We would like to thank you again for your interest in our program. Once again we are offering a large group of age-advantaged bulls in large sire groups. We are encouraged and humbled by the positive reports coming back from our customers and continue to stand behind our genetics 100%. Last year we found out the hard way that it doesn’t do much good to PAP test bulls at low elevation so this crop was taken to Laramie, WY this summer where they were run at 7,186 feet for 48 days. We are confident that the PAP scores on this set of bulls is accurate and Dr. Tim Holt was impressed with the way the bulls scored. We also collected DNA on all the bulls this year. Every bull is parent verified and there will be a supplement sheet available sale day with their genomically enhanced EPDs. Be sure and take advantage of our insurance policy as well as our free delivery policy on the bulls, and if you take them home sale day we will knock off $50/head.
Sincerely, Tim, Julie & Cash Shick
Dear Red Angus Enthusiasts,
Schedule of Events:
Thursday, February 2nd, All Day - View the sale bulls at the Buffalo Livestock Auction Yards.
Thursday, February 2nd, 5:00 p.m. - Join us at the Buffalo Livestock Auction for an informal dinner & refreshments.
Friday, February 3rd, 12:00 p.m. - Lunch is served at the Buffalo Livestock Auction.
Friday, February 3rd, 1:00 p.m. - The 15th Annual TJS ‘Red Truck’ Sale.
Sale Day Phone Numbers
Tim Shick (406) 679-9113
Julie Shick (406) 679-9112
Cash Shick (406) 620-7391
Seth Leachman (406) 591-5651
Ty Thompson (406) 698-4783 Ringmen
Devin Murnin, Western Livestock Journal (406) 696-1502
John Goggins, Western Ag Reporter (406) 698-4159
Scott Dirk, Tri-State Livestock News (605) 380-6024
Barry Ellis, The Prairie Star (406) 855-4183
Curt Cox, The Wyoming Roundup (307) 630-4604
Red Angus Association of America
Katie Martin, Commercial Marketing Specialist (307) 575-6802
Buffalo Livestock Auction (307) 684-0789
Informal pre-sale social from 2-5pm on Feb 2nd!
Health Papers
Every bull comes with complete health testing including a TRICH and BVD test.
Registration Papers
Registration papers will be transferred to the buyer upon completion of settlement. Sale Order
Animals sell in catalog order unless otherwise specified. Retained Interest Bulls
We are retaining 1/2 interest in every bull selling. Buyer gets 1/2 interest, full possession and full salvage value. This allows us to reserve the right to collect semen on any bull in the offering at buyer’s convenience..
Trucking Arrangements
Free trucking for purchases in MT and adjoining states to central locations. Also free trucking for purchases of 5 bulls or more. $50 off per bull if you bring your trailer to the sale.
Livestock Insurance
See Page 4. TJS Red Angus will pay for 1/2 of any insurance policy taken with Devin Murnin, Novich Insurance Agency. Cattle Viewing Bulls are available for viewing anytime. Contact Tim at (406) 639-9112(home) or 406-679-9113(cell).
Sight Unseen/Phone Bids Bids over the phone are welcome, please contact Seth Leachman. Auction also broadcast live on www.dvauction.com and www.cattleusa.com.
Fertility Testing
Every bull has been tested and their fertility is guaranteed. PAP Testing PAP testing was done on every bull. For more information refer to page 2.
Tim, Julie & Cash Shick
Jim & Carlene Shick
PO Box 311, Lodge Grass, MT 59050 tjshick@nemont.net (406) 639-9112
Sale Management by Seth Leachman
11 Blue Star Ct, Pasco, WA 99301 (406) 591-5651 sal1968@msn.com
See page 6 & 7 for instructions on how to bid on line at www.dvauction.com or
Accomodations Sale HQ - Hampton Inn 1-307-684-8899 Holiday Inn Express 1-307-684-9900 Best Western 1-307-684-2256 Super 8 Motel 1-307-684-2531 1
PAP Risk Category Flow Chart
Tim Shick, TJS Red Angus, Lodge Grass Montana
Location of PAP Test: Laramie WY
Elevation 7,186 feet, 48 days of altitude exposer Tested, June 21, 2022
Tim Holt, DVM
PAP Risk Factor - High Elevation Test Chart
PAP test conducted at elevation >7000 ft. (90% Repeatable, Predictive Value)
PAP Use at Low Elev. Use at Moderate Elev. Use at High Elev. Use at Extreme Score (<4000 feet) (4000-5500 FEET) (5500-7500 feet) (>7500 feet)
34-39 Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk 40-45 Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk 46-49 Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk >50 Moderate Risk Moderate Risk High Risk High Risk
These recommendations are based on these bulls being 12 months and older. Repeatability and Predictive values increase with the age of the bull being tested as well as the elevation.
*When selecting an animal based on a PAP measurement other factors besides those listed above should be considered such as genetics or pedigree, EPD’s, Systolic/Diastolic pressures, breed and previous illness.
*Special consideration should be given to the amount of time the animal was exposed to elevation (>5500 ft) prior to testing. The predictability and repeatability of the PAP measurement improves with longer the exposure to higher elevation (minimum of 4 weeks is required).
*This chart is based on animals greater than 10 months of age. Testing older animals (>12 months) results in a higher predictive and repeatability measurement.
*Testing of younger animals (<12months) may result in a greater variability to the predictive and repeatability measurement and should be retested.
*Repeatable or Repeatability percent—this is a term used to give strength to a given PAP score predicting that, If a retest PAP was carried out later in life then the score would be close to or within the same category as the original measurement. For example; a PAP measurement taken below 4000 feet only has a 40% repeatable percent meaning that a repeat test only has a 40% chance of staying within the same risk category as the original test.
*Predictive Value—this term is closely related to repeatability percent but specifically says that the original score can accurately predict what that animal will retest in a higher elevation.
*Risk—Defined as the likelihood of an animal developing pulmonary hypertension themselves or being at risk for having a genetic predisposition for the disease
We stepped it up this year and sent the bulls to Laramie, WY to be PAP tested. The results... 124 of the 139 sale bulls tested scored 45 or less!
HB - Herdbuilder index
All the age-advantaged TJS Bulls were weighed, framed and scrotal measured on 12/27/22
BULL HIP HEIGHT (INCHES) FRAME SCORE Age in Frame Score Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 33.5 35.5 37.5 39.5 41.6 43.6 45.6 47.7 49.7 6 34.8 36.8 38.8 40.8 42.9 44.9 46.9 48.9 51.0 7 36.0 38.0 40.0 42.1 44.1 46.1 48.1 50.1 52.2 8 37.2 39.2 41.2 43.2 45.2 47.2 49.3 51.3 53.3 9 38.2 40.2 42.3 44.3 46.3 48.3 50.3 52.3 54.3 10 39.2 41.2 43.3 45.3 47.3 49.3 51.3 53.3 55.3 11 40.2 42.2 44.2 46.2 48.2 50.2 52.2 54.2 56.2 12 41.0 43.0 45.0 47.0 49.0 51.0 53.0 55.0 57.0 13 41.8 43.8 45.8 47.8 49.8 51.8 53.8 55.8 57.7 14 42.5 44.5 46.5 48.5 50.4 52.4 54.4 56.4 58.4 15 43.1 45.1 47.1 49.1 51.1 53.0 55.0 57.0 59.0 16 43.6 45.6 47.6 49.6 51.6 53.6 55.6 57.5 59.5 17 44.1 46.1 48.1 50.1 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 18 44.5 46.5 48.5 50.5 52.4 54.4 56.4 58.4 60.3 19 44.9 46.8 48.8 50.8 52.7 54.7 56.7 58.7 60.6 20 45.1 47.1 49.1 51.0 53.0 55.0 56.9 58.9 60.9 21 45.3 47.3 49.2 51.2 53.2 55.1 57.1 59.1 61.0
The Shick age-advantaged bulls will all fall under the ages of 17 to 21 months.
Understanding the catalog data...
- Gridmaster index ProS - Profit & Sustainability CED - Calving Ease Direct BW - Birth Weight WW - Weaning Weight YW - Yearling Weight MILK - Milk ME - Maintenance Energy HPG - Heifer pregnancy CEM - Calving ease maternal ST - Stayability MB -
YG -
Grade CW
weight REA
Area Top%
bulls. EPD ABREVIATION DESCRIPTIONS PAP - Pulmonary Arterial Pressure 3 Lot 1 tJS four cornerS J018 4/24/2021 TJS/J018 A-100% AR #4522219 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BADLANDS CINCHED 521C BADLANDS LASSIE 22Y 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS CHICO F051 TJS CHICO C135 MPPA:105 PAP:45 PROS:110(23%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 715 1585 39.5 cm 53.0 in. 4.18 17.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 76 34 12 -0.3 74 116 22 6 12 7 19 0.42 0.02 28 0.20 Top% 13 59 67 79 8 14 83 70 37 61 10 48 25 32 34 Parent Verified & Genomic Enhanced EPDs
- Carcass
- Rib Eye
- % Rank among all 2021 non-parant
Red Angus Guide to EPDS and Indexes
ProS ... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).
HB ..... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).
CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)
BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)
WW Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)
YW Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)
ADG Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)
DMI Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)
MILK Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)
ME Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)
HPG Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)
GM..... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the postweaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).
CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)
STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)
MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)
YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)
CW Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)
REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)
FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)
Novich Insurance Agency, Devin Murnin (406) 696-1502 cell; (406) 684-5264 - office; devin.murnin@gmail.com
One Year Policy Term, from the date of the sale...
Full Mortality: 6.0% of the purchase price
Full Mortality coverage: 100% of the value of the bull in the event of death or humane destruction due to a life-threatening injury.
TJS will pay for 1/2 of any insurance policy with Novich on any purchased bull(s). If you choose not to insure your purchases, TJS will provide a 50% credit of the purchase price minus the salvage for any bull that dies or gets injured during the first breeding season, and this credit can be used for purchases in our next bull sale.
Do you have bred females for sale?
Let Williamson Land & Cattle help you market your TJS sired females right off the ranch... contact Bud Williamson 1095 Wagner Rd, Moorcroft, WY 82721 (307) 680-4595 www.customranchservices.com
Here at Williamson Land & Cattle we offer producers a marketing partner that communicates, cares and keeps it simple. Embracing technology, we specialize in marketing Bred Cattle & Pairs, help producers reach buyers outside their immediate area & allowing control over the final price tag. At the end of the day the most important thing is – the understanding, the look in the eye, the handshake & the personal trust that comes from these things.
TJS ‘COWBOY TOUGH’ BULLS... Two years in the life of a TJS bull
Born in May and June... Weaned near the end of November... Fed hay and lick tubs all winter until May... Run on a high roughage maintenance ration until October... Weighed, fertility tested and clipped in December... Offered to the public in Buffalo, WY on February 3rd!
Option #1:
7 Absentee bidding online Option #2: If you can’t attend the sale and would like to bid, don’t worry... we’ve got you covered with two online bidding options. You can also just call us directly at 406-591-5651 for Seth, and/or Tim Shick at 406-679-9113.
- Progress in beef genetics is a hard thing to measure, so at TJS we strive to produce a sound, functional, consistent animal that will thrive in our environment. We feel this set of bulls is the most uniform group we have raised, yet there is one bull in the pen that is definitely the ‘King of the Hill’. Four Corners J018 is one of the stoutest, widest based bulls we have raised to date, and his muscle shape, foot structure and overall prowess is intoxicating.
- His sire, Badlands Cinched 521C, has been one of our top sires, and in the spring of ‘20 he was old and beat up, but we hand bred him one last time and Four Corners is the result.
- His dam, Chico F051, is one of our top young females in the herd, and like many of our top young cows, she is a daughter of 5L Blockade. His influence is evident throughout this offering.
8 Lot 1 tJS four cornerS J018 4/24/2021 TJS/J018 A-100% AR #4522219 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BADLANDS CINCHED 521C BADLANDS LASSIE 22Y 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS CHICO F051 TJS CHICO C135 MPPA:105 PAP:45 PROS:110(23%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 715 1585 39.5 cm 53.0 in. 4.18 17.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 76 34 12 -0.3 74 116 22 6 12 7 19 0.42 0.02 28 0.20 Top% 13 59 67 79 8 14 83 70 37 61 10 48 25 32 34
1/2 interest and full possession.
- Superstar J389 is another bull that can be spotted from any spot in the pen... this guy is dense! His dimension and width of base is hard to match.
- What a difference one year makes... we really like the sire, U2 Nova, especially once we figured out what cows he works best on... his progeny are standouts in the pen this year and his growth is for real.
- Once again we find Blockade on the maternal side. The dam, D009, has earned a 104 MPPA on four calves, including a replacement heifer back in the herd and a full brother to Superstar that looks really good out in the weaner pen right now.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
Lot 2 tJS SuperStar J389 5/29/2021 TJS/J389 A-100% AR #4521601 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SAMARIE D009 TJS SAMARIE A179 MPPA:104 PAP:42 PROS:43(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 682 1485 38.5 cm 53.5 in. 4.24 15.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 18 25 8 -0.3 70 110 27 10 10 3 13 0.35 0.01 30 0.26 Top% 97 76 95 79 17 23 39 88 68 97 79 65 22 24 24 TJS HERDBULL PROSPECT...
- Over the course of some 30 plus years in the Red Angus business, we have seen many changes in the cattle, and the trend lately has been towards more moderate, calving ease bulls, but one can’t help but still like the old powerhouse kind that we used to raise back in the 80’s and 90’s. Well if you want to take a trip down memory lane, then just study this whopper... Supernova J110 is as strong has you can make one, and he has the kind of growth and look that just might become trendy again!
- His dam, Lakota C138, was a powerhouse herself, posting a 119 WR and earning top WW & YW numbers. In production, she has shined, earning a 102 MPPA with a 105 AWR on 6 calves. In the ‘20 sale her Blockade son sold to Windancer Cattle in Custer, MT.
- Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
TJS HERDBULL PROSPECT... 10 Lot 3 tJS SupernoVa J110 5/5/2021 TJS/J110 A-100% AR #4522059 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS LAKOTA C138 TJS LAKOTA Z084 MPPA:102 PAP:41 PROS:49(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 97 679 1585 41.0 cm 54.0 in. 4.10 19.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 24 25 6 3.7 85 143 28 12 11 2 13 0.20 0.06 33 0.22 Top% 94 76 99 99 1 1 24 92 48 99 73 94 47 16 30
- This event marks the first year we are selling sons by our exciting $70,000 herdsire, EGL Guidance 9117. Counselor J010 is a very well balanced prospect with calving ease, eye appeal and great structure. He posted a 76 BW, 8% below the average of his contemporaries and went on to post a 105 WR.
- His sire, Guidance 9117, brought us new outcross genetics through his sire, MCD Spur 6111, a black/red gene Spur Franchise son out of a Basin Yellowstone dam that came out of Leo McDonnell’s program in Columbus, MT.
