Buffalo Creek Red Angus 1st Annual Fall Sale

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We have achieved the first step towards taking our program to the next level with our 2022 calf crop, and we are so excited about these young females that we decided to share the best ones with the Red Angus community as features in this sale. The offering also features one of our most prolific and productive donor cows, Bieber Primrose 306D, and a few packages of her embryos. We are also selling a select group of registered bred heifers and two potloads of fancy commercial bred heifers.

Again thank you for your interest in our program and we look forward to meeting you this October 1st. Please join us Friday night, September 30th, for a brisket dinner and again on sale day for lunch... we’re serving steaks!

Back in the summer of 2020, we went on a 14 day tour visiting some of the top Red Angus programs around the country. We were able to purchase some of the top young cows from the renowned Pieper herd in NE, including females like PIE Bonnie Bel 852, the dam of the $150,000 breed phenom, PIE Captain 057, and TKP Belle 3160, the dam of PIE Up Front 508.

Abby, Emme, Elizabeth, Clint, Joshua & Kaycen.

The select group of bulls in the offering are just a taste of what is to come! These bulls are age-advantaged and ready to go to work. The sires represented include the most-sought after PIE Quarterback, the $180,000 KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E, and outcross sires like PIE Yellowstone and MRLA Recharge.

ClintSincerely,&Elizabeth Witherspoon

A note from the host...

Dear Friends, Neighbors and fellow Cattlemen, We would first like to thank you for your time and interest in our program. This is our ‘coming out’ party so to speak, hosting our first Annual Fall Sale, and we are very proud to be able to show you what we’ve been up to the past few years.

Dakota Ag Insurance, Jared Mohnen (605) 999-4475; (605) 990-5355 office Policy information will be available sale time.

Wichita Falls, TX wichitalivestock.com76310

Directions to Sale:

6:00 pm - We will serve a Brisket dinner & refreshments compliments of Livestock Nutrition Center. Friday, October 1st –

All will follow the terms defined in the back of the catalog as outlined by the Red Angus Association of America.

Complimentary delivery on registered females and bulls to locations within 300 miles. All other delivery at cost.


Special Sale Representatives:

Complete videos & catalog online at: www.dvauction.com See page 2 for instructions Tami McIntosh (308) 870-3661

Sale Terms:

1:00 pm – Buffalo Creek Red Angus 1st Annual Fall Sale.

Breed Representative:

Phil Stoll - Weekly Livestock (817) Chisolm366-7332Kinder - Oklahoma Cattleman (405) 747-4683

Internet Broadcasting:

Cattle will sell in catalog order unless otherwise specified.


At the Wichita Livestock Sales Company 4006 US-281

Clint Witherspoon - (940) 733-7067

Seth Leachman - (406) 591-5651

11:00 am – Lunch is served... we are serving a steak dinner!

Ask for the Witherspoon rate!

Cale Hinrichsen - RAAA Commercial Marketing Specialist (785) Cale@redangus.com456-3969

Air Travel Arrangements: Dallas/Ft Worth International Airport (DFW) or Wichita Falls Regional Airport

Tate Pieper - Pieper Red Angus (308) 430-1777

Pre-sale viewing of sale offering all day at the Wichita Livestock Auction.

Wichita Livestock Sales Company 4006 WichitaUS-281Falls, TX 76310

Sale Lodging: Baymont by Wyndham 4510 Kell Blvd Wichita Falls, TX 76309 (940) 247-2820

8:00 am - Viewing of sale offering at the Wichita Livestock Auction with coffee and donuts.

Livestock Transportation:

Sale Order:

Schedule of Events: Friday, September 30th –

Colonel Charly Cummings Yates Center, KS (620) 496-7108

Sale Day Phones:


Doug Paul - Stock Exchange (405) 820-3982

Wichita Livestock - (940) 541-2222


HB - Herdbuilder index

HPG - Heifer pregnancy

lot 1 Donor Bdt: 2/18/2016 Reg#:3536967 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: RAB 306D LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W BIEBER ROUSE SAMURAI X22 BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A BASIN PRIMROSE 24T9 ProS: 107 (26%) HB: 44 (77%) GM: 63 (5%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.6 71 109 27 8 12 7 15 0.67 0.03 36 0.28 Top% 39 32 10 17 36 80 41 43 70 6 28 7 14

STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)

ME Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)

HB ....... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).

YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)


BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)

CW - Carcass weight

BW - Birth Weight

GM - Gridmaster index

MB - Marbling

WW - Weaning Weight

CED ........ Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)

CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)

STAY - Stayability

MILK - Milk

REA - Rib Eye Area

WW ....... Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)

CED - Calving Ease Direct

Top% - % Rank among all 2021 non-parant animals.

ProS - Profit & Sustainability

YW - Yearling Weight

ME - Maintenance Energy

CEM - Calving ease maternal

HPG Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)

MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)

DMI Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)



GM....... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the post-weaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).

ADG Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)

ProS ..... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).

MILK ..... Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)

REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)

YG - Yield Grade

YW Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)

CW ........ Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)

FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value) PRIMROSE 306D

BIEBER PRIMROSE 306Dlot 1 Donor Bdt: 2/18/2016 Reg#:3536967 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: RAB 306D LACY GOLD BAR 8123 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER LAURA 158W BIEBER ROUSE SAMURAI X22 BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A BASIN PRIMROSE 24T9 ProS: 107 (26%) HB: 44 (77%) GM: 63 (5%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.6 71 109 27 8 12 7 15 0.67 0.03 36 0.28 Top% 39 32 10 17 36 80 41 43 70 6 28 7 14 4 Lot 1... jumpstart your program with a donor that has proven she can cause a spark!

