Kimeric & Camille
Our lives have changed as we experience our first sale without you... Your loving care, devotion and dedication are what always kept us on track... To say we miss you would be an understatement... All our love as you watch over us and keep us safe... God bless!
Steve Kruse
K Bar D
3220 Northwest Way
HWY 126
Business Hwy 97
NW Maple Ave
To Madras, OR
Northwest Way To Sisters, OR
Real-time bidding is available via the internet for this sale. Live audio and live video will allow buyers to bid on animals just as if they were present at the sale. Buyers must create an account prior to the sale. Please visit to create an account and request a buyer number. Instructions are available at to walk you through the account setup process.
To Bend, OR
We are certainly experiencing different times, not only for our Nation as we proceed through this pandemic and the political tug of war, but also for our industry as we strive to create a more desirable product for the market place. The goal at K Bar D is to bridge the gap between the ring and the rail, producing cattle with both desirable and competitive phenotype and data. Once again, we are showcasing the event with the Wendy tribe, and now we have infused this awesome cow family with our Savannah and Princess lines. This offering features the first daughters sired by K BAR D On Point 25F and K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F, two bulls that combine these cow families and bring us a more consistent, reliable genetic product. If you are feeling the need to be a National competitor, you will find this offering is backed by the success and consistency that should build your confidence in purchasing from K Bar D. We feel that several of the lots have the ability to bring home these sought after banners, as they are out of females that have already proven to be winners. More importantly, they possess the performance, structural correctness, maternal goodness and overall data package as indicated by their superior $Combined figures to go home and make great Angus cows. Thank you for your confidence in our program. Best Regards, Kimeric & Camille DeLashmutt
Agnes & Kimeric
Schedule of Events: Friday, September 25th – Pre-sale viewing of cattle all day. Refreshments and snacks available. 5:00pm - Join us for refreshments and snack foods! Saturday, September 26th – 8:00 am - preview of sale offering. 12:00 pm – Lunch is served! 1:00 pm – K Bar D’s 9th Annual ‘No Secrets’ Sale! Please join us after the sale forour 2nd Annual KBarD Showmanship Extravaganza and then on to the Gohr Cattle Crown Jewel evening event in Madras, OR! Auctioneer: Sale Consultants: Colonel C.D. ‘Butch’ Booker Seth Leachman - Sale Manager Colfax, Washington (406) 591-5651 (509) 989-2855 Dick Hubman - (541) 601-5495 Fletcher Nichols - (712) 898-2455 Special Sale Representatives: Steve Kruse - (402) 239-8678 Logan Ipsen – Western Livestock Journal Bill Conley - (816) 248-5533 (916) 947-2392 Rod Wesselman - Rep. for WLJ Sale Day Phones: (509) 765-9219 Kim DeLashmutt – (503) 887-6861 Kyle Colyer -Rep. for Best In the West Seth Leachman – (406) 591-5651 (208) 250-3924 Camille DeLashmutt - (503) 704-9803 Photography: Kate Roberts (541) 891-3060 Catalog Design: Seth Leachman (406) 591-5651 Breed Representatives: Jared Patterson Regional Manager American Angus Assoc. (208) 312-2386 All major credit cards will be accepted as a form of payment for any animals purchased on sale day. Any cc purchases will have a 3% service charge included.
Lodging: Sleep Inn – Redmond, OR (541) 504-1500 Comfort Inn & Suites - Redmond, OR (541) 504-8900 Best Western Plus Rama Inn - Redmond, OR (541) 548-8080 Motel 6 - Redmond, OR (541) 923-2100 Air Transportation: Redmond Municipal Airport, Roberts Field, services flights from Alaska Airlines, United & United Express, and Delta Airlines. Please contact these airlines for flights and times. Special Terms: K Bar D reserves the right to flush any female sold in the sale, with a minimum of six viable embryos. This will be at the new buyers convenience and KBarD’s expense.
Check out our Youtube site for videos on all sale lots at:
Katie Colyer (208) 599-2962
Videos of all sale lots can also be viewed at:
Everybody should own a Wendy...
Lot 1 K Bar D Wendy 13H Birth Date: 02/14/2020 Tattoo: K13H
Reg: AAA *19795730 Parentage: SNP Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337 Stevenson Turning Point S A V Bismarck 5682 +*18434747 Stevenson Pride I167x FSHK Pride 180 Silveiras Style 9303 Greene Pokerface 1304 Gohr Covergirl 1124 K Bar D Wendy 29E K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y *18841582 K Bar D Wendy 19B K Bar D Wendy 1010
The dam, Wendy 29E, as a 2yr old... CW +35
MARB +.57
$W $F $G $B $C
+16 -1.5 +52 +103 +24
+54 +90 +49 +139 +226
Wendy 29E, ‘19 NWSS ROV Class winner • Well the Wendy tribe has done it again... for the second year in a row, a Wendy 29E daughter is leading off this prestigious event. Rocket fronted and big bellied, Wendy 13H is the stand-out heifer at K Bar D this summer and it comes as no surprise. Her maternal sister by J&J Weigh Up, Wendy 10G, sold as Lot 1 last year to Korie Kersten in NE, and she was just named Res. Champion Angus Female of the Nebraska State Fair Junior Heifer show. • Her dam, Wendy 29E, is a super stout made Pokerface daughter out of the many time champion Wendy 19B. Featured in the ‘17 No Secrets sale, she sold to MB Angus here in Redmond, OR, and she then went on to win her Lot 1’s maternal sister, Wendy 10G... class in the late Jr yearling division at the ‘19 National Western in Denver. sold as Lot 1 in the ‘19 No Secrets Sale and was just named the Nebraska State Fair Junior Show • Retaining 1/2 embryo interest.