- His dam, Mattie D064, is royally bred, stacking Blockade with Berry Cherry, Julian and Marias, and she stems from the famed Mattie cow tribe that was a mainstay in herds like Bootjack Ranches and Triple XXX Red Angus. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
TJS HERDBULL PROSPECT... 11 Lot 4 tJS counSeLor J010 4/22/2021 TJS/J010 A-100% AR #4522233 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS MATTIE D064 TJS MATTIE B147 MPPA:97 PAP:39 PROS:70(84%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 76 636 1490 38.5 cm 53.0 in. 3.63 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 42 28 16 -3.7 64 100 23 6 12 8 13 0.39 0.12 33 0.20 Top% 74 71 15 18 38 44 75 69 31 22 79 55 78 16 34
12 Lots 5-7... 3/4 brothers by Guidance out of Road Block dams. - Lot 5 leads off a set of 3/4 brothers by Guidance out of Road Block dams. This meat wagon posted a, 18in. REA and he tested with a 38 PAP score. - Lot 6 is a super calving ease Guidance son with a 64 BW, 16 CED and -3.2 BW, and he too has a 38 PAP score. - Like peas in a pod, Lot 7 combines calving ease with breed leading muscle. All three of these 3/4 brothers are out of first calf dams by Road Block. Lot 5 tJS GuIDance J122 5/7/2021 TJS/J122 A-100% AR #4522037 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS ROXXY G342 TJS ROXXY Z142 MPPA:97 PAP:38 PROS:100(37%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 565 1255 37.0 cm 53.5 in. 3.51 18.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 43 57 15 -2.6 59 104 25 6 12 9 13 0.48 0.01 34 0.32 Top% 72 16 18 35 55 36 57 68 31 19 77 34 22 15 15 Lot 6 tJS GuIDance J124 5/7/2021 TJS/J124 A-100% AR #4522033 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS LARKABA G155 TJS LARKABA B137 MPPA:96 PAP:38 PROS:104(32%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 64 577 1275 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.23 14.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 45 16 -3.2 59 96 25 4 13 8 15 0.46 0.10 32 0.19 Top% 41 35 13 25 58 54 56 52 27 27 49 39 69 19 37 Lot 7 tJS GuIDance J132 5/8/2021 TJS/J132 A-100% AR #4522021 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS FIRE FLY G386 TJS FIREFLY Z191 MPPA:101 PAP:41 PROS:96(44%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 69 618 1285 34.5 cm 51.0 in. 3.82 15.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 54 42 13 -2.9 62 100 28 6 12 7 16 0.40 0.04 37 0.41 Top% 52 41 40 30 46 44 28 66 44 50 47 53 38 9 8
13 Lot 8 tJS GuIDance J008 4/21/2021 TJS/J008 A-100% AR #4522237 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS CLARA B128 BUF CRK CLARA W138 MPPA:94 PAP:41 PROS:73(81%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 572 1410 38.5 cm 54.0 in. 3.18 19.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 37 36 15 -3.1 56 94 21 3 14 9 11 0.28 0.00 28 0.41 Top% 82 54 23 26 67 58 86 48 13 18 92 82 19 30 8 Lot 9 tJS GuIDance J015 4/23/2021 TJS/J015 A-100% AR #4522225 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS AMBER C032 TJS AMBER Y137 MPPA:100 PAP:48 PROS:105(29%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 79 602 1410 39.5 cm 53.5 in. 3.15 15.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 58 47 17 -4.6 53 88 30 1 12 10 14 0.63 0.14 23 -0.02 Top% 43 30 6 9 78 69 16 38 31 6 64 13 88 50 82 Lot 8... 15 CED with a 19.6in REA! Lot 9... 17 CED & -4.6 BW EPD! - Lot 8 is a long and level made Guidance son with great calving ease numbers to go with his huge 19.6in REA! - Last year his maternal brother by Road Block sold to Shane & Marissa Sweet in Newcastle, WY. - Lot 9 is a bigtime heifer bull with a top 6% CED and top 9% BW EPD, and his .63 Marbling EPD ranks in the top 13%. - His dam stacks Bond, Hobo Design and Julian going back to the famed Amber cow family from the famed Buffalo Creek program. Lots 8 & 9... Calving ease Guidance sons out of Buf Crk genetics!
14 Lots 10-12... Guidance sons with avgs of: 15 CED, -4.1 BW & 16.7 REA! - Lot 10 sports a 17.8in REA to go with his 105 WR, 15 CED and -3.0 BW. A maternal brother sold in ‘20 to Johnson Ranch Company in Elk Mountain, WY. - Lot 11 posted a 106 WR with only a 77 BW. His maternal siblings include a brother that sold in ‘19 to the late Bud Reed, Lance Creek, WY, and another sold in ‘21 to Shewmaker Bros. in ID. - Lot 12 is a surefire calving ease Guidance son that stems from the famed Rebas Robin cow tribe. A maternal brother sold in ‘21 to Dwight Bingham in ID. Lot 10 tJS GuIDance J034 4/26/2021 TJS/J034 A-100% AR #4522189 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B VGW ENHANCER 378 TJS SPERA C055 TJS SPERA Z062 MPPA:96 PAP:38 PROS:98(40%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 77 644 1280 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 4.08 17.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 61 37 15 -3.0 53 87 27 4 13 10 15 0.52 0.15 23 0.03 Top% 37 52 18 28 76 71 41 55 27 5 57 27 88 53 72 Lot 11 tJS GuIDance J011 4/22/2021 TJS/J011 A-100% AR #4522231 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS DIAMOND C515 TJS DIAMOND Y150 MPPA:100 PAP:43 PROS:113(20%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 77 643 1375 38.0 cm 52.5 in. 3.23 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 64 49 15 -4.4 62 108 27 3 14 9 14 0.49 0.07 23 0.17 Top% 32 27 25 11 46 27 36 50 9 12 63 33 54 49 40 Lot 12 tJS GuIDance J007 4/21/2021 TJS/J007 A-100% AR #4522239 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS REBELLA B408 RSLND ROBIN`S RAMBO 806-502 MPPA:96 PAP:41 PROS:97(42%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 74 568 1255 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 4.03 16.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 45 52 14 -4.8 43 76 24 3 11 8 15 0.49 0.17 35 0.06 Top% 69 22 34 8 94 86 66 48 66 31 60 33 93 12 66 EGL Guidance 9117... the sire of Lots 4-12, 70-75, 122 & 125.
15 Lot 13 tJS premIum J043 4/28/2021 TJS/J043 A-100% AR #4522173 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 BADLANDS CINCHED 521C TJS PRIMROSE F072 TJS PRIMROSE B115 MPPA:99 PAP:43 PROS:72(82%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 78 600 1380 37.0 cm 51.5 in. 6.27 17.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 52 19 13 -2.0 71 104 23 6 14 8 13 0.29 0.00 29 0.15 Top% 55 85 42 47 14 35 76 70 16 27 72 80 21 27 46
TJS Premium
- Out of 149
ultrasound scanned this December,
J043 was the #1 Marbling bull with a 6.27 IMF, and not to be outdone, he ended up #20 for Ribeye with a 17.5in REA! - His sire, TJS Birthright E118, was a highlight from the ‘19 sale, and now he is a proven 15 CED, -3.2 BW to 138
EPD spread bull. We are excited about this sire group and will continue to use him in the program. - The dam, Primrose F072, is a young daughter of Badlands Cinched 521C, the Lancer R017 son that sired some of our best bulls and females over the past several years. - Selling 1/2 interest and full possession.
16 Lots 14 & 15... Birthright sons with big Birth to Growth spreads. Lot 14 tJS BIrtHrIGHt J025 4/26/2021 TJS/J025 A-100% AR #4522207 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROXXY F260 TJS ROXXY Y135 MPPA:104 PAP:38 PROS:14(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 76 631 1400 38.0 cm 53.5 in. 4.34 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 8 6 13 -2.7 74 115 26 9 12 6 8 0.09 0.02 32 0.24 Top% 99 97 45 34 9 15 50 85 35 74 98 99 28 20 27 Lot 15 tJS BIrtHrIGHt J072 5/1/2021 TJS/J072 A-100% AR #4522117 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 TJS CROWD PLEASER C058 TJS SAMARIA F384 TJS SAMARIA A202 MPPA:99 PAP:37 PROS:73(80%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 580 1345 37.5 cm 54.0 in. 3.90 13.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 26 47 12 -1.4 76 124 21 9 14 6 10 0.43 0.26 44 -0.16 Top% 93 31 60 59 6 6 85 84 8 70 94 45 99 3 96 - Lot 14 is a dark, cherry red Birthright son outof a Blockade dam. He started out with only a 76 BW but went on to post a 104 WR. - Lot 15 is another dark red Birthright son that is out of a young daughter of TJS Crowd Pleaser C058, the powerful LCC Pledge son that sold in ‘17 to High Bar Red Angus in Platteville, CO. TJS Birthright E118... the sire of Lots 13-18. We personally deliver many of the bulls within a few days following the sale... and if you haul them sale day we will give you $50 off each bull!
17 Lots 16 - 18... Birthright sons with avgs of: 16 CED, -3.6 BW, 75 WW & 117 YW! - Lot 16 is one of the big spread calving ease bulls in the offering with a 16 CED, -3.2 BW, 76 WW and 119 YW. - Lot 17 is another calving ease Birthright son, ranking in the top 3% of the breed with a 18 CED. His 103 MPPA Franchise dam raised a 733 AWW, 119 WR Wino bull calf this fall! - Lot 18 posted an impressive 711 AWW and 117 WR with only a 70 BW. He is one of the best numbered bulls in the offering, with a -2.8 BW to 125 YW EPD spread. Lot 16 tJS BIrtHrIGHt J080 5/2/2021 TJS/J080 A-100% AR #4522103 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS PRIMROSE F387 TJS PRIMROSE Z177 MPPA:97 PAP:42 PROS:75(78%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 71 587 1315 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.63 15.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 47 29 16 -3.2 76 119 22 9 14 9 13 0.38 0.13 32 0.08 Top% 66 69 11 25 7 10 84 82 12 17 80 58 82 20 61 Lot 17 tJS BIrtHrIGHt J040 4/27/2021 TJS/J040 A-100% AR #4522179 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 TJS PRIMROSE F704 BUF CRK PRIMROSE Y302 MPPA:103 PAP:45 PROS:81(70%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 60 624 1275 36.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.57 13.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 38 43 18 -4.7 67 107 27 6 13 11 11 0.43 0.11 36 0.18 Top% 81 40 3 8 26 29 36 70 23 2 92 45 75 11 39 Lot 18 tJS Buf crK BIrtHrIGHt J426 6/6/2021 TJS/J426 A-100% AR #4521541 BECKTON HERITAGE X403 L3 TJS BIRTHRIGHT E118 TJS COUNTESS C038 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B BUF CRK NELL F284 BUF CRK NELL X210 MPPA:104 PAP:39 PROS:71(83%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 70 711 1130 36.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.33 14.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 35 36 15 -2.8 81 125 26 15 13 8 12 0.36 0.01 39 0.39 Top% 84 54 21 32 2 5 47 97 20 27 84 64 22 7 9
18 Lots 19 & 20... red outcross sons of U2 Outlier 508E. Lot 19... loaded with performance & muscle! - Lot 19 is a dark, cherry red Outlier son that posted an impressive 683 AWW and 113 WR, and he went on to scan a 17.7in. REA. - His dam, Faith F413, is a top young Badlands Cinched daughter that has earned a 102 MPPA. She raised another top bull calf this fall that posted a 682 AWW and 110 WR. Lot 20... stacked with maternal goodness! - Lot 20 is another super smooth made Outlier son that posted an exceptional 652 AWW and 107 WR. - We really like our Franchise daughters, and Duchess F160 is one reason why... she has earned a 104 MPPA on her first two calves. Lot 19 tJS outLIer J434 6/6/2021 TJS/J434 A-100% AR #4521525 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A BADLANDS CINCHED 521C TJS FAITH F413 TJS FAITH B119 MPPA:102 PAP:39 PROS:65(89%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 683 1415 39.5 cm 55.5 in. 3.14 17.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 35 30 13 -1.3 69 114 24 8 10 7 13 0.31 0.04 26 0.30 Top% 85 66 46 60 20 17 68 80 74 44 78 75 34 37 18 Lot 20 tJS outLIer J313 5/21/2021 TJS/J313 A-100% AR #4521719 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 TJS DUCHESS F160 TJS DUCHESS B181 MPPA:104 PAP:38 PROS:42(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 652 1305 40.0 cm 53.5 in. 3.39 13.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 5 38 11 -2.3 65 96 28 8 10 7 8 0.47 0.08 38 0.30 Top% 99 50 75 41 34 54 28 79 80 57 98 36 58 8 18
19 Lots 21 & 22... big spread genetics with these PIE Seneca 7168 sons! Lot 21... -4.1 BW with a 117 YW & 17.4in. REA! - Lot 21 is a deep ribbed, dark cherry red son of PIE Seneca 7168 that sports a nice -4.1 BW to 117 YW EPDS spread with a top 8% REA. - His dam is one of those good Black Magic daughters with 7 calves to her record. In ‘18 her Out In Front son sold to C&C Land & Livestock in Vernal, UT. Lot 22... showing off his 17.5in REA! - Lot 22 is a very shapely Seneca son that is loaded with muscle and performance. He posted a 660 AWW and 109 WR with only a 78 BW. - Back in ‘21 we featured his full brother, TJS Samsonite G003, and he was selected by our good old friend, the late Bud Reed from Lance Creek, WY... he only bought the best ones! Lot 21 tJS Seneca J307 5/21/2021 TJS/J307 A-100% AR #4521731 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS LARKABA A281 TJS RED STAR Y311 MPPA:99 PAP:39 PROS:112(21%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 603 1475 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.26 17.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 69 43 14 -4.1 69 117 25 6 13 7 17 0.33 0.04 29 0.40 Top% 23 39 27 14 21 12 54 67 25 44 25 70 34 27 8 Lot 22 tJS Seneca J475 6/15/2021 TJS/J475 A-100% AR #4521469 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SAMARIA D150 TJS SAMARIA X0277 MPPA:105 PAP:41 PROS:66(88%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 78 660 1415 38.5 cm 54.0 in. 3.50 17.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 46 20 15 -2.8 75 114 24 8 11 7 15 0.34 0.01 28 0.47 Top% 67 84 17 32 8 16 69 78 53 57 58 68 23 33 5
20 Lots 23 - 25... Check out the BW to YW EPD spreads on these Seneca sons! - Lot 23 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting a 693 AWW and 114 WR. A maternal brother sold in ‘20 to Orchard Ranch in Ten Sleep, WY. - Lot 24 offers breed leading growth with his top 8% CED, and he sports an impressive 16.2in REA. A full brother sold last year to Shewmaker Bros. in Kimberly, ID. Lot 23 tJS Seneca J383 5/27/2021 TJS/J383 A-100% AR #4521611 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 BROWN ALLIANCE X7795 TJS RED HONESTY C507 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 MPPA:102 PAP:42 PROS:80(71%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 693 1395 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.44 15.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 26 14 -1.9 75 127 25 13 12 7 16 0.32 0.14 28 0.06 Top% 50 75 30 49 8 4 52 94 41 44 38 73 88 30 66 Lot 24 tJS Seneca J309 5/21/2021 TJS/J309 A-100% AR #4521727 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 TJS WILLIS B002 TJS COUNTESS D382 TJS COUNTESS S689 MPPA:98 PAP:41 PROS:78(74%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 74 575 1375 38.5 cm 51.0 in. 3.08 16.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 57 21 17 -2.9 71 121 20 9 11 9 16 0.19 0.17 27 0.08 Top% 45 83 8 30 14 8 93 82 52 14 47 95 94 34 61 Lot 25 tJS Seneca J318 5/22/2021 TJS/J318 A-100% AR #4521709 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 VGW ENHANCER 378 TJS RED ROSE D292 TJS RED ROSE Z020 MPPA:102 PAP:42 PROS:84(65%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 72 663 1310 35.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.29 16.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 24 14 -3.7 70 115 27 15 13 8 17 0.28 0.19 33 0.14 Top% 41 77 30 18 17 15 40 97 23 35 28 82 97 17 47 - Lot 25 has one of the most impressive proofs in the sale, posting a 663 AWW and 109 WR with only a 72 BW. A mat. brother sold last year to C&C Land & Livestock in Vernal, UT. PIE Seneca 7168... sire of Lots 21 thru 28.