- The Witherspoon’s wanted to stir up a little bit of excitement for their first sale, so they decided to let this highly proven ET donor cow go. Primrose 306D is a long and level made with a great EPD profile and a royal pedigree to back it up! Her sire, Hard Drive, is well known around the breed for his outstanding daughters, and her dam, Primrose 496A, is a top donor in the Cinco R program in Plano, TX, and comes from the famed Basin Primrose 2043 tribe.

- Primrose 306D is averaging over 8 conventional eggs per flush. Her progeny by U-2 Re nown are featured in this sale as Lots 28, 30, 107 and 108.

- She sells confirmed bred to PIE One of A Kind 352, due 2/26/23 with a heifer calf.

5 thREe (3) frOzen EMbRyOs lot 1A Embryos PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.2 70 116 28 12 12 10 15 0.75 -0.01 29 0.31 ProS: 121 HB: 51 GM: 71 thREe (3) frOzen EMbRyOs lot 1B Embryos PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -3.3 67 111 28 11 12 9 14 0.73 -0.02 32 0.40 ProS: 114 HB: 44 GM: 70 thREe (3) frOzen EMbRyOs lot 1C Embryos RED U2 RETROSPECT 29E RED MRLA RESPECT 42G MRLA MISS 4408B BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -0.6 68 105 25 3 11 6 14 0.50 0.08 32 0.17 ProS: 88 HB: 41 GM: 47 PIE Quarterback 789... PIE Commander 0100... Red MRLA Respect 42B... - Selling three (3) frozen embryos with the guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. - Don’t miss this rare opportunity at one of the most progressive genetic packages available in the breed today. Quarterback is the talk of the town and his semen is now very hard to get your hands on. - Selling three (3) frozen embryos with the guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. - This package is sired by PIE Commander 0100, the $77,500 Quarterback son out of C-Bar Abigrace 636D, a full sister to 9 Mile Franchise 6305 - Selling three (3) frozen embryos with the guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. - Here is an opportunity to get some of the first genetics sired by Red MRLA Respect 42B, the $130,000 outcross Canadian sire.

6 BCReD TILLY 205lot 2A Heifer Calf Bdt: 2/11/2022 Reg#:4627195 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 205 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B PIE TILLY 9129 BIEBER TILLY 399W ProS: 79 (73%) HB: 53 (56%) GM: 25 (75%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.1 71 113 28 14 11 9 16 0.49 0.01 18 0.31 Top% 11 13 15 17 28 96 59 20 40 31 21 69 16 BCReD POLLY 200lot 2B Heifer Calf Bdt: 1/21/2022 Reg#:4627197 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 200 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B PIE POLLY 023 PIE POLLY 8254 ProS: 101 (37%) HB: 63 (37%) GM: 38 (48%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 17 -4.2 69 112 26 12 11 9 17 0.52 0.04 23 0.30 Top% 6 12 21 19 45 93 54 12 25 26 34 51 17 Lots 2A & 2B... you get to pick from our two best daughters of the $150,000 PIE Captain 057! PIE Captain 057... Lot 2A... Lot 2B... - We might be a little crazy selling our best 2022 born heifer calves, but the opportunity is here for the taking! Lot 2A and 2B are our best two daughters of the exciting young $150,000 sire, PIE Captain 057. They are 3/4 sisters out of dams sired by 5L Blockade 2218-30B. the highly proven carcass and udder improving sire. Lot 2A goes back to the famed Bieber Tilly 399W cow, also the dam of Bieber Rolling Deep Y118. Lot 2B is a very trim, clean made heifer out of a first calf dam that stacks Beckton Accent, One of a Kind and Basin Hobo in her maternal tabulation.

7 BCReD BOnNE BEL 202lot 3A Heifer Calf Bdt: 1/26/2022 Reg#:4627187 Brd: 2-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 202 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS BROWN CRSB CONFIDENCE G1410 BROWN MS MISSION STMT B542 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE BONNE BEL 852 PIE BONNE BEL 6232 ProS: 94 (48%) HB: 19 (97%) GM: 76 (3%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -3.1 75 130 31 19 10 9 11 0.67 0.10 47 0.52 Top% 11 26 7 3 8 99 69 16 89 9 70 1 3 BCReD SCArLETt 204lot 3B Heifer Calf Bdt: 2/2/2022 Reg#:4627189 Brd: 2-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 204 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS BROWN CRSB CONFIDENCE G1410 BROWN MS MISSION STMT B542 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE BONNE BEL 852 PIE BONNE BEL 6232 ProS: 94 (48%) HB: 19 (97%) GM: 76 (3%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -3.1 75 130 31 19 10 9 11 0.67 0.10 47 0.52 Top% 11 26 7 3 8 99 69 16 89 9 70 1 3 Lots 3A & 3B... outcross blk/red gene Confidence grandaughtersPlusout of PIE Captain’s dam! PIE Bonne Bel 852... Lot 3A... Lot 3B... - Here is possibly a pair of the best outcross heifers offered in the breed today! Lot 3A and 3B are full ET sisters sired by the now deceased Brown CRSB Confidence G1410, a black/red gene carrier son of the Angus Pathfinder, Con nealy Confidence Plus. Maternally they are out of PIE Bonne Bel 852, our signature donor cow at Buffalo Creek by 9 Mile Franchise that is also the dam of the $150,000 breed phenom, PIE Captain 057.

