3.7 824 3.2 709
Fresh: September 10, 2022
PTA +.84T +.66UDC -.28FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2028G
Palmcrest Kingboy Tara
840003139190502 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 VG-MS
3-04 3x 305d 31400 4.0 1251 3.1 966 2-00 3x 305d 22020 4.3 951 3.2 714
Born: September 10, 2022 • Herd No. 1821
Sire: S-S-I PR Renegade-ET
Dam: Palmcrest Mayfield Thea
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
840003208368216 99%RHA-I VG-87 VG-MS @ 3-02
Born: June 7, 2019 • Herd No. 1506
1-11 2x 305d 27000 3.6 961 2.8 766
3-00 2x 85d 8448 3.6 300 2.8 246 RIP
Fresh: June 13, 2022
Bred: August 22, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET
72353457 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +868M +48F +34P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.86SCS -.4DPR 3.5%DCE
PTA +1.60T +.78UDC +1.26FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2573G
Palmcrest Vertex Thebe
840003208368216 99%RHA-I VG-87 VG-MS @ 3-02
1-11 2x 305d 27000 3.6 961 2.8 766
3-00 2x 85d 8448 3.6 300 2.8 246 RIP
Glenn-Ann Palermo-ET
137332056 *TY *TV *TL
PTA -514M -6F -8P 8/22
PTA +.12T -.52UDC -2.10FLC GTPI +1687G Palmcrest Planet Teagan 69482771 99%RHA-NA
3-00 2x 305d 31130 3.4 1056 2.9 899
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
4-03 2x 279d 29440 3.0 893 2.7 791
2-01 2x 282d 27350 3.4 942 2.9 788
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
20840003253809416 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: June 13, 2022 •Herd No. 1806
3rd Dam Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
840003123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Palermo Taryn
71946668 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
5-04 2x 305d 26800 4.3 1590 3.2 1179
4-01 2x 305d 34280 4.2 1424 3.1 1076
6-07 2x 305d 32810 4.3 1405 3.2 1055
2-10 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1263 3.1 959
7-08 2x 305d 29200 4.3 1262 3.3 958
1-11 2x 276d 23610 4.2 995 3.2 750
Life: 2128d 210040 4.3 9049 3.3 6838
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
4th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
840003145780696 99%RHA-NA VG-87 VG-MS *RC
Born: July 14, 2017 • Herd No. 1301
3-03 2x 305d 32570 3.6 1185 3.0 974
4-04 2x 277d 32336 3.8 1234 2.9 945 RIP
1-10 2x 305d 26680 3.7 992 3.0 796
Fresh: December 3, 2021
Bred: March 8, 2022 to Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET 7HO15227
840003208368218 99%RHA-I G-78 @ 2-07 *RC
Born: June 12, 2019 • Herd No. 1508
1-11 2x 305d 22740 3.3 760 3.0 692
2-11 2x 88d 9502 3.0 284 2.8 262 RIP
Fresh: June 10, 2022
Bred: October 3, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
Jenniton Aikman Rory-Red-ET
72507673 Excellent-90 *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -409M +15F +12P 98R 8/22
PTA -1.0PL 2.94SCS -.7DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA -.11T +.48UDC +.41FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2141G
Palmcrest Attract Tasha
840003130784568 99%RHA-NA *RC
3-02 2x 305d 32820 3.3 1081 3.2 1047
1-11 2x 305d 23700 3.4 801 3.2 749
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Abram Tatum NC
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
4th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
Emmert Jedi Eclipse-Red-ET
840003136467733 99%RHA-I VG-86 *TR *DR1 *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +371M -11F +6P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 2.94SCS -.4DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.62T +.60UDC +.19FLC 91R 8/22 GTPI +2031G
Palmcrest Rory Tango
840003145780696 99%RHA-NA VG-87 VG-MS *RC
3-03 2x 305d 32570 3.6 1185 3.0 974
4-04 2x 277d 32336 3.8 1234 2.9 945 RIP
1-10 2x 305d 26680 3.7 992 3.0 796
2nd Dam Palmcrest Attract Tasha NC
3-02 2x 305d 32820 3.3 1081 3.2 1047
1-11 2x 305d 23700 3.4 801 3.2 749
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Abram Tatum NC
4th Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
5th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET
PTA +868M
PTA +5.0PL 2.86SCS
Palmcrest Rory Tango
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Attract Tasha NC
3-02 2x 305d 32820 3.3 1081 3.2 1047
1-11 2x 305d 23700 3.4 801 3.2 749
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Abram Tatum NC
4th Dam
Palmcrest Planet Teagan NC
5-02 2x 305d 30190 3.3 999 2.7 822
Life: 1302d 128330 3.4 4326 2.8 3596
5th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
4-11 2x 305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
3-10 2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET
ARBOR-HAVEN RGR CHARLIE-RED 840003218865863 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 1-11
Born: September 4, 2020
June 14, 2022
Heatherstone Mustafa-Red-ET
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Malne Caramel-Red NC
1-09 2x 150d 11070 3.8 416 3.0 328
4th Dam
Palmcrest Rory Cider-Red
Palmcrest Crimson Tide-Red EX-90

2x 305d 35970 3.4 1225 2.9 1038
Life: 2205d 226800 3.6 8078 2.9 6597
5th Dam
Palmcrest Rippen Tango GP-81 *RC
305d 30550 3.5 1071 3.0 916
2x 305d 30200 3.6 1098 3.2 953
25840003130784664 Good Plus-81
Born: July 1, 2016 • Herd No. 1181 4-09 2x 305d 34750 3.7 1298 3.0 1032
3-09 2x 299d 32510 3.6 1176 2.9 944
1-10 2x 305d 27650 3.7 1012 2.9 812
2-11 2x 279d 25010 4.1 1032 3.0 760
6-00 2x 48d 5124 3.8 196 3.1 157 RIP
Life: 1314d 129240 3.8 4892 3.0 3849
Fresh: July 20, 2022
Bred: September 28, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 3.24SCS -2.3DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful 69482758
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
5-00 2x 289d 31740 4.1 1298 3.9 918
3-11 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1241 3.0 950
6-00 2x 280d 27940 4.5 1245 2.9 821
2-11 2x 288d 27700 3.9 1091 3.0 833
2-00 2x 286d 23320 4.0 939 3.1 715
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
Eastview Mendev LL-ET
133092657 Excellent-90 *TR *TV *TL
PTA -204M -26F -22P 99R 8/22
PTA -.66T -1.56UDC -.95FLC GTPI +1647G Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET 61355208 Good Plus-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
7-04 2x 268d 24670 3.2 796 2.7 676
2-00 2x 298d 24590 3.4 846 3.2 777
5-05 2x 276d 26280 3.5 907 3.0 776
6-05 2x 243d 22920 2.7 619 2.8 648
3-00 2x 245d 18710 2.6 492 3.2 600
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
3rd Dam
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
4th Dam
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD

4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
5th Dam
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
6th Dam
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
7th Dam
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
8th Dam
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
840003208368215 99%RHA-I VG-87 VG-MS @ 3-02
Born: June 2, 2019 • Herd No. 1505
1-10 2x 305d 28100 3.9 1086 3.2 886 2-11 2x 123d 14315 3.7 533 2.8 400 RIP
Fresh: May 6, 2022
Bred: August 17, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
840003123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Montross Bambie
840003130784664 Good Plus-81
4-09 2x 305d 34750 3.7 1298 3.0 1032
3-09 2x 299d 32510 3.6 1176 2.9 944
1-10 2x 305d 27650 3.7 1012 2.9 812
2-11 2x 279d 25010 4.1 1032 3.0 760
6-00 2x 48d 5124 3.8 196 3.1 157 RIP
Life: 1314d 129240 3.8 4892 3.0 3849
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful 69482758
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
5-00 2x 289d 31740 4.1 1298 3.9 918
3-11 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1241 3.0 950
6-00 2x 280d 27940 4.5 1245 2.9 821
2-11 2x 288d 27700 3.9 1091 3.0 833
2-00 2x 286d 23320 4.0 939 3.1 715
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
840003218866024 99%RHA-I
Born: May 6, 2022 • Herd No. 1798
Sire: Siemers Rolan Roskoz-ET
Dam: Palmcrest Vertex Bexley
3rd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM

5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Montross Bambie
840003130784664 Good Plus-81
4-09 2x 305d 34750 3.7 1298 3.0 1032
3-09 2x 299d 32510 3.6 1176 2.9 944
1-10 2x 305d 27650 3.7 1012 2.9 812
2-11 2x 279d 25010 4.1 1032 3.0 760
6-00 2x 48d 5124 3.8 196 3.1 157 RIP
Life: 1314d 129240 3.8 4892 3.0 3849
840003218865910 99%RHA-I
Born: April 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1684
Bred: June 28, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
3rd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful 69482758
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
5-00 2x 289d 31740 4.1 1298 3.9 918
3-11 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1241 3.0 950
6-00 2x 280d 27940 4.5 1245 2.9 821
2-11 2x 288d 27700 3.9 1091 3.0 833
2-00 2x 286d 23320 4.0 939 3.1 715
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
840003218865909 99%RHA-I
Born: April 8, 2021 • Herd No. 1683
Bred: May 20, 2022 to Berryridge Ssi Roadster-ET 250HO15026
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS 5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS 4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
PTA +1480M
Farnear Apples Imac-ET
PTA +370M -19F +1P
Palmcrest Montross Bambie
3rd-10th Dams
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful NC
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS 3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD 2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD 4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM 7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
279d 25010
Life: 1314d
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS 4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
840003139190550 Good Plus-84
Born: June 23, 2017 • Herd No. 1292
3-00 2x 305d 25830 4.3 1101 3.0 779
1-11 2x 305d 23310 4.0 927 2.9 687
Fresh: September 30, 2022
840003218865988 99%RHA-I
Born: October 26, 2021 • Herd No. 1762
EDG SS Slade 8314-ET
72436861 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1626M +51F +19P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.6PL 2.95SCS -2.1DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.69T +.04UDC -.27FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2271G
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful 69482758
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
5-00 2x 289d 31740 4.1 1298 3.9 918
3-11 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1241 3.0 950
6-00 2x 280d 27940 4.5 1245 2.9 821
2-11 2x 288d 27700 3.9 1091 3.0 833
2-00 2x 286d 23320 4.0 939 3.1 715
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
3rd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
S-S-I Basic Bold-ET
840003206205232 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1336M +51F +33P 82R 8/22
PTA +6.9PL 2.59SCS +.3DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +1.44T +1.69UDC +.26FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2737G
Palmcrest Slade Babe-TW 840003139190550 Good Plus-84
3-00 2x 305d 25830 4.3 1101 3.0 779
1-11 2x 305d 23310 4.0 927 2.9 687
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
EDG SS Slade 8314-ET
72436861 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1626M +51F +19P 98R 8/22
PTA +.69T +.04UDC -.27FLC GTPI +2271G Palmcrest Mendev Bashful 69482758
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
5-00 2x 289d 31740 4.1 1298 3.9 918
3-11 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1241 3.0 950
6-00 2x 280d 27940 4.5 1245 2.9 821
2-11 2x 288d 27700 3.9 1091 3.0 833
2-00 2x 286d 23320 4.0 939 3.1 715
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
Extended pedigree listed above...
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
Arbor-Haven Wiggins Babs
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Slade Babe-TW GP-84
3-00 2x 305d 25830 4.3 1101 3.0 779
1-11 2x 305d 23310 4.0 927 2.9 687
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Mendev Bashful
6-11 2x 305d 33260 4.0 1343 2.9 959
Life: 1936d 190970 4.1 7800 3.0 5672
840003139190537 Good Plus-84
Born: May 11, 2017 • Herd No. 1279
3-00 2x 305d 31130 3.8 1192 3.1 955
2-01 2x 278d 22480 3.8 852 3.0 665
Fresh: September 23, 2022
Born: May 11, 2017 • Herd No. 1825
Sire: Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper
Dam: Palmcrest Pinkman Blondie
Cangen Pinkman-TW
106569025C Very Good-85-CAN *TR *TP *TL
PTA +264M -1F -3P 99R 8/22
PTA +.11T +.42UDC -.25FLC GTPI +2124G
Palmcrest Plato Boston
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
4-11 2x 299d 30840 3.6 1123 2.7 831
3-11 2x 274d 29790 3.4 1006 2.7 813
2-11 2x 296d 29300 3.6 1041 2.8 823
2-00 2x 286d 22460 3.8 852 2.8 640
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
840003208368223 Good-77 @ 2-07
Born: June 24, 2019 • Herd No. 1513
1-10 2x 292d 20240 4.0 802 3.2 651
2-10 2x 121d 12095 3.4 407 2.8 340 RIP
Fresh: May 8, 2022
Bred: September 25, 2022 to Vanden-Berge Nows Harper-ET 7HO15472
Sandy-Valley Trent-ET
69701732 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +500M +14F +13P 93R 8/22
PTA +2.7PL 2.93SCS -.1DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.25T +.16UDC +.68FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2186G
Palmcrest Pinkman Blondie
840003139190537 Good Plus-84
3-00 2x 305d 31130 3.8 1192 3.1 955
2-01 2x 278d 22480 3.8 852 3.0 665
2nd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Glide Blooma NC
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Cangen Pinkman-TW
106569025C Very Good-85-CAN *TR *TP *TL
PTA +264M -1F -3P 99R 8/22
PTA +.11T +.42UDC -.25FLC GTPI +2124G Palmcrest Plato Boston
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
4-11 2x 299d 30840 3.6 1123 2.7 831
3-11 2x 274d 29790 3.4 1006 2.7 813
2-11 2x 296d 29300 3.6 1041 2.8 823
2-00 2x 286d 22460 3.8 852 2.8 640
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218865828 99%RHA-I GP-81 @ 2-03 *RC
Born: May 21, 2020 • Herd No. 1602
1-11 2x 120d 7927 4.5 360 3.6 283 RIP
Fresh: May 9, 2022
Bred: July 20, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
74228150 *PP *TY 8TV *TL
PTA -1295M -31F -16P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.61SCS +1.1DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA -.58T +.86UDC +.35FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2014G
Palmcrest Prestige Blaire
840003145780795 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 VG-MS
2-09 3x 348d 29820 4.6 1370 3.3 991
1-10 3x 299d 25820 5.3 1356 3.3 853
3rd Dam Palmcrest Plato Boston NC
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
Extended pedigree listed above...
Leaninghouse SS Prestige
74146743 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +651M +33F +15P 99R 8/22
PTA +.11T +.95UDC -1.11FLC GTPI +2223G Palmcrest Dufner Blanca 840003130784554
3-00 2x 299d 31150 3.8 1187 2.9 911
840003130784648 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS
Born: May 20, 2016 • Herd No. 1165
5-00 2x 305d 32390 3.8 1216 3.0 956
3-10 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1126 3.0 936
2-11 2x 302d 28490 3.7 1041 3.0 855
1-11 2x 296d 21410 3.7 796 3.1 658
6-02 2x 44d 3990 3.7 149 2.8 111 RIP
Life: 1314d 121420 3.7 4501 3.0 3672
Fresh: July 24, 2022
Bred: October 1, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
840003218865929 99%RHA-I
Born: May 30, 2021 • Herd No. 1703
Bred: August 21, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti-ET
68988032 99%RHA-NA *TR *CD *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -179M +33F +7P 99R 8/22
PTA +.2PL 2.97SCS -1.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA -.16T +.99UDC +.63FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2179G
Palmcrest Plato Boston
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
4-11 2x 299d 30840 3.6 1123 2.7 831
3-11 2x 274d 29790 3.4 1006 2.7 813
2-11 2x 296d 29300 3.6 1041 2.8 823
2-00 2x 286d 22460 3.8 852 2.8 640
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
2nd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Glide Blooma NC
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Grafeeti Blanche
840003130784648 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS
5-00 2x 305d 32390 3.8 1216 3.0 956
3-10 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1126 3.0 936
2-11 2x 302d 28490 3.7 1041 3.0 855
1-11 2x 296d 21410 3.7 796 3.1 658
Life: 1314d 121420 3.7 4501 3.0 3672
840003145780771 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS
Born: May 2, 2018 • Herd No. 1376
2-11 2x 305d 26650 4.0 1056 3.3 883
2-00 2x 305d 22360 3.9 878 3.3 747
3-11 2x 137d 14170 3.6 517 3.0 425 RIP
Fresh: April 22, 2022
Bred: July 24, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Abs Danner-P-ET
840003128557718 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TV *TL
PTA +1423M +44F +59P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.88SCS +1.3DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA +.06T +.51UDC -.92FLC 91R 8/22 GTPI +2530G
Palmcrest Grafeeti Blanche
840003130784648 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS
5-00 2x 305d 32390 3.8 1216 3.0 956
3-10 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1126 3.0 936
2-11 2x 302d 28490 3.7 1041 3.0 855
1-11 2x 296d 21410 3.7 796 3.1 658
Life: 1314d 121420 3.7 4501 3.0 3672
Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti-ET
68988032 99%RHA-NA *TR *CD *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -179M +33F +7P 99R 8/22
PTA -.16T +.99UDC +.63FLC GTPI +2179G
Palmcrest Plato Boston
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
4-11 2x 299d 30840 3.6 1123 2.7 831
3-11 2x 274d 29790 3.4 1006 2.7 813
2-11 2x 296d 29300 3.6 1041 2.8 823
2-00 2x 286d 22460 3.8 852 2.8 640
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
Extended pedigree listed above...
Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti-ET
68988032 99%RHA-NA *TR *CD *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -179M +33F +7P 99R 8/22
PTA -.16T +.99UDC +.63FLC GTPI +2179G
Palmcrest Plato Boston
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
4-11 2x 299d 30840 3.6 1123 2.7 831
3-11 2x 274d 29790 3.4 1006 2.7 813
2-11 2x 296d 29300 3.6 1041 2.8 823
2-00 2x 286d 22460 3.8 852 2.8 640
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218865913 99%RHA-I
Born: April 23, 2021 • Herd No. 1687
Bred: July 20, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Danner-P Blitz
840003145780771 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS
2-11 2x 305d 26650 4.0 1056 3.3 883 2-00 2x 305d 22360 3.9 878 3.3 747
840003218866025 99%RHA-I
Born: May 8, 2022 • Herd No. 1799
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22 GTPI +2613G
Arbor-Haven Luster P Blix 840003208368306 99%RHA-I
2nd-11th Dams
Palmcrest Grafeeti Blanche VG-86 VG-MS
5-00 2x 305d 32390 3.8 1216 3.0 956
Life: 1314d 121420 3.7 4501 3.0 3672
Palmcrest Plato Boston NC
5-10 2x 305d 31080 3.8 1168 2.7 833
Life: 1643d 158100 3.6 5741 2.8 4348
Palmcrest Glide Blooma NC
Palmcrest Throne Banner-ET GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 29880 3.5 971 3.1 919
Life: 1805d 161320 3.2 5128 3.0 4863
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET 840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Danner-P Blitz VG-85 VG-MS
2-11 2x 305d 26650 4.0 1056 3.3 883
2-00 2x 305d 22360 3.9 878 3.3 747
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218865852 99%RHA-I
Born: July 10, 2020 • Herd No. 1626
1-11 2x 67d 5702 4.0 228 2.9 165 RIP
Fresh: July 1, 2022
Bred: October 4, 2022 to Vanden-Berge Nows Harper-ET 7HO15472
Melarry Frazzled Future-ET
840003138887595 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1398M +81F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.4PL 2.91SCS -1.7DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA -.13T +.23UDC -.30FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2636G
Palmcrest Montross Reena
840003130784675 99%RHA-I
1-10 2x 305d 30460 3.5 1058 3.0 929
2-11 2x 298d 28690 4.2
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Shot Romy
1-10 2x 305d 24060 4.8 1152 3.2 781
Palmcrest Conner Rachele NC
4-11 2x 305d 36560 4.6 1667 3.0 1107
Life: 1325d 135120 4.4 5912 3.0 4074
Palmcrest Ramos Riley NC
7-06 2x 305d 31960 4.3 1373 3.0 946
Life: 2348d 209290 4.2 8817 3.1 6469
Palmcrest Morty Belle-ET VG-87 EX-MS
5-05 2x 305d 33010 2.9 949 2.8 908
Life: 1526d 137560 3.0 4141 2.9 3921
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD 2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
840003145780738 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 VG-MS
Born: December 9, 2017 • Herd No. 1343
3-11 2x 284d 29173 3.2 945 3.1 915
3-00 2x 275d 26620 3.5 919 3.2 851
2-00 2x 292d 23520 3.2 753 3.4 804
Fresh: November 26, 2021
Bred: February 23, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
De-Su Kenyon 12726-ET
840003127334880 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +788M +16F +6P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 2.60SCS +1.2DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +1.93T +2.29UDC .90FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2418G
Palmcrest Conner Brookln 71946675
5-00 2x 305d 32220 4.2 1368 2.9 932
3-10 2x 305d 30460 3.9 1187 2.8 845
2-10 2x 295d 29550 4.0 1187 2.9 860
1-10 2x 305d 26230 4.0 1040 3.0 781
Life: 1276d 123060 4.0 4981 2.9 3559
840003218865889 99%RHA-I
Born: December 24, 2020 • Herd No. 1663
Bred: January 4, 2022 to Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET 7HO15227
Melarry Frazzled Future-ET
840003138887595 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1398M +81F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.4PL 2.91SCS -1.7DPR 2.4%DCE PTA -.13T +.23UDC -.30FLC 97R 8/22 GTPI +2636G
Palmcrest Kenyon Bess
840003145780738 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 284d 29173 3.2 945 3.1 915
3-00 2x 275d 26620 3.5 919 3.2 851
2-00 2x 292d 23520 3.2 753 3.4 804
2nd-10th Dams
Palmcrest Boulder Bunnie NC
3-05 2x 305d 31330 3.7 1174 2.9 920
2-02 2x 305d 21090 3.8 806 3.1 659
Palmcrest Shottle Briar GP-83 VG-MS
3-01 2x 305d 28760 3.8 1080 2.9 827
1-11 2x 305d 23510 3.9 912 3.0 706
Palmcrest Morty Belle-ET VG-87 EX-MS
5-05 2x 305d 33010 2.9 949 2.8 908
Life: 1526d 137560 3.0 4141 2.9 3921
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
De-Su Kenyon 12726-ET
840003127334880 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +788M +16F +6P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.93T +2.29UDC .90FLC GTPI +2418G Palmcrest Conner Brookln
5-00 2x 305d 32220 4.2 1368 2.9 932
3-10 2x 305d 30460 3.9 1187 2.8 845
2-10 2x 295d 29550 4.0 1187 2.9 860
1-10 2x 305d 26230 4.0 1040 3.0 781
Life: 1276d 123060 4.0 4981 2.9 3559
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218866020 99%RHA-I
Born: May 1, 2022 • Herd No. 1794
Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper
840003149934610 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +932M +104F +61P 82R 8/22
PTA +4.5PL 2.97SCS +.5DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.75T +1.54UDC +1.21FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +3033G
Palmcrest Darling Belize
840003145780761 Good Plus-81
3-00 2x 305d 33420 3.5 1178 3.1 1033
2-01 2x 280d 25880 3.7 950 3.2 816
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Royce Becca NC
2-11 2x 305d 29900 3.8 1122 3.3 978
Palmcrest Glossy Butter NC
2-11 2x 305d 34010 3.8 1285 3.1 1066
Palmcrest Boulder Bunnie NC
3-05 2x 305d 31330 3.7 1174 2.9 920
2-02 2x 305d 21090 3.8 806 3.1 659
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003208368277 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-08
Born: December 24, 2019 • Herd No. 1567
2-00 2x 251d 22619 3.5 788 3.1 709 RIP
Fresh: December 29, 2021
Bred: March 29, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
Woodcrest King Doc
840003132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 3.09SCS -1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Gabor Oriana-TW
4-01 2x 292d 35410 3.7 1300 2.9 1039
2-11 2x 305d 29430 3.9 1143 3.0 873
1-09 2x 305d 25090 3.8 956 3.0 763
Life: 1135d 114120 3.8 4327 3.0 3406
Born: September 30, 2016 •Herd No. 1222
4-09 2x 305d 33510 3.7 1244 3.0 1021
2-11 2x 278d 24930 3.9 971 3.1 784
3-10 2x 282d 24690 3.9 962 3.1 775
2-00 2x 283d 22820 3.8 862 3.1 716
Life: 1148d 105950 3.8 4039 3.1 3296
Fresh: September 12, 2022
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 3.24SCS -2.3DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Gabor Oriana-TW
4-01 2x 292d 35410 3.7 1300 2.9 1039
2-11 2x 305d 29430 3.9 1143 3.0 873
1-09 2x 305d 25090 3.8 956 3.0 763
Life: 1135d 114120 3.8 4327 3.0 3406
2nd-10th Dams
Palmcrest Michael Orissa NC
4-07 2x 305d 37680 3.7 1398 2.9 1111
Life: 1434d 143430 3.8 5392 3.1 4430
Palmcrest Oriana-ET GP-81 @ 2-04
4-06 2x 305d 30660 4.0 1238 3.6 1108
Life: 1304d 112170 4.3 4777 3.6 4054
Palmcrest Metro Bonita NC
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
840003145780820 99%RHA-I
Born: October 3, 2018 •Herd No. 1425
3-00 2x 283d 28555 4.0 1150 3.4 967
2-01 2x 291d 27520 4.1 1119 3.3 902
Fresh: September 24, 2022
Dudoc Stetson P-ET
109148559C 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *BY *TV *TL
PTA +1155M +68F +44P 94R 8/22
PTA +1.8PL 3.00SCS -1.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.32T -.27UDC -1.04FLC 86R 8/22
GTPI +2447G
Palmcrest Montross Orbit
4-09 2x 305d 33510 3.7 1244 3.0 1021
2-11 2x 278d 24930 3.9 971 3.1 784
3-10 2x 282d 24690 3.9 962 3.1 775
2-00 2x 283d 22820 3.8 862 3.1 716
Life: 1148d 105950 3.8 4039 3.1 3296
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Gabor Oriana-TW 840003125575908
4-01 2x 292d 35410 3.7 1300 2.9 1039
2-11 2x 305d 29430 3.9 1143 3.0 873
1-09 2x 305d 25090 3.8 956 3.0 763
Life: 1135d 114120 3.8 4327 3.0 3406
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003125575919 Very Good-85
Born: December 17, 2014 • Herd No. 1041
6-00 2x 305d 41630 3.5 1462 3.1 1286
4-01 2x 280d 36260 3.3 1180 2.9 1067
5-00 2x 281d 34120 3.3 1124 3.0 1014
3-02 2x 293d 32940 3.5 1149 3.0 1001
2-01 2x 305d 28060 3.7 1030 3.1 856
7-02 2x 200d 27583 3.3 923 3.1 845 RIP
Life: 1507d 175590 3.4 6043 3.0 5319
Fresh: February 18, 2022
Bred: April 29, 2022 to T-Spruce Huey Reliant-ET 7HO15099
840003208368287 99%RHA-I GP-80 @ 2-07
Born: January 16, 2020 • Herd No. 1577
1-10 2x 272d 19887 4.1 821 3.5 700 RIP
Fresh: December 8, 2021
Bred: March 10, 2022 to Berryridge Ssi Roadster-ET 250HO15026
Willow-Marsh-CC Garbor-ET
60845420 Excellent-94 EEEE *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1385M -17F +10P 99R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 3.04SCS -1.1DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.31T -.24UDC -.79FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +1884G
Palmcrest Bigshot Banjo
66226804 Good-77
4-01 2x 299d 35040 3.5 1238 2.9 1010
7-00 2x 305d 32620 3.2 1032 2.8 919
5-01 2x 271d 32310 3.3 1068 2.9 951
6-00 2x 265d 31350 3.2 1016 2.9 905
3-02 2x 291d 30960 3.0 941 3.0 922
2-00 2x 305d 26510 3.6 955 3.0 806
Life: 1441d 140420 3.3 4640 3.2 4424
Sandy-Valley KR Excalibur
840003140616380 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +596M +92F +40P 99R 8/22
PTA +.3PL 3.11SCS -2.6DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +2.73T +1.64UDC +1.75FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2704G
Palmcrest Gabor Banner
840003125575919 Very Good-85
6-00 2x 305d 41630 3.5 1462 3.1 1286
4-01 2x 280d 36260 3.3 1180 2.9 1067
5-00 2x 281d 34120 3.3 1124 3.0 1014
3-02 2x 293d 32940 3.5 1149 3.0 1001
2-01 2x 305d 28060 3.7 1030 3.1 856
7-02 2x 200d 27583 3.3 923 3.1 845 RIP
Life: 1507d 175590 3.4 6043 3.0 5319
2nd-8th Dams
Palmcrest Metro Bonita NC
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Penn-England Barclay-ET
Willow-Marsh-CC Garbor-ET
60845420 Excellent-94 EEEE *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1385M -17F +10P 99R 8/22
PTA +.31T -.24UDC -.79FLC GTPI +1884G
Palmcrest Bigshot Banjo
66226804 Good-77
4-01 2x 299d 35040 3.5 1238 2.9 1010
7-00 2x 305d 32620 3.2 1032 2.8 919
5-01 2x 271d 32310 3.3 1068 2.9 951
6-00 2x 265d 31350 3.2 1016 2.9 905
3-02 2x 291d 30960 3.0 941 3.0 922
2-00 2x 305d 26510 3.6 955 3.0 806
Life: 1441d 140420 3.3 4640 3.2 4424
Extended pedigree listed above...
3rd Dam Palmcrest Bigshot Banjo G-77
299d 35040 3.5 1238 2.9 1010
Life: 1441d 140420 3.3 4640 3.2 4424
Sandy-Valley KR Excalibur
Arbor-Haven Excalibur Badge
Palmcrest Gabor Banner
305d 41630 3.5 1462 3.1 1286
2x 280d 36260 3.3 1180 2.9 1067
2x 281d 34120 3.3 1124 3.0 1014
2x 293d 32940 3.5 1149 3.0 1001
2x 305d 28060 3.7 1030 3.1 856
2x 200d 27583 3.3 923 3.1 845
Life: 1507d 175590 3.4 6043 3.0 5319
840003218865950 99%RHA-I
Born: August 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1724
840003218865912 99%RHA-I
Born: April 22, 2021 • Herd No. 1686
Bred: April 30, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Stetson-P Bridget
840003145780825 99%RHA-I
1-10 2x 301d 20560 4.3 891 3.5 725
2nd-12th Dams
Palmcrest Society Brianne G-78
5-00 2x 290d 30110 4.6 1379 3.3 984
Life: 1233d 113120 4.4 4961 3.3 3685
Palmcrest Zandy Brandi NC
6-05 2x 305d 34230 3.9 1336 2.8 973
Life: 2351d 239100 4.3 10300 3.0 7242
Palmcrest Marsh Brazen NC
3-00 2x 300d 24260 3.6 872 3.2 766
Palmcrest O Man Bailey-ET G-79
4-07 2x 305d 37640 3.3 1233 3.0 1143
Life: 1441d 140420 3.3 4640 3.2 4424
Palmcrest Metro Bonita NC
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Montross Bea 840003130784646 Good-78
2-10 2x 305d 30670 3.7 1129 3.2 969
4-11 2x 298d 28700 3.8 1100 3.2 909
4-00 2x 288d 27310 3.7 1000 3.2 872
1-11 2x 274d 23070 3.9 911 3.1 715
Life: 1215d 113640 3.8 4304 3.2 3605
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Badge Bernice NC
3-03 2x 269d 26240 4.2 1092 3.0 797
2-03 2x 305d 24940 4.3 1071 3.1 764
Palmcrest Marvel Betti G-78
Life: 1348d 106610 4.2 4503 3.2 3362
Palmcrest Bopeep-ET GP-82
3-04 2x 305d 27450 3.9 1076 3.1 864
Palmcrest Metro Bonita NC
Extended pedigree listed above...
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003218866016 99%RHA-I
Born: April 7, 2022 •Herd No. 1790
Palmcrest Montross Bea
Palmcrest Badge
26240 4.2 1092 3.0
305d 24940 4.3 1071 3.1
Betti G-78
1348d 106610 4.2
Palmcrest Bopeep-ET
305d 27450 3.9 1076
Palmcrest Metro Bonita
840003145780849 Good Plus-83 @ 3-08
Born: December 6, 2018 • Herd No. 1454 3-01 2x 217d 23415 2.9 684 3.1 736 1-09 2x 305d 23320 3.1 722 3.4 783
Fresh: February 1, 2022
Bred: June 13, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
Pine-Tree Mod Adams 695-ET
840003132117147 *TR *TP *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +721M +50F +39P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.96SCS -1.0DPR 1.7%DCE PTA +.49T +.28UDC -.41FLC 92R 8/22
GTPI +2451G
Palmcrest Distiller Brenna 840003130784604
3-00 2x 266d 28330 3.8 1082 3.1 879 2-00 2x 305d 27600 3.7 1027 3.1 844
2nd-11th Dams
Palmcrest Oak Brenda GP-81
4-05 2x 305d 34550 4.3 1475 3.1 1080
Life: 1162d 113170 4.4 4928 3.2 3632
Palmcrest Michael Brigit NC
Life: 1342d 122380 4.0 4864 3.1 3828
Palmcrest S Storm Brinn-ET G-78
Life: 2074d 168020 3.6 6080 2.8 4749
Palmcrest Outside Bea-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Life: 1145d 103600 3.5 3620 2.8 2874
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
OCD Josuper Zamboni-ET
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS 4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766

Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
Palmcrest Jett Air Brogan
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Diener Bronze NC
Life: 1320d 127110 3.6 4548 2.9 3709
Palmcrest Hughes Brooke G-74
2x 305d 31590 3.2 1021 3.0 948
Palmcrest Goldplate Bubble NC
Life: 1548d 143290 3.7 5271 2.9 4104
Palmcrest S Storm Bonnie-ET G-77 5-03 2x 305d 25890 3.3 863 2.9 743
Palmcrest Outside Bea-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Life: 1145d 103600 3.5 3620 2.8 2874
S-S-I PR Frazld Firebird-ET
840003142352969 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +691M +18F +36P 98R 8/22
PTA +5.8PL 2.49SCS +.3DPR 3.0%DCE
PTA +.87T +.43UDC -.56FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2478G
Palmcrest Belmont Tanisha
840003130784649 Good-78
2-10 2x 305d 29070 4.6 1326 3.3 950
3-11 2x 305d 28870 4.9 1402 3.3 963
1-10 2x 291d 24650 4.3 1049 3.2 783
840003208368304 99%RHA-I Good-78 @ 2-04
Born: April 28, 2020 • Herd No. 1594
1-09 2x 192d 12949 4.1 536 3.5 449 RIP
Fresh: February 26, 2022
Bred: September 6, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
3rd-12th Dams
Palmcrest Ashlar Tulip NC
3-03 2x 296d 32170 3.6 1153 3.0 965
2-03 2x 305d 29650 3.6 1072 3.0 897
Palmcrest Jackson Taylor NC
Palmcrest Shottle Tobi-ET EX-90
4-07 2x 305d 32460 3.1 1006 2.8 920
Life: 1392d 133790 3.4 4585 2.9 3856
Palmcrest Trinity-ET GP-82
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EEEVE GMD
4-04 2x 365d 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217
2-06 2x 365d 30090 3.5 1057 3.1 937
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Fair 2000
Sandy-Valley Belmont-ET
71181764 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA -203M +22F -4P 97R 8/22
PTA +.33T +.86UDC -.27FLC GTPI +2076G Palmcrest Maxum Tula 72474144
2-09 2x 305d 30420 4.1 1239 3.1 938
1-10 2x 275d 25100 3.7 917 3.0 753
• Res Grand Champion Iowa State Show 2002
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM

5-05 2x 365d 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215
Life: 4 Lact 109350 3.7 4030 3.3 3556
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91 2E GMD DOM
7-09 2x 365d 33630 3.8 1278 3.1 1052
Life: 2036d 140130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
5-09 2x 365d 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
4-10 2x 320d 19070 4.0 766
Life: 2432d 131940 3.6 4744
840003218865975 99%RHA-I
Born: October 3, 2021 • Herd No. 1749
840003218865977 99RHA-I
Born: October 4, 2021 • Herd No. 1751
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Arbor-Haven Excalibur Kylie
840003208368272 99%RHA-I
Sold for Dairy
840003208368301 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-04
Born: April 14, 2020 • Herd No. 1591
1-11 2x 156d 11763 3.6 429 3.2 382 RIP
Fresh: April 3, 2022
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Montery Kinley-TW GP-84 VG-MS 3-01 3x 340d 35510 3.8 1367 3.0 1056
Palmcrest Jett Air Kenya NC
Life: 1077d 108320 3.5 3811 2.8 3082
Palmcrest Pepper Kendra G-76 1-11 2x 267d 18730 4.2 785 3.2 595
Palmcrest Concorde Kelsy-TW G-78 4-02 2x 305d 33150 4.3 1424 3.2 1076
Palmcrest Mackenzie-ET VG-86 VG-MS Life: 1511d 125800 3.8 4718 3.2 4058
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
2nd-8th Dams
Palmcrest Caramo Alyssa GP-80
Life: 1481d 126910 4.2 5306 3.3 4183
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Prestige Ariel
840003145780789 99%RHA-I 2-03 2x 298d 23650 4.5 1061 3.5 825
Palmcrest Man April NC
Life: 1245d 125740 2.9 3611 2.9 3609
Palmcrest Amateur Ariel NC
3-11 2x 279d 25100 2.5 640 3.2 797
Palmcrest Belero Button GP-81
Life: 1754d 154750 4.0 6175 3.2 4961
Palmcrest Lou Briona NC
Palmcrst Throne Bridle-ET GP-84 VG-MS
2-01 2x 304d 22720 3.6 824 3.1 710
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
S-S-I Surpersire Modesto-ET 840003011538082 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1115M +25F +44P 99R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 2.98SCS -.4DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.77T +1.64UDC +.65FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2405G
Palmcrest Camaro Alyssa
840003130784558 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80
4-09 2x 273d 27210 4.2 1155 3.2 878
3-10 2x 274d 27060 3.6 985 3.2 870
2-11 2x 276d 21380 4.5 955 3.3 714
1-10 2x 305d 20610 4.4 901 3.3 688
5-08 2x 305d 27980 4.2 1181 3.3 932
Life: 1481d 126910 4.2 5306 3.3 4183
Siemers Solution Rozy-ET
Arbor-Haven Modesto Anna
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Man April NC
Life: 1245d 125740 2.9 3611 2.9 3609
Palmcrest Amateur Ariel NC
3-11 2x 279d 25100 2.5 640 3.2 797
Palmcrest Belero Button GP-81
Life: 1754d 154750 4.0 6175 3.2 4961
Palmcrest Lou Briona NC
Palmcrst Throne Bridle-ET GP-84 VG-MS
2-01 2x 304d 22720 3.6 824 3.1 710
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
S-S-I Surpersire Modesto-ET
Camaro Alyssa
840003208368292 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-06
Born: February 20, 2020 • Herd No. 1582
1-11 2x 207d 15740 4.0 629 3.4 535 RIP
Fresh: February 11, 2022
Bred: April 19, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
840003145780848 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: December 4, 2018 • Herd No. 1453
2-11 2x 293d 30211 3.6 1101 3.1 937 1-09 2x 305d 23800 3.9 930 3.2 766
Fresh: November 17, 2021
Bred: February 3, 2022 to Angus
Progenesis Modest Raptor465-ET
12529230C 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA -420M +42F +0P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.7PL 2.81SCS -.1DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +.37T +1.18UDC +.99FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2363G
Palmcrest Heisenberg Spice
840003145780767 Good-79 @ 2-08
2-09 3x 335d 32300 4.3 1384 3.1 1014
1-10 3x 297d 26860 4.1 1092 2.9 777
2nd-9th Dams
Palmcrest Markup Briona NC
Palmcrest Gabor Brina NC
2-09 2x 302d 28620 3.4 979 2.9 824
Palmcrest Diener Brita NC
2-00 2x 272d 26500 4.1 1084 3.2 842
Palmcrest Boliver Brittle GP-82
3-08 2x 305d 29260 4.2 1243 3.1 914
Palmcrest Shottl Brickle-ET GP-82
1-11 2x 305d 23800 4.3 1016 3.3 783
Palmcrest Morty Baton-ET EX-90 EX-MS GMD
Life: 1092d 101080 3.9 3916 3.2 3236
Rgncrst-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS GMD
2-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 972 3.0 802
Extended pedigree listed above...