21 Lots 26 - 28... more Seneca sons with great birth to growth spread. Lot 26 tJS Seneca J369 5/26/2021 TJS/J369 A-100% AR #4521633 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS CHICO D043 TJS CHICO A064 MPPA:98 PAP:37 PROS:89(56%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 652 1375 38.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.40 13.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 58 31 14 0.1 81 131 25 15 11 8 17 0.47 0.20 32 0.23 Top% 44 64 34 84 2 3 53 98 50 29 32 36 97 19 29 Lot 27 tJS Seneca J333 5/23/2021 TJS/J333 A-100% AR #4521693 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS LAKOTA D066 TJS LAKOTA A042 MPPA:96 PAP:45 PROS:79(73%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 569 1290 40.0 cm 53.0 in. 4.97 15.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 54 24 16 -3.6 61 96 20 9 12 7 17 0.38 0.05 23 0.32 Top% 51 77 13 19 47 53 92 84 40 61 26 58 40 50 15 Lot 28 tJS Seneca J512 7/1/2021 TJS/J512 A-100% AR #4521411 RREDS SENECA 731C PIE SENECA 7168 PIE RASPBERRY TUO 4041 TJS WILLIS B002 TJS ROXXY E571 TJS ROXXY T738 MPPA:109 PAP:41 PROS:83(66%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 695 1185 36.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.27 13.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 60 23 14 -1.9 76 120 23 12 11 8 17 0.29 0.14 36 0.31 Top% 39 80 30 49 7 10 73 93 58 37 26 80 86 10 17 - Lot 28 is one of the youngest bulls in the offering, and he is one of the highest record bulls as well, posting a 695 AWW and 115 WR. - Lot 26 posted a 652 AWW and 107 WR. He ranks in the top 2-3% for WW & YW. - Lot 27 is a super calving ease son of Seneca x Blockade with great carcass scan. Weaning time on Rotten Grass Creek...
22 Lots 29 & 30... the first sons of TJS Bordeaux F197 to sell! Lot 29... posted an impressive 724 AWW! - Lot 29 is one of the bulls that will always catch your eye when wandering through the bull pen... he is loaded with performance & eye appeal. - His dam, 1123, is one of the top producers in the herd, earning an amazing 111 MPPA on her 10 calves. Lot 29 tJS BorDeauX J465 6/14/2021 TJS/J465 A-100% AR #4580663 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS BORDEAUX F197 TJS COUNTESS A144 5L HOBO DESIGN 273-7047 MISS LL DESIGN 1123 LOOSLI SIGNATURE 846 MPPA:111 PAP:40 PROS:101(36%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 724 1485 39.5 cm 56.0 in. 3.51 14.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 46 15 0.4 79 123 33 2 12 9 13 0.43 0.05 39 0.38 Top% 49 33 25 88 4 7 4 41 43 11 79 45 44 7 10 Lot 30 cJS BorDeauX J413 6/3/2021 1CJS/J413 A-100% AR #4521283 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS BORDEAUX F197 TJS COUNTESS A144 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 CJS ABIGRACE C026 BROWN MS REDEMPTION A7011 MPPA:98 PAP:41 PROS:84(64%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 640 1390 39.5 cm 54.5 in. 5.19 13.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 43 41 14 -3.4 66 106 24 0 12 9 11 0.52 0.08 22 0.01 Top% 73 42 31 22 28 31 65 34 31 15 90 27 56 55 76 Lot 30... comes from the famed Abigrace tribe! - Lot 30 is a top performer and one of the high IMF scanning bulls in the offering. - His dam, C026, is a Right Kind daughter out of Cash’s donor, ‘Miss Texas’, that comes from the famed Abigrace L7730 cow that has earned over two million in sales on her progeny.
23 Lots 31 & 32... powerhouse Bordeaux sons with extra growth. Lot 31... ranks in the top 3% for WW & 6% for YW! -
long bull with great performance figures,
WR. -
Lot 31 tJS BorDeauX J422 6/4/2021 TJS/J422 A-100% AR #4521545 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS BORDEAUX F197 TJS COUNTESS A144 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS DIAMOND C514 TJS DIAMOND Y150 MPPA:107 PAP:41 PROS:71(82%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 681 1385 38.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.87 14.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 34 38 11 -1.1 79 125 27 4 13 8 10 0.38 0.10 34 0.01 Top% 86 50 70 65 3 6 39 58 26 39 94 58 67 13 76 Lot 32... boast a 75 WW EPD & 115 YW EPD! - Lot 32 is another stout made son of Bordeaux and out of a 101 MPPA Enhancer bred dam. - His sire, TJS Bordeaux F197, rose to the top as a highlight in our ‘20 sale offering with a 724 AWW and 115 WR. Lot 32 tJS BorDeauX J467 6/14/2021 TJS/J467 A-100% AR #4521485 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS BORDEAUX F197 TJS COUNTESS A144 VGW ENHANCER 378 TJS FIRE FLY D298 TJS FIRE FLY A126 MPPA:101 PAP:38 PROS:99(39%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 620 1260 37.0 cm 52.0 in. 4.09 14.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 60 39 10 2.0 75 115 25 2 10 7 16 0.49 0.09 28 0.13 Top% 39 47 86 97 7 15 57 42 75 57 47 33 64 32 49
Lot 31
a very smooth made,
posting an impres
sive 681 AWW and 112
His dam, C514, is a herdbull producing machine, earning a 107 MPPA on her 6 calves. In ‘21 her 725 AWW son sold to Shewmaker Bros. in Kimberly, ID.
24 Lots 33 & 34... check out the shorts on these sons of TJS Wino F306! Lot 33... posted a 5.51 IMF & 16.2in REA! - Lot 33 is the lead off and first son to sell sired by TJS Wino F306, and from the looks of it, the carcass on these Wino sons is off the paper! - This block of cheese posted an impressive 681 AWW and 112 WR, and he stacks Badlands Cinched and Iron Ore on the maternal side. Lot 33 tJS WIno J235 5/16/2021 TJS/J235 A-100% AR #4521861 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 BADLANDS CINCHED 521C TJS DUCHESS E112 TJS DUCHESS B139 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:92(50%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 681 1445 37.0 cm 54.0 in. 5.51 16.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 58 35 10 1.0 76 117 22 2 10 6 15 0.42 0.13 32 0.05 Top% 44 57 82 92 6 13 80 44 71 67 49 48 84 19 68 Lot 34 tJS WIno J135 5/8/2021 TJS/J135 A-100% AR #4522017 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS DIAMOND E033 TJS DIAMOND B251 MPPA:99 PAP:47 PROS:66(88%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 617 1435 39.0 cm 54.0 in. 5.10 16.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 41 25 15 -2.1 67 106 24 1 10 8 13 0.21 -0.08 27 0.45 Top% 76 77 19 44 27 31 70 39 72 34 79 93 4 37 5 Lot 34... posted a 5.10 IMF & 16.3in REA! - Lot 34 is another chunky Wino son with a great carcass scan and a big birth to yearling EPD spread. Maternally he is out of one of our good Blockade daughters. - A maternal brother by Franchise sold in ‘21 to Shewmaker Bros. in Kimberly, ID.
25 Lots 35 - 38... these Wino sons have the cheese too! Lot 35 tJS WIno J099 5/4/2021 TJS/J099 A-100% AR #4522075 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS LARKABA E226 TJS LARKABA Z357 MPPA:96 PAP:69 PROS:67(87%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 573 1400 41.0 cm 55.0 in. 6.02 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 11 56 11 -1.6 63 105 20 3 10 5 10 0.40 -0.08 35 0.65 Top% 98 17 71 55 42 32 90 49 76 89 95 53 4 12 1 - Lot 35 is one of the top scanning bulls in the sale, posting a 6.02 IMF with a 15.9in REA, He ranks among the elite top 1% of the breed for REA with a .65 EPD. - Lot 38 is a top performer, posting a 658 AWW and 109 WR. His 105 MPPA dam is royally bred, stacking Nebula P707 and Lancer R017 back to the dam of Berry Cherry. Lot 38 tJS WIno J149 5/19/2021 TJS/J149 A-100% AR #4521993 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 TJS RED HONESTY E401 TJS RED HONESTY B415 MPPA:105 PAP:52 PROS:97(42%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 658 1370 40.0 cm 54.0 in. 5.80 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 62 35 12 -0.6 67 108 27 1 11 6 16 0.33 0.01 26 0.35 Top% 35 57 57 74 26 28 41 37 61 64 36 70 22 38 12 Lot 36 tJS WIno J232 5/16/2021 TJS/J232 A-100% AR #4521865 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS FIREFLY E011 TJS FIREFLY B099 MPPA:103 PAP:40 PROS:73(81%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 628 1340 39.5 cm 54.0 in. 5.57 18.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 48 25 12 -0.1 70 112 23 3 10 5 15 0.27 -0.05 24 0.44 Top% 64 76 65 81 17 20 75 47 83 84 50 84 7 47 6 Lot 37 tJS WIno J348 5/23/2021 TJS/J348 A-100% AR #4521667 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SAMARIE E131 TJS SAMARIE A109 MPPA:104 PAP:38 PROS:58(93%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 74 622 1325 36.5 cm 54.5 in. 3.66 14.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 33 26 15 -2.7 69 105 23 2 11 8 11 0.30 -0.04 28 0.49 Top% 87 75 16 34 20 33 76 45 63 27 90 79 9 33 4 - Lot 36 posted a huge 18.9 REA with a 5.57 IMF. A mat. bro. sold last year to Phy Lord in CO. - Lot 37 is a bigtime calving ease heifer bull out of one of our top producing Blockade dams. TJS Wino F306 (pictured as a yearling)... the sire of Lots 33 - 41.
Lots 33 & 34... check out the shorts on these sons of TJS Wino F306!
BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip
HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 44 23 11 -0.6 72 113 20 2 10 6 14 0.30 -0.10 19 0.36 Top% 71 80 70 74 12 17 92 45 75 74 68 79 3 67 12 Lot 40 tJS WIno J469 6/14/2021 TJS/J469 A-100% AR #4521481 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 TJS BUF CRK THE LEGEND Z025 TJS JESSA ILKA E039 TJS JESSA ILKA S643 MPPA:102 PAP:39 PROS:83(67%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 673 1275 41.5 cm 52.5 in. 3.85 16.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 23 14 -1.3 70 111 23 1 10 8 15 0.23 -0.01 23 0.57 Top% 41 79 35 60 16 22 73 35 78 27 54 91 15 51 2 Lot 41 tJS WIno J269 5/19/2021 TJS/J269 A-100% AR #4521803 RED U2 MALBEC 195D TJS WINO F306 TJS LAKOTA A042 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS DIAMOND E001 TJS DIAMOND B157 MPPA:90 PAP:44 PROS:70(84%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 65 519 1260 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.82 15.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 67 4 15 -4.3 64 97 18 1 10 8 17 0.25 -0.02 10 0.26 Top% 27 98 17 12 39 52 97 37 71 31 27 88 14 91 24
- Lot 39 is a dark, cherry red Wino son with a 644 AWW and 106 WR. The Blockade daughters really work well when crossed with Wino. - Lot 40 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting an impressive 673 AWW and 111 WR. Last year his maternal brother sold to Vicki Davis in Tonasket, WA. - Lot 41 is a great calving ease prospect with a 15 CED and -4.3 BW. He is another Wino x Blockade cross which seems to have worked really well. Lot 39
WIno J461 6/12/2021
A-100% AR #4521493
:67(87%) Performance
83 644 1385 36.5 cm 55.5 in. 3.48 14.6 in.
- Scotia J046 is a standout in the pen with his long level top and big barrel rib cage. He was one of the top gainers on test and you can see the big 16.8in. REA down his top.
- He leads off a nice set of brothers all sired by U2 Nova 627F, the outcross Canadian bred bull we selected from the ‘19 U2 Bull Sale. Paternally he goes back to Minburn Copenhagen 3Y, the bull that sired many of the top daughters in U2’s record setting
- The dam, Red Cedar D247, is a powerful daughter of the $100,000 5L Out In Front 457B. This young female has been cruising along with a 102 MPPA and she produced a Blockade 86D son that sold in ‘20 to Prewitt Land & Livestock in Fairview, MT. -
1/2 interest and full possession.
dispersal sale.
Lot 42 tJS ScotIa J046 4/28/2021 TJS/J046 A-100% AR #4522167 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS RED CEDAR D247 TJS RED CEDAR U8114 MPPA:102 PAP:42 PROS:44(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 592 1535 41.0 cm 53.5 in. 3.39 16.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 22 22 9 -0.3 75 115 28 10 10 5 12 0.42 0.12 21 -0.03 Top% 95 81 90 79 8 15 24 88 81 89 82 48 81 58 83 TJS HERDBULL PROSPECT...