8 BCReD BELLE 207lot 4B Heifer Calf Bdt: 2/7/2022 Reg#:4627185 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 207 LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C LSF SAGA 1040Y 3160 TKP TKP BELLE 8243 ProS: 107 (28%) HB: 48 (66%) GM: 59 (12%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.7 78 127 26 11 12 6 15 0.59 0.09 39 0.33 Top% 79 72 4 4 46 89 34 66 62 16 66 7 13 BCReD BOnNIE 206lot 4A Heifer Calf Bdt: 2/7/2022 Reg#:4627183 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 206 LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C LSF SAGA 1040Y 3160 TKP TKP BELLE 8243 ProS: 107 (28%) HB: 48 (66%) GM: 59 (12%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.7 78 127 26 11 12 6 15 0.59 0.09 39 0.33 Top% 79 72 4 4 46 89 34 66 62 16 66 7 13 Lots 4A & 4B... you get the pick from these ET sisters by KJL/CLZB Complete. KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E... Lot 4B... Lot 4A & B’s dam... - Lots 4A & 4B are full ET sisters sired by KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E, the $180,000 breed high selling bull back in 2018. Now deceased, his semen is vary rare and off the market. The dam, 3160 TKP, is one of our top proven donors, earning a 105 MPPA on her 7 natural calves. On her first try she produced PIE Up Front 508, a high per forming Andras New Direction son that sold in ‘16 to Rhodes Red Angus in SD.

9 BCReD StAr 241lot 5A Heifer Calf Bdt: 3/22/2022 Reg#:4635427 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 241 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 94 (49%) HB: 42 (77%) GM: 52 (21%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.2 63 107 29 6 11 8 13 0.55 0.02 23 0.25 Top% 69 64 41 29 19 68 59 27 79 21 26 49 24 BCReD StAr 247lot 5B Heifer Calf Bdt: 3/27/2022 Reg#:4627191 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 247 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE COMMANDER 0100 C-BAR ABIGRACE 636D RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 93 (49%) HB: 42 (77%) GM: 52 (21%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.2 63 107 29 6 11 8 13 0.55 0.02 23 0.25 Top% 69 63 41 29 19 68 59 28 79 21 26 49 24 PIE Commander 0100... Lots 5A & 5B... the first daughters to sell sired by the $77,500 PIE Commander 0100. - Lot 5A and 5B are like peas in a pod... this pair of dark red, flashy heifers are the first daughters to sell sired by PIE Commander 0100, the $77,500 Quarterback son out of 9 Mile Franchise’s full sister. Maternally they are out of Damar Star 365W B043, the mat. sister to National Champion Cowboy Cut 26U. Her progeny include the ‘19 NAJRAE Reserve Grand Champion Female. Maternal siblings sell as Lot 25, 27-29, 109 and 110. Lot 5A... Lot 5B...

- Her dam, Lincoln 509E, combines Andras Fusion with the Primrose cow on the paternal side, and Hard Drive with Iron Ore on the maternal side.

- Lot 7 has the body, structure and attractive looks to match her already breed leading EPD proof. Her combination of calving ease, growth, maternal and carcass traits makes her a great can didate as a future donor herself.

- Lot 6 combines two of the breed’s most popular sires with Quar terback and Franchise. This combination has already accounted for bulls like the $150,000 PIE Captain 057.

- Her dam, Ruby 9298, is destined for the donor pen, raising her second top Quarterback progeny in a row. Her first calf, BCRED Quarterback 102, is the featured age-advantaged bull selling as Lot 101.

10 BCReD rUby 224lot 6 Heifer Calf Bdt: 2/19/2022 Reg#:4627201 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 224 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE RUBY 9298 PIE RUBY 5457 ProS: 129 (8%) HB: 61 (40%) GM: 67 (6%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.7 62 111 30 11 11 11 16 0.63 -0.01 27 0.36 Top% 10 8 45 20 13 89 64 2 43 12 15 36 11 BCReD LInCOLN 248lot 7 Heifer Calf Bdt: 3/27/2022 Reg#:4627193 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 248 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE CAPTAIN 057 PIE BONNE BEL 852 BIEBER FEDERALIST B543 BIEBER LINCOLN 509E BIEBER LINCOLN 104C ProS: 123 (12%) HB: 58 (47%) GM: 65 (7%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 17 -3.7 74 122 30 14 10 11 17 0.80 0.12 32 0.16 Top% 8 18 8 8 10 97 72 2 36 3 79 20 42 Lot 6... the magic cross... Quaterback x Franchise. Lot 7... 8 traits in the top 20% or better!

11 BCReD CASCADe 016lot 8 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/28/2020 Reg#:4610057 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 016 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 WCR UNCHAINED 3332A PIE CASCADE 6499 PIE CASCADE 561 ProS: 80 (72%) HB: 53 (57%) GM: 27 (72%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -0.5 61 99 18 2 14 7 14 0.26 0.11 31 0.06 Top% 59 76 47 45 97 43 13 62 69 86 77 21 65 Lot showing8...off her maternal strengths. - Lot 8 leads off a very nice group of registered bred heifers off of our foundation Pieper bred cows. This deep bodied, easy keeper is super sound and looks like she will make a beautiful udder. Her dam, Cascade 6499, is one of the more powerful, stout made cows in the herd. She combines outcross Canadian genetics from Detour and Mulberry with Grand Canyon and Game Plan. She is confirmed safe to Andras Fusion R236, and is due 1/27/23.

12 BCReD eXTrA SPECIAL 022lot 9 Bred Heifer Bdt: 10/14/2020 Reg#:4610035 Brd: B-99.9% AR Tattoo: BCRED 022 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W TPIE WAGONMASTER 753 PIE EXTRA SPECIAL 4295 TPIE EXTRA SPECIAL 7029 ProS: 89 (57%) HB: 63 (37%) GM: 26 (74%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -2.3 62 94 26 0 13 6 16 0.40 0.02 16 0.15 Top% 61 41 45 57 38 33 22 68 49 52 28 76 44

- Her sire, Beckton Accent D134 W3, was a highlight in the ‘17 Beckton sale, going to Hansine Ranch in SD. Maternally she is double bred to the PIE Gridmaster 589 bull.