Res. Champion Angus
The Wendys have evolved with time and are thriving!
Lot 2 K Bar D Wendy 38H Birth Date: 04/12/2020 Tattoo: K38H
Reg: AAA *19795732 Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337 Stevenson Turning Point S A V Bismarck 5682 +*18434747 Stevenson Pride I167x FSHK Pride 180 S A V Brilliance 8077 PVF Insight 0129 PVF Missie 790 K Bar D Wendy 151E Vermilion Pony X Press +*18850309 K Bar D Wendy 1010 K Bar D Wendy K1T Parentage: SNP
CW +39
MARB +.26
$W $F $G $B $C
+11 -.1 +63 +104 +15
+59 +83 +38 +121 +212
• There has been a lot of anticipation leading up to the first calf to sell out of Wendy 151E, and believe me that this heifer is worth the wait! Wendy 38H has the same pattern and shape as her mother... in fact she might be even more of a freak. • Her dam, Wendy 151E, burst onto the scene when she topped the open heifers in the ‘17 No Secrets sale to MB Angus in Bend, OR. She has gone on to be one of, if not the only female to win her division at the NWSS three consecutive years, as a calf, a bred heifer, and with her first calf at side. More importantly she has been a crowd favorite and this one is sure to follow in her footsteps.
The dam, Wendy 151E... Back to Back to Back... NWSS Division Champion
‘18 NWSS...
‘19 NWSS...
‘20 NWSS... 3
Backed by Wendy, Princess & Savannah! Lot 3... our first Smokin’ Joe daughter to sell!
Lot 3 K Bar D Wendy 33H Birth Date: 04/05/2020 Tattoo: K33H K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F *19174832 Silveiras Princess 6358 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 6F +*19174835 K Bar D Wendy 1010
Reg: AAA *19795728 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1057 PVF Insight 0129 EXAR Princess 1416 Soo Line Alternative 9127W Malsons Savannah 102W Vermilion Pony X Press K Bar D Wendy K1T
CW +32
MARB +.38
• Wendy 33H is the natural born April heifer out of RE Wendy 6F who topped No Secrets ‘18. Here is one +.82 you don’t want to miss! FAT +.011 • She is sired by Smokin’ Joe 38F, the bull the we feel combines the most progressive, time-tested cow fam- CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C ilies today, representing Princess and Wendy in one +49 +77 +43 +119 +207 package. His dam, Princes 6358, was the ‘19 ROV +4 +2.0 +57 +98 +16 Show Cow/Calf Pair of the Year with 38F at side. • The dam, Wendy 6F, is a full sister to Wendy 19B out of Wendy 1010. With 19B gone, we look to 6F to carry on the winning Wendy tradition.
Lot 4... our first On Point daughter to sell!
Lot 4 KBARD Savannah 6H Birth Date: 01/28/2020 Tattoo: K6H
Reg: AAA 19795724 Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualified Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D On Point 25F K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y +*19176508 K Bar D Wendy 19B K Bar D Wendy 1010 Barstow Cash3 K Bar D In The Bank 28B K Bar D Wendy K1T K Bar D Savannah 38D LCC New Standard AAA 18519093 K Bar D Savannah 3B Malsons Savannah 102W Parentage: SNP
CW +51
MARB +.42
• Two shots of Wendy on top of Savannah describes RE +.52 this broody, yet sharp featured powerhouse. The FAT performance heifer of the offering, she is the premier +.013 On Point daughter to sell. Her deep rib and cool front make her a standout among many. Here is a CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C +55 +98 +40 +138 +229 +7 +2.9 +70 +125 +18 future banner collector and donor cow! • Her dam, Savannah 38D, has already produced a herd bull, K Bar D Turning Point 5F, who is a featured sire in this years’ event. She is sired by In the Bank 28D, the ‘16 NWSS Champion Sale Bull, and maternally is out of a New Standard sired maternal sister to Joe Canada. Retaining 1/2 embryo interest. 4
A pair of heifers that bridge the gap...
Lot The dam, Wendy K6E...pictured as a yearling. 5 K Bar D Wendy 8H Birth Date: 02/05/2020 Tattoo: K8H Reg: AAA 19795729
• This super neat sided, sharp fronted female CW Genomic: Angus GS has a sweet sweep to her underline. Wendy 8H Parentage: SNP I+43 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point is the kind that keeps K Bar D in business. MARB Stevenson Pride I167x • Her dam, Wendy 6E, is royally bred, stacking K Bar D On Point 25F I+.45 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 19B Joe Canada with Wendy 1057, K1T’s full sis- +*19176508 K Bar D Wendy 1010 RE Soo Line Alternative 9127W I+.56 ter. This is a magical genetic combination that K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y Malsons Savannah 102W K Bar D Wendy 6E FAT seems to always work. BR Midland +18850303 K Bar D Wendy 1057 I-.014 • Last year her maternal sister sold to CamerDouble Bar Wendy 9A on King from Newel, CA. CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C I+5 I+2.2 I+62 I+106 I+21
+59 +96 +44 +140 +238
Lot 6’s maternal sister, Wendy 8G, sold last
Lot year to Morgan Lewis in Odessa, WA. 6 K Bar D Wendy 40H Birth Date: 04/14/2020 Tattoo: K40H AAA *19807023
• Wendy 40H is a rocket fronted, super neat sided fe- Parentage: SNP CW Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualified +56 male with a soggy centered profile view. She is the Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point MARB longest spinned heifer in the offering. This one truly K Bar D Turning Point Stevenson Pride I167x 5F +.07 K Bar D In The Bank 28B bridges the gap with a big calving ease and $C num- AAA 19258039 K Bar D Savannah 38D K Bar D Savannah 3B RE bers. S A V Brilliance 8077 +.89 PVF Insight 0129 • Her dam, Wendy 16E, is a full sister and 3/4 sister PVF Missie 790 Bar D Wendy 16E FAT to our top two young donors, Wendy 149E and Wendy K K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y AAA +*18841583 K Bar D Wendy 19B +.045 K Bar D Wendy 1010 151E. On her first effort, she raised a real bombshell in Wendy 8G, one of the featured open heifers in No CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C Secrets ‘19 that sold to Morgan Lewis in Odessa, WA. +11 +.6 +56 +96 +31 +68 +114 +26 +141 +240 5
A pair of Wendys by Insight & On Point...