28 Lots 43 & 44... 3/4 brothers by Nova and out of Blockade dams! Lot 43... posted a 708 AWW & 117 WR! - Lot 43 was one of the heaviest bulls at weaning, posting an amazing 708 AWW and 117 WR. He is the first of 5 3/4 brothers selling all by Nova and out of Blockade dams. - His dam, D319, stacks the whos who of top herdsires used in our program, including Blockade, Iron Ore, Optimum, Red Bandit & King Rob. Lot 44... posted a 643 AWW & 106 WR! - Another successful Nova x Blockade cross, Lot 44 ranks among the top %s for his growth traits and he scanned an impressive 16.9in REA. - His dam, D105, is from the first Blockade calf crop, and she has done her job, earning a 101 MPPA. Her ‘22 born Guidance bull calf posted a 695 AWW and 112 WR. Lot 43 tJS noVa J443 6/8/2021 TJS/J443 A-100% AR #4521519 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SRABEL D319 TJS SRABEL B024 MPPA:103 PAP:42 PROS:90(55%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 93 708 1470 40.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.65 13.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 67 23 8 1.8 79 124 26 10 10 3 21 0.34 0.00 29 0.20 Top% 27 79 96 97 4 6 42 88 75 98 2 68 20 27 34 Lot 44 tJS noVa J148 5/9/2021 TJS/J148 A-100% AR #4521995 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SADIE D105 TJS SADIE Z095 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:18(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 643 1445 36.0 cm 54.5 in. 3.11 16.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 28 -10 10 1.5 78 118 27 8 10 4 13 0.10 0.05 22 0.17 Top% 91 99 84 95 4 11 41 77 74 94 76 99 42 57 40
29 Lots 45 - 47... more Nova sons out of Blockade dams. - Lot 45 is another attractive Nova son out of a young Blockade dam. A maternal brother sold last year to Shewmaker Bros. in Kimberly, ID. - Lot 46 is a dark red, long and attractive Nova son out of a Blockade daughter that stacks two of our strongest maternal bulls from the past, Robo and Julian 3811. - You can see the Blockade influence when you get behind this thick ended Nova son. Last year his maternal brother sold to Laramie Cattle Co. in Carpenter, WY. Lot 45 tJS noVa J380 5/27/2021 TJS/J380 A-100% AR #4521617 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS REBELLO D010 TJS REBELLO Z265 MPPA:98 PAP:38 PROS:45(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 593 1350 35.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.09 13.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 21 24 9 0.2 66 106 24 9 10 3 14 0.31 0.00 22 0.20 Top% 96 78 91 85 28 30 62 83 77 98 70 75 19 57 34 Lot 46 tJS noVa J081 5/3/2021 TJS/J081 A-100% AR #4522101 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS DUCHESS D161 TJS DUCHESS X0159 MPPA:99 PAP:40 PROS:49(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 87 576 1405 38.0 cm 54.5 in. 5.25 14.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 31 18 9 0.3 59 87 27 4 10 3 15 0.32 0.03 19 0.10 Top% 89 87 90 86 58 71 34 52 75 98 60 73 33 65 56 Lot 47 tJS noVa J106 5/5/2021 TJS/J106 A-100% AR #4522065 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS LAKOTA D033 TJS LAKOTA B140 MPPA:95 PAP:39 PROS:70(85%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 524 1320 36.5 cm 51.0 in. 3.85 16.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 50 20 14 -2.4 48 75 25 4 11 6 16 0.47 0.07 5 -0.02 Top% 60 85 31 39 88 87 54 52 64 70 35 36 51 96 82
30 Lots 48 & 49... a pair of Resource sons out of Berry Cherry dams. - Lot 48 is one of the studs of the pen and his 19.1in REA is the largest in this offering! If you want to add pounds at weaning here is your growth bull. - His dam, Mattie B190, is one of our mature Berry Cherry daughters that 7 calves to her record with a 367 day calving interval. Lot 48 tJS reSource J268 5/19/2021 TJS/J268 A-100% AR #4521805 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS MATTIE B190 TJS MATTIE W941 MPPA:100 PAP:45 PROS:58(93%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 92 613 1515 39.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.15 19.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 19 39 8 3.3 65 118 20 8 14 4 10 0.08 0.06 40 0.35 Top% 96 47 96 99 32 12 91 79 9 93 92 99 47 5 12 Lot 49 tJS reSource J297 5/20/2021 TJS/J297 A-100% AR #4521751 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS LAKOTA A259 TJS LAKOTA T7004 MPPA:90 PAP:44 PROS:82(68%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 502 1425 38.0 cm 55.5 in. 4.10 15.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 48 34 10 0.5 62 106 18 8 13 6 15 0.08 0.08 36 0.30 Top% 63 59 84 88 45 30 97 79 25 64 57 99 58 10 18 Lot 49... power all the way to the ground! - Lot 49 is another Resource son that is stout all the way to the ground, with a powerful hip, leg and foot. - Berry finally left us this past summer... we found him laying under the trees by the creek where he liked to be. At 14 years of age, his feet were still perfect.
31 Lots 50 - 52... Big ribeye Resource sons out of a few of our top cows. - Lot 50 posted a 653 AWW and 108 WR with a 16.8 REA. His maternal brothers have been popular with some of our top customers, including a pair that have sold to Phy Lord in CO. - Lot 51 is a whopper, posting a 756 AWW and 125 WR. His dam, Red Honesty Z258, is also the dam of TJS Road Block D008. - Lot 52 is another powerhouse Resource son out of an Odyssey daughter that always has a good one. Back in the ‘21 sale a maternal brother sold to Brad & Tammie Neville in Kaycee, WY. Lot 50 tJS reSource J184 5/12/2021 TJS/J184 A-100% AR #4521937 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS SAMARIA A204 TJS SAMARIA S626 MPPA:101 PAP:37 PROS:94(47%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 653 1415 39.5 cm 54.0 in. 4.44 16.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 24 70 10 0.5 67 117 22 10 12 5 12 0.47 0.15 52 0.38 Top% 94 5 80 88 25 12 84 86 38 89 83 36 89 1 10 Lot 51 tJS reSource J245 6/16/2021 TJS/J245 A-100% AR #4521843 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 TJS RED HONESTY R564 MPPA:105 PAP:44 PROS:68(86%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 756 1365 35.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.47 17.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 54 14 9 1.4 71 118 27 12 13 5 17 0.01 0.07 32 0.46 Top% 52 91 90 95 15 11 41 92 24 88 30 99 51 19 5 Lot 52 tJS reSource J372 5/26/2021 TJS/J372 A-100% AR #4521627 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS RED HONESTY A154 TJS RED HONESTY X0145 MPPA:95 PAP:42 PROS:78(74%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 100 580 1395 40.0 cm 54.5 in. 3.59 16.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 30 48 6 3.5 72 121 18 6 14 4 12 0.22 0.05 43 0.32 Top% 90 30 99 99 13 8 97 65 15 92 86 92 42 3 15
32 Lots 53 - 56... Resource sons out of high MPPA dams. Lot 53 tJS reSource J301 5/22/2021 TJS/J301 A-100% AR #4521743 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B TJS SUNUP A078 TJS LARKABA D322 TJS LARKABA S657 MPPA:102 PAP:56 PROS:113(19%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 93 553 1315 36.0 cm 54.5 in. 3.24 17.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 45 68 10 0.3 63 105 19 5 12 6 14 0.49 0.14 47 0.26 Top% 69 6 84 86 40 32 96 60 30 77 66 33 86 2 24 Lot 54 tJS reSource J262 5/18/2021 TJS/J262 A-100% AR #4521813 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS LARKABA B131 TJS STAR FLOWER U8117 MPPA:102 PAP:47 PROS:84(64%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 604 1330 37.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.23 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 29 12 1.2 62 102 21 7 12 7 16 0.22 0.05 30 0.27 Top% 50 68 64 94 46 40 88 74 44 52 42 92 44 25 22 - Lot 55 is a stout, good looking rascal. His 105 MPPA dam has raised sons that have sold to Shane & Marissa Sweet in Newcastle, WY, and Thompson Cattle Co. in Billings, MT. - Lot 56 posted a 623 AWW and 104 WR. His maternal siblings include a Road Block son that sold last year to Johnson Ranch Co. in Elk Mountain, WY. Lot 55 tJS reSource J353 5/24/2021 TJS/J353 A-100% AR #4521657 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS STORMY ANGEL A117 TJS STORMY ANGEL W946 MPPA:105 PAP:44 PROS:73(80%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 619 1440 39.0 cm 51.0 in. 3.40 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 45 28 11 0.9 60 95 23 3 13 7 13 0.28 0.06 24 0.08 Top% 69 70 78 92 53 55 72 50 23 55 76 82 50 46 61 Lot 56 tJS reSource J334 5/23/2021 TJS/J334 A-100% AR #4521691 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B TJS BIG COUNTRY A009 TJS DIAMOND C235 TJS DIAMOND A135 MPPA:102 PAP:41 PROS:14(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 95 623 1415 37.0 cm 54.5 in. 3.34 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 14 1 10 0.4 48 80 25 9 14 6 10 0.16 0.22 17 -0.19 Top% 98 98 88 88 87 82 54 84 13 77 94 97 99 74 97 - Lot 53 is a powerhouse with a 17.1 REA. His dam raised the #2 AWW bull in the herd this fall. - Lot 53 has mat. brothers working for the Nevilles in Kaycee, WY & Hall Family Trust in Buffalo, WY.
33 Lots 57 & 58... we love the dimension & muscle in our Like A Boss progeny. Lot 57... has all the right parts in the all right places! - Lot 57 is one of the most balanced bulls in the pen, posting a 645 AWW and 106 WR, with a 16.2 REA and 5.13 IMF. - His dam, Larkaba C041, has earned an impressive 107 MPPA with a 109 AWR on 6 calves, 5 of which were replacement heifers. Lot 58... smooth made for a 16.5 REA bull! - If Lot 58 has the look of a herdbull prospect, it should come as no surprise. His maternal brother, TJS Darkhorse F005, sold in ‘20 to C-T Red Angus in MT, and Rocking Bar H Ranch in WA. - Another maternal brother by Road Block was highlighted last year and sold to Brad & Tammie Neville in Kaycee, WY. Lot 57 tJH LIKe a BoSS J103 5/5/2021 TJH/J103 A-100% AR #4521339 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 TJS BUF CRK THE LEGEND Z025 TJH LARKABA C041 TJH LARKABA Y326 MPPA:107 PAP:46 PROS:77(76%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 645 1475 40.0 cm 54.0 in. 5.13 16.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 47 30 10 -0.9 64 102 33 5 13 5 15 0.47 -0.02 13 0.29 Top% 66 67 82 68 38 40 4 63 28 87 58 36 13 86 19 Lot 58 tJS LIKe a BoSS J030 4/26/2021 TJS/J030 A-100% AR #4522197 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS SADIE C242 TJS SADIE Y121 MPPA:103 PAP:38 PROS:69(85%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 627 1445 38.0 cm 55.5 in. 4.41 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 48 21 12 0.5 57 89 37 1 13 5 14 0.22 -0.02 19 0.30 Top% 63 82 61 88 63 69 1 37 28 83 63 92 14 67 18
34 Lots 59 & 60... Like A Boss sons with extra body and ribeye! Lot 59... boasts a 663 AWW & 16.5in. REA! - Lot 59 is one of the deepest and stoutest bulls in the offering, posting a 663 AWW and 107 WR. - His dam, Samaria B096, is one of out top producers, with a 109 AWR on 6 calves, including a son that sold in ‘20 to Prewitt Land & Livestock in Fairview, MT. Lot 60... he sports an impressive 17.0in. REA! - Lot 60 is a super long spinned bull that is decievingly heavy muscled. His dam, B033, has stood the test of time with six calves to her credit. Back in ‘19, her Blockade son was a featured herdbull prospect and sold to Four Cross Ranch in Soap Lake, WA. Lot 59 cJS LIKe a BoSS J084 5/4/2021 1CJS/J084 A-100% AR #4521275 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS SAMARIA B096 TJS SAMARIA X025 MPPA:107 PAP:43 PROS:94(47%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 96 663 1450 39.0 cm 53.5 in. 4.72 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 51 44 9 0.9 65 104 34 3 12 4 15 0.54 0.00 20 0.30 Top% 59 37 93 92 31 34 1 48 29 93 53 24 17 64 18 Lot 60 tJS LIKe a BoSS J049 4/29/2021 TJS/J049 A-100% AR #4522163 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS JESSA ILKA B033 TJS JESSA ILKA X0503 MPPA:101 PAP:37 PROS:75(78%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 92 573 1405 38.5 cm 52.5 in. 3.78 17.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 33 42 9 0.5 61 103 30 2 11 4 13 0.58 0.09 11 -0.01 Top% 86 41 90 88 50 37 16 41 53 94 76 18 64 89 81
35 Lots 61 - 63... the Like A Boss sons have guts, butts and nuts. - This powerhouse will get your attention... Lot 61 posted an awesome 698 AWW and 115 WR, and he scanned right at the top with a 5.90 IMF. - His dam, Cocoa D261, is bred for power and she delivers it! This fall she weaned a full sister to Lot 61 with a 110 WR. Lot 61 tJS LIKe a BoSS J275 5/19/2021 TJS/J275 A-100% AR #4521791 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS COCOA D261 TJS COCOA R542 MPPA:109 PAP:47 PROS:31(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 95 698 1390 37.0 cm 55.0 in. 5.90 15.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 6 25 6 0.7 67 105 34 9 11 3 10 0.49 -0.01 12 0.09 Top% 99 76 99 90 26 33 2 81 51 97 94 33 15 88 60 Lot 62 tJS LIKe a BoSS J050 4/29/2021 TJS/J050 A-100% AR #4522161 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS RAC C325 TJS ENCHANTED SADIE Y478 MPPA:103 PAP:38 PROS:77(76%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 640 1445 38.0 cm 53.5 in. 4.79 15.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 38 39 9 0.6 64 107 32 2 12 4 14 0.55 0.04 13 0.16 Top% 81 47 92 89 37 29 5 45 37 95 71 22 38 86 43 Lot 63 tJS LIKe a BoSS J285 5/20/2021 TJS/J285 A-100% AR #4521771 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS CHICO D103 TJS CHICO A330 MPPA:103 PAP:45 PROS:77(76%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 92 612 1360 38.0 cm 52.5 in. 4.21 13.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 22 54 8 0.9 64 107 31 7 12 5 11 0.51 -0.09 24 0.37 Top% 95 19 95 92 37 28 8 74 31 91 88 29 3 46 11 - Lot 62 is a top performer and a mat. brother sold last year to Summers Red Angus in MT. - This cross works... a full brother sold last year to the 77 Ranch in Lance Creek, WY. Lot 61... they don’t make’em any deeper ribbed! We had a fun trip this summer, visiting Shipley Swine Genetics, Select Sires and Churchill Downs.
36 Lots 64 - 66... the first sons to sell by 5L Territory 5205-114G. - Lot 64 leads off a very nice sire group of bulls by 5L Territory. This guy is long spined and sports a huge 16.8in REA. - Lot 65 is another huge REA Territory son out of a mat. sister to Berry Cherry. Back in the ‘21 sale a maternal brother sold to Orchard Ranch in Ten Sleep, WY. - Lot is another good Territory son out of a 104 MPPA Black Magic dam. A maternal brother sold last year to Church Steeple Land & Cattle Co. in Fair Acres, NM. Lot 64 tJS terrItorY J090 5/4/2021 TJS/J090 A-100% AR #4522093 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 TJS BUF CRK THE LEGEND Z025 TJS SAMARIA D042 TJS SAMARIA Z098 MPPA:98 PAP:43 PROS:78(74%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 580 1510 41.0 cm 55.0 in. 4.08 16.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 45 33 11 0.6 62 97 22 4 12 5 15 0.34 0.06 26 0.38 Top% 69 61 70 89 45 52 82 54 30 88 60 68 47 39 10 Lot 65 tJS terrItorY J033 4/26/2021 TJS/J033 A-100% AR #4522191 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 5L ADVOCATE 817-14W TJS RED HONESTY C504 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 MPPA:103 PAP:41 PROS:67(87%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 614 1445 45.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.48 17.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 39 28 14 -1.8 51 81 28 0 12 5 14 0.54 -0.01 4 0.14 Top% 79 70 35 50 81 81 24 30 40 86 69 24 15 97 47 Lot 66 tJS terrItorY J063 5/1/2021 TJS/J063 A-100% AR #4522135 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS PINETTA C266 TJS PINETTA S660 MPPA:104 PAP:41 PROS:95(46%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 593 1390 41.5 cm 53.0 in. 5.29 14.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 40 12 -0.8 55 89 32 3 12 5 17 0.45 0.12 19 0.04 Top% 49 46 55 70 72 69 7 48 41 88 30 41 78 68 70 5L Territory 5205-114G... sire of Lots 64 - 69.