- Lot 10 is the stoutest bred heifer in the offering. She is all Red Angus, but due to a tragic fire at Pieper’s a few years back, the information behind her awesome Franchise sired dam was lost.

- Her sire, PIE Yellowstone 8339, is the outcross Spur 6111 son that was the top seller in Pieper’s ‘19 fall sale going to Hansine Ranch in SD. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 1/27/23 with a bull calf.

BCReD Ms TX 011

Lot 9... the kind that will excel in anyLotenvironment.10... she will be easy to find sale day.

- Lot 9 is a moderate, deep ribbed female that is super sound and easy fleshing.

- She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/22/23 with a bull calf.

lot 10 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/16/2020 Reg#:4634255 Brd: 3-75% AR Tattoo: BCRED 011 MCD SPUR 6111 PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 PIE SATIN 4212 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 BCRED 8017 ProS: 71 (83%) HB: 45 (71%) GM: 26 (74%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.2 63 90 23 1 7 3 14 0.35 0.13 21 0.11 Top% 80 81 39 64 75 40 98 97 65 65 82 57 55

13 BCReD JEAN 010lot 13 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/14/2020 Reg#:4635429 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 010 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W LSF SAGA 1040Y TKP JEAN 356 TKP JEAN 1144 ProS: 79 (74%) HB: 52 (59%) GM: 27 (73%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.7 66 110 30 7 12 5 16 0.31 0.12 20 0.04 Top% 78 53 28 22 12 75 30 90 41 73 80 63 70 BCReD juDY O15lot 11 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/25/2020 Reg#:Pending Brd: 100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 015 MCD SPUR 6111 PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 PIE SATIN 4212 4MC CATTLEMAN 6112 PIE JUDY 8389 PIE JUDY 435 ProS: 110 HB: 67 GM: 43 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.7 62 97 29 4 13 7 17 0.52 0.14 33 0.22 Top% BCReD LAKOtA 006lot 12 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/11/2020 Reg#:Pending Brd: 100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 006 MCD SPUR 6111 PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 PIE SATIN 4212 PFFR CONVOY 9Z PIE LAKOTA LOGAN 764 PIE LAKOTA LOGAN 5370 ProS: 102 HB: 54 GM: 58 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.6 65 104 27 8 11 7 16 0.56 0.15 34 0.17 Top% - Lot 11 is another dark red, smooth made Yellowstone daughter. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 1/27/23 with a bull calf. - Lot 12 is a Yellowstone daughter that stacks breed legends, Conquest and Logan, on the maternal side. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/17/23 with a heifer calf. - Lot 13 is another moderate, easy doing Beckton Accent daughter out of a powerful 106 MPPA Saga dam. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 1/27/23 with a bull calf.

14 BCReD FIReBErRY 005lot 14 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/8/2020 Reg#:4610033 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 005 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W RED LAZY MC REDMAN 20X PIE FIREBERRY 4467 TPIE FIREBERRY 6213 ProS: 79 (72%) HB: 64 (34%) GM: 16 (90%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.9 54 89 25 3 10 7 18 0.27 0.12 18 0.01 Top% 44 16 72 67 48 53 74 48 21 84 80 71 76 BCReD SALVOD 024lot 15 Bred Heifer Bdt: 10/5/2020 Reg#:4610037 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 024 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W LSF SAGA 1040Y PIE SALVOD 4075 PIE SALVOD 8168 ProS: 87 (60%) HB: 53 (56%) GM: 34 (58%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -2.4 64 101 25 0 12 5 15 0.42 0.08 18 0.11 Top% 63 39 37 40 50 32 47 85 54 47 60 71 53 BCReD FAYetTe 020lot 16 Bred Heifer Bdt: 10/1/2020 Reg#:4610031 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 020 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W HOOT RIDGE NET WORTH NT34 PIE FAYETTE 4440 PIE FAYETTE 1160 ProS: 81 (70%) HB: 63 (37%) GM: 18 (86%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -2.6 55 86 25 3 13 8 16 0.37 0.05 10 0.06 Top% 55 34 71 73 55 47 25 31 49 61 42 90 65 - Lot 14 is stacked with calving ease and maternal goodness. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/22/23 with a heifer calf. - The Beckton Accent back on Saga really works well. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/22/23 with a heifer calf. - Lot 16 is a long, smooth made Accent daughter with strong maternal traits. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 1/27/23 with a bull calf.

15 BCReD FAYetTe 003lot 18 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/5/2020 Reg#:4610029 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 003 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 PAR NUFF SED 003Y PIE FAYETTE 3112 PIE FAYETTE 158 ProS: 102 (35%) HB: 55 (53%) GM: 47 (29%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.8 62 100 25 14 10 10 17 0.45 0.05 31 0.21 Top% 29 32 45 43 53 96 70 8 36 40 39 21 32 BCReD BOTeET 027lot 17 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/15/2020 Reg#:4610061 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 027 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 LSF SAGA 1040Y PIE BOTEET 6278 PIE BOTEET 2049 ProS: 91 (52%) HB: 45 (71%) GM: 46 (31%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 12 -2.5 59 99 27 17 10 7 17 0.49 0.08 23 0.11 Top% 63 37 56 45 34 99 69 60 28 31 59 52 53 BCReD SALVOD 030lot 19 Bred Heifer Bdt: 10/28/2020 Reg#:4610051 Brd: B-99.9% AR Tattoo: BCRED 030 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 PIE THE COWBOY KIND 343 PIE SALVOD 631 PIE SALVOD 455 ProS: 113 (21%) HB: 46 (69%) GM: 66 (7%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 1.1 72 120 28 14 11 7 16 0.58 0.06 36 0.24 Top% 85 94 13 9 25 97 58 62 46 17 49 10 26 - Lot 17 is the first of three daughters in a row sired by PIE Husker 5500, the high performing Sand Hills son that sold to Select Sires back in ‘16. She is confirmed safe to Andras Fusion R236, and is due 1/27/23 with a heifer calf. - These Husker daughters should be loaded with performance and carcass genetics... Husker posted an impressive 1352 AYW and 153 IMF ratio. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 1/27/23 with a bull calf. - Lot 19 is another growth and carcass Husker daughter out of a Cowboy Kind x Saga x Cutting Edge bred dam. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/12/23 with a heiferPIEcalf.Husker 5500... sire of Lots 17-19 Kaycen had a healthy baby girl, Jersey, born on 9-8-22... Clint is a very proud Pops!