• Wendy 36H is one of the stoutest females in the offering... she is loaded with real muscle shape through her quarter and down her top, and her 1.05 RE EPD agrees. This one bridges the gap between the rail and the ring. • Her dam, Wendy 15D, is the Plattemere Weigh Up daughter out of Wendy K1T that topped the ‘17 sale to MB Angus in Bend, OR. She is now one of our premier donors. • A pair of KR Synergy sired maternal sisters sold last year, one to Connor Comingore in Madras, and the other to Sydney Dodge of Pendleton, OR.
Lot 7’s dam, Wendy K15D... Lot 7 K Bar D Wendy 36H Birth Date: 04/08/2020 Tattoo: K36H Reg: AAA *19795733 Parentage: SNP
Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 S A V Blackcap May 5270 PVF Insight 0129 P V F New Horizon 001 #+*16805884 PVF Missie 790 P V F Miss Raptor 024 Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337 K Bar D Wendy 15D BR Midland +*18574707 K Bar D Wendy K1T Double Bar Wendy 9A
CW +39
MARB -.05
$W $F $G $B $C
+9 +.8 +56 +99 +22
+57 +91 +29 +120 +214
Wendy K21B, a maternal sister to Lot 8’s dam, was a highlight in the ‘14 sale going to Miriam Horton in Christmas Valley, OR.
•Wendy 4H is as fancy and feminine as the come. She is triple bred Wendy, assuring her maternal goodness and unmatched dominant phenotype and balanceddata. • Her dam, Wendy 9F, is a first calf daughter of Smokin’ Joe 27D, Back in ‘14, her maternal sister by Joe Canada sold to Miriam Horton in Christmas Valley, OR.
Lot 8 K Bar D Wendy 4H Birth Date: 01/25/2020 Tattoo: K4H
Reg: AAA 19795723 Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualified Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D On Point 25F K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y +*19176508 K Bar D Wendy 19B K Bar D Wendy 1010 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D K Bar D Wendy 1057 K Bar D Wendy 9F BC 7022 Raven 7965 19178043 K Bar D Wendy K12U K Bar D Wendy 508 Parentage: SNP
CW +32
MARB +.37
$W $F $G $B $C
+11 +1.5 +70 +122 +18
+64 +91 +39 +130 +227
The cow making kind...
•Dolly 23H is a Smokin’ Joe daughter that is smokin’ good! She is super deep ribbed, and loaded with capacity and dimension. • Her dam, Dolly 1B, was our pick of the females in Malson’s ‘15 offering. Her progeny include a daughter that sold in ‘16 to Behnke Angus Farms in MO, and another daughter sold in ‘18 to PKM Angus in Sherwood, OR.
•The look it takes! Big-topped, soggy-sided, sharp-fronted – the look of a champion. A progressive data package combined with Wendy 1010, here’s a picture perfect never miss. • Her dam, Wendy 3F, was so impressive this spring as a first calf heifer that we decided to flush her... she gave us 16 viable embryos and we’re offering a package that sells as Lot 24.
Princess 6358... the pat. granddam of Lot 9. Lot 9 K Bar D Dolly 23H Birth Date: 03/17/2020 Tattoo: K23H Reg: AAA 19795726 CW
K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F *19174832 Silveiras Princess 6358 HF Tiger 5T Malsons Dolly 1B 18188757 Bear Mtn Dolly 2020
K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1057 PVF Insight 0129 EXAR Princess 1416 HF Kodiak 5R HF Echo 84R Bear Mtn Cross Wired 9010 Bear Mtn Dolly 7413
MARB I+.29
$W $F $G $B $C
I+8 I+1.9 I+56 I+107 I+25
+54 +106 +33 +139 +230
Wendy 19B... the full sister to Lot 10’s dam. Lot 10 K Bar D Wendy 9H Birth Date: 02/06/2020 Tattoo: K9H Reg: AAA *19795731 Parentage: SNP
Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337 J&J Weigh Up 294 TC Romeo 917 18004546 J & J Miss Georgina 294 J&J Miss Georgina 927 Soo Line Alternative 9127W K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y Malsons Savannah 102W K Bar D Wendy 3F Vermilion Pony X Press +*19174833 K Bar D Wendy 1010 K Bar D Wendy K1T
CW +53
MARB +.74
$W $F $G $B $C
+9 -1.0 +48 +82 +22
+53 +67 +47 +114 +202
A pair of Turning Point granddaughters that will turn some heads...
Lot 11’s sire, K Bar D On Point 25F...