37 Lots 67 - 69... cover your territory with these 5L Territory sons. Lot 67 tJS terrItorY J092 5/3/2021 TJS/J092 A-100% AR #4522089 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS RAC A275 TJS ENCHANTED SADIE T796 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:82(68%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 580 1375 38.0 cm 54.5 in. 4.16 14.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 27 12 -1.3 62 99 28 3 11 5 16 0.32 -0.03 19 0.26 Top% 49 73 65 60 43 47 31 48 57 83 36 73 12 66 24 Lot 68 tJS terrItorY J349 5/23/2021 TJS/J349 A-100% AR #4521665 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS KURUBA D073 TJS KURUBA Z319 MPPA:100 PAP:41 PROS:72(81%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 81 582 1340 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.39 15.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 61 11 11 0.6 60 92 26 6 12 6 18 0.37 -0.05 4 0.13 Top% 36 94 68 89 51 63 43 68 38 80 20 61 8 97 49 Lot 69 tJS terrItorY J032 4/26/2021 TJS/J032 A-100% AR #4522193 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS DORIATO C137 LAUBACH DORIATO 1135 MPPA:108 PAP:41 PROS:112(21%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 623 1305 45.0 cm 55.0 in. 4.10 16.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 70 42 14 -3.2 57 89 34 3 12 7 18 0.54 0.08 20 0.06 Top% 22 41 31 25 65 68 1 50 36 46 19 24 57 65 66 Lot 69... is packing a 45cm toolbox around! -
sale day... Lot
- Lot 67 is a low PAP Territory son out of a 101 MPPA Odyssey daughter with 3 daughters re-
the herd. - Lot 68 combines two powerful bulls from the 5L program with sire, Territory, and maternal grandsire, Out in Front.
It will not be hard to find this stout made
son on
69 is one of the standouts in the
and he is
around a set of 45cm testicles! - His dam, Doriato C137, has earned a 108 MPPA and is no stranger to raising top sons. Back in the ‘20 sale her Blockad son, TJS Butcher Block F164, was featured herdbull prospect and sold to our good friends, Koltiska Cattle & Hay, in Sheridan, WY.
tained in
38 Lots 70 - 72... calving ease Guidance 9117 sons with extra body and shape. - Lot 70 is a dark red Guidance son with extra depth of rib and capacity. A maternal brother sold in ‘19 to Shane & Marissa Sweet from Newcastle, WY. - Lot 71 is another stout made Guidance son with a great -3.2 BW to 105 YW EPD spread. He is a maternal brother to TJS Bordeaux F197, the Malbec son that is the sire of Lots 29-32. - Lot 72 is a long, stout made Guidance son out of one of our good old Berry daughters. His mat. brother, TJS Gate Keeper F106, sold in the ‘20 sale to Bieber Red Angus in Leola, SD. Lot 70 tJS GuIDance J288 5/20/2021 TJS/J288 A-100% AR #4521765 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS LAKOTA A077 TJS LAKOTA Y392 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:95(46%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 604 1480 38.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.15 14.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 56 39 12 -1.4 65 106 27 1 13 7 14 0.51 0.08 17 -0.06 Top% 48 48 55 59 34 31 39 38 16 41 70 29 60 73 88 Lot 71 tJS GuIDance J190 5/12/2021 TJS/J190 A-100% AR #4521925 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS COUNTESS A144 TJS COUNTESS X0126 MPPA:101 PAP:45 PROS:108(25%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 82 575 1375 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.95 14.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 58 50 13 -3.2 63 105 23 4 14 9 14 0.56 0.15 28 0.00 Top% 43 25 40 25 42 33 71 54 14 18 67 21 90 31 78 Lot 72 tJS GuIDance J078 5/2/2021 TJS/J078 A-100% AR #4522107 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS LARKABA B137 TJS RED FIRE W9035 MPPA:100 PAP:42 PROS:137(4%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 582 1415 41.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.59 14.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 81 57 13 -2.2 54 89 28 2 13 8 19 0.76 0.26 27 -0.29 Top% 9 16 40 43 74 68 30 43 17 39 11 5 99 36 99 We are waiting on Genomic Enhanced EPDs... watch for a supplement sheet available soon!
39 Lots 73 - 75... EGL Guidance 9117 sons out of Blockade dams. - Lot 73 is a dark red, chunky Guidance son out of a first calf Blockade dam. The foundation dam was a very beautiful Major League daughter that came out of the Nile sale from Double Tree Red Angus. - Lot 74 is one of the most eye-appealling bulls in the pen and he boasts some of the best carcass scan data, with an impressive 5.60 IMF and 16.3in REA. - Lot 75 is a calving ease Guidance son with a -2.3 BW to 101 YW EPD spread and top 7% REA. His dam is a full sister to TJS Road Block D008. Lot 73 tJH GuIDance J219 5/14/2021 TJH/J219 A-100% AR #4521351 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L BLOCKADE 3004-86D TJH RAC G346 TJH RAC Z052 MPPA:100 PAP:42 PROS:69(85%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 614 1385 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.38 14.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 30 39 12 -0.2 65 108 25 8 13 7 11 0.44 0.11 32 0.13 Top% 90 47 57 80 35 27 53 78 26 57 88 43 74 18 49 Lot 74 tJS GuIDance J177 5/11/2021 TJS/J177 A-100% AR #4521945 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS RED HONESTY D086 TJS RED HONESTY B110 MPPA:96 PAP:36 PROS:73(81%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 615 1315 37.0 cm 54.0 in. 5.60 16.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 14 59 12 -3.0 54 96 24 4 12 6 9 0.51 -0.01 34 0.39 Top% 98 14 67 28 73 52 67 58 37 72 96 29 15 14 9 Lot 75 tJS GuIDance J198 5/12/2021 TJS/J198 A-100% AR #4521909 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS RED HONESTY F019 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:115(17%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 604 1205 37.0 cm 52.5 in. 3.70 14.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 60 55 13 -2.3 63 101 25 6 12 6 17 0.53 0.00 38 0.42 Top% 39 18 52 41 39 41 58 65 41 68 30 25 19 8 7 Justin Myhre, Windancer Cattle Company, from Custer, MT has purchased bulls the last 3 years... thanks!
40 Lots 76 - 78... Check out the ribeyes on these powerhouse Like A Boss sons! - Lot 85 is a 107 WR Like a Boss son out of a 106 MPPA bull producing mama! Mat. brothers have sold to Orchard Ranch, Quinn Larson, Whitmire Farms, and Phy Lord. - Lot 78 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting a 685 AWW and 113 WR. A maternal brother sold in the ‘19 sale to Orchard Ranch in Ten Sleep, WY. - Lot 77 is a -1.1 BW to 111 YW spread bull with a huge 17.0in REA. His 102 MPPA dam is one of our good Iron Ore daughters four replacement females in the herd. Lot 76 tJS LIKe a BoSS J089 5/4/2021 TJS/J089 A-100% AR #4522095 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS CHICO A064 TJS CHICO X0322 MPPA:106 PAP:42 PROS:84(65%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 650 1390 38.0 cm 56.5 in. 3.23 16.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 46 38 12 -3.2 53 88 33 0 12 6 14 0.39 0.02 22 0.25 Top% 67 50 57 25 78 70 4 31 44 70 67 55 25 57 26 Lot 77 tJS LIKe a BoSS J024 4/25/2021 TJS/J024 A-100% AR #4522209 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS LASS A013 TJS BUF CRK LASS W940 MPPA:102 PAP:39 PROS:88(58%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 595 1380 35.5 cm 54.0 in. 3.60 17.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 50 38 11 -1.1 67 111 30 4 12 6 15 0.57 0.08 13 0.01 Top% 60 49 77 65 25 22 16 55 40 77 60 19 58 85 76 Lot 78 tJS LIKe a BoSS J393 5/29/2021 TJS/J393 A-100% AR #4521593 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BECKTON ENCINO B252 N BECKTON ENCINO X785 N MPPA:102 PAP:49 PROS:90(55%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 685 1375 36.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.86 16.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 72 17 12 -1.5 59 93 31 2 13 5 19 0.48 0.04 1 -0.06 Top% 18 88 54 57 58 59 10 41 17 88 11 34 34 98 88
41 Lots 79 - 81... Calviug ease sons of 5L Like a Boss 8986-283F. - Lot 79 is a long, smooth made Like A Boss son with great calving ease and carcass data. His dam raised one of the top bulls in the sale last year that sold to Shewmaker Bros. in Kimberly, ID. - Lot 81 is a surefire heifer bull with a 69 BW, 15 CED and -4.9 BW EPD. His dam is a bull raising machine... a pair of Blockade sons have sold to Smith Sheep Co., WY, and another to Hayden Ranch, WY. - Lot 80 is a stout, little man with a 15 CED and -2.4 BW. His dam is a Blockade daughter that raised a nice Cinched son last year and he sold to Windancer Cattle Co. in Custer, MT. Lot 79 tJS LIKe a BoSS J022 4/25/2021 TJS/J022 A-100% AR #4522213 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS PRIMROSE D202 TJS PRIMROSE B247 MPPA:94 PAP:39 PROS:84(64%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 567 1280 37.5 cm 52.5 in. 5.38 14.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 20 64 13 -3.4 49 87 24 1 12 5 11 0.49 0.00 33 0.52 Top% 96 9 48 22 87 72 68 37 30 91 89 33 18 16 3 Lot 80 tJS LIKe a BoSS J094 5/4/2021 TJS/J094 A-100% AR #4522085 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS SADIE D281 TJS SADIE B169 MPPA:97 PAP:43 PROS:94(48%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 577 1285 38.5 cm 51.5 in. 3.71 14.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 35 15 -2.4 55 88 25 -1 12 6 16 0.60 -0.07 5 0.20 Top% 42 56 21 39 70 70 56 27 37 67 42 16 5 96 34 Lot 81 tJS LIKe a BoSS J054 4/29/2021 TJS/J054 A-100% AR #4522153 BECKTON LIKABLE C643 L3 5L LIKE A BOSS 8986-283F 5L SYBILLI 4351-8986 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS AMBER A139 TJS AMBER Y137 MPPA:96 PAP:38 PROS:88(58%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 69 549 1165 34.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.18 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 50 38 15 -4.9 47 71 30 -6 13 8 13 0.71 0.01 -1 -0.03 Top% 59 50 19 7 89 90 12 15 19 35 80 7 23 99 83
42 Lots 82 - 84... U2 Nova sons with huge ribeyes! - Lot 82 posted a 629 AWW and 104 WR. He also had one of the best carcass scans with a 17.3in REA and 4.56 IMF. His dam is a daughter of perpetual Marbling leader, 5L Advocate. - Lot 84 is a top performer, posting a 643 AWW and 106 WR. His dam is one of our top producers, earning a 105 MPPA with a 107 AWR on her 4 calves. - Lot 83 is a super long and heavy muscled Nova son out of a top producing Andras Fusion dam. A 116 WR maternal brother by Road Block sold last year to the 77 Ranch at Lance Creek, WY. Lot 82 tJS noVa J146 5/9/2021 TJS/J146 A-100% AR #4521999 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C 5L ADVOCATE 817-14W TJS COCOA B207 TJS COCOA R542 MPPA:100 PAP:42 PROS:58(93%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 629 1465 44.0 cm 54.5 in. 4.56 17.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 19 40 8 -0.1 65 102 29 2 10 4 11 0.62 0.02 13 -0.07 Top% 97 46 96 81 34 38 17 45 74 96 88 14 25 84 89 Lot 83 tJS noVa J021 4/25/2021 TJS/J021 A-100% AR #4522215 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C ANDRAS FUSION R236 TJS AMBER B008 TJS AMBER Z043 MPPA:100 PAP:46 PROS:78(74%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 575 1445 41.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.89 15.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 52 27 10 -0.4 59 93 30 0 10 6 15 0.43 0.09 17 -0.10 Top% 57 73 85 77 57 61 16 30 82 72 51 45 62 73 92 Lot 84 tJS noVa J130 5/7/2021 TJS/J130 A-100% AR #4522025 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C TJS BUF CRK THE LEGEND Z025 TJS DUCHESS E108 TJS DUCHESS A060 MPPA:105 PAP:41 PROS:63(91%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 643 1300 36.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.86 16.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 37 26 7 -0.5 66 99 28 10 11 4 15 0.41 0.08 26 0.08 Top% 82 75 98 75 31 46 30 87 58 95 49 50 58 38 61 Red U2 Nova 627F... the sire of Lots 2-3, 43-47 & 82-91.
43 Lots 85 & 86... a pair of Nova sons with a little extra gas in the tank! - Lot 85 is one of the top growth bulls in the offering with an 83 WW and 131 YW EPD. - His dam is a top Iron Ore daughter that likes raising good bull calves. Back in ‘20 her Blockade son sold to Prewitt Land & Livestock in MT, and last year her Seneca son sold to Hall Family Trust here in Buffalo, WY. Lot 85... boast off the charts growth EPDs! - Lot 86 is one of the stoutest bulls in the offering, posting a 692 AWW and 114 WR. - His dam, C254, has more than held her own, earning a 107 MPPA with a 109 AWR on her 6 calves, including 3 replacement daughters back in the herd. Lot 86... posted a 692 AWW & 114 WR! Lot 85 tJS noVa J479 6/16/2021 TJS/J479 A-100% AR #4521463 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS DUCHESS B139 TJS DUCHESS R570 MPPA:95 PAP:37 PROS:61(92%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 98 662 1345 37.0 cm 51.5 in. 3.69 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 32 29 4 3.4 83 131 24 9 10 1 16 0.27 0.05 35 0.29 Top% 88 69 99 99 1 3 61 82 76 99 39 84 44 11 19 Lot 86 tJS noVa J095 5/4/2021 TJS/J095 A-100% AR #4522083 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS SRABEL C254 TJS SRABEL Y505 MPPA:107 PAP:43 PROS:36(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 96 692 1455 40.0 cm 55.5 in. 4.06 14.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 40 -5 9 1.2 68 99 35 7 11 5 15 0.24 0.08 13 -0.01 Top% 77 99 93 94 22 47 1 73 57 91 60 90 57 85 81
- Lot 87 is a standout in the pen, with great length, eye appeal and stature. His dam is a 102 MPPA Logan daughter out of the same dam as Berry Cherry.
