C-Bar Red Angus Red Barons Ball Online Sale

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Dear friends, neighbors and fellow cattlemen & women,

We would first like to thank you for your time and interest in our program. Our existence in the beef industry revolves around the desire to produce genetics that command your interest and demand, and we survive and thrive because of your investments in our bulls and females. We don’t take your needs and support of our program for granted, and we are constantly working on our genetics for the benefit to the industry and your bottom line.

Several circumstances have made us realize that we must make changes here at C-Bar Ranch. Cindy & I are at a point in our lives that would like to decrease our work load and are attempting do the things in life that bring us the most pleasure. So here are a few major changes you will see at C-Bar Ranch... .

1. C-Bar Ranch is now C-Bar Red Angus Genetics. We will continue to focus on multiplying only the elite genetics through extensive embryo transplant work.

2. We have formed a business plan that involves testing and marketing our bull calves with Berwald Red Angus, Austin & Becky Berwald, in Brookings, SD, and we will also continue to work with Seth Leachman to promote our genetics.

3. We are planning to continue to market the female and embryo gentics in the fall through online sales, as well as privately at the ranch.

This is an evolving process and we are sure that our customers will have many questions which we are more than willing to answer. We love our Red Angus cattle and we enjoy providing the industry with practical, sound cattle that work in a multitude of environments and operations around the country.

With that said, we are excited to bring you the Red Baron’s Ball Online Sale, featuring 18 of our top ‘22 Fall born and ‘23 Spring born open heifers, and 55 of our best embryos from our frozen inventory. This calf crop features the first progeny to sell sired by our ‘22 sale high selling bull, C-Bar Red Baron 207J. We hope you find this set of calves as exciting as we do!


Steve & Cindy Maier Brownell, KS 785-623-9736 Paul & Ginger Holton Cisco, TX Ross & Dani Knott Petersburg, NE Dave & Charles Stavely Haswell, CO Tyler Orr Newbern, TN Jeremy & Asia Haack York, NE PROS HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK STAY MARB YG CW REA EPD 128 71 57 13 0.2 71 112 30 19 0.68 0.04 36 0.33 %RANK 11% 22% 18% 46% 81% 21% 27% 15% 13% 12% 36% 17% 19% C-BAR RED BARON 207J Reg. 4534321 • Sire: Lacy Collusion 115F • Dam: C-Bar Leanna 8141F The $87,000 high selling bull at the 2022 C-Bar Sale... semen is now available... $100/unit, 10 unit minimum. Order your Red Baron semen today! Contact Seth Leachman (406) 591-5651 sal1968@msn.com The first Red Baron calves hit the ground running this spring and boy they have never looked back! We are extremely excited about this breed-impact sire and are anxious for the industry to evaluate his progeny. Turn the page and lets get started!

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