• Chocolat 17H is a big boned, soft centered, sharp fronted, medium framed On Point 25F show and herd building prospect. Tons of maternal, her dam is by none other than the Wendy son, Mo’ Joe 17C, tracing back twice to Joe Canada and bridging the gap. • We are really liking our Mo’ Joe daughters. His progeny are loaded with performance and style, and his daughters are very maternal.
Lot 11 K Bar D Chocolat 17H Birth Date: 04/14/2019 Tattoo: K43G Reg: AAA *19401476 Stevenson Turning Point K Bar D On Point 25F +*191765087 K Bar D Wendy 19B K Bar D Mo’ Joe 17C K Bar D Chocolat 31F 19178338 K Bar D Chocolat 23U
Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1010 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 8W K Bar D Certified Meat Maker K Bar D Chocolat 6P
CW +35
MARB +.54
$W $F $G $B $C
+7 +2.1 +57 +95 +23
+58 +79 +43 +122 +230
Lot 12’s dam, Gohr Chyna A3229...
•A real show stopper cowherd maker. Best described as stout boned, sweet-fronted, with a most desirable sweep to her underline. Here’s a “no way to miss” with this 3/4 Angus x 1/4 Simmental. • The dam, Chyna A3229, was our pick of Gohr’s heifers back in ‘16, and she has developed into a beautiful young cow with a perfect udder. • We sold a maternal sister in ‘18 to Kirsten’s in NE for $12,500, and last year her Fortune daughter sold to Keeley Peacock in OK.
Lot 12 K Bar D Chyna 19H Birth Date: 03/08/2020 Tattoo: K19H
Reg: PENDING Genomic: Angus GS 3/4AN1/4SM Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D Turning Point 5F K Bar D In The Bank 28B 19258039 K Bar D Savannah 38D K Bar D Savannah 3B B/R Ambush 28 TEX Ambush 9106 Riverbend Blackcap S762 Gohr Chyna A3229 Bar CK Vision 227P 2870966 Bar CK Revvelation 906T Double D Blk Chyn Parentage: SNP
$W $F $G $B $C
Elite bred heifers from the K Bar D nucleus...
Lot 13’s dam, Wendy 1057...
Lot 13 K Bar D Wendy 16G Birth Date: 02/23/2019 Tattoo: K16G
• Wendy 16G tops the pick of our 2020 bred heifers. An ultra cool look backed by a CAB data package, Reg: AAA +*19573034 CW Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify she is royal pedigree stacking none other than a Parentage: SNP +43 Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Wendy in 1057, the full sib to this famed Wendy MARB Barbara of Plattemere 337 Weigh Up 294 K1T, with the data leader, J&J Weigh Up. There J&J +.91 TC Romeo 917 18004546 J & J Miss Georgina 294 J&J Miss Georgina 927 RE you have it, “No Secrets” to success!. Twin Valley Precision E161 +.41 BR Midland • She is carrying the exciting AI service on 4/30/20 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 Bar D Wendy 1057 FAT to K Bar D Native Joe 32D, the Joe Canada x Wen- K G D A R Royce 5140 +17515599 Double Bar Wendy 9A +.026 Double Bar Wendy Wendy dy 1010 full sib to 19B that is owned with Genex, CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C Dameron’s in IL, and Sunrise Sunset Farm in IN. • Reserving the right to one ET flush with six via- +13 -.3 +66 +115 +23 +69 +87 +60 +148 +241 ble embryos.
Lot 14 K Bar D Fansi Lady 36G Birth Date: 03/25/2019 Tattoo: K36G Reg: AAA 19484914 Parentage: SNP
Genomic: Angus GS Parents Qualify Koupals B&B Identity WK Identity 2024 WK Barbarmere 8059 K Bar D Unity 29C Bushs Sure Deal 33 18419328 Malsons Lady 70Z Gambles Lady 4011 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 JAF Hard Eight 3U P A F Miss Bonanza 8772 K Bar D Fansi Lady 12X B C Marathon 7022 16795594 K Bar D Fansi Lady 6U T J R A925 Lady
CW I+24
MARB I+.32
$W $F $G $B $C
+4 +2.4 +47 +85 +21
+38 +74 +32 +106 +182
•Fansi Lady 36G an exciting young daughter of our senior herd sire Unity 29C. One look at her depth, internal dimension and muscle shape, and you see cow power. She comes from the Fansi Lady tribe that have been a mainstay for soundness and function in the K Bar D herd. • She is AI bred on 5/15/20 to K Bar D On Point 25F, and one only has to take a look at his tremendous first calf crop offered in this event to know that this mating will be successful. 9
Bred Heifers right out of our replacements... Lot 15 K Bar D Naturaal 42G Birth Date: 04/05/2019 Tattoo: K42G Reg: AAA 19484912 WK Identity 2024 K Bar D Unity 29C 18419328 Malsons Lady 70Z BC 7022 Raven 7965 K Bar D Naturaal 4W 16380184 K Bar D Naturaal 22P
CED BW WW YW MILK +6 +2.8 +47 +90 +24
Koupals B&B Identity WK Barbarmere 8059 Bushs Sure Deal 33 Gambles Lady 4011 B C Marathon 7022 O C C Blackbird 796F LCC New Design G054L Blackbird of Holiday 0123
CW +36
MARB I+.50
$W $F $G $B $C
+38 +84 +42 +126 +206
• Unity 29C is no secret here at K Bar D, as you can see looking at Natural 42G. Her great granddam was a standout and past champion at the American Royal back in 2002. This stout, sharp-made, great uttered family will match exceptional with her AI sire, K Bar D Native Joe 32D, due 2/12/21.