- His maternal siblings include a brother that sold in ‘20 to Orchard Ranch, WY, and last year one sold to Church Steeple Land & Cattle in NM.
- Lot 88 is one of the most attractive, long made bulls in the offering, and he is proud of how good he looks.
- Three maternal brothers have sold in previous sales, including one in ‘18 to 21 Ranch in WY, another in ‘20 to Johnson Ranch Co. in WY, and a third in ‘21 to Michael & Misty Arnio in MT.
of Nova sons
Lots 87
88... a pair
the front pasture kind.
Lot 87... he has the Nova look!
Lot 88... he is proud to show off his 16.9in. REA! Lot 87 tJS noVa J156 5/10/2021 TJS/J156 A-100% AR #4521981 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C GLACIER LOGAN 210 TJS RED HONESTY C511 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 MPPA:102 PAP:39 PROS:70(84%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 621 1350 41.5 cm 54.0 in. 4.85 14.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 51 19 7 0.3 61 94 29 4 10 4 17 0.24 0.05 26 0.03 Top% 58 85 98 86 50 58 19 54 74 95 27 90 41 38 72 Lot 88 tJS noVa J117 5/5/2021 TJS/J117 A-100% AR #4522047 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS COUNTESS B142 TJS COUNTESS S689 MPPA:97 PAP:36 PROS:72(82%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 595 1335 39.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.36 16.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 43 29 8 1.2 63 97 24 6 9 3 17 0.41 -0.03 20 0.10 Top% 72 68 97 94 39 50 63 66 86 98 28 50 12 64 56
45 Lots 89 - 91... add performance, muscle & eye-appeal with these U2 Nova sons! - Lot 89 is a long and level topped Nova son that posted an exceptional 16.6in REA with a 4.35 IMF. A maternal brother sold in ‘20 to James & Candace Hardesty in Wyarno, WY. - Lot 91 is a moderate, stout made Nova son out of a female we purchased at Beckton’s. A 111 WR maternal brother by Road Block sold last year to C&C Land & Livestock in UT. - Lot 90 is a super attractive Nova son that posted a 634 AWW, 104 WR and a 6.09 IMF, one of the highest in the entire offering. Lot 91 tJS noVa J381 5/27/2021 TJS/J381 A-100% AR #4521615 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C BECKTON EPIC X816 C6 BECKTON COCA B388 E BECKTON COCA T454 NX MPPA:99 PAP:43 PROS:44(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 82 569 1175 37.0 cm 52.5 in. 3.55 15.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 33 11 12 -1.3 59 90 32 5 12 4 14 0.33 0.18 13 -0.17 Top% 87 94 63 60 58 66 7 60 42 93 70 70 95 84 97 Lot 90 tJS noVa J139 5/8/2021 TJS/J139 A-100% AR #4522009 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C BROWN ALLIANCE X7795 TJS COCOA C215 TJS COCOA R542 MPPA:99 PAP:37 PROS:62(91%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 634 1255 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 6.09 15.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 37 25 6 1.7 70 105 29 8 10 3 16 0.50 0.11 21 -0.12 Top% 83 76 99 96 18 32 20 77 72 98 47 30 73 60 94 Lot 89 tJS noVa J133 5/8/2021 TJS/J133 A-100% AR #4522019 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS LARKABA A091 TJS STAR FLOWER W980 MPPA:98 PAP:44 PROS:65(89%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 89 560 1365 38.0 cm 55.0 in. 4.35 16.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 55 10 8 -0.1 59 89 30 5 10 4 18 0.26 -0.03 11 0.11 Top% 50 94 94 81 58 67 15 61 70 93 19 86 11 89 54
46 Lots 92 & 93... sons of MRLA Resource 137E with a little extra dimension! Lot 92 tJS reSource J243 5/17/2021 TJS/J243 A-100% AR #4521847 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B C-BAR ELDORADO 114Z TJS CHICO C141 TJS CHICO X0322 MPPA:94 PAP:41 PROS:97(42%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 596 1295 37.5 cm 52.5 in. 3.19 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 75 22 10 -2.3 52 87 21 0 13 7 18 0.22 0.10 21 0.10 Top% 15 81 84 41 80 72 86 33 27 59 15 92 70 57 56 Lot 93 tJS reSource J362 5/25/2021 TJS/J362 A-100% AR #4521639 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 147 TJS PINETA C249 BUF CRK PINETA W072 MPPA:100 PAP:41 PROS:51(96%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 517 1285 33.5 cm 53.0 in. 3.26 14.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 45 7 10 -0.4 58 95 22 8 15 7 13 0.18 0.10 12 0.07 Top% 69 97 86 77 61 56 83 78 7 52 73 96 71 88 63 - Lot 92 is built like a tank... moderate and stout! He posted an impressive 16.5in. REA, with a 1.27 REA/CWT. - His dam, Chico C141, is a beautiful uddered Eldorado daughter that has never missed with 6 calves recorded and a 357 day calving interval. Lot 92... his pants are filled up with a 16.5in ribeye! - Lot
- His
Loosli Right Kind daughters and
a Traveler 8180 sired maternal sister to the legendary Buf Crk Cherokee
4912. Lot 93... he likes to stand square on all four feet!
93 is another moderate, stout made Resource son that is wide based and very sound all the way to the ground.
dam, Pineta C249, is one of
good producing
goes back to
47 Lots 94 - 97... outcross genetics sired by MRLA Resource 137E. - Sleep easy at night with this 15 CED Resource son. Lot 97 comes from one of the most maternal cow tribes in our herd, the Primrose cow family. - Lot 96 is a long spined Resource son out of a Glacier Logan 210 sired dam that is also a maternal sister to Berry Cherry. Lot 97 tJS reSource J264 5/18/2021 TJS/J264 A-100% AR #4521811 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS PRIMROSE C329 TJS PRIMROSE Y602 MPPA:96 PAP:38 PROS:94(48%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 536 1265 37.5 cm 53.0 in. 3.56 14.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 65 29 15 -2.5 44 74 21 4 13 9 17 0.43 0.26 19 -0.06 Top% 30 69 18 37 94 88 85 52 16 21 32 45 99 67 88 Lot 96 tJS reSource J357 5/24/2021 TJS/J357 A-100% AR #4521649 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B GLACIER LOGAN 210 TJS RED HONESTY C513 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 MPPA:99 PAP:43 PROS:61(92%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 598 1260 37.5 cm 56.0 in. 3.05 12.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 44 17 9 1.8 57 92 21 3 12 6 14 0.11 0.04 26 0.25 Top% 71 88 92 97 63 63 85 48 36 80 66 99 38 38 26 Lot 95 tJS reSource J300 5/22/2021 TJS/J300 A-100% AR #4521745 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS KURUBA C224 TJS KURUBA W969 MPPA:99 PAP:35 PROS:95(45%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 623 1265 38.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.04 15.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 71 24 12 0.1 56 87 22 0 13 7 17 0.26 0.01 19 0.28 Top% 19 77 58 84 68 71 84 34 21 50 27 86 23 66 21 Lot 94 tJS reSource J255 5/17/2021 TJS/J255 A-100% AR #4521827 MRLA RELOAD 56C RED MRLA RESOURCE 137E MRLA MISS 4422B LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS AMBER B215 BUF CRK AMBER Z139 MPPA:105 PAP:40 PROS:84(65%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 82 616 1290 38.5 cm 51.0 in. 3.20 15.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 47 36 11 -0.2 54 88 27 9 13 7 15 0.38 0.13 29 0.15 Top% 65 53 79 80 74 69 35 85 22 61 53 58 84 29 46 - Lot 94 is a moderate heavy muscled bull out of a 105 MPPA Odyssey dam from the Amber tribe. - Lot 95 posted an impressive 15.8 REA and one of the lowest PAP scores of 35. Unloading the bulls at Buffalo Livestock Auction... come view the bulls all day Thursday, Feb. 2nd.
48 Lots 98 - 100... a grab bag of bulls by Dark Horse, Nebula and Cinched. - Lot 100 is one of only two sons in the sale this year by Badlands Cinched 521C, and he is a good one! - Lot 99 is a top performer, posting a 695 AWW and 115 WR. He is sired by a Nebula P707 son that we raised and maternally is out of a first calf Franchise dam. - Lot 98 is a 104 WR son of TJS Darkhorse F005, the Franchise son that we sold in ‘20 to C-T Red Angus & Rocking Bar H Ranch. Maternally he is out of a first calf daughter of the King Rob. Lot 100 tJS cIncHeD J351 5/24/2021 TJS/J351 A-100% AR #4521661 BUF CRK LANCER R017 BADLANDS CINCHED 521C BADLANDS LASSIE 22Y BIEBER ROU SAMURAI B16 TJS MATTIE D132 TJS MATTIE B190 MPPA:104 PAP:47 PROS:108(26%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 73 617 1255 39.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.46 14.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 66 42 14 -3.2 56 90 24 4 12 9 16 0.52 0.06 19 0.07 Top% 28 41 30 25 67 67 67 56 40 15 35 27 48 68 63 Lot 99 tJS neBuLa J459 6/11/2021 TJS/J459 A-100% AR #4521497 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 TJS NEBULA F714 TJS PRIDE T785 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 TJS REBELLO G027 TJS REBELLO C040 MPPA:103 PAP:46 PROS:105(30%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 695 1390 38.0 cm 54.0 in. 4.47 13.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 46 11 -1.3 62 102 32 5 11 6 17 0.36 0.02 34 0.29 Top% 42 33 72 60 46 39 5 58 50 76 31 64 27 14 19 Lot 98 tJS DarKHorSe J196 5/12/2021 TJS/J196 A-100% AR #4521913 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 TJS DARKHORSE F005 TJS SADIE C242 LMAN KING ROB 8621 TJS DUCHESS G189 TJS DUCHESS A030 MPPA:100 PAP:42 PROS:111(22%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 632 1405 35.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.73 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 74 37 9 -1.4 51 90 33 7 11 6 20 0.21 0.04 32 0.37 Top% 15 53 89 59 83 67 2 73 63 64 3 93 33 18 11
49 Lots 101 & 102... big ribeye sons of TJS Road Block D008. - Lot 101 leads off the second draft of Road Block sons and he has the look and performance of a bull that could lead off the entire sale! - His dam, Chico B262, is one of our top producers, earning a 107 MPPA with a 108 AWR on six calves. Back in ‘19 a 113 WR Legend son sold to Phy Lord in CO. Lot 101... a top 1% REA bull that will turn heads! - Lot 102 is a moderate meat wagon. The red meat yield on these Road Block sons is amazing, and his EPDs rank him in the top 3% for YG. - The dam, Diamond C207, is a direct daughter of The Right Kind, a foundation sire that left us many top females. Lot 102... he has that distinct ‘Road Block’ butt! Lot 101 cJS roaD BLocK J330 5/23/2021 1CJS/J330 A-100% AR #4521273 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS CHICO B262 TJS CHICO X0278 MPPA:107 PAP:41 PROS:49(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 650 1500 40.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.43 15.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 28 21 9 -0.7 70 109 25 10 11 3 14 0.19 -0.13 26 0.63 Top% 92 83 89 72 18 24 56 88 54 97 66 95 2 38 1 Lot 102 tJS roaD BLocK J168 5/11/2021 TJS/J168 A-100% AR #4521963 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS DIAMOND C207 TJS DIAMOND W934 MPPA:91 PAP:45 PROS:56(95%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 93 569 1475 40.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.97 13.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 25 31 7 0.7 63 100 20 3 12 2 13 0.38 -0.09 10 0.25 Top% 94 64 97 90 42 44 90 49 41 99 78 58 3 91 26
50 Lots 103 & 104... Road Block sons with huge REAs! - Lot 103 is
- His
sold to
Lot 103... great scan with a 4.45 IMF & 17.3in. REA! Lot 103 tJS roaD BLocK J286 5/20/2021 TJS/J286 A-100% AR #4521769 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 TJS DIAMOND C234 TJS DIAMOND X0297 MPPA:103 PAP:39 PROS:78(74%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 623 1410 37.5 cm 54.0 in. 4.45 17.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 46 32 10 0.3 63 99 25 5 12 3 17 0.31 -0.18 17 0.54 Top% 67 63 88 86 42 46 57 64 40 98 30 75 1 75 3 - We love bulls that are built like Lot 104. This meatwagon is so thick that the lower half of his tail never touches his body! - His dam, Rac A200, is one of our top producers, earning a 104 MPPA with a 105 AWR on five calves. Lot 104 tJS roaD BLocK J233 5/15/2021 TJS/J233 A-100% AR #4521863 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 147 TJS RAC A200 TJS ENCHANTED LADY S683 MPPA:104 PAP:40 PROS:38(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 94 653 1340 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.42 18.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 22 16 4 1.5 76 118 21 12 11 1 15 0.21 -0.16 21 0.50 Top% 95 90 99 95 6 11 86 92 66 99 57 93 1 59 4 Lot 104... his tail hangs away from his body!
Block son with extra stature
a huge 17.3in. REA. He ranks among the top 1% of the breed for YG and 3% for REA.
dam, Diamond C234, is another one of those good Right Kind daughters. Her progeny have
a couple of our top customers, including one in ‘20 to Phy Lord in CO, and one in ‘21 to Brad & Tammie
in Kaycee, WY.
51 Lots 105-107... calving ease Road Block sons with REA . - Lot 105 is a heavy muscled Road Block son with super calving ease & a low PAP. He is a mat. brother to TJS Dally Up G384, a top Cinched son we used naturally on 50 cows and had only 1 open. - If you have seen one Road Block son, you’ve seen them all... he really stamps his progeny. Lot 107 ranks in the top 2% for YG and the top 7% for REA. - Lot 106 is a dark, cherry red Road Block son that posted a 670 AWW and 110 WR with a low 37 PAP. A maternal brother sold last year to Phy Lord in CO. Lot 105 tJS roaD BLocK J127 5/7/2021 TJS/J127 A-100% AR #4522029 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 TJS WILLIS B002 TJS DUCHESS D293 TJS DUCHESS T7021 MPPA:98 PAP:38 PROS:55(95%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 563 1360 38.0 cm 54.0 in. 4.09 17.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 48 7 13 -4.2 53 79 21 7 11 5 17 0.25 0.00 14 0.33 Top% 64 96 45 12 76 83 90 73 66 86 26 88 18 82 14 Lot 106 tJS roaD BLocK J147 5/9/2021 TJS/J147 A-100% AR #4521997 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 BIEBER ROU SAMURAI B16 TJS JESSA ILKA D119 TJS JESSA ILKA B006 MPPA:107 PAP:37 PROS:53(96%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 670 1330 34.0 cm 53.0 in. 4.32 16.2 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 30 23 12 -0.9 60 101 28 11 9 5 15 0.23 -0.11 19 0.40 Top% 90 80 61 68 54 42 28 90 87 84 57 91 2 68 8 Lot 107 tJS roaD BLocK J265 5/18/2021 TJS/J265 A-100% AR #4521809 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 BUF CRK BLACK MAGIC X004 TJS LASS D357 TJS BUF CRK LASS W940 MPPA:99 PAP:45 PROS:77(76%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 604 1385 38.0 cm 52.5 in. 3.40 15.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 44 33 12 -1.8 63 101 27 7 11 5 16 0.31 -0.13 18 0.42 Top% 71 61 58 50 40 42 32 73 52 91 43 75 2 69 7 TJS Road Block D008, showing off his 21.1 in. REA as a 5yr old...