Stantons Adagio-P-ET
840003129016082 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +876M +40F +33P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.81SCS +.7DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.46T +1.25UdC +.51FLC 93R 8/22 GTPI +2470G
Palmcrest Petrone Dayton
840003139190501 Good Plus-84
4-01 3x 360d 37060 4.4 1615 3.2 1190
3-00 3x 364d 32550 4.9 1585 3.3 1071
2-00 2x 283d 18920 4.5 851 3.4 636
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Django Dayna NC 3-10 2x 267d 33200 3.4 1122 3.0 990
Palmcrest Douglas Dallas GP-80 Life: 1217d 110900 3.7 4079 3.1 3443
Palmcrst Lheros Dazzle NC 2-01 2x 305d 21170 3.8 814 3.0 633
Palmcrest Morty Dolphin G-79 3-03 2x 292d 27970 3.0 840 2.9 809
Palmcrest Diamond Bugle VG-85 5-08 2x 302d 25740 2.9 749 2.9 738 3-10 2x 272d 22360 3.1 688 2.8 628
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
840003218865965 99%RHA-I
Born: September 15,
Palmcrest Jargon Dawn
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003136887521 99%RHA-I
PTA +1838M +58F
PTA +.81T
-.53FLC GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Petrone Dayton
840003139190501 Good Plus-84
4-01 3x 360d 37060 4.4 1615 3.2 1190 3-00 3x 364d 32550 4.9 1585 3.3 1071 2-00 2x 283d 18920 4.5 851 3.4 636
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218865875 99%RHA-NA
Born: October 17, 2020 • Herd No. 1649
1-10 2x 16d 750 3.9 29 3.3 25 RIP
Fresh: Augsut 21, 2022
840003145780827 99%RHA-I VG-88 VVVVV
Born: October 14, 2018 • Herd No. 1432
2-08 2x 301d 30330 4.3 1297 3.1 952
1-09 2x 293d 22430 4.4 994 3.2 728
3-08 2x 58d 6115 3.0 184 3.1 191 RIP
Fresh: July 10, 2022
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 3.03SCS -1.3DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.94T +1.64UDC +.04FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Guthrie Shar
840003125575881 Good Plus-83
4-01 2x 305d 37490 3.4 1263 2.9 1084
3-00 2x 305d 36840 3.5 1294 2.8 1046
5-02 2x 292d 28950 3.4 972 3.1 883
1-11 2x 305d 26560 3.5 941 2.9 772
Life: 1363d 142970 3.5 5012 2.9 4216
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Ambar Shari GP-80
2-00 2x 305d 23820 3.4 818 2.8 667
Palmcrest Ezra Sharla NC
Palmcrest Outside Shar GP-82 VG-MS
3-05 2x 305d 23540 4.1 956 2.9 680
Palmcrest Con Shboom-TW GP-81 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 27940 3.5 696 2.9 814
Plamcrest Derry Shazam VG-89 GMD
Life: 1424d 118420 3.4 3972 2.8 3259
Bred: September 7, 2022 to Vanden-Berge Nows Harper-ET 7HO15472
Stantons Capone 3501-ET
840003128769150 99%RHA-I *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +513M +16F +21P 93R 8/22
PTA +3.3PL 2.84SCS +1.2DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.40T +1.61UDC +.32FLC 84R 8/22
GTPI +2375G
Palmcrst Direction Brownie
840003139190487 99%RHA-I
1-11 2x 305d 27630 3.7 1036 3.0 819
840003218865939 99%RHA-I
Born: July 9, 2021 •Herd No. 1713
Bred: August 5, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
Kingmerling Helx Doctor-ET
840003140765936 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1222M +82F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.90SCS +.6DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.38T +1.43UDC -.02FLC
Palmcrest Bourbon Polly
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Achiever Ashlyn NC
Palmcrest Pavel Pebbles G-76
6-01 2x 303d 28990 4.6 1348 3.2 920
Life: 1600d 141830 4.4 6243 3.1 4338
Palmcrest Roy Morado GP-81
3-01 2x 305d 25080 4.2 1047 3.1 776
Palmcrest Win Miami GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 33060 4.1 1347 3.2 1048
Life: 1148d 103900 3.9 4035 3.2 3355
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Meridian Pillow NC
Palmcrest Emerald Prudy NC
3-09 2x 277d 28310 3.9 1095 3.1 880
2-10 2x 288d 25070 3.8 944 3.2 797
Palmcrest Mebane Prudenc GP-80
3-10 2x 305d 34590 3.3 1131 2.8 979
Palmcrest Pavel Pebbles G-76
6-01 2x 303d 28990 4.6 1348 3.2 920
Life: 1600d 141830 4.4 6243 3.1 4338
Palmcrest Roy Morado GP-81
3-01 2x 305d 25080 4.2 1047 3.1 776
Palmcrest Win Miami GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 33060 4.1 1347 3.2 1048
Life: 1148d 103900 3.9 4035 3.2 3355
Monument Impression-ET
Palmcrest Brock Breezy

840003218865827 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-03
Born: May 20, 2020 • Herd No. 1601
1-11 2x 137d 10117 3.8 384 3.0 301 RIP
Fresh: April 22, 2022
Bred: June 30, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
Progenesis Modest Raptor465-ET
12529230C 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA -420M +42F +0P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.7PL 2.81SCS -.1DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +.37T +1.18UDC +.99FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2363G
Palmcrest Upright Brio
840003145780809 99%RHA-I Very Good-88 VG-MS
2-08 2x 300d 30590 3.6 1112 3.0 918
1-08 2x 282d 21600 3.6 779 3.2 698
3-08 2x 129d 16604 3.2 536 2.8 469 RIP
840003218866018 99%RHA-I
Born: April 22, 2022 •Herd No. 1792
Synergy Renegade ZZ Top-ET
840003209086217 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1818M +83F +70P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.6PL 2.87SCS +.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +1.36T +1.47UDC +.55FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2933G
Arbor-Haven Raptor Bethany
840003218865827 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-03
1-11 2x 137d 10117 3.8 384 3.0 301 RIP
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Impresion Brielle NC
1-10 2x 284d 23980 3.8 915 3.1 734
Palmcrest Brock Breezy NC
4-03 2x 305d 35010 3.3 1155 2.7 949
Life: 1163d 118820 3.4 4016 2.8 3294
Palmcrest Baltic Blondie GP-81
2-00 2x 305d 24560 3.5 854 2.9 719
Palmcrest Marshall Brownie NC
4-10 2x 305d 30290 3.3 1002 2.9 891
Life: 1337d 122930 3.5 4326 3.0 3657
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Upright Brio VG-88 VG-MS
2-08 2x 300d 30590 3.6 1112 3.0 918 1-08 2x 282d 21600 3.6 779 3.2 698
Palmcrest Impresion Brielle NC
1-10 2x 284d 23980 3.8 915 3.1 734
Palmcrest Brock Breezy NC
4-03 2x 305d 35010 3.3 1155 2.7 949
Life: 1163d 118820 3.4 4016 2.8 3294
Palmcrest Baltic Blondie GP-81 2-00 2x 305d 24560 3.5 854 2.9 719
Palmcrest Marshall Brownie NC
4-10 2x 305d 30290 3.3 1002 2.9 891
Life: 1337d 122930 3.5 4326 3.0 3657
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Grafeti Creola NC
2-02 2x 289d 24160 4.2 1012 3.2 784
Palmcrest Ashlar Corrine GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-02
4-08 2x 305d 44130 2.7 1186 2.7 1184
Life: 1322d 150200 3.0 4499 3.0 4445
Palmcrest Cyclone Coral NC
3-00 2x 305d 29760 3.0 879 3.4 1015
4-04 2x 305d 28860 3.4 992 3.4 972
Palmcrest Blade Blair NC
2-01 2x 305d 21500 3.3 703 3.2 686
840003145780750 99%RHA-I Very Good-86 VG-MS
Born: February 12, 2018 • Herd No. 1355
3-09 2x 273d 25101 3.5 887 3.0 754
Fresh: December 7, 2021
Bred: February 21, 2022 to T-Spruce Huey Reliant-ET 7HO15099
Farnear Apples Imac-ET
840003126775147 99%RHA-I *RC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +370M -19F +1P 96R 8/22
PTA -.8PL 3.00SCS -.4DPR 3.0%DCE
PTA +1.62T +1.82UDC +.19FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +1961G
Palmcrst Milo Memphis
840003130784631 99%RHA-NA
840003218865888 99%RHA-I
Born: December 21, 2020 • Herd No. 1662
Bred: February 3, 2022 to Berryridge Ssi Roadster-ET 250HO15026
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Madison
840003130784577 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-83
3-01 2x 305d 34890 3.1 1078 2.7 932
4-02 2x 305d 34750 3.2 1117 2.7 922
5-03 2x 281d 30210 3.3 995 2.5 767
1-10 2x 305d 26930 3.3 895 2.7 739
Life: 1364d 139590 3.3 4586 2.7 3754
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
4th Dam
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Diener Molly NC
4-00 2x 292d 31780 3.6 1130 2.9 922
3-01 2x 303d 28990 3.5 1029 3.0 876
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
4th Dam
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
5th Dam
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Madison GP-83
3-01 2x 305d 34890 3.1 1078 2.7 932
Life: 1364d 139590 3.3 4586 2.7 3754
Palmcrest Lopez Morine
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Diener Molly NC
4-00 2x 292d 31780 3.6 1130 2.9 922
3-01 2x 303d 28990 3.5 1029 3.0 876
4th Dam
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
5th Dam
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
6th Dam
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
840003145780839 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 VG-MS
Born: November 24, 2018 • Herd No. 1444
2-11 2x 302d 27779 4.0 1121 3.4 941 RIP
1-11 2x 293d 20620 4.0 815 3.3 690
Fresh: November 8, 2021
Bred: May 21, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865883 99%RHA-I
Born: November 22, 2020 • Herd No. 1657
Bred: February 7, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Rory Mocasin
840003139190489 Good Plus-80 *RC
3-02 2x 286d 24480 4.5 1099 3.1 752
2-01 2x 305d 22490 4.0 990 3.3 731
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Vertex Mocha
840003145780839 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 VG-MS
2-11 2x 302d 27779 4.0 1121 3.4 941 RIP 1-11 2x 293d 20620 4.0 815 3.3 690
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Diener Molly NC
4-00 2x 292d 31780 3.6 1130 2.9 922
3-01 2x 303d 28990 3.5 1029 3.0 876
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
4th Dam
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
5th Dam
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Rory Mocasin GP-80 *RC
3-02 2x 286d 24480 4.5 1099 3.1 752
2-01 2x 305d 22490 4.0 990 3.3 731
Palmcrest Diener Molly NC
4-00 2x 292d 31780 3.6 1130 2.9 922
3-01 2x 303d 28990 3.5 1029 3.0 876
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
Peak Altacephus-ET
Palmcrest Vertex Mocha
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Rory Mocasin GP-80 *RC
3-02 2x 286d 24480 4.5 1099 3.1 752
2-01 2x 305d 22490 4.0
Palmcrest Diener Molly NC
3.3 731
4-00 2x 292d 31780 3.6 1130 2.9 922
3-01 2x 303d 28990 3.5 1029 3.0 876
Palmcrest Plus Morine NC
5-08 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1310 3.0 1064
Life: 1790d 170990 3.8 6476 3.1 5244
Palmcrest Talent Model NC
2-01 2x 303d 18560 4.0 734 3.3 604
Palmcrest Jedi Modesto F-74
Life: 1382d 110980 3.9 4366 3.0 3291
840003208368237 Good Plus-81 @ 3-00
Born: August 2, 2019 • Herd No. 1527
1-11 2x 305d 23000 4.5 1034 3.3 759
Fresh: July 19, 2021
Bred: February 15, 2022 to Angus
Solum Chicago Rollag
70776783 Excellent-91 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +240M -4F +1P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 3.09SCS -.3DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.75T +.74UDC +.64FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2048G
Palmcrst Gabor Mystery
72474221 99%RHA-NA
3-10 2x 305d 33970 3.3 1105 3.1 1037
2-11 2x 281d 29850 3.3 996 3.0 910
4-11 2x 262d 28080 3.6 999 3.0 848
2-00 2x 282d 21790 3.9 858 3.2 701
Life: 1136d 114210 3.5 3977 3.1 3514
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Omar Mystic NC
2-10 2x 305d 29390 3.9 1151 2.9 867
1-11 2x 275d 21820 3.9 856 3.0 652
Palmcrest Michael Myra NC
4-05 2x 305d 34500 3.9 1360 2.7 947
Life: 1366d 132900 3.8 4997 2.8 3736
Palmcrest Belmont Meg GP-83
5-01 2x 305d 25740 3.1 789 2.7 702
Life: 1221d 104040 3.2 3298 2.7 2833
Palmcrest Clark Mirabella GP-80 EX-MS
4-04 2x 305d 27600 3.2 887 3.0 820
Life: 1148d 100890 3.5 3502 3.0 3044
840003218865940 99%RHA-I
Born: July 19, 2021 •Herd No. 1714
Bred: September 21, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
S-S-I Basic Bold-ET
840003206205232 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1336M +51F +33P 82R 8/22
PTA +6.9PL 2.59SCS +.3DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +1.44T +1.69UDC +.26FLC 81R 8/22 GTPI +2737G
Palmcrest Rollag Myra-TW
840003208368237 Good Plus-81 @ 3-00
1-11 2x 305d 23000 4.5 1034 3.3 759
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrst Gabor Mystery NC
3-10 2x 305d 33970 3.3 1105 3.1 1037
Life: 1136d 114210 3.5 3977 3.1 3514
Palmcrest Omar Mystic NC
2-10 2x 305d 29390 3.9 1151 2.9 867
1-11 2x 275d 21820 3.9 856 3.0 652
Palmcrest Michael Myra NC
4-05 2x 305d 34500 3.9 1360 2.7 947
Life: 1366d 132900 3.8 4997 2.8 3736
Palmcrest Belmont Meg GP-83
5-01 2x 305d 25740 3.1 789 2.7 702
Life: 1221d 104040 3.2 3298 2.7 2833
Palmcrest Clark Mirabella GP-80 EX-MS
4-04 2x 305d 27600 3.2 887 3.0 820
Life: 1148d 100890 3.5 3502 3.0 3044
Penn-England Barclay-ET
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrst Gabor Mystery NC
3-10 2x 305d 33970 3.3 1105 3.1 1037
Life: 1136d 114210 3.5 3977 3.1 3514
Palmcrest Omar Mystic NC
2-10 2x 305d 29390 3.9 1151 2.9 867
1-11 2x 275d 21820 3.9 856 3.0 652
Palmcrest Michael Myra NC
Palmcrest Rollag Myla-TW
4-05 2x 305d 34500 3.9 1360 2.7 947
Life: 1366d 132900 3.8 4997 2.8 3736
Palmcrest Belmont Meg GP-83
5-01 2x 305d 25740 3.1 789 2.7 702
Life: 1221d 104040 3.2 3298 2.7 2833
Palmcrest Clark Mirabella GP-80 EX-MS
4-04 2x 305d 27600 3.2 887 3.0 820
Life: 1148d 100890 3.5 3502 3.0 3044
840003208368273 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-01
Born: December 6, 2019 • Herd No. 1563
1-10 2x 330d 24153 3.8 924 3.3 804 RIP
Fresh: October 11, 2021
Bred: March 11, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
S-S-I Surpersire Modesto-ET
840003218865982 99%RHA-I
Born: October 11, 2021 • Herd No. 1756
99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1115M +25F +44P 99R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 2.98SCS -.4DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.77T +1.64UDC +.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2405G
Palmcrest Danner-P Mara
840003145780739 Good Plus-83 VG-MS @ 2-07
1-11 2x 294d 22140 3.7 829 2.8 619
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Kingboy Marly NC
2-11 2x 305d 30630 3.1 964 3.1 958
2-00 2x 277d 19490 3.4 661 3.2 615
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Diener Mandi NC
2-01 2x 300d 24330 3.6 883 3.2 790
4th Dam
Palmcrest Artist Mandy NC
5-04 2x 279d 28950 4.5 1302 3.2 933
Life: 1610d 133530 4.2 5618 3.3 4429
Penn-England Barclay-ET 840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2854G
Arbor-Haven Modesto Mia
840003208368273 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-01
1-10 2x 330d 24153 3.8 924 3.3 804 RIP
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Danner-P Mara GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-07 1-11 2x 294d 22140 3.7 829 2.8 619
Palmcrest Kingboy Marly NC
2-11 2x 305d 30630 3.1 964 3.1 958
2-00 2x 277d 19490 3.4 661 3.2 615
Palmcrest Diener Mandi NC
2-01 2x 300d 24330 3.6 883 3.2 790
Palmcrest Artist Mandy NC 5-04 2x 279d 28950 4.5 1302 3.2 933
Life: 1610d 133530 4.2 5618 3.3 4429
Penn-England Barclay-ET
PTA +1322M +96F
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Pick Me Dumplin
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Mabon Dionne NC
“Sold for dairy”
Palmcrest Shot Dizzie GP-84 VG-MS
Palmcrest Boulder Digit NC
3-10 2x 305d 32160 3.2 1042 3.1 995
2-11 2x 304d 29330 3.6 1061 3.3 966
Palmcrest Merchant Deco GP-80
2-06 2x 294d 19250 4.1 784 3.4 645
840003130784638 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
Born: March 6, 2016 • Herd No. 1155
5-07 2x 326d 36871 3.6 1318 3.1 1137 RIP
4-05 2x 305d 32910 3.2 1064 3.0 972
3-00 2x 305d 32740 3.6 1165 3.0 968
1-11 2x 305d 31460 3.1 970 2.9 918
Life: 1147d 115980 3.4 3893 3.0 3482
Fresh: October 15, 2021
840003218865985 99%RHA-I
Born: October 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1759
Bacon-Hill Montross-ET
71703339 Excellent-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1970M +34F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 3.24SCS -2.3DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.65T +1.49UDC -.21FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2360G
Palmcrest Buckwheat Fawn
72474126 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-02
2-11 2x 305d 29800 3.9 1173 3.2 949
1-10 2x 305d 24860 3.9 975 3.1 782
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
8400031493918313 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1480M +81F +55P 83R 8/22
PTA +4.8PL 2.89SCS +.0DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +.98T +1.06UDC -.11FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2809G
Palmcrest Montross Flash
840003130784638 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
5-07 2x 326d 36871 3.6 1318 3.1 1137 RIP
4-05 2x 305d 32910 3.2 1064 3.0 972
3-00 2x 305d 32740 3.6 1165 3.0 968
1-11 2x 305d 31460 3.1 970 2.9 918
Life: 1147d 115980 3.4 3893 3.0 3482
Mr Day Dearing 1445-ET
72128234 *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +978M +37F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 3.13SCS -1.5DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.33T +.84UDC +.21FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2422G
840003145780759 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
Born: February 26, 2018 • Herd No. 1364
3-08 2x 287d 31020 3.9 1195 3.0 925 RIP
2-09 2x 268d 27080 3.8 1035 3.2 854
1-10 2x 289d 21440 3.7 798 3.0 651
Fresh: November 23, 2021
Bred: June 1, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
Palmcrest Montross Flash
840003130784638 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
5-07 2x 326d 36871 3.6 1318 3.1 1137 RIP
4-05 2x 305d 32910 3.2 1064 3.0 972
3-00 2x 305d 32740 3.6 1165 3.0 968
1-11 2x 305d 31460 3.1 970 2.9 918
Life: 1147d 115980 3.4 3893 3.0 3482
Larcrest Captivating-ET
840003149236600 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1023M +82F +48P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 2.80SCS +.5DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +1.63T +1.25UDC +.65FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2849G
840003218865993 99%RHA-I
Born: November 23, 2021 • Herd No. 1767
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Madison Fern G-77
3-10 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1299 2.9 1017
Life: 1206d 123430 3.9 4794 2.9 3626
Palmcrest Price Felicia GP-83
2-02 2x 305d 22880 3.4 785 3.2 721
Palmcrest Forbidden Fran GP-83
5-06 2x 262d 29710 3.7 1110 3.0 902
Life: 1283d 105040 3.7 3937 3.3 3468
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Buckwheat Fawn GP-81 @ 2-02
2-11 2x 305d 29800 3.9 1173 3.2 949
1-10 2x 305d 24860 3.9 975 3.1 782
Palmcrest Madison Fern G-77
3-10 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1299 2.9 1017
Life: 1206d 123430 3.9 4794 2.9 3626
Palmcrest Price Felicia GP-83
2-02 2x 305d 22880 3.4 785 3.2 721
Palmcrest Forbidden Fran GP-83
5-06 2x 262d 29710 3.7 1110 3.0 902
Life: 1283d 105040 3.7 3937 3.3 3468
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
Palmcrest Dearing Fame
840003145780759 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
2-09 2x 268d 27080 3.8 1035 3.2 854
1-10 2x 289d 21440 3.7 798 3.0 651
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Montross Flash VG-85
5-07 2x 326d 36871 3.6 1318 3.1 1137 RIP
Life: 1147d 115980 3.4 3893 3.0 3482
840003145780883 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-09
Born: April 25, 2019 • Herd No. 1488
2-02 2x 305d 26420 4.0 1056 3.4 886
Fresh: September 16, 2022
840003145780846 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
Born: December 1, 2018 • Herd No. 1451
2-10 2x 340d 32685 3.8 1247 3.3 1078
1-09 2x 305d 23620 3.8 889 3.3 777
Fresh: October 1, 2021
Bred: March 2, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
ABS Moonwind-P-ET
840003128557377 99%RHA-I *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +919M +72F +52P 98R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 3.13SCS +.2DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +1.21T +1.70UDC -1.13FLC 91R 8/22
GTPI +2579G
Palmcrest Save Fiesta
840003139190545 99%RHA-I
1-10 2x 120d 9680 3.9 375 3.1 300
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Buckwheat Fawn GP-81 @ 2-02
2-11 2x 305d 29800 3.9 1173 3.2 949
1-10 2x 305d 24860 3.9 975 3.1 782
Palmcrest Madison Fern G-77
3-10 2x 305d 35420 3.7 1299 2.9 1017
Life: 1206d 123430 3.9 4794 2.9 3626
Palmcrest Price Felicia GP-83
2-02 2x 305d 22880 3.4 785 3.2 721
Palmcrest Forbidden Fran GP-83
5-06 2x 262d 29710 3.7 1110 3.0 902
Life: 1283d 105040 3.7 3937 3.3 3468
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
Stantons Adagio-P-ET
840003129016082 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +876M +40F +33P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.81SCS +.7DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.46T +1.25UdC +.51FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2470G
Palmcrest Honeybee Miriam
840003139190508 99%-I
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Django Monique NC
3-11 2x 305d 31670 3.5 1103 2.9 933
2-11 2x 292d 28360 3.6 1031 3.0 846
Palmcrest Chachi Melonie NC
2-06 2x 305d 27400 4.4 1194 3.1 862
3-09 2x 305d 23910 4.1 972 3.4 801
Palmcrest Belmont Melon GP-83
3-08 2x 305d 26340 3.9 1024 3.2 835
2-03 2x 305d 23710 3.8 910 3.1 728
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS 4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81 2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
2nd-7th Dam
Palmcrest Honeybee Miriam NC
Palmcrest Django Monique NC
3-11 2x 305d 31670 3.5 1103 2.9 933
Palmcrest Adagio-P Miracle
292d 28360 3.6 1031 3.0 846
Palmcrest Chachi Melonie NC
2-06 2x 305d 27400 4.4 1194 3.1 862
3-09 2x 305d 23910 4.1 972 3.4 801
Palmcrest Belmont Melon GP-83
3-08 2x 305d 26340 3.9 1024 3.2 835
2-03 2x 305d 23710 3.8 910 3.1 728
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
840003145780872 Good Plus-84 VG-MS @ 3-05
Born: March 13, 2019 • Herd No. 1477
2-09 2x 255d 22605 3.9 887 3.3 748 RIP
1-10 2x 281d 19100 4.0 765 3.4 641
Fresh: December 25, 2021
Bred: July 21, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Kerndtway Kingpin-ET
69502423 99%RHA-I Excellent-92 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +190M +27F +11P 99R 8/22
PTA -.9PL 2.80SCS -.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.72T +.94UDC +.02FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2222G
Palmcrest Dashawn Turbo
84000313078467 99%RHA-NA G-78
3-09 2x 286d 27170 4.1 1125 3.1 829
2-09 2x 304d 25810 3.8 990 3.1 789
1-10 2x 271d 18660 3.8 706 3.2 593
840003218865895 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: January 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1669
Bred: April 28, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Kingpin Temple-TW
840003145780872 Good Plus-84 VG-MS @ 3-05
2-09 2x 255d 22605 3.9 887 3.3 748 RIP
1-10 2x 281d 19100 4.0 765 3.4 641
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Tessa NC
2-11 2x 250d 29840 3.4 1024 2.8 841
1-11 2x 272d 21570 3.6 783 3.0 647
Palmcrest Goldfinger Teresa NC
1-10 2x 305d 27180 3.7 1000 3.1 840
Palmcrest Td Tara NC
4-00 2x 305d 28070 3.8 1072 2.8 780
Life: 1273d 110510 3.6 4023 2.9 3170
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
Palmcrest Kingpin Temple-TW
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Dashawn Turbo G-78
3-09 2x 286d 27170 4.1 1125 3.1 829
2-09 2x 304d 25810 3.8 990 3.1 789
Palmcrest Davis Tessa NC
2-11 2x 250d 29840 3.4 1024 2.8 841
1-11 2x 272d 21570 3.6 783 3.0 647
Palmcrest Goldfinger Teresa NC
1-10 2x 305d 27180 3.7 1000 3.1 840
Palmcrest Td Tara NC
4-00 2x 305d 28070 3.8 1072 2.8 780
Life: 1273d 110510 3.6 4023 2.9 3170
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS 4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81 2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Dashawn Turbo G-78
3-09 2x 286d 27170 4.1 1125 3.1 829
2-09 2x 304d 25810 3.8 990 3.1 789
Palmcrest Davis Tessa NC
2-11 2x 250d 29840 3.4 1024 2.8 841
1-11 2x 272d 21570 3.6 783 3.0 647
Palmcrest Goldfinger Teresa NC
1-10 2x 305d 27180 3.7 1000 3.1 840
Palmcrest Td Tara NC
4-00 2x 305d 28070 3.8 1072 2.8 780
Life: 1273d 110510 3.6 4023 2.9 3170
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
840003145780873 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 @ 2-10
Born: March 13, 2019 • Herd No. 1478
2-09 2x 265d 22879 3.7 843 3.2 736 RIP
1-09 2x 283d 19190 4.0 767 3.3 630
Fresh: December 15, 2021
840003218865903 99%RHA-NA
Born: March 8, 2021 • Herd No. 1677
Bred: April 13, 2022 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart-ET 7HO12111
Kerndtway Kingpin-ET
69502423 99%RHA-I Excellent-92 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +190M +27F +11P 99R 8/22
PTA -.9PL 2.80SCS -.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.72T +.94UDC +.02FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2222G
Palmcrest Dashawn Turbo
84000313078467 99%RHA-NA G-78
3-09 2x 286d 27170 4.1 1125 3.1 829
2-09 2x 304d 25810 3.8 990 3.1 789
1-10 2x 271d 18660 3.8 706 3.2 593
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Tessa NC
2-11 2x 250d 29840 3.4 1024 2.8 841
1-11 2x 272d 21570 3.6 783 3.0 647
Palmcrest Goldfinger Teresa NC
1-10 2x 305d 27180 3.7 1000 3.1 840
Palmcrest Td Tara NC
4-00 2x 305d 28070 3.8 1072 2.8 780
Life: 1273d 110510 3.6 4023 2.9 3170
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81
2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
OCD Helix Forte-ET
840003142934691 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +231M +76F +21P 98R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 2.64SCS +.3DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA +1.13T +1.54UDC +.19FLC 92R 8/22
GTPI +2620G
Palmcrest Dashawn Turbo
84000313078467 99%RHA-NA G-78
3-09 2x 286d 27170 4.1 1125 3.1 829
2-09 2x 304d 25810 3.8 990 3.1 789
1-10 2x 271d 18660 3.8 706 3.2 593
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Tessa NC
2-11 2x 250d 29840 3.4 1024 2.8 841
1-11 2x 272d 21570 3.6 783 3.0 647
Palmcrest Goldfinger Teresa NC
1-10 2x 305d 27180 3.7 1000 3.1 840
Palmcrest Td Tara NC
4-00 2x 305d 28070 3.8 1072 2.8 780
Life: 1273d 110510 3.6 4023 2.9 3170
Palmcrest Doron Mesquaki VG-85 VG-MS 4-05 2x 305d 31410 3.9 1227 3.1 960
Life: 1253d 112640 3.9 4382 3.1 3536
Palmcrest Darry Mesquite GP-81 2-11 2x 301d 26050 2.7 708 3.2 826
Parkhurst Samaritan-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Man Malory NC
3-11 2x 305d 32000 3.3 1065 2.8 912
Life: 2267d 218770 3.3 7288 2.8 6110
Palmcrest Save Milky
Palmcrest Signature Maxi GP-81
3-10 2x 305d 23250 3.2 749 2.9 683
2-00 2x 284d 18790 3.6 679 3.2 595
Palmcrest Formation Mocha G-76
4-00 2x 297d 28530 3.1 892 2.9 829
Life: 1607d 116960 3.2 3759 3.0 3466
Palmcrest Eddie Marissa GP-80
5-11 2x 305d 25630 3.3 850 2.8 715
840003145780838 99%RHA-I
Born: November 23, 2018 •Herd No. 1443
2-10 2x 337d 36933 3.1 1129 2.8 1032 RIP
1-10 2x 305d 25610 3.3 845 2.9 736
Fresh: October 4, 2021
Bred: February 26, 2022 to Angus
840003218865978 99%RHA-I
Born: October 4, 2021 • Herd No. 1752
840003130784678 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
Born: August 5, 2016 • Herd No. 1195
3-09 2x 305d 30660 4.0 1222 3.2 968
4-09 2x 305d 29290 4.0 1186 3.1 909
2-10 2x 287d 26560 3.6 966 3.1 822
1-10 2x 293d 23880 3.7 888 3.1 751
5-10 2x 90d 9360 3.7 342 2.9 273 RIP
Life: 1233d 112620 3.9 4354 3.1 3529
Fresh: June 8, 2022
Bred: August 17, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Mickey Gracie
840003130784582 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
3-02 2x 305d 35880 3.4 1203 2.8 1020
2-01 2x 305d 28770 3.7 1057 2.9 828
4-04 2x 216d 26960 2.9 777 2.7 717
Life: 938d 101250 3.4 3398 2.8 2846
Melarry Ssi Ren Filmore-ET
840003200059933 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +61M +100F +40P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.9PL 2.73SCS -1.2DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +1.44T +1.42UDC +.44FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2824G
Palmcrest Vertex Gloria
840003145780838 99%RHA-I
2-10 2x 337d 36933 3.1 1129 2.8 1032 RIP
1-10 2x 305d 25610 3.3 845 2.9 736
Webb-Vue Spark 2060-ET 72850448 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1948M +34F +47P 99R 8/22
PTA +.55T +1.04UDC -1.32FLC GTPI +2342G
Palmcrest Abram Ginko 72474135 Good Plus-83
7-04 2x 301d 35320 3.4 1196 3.0 1043
6-00 2x 305d 34950 3.7 1293 2.8 983
5-00 2x 305d 34160 3.6 1242 2.7 929
4-00 2x 298d 32060 3.7 1179 2.8 901
2-02 2x 279d 26310 3.6 944 2.8 741
3-01 2x 284d 25500 3.9 989 3.0 771
Life: 1899d 196320 3.6 7159 2.9 5617
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
8400031493918313 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY
840003218865920 99%RHA-I
Born: May 5, 2021 • Herd No. 1694
Bred: July 4, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Sherac Gilda G-75
4-00 2x 305d 30490 3.6 1108 3.0 909
3-00 2x 305d 27610 3.9 1087 3.1 869
Palmcrest Signatr Gadget-ET GP-82 VG-MS
3-02 2x 305d 25440 3.7 939 3.0 763
4-07 2x 305d 24940 3.4 842 2.9 712
Palmcrest Marty Garland GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 29000 3.2 936 2.9 844
Life: 1318d 104650 3.5 3704 3.0 3165
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Mickey Gracie GP-82
3-02 2x 305d 35880 3.4 1203 2.8 1020
Life: 938d 101250 3.4 3398 2.8 2846
Palmcrest Sherac Gilda G-75
4-00 2x 305d 30490 3.6 1108 3.0 909
3-00 2x 305d 27610 3.9 1087 3.1 869
Palmcrest Signatr Gadget-ET GP-82 VG-MS
3-02 2x 305d 25440 3.7 939 3.0 763
4-07 2x 305d 24940 3.4 842 2.9 712
Palmcrest Marty Garland GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 29000 3.2 936 2.9 844
Life: 1318d 104650 3.5 3704 3.0 3165
Palmcrest Spark Grape
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Goldplate Gloria NC
3-04 2x 276d 29480 3.9 1160 3.1 916
1-11 2x 305d 25260 3.9 995 3.2 800
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Palmcrest Marty Garland GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 29000 3.2 936 2.9 844
Life: 1318d 104650 3.5 3704 3.0 3165
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Abram Ginko GP-83
7-04 2x 301d 35320 3.4 1196 3.0 1043
Life: 1899d 196320 3.6 7159 2.9 5617
Palmcrest Goldplate Gloria NC
3-04 2x 276d 29480 3.9 1160 3.1 916
1-11 2x 305d 25260 3.9 995 3.2 800
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Palmcrest Marty Garland GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 29000 3.2 936 2.9 844
Life: 1318d 104650 3.5 3704 3.0 3165
840003218866019 99%RHA-I
Born: April 23, 2022 • Herd No. 1793
840003218865928 99%RHA-I
Born: May 25, 2021 • Herd No. 1702
Bred: August 6, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003145780801 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 3-06
Born: July 19, 2018 • Herd No. 1406
2-11 2x 305d 30040 4.0 1196 3.0 914
2-00 2x 305d 24810 4.0 987 3.1 757
4-00 2x 31d 3535 3.3 117 2.9 103 RIP
Fresh: August 6, 2022
840003218865842 Good Plus-84 VG-MS @ 2-02
Born: June 22, 2020 • Herd No. 1616
1-10 2x 116d 10271 3.2 325 3.1 314 RIP
Fresh: May 13, 2022
Bred: October 2, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2613G
Arbor-Haven Millgtn Granola
840003208368308 99%RHA-I
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Spark Grape GP-82
3-09 2x 305d 30660 4.0 1222 3.2 968
Life: 1233d 112620 3.9 4354 3.1 3529
Palmcrest Abram Ginko GP-83
7-04 2x 301d 35320 3.4 1196 3.0 1043
Life: 1899d 196320 3.6 7159 2.9 5617
Palmcrest Goldplate Gloria NC
3-04 2x 276d 29480 3.9 1160 3.1 916
1-11 2x 305d 25260 3.9 995 3.2 800
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Palmcrest Marty Garland GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 29000 3.2 936 2.9 844
T-Spruce Frazzled Huey-ET
3142490264 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +224M +70F +24P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.6PL 2.64SCS +.0DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.47T +1.00UDC -.05FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2633G
Palmcrest Victor Garnet
840003139190466 Good-79
4-08 2x 305d 29750 4.1 1208 3.1 915
3-09 2x 288d 28710 4.1 1187 3.0 868
2-10 2x 281d 26540 4.0 1072 3.0 792
1-10 2x 305d 22510 3.9 877 3.1 708
Life: 1211d 109470 4.0 4428 3.1 3352
Stantons Capone 3501-ET
840003128769150 99%RHA-I *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +513M +16F +21P 93R 8/22
PTA +3.3PL 2.84SCS +1.2DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.40T +1.61UDC +.32FLC 84R 8/22 GTPI +2375G
Palmcrest Victor Garnet
840003139190466 Good-79
4-08 2x 305d 29750 4.1 1208 3.1 915
3-09 2x 288d 28710 4.1 1187 3.0 868
2-10 2x 281d 26540 4.0 1072 3.0 792
1-10 2x 305d 22510 3.9 877 3.1 708
Life: 1211d 109470 4.0 4428 3.1 3352
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
Life: 1318d 104650 3.5 3704 3.0 3165
Palmcrest Victor Garnet
840003139190466 Good-79
305d 29750 4.1 1208 3.1
3-09 2x 288d 28710 4.1 1187 3.0 868
2-10 2x 281d 26540 4.0 1072 3.0 792
1-10 2x 305d 22510 3.9 877 3.1
Life: 1211d 109470 4.0
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Garnish NC
Palmcrest Camelot Georgia GP-83
6-02 2x 305d 37540 4.0 1508 3.0 1116
Life: 1965d 219890 3.9 8650 3.1 6779
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Garnish NC
Palmcrest Camelot Georgia GP-83
6-02 2x 305d 37540 4.0 1508 3.0 1116
Life: 1965d 219890 3.9 8650 3.1 6779
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Davis Garnish NC
Palmcrest Camelot Georgia GP-83
6-02 2x 305d 37540 4.0 1508 3.0 1116
Life: 1965d 219890 3.9 8650 3.1 6779
Palmcrest Durham Glory NC
7-10 2x 305d 33710 4.2 1401 3.3 1113
Life: 2030d 186640 3.9 7201 3.4 6299
Extended pedigree listed above...