Lot 16 K Bar D Wendy 39G Birth Date: 04/02/2019 Tattoo: K39G K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Mo’ Joe 17C +*18242887 K Bar D Wendy 8W BC 7022 Raven 7965 K Bar D Wendy K12U *16170794 K Bar D Wendy 508
Reg: AAA PENDING Soo Line Alternative 9127W Malsons Savannah 102W BC 7022 Raven 7965 K Bar D Wendy K1T B C Marathon 7022 O C C Blackbird 796F LCC New Design G054L Double Bar Wendy 9A
$W $F $G $B $C
• This one is a triple bred Wendy, and combines a shot of Savannah through Joe Canada 18Y and her sire, Mo’ Joe 17C, is a balanced growth and carcass EPD bull. Wendy 39G is pasture exposed 6/10/20-8/1/20 to K Bar D Turning Point 5F, a powerful calving ease Turning Point son from the Savannah tribe.
17 K Bar D Chyna 37G
Birth Date: 03/16/2019 Tattoo: K37G BLACK POLLED 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Mr TR Hammer 308A ACLL Fortune 393D 3190116 Firefly 311A TEX Ambush 9106 Gohr Chyna A3229 2870966 Bar CK Revvelation 906T
Reg: PENDING Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 SVF/HS Expecting A Dream WS Pilgrim H182U BF Miss Crytsteel Tango B/R Ambush 28 Riverbend Blackcap S762 Bar CK Vision 227P Double D Blk Chyna
•Wendy K37G is the ‘19 natural calf off of Chyna 3229 and she is long and classy!. We sold a maternal sister last year to Kirsten’s in NE for $12,500, and last year her full sister sold to JP Peacock in OK. Her sire, ACLL Fortune 393D, is an exciting young Hammer son out of Firefly 311A, the ‘14 American Royal Champion Female. She is AI bred on 5/14/20 to K Bar D Native Joe 32D. 10
Angus Show Steer Prospects!
Lot 18, 34H...
Lot 20, 41H...
Lot 19, 37H... Lot 18 K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 34H - Show Steer Prospect
Birth Date: 04/05/2020 Tattoo: K34H
K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F *19174832 Silveiras Princess 6358 K Bar D Mo’ Joe 17C K Bar D Candy 28F 19178337 Apple Tree Middy 084
K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1057 PVF Insight 0129 EXAR Princess 1416 K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 8W BR Midland Apple Tree Candice
Lot 21, 44H... Lot 20 K Bar D Mr Muscle 41H - Show Steer Prospect
Birth Date: 04/17/2020 Tattoo: K41H
PVF Insight 0129 K Bar D In Depth 23E *18940068 K Bar D Wendy 1057 HA Uncommon 2022 QV Erica 4140 18110607 QV Erica 1015
PVF Missie 790 PVF Missie 790 BR Midland Double Bar Wendy 9A Sitz Uncommon HA Blackcap Lady 2682 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 LCC Erica NG710
• Super cool, heavy muscled. Steer power. Junior National • Mr. Muscle 41H. He is just that – muscular! Long sided, candidate. bit topped, wide based best describes this prospect.
Lot 19 K Bar D Fanatic 37H - Show Steer Prospect
Birth Date: 04/10/2020 Tattoo: K37H
Stevenson Turning Point K Bar D Turning Point 5F AAA 19258039 K Bar D Savannah 38D K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1E +*18841576 K Bar D Wendy 1010
Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D In The Bank 28B K Bar D Savannah 3B Soo Line Alternative 9127W Malsons Savannah 102W Vermilion Pony X Press K Bar D Wendy K1T
Lot 21 K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 44H - Show Steer Prospect
Birth Date: 04/23/2020 Tattoo: K44H
K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F *191748328 Silveiras Princess 6358 K Bar D Unity 29C K Bar D Naturaal 44E 19652601 K Bar D Naturaal 45B
K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 1057 PVF Insight 0129 EXAR Princess 1416 WK Identity 2024 Malsons Lady 70Z K Bar D Rimrock 12Z K Bar D Naturaal 46Y
• The real deal. Big boned, big bodied, big butted, rocket • Youngest steer in offering. Cool shape, big top, sharp front. All that champions are made of. Junior National can- look, super docile and fuzzy-haired to boot. Great prospect. didate.
We promise to have plenty of room for social distancing...
...and you don’t want to miss the feast that Camille puts on! 11
Cutting-edge frozen genetics from the famed Wendy tribe! Wendy 15D’s KR Synergy daughters were a sale highlight last year...
Wendy 25G sold to Connor Comingore in Madras, OR.
Lot 22 K Bar D Wendy 15D x PVF Insight 0129 FIVE (5) FROZEN EMBRYOS
S A V Brilliance 8077 PVF Insight 0129 16805884 PVF Missie 790 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 K Bar D Wendy 15D +*18574707 K Bar D Wendy K1T
S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 P V F New Horizon 001 P V F Miss Raptor 024 Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 BR Midland Double Bar Wendy 9A
S +3 +2.1 +61 +108 +23 D +8 +2.0 +55 +111 +23
CW +56
CW +42
$W $F $G $B $C
+61 +111 +30 +141 +226 +50 +96 +49 +145 +246
Lot 23 K Bar D Wendy 1057 x Stevenson Turning Point
Wendy 27G sold to Sydney Dodge in Pendleton, OR. • Selling five (5) frozen embryos with the guarantee of two (2) pregnancies. • We know the Insight x Wendy cross has a sprecial niche. Just look at our top young donors, Wendy 151E & Wendy 149E. Check out Lot 7, Wendy 36H... she is a full sister to this mating! • The dam, Wendy 15D, is the Plattemere Weigh Up daughter out of Wendy K1T that topped the ‘17 sale to MB Angus in Bend, OR.