Lots 108-110... Road Blocks with calving ease, performance & muscle.
Lot 108 tJS roaD BLocK J346 5/24/2021 TJS/J346 A-100% AR #4521671 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008
78 664 1365 38.0 cm 52.0 in. 3.55 16.4 in. Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA
- Lot 108 jumped through all the hoops, posting a 664 AWW and 109 WR with only a 78 BW. He stacks the proven high maternal sire, Black Magic, on both the top and bottom of his pedigree.
Cade Carter, Red Path Ranches, Banner, WY... studying the bulls before the offering.
- Lot 109 is loaded with performance and muscle... he posted a 664 AWW and 18.1in. REA. His 107 MPPA Berry Cherry dam produced a mat. brother that sold in ‘19 to Boe Kottwitz in Lusk,WY.
83 664 1355 36.5 cm 52.0 in. 3.56 18.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 66 5 13 -1.8 59 97 23 14 13 7 19 0.12 0.05 21 0.24 Top% 27 97 45 50 55 51 70 96 17 57 9 98 40 59 27 Lot 110 tJS roaD BLocK J388 5/28/2021 TJS/J388 A-100% AR #4521603 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 5L THE BOND 600-02Z TJS REBELLO C040 TJS REBELLO Y197 MPPA:99 PAP:38 PROS:57(94%)
Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA
83 623 1385 35.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.39 18.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 27 30 10 -1.7 61 98 23 8 12 3 14 0.43 -0.16 12 0.63 Top% 92 66 87 53 50 48 76 80 38 97 69 45 1 86 1 Dave Hall, Hall Family Trust, Buffalo, WY... Thanks for buying bulls and brand inspecting them too!
- Lot 110 is a top 1%er for both YG and REA, and his 18.4in REA backs up the EPDs. Maternally he stacks The Bond and TR Epic ST618.
:44 PROS:60(92%)
Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 40 20 12 -1.9 63 99 27 6 11 5 15 0.23 -0.13 17 0.58 Top% 78 84 61 49 41 47 33 66 52 89 60 91 2 75 2 Lot 109 tJS roaD BLocK J370 5/26/2021 TJS/J370 A-100% AR #4521631 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS PINETA A189 BUF CRK PINETA W072 MPPA:107 PAP:38 PROS:71(83%)
53 Lots 111 - 113... Road Block sons with extra performance. - Lot 111 is one of the top performers in the offering, posting a 708 AWW and 117 WR. His full brother from last year also posted a 708 WR and sold to Dave & Lory Greer in Hyattville, WY. - Lot 113 is another top performing Road Block son out of a 106 MPPA cow that never misses. In ‘21, a 784 AWW mat. brother by Willis sold to the Hall Family Trust in Buffalo, WY. - Lot 112 is a 687 AWW, 118 WR Road Block son out of a ‘no miss’ 106 MPPA dam. Last year his maternal brother also posted a 687 AWW and sold to C&C Land & Livestock in UT. Lot 113 tJS roaD BLocK J509 6/27/2021 TJS/J509 A-100% AR #4521417 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 LELAND ODYSSEY Y290 TJS FAITH B042 TJS FAITH Y106 MPPA:106 PAP:36 PROS:40(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 86 646 1320 38.5 cm 52.0 in. 3.68 17.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 14 26 10 -1.1 67 108 25 10 10 4 12 0.20 -0.17 27 0.58 Top% 98 73 81 65 27 28 56 85 78 95 84 94 1 35 2 Lot 112 tJS roaD BLocK J427 6/6/2021 TJS/J427 A-100% AR #4521539 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 BLACK BRYLOR KODIAK 204Y TJS DIAMOND B251 TJS DIAMOND MA484 MPPA:106 PAP:39 PROS:12(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 687 1390 35.5 cm 52.0 in. 3.10 17.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 29 -17 10 -2.3 59 89 25 8 12 4 14 0.02 -0.12 11 0.54 Top% 91 99 81 41 55 68 57 78 40 96 67 99 2 89 3 Lot 111 tJS roaD BLocK J417 6/4/2021 TJS/J417 A-100% AR #4521555 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 PARINGA IRON ORE E27 TJS MARIGOLD A172 BUF CRK MARIGOLD T260 MPPA:104 PAP:40 PROS:61(92%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 708 1365 37.0 cm 55.0 in. 4.20 15.3 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 46 15 10 -0.5 68 110 22 10 11 3 18 0.16 -0.01 28 0.45 Top% 67 90 85 75 23 23 79 86 57 99 17 97 16 30 5 Tye Reed, 77 Ranch, from Lance Creek, WY... he likes to buy the good ones just like Bud used to. Stanley Baer & Mark Wiegand, Laramie Cattle Co., Laramie, WY... studying TJS bulls.
54 Lots 114 & 115... the Road Block sons are like peas in a pod. - Lot 114 is another stout made Road Block son out of a daughter of our Pride Y176 donor. A maternal brother sold last year to Dwight Bingham in ID. - Check out the pants on this moderate framed, calving ease Road Block son. A maternal brother sold in ‘21 to Johnson Ranch Company in Elk Mountain, WY. Lot 115 tJS roaD BLocK J162 5/11/2021 TJS/J162 A-100% AR #4521973 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 VGW ENHANCER 378 TJS ROSE D151 TJS ROSE A017 MPPA:100 PAP:36 PROS:64(90%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 79 590 1185 35.0 cm 51.0 in. 3.08 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 50 13 12 -2.9 54 87 23 9 11 5 17 0.35 -0.05 3 0.21 Top% 59 92 57 30 75 71 75 85 49 84 22 65 8 97 32 Lot 114 tJS roaD BLocK J306 5/20/2021 TJS/J306 A-100% AR #4521733 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 TJS RIGHT KIND A131 TJS PRIDE D375 TJS PRIDE Y176 MPPA:101 PAP:41 PROS:59(93%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 89 611 1255 37.5 cm 52.5 in. 4.13 14.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 40 19 10 -0.7 64 102 21 9 13 4 15 0.23 -0.08 19 0.38 Top% 78 85 82 72 35 39 86 81 19 94 58 91 5 66 10 RIP TJS Berry Cherry 8801 (2/14/08 - 6/30/22) TJS Road Block D008... Berry as a calf... Berry as a yearling...
55 Lots 116 & 117... ET Outlier sons out of Berry Cherry’s dam. Lot 117 tJS outLIer J607 3/8/2021 TJS/J607 A-100% AR #4513723 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 TJS RED HONESTY K048 MPPA:100 PAP:N/A PROS:37(99%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 88 644 1600 39.0 cm 55.5 in. 3.42 19.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 23 15 16 -1.5 57 88 23 5 9 9 11 0.22 0.05 21 0.22 Top% 95 91 9 57 65 70 75 64 83 14 92 92 41 59 30 Lot 116 tJS outLIer J605 3/16/2021 TJS/J605 A-100% AR #4513717 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 TJS RED HONESTY MA521 TJS RED HONESTY K048 MPPA:100 PAP:N/A PROS:80(71%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 96 686 1585 42.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.46 18.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 31 49 14 -0.4 60 92 23 5 9 7 13 0.35 -0.05 41 0.62 Top% 89 28 28 77 54 63 75 64 83 50 78 65 7 5 1 Lots 116 & 117’s dam, TJS Red Honesty MA521... is also the dam of Berry Cherry! - Lots 116 & 117 are a pair of ET brothers sired by U2 Outlier 508E and out of TJS Red Honesty MA521, also the dam of TJS Berry Cherry 8801. Berry as a 3yr old... Berry as a mature bull... Berry Cherry went on to graze greener pastures... his legacy will remain with the huge influence he has in our herd as well as our cutomers’ programs.
56 Lots 118 - 120... more 2yr olds from our ET program. Lot 120 LJH norSeman KInG J618 3/6/2021 LJH/J618 A-100% AR #4521325 VGW KING OF THE WEST 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 NORSEMAN 1312 PJM LMAN HEAVY HITTER 1021C TLS CAMMIE LCHMN PRINCESS D1035 MPPA:106 PAP:N/A PROS:50(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 679 1535 40.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.46 17.6 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 34 16 7 1.9 55 84 24 -1 9 4 14 0.33 -0.16 4 0.36 Top% 85 89 98 97 72 77 61 29 84 96 66 70 1 97 12 Lot 119 LJH norSeman KInG J602 3/2/2021 LJH/J602 A-100% AR #4521323 VGW KING OF THE WEST 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 NORSEMAN 1312 PJM LMAN HEAVY HITTER 1021C TLS CAMMIE LCHMN PRINCESS D1035 MPPA:106 PAP:N/A PROS:50(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 690 1610 41.0 cm 55.0 in. 3.66 18.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 34 16 7 1.9 55 84 24 -1 9 4 14 0.33 -0.16 4 0.36 Top% 85 89 98 97 72 77 61 29 84 96 66 70 1 97 12 Lot 118 cJS neBuLa J614 3/2/2021 1CJS/J614 A-100% AR #4513793 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BECKTON LANA M809 EP LORENZEN JULIAN 3811 TJS PRIDE T785 TJS PRIDE P419 MPPA:103 PAP:N/A PROS:93(50%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 71 584 1450 36.5 cm 55.5 in. 3.83 19.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 59 34 15 -4.7 50 83 32 -2 11 6 17 0.46 0.15 10 -0.19 Top% 42 58 21 8 84 78 5 24 55 77 30 39 88 90 97 - Lot 120 is a full brother to Lot 120, out of Laramie’s donor, Cammie. In our ‘11 sale we sold a full brother to Silver Spur Ranches in Encampment, WY. - Lot 119 is the first of two full ET brothers sired by 5L Norseman King 2291, the old proven foundation ABS sire that was a breed source for trait leading muscle. - Lot 118 is a rare ET son of Beckton Nebula P707 and out of one of our top donors, Pride T785, who is also the dam of the TJS Cowboy Way Y423 bull that sold to Jeffries Red Angus in OK. Please join us for lunch prior to the sale... ... and get yourself a new TJS hat!
57 Lots 121 & 122... proven foundation genetics from deep in the tank! Lot 122 tJS GuIDance J625 3/7/2021 TJS/J625 A-100% AR #4513729 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B PIE GRIDMASTER 589 TJS ENCHANTED SADIE T796 TJS ENCHANTED SADY R505 MPPA:104 PAP:N/A PROS:95(47%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 76 588 1495 40.0 cm 56.5 in. 3.45 18.7 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 60 34 15 -4.4 59 92 25 1 10 9 15 0.50 0.08 24 0.12 Top% 39 57 25 11 56 62 57 39 74 13 50 30 59 45 52 - Lot 122 is one of the first Guidance sons ever born, and he is an ET out of our Gridmaster donor, Sadie T796, who in her prime was one of the premier carcass females in the business. - Lot 121 is an ET Malbec son out of Lakota Y125, Cash’s Berry Cherry donor that is better known as ‘Big Mamma’! At 13 years of age she just gave him 18 eggs by PIE Captain. Lot 121 cJS maLBec J620 3/6/2021 1CJS/J620 A-100% AR #4513797 RED U-2 RECKONING 149A RED U2 MALBEC 195D RED U-2 MABEL 60A TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS LAKOTA Y125 TJS LAKOTA W901 MPPA:103 PAP:N/A PROS:93(49%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 78 606 1430 40.0 cm 55.5 in. 3.21 16.8 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 71 22 15 -3.8 53 84 28 -3 9 10 17 0.24 -0.03 17 0.29 Top% 20 82 19 17 77 77 28 20 89 5 32 90 12 76 19 TBT... Cash pictured in 2013 with ‘Big Mamma’... she is the donor dam of Lot 121. Cash & Guidance... we are fortunate to have a son that loves his livestock and this great business we are in! We are fortunate to have good help around here while they’re young and still enjoy it.
58 Lots 123 & 124... 2yr old Black bulls from our ET program... Lot 125 tJS GuIDance J037 4/27/2021 TJS/J037 2-100% AR #4522185 MCD SPUR 6111 EGL GUIDANCE 9117 AHL DUCHESS 427B 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B TJS ENCHANTED LADY D072 TJS ENCHANTED LADY Z299 MPPA:104 PAP:43 PROS:47(97%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 624 1495 41.0 cm 54.0 in. 3.84 16.1 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 21 27 8 0.5 68 112 27 10 11 6 11 0.27 0.04 33 0.22 Top% 96 73 95 88 22 20 33 86 51 70 91 84 36 16 30 Lot 124 tJS peDIGree J623 3/12/2021 TJS/J623 AAA-100% #20258860 S A V PIONEER 7301 S A V PEDIGREE 4834 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4136 RITO 6I6 OF 4B20 6807 LCA DEBBIE 651 MC KAREN 151P PAP:N/A Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 92 639 1500 39.5 cm 54 in. 3.69 16.9 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 6 1.2 50 86 22 26 0.02 0.57 52 43 69 24 93 173 Top% 85 94 16 68 99 47 88 37 80 85 85 95 95 95 Lot 123 cJS cut aBoVe J601 3/10/2021 1CJS/J601 2-100% AR #4513791 S A V CUTTING EDGE 4857 S A V CUT ABOVE 6271 S A V EMBLYNETTE 8259 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z LASO LEANNA B4D LASO LEANNA W184B MPPA:99 PAP:N/A PROS:64(90%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 90 611 1570 38.5 cm 56.5 in. 4.76 17.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS -5 68 11 1.1 77 123 24 6 11 3 8 0.62 -0.02 41 0.62 Top% 99 6 70 93 6 7 66 70 49 97 99 14 13 4 1 - Lot 125 is a powerful Guidance son that leads off the black/red gene carrier bulls. His dam is a powerful Out In Front daughter that just raised a 106 WR Captain heifer calf this fall. - Lot 124 is an ET purebred Angus sired by SAV Pedigree and out of our deceased donor, LCA Debbie 651, a top producing Rito 6I6 daughter. - Lot 123 is an outcross ET son of SAV Cut Above out Cash’s donor, LASO Leanna B4D. He ranks in the top 1% for REA and has a 17.9in ribeye to prove it! Lots 125-131... Black/Red gene Carrier Bulls... Do you want the inside scoop about this offering... give Cash Shick a call! Ray Mader from Superior Livestock is always there sale day to evaluate the bulls and helps with the phone bids... Thanks Ray!