PALMCREST KICKBALL SABLE-TW 840003125575913 Excellent-90 EX-MS
Born: December 13, 2014 • Herd No. 1035 4-00 2x 305d 40170 3.4 1356 2.5 1019 6-05 2x 299d 36730 3.3 1217 2.6 953 2-11 2x 305d 31840 3.5 1118 2.7 869

1-11 2x 297d 26210 3.6 942 2.8 724
7-04 2x 126d 15835 3.4 541 2.6 416 RIP
Life: 1634d 187170 3.3 6253 2.6 4955
Fresh: May 3, 2022
Dulet Kickball-ET
106627797C *TR *TP *TY *TL
PTA +959M +30F +25P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 3.06SCS -.4DPR 3.3%DCE
PTA +.63T +.32UDC +.59FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2297G
Palmcrest Gabor Sibley
71111691 99%RHI-NA
3-10 2x 273d 33270 3.5 1172 2.8 916
2-10 2x 264d 30730 2.9 903 2.8 871
4-08 2x 264d 29900 3.8 1122 2.9 863
Life: 1082d
Willow-Marsh-CC Garbor-ET
Palmcrest Bolver Skyler-Tri
De-Su Millington 12074-ET
72851617 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1079M +94F +43P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.71SCS -.6DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.06T +1.11UDC +.34FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2763G
Palmcrest Kickball Sable-TW
840003125575913 Excellent-90 EX-MS
4-00 2x 305d 40170 3.4 1356 2.5 1019
6-05 2x 299d 36730 3.3 1217 2.6 953
2-11 2x 305d 31840 3.5 1118 2.7 869
1-11 2x 297d 26210 3.6 942 2.8 724
7-04 2x 126d 15835 3.4 541 2.6 416 RIP
Life: 1634d 187170 3.3 6253 2.6 4955
840003208368291 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-06
Born: February 18, 2020 • Herd No. 1581
1-10 2x 261d 20195 4.2 843 3.3 662 RIP
Fresh: December 19, 2021
Bred: March 7, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
Dulet Kickball-ET
106627797C *TR *TP *TY *TL
PTA +959M +30F +25P 99R 8/22
PTA +.63T +.32UDC +.59FLC GTPI +2297G
Palmcrest Gabor Sibley
71111691 99%RHI-NA
3-10 2x 273d 33270 3.5 1172 2.8 916
2-10 2x 264d 30730 2.9 903 2.8 871
4-08 2x 264d 29900 3.8 1122 2.9 863
1-11 2x 281d 27340 3.3 904 2.9 798
Life: 1082d 121240 3.4 4100 2.8 3448
840003139190486 99%RHA-I Very Good-86 VG-MS
Born: October 17, 2016 • Herd No. 1228
2-09 2x 305d 31170 3.7 1144 3.1 954
3-11 2x 305d 30990 3.9 1197 3.1 973
5-01 2x 266d 27503 3.9 1065 3.1 852 RIP
1-10 2x 284d 21380 3.8 812 3.1 672
Fresh: December 14, 2021
Bred: March 27, 2022 to Ocd Forte Muscles-ET 250HO15235
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 99%RHA-I EX-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +908M +22F +23P 99R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 2.80SCS +.6DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +1.89T +1.54UDC +.29FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2320G
Palmcrest Gabor Sibley
71111691 99%RHI-NA
3-10 2x 273d 33270 3.5 1172 2.8 916
2-10 2x 264d 30730 2.9 903 2.8 871
4-08 2x 264d 29900 3.8 1122 2.9 863
1-11 2x 281d 27340 3.3 904 2.9 798
Life: 1082d 121240 3.4 4100 2.8 3448
Willow-Marsh-CC Garbor-ET
60845420 Excellent-94 EEEE *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1385M -17F +10P 99R 8/22
PTA +.31T -.24UDC -.79FLC GTPI +1884G
Palmcrest Bolver Skyler-Tri
68702453 Good Plus-82
3-00 2x 305d 26440 3.9 1044 3.3 860
1-11 2x 269d 21690 3.6 775 3.2 689
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Bolver Skyler-Tri GP-82
3-00 2x 305d 26440 3.9 1044 3.3 860
1-11 2x 269d 21690 3.6 775 3.2 689
4th Dam
Palmcrest Price Sky VG-85 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29920 2.8 831 2.9 865
Life: 1359d 118170 3.5 4152 3.1 3623
5th Dam
Palmcrest Mr Man Shyla NC
3-03 2x 305d 28670 3.0 873 3.0 848
2-01 2x 305d 24550 3.5 863 2.9 724
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Price Sky VG-85 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29920 2.8 831 2.9 865
Life: 1359d 118170 3.5 4152 3.1 3623
4th Dam
Palmcrest Mr Man Shyla NC
3-03 2x 305d 28670 3.0 873 3.0 848
2-01 2x 305d 24550 3.5 863 2.9 724
840003218865932 99%RHA-I
Born: June 17, 2021 • Herd No. 1706
Bred: August 2, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
840003253809414 99%RHA-I
Born: May 22, 2022 • Herd No. 1804
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Rush-PP Salty
840003208368235 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-05
1-10 2x 290d 23190 3.7 861 3.3 763
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Kingboy Spicy VG-86 VG-MS
2-09 2x 305d 31170 3.7 1144 3.1 954
3-11 2x 305d 30990 3.9 1197 3.1 973
Palmcrest Gabor Sibley NC
3-10 2x 273d 33270 3.5 1172 2.8 916
Life: 1082d 121240 3.4 4100 2.8 3448
Palmcrest Bolver Skyler-Tri GP-82
3-00 2x 305d 26440 3.9 1044 3.3 860
1-11 2x 269d 21690 3.6 775 3.2 689
Palmcrest Price Sky VG-85 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29920 2.8 831 2.9 865
Life: 1359d 118170 3.5 4152 3.1 3623
Palmcrest Mr Man Shyla NC
3-03 2x 305d 28670 3.0 873 3.0 848
2-01 2x 305d 24550 3.5 863 2.9 724
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Kingboy Spicy VG-86 VG-MS
Synergy Renegade ZZ Top-ET
840003209086217 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1818M +83F +70P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.6PL 2.87SCS +.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +1.36T +1.47UDC +.55FLC 81R 8/22 GTPI +2933G
Palmcrest Rush-PP Salty
840003208368235 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-05
1-10 2x 290d 23190 3.7 861 3.3 763
2-09 2x 305d 31170 3.7 1144 3.1 954
3-11 2x 305d 30990 3.9 1197 3.1 973
Palmcrest Gabor Sibley NC
3-10 2x 273d 33270 3.5 1172 2.8 916
Life: 1082d 121240 3.4 4100 2.8 3448
Palmcrest Bolver Skyler-Tri GP-82
3-00 2x 305d 26440 3.9 1044 3.3 860
1-11 2x 269d 21690 3.6 775 3.2 689
Palmcrest Price Sky VG-85 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29920 2.8 831 2.9 865
Life: 1359d 118170 3.5 4152 3.1 3623
Palmcrest Mr Man Shyla NC
3-03 2x 305d 28670 3.0 873 3.0 848
2-01 2x 305d 24550 3.5 863 2.9 724
DG Berlin-Red-ET
Palmcrest Captain Scarlet
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Ezra Scotch NC
Palmcrest Douglas Sabrina G-79
3-02 2x 305d 30030 4.6 1374 3.2 958
1-11 2x 305d 21650 4.8 1044 3.4 741
Palmcrest Boliver Snow GP-82 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 32800 3.7 1202 3.1 1008
Life: 1256d 103580 4.1 4256 3.3 3439
Palmcrest Price Sky VG-85 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29920 2.8 831 2.9 865
Life: 1359d 118170 3.5 4152 3.1 3623
Palmcrest Mr Man Shyla NC
3-03 2x 305d 28670 3.0 873 3.0 848
2-01 2x 305d 24550 3.5 863 2.9 724
840003145780874 99%RHA-I Very Good-86 VG-MS
Born: March 21, 2019 • Herd No. 1479
1-09 2x 305d 21910 3.2 704 3.3 718
2-11 2x 192d 19483 3.3 641 3.2 619 RIP
Fresh: February 26, 2022
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
Kerndtway Kingpin-ET
69502423 99%RHA-I Excellent-92 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +190M +27F +11P 99R 8/22
PTA -.9PL 2.80SCS -.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.72T +.94UDC +.02FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2222G
Palmcrest Captain Stella
840003139190538 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-81
2-10 2x 301d 28430 3.9 1114 3.1 873
1-10 2x 305d 22800 3.5 800 3.1 717
840003218866009 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: February 26, 2022 • Herd No. 1783
840003218865833 99%RHA-I Good-78 @ 2-03 *RC
Born: May 31, 2020 • Herd No. 1607
1-10 2x 150d 9740 4.2 408 3.3 323 RIP
Fresh: April 9, 2022
Bred: August 22, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Kingpin Sybil
840003145780874 99%RHA-I Very Good-86 VG-MS
1-09 2x 305d 21910 3.2 704 3.3 718
2-11 2x 192d 19483 3.3 641 3.2 619 RIP
2nd Dam Palmcrest Gabor Sienne NC
3-08 2x 291d 27350 3.5 954 2.9 792
2-10 2x 243d 22170 3.4 761 2.8 630
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Mabon Scotch-TW
840003145780769 99%RHA-I
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Captain Stella GP-81
2-10 2x 301d 28430 3.9 1114 3.1 873
1-10 2x 305d 22800 3.5 800 3.1 717
Palmcrest Gabor Sienne NC
3-08 2x 291d 27350 3.5 954 2.9 792
2-10 2x 243d 22170 3.4 761 2.8 630
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Gabor Sienne NC
3-08 2x 291d 27350 3.5 954 2.9 792
2-10 2x 243d 22170 3.4 761 2.8 630
840003208368255 99%RHA-I VG-87 VVVVV @ 2-03
Born: October 9, 2019 • Herd No. 1545 1-10 2x 305d 24205 3.8 879 3.0 718
Fresh: August 28, 2021
Bred: January 19, 2022 to S-S-I Renegade-ET 550HO14134

Woodcrest King Doc
840003132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 3.09SCS -1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Gabor Simone
72474147 99%RHA-NA Excellent-90 EEEVV
6-01 2x 305d 38870 3.2 1239 2.8 1073
5-01 2x 292d 38640 2.8 1096 2.7 1050
3-10 2x 305d 33720 3.2 1073 2.7 915
2-10 2x 292d 29460 3.3 971 2.7 793
1-11 2x 302d 25100 3.4 862 2.8 695
Life: 1695d 183670 3.2
Willow-Marsh-CC Garbor-ET
Palmcrest Hughes Sonja
840003145780879 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85 VG-MS
Born: April 6, 2019 • Herd No. 1484
2-09 2x 234d 22396 3.9 877 3.3 749 RIP
Fresh: January 15, 2022
Bred: March 31, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
Wake-Up Freedom-ET
840003126134496 *TR *PP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +596M +4F +32P 92R 8/22
PTA +2.4PL 2.93SCS -1.2DPR 3.5%DCE
PTA +.58T -.39UDC -.36FLC 85R 8/22
GTPI +2134G
Palmcrest Amber Spark
840003130784546 99%RHA-NA
4-10 2x 333d 32966 4.6 1507 3.2 1046
2-11 2x 301d 29564 4.3 1279 3.1 922
3-11 2x 280d 29501 4.2 1227 3.0 873
5-11 2x 282d 26551 4.7 1235 3.2 837 RIP
2-00 2x 279d 22204 4.4 984 3.1 687
840003218865897 99%RHA-I
Born: February 7, 2021 • Herd No. 1671
Bred: March 10, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Freedom PP Snap 840003145780879 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85 VG-MS
2-09 2x 234d 22396 3.9 877 3.3 749 RIP
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Hughes Sonja NC
3-08 2x 305d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
4-11 2x 282d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Belmont Soda GP-80
5-06 2x 305d 28600 3.5 1015 2.7 771
Life: 1406d 113690 3.7 4153 2.8 3173
4th Dam
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
Palmcrest Rager Sonoma
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Amber Spark NC
4-10 2x 333d 32966 4.6 1507 3.2 1046
2-11 2x 301d 29564 4.3 1279 3.1 922
Palmcrest Hughes Sonja NC
3-08 2x 305d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
4-11 2x 282d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
Palmcrest Belmont Soda GP-80
5-06 2x 305d 28600 3.5 1015 2.7 771
Life: 1406d 113690 3.7 4153 2.8 3173
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Hughes Sonja NC
3-08 2x 305d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
4-11 2x 282d 27910 3.8 1059 2.8 769
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Belmont Soda GP-80
5-06 2x 305d 28600 3.5 1015 2.7 771
Life: 1406d 113690 3.7 4153 2.8 3173
4th Dam
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
840003145780894 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-81 @ 2-08
Born: May 15, 2019 • Herd No. 1499
1-09 2x 305d 24050 3.9 928 3.4 807
2-10 2x 172d 17554 3.6 629 3.3 584 RIP
Fresh: March 18, 2022
Bred: June 20, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
840003218865972 99%RHA-I
Born: September 28, 2021 • Herd No. 1746
Zimmerview Rush-PP-ET
840003132411292 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +92M -5F +13P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.94SCS +.7DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA -.07T +.22UDC -.07FLC 86R 8/22
GTPI +2104G
Palmcrest Mixer Sapphir
72474184 99%RHA-NA
3-00 2x 305d 28770 3.4 980 3.0 854
4-04 2x 285d 24190 4.0 961 3.0 718
5-03 2x 247d 23930 3.6 859 2.8 675
2-01 2x 280d 21250 3.8 880 3.0 648
Life: 1188d 102120 3.7 3765 3.0 3028
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Bonsai Sateen G-76
5-05 2x 305d 38280 3.1 1173 2.7 1051
Life: 1671d 164880 3.2 5256 2.8 4570
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
2nd-6th Dams
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
8400031493918313 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1480M +81F +55P 83R 8/22
PTA +4.8PL 2.89SCS +.0DPR 2.6%DCE PTA +.98T +1.06UDC -.11FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2809G
Palmcrest Cold P Summer
840003145780784 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
2-02 2x 305d 21360 4.0 864 3.3 700
Palmcrest Mixer Sapphir NC
3-00 2x 305d 28770 3.4 980 3.0 854
Life: 1188d 102120 3.7 3765 3.0 3028
Palmcrest Bonsai Sateen G-76
5-05 2x 305d 38280 3.1 1173 2.7 1051
Life: 1671d 164880 3.2 5256 2.8 4570
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83 4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Mixer Sapphir NC
3-00 2x 305d 28770 3.4 980 3.0 854
Life: 1188d 102120 3.7 3765 3.0 3028
Palmcrest Bonsai Sateen G-76
5-05 2x 305d 38280 3.1 1173 2.7 1051
Life: 1671d 164880 3.2 5256 2.8 4570
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
Palmcrest Rush Sammy
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
840003218865902 99%RHA-I
Born: March 5, 2021 • Herd No. 1676
Bred: April 18, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Rush Sammy
840003145780894 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-81 @ 2-08
1-09 2x 305d 24050 3.9 928 3.4 807
840003208368233 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-06
Born: July 25, 2019 • Herd No. 1523
1-11 2x 285d 23510 3.7 879 3.2 764
2-10 2x 85d 9088 3.5 316 3.1 281 RIP
Fresh: June 13, 2022
840003218865934 99%RHA-I
Born: June 29, 2021 •Herd No. 1708
Bred: September 22, 2022 Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
ABS Moonwind-P-ET
840003128557377 99%RHA-I *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +919M +72F +52P 98R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 3.13SCS +.2DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +1.21T +1.70UDC -1.13FLC 91R 8/22
GTPI +2579G
Palmcrest Kenosha Susie
840003145780712 99%RHA-I
1-10 2x 122d 6860 3.9 270 3.2 218
Sold for Dairy
Midas-Touch Hallmark 936-ET
840003147987684 99%RHA-I
Palmcrest Moonwind-P Sunny
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Mixer Sapphir NC
3-00 2x 305d 28770 3.4 980 3.0 854
Life: 1188d 102120 3.7 3765 3.0 3028
Palmcrest Bonsai Sateen G-76
5-05 2x 305d 38280 3.1 1173 2.7 1051
Life: 1671d 164880 3.2 5256 2.8 4570
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Oneal Signe NC
3-09 2x 272d 29690 3.9 1156 3.0 904
2-10 2x 285d 26480 3.7 981 3.1 826
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Kenosha Susie NC
1-10 2x 122d 6860 3.9 270 3.2 218
Palmcrest Oneal Signe NC
3-09 2x 272d 29690 3.9 1156 3.0 904
2-10 2x 285d 26480 3.7 981 3.1 826
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS 3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
840003218865885 99%RHA-NA
Born: December 3, 2020 • Herd No. 1659
Bred: January 6, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
840003208368247 99%RHA-I VG-86 VG-MS @ 2-11
Born: September 15, 2019• Herd No. 1537
1-10 2x 305d 20220 4.1 819 3.6 728
2-10 2x 47d 4430 3.8 170 3.1 136 RIP
Fresh: July 21, 2022
Bred: September 19, 2022 to Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET 250HO12975
840003218865942 99%RHA-I
Born: July 20, 2021 • Herd No. 1716
Bred: September 29, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 3.03SCS -1.3DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.94T +1.64UDC +.04FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Royce Sage
99%RHA-NA Good Plus-83
3-01 2x 275d 26930 4.4 1189 3.2 854
1-11 2x 305d 24480 4.4 1088 3.3 815
4-00 2x 305d 24220 4.5 1091 3.2 853
Life: 1439d 122150 4.5 5528 3.3 4030
S-S-I Aicon Remington-ET
840003129016181 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +975M +16F +28P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.77SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.82T +.97UDC -.19FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2333G
Palmcrest Emerald Rosa
840003145780705 99%RHA-NA Good-76 @ 2-11
2-01 2x 305d 22020 4.7 1024 3.4 754
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Oneal Signe NC
3-09 2x 272d 29690 3.9 1156 3.0 904
2-10 2x 285d 26480 3.7 981 3.1 826
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Riva GP-82
6-00 2x 300d 32430 4.6 1491 3.2 1043
Life: 1887d 168800 4.7 7895 3.2 5414
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Remington Regal
840003208368247 99%RHA-I VG-86 VG-MS @ 2-11
1-10 2x 305d 20220 4.1 819 3.6 728
2-10 2x 47d 4430 3.8 170 3.1 136 RIP
Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Emerald Rosa G-76 @ 2-11
2-01 2x 305d 22020 4.7 1024 3.4 754
Palmcrest Robust Riva GP-82
6-00 2x 300d 32430 4.6 1491 3.2 1043
Life: 1887d 168800 4.7 7895 3.2 5414
Palmcrest Datan Silkie GP-80
7-08 2x 305d 32530 4.1 1336 2.8 899
Life: 2440d 205900 4.0 8262 3.0 6086
Palmcrest Owen Sapphire VG-85 VG-MS
3-04 2x 305d 31010 3.4 1063 2.8 876
2-01 2x 305d 26070 3.3 852 2.7 716
Palmcrest Marty Saffron GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 30020 3.3 1002 2.8 849
Life: 1708d 150790 3.5 5247 2.8 4255
Palmcrest Remington Regal
840003139190462 99%RHA-I VG-88 VG-MS
Born: August 29, 2016 • Herd No. 1204
4-05 2x 305d 33910 4.2 1411 3.1 1051
2-11 2x 305d 28490 4.4 1256 3.2 916
2-00 2x 282d 22370 4.4 983 3.4 760
5-07 2x 157d 19024 3.7 703 3.0 576 RIP
Fresh: April 2, 2022
840003208368234 99%RHA-I Good-78 @ 2-06
Born: July 31, 2019 • Herd No. 1524
1-10 2x 305d 28700 4.3 1247 3.3 937
Fresh: October 3, 2022
840003218865933 99%RHA-I
Born: June 25, 2021 • Herd No. 1707
Bred: September 25, 2022 to Aot Webster Handy-Red-ET 7HO15440
Sully Hart Meridian-ET
69951907 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1979M +14F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA -1.4PL 3.04SCS -2.2DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +2.09T +1.54UDC -.53FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2216G
Palmcrest Abram Peace
72474137 99%RHA-I
2-02 2x 290d 21360 5.2 1104 3.7 783
840003145780766 99%RHA-I VG-87 VG-MS
Born: April 2, 2018 Herd No. 1371
2-11 2x 305d 30290 4.7 1411 3.3 990
1-11 2x 305d 25410 4.4 1128 3.3 833
4-01 2x 99d 11043 3.7 405 3.0 326 RIP
Fresh: May 30, 2022
Bred: September 7, 2022 to Vanden-Berge
Oakfield Rubicon Lopez-ET
840003127601762 Very Good-87 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +117M +79F +27P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.3PL 3.08SCS -1.0DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA -.18T -.33UDC +.58FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2480G
Palmcrest Meridian Petunia
840003139190462 99%RHA-I VG-88 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 33910 4.2 1411 3.1 1051
2-11 2x 305d 28490 4.4 1256 3.2 916
2-00 2x 282d 22370 4.4 983 3.4 760
5-07 2x 157d 19024 3.7 703 3.0 576 RIP
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Lopez Peony G-78 @ 2-06
1-10 2x 305d 28700 4.3 1247 3.3 937
2nd Dam Palmcrest Berland Peaches G-75
4-01 2x 305d 28450 4.8 1356 3.4 977
Life: 1855d 148550 4.4 6606 3.4 5063
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Abram Peace NC
2-02 2x 290d 21360 5.2 1104 3.7 783
Palmcrest Berland Peaches G-75
4-01 2x 305d 28450 4.8 1356 3.4 977
Life: 1855d 148550 4.4 6606 3.4 5063
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Meridian Petunia VG-88 VG-MS
4-05 2x 305d 33910 4.2 1411 3.1 1051
2-11 2x 305d 28490 4.4 1256 3.2 916
Palmcrest Abram Peace NC
2-02 2x 290d 21360 5.2 1104 3.7 783
Palmcrest Berland Peaches G-75
4-01 2x 305d 28450 4.8 1356 3.4 977
Life: 1855d 148550 4.4 6606 3.4 5063
Abs Danner-P-ET
Palmcrest Bustop Pledge
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Kickball Pride NC
2-11 2x 305d 30940 4.7 1466 3.2 983
1-11 2x 305d 24120 4.8 1163 3.1 749
Palmcrest Mr Mudd Prestig NC
Palmcrest Berland Peaches G-75
4-01 2x 305d 28450 4.8 1356 3.4 977
Life: 1855d 148550 4.4 6606 3.4 5063
840003139190470 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
Born: September 18, 2016 • Herd No. 1212
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961
2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846
5-06 2x 269d 27184 3.5 952 3.1 831 RIP
1-09 2x 294d 21550 3.6 779 3.1 660
Fresh: December 11, 2021
Bred: August 18, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
Dulet Kickball-ET
106627797C *TR *TP *TY *TL
PTA +959M +30F +25P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 3.06SCS -.4DPR 3.3%DCE
PTA +.63T +.32UDC +.59FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2297G
Palmcrest Cobain Micah
72474158 99%RHA-I
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
3-10 2x 305d 32410 3.8 1238 3.0 977
2-11 2x 286d 26570 3.6 989 3.1 828
1-10 2x 305d 24610 3.6 895 3.1 755
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
840003218865865 99%RHA-I
Born: September 10, 2020 • Herd No. 1639
1-10 2x 46d 3602 3.7 135 2.6 94 RIP
Fresh: July 22, 2022
Bred: September 25, 2022 to T-Spruce Huey Reliant-ET 7HO15099
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Kickball Monica
840003139190470 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961 2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846 5-06 2x 269d 27184 3.5 952 3.1 831 RIP 1-09 2x 294d 21550 3.6 779 3.1 660
840003253809424 99%RHA-I
Born: July 22, 2022 • Herd No. 1814
Progenesis Modest Rolan512-ET
12529277C 99%RHA-I
Arbor-Haven Basic Moonshy
Markwell Cobain-ET
70581117 99%RHA-I *TY
PTA +200M -9F +18P 95R 8/22
PTA +.32T -.24UDC -.51FLC GTPI +2018G
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha
63660150 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
5-00 2x 305d 27210 3.7 998 3.1 835
1-11 2x 305d 25470 3.7 931 3.1 781
4-01 2x 290d 24620 3.9 961 3.2 779
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
2nd & 3rd Dam Palmcrest Cobain Micah NC
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha GP-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Kickball Monica GP-81
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961
2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846
Palmcrest Cobain Micah NC
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha GP-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
840003145780798 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 3-06
Born: July 14, 2018 • Herd No. 1403
3-02 2x 321d 29533 4.0 1188 3.4 999
2-03 2x 294d 28970 4.0 1153 3.3 950
Fresh: October 7, 2021
Bred: January 13, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
EDG Mogul Rowdy 8065-ET
72436612 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +2001M +74F +47P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 2.93SCS -5.1DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.14T -.06UDC +.63FLC 92R 8/22
GTPI +2458G
Palmcrest Kickball Monica
840003139190470 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961
2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846
5-06 2x 269d 27184 3.5 952 3.1 831 RIP
1-09 2x 294d 21550 3.6 779 3.1 660
840003218865979 99%RHA-I
Born: October 7, 2021 • Herd No. 1753
840003218865922 99%RHA-I
Born: May 16, 2021 • Herd No. 1696
Bred: June 25, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Rowdy Memphis
840003145780798 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 3-06
3-02 2x 321d 29533 4.0 1188 3.4 999
2-03 2x 294d 28970 4.0 1153 3.3 950
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Cobain Micah NC
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha GP-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Kickball Monica GP-81
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961
2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846
Palmcrest Cobain Micah NC
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha GP-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
Palmcrest Freedom
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Kickball Monica GP-81
3-11 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1222 3.0 961
2-09 2x 305d 28530 4.0 1151 3.0 846
Palmcrest Cobain Micah NC
5-00 2x 304d 36420 3.4 1225 3.0 1107
Life: 1384d 135640 3.6 4900 3.1 4158
Palmcrest Pojak Mesha GP-80
6-02 2x 305d 29100 3.8 1102 3.1 911
Life: 1636d 139570 3.7 5136 3.1 4395
840003130784603 99%RHA-NA VG-88 VG-MS
Born: November 17, 2015 • Herd No. 1120
6-00 2x 285d 32949 3.5 1145 3.0 977
4-00 2x 305d 31740 4.0 1261 3.1 972
3-01 2x 284d 30770 3.5 1073 2.8 866
2-01 2x 302d 24670 3.3 817 3.0 744
5-01 2x 269d 29720 3.6 1069 3.0 899
Life: 1175d 118050 3.6 4263 3.0 3520
Fresh: November 25, 2021
Bred: February 7, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003208368274 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-03
Born: December 8, 2019 • Herd No. 1564
1-11 2x 282d 20086 3.7 745 3.2 641
Fresh: November 28, 2021
Bred: February 7, 2022 to Badger SSI Riveting Bear-ET 7HO15142
Mar-Bil GC Greenday-ET
71518736 *TR *TP *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +90M +34F -1P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.1PL 2.90SCS +.8DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +1.19T +.59UDC +.60FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2279G
Palmcrest Tanker-TW Maya
71111709 99%RHA-NA
3-05 2x 305d 34820 3.5 1213 3.0 1050
2-05 2x 285d 29860 3.1 923 3.0 905
Siemers Kingboy Rozwell-ET
3125519831 99%RhA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1616M +45F +47P 99R 8/22
PTA +.7PL 2.80SCS -2.0DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.02T +.91UDC -.42FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2407G
Palmcrest Greenday Maple
840003130784603 99%RHA-NA VG-88 VG-MS
6-00 2x 285d 32949 3.5 1145 3.0 977
4-00 2x 305d 31740 4.0 1261 3.1 972
3-01 2x 284d 30770 3.5 1073 2.8 866
2-01 2x 302d 24670 3.3 817 3.0 744
5-01 2x 269d 29720 3.6 1069 3.0 899
Life: 1175d 118050 3.6 4263 3.0 3520
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Casimir Mabel G-79
5-05 2x 277d 26620 3.8 1008 2.8 748
3-08 2x 305d 26150 3.8 1002 3.0 786
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Tanker-TW Maya NC
3-05 2x 305d 34820 3.5 1213 3.0 1050
2-05 2x 285d 29860 3.1 923 3.0 905
Palmcrest Casimir Mabel G-79
5-05 2x 277d 26620 3.8 1008 2.8 748
3-08 2x 305d 26150 3.8 1002 3.0 786
Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper
Palmcrest Greenday Maple
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Tanker-TW Maya NC
3-05 2x 305d 34820 3.5 1213 3.0 1050
2-05 2x 285d 29860 3.1 923 3.0 905
Palmcrest Casimir Mabel G-79
5-05 2x 277d 26620 3.8 1008 2.8 748
3-08 2x 305d 26150 3.8 1002 3.0 786
840003208368275 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-08
Born: December 11, 2019 • Herd No. 1565
2-02 2x 209d 16572 4.3 713 3.6 595 RIP
Fresh: February 9, 2022
Bred: April 28, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218866005 99%RHA-I
Born: February 9, 2022 • Herd No. 1779
Sandy-Valley KR Excalibur
840003140616380 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +596M +92F +40P 99R 8/22
PTA +.3PL 3.11SCS -2.6DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +2.73T +1.64UDC +1.75FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2704G
Palmcrest Danner-P Merit
840003145780745 99%RHA-I G-79 @ 2-07
1-11 2x 291d 21570 3.6 784 3.4 737
840003145780861 99%RHA-I GP-80 @ 3-00
Born: January 25, 2019 • Herd No. 1466
1-11 2x 290d 24580 4.0 982 3.3 809
2-10 2x 261d 21742 3.9 852 3.4 713 RIP
Fresh: December 19, 2021
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Ocd Forte Muscles-ET 250HO15235
840003218865917 99%RHA-I
Born: April 30, 2021 •Herd No. 1691
Bred: July 11, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2613G
Arbor-Haven Excalibur Morie
840003208368275 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-08
2-02 2x 209d 16572 4.3 713 3.6 595 RIP
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Greenday Maple VG-88 VG-MS
4-00 2x 305d 31740 4.0 1261 3.1 972
Life: 1175d 118050 3.6 4263 3.0 3520
Palmcrest Tanker-TW Maya NC
3-05 2x 305d 34820 3.5 1213 3.0 1050
2-05 2x 285d 29860 3.1 923 3.0 905
Palmcrest Casimir Mabel G-79
5-05 2x 277d 26620 3.8 1008 2.8 748
3-08 2x 305d 26150 3.8 1002 3.0 786
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Danner-P Merit G-79 @ 2-07
1-11 2x 291d 21570 3.6 784 3.4 737
Palmcrest Greenday Maple VG-88 VG-MS
4-00 2x 305d 31740 4.0 1261 3.1 972
Life: 1175d 118050 3.6 4263 3.0 3520
Palmcrest Tanker-TW Maya NC
3-05 2x 305d 34820 3.5 1213 3.0 1050
2-05 2x 285d 29860 3.1 923 3.0 905
Palmcrest Casimir Mabel G-79
5-05 2x 277d 26620 3.8 1008 2.8 748
3-08 2x 305d 26150 3.8 1002 3.0 786
Abs Danner-P-ET
840003128557718 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TV *TL
146PTA +1423M +44F +59P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.88SCS +1.3DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA +.06T +.51UDC -.92FLC 91R 8/22 GTPI +2530G
Palmcrest Markley Marsha-TW
840003139190517 99%RHA-NA
Webb-Vue Markley 2183-ET
74021493 *TR *TP *TY*TV *TL
PTA +1766M +53F +54P 99R 8/22
PTA +.99T +1.50UDC -.38FLC GTPI +2420G Palmcrest Brogan Margo 68702448 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-80 @ 2-04
4-09 2x 305d 36060 3.2 1151 2.9 1045
5-11 2x 305d 34730 3.3 1146 2.9 1002
3-04 2x 305d 32460 3.5 1127 3.0 975
6-11 2x 278d 30400 3.6 1107 2.7 829
2-00 2x 305d 24200 3.2 776 3.1 745
Life: 1789d 178870 3.4 6068 3.0 5307
Penn-England Barclay-ET
PTA +1322M +96F +53P
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Moodwind-P Nyla
2nd Dam Palmcrest Tyne Noreen-TW NC
1-10 2x 287d 21010 3.7 785 3.0 621
840003208368225 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-06
Born: July 1, 2019 • Herd No. 1515
1-10 2x 305d 22820 4.3 971 3.3 762
2-10 2x 116d 10633 3.8 401 3.0 322 RIP
Fresh: May 13, 2022
Bred: July 23, 2022 to Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET 7HO15023
840003218865924 99%RHA-I
Born: May 18, 2021 • Herd No. 1698
Bred: August 7, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
840003208368307 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-03
Born: May 8, 2020 • Herd No. 1597
1-11 2x 124d 10195 4.1 416 3.3 339 RIP
Fresh: May 5, 2022
Bred: July 25, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
OCD Zipit Emmitt PP-ET
840003137916707 99%RHA-I *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +843M +64F +42P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.0PL 2.88SCS -2.3DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.88T +.47UDC +.29FLC 91R 8/22
GTPI +2513G
Palmcrest Mixer Desi
72474192 99%RHA-NA
3-01 2x 305d 28370 5.1 1448 3.3 944
4-03 2x 305d 25560 5.3 1362 3.4 869
1-10 2x 305d 21790 5.1 1108 3.4 745
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2613G
Palmcrest Emmitt-PP Delta
840003208368225 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-06
1-10 2x 305d 22820 4.3 971 3.3 762
2-10 2x 116d 10633 3.8 401 3.0 322 RIP
Sandy-Valley KR Excalibur
840003140616380 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +596M +92F +40P 99R 8/22
PTA +.3PL 3.11SCS -2.6DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +2.73T +1.64UDC +1.75FLC 97R 8/22 GTPI +2704G
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Divine
71946697 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
6-02 2x 301d 33230 3.5 1167 3.3 1088
4-00 2x 305d 30940 3.7 1152 3.4 1048
5-03 2x 292d 29190 4.2 1224 3.3 972
3-00 2x 294d 26830 3.7 998 3.4 905
2-01 2x 291d 21950 4.0 883 3.5 762
Life: 1759d 168470 3.9 6581 3.4 5657
Penn-England Barclay-ET
PTA +1322M +96F
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Duce Demi NC
3-11 2x 304d 27560 4.3 1195 3.4 926
3-00 2x 275d 24350 3.8 935 3.3 797
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Foley Dixie GP-82
3-00 2x 255d 22170 3.9 866 3.1 683
2-01 2x 282d 18940 4.4 831 3.3 621
4th Dam
Palmcrest Durham Dinah VG-85 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 26560 3.9 1023 3.0 800
2-03 2x 305d 23530 4.1 964 3.2 761
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Mixer Desi NC
3-01 2x 305d 28370 5.1 1448 3.3 944
4-03 2x 305d 25560 5.3 1362 3.4 869
Palmcrest Duce Demi NC
3-11 2x 304d 27560 4.3 1195 3.4 926
3-00 2x 275d 24350 3.8 935 3.3 797
Palmcrest Foley Dixie GP-82
3-00 2x 255d 22170 3.9 866 3.1 683
2-01 2x 282d 18940 4.4 831 3.3 621
Palmcrest Durham Dinah VG-85 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 26560 3.9 1023 3.0 800
2-03 2x 305d 23530 4.1 964 3.2 761
Palmcrest Rollag Danika
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Duce Demi NC
3-11 2x 304d 27560 4.3 1195 3.4 926
3-00 2x 275d 24350 3.8 935 3.3 797
Palmcrest Foley Dixie GP-82
3-00 2x 255d 22170 3.9 866 3.1 683
2-01 2x 282d 18940 4.4 831 3.3 621
Palmcrest Durham Dinah VG-85 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 26560 3.9 1023 3.0 800
2-03 2x 305d 23530 4.1 964 3.2 761
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Slade Dacia NC
Palmcrest Royce Daffy GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 33350 4.1 1381 3.2 1058
Life: 1038d 104560 4.2 4396 3.2 3387
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Divine GP-82
2x 301d 33230 3.5 1167 3.3 1088
Life: 1759d 168470 3.9 6581 3.4 5657
Palmcrest Duce Demi NC
3-11 2x 304d 27560 4.3 1195 3.4 926
2x 275d 24350 3.8 935 3.3 797
840003208368278 99%RHA-I Good-79 @ 2-08
Born: December 24, 2019 • Herd No. 1568
2-00 2x 248d 18637 3.9 720 3.2 597 RIP
Fresh: January 1, 2022
840003218865884 99%RHA-NA *RC
Born: November 28, 2020 • Herd No. 1658
Bred: January 20, 2022 to Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET 7HO15227
Clear-Echo Frazz Newstar-ET
840003127565786 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1671M +60F +39P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.8PL 2.66SCS -2.1DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA -.26T +.04UDC -.87FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2521G
Palmcrest Bourbon Dusk
840003145780754 99%RHA-NA Very Good-87 VVVVV
2-09 3x 305d 34900 3.7 1297 2.9 1023 Sold for Dairy
840003218865840 99%RHA-I Good-76 @ 2-02
Born: June 17, 2020 • Herd No. 1614 1-10 2x 113d 8653 3.6 310 2.9 254 RIP
Fresh: May 16, 2022
Bred: September 15, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Bourbon Dusk
840003145780754 99%RHA-NA Very Good-87 VVVVV
2-09 3x 305d 34900 3.7 1297 2.9 1023
Sold for Dairy
OCD Josuper Zamboni-ET
840003127422222 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1637M +59F +53P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.87SCS -2.1DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.61T +1.80UDC +.71FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2645G
Palmcrest Kickball Desire
72474204 99%RHA-NA
2-04 2x 305d 33240 3.7 1224 3.0 1002
4-11 2x 305d 31760 4.0 1257 3.0 967