The sire, Stevenson Turning Point... S D
• Selling four (4) frozen embryos with the guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. Sitz Upward 307R +34 +37 Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Barbara of Plattemere 337 MARB MARB • We know the Turning Point x Wendy Stevenson Turning Point S A V Bismarck 5682 +18434747 +.44 +.29 Stevenson Pride I167x cross has a sprecial niche. Just look at FSHK Pride 180 RE RE Twin Valley Precision E161 our top young breed phenom, On Point. BR Midland +.72 +.46 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 K Bar D Wendy 1057 G D A R Royce 5140 FAT FAT • The dam, Wendy 1057, is a full sister 17515599 Double Bar Wendy 9A Double Bar Wendy Wendy +.015 -.026 to the great Wendy K1T cow. Don’t miss CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C her exciting J&J Weigh Up daughter that S +19 -3.2 +56 +95 +15 +54 +88 +44 +131 +238 leads off the bred heifers as Lot 13. +33 +97 +37 +134 +205 D +6 +2.1 +47 +92 +18 12
Foundation frozen genetics for the future!
The granddam, Wendy 1010... Lot 24 K Bar D Wendy 3F x PVF Insight 0129
The sire, PVF Insight 0129...
• Selling four (4) frozen embryos with the FOUR (4) FROZEN EMBRYOS CW CW guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. +56 +24 • Wow... here are the Insight embryos out S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 MARB MARB of Wendy 3F, the full sister to 19B, making S A V Blackcap May 5270 PVF Insight 0129 -.11 +.19 P V F New Horizon 001 16805884 PVF Missie 790 this mating full pedigree sibs to our powP V F Miss Raptor 024 RE RE Soo Line Alternative 9127W +1.40 +.42 erful young donor, Wendy 149E, the dam K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y Malsons Savannah 102W K Bar D Wendy 3F FAT FAT of Lot 1. Vermilion Pony X Press +*19174833 K Bar D Wendy 1010 -.019 -.004 K Bar D Wendy K1T • The dam, Wendy 3F, was so impressive CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C this spring as a first calf heifer that we deS +3 +2.1 +61 +108 +23 +61 +111 +30 +141 +226 cided to flush her... she gave us 16 viable +53 +71 +30 +101 +183 D +6 +0 +52 +95 +22 embryos. Her J&J Weigh Up heifer calf sells as Lot 10..
Lot 25 Silveiras Princess 6358 x K Bar D On Point 25F
Princess 6358 and her son, K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F, winning their division at the 2019 NWSS ROV Show. S D FOUR (4) FROZEN EMBRYOS CW CW • Selling four (4) frozen embryos with Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +44 +37 the guarantee of one (1) pregnancy. Stevenson Turning Point Stevenson Pride I167x MARB MARB • The Wendy and Princess combination K Bar D On Point 25F K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y +*191765087 K Bar D Wendy 19B +.44 +.42 is a winning one and one that is hard to K Bar D Wendy 1010 RE RE S A V Brilliance 8077 match. PVF Insight 0129 +.64 +.59 PVF Missie 790 • The dam, Princess 6358, was the ‘19 Silveiras Princess 6358 Dameron First Class FAT FAT +*18546983 ROV Show Cowf/Calf Pair of the Year. EXAR Princess 1416 Exar Princess 7879 -.009 +.052 She has already proven she can produce CED BW WW YW MILK $W $F $G $B $C a herdbull, just look at Smokin’ Joe and S +10 +1.1 +65 +104 +20 +68 +88 +45 +132 +247 his awesome progeny in this sale. +34 +98 +38 +136 +209 D +2 +2.8 +47 +88 +21 13
Scenes from the 2019 Annual K Bar D Showmanship Extravaganza...
A big Thank You to our Judge, Kyle Colyer, and our participants... Hailey Bare, Culver, OR Connor Comingore, Madras, OR Sydney Dodge, Pendleton, OR Morgan Lewis, Odessa, WA
See pg20 for details on the 2nd Annual KBARD Showmaship Extravaganza!
Please join us for our pre-sale lunch... and some post-sale fun!!! 14
Reference Donor Cows...
K Bar D Wendy 29E...
K Bar D Wendy 1057...
K Bar D Wendy 151E...
K Bar D Wendy 19B...
K Bar D Wendy 15D...
Silveiras Princess 6358...
K Bar D Wendy 1010...
Inquire today for a future flush!
Gohr Chyna 3229A...
The Wendy tribe has set a precedence in the breed... five consecutive generations of ROV Cow/Calf winners!
Progressive breeders around the country are taking notice of this one! K Bar D On Point 25F... this unique herd bull prospect bridges the gap between the ring and the rail!
The sire, Stevenson Turning Point...