59 Lots 126-129... a grab bag of black/red gene carrier genetics. Lot 129 tJS terrItorY J448 6/9/2021 TJS/J448 2-100% AR #4521511 3SCC DOMAIN A163 5L TERRITORY 5205-114G 5L MATTIE 2161-5205 BLACK BRYLOR KODIAK 204Y TJS DUCHESS B181 TJS DUCHESS T7021 MPPA:101 PAP:39 PROS:82(68%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 621 1335 40.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.29 13.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 39 43 9 -1.8 59 95 27 1 12 4 14 0.46 0.11 27 0.06 Top% 78 39 90 50 56 55 36 40 33 95 68 39 73 35 66 Lot 127 tJS noVa J382 5/27/2021 TJS/J382 2-100% AR #4521613 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C TJS BERRY CHERRY 8801 TJS PRIDE Y176 LCC PRIDE K3914 MPPA:107 PAP:44 PROS:62(91%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 79 645 1345 41.5 cm 54.0 in. 3.64 13.4 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 58 4 11 -1.6 68 99 29 12 14 8 16 0.32 0.17 21 -0.18 Top% 44 97 71 55 24 46 22 92 14 31 47 73 93 57 97 Lot 128 tJS roaD BLocK J323 5/22/2021 TJS/J323 2-100% AR #4521703 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B TJS ROAD BLOCK D008 TJS RED HONESTY Z258 VGW ENHANCER 378 TJS PINETA C064 TJS PINETA Y199 MPPA:102 PAP:40 PROS:44(98%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 83 626 1395 40.0 cm 51.5 in. 4.45 16.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 16 28 11 -0.8 65 100 26 9 12 5 11 0.25 -0.02 34 0.48 Top% 97 70 78 70 31 45 51 84 30 89 92 88 13 15 4 Lot 126 tJS noVa J129 5/7/2021 TJS/J129 2-100% AR #4522027 RED YCLC COPENHAGEN 653C RED U2 NOVA 627F RED U-2 LADY 368C REISIG RETURN 2028 TJS LARKABA B152 TJS STAR FLOWER T792 MPPA:100 PAP:42 PROS:84(64%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 594 1500 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.24 16.0 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 44 40 9 0.6 67 109 27 3 11 4 15 0.37 0.08 27 0.22 Top% 70 46 92 89 25 25 33 50 52 92 60 61 61 36 30 - Lot 129 is a smooth made Territory son out of an old proven Kodiak dam that has a 363 day cavling interval and a 101 MPPA on her 7 natural calves. - Lot 128 is a stout made Road Block son that posted an impressive 16.5in REA and 4.45 IMF. His mat. brother sold last year to Josh Williamson in Twin Falls, ID. - Check out the growth and muscle on this powerhouse Nova son! - Lot 127 is a maternal brother to TJS Barricade H619, our Lot 1 from last year that sold to Udy Cattle Co. in Rockland, ID. We greatly appreciate Faron & Maylene Frost, Centana Feedyard, and the job they do managing our bulls... Thanks!
60 Lot 132 tJS caVaLrY J002 2/17/2021 TJS/J002 AAA-100% #20211281 CONNEALY CAVALRY 1149 JVC CAVALRY V3326 BRUSETT FOREVER W857 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 JVC MISS WIX 953 ICC REECE’S MISS WIX 057 PAP:40 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 671 1570 39.5 cm 54 in. 3.54 13.0 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 8 0.8 70 116 24 63 63 79 Top% 35 40 25 40 70 50 35 65 Lot 131 tJS outLIer J474 6/15/2021 TJS/J474 2-100% AR #4521471 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A BECKTON NEBULA P P707 TJS PRIDE F706 TJS PRIDE T785 MPPA:100 PAP:40 PROS:69(85%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 78 684 1295 37.5 cm 55.0 in. 4.18 15.5 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 24 44 13 -3.1 64 102 27 5 10 6 12 0.38 0.02 34 0.30 Top% 94 36 42 26 39 40 34 61 76 74 86 58 26 15 18 Lot 130 tJS outLIer J239 5/16/2021 TJS/J239 2-100% AR #4521853 U-2 TKO 157B U2 OUTLIER 508E RED U-2 COUNTESS 532A 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 TJS PRIMROSE F703 BUF CRK PRIMROSE Y302 MPPA:95 PAP:41 PROS:68(86%) Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 76 608 1310 38.0 cm 53.0 in. 3.49 16.9 in. HB GM CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MB YG CW REA EPDS 40 28 17 -5.2 57 87 24 6 10 10 13 0.43 0.03 20 0.29 Top% 78 70 7 5 66 71 63 68 73 4 80 45 33 63 19 Lots 132 - 147... our Purebred Angus bulls. - Lot 132 was a top performer, posting a 671 AWW and 105 WR with only a 75 BW. - His sire and dam both come from our good friend, Marvin Rehbein, from Jocko Valley Angus in Arlee, MT. Lots 130 & 131... black/red gene carriers by U2 Outlier 508E. Lot 132... our lead-off Angus bull. - Lot 130 & 131 are a pair of black/red gene carrier Outlier sons that are loaded with calving ease and carcass genetics... check out the ribeyes! Lot 130...
61 Lots 133 & 134... deep, heavy made Bravo sons with calving ease & muscle.
Of the 140+ sale bulls we parent verified this stud was the only one that
sire and it
they AI’d his dam.
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this dense made bugger out! - His productive dam weaned a 721 AWW,
WR America son this fall. Lot 133... this double bred Charlo is double good! - Lot 134 is a super soft made, big middled Bravo son that is a sure-fire heifer bull, posting a 65 BW and a 14 CED. Keep all his daughters... he ranks in the elite top 1% for $M. - His dam stems from the famed LCC Sunset K3118, stacking Payweight & Protege. Lot 134... Calving ease with a 16.6in REA! Lot 134 tJS BraVo J151 5/9/2021 TJS/J151 AAA-100% #20215400 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 COLEMAN DONNA 714 REISIG CA PRIORTY 536 TJS SUNSET G435 TJS SUNSET D210 PAP:40 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 65 639 1360 35 cm 53 in. 3.62 16.6 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 14 -1.0 57 101 22 98 51 72 Top% 4 10 65 65 80 1 70 80 Lot 133 cJS BraVo J001 1/18/2021 CJS/J001 AAA-100% #20212936 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 COLEMAN DONNA 714 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 JVC LUCY 939 OCC LUCY 660 PAP:51 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 766 1505 40 cm 53.5 in. 3.79 15.7 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 9 0.9 62 109 27 33 0.36 0.45 Top%
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62 Lots 135-137... low PAP Bravo sons with calving ease, muscle and $M! - Lot 135 is a calving ease Bravo x Resource with extra length, stature and muscle. He ranks among the elite top 3% of the breed for $M. - Lot 137 is another low PAP score Bravo son with calving ease and a top 4% $M. His young dam is a Priority daughter out of one of our good foundation Protege x Sunset cows. - Lot 136 is a super low 36 PAP calving ease Bravo son out of a first calf Bomber dam. Check out his top 1% $M value. Lot 137 tJS BraVo J234 5/16/2021 TJS/J234 AAA-100% #20215396 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 COLEMAN DONNA 714 REISIG CA PRIORTY 536 TJS SUNSET G472 TJS SUNSET Y168 PAP:39 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 75 599 1265 37 cm 54 in. 3.17 14.1 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 11 0.5 58 103 20 86 47 73 Top% 15 35 60 60 90 4 80 75 Lot 136 cJS BraVo J221 5/15/2021 CJS/J221 AAA-100% #20215381 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 COLEMAN DONNA 714 CASINO BOMBER N33 CJS LASS G069 VERMILION LASS 6132 PAP:37 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 79 621 1275 35 cm 52 in. 4.60 13.9 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 11 0.7 62 109 24 97 54 72 Top% 15 40 50 50 70 1 60 80 Lot 135 tJS BraVo J180 5/12/2021 TJS/J180 AAA-100% #20215380 COLEMAN CHARLO 0256 COLEMAN BRAVO 6313 COLEMAN DONNA 714 S A V RESOURCE 1441 TJS DEBBIE G243 LCA DEBBIE 651 PAP:39 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 77 647 1375 37 cm 53.5 in. 3.25 16.3 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 9 1.6 59 106 21 89 47 74 Top% 30 60 60 55 85 3 80 75 LCC Sunset K3118... this breed leading Angus matron is the foundation of our black herd and the dam of ABS sire, LCC New Standard!
son that boasts a nice low
proof with good growth and maternal figures. - His dam is a young President daughter that raised this dude on her first try. She stems from the famed SAV Blackcap May tribe.
- Lot 139 leads off an exciting set of sons by our young junior herdsire, LT Olympus 9029. this truck really performed in the feedlot and posted an impressive 16.4in REA.
- His dam is a Payweight daughter out of one of our foundation Protege x Sunset cows.
63 Lots 138 & 139... cutting-edge Angus genetics for less! Lot 138... low 76 BW & low 37 PAP! Lot 139... the first Olympus son to sell!
- Lot 138 is a long made, attractive
Lot 139 tJS oLYmpuS J321 5/22/2021 TJS/J321 AAA-100% #20211287 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 TJS SUNSET D210 TJS SUNSET Y162 PAP:47 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 82 635 1520 39 cm 54.5 in. 3.21 16.4 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 10 0 63 110 28 68 60 81 Top% 20 25 45 50 35 35 40 60 Lot 138 tJS paYWeIGHt J140 5/8/2021 TJS/J140 AAA-100% #20213604 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 21AR O LASS 7017 S A V PRESIDENT 6847 TJS BLACKCAP MAY G084 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5999 PAP:37 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 76 649 1400 37.5 cm 52 in. 4.12 14.0 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 5 1.8 67 117 28 78 60 83 Top% 60 65 35 35 35 15 40 55
64 Lots 140-142... powerful sons by young herdsire, LT Olympus 9029! - Lot 140 is a powerhouse Olympus son that jumped through all the performance hoops. Maternally he stacks Resource, Upshot and Protege going back to the famed Sunset K3118 cow. - Lot 141 is a very smooth made, attractive bull with extra length and muscle. His Payweight dam has a daughter in the herd and raised a 771 AWW, 116 WR son on her first try. - Lot 142 is another attractive, long made Olympus son with an impressive 16.5in REA! His dam is a foundation cow from the good friends, the Reisig family, outside of Hardin, MT. Lot 142 tJS oLYmpuS J141 5/9/2021 TJS/J141 AAA-100% #20211292 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 BUFORD OKLAHOMA X239 REISIG BLACHBIRD 5049 REISIG BLACKBIRD 258 PAP:47 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 568 1380 37 cm 55 in. 3.63 16.5 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 5 1.9 45 88 30 32 0.41 0.6 43 42 77 41 119 197 Top% 60 65 90 85 25 85 75 55 95 90 70 70 75 90 Lot 141 tJS oLYmpuS J204 5/13/2021 TJS/J204 AAA-100% #20211291 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 TJS QUALITY D136 TJS QUALITY B052 PAP:38 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 633 1435 36.5 cm 55 in. 4.22 15.9 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 6 2.1 68 119 31 67 62 84 Top% 55 70 35 35 20 40 35 50 Lot 140 tJS oLYmpuS J216 5/14/2021 TJS/J216 AAA-100% #20211282 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 S A V RESOURCE 1441 TJS SUNSET E080 TJS SUNSET B032 PAP:43 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 653 1485 40.5 cm 52 in. 3.23 14.5 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 5 2.2 69 123 25 61 56 85 Top% 60 75 30 30 60 55 55 50
65 Lots 143-145... calving ease Olympus sons with growth. - Lot 143 is a moderate, stout made little man, posting a 16.3in REA. His young dam is a full sister in pedigree to Lot 140’s dam, stacking Resource, Upshot and Protege on Sunset. - Lot 145 is a super long made Olympus son with a 15.7in REA and low 37 PAP. His dam is another good foundation female from the Reisig program. - Lot 144 boasts a nice calving ease and growth EPD spread. His dam is a full sister to the dam of Lot 141. Lot 145 cJS oLYmpuS J403 6/2/2021 CJS/J403 AAA-100% #20211414 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 FF EZ MONEY D217 REISIG PROGRESS 893 REISIG PROGRESS 635 PAP:37 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 657 1340 37 cm 55 in. 4.79 15.7 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 8 1.0 66 113 27 46 61 78 Top% 35 45 35 45 45 90 40 65 Lot 144 tJS oLYmpuS J397 5/30/2021 TJS/J397 AAA-100% #20211283 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 TJS QUALITY F118 TJS QUALITY B052 PAP:42 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 72 662 1335 37 cm 53 in. 3.5 13.2 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 11 -0.3 66 114 32 66 67 81 Top% 15 20 35 40 15 40 25 60 Lot 143 tJS oLYmpuS J263 5/18/2021 TJS/J263 AAA-100% #20211290 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 S A V RESOURCE 1441 TJS SUNSET E099 TJS SUNSET A028 PAP:39 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 85 636 1345 39.5 cm 51.5 in. 3.35 16.3 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 6 1.9 66 119 26 61 56 84 Top% 55 65 35 35 50 55 55 50
66 Lots 146 & 147... the last of the purebred Angus bulls by Olympus. - Lot 146 is a long made, attractive Olympus son out of Emblynette 7828, a Seedstock daughter Cash picked up in Schaff’s ‘18 sale. A mat. brother sold last year to Kenneth Stimpson in Lodge Grass, MT. - Last but not least, Lot 147 is a long, smooth made Olympus son out of Lass 6132, a Connealy Spur daughter Cash picked out of the Vermilion program. Lot 147 cJS oLYmpuS J452 6/10/2021 CJS/J452 AAA-100% #20211415 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 CONNEALY SPUR VERMILION LASS 6132 VERMILION LASS 3320 PAP:43 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 84 609 1285 36.5 cm 52 in. 4.52 15.0 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 9 1.2 61 108 29 58 57 78 Top% 30 50 50 55 30 65 50 65 Lot 146 cJS oLYmpuS J378 5/27/2021 CJS/J378 AAA-100% #20211416 WOODHILL BLUEPRINT LT OLYMPUS 9029 LT NORDICA 3278 S A V SEEDSTOCK 4838 S A V EMBLYNETTE 7828 S A V EMBLYNETTE 3301 PAP:40 Performance BW AWW 12/27 WT Scrotal Hip Ht % IMF REA 80 634 1325 39 cm 55 in. 3.40 15.2 in. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MB RE $M $W $F $G $B $C EPDS 8 0.8 64 108 30 55 63 77 Top% 35 40 45 55 25 75 35 70 Contact Cash for information on his show pigs... Cash Shick (406) 620-7391 Inquire about these Box Out piglets out of Snickers!
We feel very blessed as the sun sets on another event. We look forward to the prospects for next year and Thank You all for believing in our program. We wish you all safe travels home.
68 HBLD GRID CED BW WW YW MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT EPDS 24 15 9 -0.7 69 109 20 9 11 1 14 0.07 -0.24 21 0.89 -0.00 Top% 93% 89% 89% 68% 27% 31% 86% 78% 60% 99% 65% 97% 3% 57% 2% 14%