4-00 2x 289d 30850 4.0 1226 3.1 954
1-10 2x 274d 21330 3.8 813 3.1 661
Life: 1291d 125750 3.9 4885 3.1 3881
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
840003218865899 99%RHA-I
Born: February 21, 2021 •Herd No. 1673
Bred: April 12, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Royce Daffy GP-83
3-11 2x 305d 33350 4.1 1381 3.2 1058
Life: 1038d 104560 4.2 4396 3.2 3387
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Divine GP-82
6-02 2x 301d 33230 3.5 1167 3.3 1088
Life: 1759d 168470 3.9 6581 3.4 5657
Palmcrest Duce Demi NC
3-11 2x 304d 27560 4.3 1195 3.4 926
3-00 2x 275d 24350 3.8 935 3.3 797
Palmcrest Foley Dixie GP-82
3-00 2x 255d 22170 3.9 866 3.1 683
2-01 2x 282d 18940 4.4 831 3.3 621
Palmcrest Durham Dinah VG-85 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 26560 3.9 1023 3.0 800
2-03 2x 305d 23530 4.1 964 3.2 761
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Destiny NC
2-10 2x 305d 32940 3.4 1136 3.1 1033
4-02 2x 305d 32000 3.3 1053 3.0 975
Palmcrest Galen Doris
Palmcrest Foley Dixie GP-82
3-00 2x 255d 22170 3.9 866 3.1 683
2-01 2x 282d 18940 4.4 831 3.3 621
Palmcrest Durham Dinah VG-85 VG-MS
3-06 2x 305d 26560 3.9 1023 3.0 800
2-03 2x 305d 23530 4.1 964 3.2 761
Palmcrest Maxum
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Diener Peggie NC
4-02 2x 261d 28110 4.6 1288 3.2 893
3-01 2x 305d 23100 5.3 1219 3.7 864
840003218865860 99%RHA-I
Born: August 9, 2020 • Herd No. 1634
1-10 2x 72d 5689 3.7 211 3.0 170 RIP
Fresh: June 26, 2022
Bred: September 22, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
840003218865952 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: August 20, 2021 • Herd No. 1726
840003218865937 99%RHA-I
Born: July 7, 2021 • Herd No. 1711
Bred: August 2, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
840003218865856 99%RHA-I
Born: July 26, 2020 • Herd No. 1630
1-11 2x 51d 3736 3.8 143 3.0 111 RIP
Fresh: July 17, 2022
Bred: September 13, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
Melarry Frazzled Future-ET
840003138887595 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1398M +81F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.4PL 2.91SCS -1.7DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA -.13T +.23UDC -.30FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2636G
Palmcrest Spark Astrid
840003139190558 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 26310 4.1 1086 3.5 910
2-00 2x 305d 20560 4.3 881 3.4 707
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Spark Astrid
840003139190558 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 26310 4.1 1086 3.5 910
2-00 2x 305d 20560 4.3 881 3.4 707
Webb-Vue Spark 2060-ET
72850448 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Legato Autum
840003130784567 99%RHA-NA
2-10 2x 295d 29770 3.4 1002 3.0 895
1-11 2x 288d 25090 3.5 872 3.0 742
Webb-Vue Spark 2060-ET
72850448 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Legato Autum
840003130784567 99%RHA-NA
2-10 2x 295d 29770 3.4 1002 3.0 895
1-11 2x 288d 25090 3.5 872 3.0 742
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
840003142352961 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +989M +91F +58P 98R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 2.87SCS +1.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.82T +1.67UDC +1.53FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2984G
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa
840003130784541 99%RHA-I Good-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Paradise-D Garfield 840003005567696 99%RHA-I *TY *TV *TL Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda 71111710
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Kickball Muffin
840003125575892 99%RHA-NA
2-11 2x 295d 28010 3.1
1-09 2x 305d 25280 2.9
4-10 2x 263d 24740 3.2
3-10 2x 271d 24670 3.1
Life: 1195d 107780
Dulet Kickball-ET
106627797C *TR *TP *TY *TL
Palmcrest Orville Mamie
69482772 99%RHA-NA
2-11 2x 305d 32810 3.6 1186 3.1 1007
4-01 2x 269d 31580 3.6 1132 3.0 945
1-11 2x 305d 27570 3.5 972 2.8 783
Life: 1099d 115460 3.5 4092 3.0 3423
840003208368300 99%RHA-I Good-77 @ 2-04
Born: April 1, 2020 • Herd No. 1590
1-10 2x 205d 14580 4.5 651 3.6 525 RIP
Fresh: February 13, 2022
Bred: April 27, 2022 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart-ET 7HO12111
840003218866007 99%RHA-I
Born: February 13, 2022 • Herd No. 1781
840003145780887 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 VG-MS
Born: April 26, 2019 • Herd No. 1492
1-10 2x 305d 26690 4.0 1075 3.1 832
2-11 2x 150d 18057 3.5 623 3.0 542 RIP
Fresh: April 9, 2022
Bred: July 11, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
840003218865905 99%RHA-I
Born: March 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1679
Bred: June 11, 2022 to Angus
Wa-Del Abs Bourbon-ET
3014558977 Very Good-87 VG-MS *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1781M +38F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.1PL 2.93SCS +.0DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.38T +.47UDC -.50FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2434G
Palmcrest Tyne Miley
840003139190533 99%RHA-I Good-82
2-11 2x 286d 27365 4.7 1279 3.3 913
1-11 2x 286d 23388 4.4 1022 3.3 776
Siemers Solution Rozy-ET
840003200124386 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +178M +44F +15P 82R 8/22
PTA +6.9PL 2.60SCS +.1DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +.91T +2.16UDC +.45FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2612G
Arbor-Haven Bourbon Milani
840003208368300 99%RHA-I Good-77 @ 2-04
1-10 2x 205d 14580 4.5 651 3.6 525 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003136887521 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1838M +58F +49P 93R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 2.77SCS -2.3DPR 3.8%DCE
PTA +.81T +1.41UDC -.53FLC 88R 8/22 GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Tyne Miley
840003139190533 99%RHA-I Good-82
2-11 2x 286d 27365 4.7 1279 3.3 913
1-11 2x 286d 23388 4.4 1022 3.3 776
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F
Palmcrst Jargon Meena
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Tyne Miley G-82
2-11 2x 286d 27365 4.7 1279 3.3 913
1-11 2x 286d 23388 4.4 1022 3.3 776
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Tyne Miley G-82
2-11 2x 286d 27365 4.7 1279 3.3 913
1-11 2x 286d 23388 4.4 1022 3.3 776
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
840003145780768 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
Born: April 10, 2018 • Herd No. 1373
2-01 2x 305d 25520 3.8 972 3.4 877
4-01 2x 102d 11615 3.6 415 3.2 369 RIP
Fresh: May 27, 2022
Bred: August 3, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865930 99%RHA-I
Born: May 31, 2021 •Herd No. 1704
Bred: October 2, 2022 to Aot Webster Handy-Red-ET 7HO15440
Ri-Val-Re PB Nitrous-P-ET
72353673 99%RHA-NA *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +464M +19F +28P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.90SCS +.1DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.87T +.14UDC +.14FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2217G
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa
840003130784541 99%RHA-I Good-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
840003145780890 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-09
Born: April 29, 2019 • Herd No. 1495
2-11 2x 144d 16041 3.5 564 3.0 481 RIP
Fresh: April 15, 2022
Bred: August 29, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
840003218866017 99%RHA-I
Born: April 15, 2022 •Herd No. 1791
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22 GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Morena
840003145780768 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
2-01 2x 305d 25520 3.8 972 3.4 877
4-01 2x 102d 11615 3.6 415 3.2 369 RIP
Paradise-D Garfield
840003005567696 99%RHA-I *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda 71111710
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
Wake-Up Freedom-ET
840003126134496 *TR *PP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +596M +4F +32P 92R 8/22
PTA +2.4PL 2.93SCS -1.2DPR 3.5%DCE
PTA +.58T -.39UDC -.36FLC 85R 8/22 GTPI +2134G
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa
840003130784541 99%RHA-I Good-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Paradise-D Garfield
840003005567696 99%RHA-I *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22 PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Freedom Mercy
840003145780890 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-09
2-11 2x 144d 16041 3.5 564 3.0 481 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Garfield Mesa G-78
5-01 2x 305d 33000 3.8 1260 3.0 981
Palmcrest Tanker-Tw Melinda
2-09 2x 305d 32380 3.6 1161 2.9 940
1-10 2x 283d 26190 3.7 956 2.9 748
840003218865850 99%RHA-I Good-80 @ 2-01
Born: July 9, 2020 • Herd No. 1624
1-11 2x 66d 5549 3.3 185 2.8 156 RIP
Fresh: July 2, 2022
Bred: September 4, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
840003208368214 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-07
Born: June 2, 2019 • Herd No. 1504
1-11 2x 305d 23120 4.4 1008 3.4 786
3-02 2x 25d 2121 4.0 84 3.3 70 RIP
Fresh: August 12, 2022
840003218865904 99%RHA-I
Born: March 14, 2021 • Herd No. 1678
Bred: April 12, 2022 to Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET 7HO15227
Mr Ocd Epic Dragonheart-ET
3009533223 Very Good-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1880M +33F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 3.04SCS +.1DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.94T +1.72UDC +.18FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2447G
Palmcrest Daybreak Madelle
840003145780815 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: September 14, 2018 • Herd No. 1420
2-07 2x 305d 25700 4.6 1194 3.1 790
1-09 2x 286d 18570 4.8 898 3.0 562
Fresh: May 12, 2021
Bred: December 24, 2021 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
4-11 2x 305d 35350 3.7 1303 2.9 1024
4-00 2x 262d 31280 3.7 1155 2.8 884
3-00 2x 275d 28620 3.7 1047 2.9 824
1-10 2x 305d 25180 3.8 964 3.0 766
Life: 1229d 127710 3.7 4753 2.9 3737
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Bigstar Angie
840003145780701 99%RHA-I *RC
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Royce Madge NC
1-11 2x 289d 25380 3.5 885 3.0 774
2-10 2x 102d 10476 3.2 336 2.8 296 RIP
Palmcrest Orville Mamie NC
2-11 2x 305d 32810 3.6 1186 3.1 1007
Life: 1099d 115460 3.5 4092 3.0 3423
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET 840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22 PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Malone Annie-Red 840003130784680 99%RHA-I Very Good-86 VG-MS
3-05 2x 305d 29770 3.4 1018 3.2 955
4-07 2x 305d 28720 3.9 1125 3.3 940 2-04 2x 305d 27380 3.3 902 3.2 866
Kcck Bigstar-Red-ET
71692203 99%RHA-I *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Lawn Boy Angel
68702445 Good Plus-81 *RC
4-07 2x 305d 30810 3.5 1081 3.0 931
3-06 2x 305d 29850 3.5 1045 3.0 892
5-08 2x 284d 23830 3.5 830 2.8 660
2-00 2x 305d 23110 3.4 794 3.2 744
Life: 1705d 144210 3.5 5056 3.0 4367
Air-Osa-Mle Malone-Red-ET
71304165 Very Good-86 *TP *TY *TV *TL Palmcrest Colt P Abby-Red
72474155 99%RHA-I
4-00 2x 305d 30040 4.1 1239 3.1 944
2-10 2x 305d 26300 4.1 1067 3.2 853
1-10 2x 297d 24430 4.0 969 3.1 753
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Abram Mariah
840003130784566 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-81
5-02 2x 302d 31450 4.1 1293 3.4 1054
3-01 2x 279d 24800 4.2 1048 3.3 824
4-00 2x 305d 24310 4.4 1080 3.5 851
2-00 2x 305d 24170 4.3 1044 3.2 781
Life: 1278d 109660 4.3 4705 3.4 3692
Berry-Val Bolton Abram
62265473 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Emerald Morgan
72474153 99%RHA-NA
2-09 2x 293d 28100 3.9 1096 3.1 862
3-09 2x 281d 27890 3.7 1043 2.8 792
1-10 2x 301d 25310 3.9 990 3.1 782
840003139190464 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
Born: September 4, 2016 • Herd No. 1206
4-05 2x 305d 35280 4.3 1509 3.0 1051
3-00 2x 305d 32800 4.3 1403 3.0 996
2-01 2x 268d 24710 4.2 1029 3.2 784
5-06 2x 158d 20797 3.9 806 2.8 579 RIP
Life: 1076d 109320 4.3 4682 3.1 3394
Bred: September 13, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET
840003218866014 99%RHA-I
Born: April 1, 2022 •Herd No. 1788
840003130784578 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
Born: September 12, 2015 • Herd No. 1095
5-11 2x 359d 29315 4.3 1250 3.3 955
3-10 2x 305d 27920 4.2 1178 3.2 880 5-00 2x 292d 27600 4.6 1280 3.2 878
2-11 2x 278d 24200 4.2 1011 3.2 773
1-11 2x 305d 23660 4.2 1003 3.2 747
Life: 1262d 108300 4.3 4707 3.2 3450
Fresh: August 30, 2021
Bred: January 7, 2022 to Ocd Forte Muscles-ET 250HO15235
Vieuxsaule Montreal-ET
107824951 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +527M +30F +12P 99R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 3.41SCS -2.1DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +.82T +1.41UDC +.33FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2185G
Palmcrest Maxum Midnite
840003125575882 99%RHA-NA
4-08 2x 302dd 32420 3.7 1211 2.9 949
2-10 2x 293d 32180 3.9 1245 2.9 933
3-10 2x 260d 31470 3.9 1236 2.8 888
2-00 2x 274d 24530 3.9 958 2.9 717
Life: 1129d 120600 3.9 4650 2.9 3487
Siemers Rolan Roskoz-ET
Bremer Allegro Maxum-ET
137375664 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Gabor Morie
70194382 Good Plus-82 @ 2-04
2-00 2x 290d 26020 3.5 900 2.7 715
3-00 2x 192d 18310 3.5 638 2.9 531
840003218865957 99%RHA-I
Born: August 30, 2021 • Herd No. 1731
840003200124110 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1226M +63F +41P 83R 8/22
PTA +4.6PL 2.88SCS -1.0DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +1.67T +2.21UDC +.61FLC 82R 8/22
GTPI +2750G
Palmcrest Montreal Miami
840003139190464 99%RHA-NA Very Good-85
4-05 2x 305d 35280 4.3 1509 3.0 1051
3-00 2x 305d 32800 4.3 1403 3.0 996
2-01 2x 268d 24710 4.2 1029 3.2 784
5-06 2x 158d 20797 3.9 806 2.8 579 RIP
Life: 1076d 109320 4.3 4682 3.1 3394
Sildaul Jett Air-ET
138974820 B/R *TP *TY *TL
PTA +427M +18F -11P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.0PL 2.80SCS +2.1DPR 1.7%DCE PTA +.52T +.98UDC +1.04FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2266G
Palmcrest Dorcy Marvel
72474150 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-83
5-01 2x 305d 31760 4.3 1361 3.2 1032
6-03 2x 305d 30750 4.4 1360 3.2 995
4-02 2x 289d 28350 4.6 1305 3.2 919
3-02 2x 288d 27580 4.2 1158 3.2 892
2-00 2x 305d 24420 4.0 975 3.2 778
Life: 1664d 153640 4.3 6675 3.3 5010
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
PTA +1243M
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Jett Air Marta 840003130784578 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
5-11 2x 359d 29315 4.3
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Maxum Midnite NC
4-08 2x 302dd 32420 3.7 1211 2.9 949
Life: 1129d 120600 3.9 4650 2.9 3487
Palmcrest Gabor Morie GP-82 @ 2-04
2-00 2x 290d 26020 3.5 900 2.7 715
3-00 2x 192d 18310 3.5 638 2.9 531
Coyne-Farms Dorcy-ET
139005002 Good Plus-87 *BY *TC *TV *TL
Palmcrest Ezra Maren
68702429 Good-76
2-11 2x 294d 22740 4.4 999 3.4 768
1-11 2x 303d 21420 4.0 853 3.3 710
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Dorcy Marvel
305d 31760
Life: 1664d 153640
Palmcrest Ezra Maren G-76
840003218865891 99%RHA-I
Born: December 27, 2020 •Herd No. 1665
Bred: April 24, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
840003208368293 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-06
Born: February 20, 2020 • Herd No. 1853
1-10 2x 254d 20287 3.7 744 3.3 666 RIP
Fresh: December 26, 2021
Bred: March 21, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Ferris Jada
840003145780866 99%RHA-I
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Miller-P Jacki NC
1-10 2x 251d 3.8 822 3.4 729
Palmcrest Serenity Jade NC
1-10 2x 305d 22570 3.5 791 3.3 734
2-11 2x 273d 21930 3.6 794 3.2 702
Palmcrest Malibu Jaimie GP-82
3-02 2x 305d 34040 3.4 1162 3.1 1061
Life: 1020d 106750 3.3 3476 3.1 3287
Palmcrest Roy Josie EX-90
4-02 2x 305d 31380 4.0 1255 3.0 947
Life: 1702d 157600 3.9 6184 3.1 4813
Mr DG-TM King Bailey-ET
73508043 99%RHA-I *RC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1210M +48F +24P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.83SCS -2.4DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA +1.90T +.91UDC +.74FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2356G
Palmcrest Alltime June
840003145780762 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 VG-MS
2-11 3x 293d 31830 4.0 1282 3.1 990
1-11 3x 294d 28180 3.5 981 2.9 804
Sold for Dairy
178ARBOR-HAVEN BARCLAY JOLLY 840003218866000 99%RHA-I
Born: December 26, 2021 • Herd No. 1774
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2854G
Arbor-Haven Bailey Josie
840003208368293 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-06
1-10 2x 254d 20287 3.7 744 3.3 666 RIP
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Montney Justice NC
2-00 2x 305d 22190 3.7 819 3.2 702
Palmcrest Serenity Jade NC
1-10 2x 305d 22570 3.5 791 3.3 734
2-11 2x 273d 21930 3.6 794 3.2 702
Palmcrest Malibu Jaimie GP-82
3-02 2x 305d 34040 3.4 1162 3.1 1061
Life: 1020d 106750 3.3 3476 3.1 3287
Palmcrest Roy Josie EX-90
4-02 2x 305d 31380 4.0 1255 3.0 947
Life: 1702d 157600 3.9 6184 3.1 4813
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Alltime June VG-85 VG-MS
2-11 3x 293d 31830 4.0 1282 3.1 990
1-11 3x 294d 28180 3.5 981 2.9 804
Palmcrest Montney Justice NC
2-00 2x 305d 22190 3.7 819 3.2 702
Palmcrest Serenity Jade NC
1-10 2x 305d 22570 3.5 791 3.3 734
2-11 2x 273d 21930 3.6 794 3.2 702
Palmcrest Malibu Jaimie GP-82
3-02 2x 305d 34040 3.4 1162 3.1 1061
Life: 1020d 106750 3.3 3476 3.1 3287
Palmcrest Roy Josie EX-90
4-02 2x 305d 31380 4.0 1255 3.0 947
Life: 1702d 157600 3.9 6184 3.1 4813
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Montney Justice NC
2x 305d 22190 3.7 819 3.2 702
Palmcrest Serenity Jade NC
1-10 2x 305d 22570 3.5 791 3.3 734
2-11 2x 273d 21930 3.6 794 3.2 702
Palmcrest Malibu Jaimie GP-82
3-02 2x 305d 34040 3.4 1162 3.1 1061
Life: 1020d 106750 3.3 3476 3.1 3287
Palmcrest Vertex Journey
Palmcrest Roy Josie EX-90
4-02 2x 305d 31380 4.0 1255 3.0 947
Life: 1702d 157600 3.9 6184 3.1 4813
71946661 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 VG-MS
Born: September 22, 2012 • Herd No. 861
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
8-11 2x 341d 36324 3.9 1414 3.0 1102
5-01 2x 298d 35610 3.8 1343 2.9 1042
3-00 2x 305d 33840 3.4 1159 2.9 967
4-01 2x 283d 32430 3.8 1234 3.0 965
7-09 2x 305d 32310 4.0 1277 3.0 967
2-00 2x 305d 26040 3.7 975 3.1 809
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Fresh: September 19, 2021
Bred: March 3, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET
840003218865966 99%RHA-NA *RC
Born: September 19, 2021 • Herd No. 1740
Roylane Socra Robust-ET
64966739 Very Good-88 *TR *TV *TL
PTA +372M +44F +23P 99R 8/22
PTA -.31T +.32UDC +.79FLC GTPI +2422G
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly
98%RHA-NA Very Good-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
8-07 2x 305d 34310 3.1 1073 2.8 969
4-11 2x 305d 32220 4.0 1286 3.1 1003
7-08 2x 305d 31460 3.6 1145 2.8 896
11-0 2x 305d 30100 3.5 1067 2.8 852
3-09 2x 305d 30200 3.4 1032 3.1 924
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Robust Loral
71946661 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
8-11 2x 341d 36324 3.9 1414 3.0 1102
5-01 2x 298d 35610 3.8 1343 2.9 1042
3-00 2x 305d 33840 3.4 1159 2.9 967
4-01 2x 283d 32430 3.8 1234 3.0 965
7-09 2x 305d 32310 4.0 1277 3.0 967
2-00 2x 305d 26040 3.7 975 3.1 809
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Progenesis Modest Rolan512-ET
12529277C 99%RHA-I *TR **TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +611M +85F +33P 99R 8/22
840003253809427 99%RHA-I
Born: July 28, 2022 • Herd No. 1817
840003218866001 99%RHA-I
Born: January 11, 2022 • Herd No. 1775
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Eastview Monopoly-ET
129401816 *TV *TL
Palmcrest Lance Lavender
131346862 96%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
7-04 2x 305d 27940 3.4 944 3.0 846
6-05 2x 283d 26970 3.6 972 3.0 817
8-04 2x 305d 26330 3.4 890 3.0 785
3-00 2x 305d 25860 3.5 904 3.0 770
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
PTA +1.6PL 3.07SCS -1.3DPR 1.0%DCE PTA +1.15T +2.26UDC +.96FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2700G
Arbor-Haven Basic Louise
840003218865862 99%RHA-I
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Vertex London-TW NC
1-09 2x 305d 25340 4.0 1001 3.2 810
Sold for Dairy
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
840003142352961 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Imac Lolly
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
840003218865968 99%RHA-I
Born: September 25, 2021 •Herd No. 1742
840003218865862 99%RHA-I
Born: September 1, 2020 • Herd No. 1636
1-10 2x 40d 2929 3.8 111 3.0 87 RIP
Fresh: July 28, 2022
840003208368297 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-05
Born: March 7, 2020 • Herd No. 1587
1-11 2x 210d 17103 4.0 684 3.5 600 RIP
Fresh: February 8, 2022
Bred: April 21, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Vertex London-TW
84000314578034 99%RHA-I
1-09 2x 305d 25340 4.0 1001 3.2 810
Sold for Dairy
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Blumenfeld Frazld Basic-ET
840003141657524 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1163M +48F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.61SCS -.5DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.52T +1.97UDC +.22FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2692G
Palmcrest Vertex London-TW 840003145780834 99%RHA-I
1-09 2x 305d 25340 4.0 1001 3.2 810
Sold for Dairy
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Siemers Kingboy Rozwell-ET
3125519831 99%RhA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1616M +45F +47P 99R 8/22
PTA +.7PL 2.80SCS -2.0DPR 2.8%DCE PTA +1.02T +.91UDC -.42FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2407G
Palmcrest Mascal Laurie
840003139190500 99%RHA-I
2-00 2x 305d 21280 3.5 754 3.1 661
840003218866004 99%RHA-I
Born: February 8, 2022 • Herd No. 1778
Penn-England Barclay-ET
Arbor-Haven Rozwell Laney
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Mascal Laurie NC
2x 305d 21280 3.5 754 3.1 661
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
840003145780847 99%RHA-I GP-84 VG-MS @ 3-01
Born: December 3, 2018 • Herd No. 1452
2-09 2x 332d 26066 4.2 1083 3.2 835 RIP
1-11 2x 250d 18800 4.2 788 3.3 616
Fresh: September 26, 2021
Bred: January 16, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
De-Su D Mayfield 893-ET
69473980 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +665M +2F +4P 99R 8/22
PTA -.1PL 3.10SCS +.3DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA +.84T +.66UDC -.28FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2028G
Palmcrest Mascal Laurie
840003139190500 99%RHA-I
2-00 2x 305d 21280 3.5 754 3.1 661
840003218865971 99%RHA-I
Born: September 26, 2021 •Herd No. 1745
840003218865970 99%RHA-I
Born: September 26, 2021 • Herd No. 1744
840003208368245 99%RHA-NA GP-82 @ 2-11
Born: September 4, 2019 • Herd No. 1535
1-10 2x 287d 19260 4.5 863 3.4 653
2-10 2x 60d 5437 4.4 238 3.2 172 RIP
Fresh: July 8, 2022
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Midas-Touch Hallmark 936-ET
840003147987684 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +169M +58F +21P 95R 8/22
PTA +6.7PL 2.57SCS +.7DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.35T +1.07UDC -.03FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2633G
Palmcrest Mayfield Lace
840003145780847 99%RHA-I GP-84 VG-MS @ 3-01
2-09 2x 332d 26066 4.2 1083 3.2 835 RIP
1-11 2x 250d 18800 4.2 788 3.3 616
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Shot Liza NC
Oakfield Rubicon Lopez-ET
840003127601762 Very Good-87 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +117M +79F +27P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.3PL 3.08SCS -1.0DPR 1.4%DCE PTA -.18T -.33UDC +.58FLC 97R 8/22 GTPI +2480G
Palmcrest Zipitt-P Lu-Ann
840003145780708 99%RHA-NA
2-00 2x 283d 18230 5.3 959 3.5 643
Bred: September 13, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
2-10 2x 298d 30110 4.8 1450 3.1 947 3-11 2x 271d 26340 4.8 1257 3.1 826
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS 6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84 6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd-5th Dams
Kingmerling Helx Doctor-ET
18230 5.3
Palmcrest Shot Liza
Palmcrest Lopez Lu-Lu
3.5 643
2x 298d 30110 4.8 1450 3.1 947
3-11 2x 271d 26340 4.8 1257 3.1 826
Palmcrest Robust Loral VG-87 VG-MS
6-01 2x 305d 39670 3.6 1411 2.9 1158
Life: 2154d 226230 3.7 8436 3.0 6786
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS 6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
840003139190530 99%RHA-I VG-86 VG-MS
Born: April 5, 2017 • Herd No. 1272
3-09 2x 283d 32880 3.9 1278 2.9 951
4-08 2x 253d 29835 3.8 1147 2.9 870 RIP
1-11 2x 275d 23000 3.8 875 2.9 656
Fresh: December 27, 2021
Bred: April 8, 2022 to Badger SSI Riveting Bear-ET
Fustead Tango Lylas-ET
74183449 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA+776M +63F +25P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.90SCS +.6DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +.81T +.44UDC +.46FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta
840003125575922 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
4-02 2x 305d 30500 4.2 1278 3.2 991
3-03 2x 271d 24140 4.2 1025 3.3 803
2-03 2x 305d 20090 4.5 908 3.5 711
6-04 2x 182d 17300 4.4 753 3.2 553
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
840003208368294 99%RHA Fair-74 @ 2-06
Born: February 22, 2020 • Herd No. 1584
1-11 2x 225d 17288 4.9 848 3.5 606
Fresh: January 24, 2022
Bred: June 10, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
De-Su Barcelona 14195-ET 840003141559589 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +766M +100F +48P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.86SCS -.9DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.33T +.82UDC +1.29FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2811G
Palmcrest Lylas Lorna
840003139190530 99%RHA-I VG-86 VG-MS
3-09 2x 283d 32880 3.9 1278 2.9 951 4-08 2x 253d 29835 3.8 1147 2.9 870 RIP 1-11 2x 275d 23000 3.8 875 2.9 656
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta VG-85 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84 6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Lylas Lorna VG-86 VG-MS
3-09 2x 283d 32880 3.9 1278 2.9 951
1-11 2x 275d 23000 3.8 875 2.9 656
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta VG-85 VG-MS
Arbor-Haven Barclna Lorelei
5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003145780870 99%RHA-I GP-84 VG-MS @ 2-03
Born: March 4, 2019 • Herd No. 1475
2-11 2x 212d 24559 2.9 719 3.0 749 RIP
1-11 2x 282d 23940 3.2 765 3.1 735
Fresh: February 11, 2022
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
840003218865901 99%RHA-I
Born: February 25, 2021 • Herd No. 1675
Bred: April 14, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
Woodcrest King Doc
840003132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 3.09SCS -1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta
840003125575922 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
4-02 2x 305d 30500 4.2 1278 3.2 991
3-03 2x 271d 24140 4.2 1025 3.3 803
2-03 2x 305d 20090 4.5 908 3.5 711
6-04 2x 182d 17300 4.4 753 3.2 553
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
T-Spruce Rio Rondo-ET
840003145686078 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1291M +45P +46R 81R 8/22
PTA +3.7PL 2.92SCS +.8DPR 1.5%DCE
PTA +1.24T +1.64UDC +.77FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2644G
Palmcrest Doc Lou
840003145780870 99%RHA-I VG-84 VG-MS @ 2-03
2-11 2x 212d 24559 2.9 719 3.0 749 RIP
1-11 2x 282d 23940 3.2 765 3.1 735
840003208368296 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-05
Born: March 6, 2020 • Herd No. 1586
1-11 2x 199d 17716 3.2 562 2.9 513 RIP
Fresh: February 19, 2022
Bred: June 15, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
Siemers Kingboy Rozwell-ET
3125519831 99%RhA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1616M +45F +47P 99R 8/22
PTA +.7PL 2.80SCS -2.0DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.02T +.91UDC -.42FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2407G
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta
840003125575922 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
4-02 2x 305d 30500 4.2 1278 3.2 991
3-03 2x 271d 24140 4.2 1025 3.3 803
2-03 2x 305d 20090 4.5 908 3.5 711
6-04 2x 182d 17300 4.4 753 3.2 553
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
Morningview Rusty-Red
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta
Life: 1434d 126910
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Krunch Loretta VG-85 VG-MS 5-02 2x 305d 30570 4.3 1327 3.3 1013
Life: 1434d 126910 4.3 5512 3.3 4237
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Bronco Lynnie NC
4-01 2x 289d 39770 3.2 1270 2.9 1146
Life: 943d 106750 3.4 3644 3.0 3161
Palmcrest Goodfellow Linnae NC
2-11 2x 278d 21250 3.5 749 3.2 674
2-01 2x 260d 19570 3.5 688 3.2 629
Palmcrest Lheros Lizzie VG-85
4-07 2x 305d 31230 2.7 851 3.0 944
Life: 1863d 169560 3.1 5304 3.1 5209
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
840003130784585 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
Born: October 2, 2015 • Herd No. 1102
6-00 2x 338d 37140 3.6 1352 3.2 1172
4-11 2x 305d 34390 3.4 1185 3.0 1047
3-00 2x 277d 30510 3.5 1055 3.1 953
3-11 2x 289d 30410 4.0 1216 3.1 952
2-00 2x 305d 24310 3.8 919 3.2 769
Life: 1218d 122850 3.7 4509 3.1 3831
Fresh: October 1, 2021
Bred: January 24, 2022 to OCD Freeman-ET 7HO15614
840003218865974 99%RHA-I
Born: October 1, 2021 • Herd No. 1748
840003145780727 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: November 8, 2017 • Herd No. 1332
3-09 2x 365d 33789 4.3 1445 3.3 1100
2-10 2x 281d 27530 4.1 1121 3.3 898
1-11 2x 285d 22250 4.2 928 3.3 740
Fresh: September 4, 2021
Bred: January 25, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
840003208368263 Good-77 @ 2-03
Born: October 27, 2019 • Herd No. 1553 1-11 2x
24133 4.0
Fresh: October 5,
Bred: January
Sildaul Jett Air-ET
138974820 B/R *TP *TY *TL
PTA +427M +18F -11P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.0PL 2.80SCS +2.1DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.52T +.98UDC +1.04FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2266G
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Lindsy
72474149 99%RHA-I
2-01 2x 305d 28440 3.6 1019 3.3 934
3-01 2x 131d 14040 3.9 541 3.2 449
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Richman Lydia G-78
4-01 2x 305d 33250 3.0 983 2.8 942
Life: 1128d 11600 3.1 3463 2.8 3174
Palmcrest Usolen Louise NC
-04 2x 305d 39810 2.7 1056 2.7 1091
Life: 1610d 181000 2.8 5133 2.8 5040
Palmcrest Outfront Lorna GP-81
4-01 2x 305d 30750 3.7 1145 2.9 902
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Midas-Touch Hallmark 936-ET
840003147987684 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +169M +58F +21P 95R 8/22
PTA +6.7PL 2.57SCS +.7DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.35T +1.07UDC -.03FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2633G
Palmcrest Jett Air Leeta
840003130784585 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
6-00 2x 338d 37140 3.6 1352 3.2 1172
4-11 2x 305d 34390 3.4 1185 3.0 1047
3-00 2x 277d 30510 3.5 1055 3.1 953
3-11 2x 289d 30410 4.0 1216 3.1 952
2-00 2x 305d 24310 3.8 919 3.2 769
Life: 1218d 122850 3.7 4509 3.1 3831
OCD Eraser Zipit-P-ET
840003125170883 *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1108M +24F +33P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.8PL 2.83SCS +.8DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +1.61T +1.38UDC -.11FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2438G
Palmcrest Bowler Lila
71946684 Good-79 @ 2-05
5-09 2x 305d 35790 3.9 1381 3.0 1088
2-11 2x 305d 30570 3.8 1155 2.9 898
4-10 2x 289d 29120 4.1 1183 3.1 905
3-10 2x 282d 25350 4.2 1057 3.1 798
1-11 2x 280d 22690 3.9 885 3.1 697
Life: 1535d 149880 4.0 5943 3.1 4586
Aprday-F Modesty Anselmi-ET
Palmcrest Zipit-P Lindy
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Lindsy NC
2-01 2x 305d 28440 3.6 1019 3.3 934
3-01 2x 131d 14040 3.9 541 3.2 449
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd-11th Dams
Palmcrest Star Leslie F-72
5-07 2x 305d 34350 3.4 1178 2.7 943
Life: 1720d 168430 3.6 6086 3.0 4987
Palmcrest Rampage Lexi
Palmcrest Lucky Monopoly VG-88 VG-MS
6-02 2x 305d 34630 3.5 1209 2.9 1018
Life: 3142d 303820 3.6 10859 3.0 9098
Palmcrest Lance Lavender GP-82
4-05 2x 305d 29310 3.8 1117 3.2 934
Life: 2344d 198330 3.6 7108 3.1 6064
Palmcrest Delta Margie GP-84
6-11 2x 243d 25650 2.9 747 2.6 671
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Bowler Lila G-79 @ 2-05
5-09 2x 305d 35790 3.9 1381 3.0 1088
Life: 1535d 149880 4.0 5943 3.1 4586
840003145780735 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: December 5, 2017 • Herd No. 1340
3-10 2x 325d 36182 3.7 1355 3.2 1146 RIP 2-10 2x 292d 30870 4.2 1299 3.1 971
1-11 2x 288d 25820 3.9 1017 3.1 796
Fresh: October 16, 2021
Bred: March 16, 2022 to Badger
Abs Danner-P-ET
PTA +1423M +44F +59P
PTA +.9PL 2.88SCS +1.3DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA +.06T +.51UDC -.92FLC
GTPI +2530G
Palmcrest Montney Ricki
840003130784607 Good Plus-83
2-11 2x 273d 31070 3.6 1126 2.9
3-10 2x 305d 29470 3.9 1152 2.9 868
4-11 2x 282d 29470 3.5 1030 2.9 862
2-00 2x 297d 25760 3.7 953 3.1 792
Life: 1172d 116510
Horstyle Moscow Montney
139324600 Very Good-87 *TR *TP
PTA -249M -25F -20P
Riveting Bear-ET
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Ozfest Regan GP-83
5-00 2x 269d 28110 4.2 1189 3.1 864
Life: 1114d 110010 4.1 4565 3.2 3497
4th Dam
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74

4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
5th Dam
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
6th Dam
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
7th Dam
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
8th-12th Dams
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