16 BCReD BETh 031lot 20 Bred Heifer Bdt: 11/1/2020 Reg#:4635423 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 031 MCD SPUR 6111 PIE YELLOWSTONE 8339 PIE SATIN 4212 RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U PIE BETH 217 PIE BETH 096 ProS: 93 (49%) HB: 60 (42%) GM: 33 (60%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 9 0 59 91 26 2 12 5 17 0.43 0.11 27 0.14 Top% 91 82 57 63 46 44 38 83 35 44 77 36 48 BCReD rUby 017lot 21 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/20/2020 Reg#:4610039 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 017 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE RUBY 4351 TPIE RUBY 9164 ProS: 96 (44%) HB: 68 (27%) GM: 29 (69%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.2 59 94 12 2 13 8 16 0.26 0.08 29 0.2 Top% 37 43 55 55 99 47 16 29 37 86 57 28 33 BCReD ICEWHEeL 008lot 22 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/13/2020 Reg#:4610041 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 008 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 LSF SAGA 1040Y PIE ICEWHEEL 5142 PIE ICE WHEEL 957 ProS: 94 (49%) HB: 41 (79%) GM: 53 (20%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 0.8 65 110 24 14 11 5 16 0.52 0.08 26 0.14 Top% 96 92 32 22 59 96 56 90 40 26 57 39 46 - Lot 20 is moderate Yellowstone daughter out of a dam that stacks two powerhouse sires in Fat Tony and PIE Atlan tic. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 3/26/23. - Lot 21 is a very feminine, clean made Reddington daughter out of a Sand Hills dam. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 3/26/23. - Another Husker daughter loaded with growth and carcass goodness. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is duePIE3/26/23.Husker 5500... sire of Lots 17-19

Tate Pieper & Austin Berwald on a ‘TX Double Date’ with a pair of Javalenas!

17 BCReD StAr 120Jlot 25 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/15/2021 Reg#:4611015 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 120J SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 DAMAR NEXT D852 DAMAR MIMI W085 RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 88 (58%) HB: 58 (47%) GM: 30 (66%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.6 61 97 28 2 12 7 15 0.33 0.05 23 0.14 Top% 81 74 47 49 24 43 36 55 55 70 45 52 46 BCReD BOnItA 032lot 23 Bred Heifer Bdt: 11/16/2020 Reg#:Pending Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 032 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 RED NORTHLINE FAT TONY 605U PIE BONITA 3003 PIE MS BD SAULLY 7120 ProS: 102 HB: 59 GM: 43 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -0.4 56 93 25 12 10 7 18 0.50 0.01 17 0.16 Top% BCReD mS tx 002lot 24 Bred Heifer Bdt: 9/3/2020 Reg#:4637643 Brd: 3-50% AR Tattoo: BCRED 002 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 RED ANGUS SIRE PIE 6498 RED ANGUS DAM ProS: HB: GM: CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs Top% - This Husker x Fat Tony bred heifer is extra long and super feminine made. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 2/12/23 with a bull calf. - Lot 24 is straight Red Angus but out of an unregistered dam. She is confirmed safe to Andras Fusion R236, and is due 1/27/23 with a heifer calf. - Lot 25 leads off a select group of ET spring born bred heifers. Her sire, Next, is a Nexus son out of the famed Mimi W085 cow, and the dam, Damar Star, is one of our elite ET donors. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 2/25/23 with a bull calf.

- Lot 27 is the first of three full ET sisters sired by Big Foot and out of our donor, Damar Star. She is confirmed safe to LSF SRR Identity 0295H, and is due 3/14/23 with a heifer calf.

- Lot 29 is the third ET daughter of MLK Big Foot, the son of phenotype leader, Card Shark. She is exposed to PIE Quarterback 0486.