K Bar D On Point 25F
Birth Date: 03/15/2018
Tattoo: K25F
Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point +18434747 Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y K Bar D Wendy 19B 17856505 K Bar D Wendy 1010
Reg: AAA +19176508 Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 S A V Bismarck 5682 FSHK Pride 180 Soo Line Alternative 9127W Malsons Savannah 102W Vermilion Pony X Press K Bar D Wendy K1T
CW +44
MARB +.44
$W $F $G $B $C
+10 +1.1 +65 +104 +20
+68 +88 +45 +132 +247
• K Bar D On Point 25F is the culmination of everything we have been striving for in our program. He is no accident... rather a genetic powerhouse that has been years in the making, and he is the perfect bull to carry on our goal to bridge the gap between the ring and the rail! He is a lot of bull calf to have a +13 CED and +0.0 BW! • His dam, Wendy 19B, is a maternal and phenotypic gem, combining the best of the Wendy and Savannah cow families in one awesome package. We unfortunately lost this female unexpectedly last fall, making On Point even more rare and mostly needed in our program. • His sire, Stevenson Turning Point, is a top sire with Genex that offers breed leading EPDS, good looks and a foundation of maternal power stemming from the famed Pride cow family. • Our current partners include Silveiras Brothers in CA, B4L Angus in TX, Conley Angus in MO, MB Angus LLC in OR, Clint Monchamp in OR, and Woody Carrick in OR. • His first progeny and embryos sell. 16
The dam, Wendy K19B...
The ggranddam, Wendy 1010...
The matriarch, Wendy K1T...
Reference Sires... K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y
Birth Date: 02/10/2011
Tattoo: K18Y
HF Kodiak 5R Soo Line Alternative 9127W 16634733 TLA Rosebud 4R S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Malsons Savannah 102W +16662036 Malsons Savannah 51N
Reg: AAA 17011364 Sandy Bar Advantage 43M Wilbar Ruby 955N RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 Crescent Creek Rosebud 155M Sitz Traveler 8180 Boyd Forever Lady 8003 Northern Improvement 4480 GF Greens Savannah 9909
CW +41
MARB +.41
$W $F $G $B $C
+3 +1.5 +55 +101 +19
+47 +94 +45 +139 +229
• He is the bull that bridges the gap between the showring and the performance test. He is the most consistent sire we’ve raised. • Semen available $30/unit & $30/certs. Owned with Krebs Ranch, NE.
K Bar D Mo’ Joe 17C
Birth Date: 03/16/2015
Tattoo: K17C
Soo Line Alternative 9127W K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y 17011364 Malsons Savannah 102W BC 7022 Raven 7965 K Bar D Wendy 8W 15842075 K Bar D Wendy K1T
Reg: AAA +18242887 HF Kodiak 5R TLA Rosebud 4R S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Malsons Savannah 51N B C Marathon 7022 O C C Blackbird 796F BR Midland AAA Double Bar Wendy 9A
CW +57
MARB +.32
$W $F $G $B $C
-2 +4.7 +61 +112 +23
+45 +110 +45 +155 +243
• The Joe Canada son with all the power, performance, muscle and type. His progeny sells. • Semen available $30/unit & $30/certs.
K Bar D Native Joe 32D
Birth Date: 03/12/2016
Tattoo: K32D
Soo Line Alternative 9127W K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y 17011364 Malsons Savannah 102W Vermilion Pony X Press K Bar D Wendy 1010 17515591 K Bar D Wendy K1T
Reg: AAA +18574670 HF Kodiak 5R TLA Rosebud 4R S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Malsons Savannah 51N Vermilion X Factor Vermilion Erica 7204 BR Midland Double Bar Wendy 9A
CW +27
MARB +.01
$W $F $G $B $C
+2 +3.3 +53 +97 +17
+36 +70 +27 +96 +160
• The talk of the ‘17 NWSS Angus Bull Sale, where he was purchased by Dameron Farms in IL, and Sunrise Sunset Farm in IN. Semen available through Genex. AI sire only. 17
Reference Sires... K
Bar D Smokin’ Joe 38F
Birth Date: 05/04/2018
Reg:AAA *19174832 Soo Line Alternative 9127W K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y Malsons Savannah 102W K Bar D Smokin’ Joe 27D BR Midland *18573880 K Bar D Wendy 1057 Double Bar Wendy 9A S A V Brilliance 8077 PVF Insight 0129 PVF Missie 790 Silveiras Princess 6358 Dameron First Class +*18546983 EXAR Princess 1416 Exar Princess 7879
Tattoo: K38F
MARB +.38
$W $F $G $B $C
+4 +2.2 +54 +102 +28
+55 +101 +40 +141 +229
• The powerful son of Princess 6358 that we sold in the 2020 NWSS Angus Bull sale to Lew Christensen in Salem, UT. • His progeny sells. PVF
Insight 0129
Birth Date:04/17/2010
Reg:AAA +16805884
G A R Grid Maker S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Abigale 0451 S A V Brilliance 8077 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 #16107774 S A V Blackcap May 5270 S A V May 2420 B/R New Design 323 P V F New Horizon 001 Hyline Ellen 410 PVF Missie 790 Dameron P V F Raptor 702 +15746654 P V F Miss Raptor 024 P V F Miss Stockman 812
CW +61
MARB -.18
$W $F $G $B $C
+3 +2.1 +61 +108 +23
+61 +111 +30 +141 +226
• The many time ROV Angus Show Sire of the Year, he is a top 1% Ribeye sire with a +1.45 RE EPD! • His progeny & embryos sell.