PTA +.10T -.39UDC -.20FLC
Palmcrest Boomerang Raven
71111688 Good Plus-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 282d 33060 4.2 1376 3.0 979
3-00 2x 290d 32740 4.2 1372 3.0
1-11 2x 305d 26050 4.6 1188 3.3 855
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E
Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS
4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
840003145780831 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 3-02
Born: November 1, 2018 • Herd No. 1436
1-09 2x 305d 28580 3.7 1071 2.9 838
3-09 2x 23d 2357 3.3 78 3.1 73 RIP
Fresh: August 14, 2022
Stantons Adagio-P-ET
840003129016082 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +876M +40F +33P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.81SCS +.7DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.46T +1.25UdC +.51FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2470G
Palmcrest Link Rumor
840003139190497 Very Good-85 VG-MS @ 3-08
2-10 2x 289d 26650 4.4 1184 3.0 802
1-11 2x 277d 24340 4.4 1081 3.1 762
FB D-N-J Gabor Link-ET
69326513 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -218M -2F -4P 97R 8/22
PTA +.93T +.35UDC -.55FLC GTPI +2049G
Palmcrest Emerald Royal 840003125575893
2-00 2x 305d 31050 3.7 1145 2.8 882
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Ozfest Regan GP-83
5-00 2x 269d 28110 4.2 1189 3.1 864
Life: 1114d 110010 4.1 4565 3.2 3497
4th Dam
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
5th Dam
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
6th Dam
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
7th Dam
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
8th-12th Dams
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS 4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
840003208368256 Very Good-85 @ 2-03
Born: October 10, 2019 • Herd No. 1546
1-10 2x 360d 28568 4.6 1314 3.6 1042
Fresh: August 13, 2021
Bred: December 28, 2021 to Ocd Forte Muscles-ET 250HO15235
Born: August 13, 2021 • Herd No. 1723
Zimmerview Rush-PP-ET
840003132411292 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +92M -5F +13P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.94SCS +.7DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA -.07T +.22UDC -.07FLC 86R 8/22
GTPI +2104G
Palmcrest Link Rumor
840003139190497 Very Good-85 VG-MS @ 3-08
2-10 2x 289d 26650 4.4 1184 3.0 802
1-11 2x 277d 24340 4.4 1081 3.1 762
Sire: Trent-Way-Js Ronald-ET Dam: Palmcrest Rush-PP Ruby
3rd-12th Dams
Palmcrest Ozfest Regan GP-83
5-00 2x 269d 28110 4.2 1189 3.1 864
Life: 1114d 110010 4.1 4565 3.2 3497
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
FB D-N-J Gabor Link-ET
69326513 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -218M -2F -4P 97R 8/22
PTA +.93T +.35UDC -.55FLC GTPI +2049G
Palmcrest Emerald Royal
2-00 2x 305d 31050 3.7
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM 5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E
Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS 4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
840003139190512 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
Born: December 17, 2016 • Herd No. 1254
4-09 2x 344d 30465 3.7 1114 3.3 992
2-10 2x 290d 26870 3.7 989 3.1 837
3-09 2x 282d 25220 4.0 1014 3.3 827
1-11 2x 280d 23810 3.6 860 3.1 742
Fresh: September 16, 2021
Bred: April 11, 2022 to Angus
Morningview Mcc Kingboy-ET
72044077 99%RHA-I EX-92 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +908M +22F +23P 99R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 2.80SCS +.6DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +1.89T +1.54UDC +.29FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2320G
Palmcrst Man-O-Man2 Rapids
3-00 2x 296d 27940 4.4 1232 3.3 916
3-11 2x 228d 25820 4.3 1122 3.3 847
1-11 2x 305d 23490 4.3 1015 3.3 785
840003145780851 Very Good-85 @ 3-01
Born: December 7, 2018 • Herd No. 1456
2-10 2x 324d 33148 3.7 1219 3.2 1064
1-10 2x 296d 27950 3.6 1011 3.2 881
Fresh: October 15, 2021
Bred: January 23, 2022 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart-ET 7HO12111
Stantons Capone 3501-ET
840003128769150 99%RHA-I *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +513M +16F +21P 93R 8/22
PTA +3.3PL 2.84SCS +1.2DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.40T +1.61UDC +.32FLC 84R 8/22
GTPI +2375G
Palmcrest Kingboy Raylene
840003139190512 99%RHA-I Very Good-85
4-09 2x 344d 30465 3.7 1114 3.3 992
2-10 2x 290d 26870 3.7 989 3.1 837
3-09 2x 282d 25220 4.0 1014 3.3 827
1-11 2x 280d 23810 3.6 860 3.1 742
840003218865874 99%RHA-I
Born: October 16, 2020 •Herd No. 1648
Bred: March 30, 2022 to Angus
2nd-12th Dams
Palmcrest Boomerang Raven GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 282d 33060 4.2 1376 3.0 979
3-00 2x 290d 32740 4.2 1372 3.0 988
Palmcrest Ozfest Regan GP-83
5-00 2x 269d 28110 4.2 1189 3.1 864
Life: 1114d 110010 4.1 4565 3.2 3497
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS 4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
2nd Dam Palmcrst Man-O-Man2 Rapids
3-00 2x 296d 27940 4.4 1232 3.3 916
3-11 2x 228d 25820 4.3 1122 3.3 847
Extended pedigree listed above...
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL
Palmcrest Kingboy Raylene
290d 26870
282d 25220
280d 23810
2nd Dam Palmcrst Man-O-Man2 Rapids
3-00 2x 296d 27940 4.4 1232 3.3 916 3-11 2x 228d 25820 4.3 1122 3.3 847
Extended pedigree listed
2nd-12th Dams
840003145780819 Very Good-86 VG-MS @ 3-10
Born: October 3, 2018 • Herd No. 1424
2-07 2x 305d 28390 4.1 1177 3.2 921
1-09 2x 284d 23160 4.0 933 3.2 731
3-08 2x 81d 9233 3.6 330 2.8 256 RIP
Fresh: June 17, 2022
Bred: August 26, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865931 99%RHA-I
Born: May 31, 2021 • Herd No. 1705
Bred: August 2, 2022 to Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET 7HO15227
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Guthrie Kiley
2-10 2x 274d 24190 3.8 918 3.4 830
1-11 2x 283d 21130 3.7 787 3.4 727
840003208368257 99%RHA-NA GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-10
Born: October 11, 2019 • Herd No. 1547 1-09 2x 298d 19290 4.7 906 3.7 714 2-09 2x 52d 4844 4.6 222 3.2 157 RIP
Fresh: July 16, 2022
Bred: September 18, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
840003218865946 99%RHA-I
Born: August 3, 2021 • Herd No. 1720
Bred: September 26, 2022 to T-Spruce Huey Reliant-ET 7HO15099
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2613G
Palmcrest Vertex Korin
840003145780819 Very Good-86 VG-MS @ 3-10
2-07 2x 305d 28390 4.1 1177 3.2 921
1-09 2x 284d 23160 4.0 933 3.2 731
3-08 2x 81d 9233 3.6 330 2.8 256 RIP
Leaninghouse Dont Pass-ET
840003131992914 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +164M +36F +20P 93R 8/22
PTA +4.0PL 2.92SCS +.8DPR 2.6%DCE PTA +70T +1.03UDC +.26FLC 85R 8/22
GTPI +2459G
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Kennedy
840003145780723 99%RHA-NA
Palmcrest Man-O-Man2 Regina G-76
Palmcrest Ozfest Regan GP-83
5-00 2x 269d 28110 4.2 1189 3.1 864
Life: 1114d 110010 4.1 4565 3.2 3497
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E
Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS
4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Guthrie Kiley NC
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Guthrie Kiley NC
2-10 2x 274d 24190 3.8 918 3.4 830
1-11 2x 283d 21130 3.7 787 3.4 727
Extended pedigree listed above...
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Dont Pass Kate
840003208368257 99%RHA-NA GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-10
1-09 2x 298d 19290 4.7 906 3.7 714
2-09 2x 52d 4844 4.6 222 3.2 157 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Kennedy NC
Palmcrest Guthrie Kiley NC
2-10 2x 274d 24190 3.8 918 3.4 830
1-11 2x 283d 21130 3.7 787 3.4 727
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003218865880 *RC
Born: November 12, 2020 • Herd No. 1654
Fresh: September 19, 2022
840003218865881 *RC
Born: November 12, 2020 •Herd No. 1655
Bred: January 14, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
840003145780806 Good Plus-81 @ 3-05 *RC
Born: August 13, 2018 • Herd No. 1411
2-09 2x 305d 29050 4.4 1274 3.5 1023
1-09 2x 305d 21710 4.5 975 3.6 776
3-11 2x 42d 3974 3.6 144 3.0 120 RIP
Fresh: July 26, 2022
Bred: October 4, 2022 to Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET 7HO15023
840003253809425 99%RHA-I
Born: July 26, 2022 • Herd No. 1815
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Mcnuggets Freda
840003125575884 Good-80
5-01 2x 305d 27600 4.5 1229 3.2 891
3-03 2x 281d 25260 4.4 1115 3.2 809
4-02 2x 252d 22960 4.3 990 3.2 746
2-00 2x 305d 21970 4.2 914 3.2 704
Life: 1310d 113250 4.3 4898 3.2 3635
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Mcnuggets Freda
840003125575884 Good-80
5-01 2x 305d 27600 4.5 1229 3.2 891
3-03 2x 281d 25260 4.4 1115 3.2 809
4-02 2x 252d 22960 4.3 990 3.2 746
2-00 2x 305d 21970 4.2 914 3.2 704
Life: 1310d 113250 4.3 4898 3.2 3635
Heatherstone Mustafa-Red-ET
840003130325404 *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +180M +7F +11P 98R 8/22
PTA +.5PL 2.94SCS -2.3DPR 3.6%DCE PTA +.66T +.97UDC -.11FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2040G
Palmcrest Mayfield Fiona
1-10 2x 305d 21720 4.4 962 3.5 762
2nd-11th Dams
Palmcrest Fyi Foxy G-79
2-11 2x 281d 26680 3.6 953 3.2 846
2-00 2x 289d 22700 3.9 888 3.3 753
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E
Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS 4-04 2x 365d 24860 3.4 853
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
840003142352961 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +989M +91F +58P 98R 8/22
PTA +3.8PL 2.87SCS +1.2DPR 2.3%DCE
Palmcrest Mustafa Foxy
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Mcnuggets Freda G-80
5-01 2x 305d 27600 4.5 1229 3.2 891
Life: 1310d 113250 4.3 4898 3.2 3635
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Mayfield Fiona NC
305d 21720 4.4 962 3.5
Palmcrest Mcnuggets Freda G-80
2x 305d 27600 4.5 1229 3.2 891
1310d 113250 4.3 4898 3.2
840003218866023 99%RHA-I
Born: May 5, 2022 • Herd No. 1797
840003208368286 99%RHA-I GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-07
Born: January 14, 2020 • Herd No. 1576
1-11 2x 265d 21167 3.7 784 3.4 716 RIP
Fresh: December 15, 2021
Bred: March 7, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003208368254 99%RHA-1 GP-82 @ 2-03
Born: October 7, 2019 • Herd No. 1544 1-09 2x 305d 19410 4.3 836 3.3 640 2-09 2x 42d 3793 4.2 158 3.2 114 RIP
Fresh: July 26, 2022
Bred: September 25,
840003253809426 99%RHA-I
Born: July 26, 2022 • Herd No. 1816
Aprilday Mcdonald-R-Red-ET
840003201598569 99%RHA-I *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +189M +50F +18P 81R 8/22
PTA +4.6PL 2.55SCS +3DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +2.28T 2.55UDC +1.63FLC 80R 8/22
GTPI +2708G
Arbor-Haven Rager Flora
840003218865835 99%RHA-I *RC
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Mustafa Foxy GP-81 @ 3-05 *RC
2-09 2x 305d 29050 4.4 1274 3.5 1023
1-09 2x 305d 21710 4.5 975 3.6 776
Palmcrest Mayfield Fiona NC
1-10 2x 305d 21720 4.4 962 3.5 762
Palmcrest Mcnuggets Freda G-80
5-01 2x 305d 27600 4.5 1229 3.2 891
Life: 1310d 113250 4.3 4898 3.2 3635
Palmcrest Fyi Foxy G-79
2-11 2x 281d 26680 3.6 953 3.2 846
2-00 2x 289d 22700 3.9 888 3.3 753
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Denovo 14242 Kokomo-ET
840003141559636 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1280M +51F +39P 98R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.69SCS +1.8DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +1.69T +1.49UDC +1.02FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2740G
Palmcrest Cactus Rascal
840003130784581 Good Plus-83
3-04 2x 303d 32510 3.8 1226 3.1 1002
4-03 2x 305d 31530 3.8 1185 3.1 977
2-01 2x 305d 27010 3.8 1026 3.3 878
5-03 2x 233d 26340 3.8 992 3.0 792
Life: 1262d 124960 3.8 4780 3.1 3927
Solum Chicago Rollag
70776783 Excellent-91*TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +240M -4F +1P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 3.09SCS -.3DOR 2.5%DCE PTA +.75T +.74UDC +.64FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2048G
Palmcrest Rambo Ransom
840003145780726 99%RHA-I Sold for Dairy
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
840003142352961 99%RHA-I
Palmcrest Rollag Renita
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Extended pedigree listed across...
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Caruso Regie NC
2-00 2x 301d 26610 3.2 850 3.3 871
3-00 2x 253d 24830 3.7 912 3.1 765
Palmcrest Apollo Reba NC
4-02 2x 305d 38660 2.5 953 2.7 1031
Life: 1216d 140010 2.8 3860 2.8 3876
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Extended pedigree listed across...
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Cactus Rascal GP-83
3-04 2x 303d 32510 3.8 1226 3.1 1002
Life: 1262d 124960 3.8 4780 3.1 3927
Palmcrest Caruso Regie NC
2-00 2x 301d 26610 3.2 850 3.3 871
3-00 2x 253d 24830 3.7 912 3.1 765
Palmcrest Apollo Reba NC
4-02 2x 305d 38660 2.5 953 2.7 1031
Life: 1216d 140010 2.8 3860 2.8 3876
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Extended pedigree listed across...
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Rambo Ransom NC
Sold for Dairy
Palmcrest Cactus Rascal GP-83
3-04 2x 303d 32510 3.8 1226 3.1 1002
Life: 1262d 124960 3.8 4780 3.1 3927
Palmcrest Caruso Regie NC
2-00 2x 301d 26610 3.2 850 3.3 871
3-00 2x 253d 24830 3.7 912 3.1 765
Palmcrest Apollo Reba NC
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
840003218865944 99%RHA-I
Born: July 25, 2021 • Herd No. 1718
Bred: September 26, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
S-S-I Basic Bold-ET
840003206205232 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1336M +51F +33P 82R 8/22
PTA +6.9PL 2.59SCS +.3DPR 2.4%DCE PTA +1.44T +1.69UDC +.26FLC 81R 8/22 GTPI +2737G
Palmcrest Rollag Renita
840003208368254 Good Plus-82 @ 2-03
1-09 2x 305d 19410 4.3 836 3.3 640
2-09 2x 42d 3793 4.2 158 3.2 114 RIP
840003208368253 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-03
Born: October 7, 2019 • Herd No. 1543 1-09 2x 305d 19980 3.9 775 3.2 649
Fresh: September 3, 2022
840003218865945 99%RHA-I
Born: July 30, 2021 •Herd No. 1719
Bred: September 14, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Zimmerview Rush-PP-ET
840003132411292 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +92M -5F +13P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.94SCS +.7DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA -.07T +.22UDC -.07FLC 86R 8/22 GTPI +2104G
Palmcrest Kingboy Raisin
840003139190490 99%RHA-I
2-00 2x 270d 23510 3.9 918 3.1 727
2nd-14th Dams
Palmcrest Rambo Ransom NC
Palmcrest Cactus Rascal GP-83
3-04 2x 303d 32510 3.8 1226 3.1 1002
Life: 1262d 124960 3.8 4780 3.1 3927
Palmcrest Caruso Regie NC
2-00 2x 301d 26610 3.2 850 3.3 871
3-00 2x 253d 24830 3.7 912 3.1 765
Palmcrest Apollo Reba NC
4-02 2x 305d 38660 2.5 953 2.7 1031
Life: 1216d 140010 2.8 3860 2.8 3876
Palmcrest Goldwyn Regal GP-74
4-06 2x 304d 33740 3.4 1145 2.9 994
Life: 1338d 128820 3.4 4432 3.0 3926
Palmeregan Rosette-ET VG-86 VG-MS
2-03 2x 305d 22580 3.8 863 3.2 725
Regancrest-Ur Renee-ET VG-86 VVVVV FMD
2-04 2x 365d 28370 3.9 1115 3.4 956
Regan-Joy Durham Reginia-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
3-05 2x 365d 37880 3.6 1374 3.3 1245
2-04 2x 365d 28260 4.1 1163 3.2 909
Sher-Dst Emory Swanny EX-90 2E DOM
2-02 2x 365d 27720 4.1 1150 3.1 871
Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
4-02 2x 365d 41420 4.6 1914 3.0 1261
Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91 GMD DOM
5-05 2x 365d 38940 3.9 1508 3.1 1222
Life: 1845d 131861 4.1 5471 3.2 4231
Buena-Vista Tony Sandy EX-91 2E
Life: 2187d 125290 3.7 5681
Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90 EX-MS
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Mixer Renae NC
3-09 2x 305d 37830 3.3 1255 3.0 1124
2-09 2x 278d 30390 3.3 1005 2.9 884
Palmcrest Apollo Reba NC
4-02 2x 305d 38660 2.5 953 2.7 1031
Life: 1216d 140010 2.8 3860 2.8 3876
Extended pedigree listed above...
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Rush-PP Rocky 840003208368253 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-03
1-09 2x 305d 19980 3.9 775 3.2 649
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Kingboy Raisin NC
2-00 2x 270d 23510 3.9 918 3.1 727
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003130784642 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80
Born: April 12, 2016 • Herd No. 1159
2-11 2x 305d 28470 3.2 920 3.0 840
3-11 2x 275d 28390 3.8 1083 2.9 819
4-10 2x 278d 28390 3.5 1001 3.0 849
1-10 2x 305d 23870 3.3 797 3.0 706
4-11 2x 211d 21992 3.3 736 3.1 671 RIP
Life: 1179d 110330 3.5 3848 2.9 3252
Fresh: February 7, 2022
Bred: May 10, 2022 to Angus
840003218865900 99%RHA-I
Born: February 23, 2021 • Herd No. 1674
Bred: March 29, 2022 to Mr OCD Epic Dragonheart-ET 7HO12111
Regancrest Mascal 10773-ET
72090756 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1031M +20F +19P 99R 8/22
PTA -.8PL 2.72SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.45T +1.86UDC +.84FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2342G
Palmcrest Davis Dinah
72474205 99%RHA-I
2-09 2x 299d 38190 3.0 1147 2.7 1027
1-10 2x 281d 25300 3.5 877 2.9 722
3-09 2x 278d 34860 3.0 1041 2.7 950
T-Spruce Frazzled Huey-ET
840003142490264 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +224M +70F +24P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.6PL 2.64SCS +.00DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.47T +1.00UDC -.05FLC 2.0%DCE GTPI +2633G
Palmcrest Mascal Denise
840003130784642 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80
2-11 2x 305d 28470 3.2 920 3.0 840
3-11 2x 275d 28390 3.8 1083 2.9 819
4-10 2x 278d 28390 3.5 1001 3.0 849
1-10 2x 305d 23870 3.3 797 3.0 706
4-11 2x 211d 21992 3.3 736 3.1 671 RIP
Life: 1179d 110330 3.5 3848 2.9 3252
840003145780765 99%RHA-I Good-79
Born: March 21, 2018 • Herd No. 1370
3-01 2x 305d 31490 3.6 1133 2.7 852
1-11 2x 305d 25280 3.6 899 2.8 704
4-02 2x 91d 11257 3.3 368 2.6 293 RIP
Fresh: June 7, 2011
Bred: October 3, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
De-Su Kenyon 12726-ET
840003127334880 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +788M +16F +6P 98R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 2.60SCS +1.2DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +1.93T +2.29UDC .90FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2418G
Palmcrest Davis Dinah
2-09 2x 299d 38190 3.0 1147 2.7 1027
1-10 2x 281d 25300 3.5 877 2.9 722
3-09 2x 278d 34860 3.0 1041 2.7 950
2nd Dam Palmcrest Maxum Diane NC
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Davis Dinah
2-09 2x 299d 38190 3.0 1147 2.7 1027
1-10 2x 281d 25300 3.5 877 2.9 722 Palmcrest Maxum Diane NC
2nd Dam Palmcrest Maxum Diane NC
840003125575899 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
Born: October 27, 2014 • Herd No. 1021
4-10 2x 305d 32500 3.7 1203 2.9 955
5-10 2x 305d 32320 3.6 1164 2.9 933
3-10 2x 284d 30640 3.5 1065 2.9 887
2-11 2x 291d 30500 3.6 1099 2.9 881
1-11 2x 305d 26360 3.5 920 2.8 762
Life: 1515d 154230 3.6 5527 2.9 4479
Fresh: September 13, 2022
840003139190482 99%RHA-I Good-78
Born: October 3, 2016 • Herd No. 1224
4-02 2x 305d 26980 3.8 1019 3.0 819
2-11 2x 305d 23920 3.8 987 3.0 712
2-00 2x 296d 19210 3.7 710 3.1 603
5-04 2x 202d 17671 3.6 635 3.0 535 RIP
Fresh: February 16, 2022
Bred: June 9, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
840003208368250 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 2-04
Born: September 22, 2019 • Herd No. 1540
Fresh: September 5, 2022
840003218865866 99%RHA-I
Born: September 10, 2020 • Herd. No. 1640
Bred: January 21, 2022 to Angus
Luck-E Goldwyn Autopilot-ET
Very Good-86 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +121M -24F -21F 99R 8/22
PTA +.38T +.51UDC -.44FLC GTPI +1715G
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
4-10 2x 257d 24300 4.2 1010 2.9 716
3-10 2x 255d 23990 4.2 1008 3.1 735
2-00 2x 258d 23320 4.0 943 3.0 708
6-08 2x 229d 22000 4.4 973 3.0 664
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
Regancrest Mascal 10773-ET
72090756 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1031M +20F +19P 99R 8/22
PTA -.8PL 2.72SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.45T +1.86UDC +.84FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2342G
Palmcrest Autopilot Citrus
840003125575899 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83
4-10 2x 305d 32500 3.7 1203 2.9 955
5-10 2x 305d 32320 3.6 1164 2.9 933
3-10 2x 284d 30640 3.5 1065 2.9 887
2-11 2x 291d 30500 3.6 1099 2.9 881
1-11 2x 305d 26360 3.5 920 2.8 762
Life: 1515d 154230 3.6 5527 2.9 4479
Born: September 13, 2022 •Herd No. 1822
Sire: Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET
Dam: Palmcrest Autopilot Citrus
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
Woodcrest King Doc
3132417775 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TR *TP *TC *TY
PTA +1609M +69F +55P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.31T +2.21UDC +2.03FLC GTPI +2814G
Palmcrest Mascal Carla
840003139190482 99%RHA-I Good-78
4-02 2x 305d 26980 3.8 1019 3.0 819
2-11 2x 305d 23920 3.8 987 3.0 712
2-00 2x 296d 19210 3.7 710 3.1 603 5-04 2x 202d 17671 3.6 635 3.0 535 RIP
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
Born: September 5, 2022 •Herd No. 1820
Sire: Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET Dam: Palmcrest Doc Callisa
3rd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Autopilot Citrus GP-83
4-10 2x 305d 32500 3.7 1203 2.9 955
Life: 1515d 154230 3.6 5527 2.9 4479
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Autopilot Citrus
284d 30640
305d 26360
Life: 1515d 154230
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
3rd Dam
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
840003218865877 99%RHA-I
Born: November 3, 2020 • Herd No.1651
1-09 2x 17d 791 4.6 36 3.7 29 RIP
Fresh: August 20, 2022
840003218865916 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: April 27, 2021 • Herd No. 1690
Bred: May 7, 2022 to Aot Webster Handy-Red-ET 7HO15440
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Malone Cheetos
840003139190495 99%RHA-I GP-81 *RC
4-00 2x 305d 31990 3.8 1213 3.1 1006
3-00 2x 302d 25630 3.7 945 3.1 799
1-11 2x 305d 22100 3.3 727 3.1 686
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Distiller Cocoa
840003130784612 99%RHA-I Good-78
4-02 2x 305d 30970 4.7 1465 3.1 969
5-04 2x 305d 29650 4.2 1244 3.1 931
2-11 2x 305d 28100 3.9 1106 3.3 931 2-00 2x 302d 24440 4.0 966 3.2 791
Life: 1391d 123390 4.3 5262 3.2 3995
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Cherrie NC
2-11 2x 305d 33320 3.7 1217 3.0 997
1-11 2x 295d 28080 3.5 985 3.1 862
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Cheryl NC
2-11 2x 305d 30980 3.5 1090 2.9 896
Life: 1242d 117730 3.6 4236 2.9 3454
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
Palmcrest Heisenburg Cori
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Distiller Cocoa G-78
4-02 2x 305d 30970 4.7 1465 3.1 969
Life: 1391d 123390 4.3 5262 3.2 3995
Palmcrest Gabor Cheryl NC
2-11 2x 305d 30980 3.5 1090 2.9 896
Life: 1242d 117730 3.6 4236 2.9 3454
Palmcrest Morphu Cherise-TW NC
2-10 2x 280d 26160 4.2 1110 3.1 806
Life: 1520d 1520d 4.2 5965 3.0 4253
Palmcrest Suede Cora G-77
3-01 2x 305d 31370 3.5 1099 3.2 1006
Life: 1276d 112000 3.7 4171 3.2 3622
72474174 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-80
Born: December 1, 2013 • Herd No. 952
3-02 2x 305d 34540 3.8 1316 2.9 1018
6-09 2x 305d 35430 4.2 1477 3.1 1100
4-05 2x 305d 35740 4.4 1568 3.0 1074
7-11 2x 306d 33508 4.4 1472 3.2 1066
5-08 2x 305d 32180 3.9 1253 3.1 989
2-01 2x 305d 25820 3.8 992 3.0 767
Life: 1837d 189960 4.1 7807 3.0 5778
Fresh: November 11, 2021
Bred: February 10, 2022 to Angus
840003145780773 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80 @ 3-08
Born: May 5, 2018 • Herd No. 1378
3-00 2x 305d 30130 3.7 1128 3.2 957
2-01 2x 279d 20680 4.0 836 3.3 679
4-01 2x 76d 8549 4.0 342 3.0 253 RIP
Fresh: June 22, 2022
Bred: October 3, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
Bremer Allegro Maxum-ET
137375664 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +760M +25F +19P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.93SCS +.8DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA -.26T -.25UDC -.66FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2260G
Palmcrest Clear Pepper
65259904 99%RHA-NA
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
4-00 2x 305d 31390 4.1 1289 3.0 943
6-08 2x 278d 28220 3.5 975 2.9 805
2-05 2x 305d 25390 3.7 944 3.1 784
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
2nd Dam Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
840003218865838 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-02
Ri-Val-Re PB Nitrous-P-ET
72353673 99%RHA-NA *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +464M +19F +28P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.90SCS +.1DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.87T +.14UDC +.14FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2217G
Palmcrest Maxum Pickle-TW
72474174 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-80
3-02 2x 305d 34540 3.8 1316 2.9 1018
6-09 2x 305d 35430 4.2 1477 3.1 1100 4-05 2x 305d 35740 4.4 1568 3.0 1074
7-11 2x 306d 33508 4.4 1472 3.2 1066 5-08 2x 305d 32180 3.9 1253 3.1 989
2-01 2x 305d 25820 3.8 992 3.0 767
Life: 1837d 189960 4.1 7807 3.0 5778
2nd & 3rd Dams Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Piper
Palmcrest Maxum Pickle-TW
3-02 2x 305d 34540 3.8 1316 2.9 1018
Life: 1837d 189960 4.1 7807 3.0 5778
Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
840003218865868 99%RHA-I
Born: September 12, 2020 • Herd No. 1642
1-10 2x 47d 3502 3.5 124 3.0 106 RIP
Fresh: July 21, 2022
Bred: September 19, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
840003208368238 99%RHA-NA GP-82 @ 2-05
Born: August 4, 2019 • Herd No. 1528
2-01 2x 359d 29374 4.5 1320 3.5 1015
Fresh: September 12, 2021
Bred: February 8, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
840003208368227 99%RHA-I GP-80 @ 3-01
Born: July 18, 2019 • Herd No. 1517
1-09 2x 305d 22930 3.5 803 3.1 717
2-10 2x 104d 10473 3.1 329 2.9 303 RIP
Fresh: May 25, 2022
Bred: August 26, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865871 99%RHA-I
Born: September 23, 2020 • Herd No. 1645
Bred: January 14, 2022 to Angus
OCD Josuper Zamboni-ET
99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1637M +59F +53P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.61T +1.80UDC +.71FLC GTPI +2645G
Palmcrest Maxum Pickle-TW
99%RHA-NA Good Plus-80
3-02 2x 305d 34540 3.8 1316 2.9 1018
6-09 2x 305d 35430 4.2 1477 3.1 1100
4-05 2x 305d 35740 4.4 1568 3.0 1074
5-08 2x 305d 32180 3.9 1253 3.1 989
2-01 2x 305d 25820 3.8 992 3.0 767
Life: 1837d 189960 4.1 7807 3.0 5778
Oakfield Rubicon Lopez-ET
840003127601762 Very Good-87 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +117M +79F +27P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.3PL 3.08SCS -1.0DPR 1.4%DCE
PTA -.18T -.33UDC +.58FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2480G
Palmcrest Maxum Pickle-TW
72474174 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-80
3-02 2x 305d 34540 3.8 1316 2.9 1018
6-09 2x 305d 35430 4.2 1477 3.1 1100
4-05 2x 305d 35740 4.4 1568 3.0 1074
5-08 2x 305d 32180 3.9 1253 3.1 989
2-01 2x 305d 25820 3.8 992 3.0 767
Life: 1837d 189960 4.1 7807 3.0 5778
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003136887521 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1838M +58F +49P 93R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 2.77SCS -2.3DPR 3.8%DCE
PTA +.81T +1.41UDC -.53FLC 88R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Seize Pixie
70914346 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-81
3-01 2x 302d 34660 3.3 1140 2.9 1022
5-04 2x 305d 33600 3.6 1215 3.0 998
4-00 2x 305d 33340 3.3 1116 3.1 1041
6-05 2x 305d 33290 3.7 1229 3.0 984
7-06 2x 295d 32960 3.7 1221 3.1 1024
8-05 2x 305d 32960 3.5 1138 3.1 1010
2-00 2x 305d 25450 3.6 924 3.1 801
Life: 2497d 261500 3.6 9366 3.1 8043
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 3.03SCS -1.3DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.94T +1.64UDC +.04FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Kenyon Peanut
840003145780729 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 VG-MS
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
356d 31600 3.9 1221
285d 18690
Sold for Dairy
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Montney Pumpkin NC
4-00 3x 260d 24910 4.5 1127 3.2 785
3-00 3x 305d 23500 4.3 1012 3.3 782
Sold for Dairy
Palmcrest Maxum Popper-TW G-77
Palmcrest Clear Pepper NC
5-03 2x 305d 36300 3.5 1280 3.0 1074
Life: 1655d 159120 3.7 5902 3.1 4870
Palmcrest Brkout Sonntag-TW G-77
5-06 2x 305d 31020 2.7 843 2.9 912
4-02 2x 305d 26320 3.7 964 3.1 822
840003145780859 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 3-00
Born: January 6, 2019 • Herd No. 1464
2-09 2x 318d 28919 3.8 1086 3.3 946
1-10 2x 283d 24840 4.0 986 3.1 776
Fresh: October 16, 2021
Bred: Janaury 19, 2022 to Progenesis Modest Rolan512-ET 7HO13740
S-S-I Tetris Vertex-ET
3123885981 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1935M +63F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.88SCS -1.3DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.72T +1.22UDC +.93FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2593G
Palmcrest Palermo Pamela
70194372 99%RHA-NA
6-04 2x 305d 37730 4.2 1584 3.1 1171
4-02 2x 305d 32910 3.8 1257 3.0 995
5-02 2x 305d 32840 4.0 1326 3.1 1016
3-01 2x 302d 32610 3.7 1201 3.1 1010
2-00 2x 305d 22610 4.1 922 3.3 749
Life: 1727d 181140 4.0 7195 3.1 5614
840003218865882 99%RHA-I
Born: November 13, 2020 •Herd No. 1656
Fresh: September 19, 2022
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest 4 Aces Chinok GP-80
5-00 2x 305d 31830 3.4 1071 2.7 868
Life: 1299d 123890 3.4 4184 2.7 3403
Palmcrest Mac Casey GP-83
3-00 2x 305d 27450 3.8 1054 3.0 825
4-07 2x 305d 26660 4.2 1127 3.1 817
Palmcrest Nautica Cassie MC
3-04 2x 305d 32280 2.7 877 2.8 902
Life: 1071d 100720 3.0 2997 2.8 2844
Palmcrest Don Cherry VG-87 VG-MS
7-00 2x 305d 29340 3.3 963 2.8 836
5-10 2x 305d 27580 3.2 887 2.9 807
Born: September 19, 2022 • Herd No. 1824
Sire: Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
Dam: Arbor-Haven Millngtn Poncho
De-Su Millington 12074-ET
72851617 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1079M +94F +43P 99R 8/22 PTA +2.6PL 2.71SCS -.6DPR 2.2%DCE PTA +1.06T +1.11UDC +.34FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2763G
Palmcrest Vertex Pepper
840003145780859 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 3-00
2-09 2x 318d 28919 3.8 1086 3.3 946 1-10 2x 283d 24840 4.0 986 3.1 776
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Palermo Pamela NC
6-04 2x 305d 37730 4.2 1584 3.1 1171
Life: 1727d 181140 4.0 7195 3.1 5614
Palmcrest 4 Aces Chinok GP-80
5-00 2x 305d 31830 3.4 1071 2.7 868
Life: 1299d 123890 3.4 4184 2.7 3403
Palmcrest Mac Casey GP-83
3-00 2x 305d 27450 3.8 1054 3.0 825
4-07 2x 305d 26660 4.2 1127 3.1 817
Palmcrest Nautica Cassie MC
3-04 2x 305d 32280 2.7 877 2.8 902
Life: 1071d 100720 3.0 2997 2.8 2844
Palmcrest Don Cherry VG-87 VG-MS
7-00 2x 305d 29340 3.3 963 2.8 836
5-10 2x 305d 27580 3.2 887 2.9 807
Palmcrest Vertex Pepper
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Palermo Pamela NC
6-04 2x 305d 37730 4.2 1584 3.1 1171
Life: 1727d 181140 4.0 7195 3.1 5614
Palmcrest 4 Aces Chinok GP-80
5-00 2x 305d 31830 3.4 1071 2.7 868
Life: 1299d 123890 3.4 4184 2.7 3403
Palmcrest Mac Casey GP-83
3-00 2x 305d 27450 3.8 1054 3.0 825
4-07 2x 305d 26660 4.2 1127 3.1 817
Palmcrest Nautica Cassie MC
3-04 2x 305d 32280 2.7 877 2.8 902
Life: 1071d 100720 3.0 2997 2.8 2844
Palmcrest Don Cherry VG-87 VG-MS
7-00 2x 305d 29340 3.3 963 2.8 836
5-10 2x 305d 27580 3.2 887 2.9 807
840003208368269 99%RHA-I Good-77 @ 2-09
Born: November 26, 2019 • Herd No. 1559
1-10 2x 315d 22352 4.2 947 3.4 770
Fresh: October 19, 2021
Bred: January 15, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
840003208368265 99%RHA-NA G-78 @ 2-09 *RC
Born: November 5, 2019 • Herd No. 1555
1-10 2x 339d 30327 3.8 1159 3.3 994
Fresh: September 25, 2021
Bred: January 17, 2022 to Angus
840003218865969 99%RHA-NA
Born: September 25, 2021 • Herd No. 1743
840003218865892 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: January 5, 2021 • Herd No. 1666
Bred: March 29, 2022 to Aot Webster Handy-Red-ET 7HO15440
Clear-Echo Frazz Newstar-ET
840003127565786 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1671M +60F +39P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.8PL 2.66SCS -2.1DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA -.26T +.04UDC -.87FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2521G
Palmcrest Rambo Phoebe
840003145780734 99%RHA-I
Bacon-Hill Dubday 2929-Red
840003129340665 *TP TY *TV *TL
PTA +528M +29F +10P 96R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.86SCS -.1DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +1.15T +.84UDC +1.13FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2279G
Palmcrest Kickball Pilar
840003139190485 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
3-00 2x 305d 33410 4.0 1352 3.1 1048
1-11 2x 305d 25180 3.8 967 3.2 812
4-02 2x 164d 18900 4.3 812 3.2 611
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22 GTPI +2613G
Palmcrest Dubday Piza
840003208368265 99%RHA-NA G-78 @ 2-09 *RC
1-10 2x 339d 30327 3.8 1159 3.3 994
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Palermo Pamela NC
6-04 2x 305d 37730 4.2 1584 3.1 1171
Life: 1727d 181140 4.0 7195 3.1 5614
Palmcrest 4 Aces Chinok GP-80
5-00 2x 305d 31830 3.4 1071 2.7 868
Life: 1299d 123890 3.4 4184 2.7 3403
Palmcrest Mac Casey GP-83
3-00 2x 305d 27450 3.8 1054 3.0 825
4-07 2x 305d 26660 4.2 1127 3.1 817
Palmcrest Nautica Cassie MC
3-04 2x 305d 32280 2.7 877 2.8 902
Life: 1071d 100720 3.0 2997 2.8 2844
Palmcrest Don Cherry VG-87 VG-MS
7-00 2x 305d 29340 3.3 963 2.8 836
5-10 2x 305d 27580 3.2 887 2.9 807
2nd Dam Palmcrest Kickball Pilar GP-82
3-00 2x 305d 33410 4.0 1352 3.1 1048
1-11 2x 305d 25180 3.8 967 3.2 812
Extended pedigree listed above...