18 BCReD PRIME rOSe 121Jlot 26 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/16/2021 Reg#:4611005 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 121J RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U-2 RENOWN 193C RED U-2 ENVIOUS 147X BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A ProS: 74 (79%) HB: 38 (83%) GM: 36 (52%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.0 66 97 24 -1 7 4 15 0.49 0.02 23 0.22 Top% 96 93 29 50 64 29 98 95 55 31 25 49 30 BCReD StAr 122Jlot 27 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/16/2021 Reg#:4611007 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 122J WEBR TC CARD SHARK 1015 MLK BIG FOOT TC CUPCAKE 03Y RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 70 (85%) HB: 57 (48%) GM: 13 (92%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.3 63 104 28 -1 10 6 16 0.15 0.12 21 -0.01 Top% 96 95 40 35 22 28 82 72 47 97 78 59 79 BCReD StAr 129Jlot 28 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/23/2021 Reg#:4611021 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 129J WEBR TC CARD SHARK 1015 MLK BIG FOOT TC CUPCAKE 03Y RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 70 (85%) HB: 57 (48%) GM: 13 (92%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.3 63 104 28 -1 10 6 16 0.15 0.12 21 -0.01 Top% 96 95 40 35 22 28 82 72 47 97 78 59 79 BCReD StAr 123Jlot 30 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/17/2021 Reg#:4611023 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 123J RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U-2 RENOWN 193C RED U-2 ENVIOUS 147X BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A ProS: 76 (77%) HB: 40 (80%) GM: 36 (52%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.0 66 97 24 -4 7 4 15 0.49 0.02 23 0.22 Top% 96 93 29 50 64 20 97 95 55 31 25 49 30 BCReD StAr 125Jlot 29 Bred Heifer Bdt: 3/25/2021 Reg#:4611017 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 125J WEBR TC CARD SHARK 1015 MLK BIG FOOT TC CUPCAKE 03Y RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M ProS: 87 (59%) HB: 54 (54%) GM: 33 (59%) CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.3 63 104 28 -1 8 6 16 0.33 0.05 23 0.14 Top% 96 95 40 35 22 28 93 72 47 70 45 52 46 - Lot 26 is an ET daughter of our featured donor cow, Primrose 306D, selling as Lot 1. Her sire, Renown 193C, is a very popular Canadian bred Reckoning son. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 3/14/23 with a heifer calf.

- Lot 30 is an ET Renown daughter out of Primrose 306D, our featured Lot 1 donor. She is exposed to PIE Quarterback 0486.

- Lot 28 is another dark red Big Foot daughter out of Damar Stasr. She is confirmed safe to PIE Quarterback 0486, and is due 3/21/23.

19 lot 50 30 Head of Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers lot 51 20 Head of Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers lot 52 50 Head of Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers 30 HEAD - All red commercial Red Angus heifers that are bred to PIE Quarterback 0486 (PIE Quarterback 789 son) and due to start calving on 11/20/22 to 1/05/23. 20 HEAD - All red commercial Red Angus heifers that are bred to C-Bar/YCRA Karisma 312J (9 Mile Franchise 6305 son) and due to start calving on 2/27/23 to 3/30/23. 50 HEAD - All red commercial Red Angus heifers that are bred to calving ease Pieper Red Angus bulls and due to start calving on 2/27/23 to 3/30/23. ** 50 more head bred to calving ease Pieper Red Angus bulls are available. ** Commercial Bred Heifers will sell in 5 Hd minimum groups and buyer has option to take 5 up to all of each lot at the bid price.

20 BCReD QUArtErBACK 102lot 101 Bull Bdt: 2/5/2021 Reg#:4610989 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 102 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE RUBY 9298 PIE RUBY 5457 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -5.0 61 111 30 11 10 11 16 0.62 -0.01 27 0.37 Top% 9 6 48 21 9 89 67 2 50 13 15 34 10 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 42cmAYW 1267AWW 624BW 68 ProS: 125 (10%) HB: 57 (48%) GM: 68 (6%) - Lot 101 leads off our age-advantaged bull offering and he is a perfect example of exactly what we are striving towards in our Red Angus program... calving ease with growth, ma ternal strengths and superior carcass genetics. - He combines two of the breed’s finest for these traits with his sire, PIE Quarterback 789, and maternal grandsire, 9 Mile Franchise 6305. His beautiful, hard working dam has done it again, producing a beautiful Quarterback heifer calf that is featured as Lot 6.

- Lot 103 is another typical Quarterback son... like peas in a pod they are loaded with extra length, performance and carcass, while main taining breed leading calving ease.

- His dam, Rebella 9635, is another young cow we picked out of the Pieper program. Maternal ly she stacks Sand Hills, Ole’s Oscar and Hoss.

Lot 103...

Calving ease with this kind of length is hard to find.

21 BCReD QUArtErBACK 105lot 102 Bull Bdt: 2/8/2021 Reg#:4610987 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 105 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 BIEBER FOREFRONT B281 PIE CLEOPATRA 9627 RAISLAND CLEOPATRA 360-423 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 16 -4.4 63 107 29 8 13 11 16 0.68 -0.02 22 0.29 Top% 10 11 41 27 17 78 17 3 49 8 13 56 18 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW 1252AWW 638BW 72 ProS: 129 (8%) HB: 68 (26%) GM: 61 (11%) BCReD QUArtErBACK 101lot 103 Bull Bdt: 1/29/2021 Reg#:4610995 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 101 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 PIE QUARTERBACK 789 PIE RUBY 520 PIE RIGHT TIME 347 PIE REBELLA 9535 PIE REBELLA 4357 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 15 -3.9 69 122 28 15 12 10 16 0.62 -0.01 25 0.23 Top% 15 16 20 7 21 97 41 5 50 13 15 44 28 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW 1181AWW 641BW ProS: 123 (11%) HB: 56 (51%) GM: 68 (6%) Lot 102... Calving ease with this kind of length is hard to find.

- Lot 102 is a model combination of calving ease, growth and carcass traits, and he puts them all together in a very attractive package.

- His dam, Cleopatra 9627, is a member of the elite young females we purchased in ‘20 from the Pieper program in NE. She is sired by Forefront, the Fusion son from the famed Laura cow.