J&J Weigh Up 294
Birth Date: 02/22/2014
Freeze Brand: 294
Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 16692552 Barbara of Plattemere 337 TC Romeo 917 J & J Miss Georgina 294 17407507 J&J Miss Georgina 927
Reg: AAA 18004546 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M G A R Retail Product Barbara of Plattemere 311 Connealy Right Answer 746 TC Chloe 7036 Hoff Steeler SC 333 196 J&J Georgina 720
CW +56
MARB +.71
$W $F $G $B $C
+7 -.1 +78 +133 +26
+83 +104 +52 +156 +259
• One of the biggest hipped, deepest flanked Weigh Up sons, with extra extension and style. His progeny sells. 18
Reference Sires... Stevenson Turning Point
Birth Date: 01/21/2016
Tattoo: 60558
Sitz Upward 307R Plattemere Weigh Up K360 16692552 Barbara of Plattemere 337 S A V Bismarck 5682 Stevenson Pride I167 #+16607377 FSHK Pride 180
Reg: AAA +18434747 Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M G A R Retail Product Barbara of Plattemere 311 G A R Grid Maker S A V Abigale 0451 Sitz Alliance 6595 FSHK Pride 725
CW +34
MARB +.44
$W $F $G $B $C
+19 -3.2 +56 +95 +15
+54 +88 +44 +131 +238
• One of the hot young bulls from the ‘17 spring bull sale season. He combines Weigh Up, Bismark and Alliance from the famed Pride cow family. His progeny and embryos sell.
K Bar D Turning Point 5F
Birth Date: 02/05/2018
Tattoo: K5F
Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Stevenson Turning Point +*18434747 Stevenson Pride I167x K Bar D In The Bank 28B K Bar D Savannah 38D 18519093 K Bar D Savannah 3B
Reg: AAA 19258039 Sitz Upward 307R Barbara of Plattemere 337 S A V Bismarck 5682 FSHK Pride 180 Barstow Cash K Bar D Wendy K1T LCC New Standard Malsons Savannah 102W
CW +49
MARB +.48
$W $F $G $B $C
+13 +.8 +58 +104 +25
+60 +106 +45 +151 +256
• A powerful Turning Point son out of the Savannah tribe that produced Joe Canada. His progeny and service sells.
We feel very fortunate to have the friends, family and life we live!
The 2nd Annual KBarD Showmanship Extravaganza! New this year, KBarD Ranch is holding our 1st Annual Showmanship Extravaganza. We are excited to help our Junior livestock members get involved.. The contest will begin immediately after the sale. Here are the rules, regulations and premium breakdowns. 1. Must purchase a minimum of one lot in the current ‘No Secrets’ sale. Bidder registration must be in Junior member’s name. 2. All animals used in the contest must be halterbroke and docile. These sale lots are halterbroke and eligible for the contest: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 3. Contestant must be eligible to compete in 2021 NWSS Jr Show. Prize payout as follows 1. Two divisions designated. A Jr and Sr division will be split equally and or by age. 2. Each division Champion will recieve $250.00, and each division Reserve Champion will recieve $125. 3. All 4 division winning contestants are eligible to return for Supreme and Reserve Supreme Champion Showman (each time you enter ring is new contest).
Supreme Champion will receive $1000.00 Reserve Supreme will receive $500.00 For more details please call Kimeric at 503-887-6861
Wilco Farm Store 1649 SW Odem Medo Rd Redmond, Oregon 97756 Phone 541-548-8782
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SALE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Except for those stated in the terms and conditions below, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold at this auction. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the “Terms and Conditions” are in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for the Buyer, or any party claiming through Buyer, for any breach of warranty or guarantee therein provided, and all other obligations or liabilities. All cattle in this sale are offered according to the laws of the State wherein the sale is conducted. The right to bid, as provided under law, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced. 1. BIDDING The Auctioneer in charge will settle any disputes as to bids, and his decision on such matters shall be final. 2. TERMS Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with Sale Management prior to sale. 3. PURCHASER’S RISK Each animal becomes the risk of the Buyer as soon as sold, but it shall be the obligation of the Seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to Buyer, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of 48 hours after the sale, whichever occurs sooner. 4. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY A transferred certificate of registry will be furnished to the Buyer for each animal. 5. HEALTH All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced. Interstate health papers will be furnished for each animal requiring tuberculosis and brucellosis tests in accordance with Federal Regulations. 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS Any changes from information of any kind in the sale catalog or related materials will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence. 7. BREEDING GUARANTEES The seller guarantees that all animals are breeders, with the exception of: (a) calves under 12 months of age at the time of the sale; (b) animals shown after the sale has occurred (in such cases, the breeding guarantees, if any, will be those guarantees as are agreed upon between the seller and the buyer); (c) animals who suffer injury or disease following the sale; and (d) animals subjected to gross negligence by or willful misconduct on the part of the buyer. 8. DEFAULT In the event the Buyer defaults on payment, the Buyer shall be responsible for all costs, including attorney’s costs, incurred by Sale Management or Seller in connection with collecting, or attempting to collect, payment due. 9. GENETIC DEFECTS AND FACTORS In advance of any sales of an animal, the seller shall have the affirmative duty to notify any potential buyer of (1) any test results in which an animal for sale has tested positive (under a test and at a laboratory approved by the American Angus Association) as a carrier of any genetic defect or genetic factor recognized by the American Angus Association, and (2) whether the animal has a potential carrier notation on its pedigree for any defect or factor that is recognized by the American Angus Association. 10. LIABILITIES All persons who attend the sale do so at his or her own risk. The Seller, and the Sale Manager assume no liability of accidents that may occur. It is to be clearly understood that the Sale Manager and their representatives act only as a medium between the Buyer and Seller. 11. CONTRACT The above terms and conditions shall constitute as a contract between the Buyer and Seller for each sale animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale and/or resale of a sale animal constitutes a separate transaction.
Thank You... we appreciate your interest and business. Please join us again!