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Kickball Pilar
840003139190485 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
3-00 2x 305d 33410 4.0 1352 3.1 1048
1-11 2x 305d 25180 3.8 967 3.2 812
4-02 2x 164d 18900 4.3 812 3.2 611
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003208368259 Good Plus-81 @ 2-03
Born: October 17, 2019 • Herd No. 1549
1-11 2x 307d 23040 3.6 821 3.3 761
Fresh: September 6, 2022
840003218865983 99%RHA-I
Born: October 12, 2021 • Herd No. 1757
840003145780829 Very Good-85 VG-MS @ 3-03
Born: October 28, 2018 • Herd No. 1434
2-09 2x 305d 25760 3.8 974 3.4 875
1-10 2x 283d 17690 4.0 706 3.5 625
Fresh: August 12, 2021
Bred: January 6, 2022 to Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET 7HO12344
DG Boris-Red-ET
840003124837586 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +355M -5F +19P 98R 8/22
PTA +4.9PL 2.64SCS -.4DPR 4.1%DCE
PTA +1.16T +1.62UDC -.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2265G
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red 72474152
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
4-00 2x 305d 30790 3.2 976 3.0 934
2-00 2x 305d 28120 3.1 868 2.9 824
3-01 2x 268d 26190 3.5 914 3.1 823
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Rusty Henley-Red 840003145780824 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
1-09 2x 305d 23570 4.6 1083 3.6 846
2-11 2x 220d 19210 4.0 771 3.5 664
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
74228150 *PP *TY 8TV *TL
PTA -1295M -31F -16P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.61SCS +1.1DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA -.58T +.86UDC +.35FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2014G
Palmcrest Rory Hayden-Red
840003139190493 Good Plus-83
4-00 2x 305d 33190 4.0 1342 3.4 1114
3-01 2x 305d 28220 3.9 1107 3.3 936
2-00 2x 305d 25240 3.7 932 3.3 834
Life: 1114d 104040 4.0 4122 3.3 3459
Morningview Rusty-Red
Palmcrest Lucky Heaven-Red
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Rory Hayden-Red GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 33190 4.0 1342 3.4 1114
Life: 1114d 104040 4.0 4122 3.3 3459
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
840003218865948 99%RHA-I
Born: August 12, 2021 • Herd No. 1722
Bred: September 13, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Lucky Heaven-Red
840003145780829 Very Good-85 VG-MS @ 3-03
2-09 2x 305d 25760 3.8 974 3.4 875
1-10 2x 283d 17690 4.0 706 3.5 625
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Rory Hayden-Red GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 33190 4.0 1342 3.4 1114
Life: 1114d 104040 4.0 4122 3.3 3459
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
840003208368270 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-01
Born: December 1, 2019 • Herd No. 1560
1-11 2x 302d 22459 4.0 906 3.4 770 RIP
Fresh: November 8, 2021
Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET
72353457 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +868M +48F +34P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.86SCS -.4DPR 3.5%DCE
PTA +1.60T +.78UDC +1.26FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2573G
Palmcrest Rory Hayden-Red
840003139190493 Good Plus-83
4-00 2x 305d 33190 4.0 1342 3.4 1114
3-01 2x 305d 28220 3.9 1107 3.3 936
2-00 2x 305d 25240 3.7 932 3.3 834
Life: 1114d 104040 4.0 4122 3.3 3459
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
Arbor-Haven Rager Hana-Red
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Rory Hayden-Red GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 33190 4.0 1342 3.4 1114
Life: 1114d 104040 4.0 4122 3.3 3459
Palmcrest Colt P Heidi-Red NC
5-01 2x 305d 34910 2.9 995 3.1 1075
Life: 1233d 123590 3.1 3883 3.1 3774
Palmcrest Samar Harmony-Red NC
2-10 2x 272d 25400 3.8 959 3.1 784
1-11 2x 282d 23990 3.5 833 3.0 722
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
840003139190535 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
Born: May 2, 2017 • Herd No. 1277
3-10 2x 305d 33730 3.9 1325 3.1 1034
2-10 2x 299d 29690 4.0 1177 3.0 902
1-10 2x 305d 24030 3.8 924 3.1 752
4-11 2x 150d 19266 3.2 623 2.7 525 RIP
Fresh: April 9, 2022
Bred: September 14, 2022 to Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET 7HO15023
K-Manor Epic Save-ET
70957183 Very Good-88 *RC *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +494M +33F +12P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.7PL 2.95SCS +1.5DCR 2.8%DCE
PTA +.30T +.06UDC +.35FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2325G
Palmcrest Diesel Hazel
72474132 99%RHA-I
3-10 2x 305d 29210 3.8 1097 3.0 880
6-11 2x 305d 28320 3.9 1115 3.2 893
2-10 2x 305d 28180 3.9 1113 3.1 868
4-11 2x 305d 26690 4.1 1099 3.1 833
6-00 2x 281d 25350 4.0 1020 3.3 832
1-11 2x 272d 23100 4.0 928 3.0 700
Life: 1902d 168870 4.0 6714 3.1 5293
840003218865906 99%RHA-I
Born: March 17, 2021 • Herd No. 1680
Bred: June 29, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Peak Altacephus-ET
840003138499038 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1028M +44F +52P 97R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.01SCS +.3DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.20T +1.14UDC -.86FLC 89R 8/22 GTPI +2563G
Palmcrest Save Harley
840003139190535 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
3-10 2x 305d 33730 3.9 1325 3.1 1034
2-10 2x 299d 29690 4.0 1177 3.0 902
1-10 2x 305d 24030 3.8 924 3.1 752
4-11 2x 150d 19266 3.2 623 2.7 525 RIP
840003130784532 Good Plus-83
Born: February 1, 2015 • Herd No. 1049
6-07 2x 342d 42817 4.6 1978 3.2 1349 RIP
4-00 2x 305d 37540 4.3 1625 3.1 1152
5-05 2x 305d 35560 5.0 1776 3.2 1121
3-01 2x 288d 31310 4.4 1381 3.1 962
Life: 1117d 121260 4.7 5651 3.2 3873
Fresh: September 29, 2021
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Ragae Havana NC *RC
3-09 2x 305d 29750 3.5 1056 2.9 855
2-04 2x 305d 24990 3.7 918 3.1 778
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Diesel Hazel NC
3-10 2x 305d 29210 3.8 1097 3.0 880
Life: 1902d 168870 4.0 6714 3.1 5293
Palmcrest Ragae Havana NC *RC
3-09 2x 305d 29750 3.5 1056 2.9 855
2-04 2x 305d 24990 3.7 918 3.1 778
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
Mission-Bell Gold Diener-ET
138737742 Excellent-90 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +245M +13F +9P 99R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 2.79SCS -.2DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.24T -.39UDC -.36FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2062G
Palmcrest Gabor Heather 71946690 *RC
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Smurf Harriet-Red G-76
3-07 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1120 2.9 922
2-02 2x 305d 27800 3.7 1025 3.0 843
Palmcrest Samar Harvest G-79 *RC
6-01 2x 269d 26210 3.3 866 2.7 715
Life: 1620d 133580 3.5 4649 2.8 3754
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
840003218865854 99%RHA-I
Born: July 15, 2020 • Herd No. 1628
1-11 2x 63d 4661 3.7 172 3.3 139 RIP
Fresh: July 5, 2022
Bred: September 20, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
840003145780858 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 3-07
Born: January 6, 2019 • Herd No. 1463
2-10 2x 282d 28500 4.4 1033 3.5 828
2-00 2x 282d 21000 4.3 894 3.5 733
Fresh: November 28, 2021
Bred: April 13, 2022 to Angus
840003218865893 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: January 7, 2021 • Herd No. 1667
Bred: March 29, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Diener Hadley
840003130784532 Good Plus-83
4-00 2x 305d 37540 4.3 1625 3.1 1152
5-05 2x 305d 35560 5.0 1776 3.2 1121
3-01 2x 288d 31310 4.4 1381 3.1 962
Life: 1117d 121260 4.7 5651 3.2 3873
Stantons Adagio-P-ET
840003129016082 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +876M +40F +33P 95R 8/22
PTA -.2PL 2.81SCS +.7DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.46T +1.25UdC +.51FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2470G
Palmcrest Captain Holly
840003139190523 Very Good-87 VG-MS
2-11 3x 305d 34770 3.7 1278 2.7 936
4-02 3x 295d 29240 4.2 1224 3.0 878
1-10 2x 305d 22710 3.7 849 3.1 708
Sold for Dairy
840003145780760 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS @ 3-11
Born: February 27, 2018 • Herd No. 1365
3-00 2x 305d 29930 4.2 1249 3.1 929
2-01 2x 305d 23320 3.8 884 3.1 729
Fresh: March 23, 2021
Bred: January 7, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Adagio Hanigan
840003145780858 99%RHA-I Good Plus-83 @ 3-07
2-10 2x 282d 28500 4.4 1033 3.5 828
2-00 2x 282d 21000 4.3 894 3.5 733
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Heather NC *RC
Palmcrest Smurf Harriet-Red G-76
3-07 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1120 2.9 922
2-02 2x 305d 27800 3.7 1025 3.0 843
Palmcrest Samar Harvest G-79 *RC
6-01 2x 269d 26210 3.3 866 2.7 715
Life: 1620d 133580 3.5 4649 2.8 3754
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Diener Hadley GP-83
4-00 2x 305d 37540 4.3 1625 3.1 1152
Life: 1117d 121260 4.7 5651 3.2 3873
Palmcrest Gabor Heather NC *RC
Palmcrest Smurf Harriet-Red G-76
3-07 2x 305d 31370 3.6 1120 2.9 922
2-02 2x 305d 27800 3.7 1025 3.0 843
Palmcrest Samar Harvest G-79 *RC
6-01 2x 269d 26210 3.3 866 2.7 715
Life: 1620d 133580 3.5 4649 2.8 3754
Palmcrest Bacculum Hope G-76 *RC
5-10 2x 305d 31420 3.4 1073 2.6 813
Life: 1556d 141300 3.3 4681 2.8 3937
Coonridge Outside Heidi GP-82
2-01 2x 305d 26470 4.2 1099 2.9 755
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Captain Holly VG-87 VG-MS
2-11 3x 305d 34770 3.7 1278 2.7 936
4-02 3x 295d 29240 4.2 1224 3.0 878
Sold for Dairy
Extended pedigree listed above...
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
PTA +.6PL 3.03SCS -1.3DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.94T +1.64UDC +.04FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Colby Topaz
72474125 Good Plus-80
3-11 2x 283d 33860 3.7 1268 2.8 934
2-11 2x 290d 28310 3.8 1089 2.8 794
1-11 2x 281d 22520 4.0 891 3.0 673
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Man Topper NC *RC
2-11 2x 305d 30420 3.6 1101 2.8 853
1-11 2x 287d 26670 3.5 938 2.7 711
840003218865845 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 2-02
Born: June 30, 2020 • Herd No. 1619
1-10 2x 114d 8278 4.1 351 3.1 262 RIP
Fresh: May 15, 2022
Bred: July 15, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
840003145780871 99%RHA-I VG-87 EX-MS @ 3-05
Born: March 9, 2019 • Herd No. 1476
1-10 2x 300d 23310 3.6 848 3.0 710
2-10 2x 219d 22874 3.4 777 2.9 661 RIP
Fresh: January 30, 2022
Bred: April 14, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
840003218865896 99%RHA-I
Born: February 1, 2021 • Herd No. 1670
Bred: May 29, 2022 to Berryridge Ssi Roadster-ET 250HO15026
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Mabon Joyce
840003145780778 99%RHA-I
2-01 3x 322d 30040 4.1 1227 2.9 877
3-01 3x 295d 26870 3.9 1046 3.0 808
Sold for Dairy
2nd Dam Palmcrest Bowler Joan GP-82
4-03 2x 305d 30060 4.3 1290 2.8 854
2-11 2x 305d 25650 4.2 1078 2.9 735
Kerndtway Kingpin-ET
69502423 99%RHA-I Excellent-92 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +190M +27F +11P 99R 8/22
PTA -.9PL 2.80SCS -.2DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +1.72T +.94UDC +.02FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2222G
Palmcrest Lylas Tipper
840003139190539 99%RHA-NA
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Mickey Thea NC
Palmcrest Jett Air Trisha NC
2-09 2x 297d 29020 3.1 900 2.7 784
3-09 2x 209d 25330 2.4 612 2.6 669
Palmcrest Ambar Trixie-TW NC
2-11 2x 291d 29140 3.0 876 2.9 846
2-00 2x 287d 25910 3.2 833 2.8 738
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
Penn-England Barclay-ET
840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Kingpin Tulip
840003145780871 99%RHA-I VG-87 EX-MS @ 3-05
1-10 2x 300d 23310 3.6 848 3.0 710
2-10 2x 219d 22874 3.4 777 2.9 661 RIP
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Lylas Tipper NC
Palmcrest Mickey Thea NC
Palmcrest Jett Air Trisha NC
2-09 2x 297d 29020 3.1 900 2.7 784
3-09 2x 209d 25330 2.4 612 2.6 669
Palmcrest Ambar Trixie-TW NC
2-11 2x 291d 29140 3.0 876 2.9 846
2-00 2x 287d 25910 3.2 833 2.8 738
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
Siemers Rolan Roskoz-ET
Palmcrest Kingpin Tulip
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Lylas Tipper NC
Palmcrest Mickey Thea NC
Palmcrest Jett Air Trisha NC
2-09 2x 297d 29020 3.1 900 2.7 784
3-09 2x 209d 25330 2.4 612 2.6 669
Palmcrest Ambar Trixie-TW NC
2-11 2x 291d 29140 3.0 876 2.9 846
2-00 2x 287d 25910 3.2 833 2.8 738
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
840003145780728 99%RHA-NA Good-79
Born: November 11, 2017 • Herd No. 1333
3-09 2x 361d 35904 3.3 1179 3.3 1168
2-10 2x 275d 25580 3.6 921 3.3 851
1-11 2x 295d 24230 3.7 892 3.3 796
Fresh: September 8, 2021
Bred: January 22, 2022 to OCD Freeman-ET 7HO15614
840003218865886 99%RHA-I
Born: December 12, 2020 • Herd No. 1660
Bred: January 9, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
Ri-Val-Re PB Nitrous-P-ET
72353673 99%RHA-NA *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +464M +19F +28P 95R 8/22
PTA +.87T +.14UDC +.14FLC GTPI +2217G
Palmcrest Ambar Trudy-TW
70194369 99%RHA-NA
6-03 2x 296d 33010 3.4 1117 2.9 969
3-02 2x 305d 32310 3.3 1081 3.0 972
5-03 2x 295d 31910 3.2 1033 2.9 941
4-03 2x 301d 30720 3.2 970 2.9 900
2-00 2x 305d 24690 3.5 871 3.1 768
Life: 1833d 188690 3.3 6202 3.0 5627
Melarry Frazzled Future-ET
840003138887595 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1398M +81F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.4PL 2.91SCS -1.7DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA -.13T +.23UDC -.30FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2636G
Palmcrest Montreal Tonka
840003139190499 Good Plus-80
3-01 2x 298d 27440 3.0 832 2.6 727
1-11 2x 305d 25370 3.0 754 2.7 684
840003208368260 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 2-03
Born: October 17, 2019 • Herd No. 1550
1-09 2x 305d 21830 4.1 896 3.5 764
2-09 2x 31d 2692 4.3 116 3.5 93 RIP
Fresh: August 6, 2022
2nd Dam
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
840003218865963 99%RHA-I
Born: September 8, 2021 • Herd No. 1737
Solum Chicago Rollag
70776783 Excellent-91 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +240M -4F +1P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 3.09SCS -.3DPR 2.5%DCE PTA +.75T +.74UDC +.64FLC 89R 8/22 GTPI +2048G
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Trinket
840003145780728 99%RHA-NA Good-79
2-10 2x 275d 25580 3.6 921 3.3 851
1-11 2x 295d 24230 3.7 892 3.3 796
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Ambar Trudy-TW NC
6-03 2x 296d 33010 3.4 1117 2.9 969
Life: 1833d 188690 3.3 6202 3.0 5627
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Ambar Trudy-TW NC
6-03 2x 296d 33010 3.4 1117 2.9 969
Life: 1833d 188690 3.3 6202 3.0 5627
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
Melarry Ssi Ren Filmore-ET
Palmcrest Nitrous-P Trinket
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Ambar Trudy-TW NC
6-03 2x 296d 33010 3.4 1117 2.9 969
Life: 1833d 188690 3.3 6202 3.0 5627
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
840003218865836 99%RHA-I Good-77 @ 2-02
Born: June 7, 2020 • Herd No. 1610
1-10 2x 147d 10457 4.0 421 3.3 349 RIP
Fresh: April 12, 2022
Bred: June 21, 2022 to Siemers Twn Parsly 32480-ET 7HO15523
Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET
3014562176 99%RHA-I VG-88 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1020M +29F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.7PL 2.58SCS -1.2DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +2.35T +2.21UDC +.14FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Impression Twilite
840003130784576 Good Plus-81
5-08 2x 305d 32780 4.0 1314 3.0 992
3-08 2x 305d 32090 3.7 1190 3.0 961
4-09 2x 294d 30290 3.9 1182 3.2 957
2-09 2x 294d 29150 4.0 1170 3.1 907
1-10 2x 284d 23030 4.2 956 3.1 714
Life: 1497d 148430 3.9 5858 3.1 4596
840003218865923 99%RHA-I
Born: May 17, 2021 • Herd No. 1697
Bred: June 22, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Impression Twilite
840003130784576 Good Plus-81
5-08 2x 305d 32780 4.0 1314 3.0 992
3-08 2x 305d 32090 3.7 1190 3.0 961
4-09 2x 294d 30290 3.9 1182 3.2 957
2-09 2x 294d 29150 4.0 1170 3.1 907
1-10 2x 284d 23030 4.2 956 3.1 714
Life: 1497d 148430 3.9 5858 3.1 4596
840003208368222 99%RHA-I G-77 @ 2-07
Born: June 24, 2019 • Herd No. 1512 3-00 2x 70d 9182 3.6 333 2.9 268 RIP
Fresh: June 28, 2022
2nd Dam
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
2nd Dam
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET
3014562176 99%RHA-I VG-88 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1020M +29F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.7PL 2.58SCS -1.2DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +2.35T +2.21UDC +.14FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Slade Taco
840003145780698 99%RHA-NA
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Impression Twilite GP-81
5-08 2x 305d 32780 4.0 1314 3.0 992
Life: 1497d 148430 3.9 5858 3.1 4596
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
840003218865914 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: April 24, 2021 • Herd No. 1688
Bred: June 29, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Society Twila
2-10 2x 305d 29180 3.8 1115 3.0 879
1-10 2x 290d 20800 4.2 880 3.2 676
840003208368283 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 2-00
Born: January 8, 2020 • Herd No. 1573
1-09 2x 315d 26934 3.5 932 3.4 906
Fresh: October 26, 2021
Bred: March 21, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
S-S-I PR Frazld Firebird-ET
840003218865989 99%RHA-I
Born: October 26, 2021 • Herd No. 1763
99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +691M +18F +36P 98R 8/22
PTA +5.8PL 2.49SCS +.3DPR 3.0%DCE
PTA +.87T +.43UDC -.56FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2478G
Palmcrest Maximilian Turtle
840003145780751 Good-78 @ 2-05
1-10 2x 269d 19900 3.5 687 3.0 602
Sold for Dairy
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22 PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2867G
Arbor-Haven Firebird Tudy
840003208368283 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 2-00
1-09 2x 315d 26934 3.5 932 3.4 906
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Impression Twilite GP-81
5-08 2x 305d 32780 4.0 1314 3.0 992
Life: 1497d 148430 3.9 5858 3.1 4596
Palmcrest 4 Aces Tucan G-78
5-01 2x 263d 29860 3.6 1067 3.0 881
Life: 1266d 130690 3.5 4634 2.9 3852
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Maximilian Turtle G-78 @ 2-05
1-10 2x 269d 19900 3.5 687 3.0 602
Sold for Dairy
840003208368219 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 2-07
Born: June 13, 2019 • Herd No. 1509
2-11 2x 109d 11578 3.4 388 3.1 354 RIP
Fresh: May 20, 2022
Bred: September 18, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003253809412 99%RHA-I
Born: May 20, 2022 • Herd No. 1802
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003136887521 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1838M +58F +49P 93R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 2.77SCS -2.3DPR 3.8%DCE
PTA +.81T +1.41UDC -.53FLC 88R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Mizzou Vanessa
840003130784537 99%RHA-NA VG-87 VG-MS
5-02 2x 305d 29770 4.0 1194 3.3 985
840003218865926 99%RHA-I
Born: May 22, 2021 • Herd No 1700
Bred: August 9, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Synergy Renegade ZZ Top-ET
840003209086217 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1818M +83F +70P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.6PL 2.87SCS +.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +1.36T +1.47UDC +.55FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2933G
Palmcrest Jargon Velvet
840003208368219 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 2-07
2-11 2x 109d 11578 3.4 388 3.1 354 RIP
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Planet Vixen NC
1-11 2x 298d 23560 4.1 957 3.4 808
Siemers Rolan Roskoz-ET
840003200124110 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1226M +63F +41P 83R 8/22
PTA +4.6PL 2.88SCS -1.0DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +1.67T +2.21UDC +.61FLC 82R 8/22 GTPI +2750G
Palmcrest Jargon Velvet
840003208368219 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 2-07
2-11 2x 109d 11578 3.4 388 3.1 354 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Mizzou Vanessa VG-87 VG-MS 5-02 2x 305d 29770 4.0 1194 3.3 985 Palmcrest Planet Vixen NC 1-11 2x 298d 23560 4.1 957 3.4 808
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Mizzou Vanessa VG-87 VG-MS 5-02 2x 305d 29770 4.0 1194 3.3 985
Palmcrest Planet Vixen NC
1-11 2x 298d 23560 4.1 957 3.4 808
840003139190525 99%RHA-NA Fair-73 @ 3-04
Born: March 1, 2017 • Herd No. 1267
3-00 2x 291d 24100 4.4 1070 3.1 738
4-00 2x 284d 23690 4.2 986 3.2 755
1-11 2x 305d 22980 4.1 931 3.1 715
5-00 2x 181d 18621 4.1 762 3.0 551 RIP
Fresh: March 9, 2022
Bred: July 17, 2022 to Vanden-Berge Nows Harper-ET 7HO15472
Ri-Val-Re Sty Gaylord-P-ET
72353554 *TR *PC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +700M -7F -1P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.4PL 2.79SCS -1.1DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +.23T +.33UDC +.24FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2101G
Palmcrest Bogart Vera
68702457 99%RHA-NA
7-01 2x 305d 32970 4.9 1632 3.4 1135
3-01 2x 305d 30240 4.7 1431 3.6 1101
5-02 2x 278d 27840 4.5 1242 3.5 981
6-01 2x 274d 26730 4.5 1197 3.4 919
4-02 2x 264d 25040 4.5 1120 3.5 886
2-01 2x 278d 23230 4.4 1029 3.7 860
Life: 1769d 169940 4.6 7874 3.6 6054
840003145780867 99%RHA-NA GP-82 @ 3-06
Born: February 18, 2019 • Herd No. 1472
2-09 2x 273d 24292 3.9 955 3.4 819 RIP
1-10 2x 281d 21270 4.0 843 3.2 685
Fresh: December 7, 2021
Bred: February 10, 2022 to Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET 250HO14465
Larcrest Ferris-PP-ET
78107972 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +734M +27F +27P 92R 8/22
PTA +1.0PL 2.89SCS +.0DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.54T +1.05UDC -.67FLC 80R 8/22 GTPI +2303G
Palmcrest Gaylord-P Vanna
840003139190525 99%RHA-NA Fair-73 @ 3-04
3-00 2x 291d 24100 4.4 1070 3.1 738 4-00 2x 284d 23690 4.2 986 3.2 755
1-11 2x 305d 22980 4.1 931 3.1 715 5-00 2x 181d 18621 4.1 762 3.0 551 RIP
Macomber O-Man Bogart
135257546 *TR *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Lheros Val
63660131 Poor-65
4-01 2x 305d 29810 3.9 1159 3.3 971
2-11 2x 305d 24330 3.6 897 3.2 790
5-05 2x 218d 22020 4.1 899 3.2 696
1-11 2x 293d 18290 4.1 754 3.5 634
Life: 1241d 101880 3.9 3952 3.3 3364
840003218866011 99%RHA-I
Born: March 9, 2022 •Herd No. 1785
Penn-England Barclay-ET
3132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Gaylord-P Vanna
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Bogart Vera NC
7-01 2x 305d 32970 4.9 1632 3.4 1135
Life: 1769d 169940 4.6 7874 3.6 6054
Palmcrest Lheros Val P-65
4-01 2x 305d 29810 3.9 1159 3.3 971
Life: 1241d 101880 3.9 3952 3.3 3364
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Bogart Vera NC
7-01 2x 305d 32970 4.9 1632 3.4 1135
Life: 1769d 169940 4.6 7874 3.6 6054
Palmcrest Lheros Val P-65
4-01 2x 305d 29810 3.9 1159 3.3 971
Life: 1241d 101880 3.9 3952 3.3 3364
840003145780780 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 3-08
Born: May 22, 2018 • Herd No. 1385
3-01 2x 305d 24660 3.4 829 3.1 776
2-01 2x 297d 19590 3.9 757 3.3 645
4-02 2x 36d 3361 3.1 113 3.1 113 RIP
Fresh: August 1, 2022
840003218865848 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 2-01
Born: July 8, 2020 • Herd No. 1622
1-11 2x 77d 5885 3.3 196 2.9 172 RIP
Fresh: June 21, 2022
Bred: August 23, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
All Nure Society
33990320474 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +177M +14F +2P 98R 8/22
PTA +3.4PL 2.58SCS +.3DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +.66T +.56UDC +.48FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2251G
Palmcrest Gambler Gnome
840003253809418 99%RHA-I
Born: June 21, 2022 • Herd No. 1808
840003218865935 99%RHA-I
Born: July 1, 2021 • Herd No. 1709
Bred: August 1, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
3-11 2x 305d 26360 3.8 995 3.2 836
3-00 2x 289d 23490 3.7 873 3.1 735
5-02 2x 214d 20350 4.1 834 3.1 636
2-01 2x 276d 17910 4.0 716 3.3 591
Melarry Frazzled Future-ET
3138887595 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1398M +81F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +4.4PL 2.91SCS -1.7DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA -.13T +.23UDC -.30FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2636G
Palmcrest Society Greta
840003145780780 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 3-08
3-01 2x 305d 24660 3.4 829 3.1 776
2-01 2x 297d 19590 3.9 757 3.3 645
All Nure Society
33990320474 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +177M +14F +2P 98R 8/22
PTA +.66T +.56UDC +.48FLC GTPI +2251G
Palmcrest Gambler Gnome
840003130784641 99%RHA-NA GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 26360 3.8 995 3.2 836
3-00 2x 289d 23490 3.7 873 3.1 735
5-02 2x 214d 20350 4.1 834 3.1 636
2-01 2x 276d 17910 4.0 716 3.3 591
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
3142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22 GTPI +2613G
Arbor-Haven Future Ghost
840003218865848 99%RHA-I GP-82 @ 2-01
1-11 2x 77d 5885 3.3 196 2.9 172 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Society Greta GP-81 @ 3-08
3-01 2x 305d 24660 3.4 829 3.1 776
2-01 2x 297d 19590 3.9 757 3.3 645
Palmcrest Gambler Gnome GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 26360 3.8 995 3.2 836
3-00 2x 289d 23490 3.7 873 3.1 735 5-02 2x 214d 20350 4.1 834 3.1 636
S-S-I Pr Renegade-ET
All Nure Society
33990320474 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +177M
Palmcrest Society Greta
840003145780780 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 3-08
305d 24660 3.4 829 3.1
2-01 2x 297d 19590 3.9 757
98R 8/22
PTA +.66T +.56UDC +.48FLC GTPI +2251G
Palmcrest Gambler Gnome
840003130784641 99%RHA-NA GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 26360 3.8 995 3.2 836
3-00 2x 289d 23490 3.7 873 3.1 735
5-02 2x 214d 20350 4.1 834 3.1 636
2-01 2x 276d 17910 4.0 716 3.3 591
840003253809428 99%RHA-I
Born: August 1, 2022 • Herd No. 1818
840003208368289 99%RHA-I GP-81 @ 2-06 *RC
Born: February 11, 2020 • Herd No. 1579
1-10 2x 241d 18199 3.8 700 3.5 633 RIP
Fresh: January 8, 2022
Bred: March 21, 2022 to Aot Webster Handy-Red-ET 7HO15440
Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper
3149934610 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +932M +104F +61P 82R 8/22
PTA +4.5PL 2.97SCS +.5DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.75T +1.54UDC +1.21FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +3033G
Palmcrest Society Greta
840003145780780 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 3-08
3-01 2x 305d 24660 3.4 829 3.1 776
2-01 2x 297d 19590 3.9 757 3.3 645
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Blunder Gi-Gi
840003145780756 99%RHA-NA GP-81 @ 2-05
2-10 2x 287d 28495 3.8 1087 3.2 914
1-11 2x 277d 21491 3.7 799 3.1 675
840003139190460 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VVVVV
Born: August 26, 2016 • Herd No. 1202
4-11 2x 339d 29992 3.8 1150 3.0 913
3-11 2x 305d 26350 4.0 1057 3.0 797
2-10 2x 305d 25110 4.0 1005 3.0 746
1-10 2x 298d 19990 3.8 767 3.1 618
Fresh: August 20, 2021
Bred: March 20, 2022 to Angus
840003218865837 99%RHA-I G-77 @ 2-02
Born: June 12, 2020 • Herd No. 1611
1-10 2x 121d 9294 3.2 301 3.0 276 RIP
All Nure Society
33990320474 *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +177M +14F +2P 98R 8/22
PTA +.66T +.56UDC +.48FLC GTPI +2251G
Palmcrest Gambler Gnome
840003130784641 99%RHA-NA GP-83 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 26360 3.8 995 3.2 836
3-00 2x 289d 23490 3.7 873 3.1 735
5-02 2x 214d 20350 4.1 834 3.1 636
2-01 2x 276d 17910 4.0 716 3.3 591
Sully Hart Meridian-ET
69951907 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1979M +14F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA -1.4PL 3.04SCS -2.2DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +2.09T +1.54UDC -.53FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2216G
Palmcrest Conner Serena
71111725 99%RHA-NA GP-82 VG-MS @ 2-05
2-10 2x 305d 30510 4.0 1221 3.0 909
2-00 2x 281d 23640 3.9 926 3.1 735
Stantons Blunder 3520-ET