22 BCReD COMPLETE 116lot 104 Bull Bdt: 4/18/2021 Reg#:4610981 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 116 LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 PIE ARY 858 BMRA MS WR TRUE 6029 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.9 72 123 26 9 13 7 13 0.65 0.06 36 0.36 Top% 83 68 13 6 39 83 27 62 80 10 48 10 11 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 42cmAYW 1221AWW 613BW 90 ProS: 108 (27%) HB: 39 (81%) GM: 69 (5%) BCReD COMPLETE 107lot 105 Bull Bdt: 2/10/2021 Reg#:4610993 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 107 LEACHMAN PLEDGE A282Z KJL/CLZB COMPLETE 7000E HXC 507C LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE JULY DALLES 9494 TPIE JULY DALLES 821 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.5 65 104 18 11 12 8 14 0.71 0.06 33 0.26 Top% 72 57 31 35 96 89 40 28 72 6 48 17 23 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 38cmAYW 989AWW 593BW 79 ProS: 103 (33%) HB: 42 (76%) GM: 61 (11%) KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E... - Lot 105 ranks among the top 6% of the breed for Marbling, the top 17% for Carcass Weight, and the top 23% for Ribeye. - His dam is another top Sand Hills daughter that stems from foundation genetics out of the Rock Creek program in MT. - Lot 104 is the first of two sons sired by the $180,000 KJL/CLZB Complete 7000E. Check out his awesome growth and carcass traits ranked among the elite of the breed. More and more, we are finding Franchise on the maternal side of some of the breed’s best.

23 BCReD rEChARGE 106lot 106 Bull Bdt: 2/8/2021 Reg#:4610985 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 106 RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E RED MRLA RECHARGE 139G MRLA MISS 3411A C-BAR ONE WAY 37E PIE FANTASY 944 PIE FANTASY 7011 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.3 58 92 23 15 13 9 15 0.30 0.12 22 0.08 Top% 37 41 61 60 74 33 8 21 59 77 80 53 60 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 37cmAYW 1075AWW 586BW 61 ProS: 94 (47%) HB: 67 (28%) GM: 27 (72%) BCReD rEnOWn 127Jlot 107 Bull Bdt: 3/27/2021 Reg#:4611009 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 127J RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U-2 RENOWN 193C RED U-2 ENVIOUS 147X BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.0 66 97 24 -1 7 4 15 0.50 0.02 24 0.22 Top% 96 93 28 50 64 29 98 95 55 29 26 47 30 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 36cmAYW 1294AWW 511BW 64 ProS: 75 (79%) HB: 38 (82%) GM: 37 (51%) BCReD rEnOWn 126Jlot 108 Bull Bdt: 3/26/2021 Reg#:4611011 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 126J RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U-2 RENOWN 193C RED U-2 ENVIOUS 147X BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER PRIMROSE 306D BIEBER PRIMROSE 496A CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 8 1.0 66 97 24 -1 7 4 15 0.50 0.02 24 0.22 Top% 96 93 28 50 64 29 98 95 55 29 26 47 30 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 36cmAYW 1022AWW 544BW 96 ProS: 75 (79%) HB: 38 (82%) GM: 37 (51%) Lot 107... looks just as good standing still as he does moving! - Lot 106 is a super low birth weight son of Canadian outcross sire, Recharge. Maternally he is out of a daughter of One Way, the One of a Kind sired mat brother to Franchise. - Lots 107 and 108 are a pair of ET brothers sired by the Canadian outcross, U-2 Renown, and their dam, Primrose 306D, is the powerful donor by Hard Drive that is featured as Lot 1 in this sale.

24 BCReD NEXT 128Jlot 110 Bull Bdt: 3/29/2021 Reg#:4611013 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 128J SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 DAMAR NEXT D852 DAMAR MIMI W085 RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M PERFORMANCE Scrotal 39cmAYW 1087AWW 546BW 62 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.6 61 97 27 2 12 7 15 0.32 0.05 22 0.15 Top% 80 74 49 51 34 43 36 55 58 72 42 54 44 ProS: 86 (62%) HB: 57 (49%) GM: 29 (68%) BCReD NEXT 124Jlot 109 Bull Bdt: 3/18/2021 Reg#:4611019 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 124J SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 DAMAR NEXT D852 DAMAR MIMI W085 RED SSS SOLDIER 365W DAMAR STAR 365W B043 RED LAZY MC STAR 185M CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 10 -0.6 61 97 27 2 12 7 15 0.32 0.05 22 0.15 Top% 80 74 49 51 34 43 36 55 58 72 42 54 44 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 42cmAYW 1079AWW 528BW 75 ProS: 86 (62%) HB: 57 (49%) GM: 29 (68%) Damar Star 365W B043... - Lots 109 and 110 are a pair of ET brothers that offer a little different pedigree for most. There breed leading type and looks are no accident. - They combine two of the breed’s leading ma trons for type and kind with their paternal granddam, Damar Mimi W085, and dam, Damar Star. Lots 109 & 110... full ET brothers out of Damar Star.