840003129016370 *TC *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Kickball Grace
840003130784544 99%RHA-NA
2-10 2x 305d 33730 4.0 1347 3.2 1094
4-00 2x 278d 32300 3.8 1216 3.1 995
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Lawn Boy Sorrel NC *RC
2-11 2x 305d 27670 3.7 1027 3.2 887
2-00 2x 283d 19880 3.8 761 3.3 657
Palmcrest Rampage Sugar G-78
5-06 2x 261d 30020 3.9 1174 3.0 899
Life: 1300d 123660 4.0 4991 3.2 3901
Palmcrest Wade Shanda VG-86 VG-MS
5-07 2x 305d 33620 3.9 1302 3.1 1050
Life: 1699d 157070 4.0 6308 3.3 5172
2nd-5th Dams
De-Su Millington 12074-ET
Palmcrest Wiggins Silence
Palmcrest Markup Sigrid NC
3-00 2x 305d 29860 3.8 1135 3.2 964
2-00 2x 285d 24270 3.9 888 3.1 761
Palmcrest Samar Siren NC *RC
4-03 2x 305d 27180 3.6 992 3.0 811
Life: 1430d 110330 3.9 4347 3.0 3328
Palmcrest Rampage Sugar G-78
5-06 2x 261d 30020 3.9 1174 3.0 899
Life: 1300d 123660 4.0 4991 3.2 3901
Palmcrest Wade Shanda VG-86 VG-MS
5-07 2x 305d 33620 3.9 1302 3.1 1050
Life: 1699d 157070 4.0 6308 3.3 5172
840003145780783 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 3-07
Born: June 3, 2018 • Herd No. 1388
2-11 2x 295d 31470 3.5 1091 3.1 976
2-00 2x 305d 29980 3.0 909 3.0 903
3-11 2x 118d 14189 2.7 382 2.8 400 RIP
Fresh: May 11, 2022
Bred: August 19, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
840003218866026 99%RHA-I
Born: May 11, 2022 • Herd No. 1800
Dudoc Stetson P-ET
109148559C 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *BY *TV *TL
PTA +1155M +68F +44P 94R 8/22
PTA +1.8PL 3.00SCS -1.5DPR 1.7%DCE
PTA +.32T -.27UDC -1.04FLC 86R 8/22
GTPI +2447G
Palmcrest Euphoric Petal-TW
840003130784669 99%RHA-I
1-10 2x 305d 25490 3.0 752 3.1 870
840003145780796 99%RHA-I Good Plus-84 @ 3-06
Born: July 13, 2018 • Herd No. 1401
2-02 2x 286d 28080 3.4 941 3.1 876
Fresh: September 14, 2022
Wet Rodgers Myles
840003129436949 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1436M +38F +48P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL 2.75SCS -.5DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.35T +2.07UDC +.63FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +26616G
Palmcrest Stetson-P Presley
840003145780783 99%RHA-I VG-85 VG-MS @ 3-07
2-11 2x 295d 31470 3.5 1091 3.1 976 2-00 2x 305d 29980 3.0 909 3.0 903
Born: September 14, 2022 • Herd No. 1823
Aprilday McDonald-P-Red-ET
Dam: Palmcrest Meridian Precius
Sully Hart Meridian-ET
69951907 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1979M +14F +36P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.09T +1.54UDC -.53FLC GTPI +2216G
Palmcrest Euphoric Petra-TW
840003130784670 99%RHA-I
2-11 2x 305d 32690 3.9 1287 3.0 979
1-11 2x 291d 25590 3.7 942 3.2 820
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Euphoric Petal-TW
1-10 2x 305d 25490 3.0 752 3.1 870
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824 4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Euphoric Petra-TW NC
2-11 2x 305d 32690 3.9 1287 3.0 979
1-11 2x 291d 25590 3.7 942 3.2 820
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
840003218865855 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: July 18, 2020 • Herd No. 1629
Bred: February 10, 2022 to Angus
840003208368232 99%RHA-I Good-77 @ 2-06
Born: July 23, 2019 • Herd No. 1522
1-11 2x 305d 28350 3.3 925 3.1 867
Fresh: October 2, 2022
840003218865861 99%RHA-I
Born: August 20, 2020 • Herd No. 1635
Fresh: July 24, 2022
Bred: September 28, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
840003130784650 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81
Born: May 25, 2016 • Herd No. 1167
5-01 2x 305d 31790 3.6 1138 3.2 1025
4-02 2x 296d 29680 3.6 1081 3.3 970
2-09 2x 305d 29670 4.2 1253 3.3 967
1-10 2x 280d 20080 3.5 707 3.3 655
6-02 2x 28d 2829 4.6 131 3.3 93 RIP
Life: 1331d 119440 3.8 4568 3.3 3955
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Euphoric Petra-TW
840003130784670 99%RHA-I
2-11 2x 305d 32690 3.9 1287 3.0 979
1-11 2x 291d 25590 3.7 942 3.2 820
S-S-I Aicon Remington-ET
840003129016181 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +975M +16F +28P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.77SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.82T +.97UDC -.19FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2333G
Palmcrest Zipit-P Paddy
840003145780707 99%RHA-I G-76 @ 2-11
1-11 2x 305d 24850 3.6 893 2.9 710
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Passion NC
2-11 2x 305d 30230 2.8 845 2.9 882
Life: 1593d 146050 3.1 4537 2.8 4109
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
Peak Tropic-ET
840003145229820 VG-85 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +455M +59F +35P 97R 8/22
PTA +.8PL 2.87SCS -1.1DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +2.37T +1.81UDC +1.79FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2631G
Palmcrest Peoti Snowy-TW
840003125575905 99%RHA-I
4-08 2x 300d 32750 4.0 1315 3.1 1029
3-09 2x 276d 31690 3.8 1213 3.1 983
5-08 2x 299d 30770 4.1 1250 3.2 990
2-09 2x 305d 29620 3.9 1155 3.0 888
1-09 2x 282d 23550 3.9 921 3.0 715
Life: 1525d 154950 4.0 6145 3.1 4800
Regancrest Bustop-ET
72090859 *TR
PTA -549M
PTA +2.1PL 2.70SCS
PTA +.50T
GTPI +2331G
Palmcrest Diener Pancake
72474197 99%RHA-I
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Champ Souzane G-79
3-03 2x 305d 31740 3.7 1161 3.1 976
4-06 2x 251d 28160 3.7 1039 2.9 815
Palmcrest Atwood Pearl NC
5-11 2x 305d 32540 3.7 1215 2.9 934
Life: 1495d 129520 3.6 4702 3.1 4013
Palmcrest Special Sweet Pea G-78
5-10 2x 305d 27240 3.9 1065 3.2 865
Life: 2451d 198200 4.0 7982 3.2 6426
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Magic Pear G-77
2-11 2x 305d 34560 3.8 1304 2.8 982
4-00 2x 243d 29190 3.3 952 2.6 767
Palmcrest Casimer Pecan NC
4-00 2x 305d 30240 3.4 1035 2.8 843
3-00 2x 289d 29150 3.2 938 2.8 814
Palmcrest Td Peanut NC
1-11 2x 225d 10190 3.3 340 3.0 310
Palmcrest Kane Petunia G-77
3-00 2x 305d 31720 3.7 1175 3.2 1015
2-01 2x 276d 23270 4.0
2-10 2x 263d 22550 3.7 839 3.0 671
Palmcrest Fab Picante GP-81
3-00 2x 305d 24050 4.1 991 3.4 824
4-02 2x 305d 23510 4.4 1040 3.7 862
840003139190557 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-82
Born: July 9, 2017 • Herd No. 1299
4-01 2x 305d 30250 3.7 1114 3.1 931
2-11 2x 305d 27070 3.7 1007 2.9 796
1-11 2x 305d 24960 3.6 904 3.0 752
Fresh: September 8, 2022
840003218865956 99%RHA-I
Born: August 29, 2021 • Herd No. 1730
Ladys-Manor Olympian
71592946 *RC *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +305M -32F +13P 99R 8/22
PTA +.43T +1.50UDC -.86FLC GTPI +2234G
Palmcrest Kolton Shakara
72474151 99%RHA-NA
5-00 2x 287d 34990 3.2 1118 3.0 1040
7-00 2x 305d 34350 3.7 1288 3.0 1040
3-10 2x 305d 32130 3.4 1104 3.0 966
6-00 2x 275d 32080 3.5 1118 3.0 952
2-10 2x 286d 27050 3.6 963 3.0 824
1-11 2x 280d 25510 3.4 856 3.0 763
Life: 1935d 198560 3.5 6927 3.0 6004
Kingmerling Helx Doctor-ET
840003140765936 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1222M +82F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.90SCS +.6DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.38T +1.43UDC -.02FLC 97R 8/22
GTPI +2680G
Plamcrest Eclipse Sayler
840003208368249 99%RHA-NA *RC
“Sold for dairy”
840003130784551 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-84
Born: June 12, 2015 • Herd No. 1068
5-11 2x 305d 33270 4.0 1323 3.0 1003
4-11 2x 295d 31760 3.6 1143 3.1 991
3-10 2x 305d 31600 3.3 1055 2.9 911
2-11 2x 241d 22210 3.6 803 3.1 696
2-01 2x 275d 20620 3.7 771 3.1 636
7-01 2x 35d 4263 3.2 136 3.0 127 RIP
Life: 1483d 142440 3.7 5226 3.1 4356
Fresh: August 2, 2022
840003145780886 99%RHA-NA G-79 @ 3-04
Born: April 25, 2019 • Herd No. 1491
1-10 2x 299d 19770 3.3 651 3.1 618
2-10 2x 187d 18261 3.4 623 3.0 555 RIP
Fresh: March 3, 2022
Bred: August 16, 2022 to Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET 7HO15023
Hammer-Creek Fred Krunch-ET
69708745 99%RHA-NA *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +731M -9F +12P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.97SCS +1.6DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.68T +.94IDC +1.15FLC 97R 8/22 GTPI +2175G
Palmcrest Falconry Shale
72474141 99%RHA-NA GP-82
6-03 2x 305d 34590 4.1 1407 3.1 1087
5-03 2x 286d 32600 3.8 1241 3.2 1027
4-00 2x 305d 29030 4.1 1197 3.1 904
2-09 2x 305d 27640 4.3 1182 3.2 890
1-10 2x 295d 24370 3.8 917 3.1 764
Life: 1615d 154150 4.0 6217 3.2 4881
Zimmerview Rush-PP-ET
840003132411292 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +92M -5F +13P 96R 8/22
PTA -.07T +.22UDC -.07FLC
Palmcrest Krunch Shalene
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Suede Shae NC
6-07 2x 305d 31230 3.8 1173 3.1 953
Life: 1670d 144920 3.9 5721 3.2 4695
Palmcrest Phythm Shadow GP-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Kolton Shakara NC
5-00 2x 287d 34990 3.2 1118 3.0 1040
Life: 1935d 198560 3.5 6927 3.0 6004
Palmcrest Suede Shae NC
6-07 2x 305d 31230 3.8 1173 3.1 953
Life: 1670d 144920 3.9 5721 3.2 4695
Palmcrest Phythm Shadow GP-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
305d 31600 3.3
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Man Shalyn NC
4-03 2x 289d 29490 3.8 1116 3.0 871
Life: 1091d 107070 3.9 4170 3.0 3210
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
4-03 2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
2-11 2x 241d 22210 3.6 803 3.1 696
2-01 2x 275d 20620 3.7 771 3.1 636
Life: 1483d 142440 3.7 5226 3.1 4356
2nd Dam Palmcrest Falconry Shale
4.1 1407 3.1 1087
Life: 1615d 154150 4.0 6217 3.2 4881
840003218866010 99%RHA-I
Born: March 3, 2022 • Herd No. 1784
840003145780885 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS @ 3-04
Born: April 25, 2019 • Herd No. 1490
2-00 2x 294d 19860 3.4 667 3.3 655
2-11 2x 149d 14330 3.3 477 3.0 429 RIP
Fresh: April 10, 2022
Bred: October 3, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
840003218865915 99%RHA-I
Born: April 26, 2021 • Herd No. 1689
Bred: April 27, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
840003218865959 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: September 3, 2021 • Herd No. 1733
OCD Forte Muscles-ET
840003204457096 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +686M +83F +34P 82R 8/22
PTA +3.9PL 2.82SCS +.7DPR 2.8%DCE
PTA +1.17T +1.09UDC +.40FLC 80R 8/22
GTPI +2736G
Palmcrest Rush Shania-TW
840003145780886 99%RHA-NA G-79 @ 3-04
1-10 2x 299d 19770 3.3 651 3.1 618 2-11 2x 149d 14330 3.3 477 3.0 429 RIP
Zimmerview Rush-PP-ET
840003132411292 *RC *PP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +92M -5F +13P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.94SCS +.7DPR 2.9%DCE
PTA -.07T +.22UDC -.07FLC 86R 8/22
GTPI +2104G
Palmcrest Krunch Shalene
840003130784551 99%RHA-NA Good Plus-84
5-11 2x 305d 33270 4.0 1323 3.0 1003
4-11 2x 295d 31760 3.6 1143 3.1 991
3-10 2x 305d 31600 3.3 1055 2.9 911
2-11 2x 241d 22210 3.6 803 3.1 696
2-01 2x 275d 20620 3.7 771 3.1 636
Life: 1483d 142440 3.7 5226 3.1 4356
Penn-England Barclay-ET 840003132923889 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1322M +96F +53P 95R 8/22
PTA +2.8PL 2.99SCS -.5DPR 1.6%DCE
PTA +1.39T +1.30UDC +.34FLC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2854G
Palmcrest Rush Shana-TW 840003145780885 99%RHA-NA VG-86 VG-MS @ 3-04
2-00 2x 294d 19860 3.4 667 3.3 655
2-11 2x 149d 14330 3.3 477 3.0 429 RIP
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Krunch Shalene GP-84
5-11 2x 305d 33270 4.0 1323 3.0 1003
Life: 1483d 142440 3.7 5226 3.1 4356
Palmcrest Falconry Shale GP-82
6-03 2x 305d 34590 4.1 1407 3.1 1087
Life: 1615d 154150 4.0 6217 3.2 4881
Palmcrest Man Shalyn NC
4-03 2x 289d 29490 3.8 1116 3.0 871
Life: 1091d 107070 3.9 4170 3.0 3210
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
4-03 2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Falconry Shale GP-82
6-03 2x 305d 34590 4.1 1407 3.1 1087
Life: 1615d 154150 4.0 6217 3.2 4881
Extended pedigree listed above...
2nd Dam Palmcrest Krunch Shalene GP-84
5-11 2x 305d 33270 4.0 1323 3.0 1003
Life: 1483d 142440 3.7 5226 3.1 4356
Extended pedigree listed above...
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Dubday Shee
840003208368264 99%RHA-NA *RC Sold for Dairy
2nd Dam Palmcrest Falconry Shale GP-82
6-03 2x 305d 34590 4.1 1407 3.1 1087
Life: 1615d 154150 4.0 6217 3.2 4881
Extended pedigree listed above...
840003145780799 99%RHA-NS GP-82 *RC
Born: July 16, 2018 • Herd No. 1404
3-00 2x 305d 25970 4.0 1039 3.3 858
2-01 2x 295d 20720 4.1 848 3.3 690
4-01 2x 22d 1645 4.9 80 3.6 60 RIP
Fresh: August 15, 2022
840003218865839 99%RHA-NA GP-82 @ 2-02
Born: June 14, 2020 • Herd No. 1613
1-11 2x 95d 7085 3.7 261 3.2 228 RIP
Fresh: June 3, 2022
Bred: September 25, 2022 to Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 7HO15085
840003253809415 99%RHA-NA
Born: June 3, 2022 • Herd No. 1805
840003208368212 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-08
Born: May 29, 2019 • Herd No. 1502
1-10 2x 305d 24090 3.7 901 3.3 785
2-10 2x 134d 14999 3.3 495 3.2 475 RIP
Fresh: April 25, 2022
Bred: September 19, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
DG Boris-Red-ET
840003124837586 *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +355M -5F +19P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.16T +1.62UDC -.56FLC GTPI +2265G
Palmcrest Gabor Shawna
71946657 99%RHA-NA
4-09 2x 305d 37560 3.6 1351 2.8 1065
5-10 2x 263d 31840 3.7 1193 2.8 904
3-10 2x 286d 30260 3.6 1089 2.9 869
2-11 2x 260d 27570 3.5 972 2.8 775
2-00 2x 277d 25640 3.6 926 3.0 762
Life: 1408d 154080 3.6 5575 2.8 4412
Mr Ocd Epic Dragonheart-ET
3009533223 Very Good-87 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1880M +33F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 3.04SCS +.1DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.94T +1.72UDC +.18FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2447G
Palmcrest Montross Sunkist
840003130784683 99%RHA-NA GP-83
3-09 2x 287d 28510 3.6 1035 3.3 953
2-09 2x 305d 28090 4.0 1126 3.3 930
1-10 2x 283d 22540 3.6 810 3.3 748
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Man Shalyn NC
4-03 2x 289d 29490 3.8 1116 3.0 871
Life: 1091d 107070 3.9 4170 3.0 3210
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
4-03 2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gustaf Skittle NC
1-09 2x 260d 12590 4.3 540 3.6 448
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
4-03 2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76
7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Montross Sunkist GP-83
Wet Rodgers Myles
840003129436949 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1436M +38F +48P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.2PL +2.75SCS -.5DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.35T +2.07UDC +.63FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2661G
Arbor-Haven Dragnht Sundrop
840003218865839 99%RHA-NA GP-82 @ 2-02
1-11 2x 95d 7085 3.7 261 3.2 228 RIP
3-09 2x 287d 28510 3.6 1035 3.3 953
2-09 2x 305d 28090 4.0 1126 3.3 930
Palmcrest Gustaf Skittle NC
1-09 2x 260d 12590 4.3 540 3.6 448
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
4-03 2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76 7-00 2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS 5-06 2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
S-S-I Aicon Remington-ET
840003129016181 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +975M +16F +28P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.77SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.82T +.97UDC -.19FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2333G
Palmcrest Montross Sunkist
840003130784683 99%RHA-NA GP-83
3-09 2x 287d 28510 3.6 1035 3.3 953
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Gustaf Skittle NC
260d 12590 4.3
Palmcrest Galen Sharon G-77
2x 305d 30760 4.0 1221 3.1 945
Life: 2009d 178750 3.8 6862 3.2 5669
Palmcrest Rhythm Shadow G-76
2x 300d 26550 3.8 1017 3.1 833
Life: 1881d 147360 4.0 5824 3.1 4579
Palmcrest Emory Shiela G-78 VG-MS
2x 305d 32150 3.6 1151 2.5 811
Life: 1944d 147890 3.6 6064 2.7 4558
840003208368243 99%RHA-NA GP-79 @ 2-05
Born: August 30, 2019 • Herd No. 1533
1-10 2x 292d 24490 3.7 913 3.2 774
2-10 2x 58d 5411 3.7 200 3.0 165 RIP
Fresh: July 10, 2022
Bred: September 18, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
840003218865941 99%RHA-I
Born: July 19, 2021 •Herd No. 1715
Bred: September 26, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Wa-Del Abs Bourbon-ET
840003014558977 VG-87 *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1781M +38F +51P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.1PL 2.93SCS +.0DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.38T +.47UDC -.50FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2434G
Palmcrest Ambar Sahara
840003130784583 99%RHA-NA
2-11 2x 291d 27640 3.9 1068 3.1 863
1-11 2x 305d 27570 4.0 1090 3.1 846
840003208368241 99%RHA-I GP-83 VG-MS @ 3-00
Born: August 13, 2019 • Herd No. 1531
1-10 2x 304d 20530 4.8 993 3.4 703
2-10 2x 59d 5516 4.0 218 2.9 160 RIP
Fresh: July 9, 2022
Bred: September 29, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
840003218865938 99%RHA-I
Born: July 7, 2021 •Herd No. 1712
Bred: September 13, 2022 to Cookiecutter Harrisenna-ET 7HO15721
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Bourbon Samba
840003208368243 99%RHA-NA GP-79 @ 2-05
1-10 2x 292d 24490 3.7 913 3.2 774
2-10 2x 58d 5411 3.7 200 3.0 165 RIP
Wa-Del Abs Bourbon-ET
840003014558977 VG-87 *TC *TY *TV *TL
Palmcrest Ambar Sahara
840003130784583 99%RHA-NA
2-11 2x 291d 27640 3.9 1068 3.1 863
1-11 2x 305d 27570 4.0 1090 3.1 846
Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET
840003138843085 99%RHA-I *TR *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1509M +78F +45P 99R 8/22 PTA +2.2PL 2.77SCS -.1DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +2.80T +2.36UDC +1.65FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2867G
Palmcrest Mascal Keisha
840003139190459 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 3-11
2-11 2x 305d 28460 3.9 1110 2.9 837
1-11 2x 284d 20960 3.8 790 3.1 644
Regancrest Mascal 10773-ET
72090756 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL Palmcrest Ambar Keali
840003125575895 99%RHA-NA
3-08 2x 305d 31520 3.8 1199 2.9 916
2-09 2x 282d 27630 3.6 1007 2.9 799
4-08 2x 219d 23530 3.9 925 2.9 673
1-10 2x 274d 21670 3.6 780 2.9 635
Life: 1090d 105270 3.7 3947 2.9 3052
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P
Palmcrest Mascal Keisha
@ 3-11
305d 28460 3.9 1110 2.9 837
284d 20960 3.8 790 3.1 644
305d 31520 3.8 1199 2.9 916
1090d 105270 3.7 3947 2.9
840003218865961 99%RHA-NA
Born: September 7, 2021 • Herd No. 1735
840003218865851 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: July 10, 2020 • Herd No. 1625
2-01 2x 22d 1424 4.0 57 3.2 46 RIP
Fresh: August 15, 2022
840003218865951 99%RHA-I
Born: August 18, 2021 • Herd No. 1725
Trent-Way-JS Ronald-ET
840003142352034 Very Good-85 *RC *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +493M +22F +25P 97R 8/22
PTA +6.4PL 2.67SCS +1.3DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA +1.65T +2.00UDC +1.55FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2613G
Palmcrest Lopez Kaci
840003208368239 99%RHA-NA
Sold for Dairy
840003145780889 Good Plus-82 @ 3-04
Born: April 28, 2019 • Herd No. 1494
1-10 2x 305d 19900 4.2 835 3.2 657
3-01 2x 72d 5775 3.9 225 3.1 177 RIP
Fresh: June 26, 2022
Bred: September 2, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Emerald Kaylee NC
2-00 2x 172d 11970 4.3 516 3.2 385
Palmcrest Ambar Keali NC
3-08 2x 305d 31520 3.8 1199 2.9 916
Life: 1090d 105270 3.7 3947 2.9 3052
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Rager Shayla
840003145780814 99%RHA-I *RC
1-09 2x 305d 22700 4.4 1002 3.4 775
2nd Dam Palmcrest Ambar Sahara NC
2-11 2x 291d 27640 3.9 1068 3.1 863
1-11 2x 305d 27570 4.0 1090 3.1 846
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Rager Shayla
840003145780814 99%RHA-I *RC
1-09 2x 305d 22700 4.4 1002 3.4 775
2nd Dam Palmcrest Ambar Sahara NC
2-11 2x 291d 27640 3.9 1068 3.1 863
1-11 2x 305d 27570 4.0 1090 3.1 846
Sandy-Valley Trent-ET
69701732 *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +500M +14F +13P 93R 8/22
PTA +2.7PL 2.93SCS -.1DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.25T +.16UDC +.68FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2186G
Palmcrest Missouri Silivia
99%RHA-NA Good Plus-84
2-10 2x 305d 28700 3.7 1076 3.1 884
3-10 2x 287d 24290 3.8 925 3.0 728
1-11 2x 284d 20450 3.8 787 3.2 645
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Serenity Sharla VG-85
5-09 2x 305d 31050 3.3 1039 2.9 910
Life: 1539d 140980 3.4 4809 3.0 4208
840003253809420 99%RHA-I
Born: June 26, 2022 • Herd No. 1810
840003208368220 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 @ 3-02
Born: June 22, 2019 • Herd No. 1510
1-10 2x 305d 28070 3.9 1087 3.1 883
2-11 2x 89d 11162 3.7 417 2.9 325 RIP
Fresh: June 9, 2022
Bred: August 24, 2022 to Fly-Higher Moonshiner-ET 14HO15201
840003218865921 99%RHA-I
Born: May 15, 2021 • Herd No. 1695
Bred: September 19,2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Progenesis Modest Rolan512-ET
12529277C 99%RHA-I *TR **TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +611M +85F +33P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.6PL 3.07SCS -1.3DPR 1.0%DCE
PTA +1.15T +2.26UDC +.96FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2700G
Palmcrest Trent Siren
840003145780889 Good Plus-82 @ 3-04
1-10 2x 305d 19900 4.2 835 3.2 657
S-S-I Aicon Remington-ET
840003129016181 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY*TV *TL
PTA +975M +16F +28P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.9PL 2.77SCS +.0DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.82T +.97UDC -.19FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2333G
Palmcrest Impression Gia
840003130784588 99%RHA-NA
3-08 2x 305d 29280 4.1 1215 2.9 842
2-09 2x 293d 27740 3.9 1071 3.0 828
1-09 2x 283d 21890 4.0 870 3.1 684
840003218865936 99%RHA-NA
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Remington Gracela
840003208368220 99%RHA-I Very Good-85 @ 3-02
1-10 2x 305d 28070 3.9 1087 3.1 883
2-11 2x 89d 11162 3.7 417 2.9 325 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Missouri Silivia GP-84
2-10 2x 305d 28700 3.7 1076 3.1 884
3-10 2x 287d 24290 3.8 925 3.0 728
Palmcrest Serenity Sharla VG-85
5-09 2x 305d 31050 3.3 1039 2.9 910
Life: 1539d 140980 3.4 4809 3.0 4208
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Apollo Gemini NC
5-11 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1246 3.0 919
Life: 1380d 124190 4.1 5033 3.1 3862
Palmcrest Rippen Giant NC *RC
5-03 2x 305d 32700 2.7 883 3.0 974
Life: 1553d 138170 2.9 4068 3.1 4315
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Impression Gia NC
3-08 2x 305d 29280 4.1 1215 2.9 842
2-09 2x 293d 27740 3.9 1071 3.0 828
Palmcrest Apollo Gemini NC
5-11 2x 305d 30540 4.1 1246 3.0 919
Life: 1380d 124190 4.1 5033 3.1 3862
Palmcrest Rippen Giant NC *RC
5-03 2x 305d 32700 2.7 883 3.0 974
Life: 1553d 138170 2.9 4068 3.1 4315
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM 6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
Kingmerling Helx Doctor-ET
Palmcrest Blunder Gin
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Impression Gia NC
3-08 2x 305d 29280 4.1 1215 2.9 842
2-09 2x 293d 27740 3.9 1071 3.0 828
Palmcrest Apollo Gemini NC
2x 305d 30540 4.1 1246 3.0 919
Life: 1380d 124190 4.1 5033 3.1 3862
Palmcrest Rippen Giant NC *RC
Life: 1553d 138170 2.9 4068 3.1 4315
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
840003139190554 99%RHA-I GP-83
Born: July 3, 2017 • Herd No. 1296
4-01 2x 298d 30530 3.6 1090 2.8 869
3-00 2x 305d 30220 3.7 1129 2.9 865
2-00 2x 305d 25080 3.5 887 2.8 714
Fresh: August 10, 2021
840003218865947 99%RHA-I
Born: Augsut 10, 2021 • Herd No. 1721
Bred: September 17, 2022 Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Tui Tyne Halogen-ET
72817704 99%RHA-I *RC *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +402M +45F +0P 95R 8/22
PTA +1.30T +1.90UDC +.82FLC GTPI +2440G
Palmcrest Caruso Clover
71111707 99%RHA-I F-71 @ 2-07
6-02 2x 285d 29240 3.1 919 3.0 866
5-01 2x 305d 28170 3.1 886 2.9 818
3-02 2x 298d 27510 3.2 868 3.1 841
2-00 2x 305d 24880 3.2 786 3.2 792
4-02 2x 266d 24330 3.4 833 2.9 707
Life: 1790d 167330 3.2 5352 3.0 4968
840003218865859 99%RHA-I
Born: August 2, 2020 • Herd No. 1633 1-11 2x 51d 3764 3.5 132 3.0 112 RIP
Fresh: July 17, 2022
Bred: September 21, 2021 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Midas-Touch Hallmark 936-ET
840003147987684 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +169M +58F +21P 95R 8/22
PTA +6.7PL 2.57SCS +.7DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.35T +1.07UDC -.03FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2633G
Palmcrest Tyne Clove-TW
840003139190554 99%RHA-I GP-83
4-01 2x 298d 30530 3.6 1090 2.8 869
3-00 2x 305d 30220 3.7 1129 2.9 865 2-00 2x 305d 25080 3.5 887 2.8 714
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22 GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Tyne Clove-TW
840003139190554 99%RHA-I GP-83
4-01 2x 298d 30530 3.6 1090 2.8 869
3-00 2x 305d 30220 3.7 1129 2.9 865 2-00 2x 305d 25080 3.5 887 2.8 714
Aprilday A Skymark-Red-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Petty Pavla NC
4-05 2x 305d 34900 3.9 1354 2.9 1027
Life: 1923d 192020 4.0 7622 3.0 5770
Palmcrest Faulk Gidget GP-83 VG-MS
6-05 2x 305d 26390 3.9 1023 3.0 780
Life: 1590d 132940 3.5 4670 3.1 4141
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Caruso Clover F-71 @ 2-07
6-02 2x 285d 29240 3.1 919 3.0 866
Life: 1790d 167330 3.2 5352 3.0 4968
Palmcrest Petty Pavla NC
4-05 2x 305d 34900 3.9 1354 2.9 1027
Life: 1923d 192020 4.0 7622 3.0 5770
Palmcrest Faulk Gidget GP-83 VG-MS
6-05 2x 305d 26390 3.9 1023 3.0 780
Life: 1590d 132940 3.5 4670 3.1 4141
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Caruso Clover F-71 @ 2-07
6-02 2x 285d 29240 3.1 919 3.0 866
Life: 1790d 167330 3.2 5352 3.0 4968
Palmcrest Petty Pavla NC
4-05 2x 305d 34900 3.9 1354 2.9 1027
Life: 1923d 192020 4.0 7622 3.0 5770
Palmcrest Faulk Gidget GP-83 VG-MS
6-05 2x 305d 26390 3.9 1023 3.0 780
Life: 1590d 132940 3.5 4670 3.1 4141
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
Arbor-Haven Rst Cayenne-Red
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Tyne Clove-TW GP-83
4-01 2x 298d 30530 3.6 1090 2.8 869 3-00 2x 305d 30220 3.7 1129 2.9 865
840003218865911 99%RHA-I
Born: April 20, 2021 • Herd No. 1685
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
840003218866021 99%RHA-I
Born: May 2, 2022 • Herd No. 1795
840003130784560 99%RHA-I VG-88 @ 7-01
Born: July 13, 2015 • Herd No. 1077
5-05 2x 305d 33600 3.6 1201 3.1 1053
3-03 2x 305d 33100 3.9 1302 3.1 1023
4-05 2x 280d 32350 3.5 1119 3.0 983
2-03 2x 304d 27120 4.2 1131 3.1 845
6-08 2x 159d 20330 3.4 698 2.8 570 RIP
Life: 1332d 135150 3.8 5114 3.1 4203
Fresh: March 31, 2022
Bred: August 24, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865887 99%RHA-I
Born: December 14, 2020 •Herd No. 1661
Bred: March 20, 2022 to Berryridge Ssi Roadster-ET 250HO15026
Badger S-S-I Victorio-ET
8400031493918313 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1480M +81F +55P 83R 8/22
PTA +4.8PL 2.89SCS +.0DPR 2.6%DCE
PTA +.98T +1.06UDC -.11FLC 81R 8/22
GTPI +2809G
Palmcrest Society Cabbage
840003145780803 99%RHA-I G-78 @ 2-00
1-09 2x 280d 19660 3.9 762 3.1 611
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Caruso Clover F-71 @ 2-07
6-02 2x 285d 29240 3.1 919 3.0 866
Life: 1790d 167330 3.2 5352 3.0 4968
Palmcrest Petty Pavla NC
4-05 2x 305d 34900 3.9 1354 2.9 1027
Life: 1923d 192020 4.0 7622 3.0 5770
Palmcrest Faulk Gidget GP-83 VG-MS
6-05 2x 305d 26390 3.9 1023 3.0 780
Life: 1590d 132940 3.5 4670 3.1 4141
Palmcrest Duster Gnat NC
5-00 2x 305d 32700 3.5 1158 3.0 991
Life: 2578d 222980 3.6 7972 3.1 6929
Palmcrest Delta Gravy GP-82 DOM
6-03 2x 283d 25540 3.7 954 2.8 723
Mr Stone-Front Reeve-Red-ET
840003136877210 Very Good-86 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +435M +51F +33P 97R 8/22
PTA +3.1PL 2.76SCS +1.5DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +1.34T +1.04UDC +.15FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2604G
Palmcrest Anselmi Chiclet
840003145780895 99%RHA-I GP-81 @ 2-08
1-09 2x 305d 20660 4.9 1007 3.7 773
2nd & 3rd Dams
Palmcrest Tyne Cinamon-T-TW NC
1-10 2x 305d 21490 4.1 875 3.2 688
Palmcrest Caruso Clover F-71 @ 2-07
6-02 2x 285d 29240 3.1 919 3.0 866
Life: 1790d 167330 3.2 5352 3.0 4968
Extended pedigree listed above...
Gillette Speaker-ET
11491874C *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +887M -10F +24P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.9PL 3.04SCS -.5DPR 2.6%DCE PTA +.75T +1.53UDC +1.44FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2232G
Palmcrest Zandy Ellie
66226827 99%RHA-I
4-00 2x 305d 28680 4.4 1269 3.1 896
5-02 2x 257d 24830 4.0 997 3.0 757
3-01 2x 269d 23060 4.2 964 3.2 740
1-11 2x 305d 22390 3.9 868 3.1 686
Life: 1240d 105800 4.2 4395 3.1 3328
T-Spruce Suprsht Wiggins-ET
840003128769256 99%RHA-NA *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1556M +33F +66P 98R 8/22
PTA +1.94T +1.64UDC +.04FLC GTPI +2537G
Palmcrest Speaker Elisha-TW
840003130784560 99%RHA-I VG-88 @ 7-01
5-05 2x 305d 33600 3.6 1201 3.1
280d 32350
304d 27120
159d 20330
2nd Dam Palmcrest Price Elsie F-72
2-11 2x 305d 23390 3.7 865 3.1 735
4-03 2x 259d 22290 4.0 891 2.9 641
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Zandy Ellie NC
305d 28680 4.4 1269 3.1 896
Life: 1240d 105800 4.2 4395 3.1 3328
Palmcrest Price Elsie F-72
305d 23390 3.7 865 3.1 735
259d 22290 4.0 891 2.9 641
840003145780775 99%RHA-I VG-87 EX-MS
Born: May 6, 2018 • Herd No. 1380
2-09 2x 290d 26780 3.4 920 3.0 798
1-10 2x 282d 24530 3.6 872 3.0 730
3-09 2x 206d 21956 3.4 752 2.9 642 RIP
Fresh: February 12, 2022
Bred: August 30, 2022 to Cookiecutter Logistics-ET 250HO15208
Michigan Maximilian-ET
840003126920163 99%RHA-I *TR *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1034M +20F +36P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.2PL 2.83SCS -1.1DPR 2.0%DCE
PTA +1.00T +1.07UDC -.27FLC 86R 8/22 GTPI +2341G
Palmcrest Speaker Ella-TW
840003130784559 99%RHA-I
2-09 2x 305d 25860 3.4 888 3.0 778
1-10 2x 285d 22880 3.4 768 2.9 664
840003208368298 99%RHA-I F-74 @ 2-05
Born: March 29, 2020 • Herd No. 1588
1-10 2x 200d 14943 3.5 527 3.1 457 RIP
Fresh: February 18, 2022
840003218866006 99%RHA-I
Born: February 12, 2022 • Herd No. 1780
De-Su Millington 12074-ET
72851617 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1079M +94F +43P 99R 8/22
PTA +2.6PL 2.71SCS -.6DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +1.06T +1.11UDC +.34FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2763G
Palmcrest Maximiln Electra
840003145780775 99%RHA-I VG-87 EX-MS
2-09 2x 290d 26780 3.4 920 3.0 798
1-10 2x 282d 24530 3.6 872 3.0 730
3-09 2x 206d 21956 3.4 752 2.9 642 RIP
2nd & 3rd Dam
Palmcrest Zandy Ellie NC
4-00 2x 305d 28680 4.4 1269 3.1 896
Life: 1240d 105800 4.2 4395 3.1 3328
Palmcrest Price Elsie F-72
2-11 2x 305d 23390 3.7 865 3.1 735
4-03 2x 259d 22290 4.0 891 2.9 641
Peak Altacephus-ET
Palmcrst Maxmiln Electra
2nd-4th Dams
Palmcrest Speaker Ella-TW NC
2-09 2x 305d 25860 3.4 888 3.0 778
1-10 2x 285d 22880 3.4 768 2.9 664
Palmcrest Zandy Ellie NC
4-00 2x 305d 28680 4.4 1269 3.1 896
Life: 1240d 105800 4.2 4395 3.1 3328
Palmcrest Price Elsie F-72
2-11 2x 305d 23390 3.7 865 3.1 735 4-03 2x 259d 22290 4.0 891 2.9 641
Palmcrest Speaker Ella-TW NC
2x 305d 25860 3.4 888 3.0 778
2x 285d 22880 3.4 768 2.9 664
Palmcrest Zandy Ellie NC
4-00 2x 305d 28680 4.4 1269 3.1 896
Life: 1240d 105800 4.2 4395 3.1 3328
Palmcrest Price Elsie F-72
305d 23390 3.7 865 3.1 735
259d 22290 4.0 891 2.9 641
840003145780697 99%RHA-NA GP-81
Born: July 14, 2017 • Herd No. 1302
3-10 2x 305d 30570 4.0 1221 3.1 955
2-11 2x 262d 24560 4.0 976 3.2 779
1-10 2x 305d 22120 3.8 847 3.2 710
Fresh: June 3, 2021
Bred: March 25, 2022 to Angus
Jenniton Aikman Rory-Red-ET
72507673 Excellent-90 *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA -409M +15F +12P 98R 8/22
PTA -1.0PL 2.94SCS -.7DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA -.11T +.48UDC +.41FLC 95R 8/22
GTPI +2141G
Palmcrest Atrct Blesing-Red
840003130784570 99%RHA-NA
1-10 2x 305d 25790 3.6 925 2.9 756
840003208368217 99%RHA-I GP-80 @ 2-07
Born: June 12, 2019 • Herd No. 1507
1-11 2x 305d 22340 3.0 664 3.1 692
3-02 2x 24d 1590 3.4 54 3.2 51 RIP
Fresh: August 13, 2022
Emmert Jedi Eclipse-Red-ET
3136467733 99%RHA-I VG-86 *TR *DR1 *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +371M -11F +6P 97R 8/22
PTA +1.5PL 2.94SCS -.4DPR 2.3%DCE
PTA +.62T +.60UDC +.19FLC 91R 8/22 GTPI +2031G
Palmcrest Rory Butrcup-Red
840003145780697 99%RHA-NA GP-81
3-10 2x 305d 30570 4.0 1221 3.1 955
2-11 2x 262d 24560 4.0 976 3.2 779
1-10 2x 305d 22120 3.8 847 3.2 710
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003218865925 99%RHA-I
Born: May 24, 2021 • Herd No. 1699
Bred: July 1, 2022 to Aprilday
Morningview Rusty-Red
Palmcrest Ecl Braylee-Red
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Atrct Blesing-Red NC
1-10 2x 305d 25790 3.6 925 2.9 756
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Rory Butrcup-Red GP-81
3-10 2x 305d 30570 4.0 1221 3.1 955
2-11 2x 262d 24560 4.0 976 3.2 779
Palmcrest Atrct Blesing-Red NC
1-10 2x 305d 25790 3.6 925 2.9 756
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003139190531 99%RHA-I GP-83
Born: April 7, 2017 • Herd No. 1273
4-01 2x 305d 31210 4.2 1311 3.4 1046
3-03 2x 287d 29140 4.0 1175 3.2 946
2-01 2x 305d 25030 4.1 1034 3.2 799
5-03 2x 51d 6366 3.7 236 2.8 180 RIP
Fresh: July 17, 2022
Bred: September 22, 2022 to Mr Affection Analyst-Red-ET 7HO15023
Ri-Val-Re Rager-Red-ET
72353457 99%RHA-I EX-90 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +868M +48F +34P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.86SCS -.4DPR 3.5%DCE
PTA +1.60T +.78UDC +1.26FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2573G
Palmcrest Valor Blush-Red 72474200 99%RHA-NA
2-00 2x 268d 20080 4.0 804 3.3 655
2-11 2x 255d 26550 4.0 1054 3.1 828
840003218865849 99%RHA-I
Born: July 8, 2020 • Herd No. 1623
1-11 2x 69d 4354 4.2 183 3.2 140 RIP
Fresh: June 29, 2022
Bred: September 16, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Rager Beret-Red
840003139190531 99%RHA-I GP-83
4-01 2x 305d 31210 4.2 1311 3.4 1046
3-03 2x 287d 29140 4.0 1175 3.2 946
2-01 2x 305d 25030 4.1 1034 3.2 799
5-03 2x 51d 6366 3.7 236 2.8 180 RIP
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
Born: May
Fresh: June 3,
Bred: August 27, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
Heatherstone Mustafa-Red-ET
840003130325404 *TP *TY *TV
PTA +180M +7F +11P 98R 8/22
PTA +.5PL 2.94SCS -2.3DPR 3.6%DCE
PTA +.66T +.97UDC -.11FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2040G
Palmcrest Rager Beret-Red
840003139190531 99%RHA-I GP-83
4-01 2x 305d 31210 4.2 1311 3.4 1046
3-03 2x 287d 29140 4.0 1175 3.2 946
2-01 2x 305d 25030 4.1 1034 3.2 799 5-03 2x 51d 6366 3.7 236 2.8 180 RIP
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Valor Blush-Red NC
2-00 2x 268d 20080 4.0 804 3.3 655
2-11 2x 255d 26550 4.0 1054 3.1 828
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Valor Blush-Red NC
2-00 2x 268d 20080 4.0 804 3.3 655
2-11 2x 255d 26550 4.0 1054 3.1 828
Palmcrest Smurf Blyth-Red NC
4-05 2x 305d 34190 3.9 1350 2.8 970
Life: 1057d 108290 4.0 4376 2.9 3194
Palmcrest Baron-Red NC
3-06 2x 305d 31230 3.0 938 2.8 866
2-02 2x 305d 27850 2.9 810 2.9 797
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003208368252 99%RHA-NA G-78 @ 2-03
Born: October 6, 2019 • Herd No. 1542
1-11 2x 335d 25779 4.4 1142 3.3 854
Fresh: September 23, 2022
840003218865958 99%RHA-I *RC
Born: August 31, 2021 • Herd No. 1732
840003208368290 99%RHA-I G-77 @ 2-06
Bacon-Hill Dubday 2929-Red
840003129340665 *TP TY *TV *TL
PTA +528M +29F +10P 96R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.86SCS -.1DPR 2.4%DCE
PTA +1.15T +.84UDC +1.13FLC 90R 8/22 GTPI +2279G
Palmcrest Maxum Bella
840003125575904 99%RHA-NA GP-81
2-09 2x 305d 34130 3.9 1344 3.1 1073
4-10 2x 305d 33060 4.5 1474 3.4 1108
3-11 2x 253d 31930 4.0 1287 3.2 1007
1-09 2x 305d 28800 4.0 1146 3.0 861
Life: 1400d 147780 4.2 6210 3.2 4767
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrest Exquisite Beamer GP-81
3-01 2x 284d 27980 3.8 1073 3.1 859
Palmcrest Rampage Beanie NC *RC
3-00 2x 305d 23610 3.2 764 2.9 695
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Life: 1540d 134670 3.9 5309 2.9 3968
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Dubday Bitsy-TW
840003208368252 99%RHA-NA G-78 @ 2-03
1-11 2x 335d 25779 4.4 1142 3.3 854
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Maxum Bella GP-81 2-09 2x 305d 34130 3.9 1344 3.1 1073
Life: 1400d 147780 4.2 6210 3.2 4767
Palmcrest Exquisite Beamer GP-81 3-01 2x 284d 27980 3.8 1073 3.1 859
Palmcrest Rampage Beanie NC *RC 3-00 2x 305d 23610 3.2 764 2.9 695
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS 5-03 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Life: 1540d 134670 3.9 5309 2.9 3968
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS 3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
Clear-Echo Frazz Newstar-ET
Palmcrest Kingboy Briar
840003130784617 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 EX-MS
3-01 2x 305d 33520 4.1 1369 3.2 1058 2-00 2x
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Oneal Bistro NC 2-00 2x 305d 27160 3.5 960 2.9 777
3-00 2x 273d 27000 3.5 952 3.0 799
Palmcrest Exquisite Beamer GP-81 3-01 2x 284d 27980 3.8 1073 3.1 859
Palmcrest Rampage Beanie NC *RC 3-00 2x 305d 23610 3.2 764 2.9 695
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS 5-03 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Life: 1540d 134670 3.9 5309 2.9 3968
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS 3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003145780746 99%RHA-I VG-88 VG-MS
Born: January 16, 2018 • Herd No. 1351
1-11 2x 291d 22960 4.4 1017 3.5 795
2-10 2x 291d 22640 4.8 1097 3.6 807
3-10 2x 286d 21914 4.4 973 3.4 742 RIP
Fresh: November 24, 2021
Bred: July 15, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003208368281 99%RHA-I GP-84 @ 2-07
Born: January 6, 2020 • Herd No. 1571
1-10 2x 263d 24832 3.6 892 3.1 772 RIP
Fresh: December 17, 2021
Bred: July 15, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003145780816 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 3-04
Born: September 16, 2018 • Herd No. 1421
2-08 2x 305d 25520 3.5 891 3.3 840
1-09 2x 282d 18510 3.6 665 3.4 628
Fresh: June 7, 2021
Bred: March 21, 2022 to Angus
De-Su Mabon 12937-ET
840003127335091 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +980M +34F +28P 96R 8/22
PTA +2.4PL 3.08SCS -.1DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +1.43T +1.12UDC +.24FLC 89R 8/22
GTPI +2407G
Palmcrest Kingboy Briar
840003130784617 99%RHA-I Very Good-87 EX-MS
3-01 2x 305d 33520 4.1 1369 3.2 1058
2-00 2x 294d 26660 4.0 1063 3.2 856
Uecker Supersire Josuper-ET
70726929 99%RHA-I *TR *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +2382M +74F +65P 99R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.88SCS -3.0DPR 2.1%DCE
PTA +.43T +.55UDC -.97FLC 99R 8/22
GTPI +2617G
Palmcrest Mabon Brienna
840003145780746 99%RHA-I VG-88 VG-MS
1-11 2x 291d 22960 4.4 1017 3.5 795
2-10 2x 291d 22640 4.8 1097 3.6 807
3-10 2x 286d 21914 4.4 973 3.4 742 RIP
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Oneal Bistro NC
2-00 2x 305d 27160 3.5 960 2.9 777
3-00 2x 273d 27000 3.5 952 3.0 799
Palmcrest Exquisite Beamer GP-81
3-01 2x 284d 27980 3.8 1073 3.1 859
Palmcrest Rampage Beanie NC *RC
3-00 2x 305d 23610 3.2 764 2.9 695
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Life: 1540d 134670 3.9 5309 2.9 3968
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Kingboy Briar VG-87 EX-MS
3-01 2x 305d 33520 4.1 1369 3.2 1058
2-00 2x 294d 26660 4.0 1063 3.2 856
Palmcrest Oneal Bistro NC
2-00 2x 305d 27160 3.5 960 2.9 777
3-00 2x 273d 27000 3.5 952 3.0 799
Palmcrest Exquisite Beamer GP-81
3-01 2x 284d 27980 3.8 1073 3.1 859
Palmcrest Rampage Beanie NC *RC
3-00 2x 305d 23610 3.2 764 2.9 695
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Life: 1540d 134670 3.9 5309 2.9 3968
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
Heatherstone Mustafa-Red-ET 840003130325404 *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +180M +7F +11P 98R 8/22
PTA +.5PL 2.94SCS -2.3DPR 3.6%DCE
PTA +.66T +.97UDC -.11FLC 99R 8/22 GTPI +2040G
Palmcrest Ladd P Shiloh-Red 840003130784590 99%RHA-I
4-09 2x 303d 30020 3.4 1024 3.2 956
2-11 2x 293d 27420 3.7 1013 3.2 884
3-10 2x 286d 25760 3.9 998 3.2 823
1-11 2x 301d 20360 4.1 826 3.2 653
Life: 1183d 103560 3.7 3861 3.2 3316
Kenmore Triple Crown-Red-ET
840003143029863 99%RHA-I *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +439M +42F +34P 96R 8/22
PTA +3.0PL 2.69SCS -1.3DPR 3.2%DCE
840003218865847 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-01
Born: July 7, 2020 • Herd No. 1621
1-11 2x 71d 4172 3.7 156 3.1 130 RIP
Fresh: June 27, 2022
Bred: September 1, 2022 to Aprilday Mcdonald-P-Red-ET 250HO15525
PTA +2.16T +1.40UDC +1.40FLC 93R 8/22
GTPI +2581G
Palmcrest Mustf Shimmer-Red 840003145780816 99%RHA-I GP-83 @ 3-04
2-08 2x 305d 25520 3.5 891 3.3 840 1-09 2x 282d 18510 3.6 665 3.4 628
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Sleet Squirt-Red G-79
3-10 2x 280d 31300 3.0 929 2.7 860
Life: 1429d 143910 2.9 4154 2.7 3953
Palmcrest Rippen Rust GP-81
4-02 2x 305d 30610 3.1 937 2.7 826
2-02 2x 305d 24150 3.4 810 2.7 645
Palmcrest Captainrd Bitsy G-76
2-00 2x 305d 20660 3.7 760 2.9 591
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Ladd P Shiloh-Red NC
4-09 2x 303d 30020 3.4 1024 3.2 956
Life: 1183d 103560 3.7 3861 3.2 3316
Palmcrest Sleet Squirt-Red G-79
Life: 1429d 143910 2.9 4154 2.7 3953
Palmcrest Rippen Rust GP-81 4-02 2x 305d 30610 3.1 937 2.7 826
Palmcrest Captainrd Bitsy G-76
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS 3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003208368244 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80 @ 2-04
Born: September 1, 2019 • Herd No. 1534
2-11 2x 22d 1407 4.0 56 3.6 51 RIP
Fresh: August 15, 2022
840003218865990 99%RHA-I
Born: October 29, 2021 • Herd No. 1764
840003130784654 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
Born: June 10, 2016 • Herd No. 1171
2-10 2x 305d 34580 3.7 1263 3.1 1081
4-01 2x 305d 34340 3.7 1256 3.2 1116
1-11 2x 293d 29450 3.5 1031 3.1 903
6-02 2x 6d 357 4.2 15 4.2 15 RIP
Life: 1038d 108350 3.7 3964 3.2 3480
Fresh: August 31, 2022
Zimmerview Lucky PP-Red-ET
74228150 *PP *TY 8TV *TL
PTA -1295M -31F -16P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.0PL 2.61SCS +1.1DPR 1.8%DCE
PTA -.58T +.86UDC +.35FLC 98R 8/22 GTPI +2014G
Palmcrest Ladd P Shiloh-Red
840003130784590 99%RHA-I
4-09 2x 303d 30020 3.4 1024 3.2 956
2-11 2x 293d 27420 3.7 1013 3.2 884
3-10 2x 286d 25760 3.9 998 3.2 823
1-11 2x 301d 20360 4.1 826 3.2 653
Life: 1183d 103560 3.7 3861 3.2 3316
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Sleet Squirt-Red G-79
3-10 2x 280d 31300 3.0 929 2.7 860
Life: 1429d 143910 2.9 4154 2.7 3953
Palmcrest Rippen Rust GP-81
4-02 2x 305d 30610 3.1 937 2.7 826
2-02 2x 305d 24150 3.4 810 2.7 645
Palmcrest Captainrd Bitsy G-76
2-00 2x 305d 20660 3.7 760 2.9 591
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
Morningview Rusty-Red
73956675 99%RHA-I VG-87 *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +284M +60F +35P 99R 8/22
PTA +.9PL 2.84SCS -1.9DPR 2.5%DCE
PTA +.93T +1.36UDC +.56FLC 96R 8/22
GTPI +2502G
Palmcrest Mrmighty Splash
840003130784595 99%RHA-I GP-82 *RC
5-00 2x 298d 32190 3.7 1187 3.0 981
3-10 2x 305d 30560 4.1 1249 3.2 973
2-10 2x 285d 28280 3.7 1044 3.1 872
1-11 2x 280d 22090 4.0 879 3.1 692
Life: 1188d 114390 3.9 4414 3.1 3562
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Gabor Staci NC
Palmcrest Sleet Squirt-Red G-79
3-10 2x 280d 31300 3.0 929 2.7 860
Life: 1429d 143910 2.9 4154 2.7 3953
Palmcrest Rippen Rust GP-81
4-02 2x 305d 30610 3.1 937 2.7 826
2-02 2x 305d 24150 3.4 810 2.7 645
Palmcrest Captainrd Bitsy G-76
2-00 2x 305d 20660 3.7 760 2.9 591
Palmcrest M Blurr NC *RC
3-06 2x 305d 33460 3.0 1007 2.8 929
Life: 1930d 186290 3.3 6067 2.8 5154
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS 3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
De-Su SS Honeybee 11569-ET
71813155 Very Good-88 *TR *TP *TY *TV *TL
PTA +625M +21F +18P 99R 8/22
PTA +1.3PL 2.91SCS -.7DPR 1.2%DCE
PTA +.35T +1.27UDC -.45FLC 98R 8/22
GTPI +2267G
Palmcrest Maurice Honor
72474219 99%RHA-NA
3-07 2x 305d 31910 4.3 1379 3.2 1022
2-09 2x 244d 24670 4.0 995 3.1 758
1-09 2x 266d 22030 4.1
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
3-00 2x 305d 26360 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
4-00 2x 305d 25270 4.5 1140 3.4 870
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
4-02 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003145780891 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-08
Born: May 4, 2019 • Herd No. 1496
2-00 2x 305d 28870 3.8 1111 2.9 845
3-00 2x 112d 12569 3.3 410 2.7 341 RIP
Fresh: May 17, 2022
Bred: July 31, 2022 to Aot Hullabaloo-ET 250HO15713
840003218865927 99%RHA-I
Born: May 23, 2021 • Herd No. 1701
Bred: September 13, 2022 to S-S-I Bg Parfect Pearce-ET 7HO15793
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003136887521 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1838M +58F +49P 93R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 2.77SCS -2.3DPR 3.8%DCE
PTA +.81T +1.41UDC -.53FLC 88R 8/22
GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Honeybee Harper
840003130784654 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82
2-10 2x 305d 34580 3.7 1263 3.1 1081
4-01 2x 305d 34340 3.7 1256 3.2 1116
1-11 2x 293d 29450 3.5 1031 3.1 903
Life: 1038d 108350 3.7 3964 3.2 3480
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Maurice Honor NC
3-07 2x 305d 31910 4.3 1379 3.2 1022
2-09 2x 244d 24670 4.0 995 3.1 758
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
3-00 2x 305d 26360 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
4-00 2x 305d 25270 4.5 1140 3.4 870
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
4-02 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
BPS Panther Foxcatcher-ET
840003144578369 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1243M +73F +51P 97R 8/22
PTA +5.7PL 2.68SCS +2.2DPR 2.2%DCE
PTA +.38T +.49UDC -.40UDC 90R 8/22
GTPI +2828G
Palmcrest Jargon Hero
840003145780891 99%RHA-I Good Plus-82 @ 2-08
2-00 2x 305d 28870 3.8 1111 2.9 845 3-00 2x 112d 12569 3.3 410 2.7 341 RIP
Midas-Touch Duke Jargon-ET
840003145780881 99%RHA-I G-78 @ 3-04
Born: April 9, 2019 • Herd No. 1486
1-10 2x 280d 22370 3.8 851 3.3 739 2-09 2x 223d 24992 3.5 881 3.2 788 RIP
Fresh: January 26, 2022
Bred: April 10, 2022 to Plain-Knoll Renegad Trooper 14HO15179
840003218865898 99%RHA-I
Born: February 14, 2021 • Herd No. 1672
Bred: May 2, 2022 to Berryridge
840003136887521 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1838M +58F +49P 93R 8/22
PTA +1.1PL 2.77SCS -2.3DPR 3.8%DCE PTA +.81T +1.41UDC -.53FLC 88R 8/22 GTPI +2515G
Palmcrest Maurice Honor
72474219 99%RHA-NA
3-07 2x 305d 31910 4.3 1379 3.2 1022
2-09 2x 244d 24670 4.0 995 3.1 758
1-09 2x 266d 22030 4.1 900 3.0 650
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Honeybee Harper GP-82
2-10 2x 305d 34580 3.7 1263 3.1 1081
Life: 1038d 108350 3.7 3964 3.2 3480
Extended pedigree listed above...
Siemers Rolan Roskoz-ET
2nd-5th Dams
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
3-00 2x 305d 26360 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
4-00 2x 305d 25270 4.5 1140 3.4 870
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
4-02 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-6th Dams
Palmcrest Maurice Honor NC
305d 31910 4.3 1379 3.2 1022
2-09 2x 244d 24670 4.0 995 3.1 758
1-09 2x 266d 22030 4.1 900 3.0 650
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
Palmcrest Jargon Humilty
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
840003145780893 99%RHA-I Good Plus-80 @ 2-08
Born: May 13, 2019 • Herd No. 1498
2-01 2x 289d 24110 4.0 957 3.3 798
3-00 2x 87d 9528 3.5 336 3.1 296 RIP
Fresh: June 11, 2022
Bred: September 1, 2022 to Aot Parfect Harmony-ET 250HO15955
ABS Moonwind-P-ET
840003128557377 99%RHA-I *PC *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +919M +72F +52P 98R 8/22
PTA -.7PL 3.13SCS +.2DPR 1.9%DCE
PTA +1.21T +1.70UDC -1.13FLC 91R 8/22
GTPI +2579G
Palmcrest Olympian Hip-Hop
840003130784555 99%RHA-NA Good-77
3-10 2x 305d 27440 3.4 932 3.1 862
2-10 2x 304d 24170 3.6 876 3.3 795
1-10 2x 305d 22470 3.6 812 3.1 704
4-11 2x 207d 19300 4.0 764 3.0 578
840003218865829 99%RHA-I GP-83 VG-MS @ 2-03
Born: May 22, 2020 • Herd No. 1603
1-11 2x 109d 9381 3.8 354 3.1 294 RIP
Fresh: May 20, 2022
Bred: August 5, 2022 to Aot Homecoming-ET 250HO15397
Clear-Echo Frazz Newstar-ET
840003127565786 99%RHA-I *TR *TP *TC *TY *TV *TL
PTA +1671M +60F +39P 99R 8/22
PTA +5.8PL 2.66SCS -2.1DPR 2.2%DCE PTA -.26T +.04UDC -.87FLC 94R 8/22
GTPI +2521G
Palmcrest Luxus Haley
840003145780776 99%RHA-I Good Plus-81 @ 2-02
2-00 2x 91d 7790 3.7 291 3.0 236
2nd-7th Dams
Palmcrest Richman Horizon P-67
2-10 2x 267d 26170 3.5 916 2.9 749
1-11 2x 294d 25310 3.4 865 3.0 768
Palmcrest Ozfest Honey NC
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
3-00 2x 305d 26360 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
4-00 2x 305d 25270 4.5 1140 3.4 870
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
4-02 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
2nd-8th Dams
Palmcrest Olympian Hip-Hop G-77
3-10 2x 305d 27440 3.4 932 3.1 862
2-10 2x 304d 24170 3.6 876 3.3 795
Palmcrest Richman Horizon P-67
2-10 2x 267d 26170 3.5 916 2.9 749
1-11 2x 294d 25310 3.4 865 3.0 768
Palmcrest Ozfest Honey NC
Palmcrst 4 Aces Helen GP-81
4-04 2x 305d 31440 3.9 1223 2.7 858
3-00 2x 305d 26360 3.8 1010 2.9 763
Palmcrest Hi Heaven VG-87 VG-MS
3-00 2x 305d 27240 4.9 1323 3.5 963
4-00 2x 305d 25270 4.5 1140 3.4 870
Palmcrest Patriot Breeze GP-83 VG-MS
5-03 2x 305d 29120 4.1 1191 2.9 850
4-02 2x 297d 28880 3.9 1123 2.9 830
Palmcrest Cubby Blizzard GP-84 VG-MS
3-11 2x 305d 31050 3.0 917 2.9 903
Aurora Magellan-ET
Arbor-Haven Newstar Hooray
2nd Dam
Palmcrest Luxus Haley GP-81 @ 2-02
2-00 2x 91d 7790 3.7 291 3.0 236

LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 18A LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 LOT 27 LOT 28 LOT 29 LOT 30 LOT 31 LOT 32 LOT 33 LOT 34 LOT 35 LOT 36 LOT 37 LOT 38 LOT 39 LOT 40 LOT 41 LOT 42 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 45 LOT 46 LOT 47 LOT 48 LOT 49 LOT 50 LOT 51 LOT 52 LOT 53 LOT 54 LOT 55 LOT 56 LOT 57 LOT 58 LOT 59 LOT 60 LOT 61 LOT 62 LOT 63 LOT 64
1418 1734 1650 1318 1750 1536 1741 1247 1769 1455 1664 1298 1681 1787 1595 1801 1620 1458 1821 1506 1806 1301 1508 1770 1637 1181 1812 1505 1798 1684 1683 1292 1762 1809 1279 1513 1602 1165 1703 1376 1687 1799 1626 1343 1663 1794 1567 1222 1425 1041 1577 1771 1724 1686 1790 1454 1647 1594 1749 1751 1591 1789 1582 1453 1739
LOT 65 LOT 66 LOT 67 LOT 68 LOT 69 LOT 70 LOT 71 LOT 72 LOT 73 LOT 74 LOT 75 LOT 76 LOT 77 LOT 78 LOT 79 LOT 80 LOT 81 LOT 82 LOT 83 LOT 84 LOT 85 LOT 86 LOT 87 LOT 88 LOT 89 LOT 90 LOT 91 LOT 92 LOT 93 LOT 94 LOT 95 LOT 96 LOT 97 LOT 98 LOT 99 LOT 100 LOT 101 LOT 102 LOT 103 LOT 104 LOT 105 LOT 106 LOT 107 LOT 108 LOT 109 LOT 110 LOT 111 LOT 112 LOT 113 LOT 114 LOT 115 LOT 116 LOT 117 LOT 118 LOT 119 LOT 120 LOT 121 LOT 122 LOT 123 LOT 124 LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 LOT 129
1649 1432 1713 1414 1693 1601 1792 1574 1355 1662 1758 1444 1657 1765 1527 1714 1727 1563 1756 1754 1155 1759 1364 1767 1488 1451 1747 1477 1669 1773 1478 1677 1599 1443 1752 1195 1694 1793 1702 1406 1616 1035 1796 1581 1228 1706 1804 1470 1479 1783 1607 1545 1729 1484 1671 1738 1499 1746 1786 1676 1523 1708 1659 1537 1716
LOT 130
LOT 131 LOT 132 LOT 133
LOT 134 LOT 135 LOT 136 LOT 137 LOT 138 LOT 139 LOT 140 LOT 141 LOT 142 LOT 143 LOT 144 LOT 145 LOT 146 LOT 147 LOT 148 LOT 149 LOT 150 LOT 151 LOT 152 LOT 153 LOT 154 LOT 155 LOT 156 LOT 157 LOT 158 LOT 159 LOT 160 LOT 161 LOT 162 LOT 163 LOT 164 LOT 165 LOT 166 LOT 167 LOT 168 LOT 169 LOT 170 LOT 171 LOT 172 LOT 173 LOT 174 LOT 175 LOT 176 LOT 177 LOT 178 LOT 179 LOT 180 LOT 181
1813 1204 1524 1707 1371 1212 1639 1814 1403 1753 1696 1120 1564 1768 1565 1779 1466 1691 1515 1698 1597 1682 1568 1658 1614 1673 1634 1726 1711 1630 1590 1781 1492 1679 1373 1704 1495 1791 1624 1504 1678 1420 1206 1788 1095 1731 1665 1583 1774 1668 861 1740
LOT 182 LOT 183 LOT 184 LOT 185 LOT 186 LOT 187 LOT 188 LOT 189 LOT 190 LOT 191 LOT 192 LOT 193 LOT 194 LOT 195 LOT 196 LOT 197 LOT 198 LOT 199 LOT 200 LOT 201 LOT 202 LOT 203 LOT 204 LOT 205 LOT 206 LOT 207 LOT 208 LOT 209 LOT 210 LOT 211 LOT 212 LOT 213 LOT 214 LOT 215 LOT 216 LOT 217 LOT 218 LOT 219 LOT 220 LOT 221 LOT 222 LOT 223 LOT 224 LOT 225 LOT 226 LOT 227 LOT 228 LOT 229 LOT 229A LOT 230 LOT 231 LOT 231A
1817 1775 1742 1636 1587 1778 1452 1745 1744 1535 1717 1272 1584 1776 1475 1675 1586 1692 1102 1748 1332 1553 1340 1436 1546 1723 1254 1456 1648 1424 1705 1547 1720 1654 1655 1411 1815 1797 1576 1544 1816 1718 1543 1719 1159 1674 1370 1021 1822 1224 1540 1820

LOT 232 LOT 233 LOT 234 LOT 235 LOT 236 LOT 237 LOT 238 LOT 239 LOT 240 LOT 241 LOT 242 LOT 243 LOT 244 LOT 244A LOT 245 LOT 246 LOT 247 LOT 248 LOT 249 LOT 250 LOT 251 LOT 252 LOT 253 LOT 253A LOT 254 LOT 255 LOT 256 LOT 257 LOT 258 LOT 259 LOT 260 LOT 261 LOT 262 LOT 263 LOT 264 LOT 265 LOT 266 LOT 267 LOT 268 LOT 269 LOT 270 LOT 271 LOT 272 LOT 273 LOT 274 LOT 275 LOT 276 LOT 277 LOT 278 LOT 279 LOT 280 LOT 281 LOT 282 LOT 283 LOT 284 LOT 285 LOT 286 LOT 287 LOT 288 LOT 289 LOT 290 LOT 291 LOT 292 LOT 293
1640 1651 1690 1548 952 1378 1612 1642 1528 1517 1645 1464 1656 1824 1761 1559 1555 1743 1666 1549 1757 1434 1641 1819 1722 1560 1766 1277 1680 1049 1628 1463 1667 1365 1619 1476 1670 1777 1333 1660 1550 1737 1610 1697 1512 1688 1573 1763 1509 1802 1700 1267 1472 1785 1385 1622 1808 1709 1818 1579 1202 1611 1388 1800
LOT 294 LOT 294A LOT 295 LOT 296 LOT 297 LOT 298 LOT 299 LOT 300 LOT 301 LOT 302 LOT 303 LOT 304 LOT 305 LOT 306 LOT 307 LOT 308 LOT 309 LOT 310 LOT 311 LOT 312 LOT 313 LOT 314 LOT 315 LOT 316 LOT 317 LOT 318 LOT 319 LOT 320 LOT 321 LOT 322 LOT 323 LOT 324 LOT 325 LOT 326 LOT 327 LOT 328 LOT 329 LOT 330 LOT 331 LOT 332 LOT 333 LOT 334 LOT 335 LOT 336 LOT 337 LOT 338 LOT 339 LOT 340 LOT 341 LOT 342 LOT 343 LOT 344 LOT 345 LOT 346 LOT 347 LOT 348 LOT 349 LOT 350 LOT 351 LOT 352 LOT 353 LOT 354 LOT 355 LOT 356 LOT 357
1401 1823 1728 1629 1522 1635 1167 1299 1730 1068 1491 1784 1490 1689 1733 1404 1613 1805 1502 1533 1715 1531 1712 1735 1625 1725 1494 1810 1510 1695 1710 1296 1721 1633 1811 1685 1795 1077 1661 1380 1588 1780 1302 1507 1699 1273 1623 1497 1542 1732 1580 1351 1571 1421 1621 1534 1764 1171 1496 1701 1486 1672 1498 1603 1803