25 BCReD ALLStAr 110lot 112 Bull Bdt: 2/27/2021 Reg#:4629573 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 110 BROWN ALLIANCE X7795 C-BAR ALL STAR 124C C-BAR STONY W928 C-BAR EL GRANDE 100C PIE REBELLA 9427 PIE REBELLA 697 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.2 46 79 19 10 12 7 16 0.50 0.04 9 -0.06 Top% 43 25 90 83 94 86 38 53 42 29 34 92 87 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 39cmAYW 1118AWW 761BW 68 ProS: 84 (65%) HB: 47 (68%) GM: 36 (52%) BCReD CHIef eXEC 108lot 113 Bull Bdt: 2/11/2021 Reg#:4610991 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 108 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 JEFFRIES CHIEF EXECUTIVE 21G JEFFRIES MS KAY A441 JEFFRIES GLADIATOR 24C JEFFRIES MS SHADOW G121 JEFFRIES MS SHADOW A497 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 14 -2.7 58 92 23 0 15 9 15 0.30 0.12 24 0.10 Top% 30 33 58 60 74 33 8 16 58 77 81 46 56 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 41cmAYW 1069AWW 635BW 71 ProS: 96 (44%) HB: 69 (25%) GM: 28 (71%) BCReD ACCeNT 113lot 111 Bull Bdt: 3/30/2021 Reg#:4629577 Brd: B-99.9% AR Tattoo: BCRED 113 BECKTON ACCENT W180 C2 BECKTON ACCENT D134 W3 BECKTON DINAH Y170 W C-BAR EL GRANDE 100C PIE SAMS REBA 9613 PIE SAMS REBA 644 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -3.0 71 119 23 7 14 7 15 0.47 0.02 28 0.32 Top% 44 28 15 11 69 72 12 55 54 35 26 29 15 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW 1334AWW 894BW 67 ProS: 108 (27%) HB: 59 (45%) GM: 49 (26%) - Lot 111 jumped through all the hoops, posting an amazing 894 AWW and 1334 AYW with only a 67 BW! He sports a huge EPD spread from -3.0 BW to 119 YW. - Lot 112 is another top performer, posting an impressive 761 AWW with only a 68 BW. He combines the great Abigrace, Stony and Rebella cow families. - Lot 113 is a calving ease grandson of Franchise and out of a young Gladiator dam we purchased from the Jeffries program in OK. Keep your kids in agriculture... Clint & Kaycen at Fort Worth... Clint & Josh at State FFA...

26 BCReD rEDDInGtON 012lot 115 Bull Bdt: 9/18/2020 Reg#:4610049 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 012 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 PIE ONE OF A KIND 352 PIE BAR EL GLORIA 6208 RED BAR-E-L GLORIA 79W CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -2.0 66 103 14 0 16 8 13 0.31 0.12 29 0.02 Top% 41 47 30 36 99 36 3 39 75 75 79 26 74 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW 821AWW 551BW 65 ProS: 88 (59%) HB: 59 (44%) GM: 29 (69%) BCReD rEDDInGtON 009lot 114 Bull Bdt: 9/13/2020 Reg#:Pending Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 009 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SUE ELLEN 745 PIE SUE ELLEN 5234 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.9 63 102 20 2 14 7 15 0.38 15 29 0.10 Top% PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW AWW 570BW 64 ProS: 96 HB: 62 GM: 35 - Lot 114 is the first of five full two-year old virgin bulls that are ready to go to work! This powerhouse is a Reddington son out of a Seneca daughter that is one of the prettiest, most pro ductive young cows on the place. - Lot115 is another powerful Reddington son out of a One of a Kind dam that goes back to a top Canadian outcross foundation.

27 BCReD hUSKER 029lot 116 Bull Bdt: 10/22/2020 Reg#:4610055 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 029 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE HUSKER 5500 PIE REBELLA 133 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 PIE RUBY TUO 601 PIE RUBY TUO 4341 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 11 -1.6 68 110 22 11 12 6 18 0.50 0.11 35 0.21 Top% 68 55 23 23 83 90 35 68 22 29 73 12 32 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 38cmAYW 923AWW 625BW 74 ProS: 114 (20%) HB: 61 (40%) GM: 53 (20%) BCReD rEDDInGtON 004lot 118 Bull Bdt: 9/8/2020 Reg#:4610027 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 004 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 LSF SAND HILLS 9008W PIE REBA 3413 PIE SAMS REBA 926 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.0 55 105 15 4 14 8 16 0.36 0.14 37 0.17 Top% 51 67 70 32 99 56 14 39 39 62 87 9 40 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 38cmAYW 936AWW 362BW 75 ProS: 124 (11%) HB: 65 (33%) GM: 60 (12%) BCReD rEDDInGtON 019lot 117 Bull Bdt: 9/30/2020 Reg#:4610059 Brd: A-100% AR Tattoo: BCRED 019 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240 JEFFRIES REDDINGTON 865C JEFFRIES W563 LSF SAGA 1040Y PIE BONNE BEL 6232 PIE BONNE BEL 2173 CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDs 13 -1.2 61 97 22 2 15 7 14 0.35 0.16 26 0.04 Top% 50 63 49 50 78 43 4 57 69 65 92 37 69 PERFORMANCE Scrotal 40cmAYW 840AWW 508BW 74 ProS: 83 (67%) HB: 58 (47%) GM: 25 (75%) Clint and the whole crew at Buffalo Creek Red Angus would like to thank everyone that attended and/or participated in our first annual sale... lets do it again next year! - Lot 116 will be turning heads on sale day... this dude is stout! These bulls are adapted to the heat and are ready to go out and breed cows. - Lots 117 & 118 are a pair of Reddington sons that are bull two-year olds... take advantage of their maturity and ability to go out and cover cows without skipping a beat.

28 A special ‘Thank You’ to Livestock Nutrition Center for sponsoring the meals at the sale! Contact: Thomas Glascock Marietta, Oklahoma (940) 736-7706




Each animal becomes the risk of the Buyer as soon as sold, but it shall be the obligation of the Seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to Buyer, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of 48 hours after the sale, whichever occurs sooner.

The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final.




The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale or resale of an animal consti tutes a seperate transaction.

All animals are guaranteed by the seller as outlined in the Red Angus Association of America Code of Ethical Sale Practices.

All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, the sale manager, and the auction facility assume no liability for accidents that may occur. It is to be clearly understood that the sale manager and their representatives act only as a medium between the buyer and seller.

Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with Sale Man agement prior to sale.

All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Interstate health papers will be furnished for each animal requiring tuberculosis and brucellosis tests in accor dance with Federal Regulations.



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