Miss Print Paper is a collection of appropriately inappropriate greeting cards, gifts, and paper goods. The name and tagline say it all––my products have just the right amount of humor, snark, and relatability. My favorite thing about what I do is being able to produce a reaction. A smile, a laugh, or a nod of understanding, and knowing that something I created helped foster it, is what I love most. I enjoy pulling inspiration from everyday life and turning it into something humorous that others find relatable— kids, spouses, toilet paper, toenails, you name it! My voice and humor make my products unique. They have a dry and subtle, but undeniable humor. I love watching people pick up my cards, read them, laugh, and then nudge the person next to them so they can crack up together. Miss Print Paper just feels like me. It fits my voice, my humor, and my message. I feel like it gives me the confidence to put funny, uninhibited stuff out there. It feels GOOD to be Miss Print! Thank you for taking the time to look through my line and I hope you love what you see. Enjoy!
Meagan Wilson Miss Print Paper owner & designer
deli number del��
write or die wod��
wish come true wct��
miss you tissue myt��
how we roll rol��
phone toilet toi��
hair on floor har��
new love true love ntl��
shave for you shv��
Folded A� (�.��" x �.�") | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
toenails toe��
love your buns lyb��
chips and salsa cas��
in the dark itd��
fountain drinks ftd��
my love for you romaines rom��
help from hens hen�� (single)/hen�� (box)
asafp asp��
cricket crk��
every. single. day. esd��
thinking of you toy��
feel like home hom��
three tiny dots dot��
magical arms mag��
numb arms nub��
not obsessed nob��
phone love note sik��
happy place plc��
Folded A� (�.��" x �.�") | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
food in my teeth fmt��
last nerve lnv��
soulmates sol��
trash true love ttl��
closest bond ever cbe��
fingers crossed fig��
pinky swear psw��
thumbs up down tud��
high five hfv��
everything’s okay aok��
peace kce��
finger string fst��
give one back gob��
type a/type b tab��
about last night aln��
not a drill drl��
try to keep up kup��
that happened soo��
pre-apology pap��
total game changer tgc��
rolled my eyes rme��
relax rlx��
all caps cps��
nominated nom��
hashtag hsh�� (single)/hsh�� (box)
iou iou�� (single)/iou�� (box)
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
tin can hello tin��
mason jar jar�� (single)/jar�� (box)
rock paper scissors rps�� (single)/rps�� (box)
ur ______ af uaf��
this just in tji��
mom please send mom�� (single)/mom�� (box)
dog person dog��
cat person cat��
expectation vs. reality evr��
cooler clr�� (single)/clr�� (box)
handle with care hwc��
things suck tjs��
luge lug��
grasshopper grs��
well done steak wds��
my gyro gyr��
wanna guac about it gai��
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
eraser era��
rainbow rnb��
moon mon��
paperclip pcl��
sunshine sun��
deserve a medal med��
you are the balm bal��
totally maybe tmb��
whole assed was��
thank you pennants pen�� (single)/pen�� (box)
everything bagel etb�� (single)/etb�� (box)
drawn thank you thk�� (single)/thk�� (box)
for your kindness knd�� (single)/knd�� (box)
thank you banner bnr�� (single)/bnr�� (box)
floral thank you blb�� (single)/blb�� (box)
i appreciate you app�� (single)/app�� (box)
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
party animal pan��
birthday bike bbk��
birthday plane bpl��
party blower blw��
shines bright sbt��
yay hooray yay�� (single)/yay�� (box)
happy couple cpl��
perfect pair tan��
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
home sweet home swt��
mailbox mbx��
front door dor��
holy shiplap hsp��
hello baby hlb��
just arrived arr��
hand under door hud��
parenthood wel��
repeat rep��
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
let’s do stuff lds��
dumb valentine dvl��
always being there, mom btm��
mom mini van mmv��
mother of the year mty��
bowl cut bct��
blue ribbon mom brm��
one mom to another oma��
always being there, dad btd��
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
badass dad bad��
dad jokes djk��
dad checklist dcl��
when i grow up igu��
wishbone wsh��
family is everything fie��
prints $�.��, � per style number | recipe cards $�.��, � per style number
perfect �" x ��" print pftpt
help from hens �" x ��" print henpt
whole assed �" x ��" print whspt
feel like home �" x ��" print flhpt
blank af �" x ��" print bafpt
welcome mat �" x ��" print mhppt
recipe cards (set of 8, � of each style) �" x 6" | lines on both sides | rcp��
egg noggy nogg enn�� (single)/enn�� (box)
yuletide carol ytc�� (single)/ytc�� (box)
white christmas bwt�� (single)/bwt�� (box)
under the mistletoe utm�� (single)/utm�� (box)
happy monukkah mnk�� (single)/mnk�� (box)
bey merry bey�� (single)/bey�� (box)
fa-la-la-ga-ga lgg�� (single)/lgg�� (box)
dashing through the snow dsh�� (single)/dsh�� (box)
christmas camper cpr�� (single)/cpr�� (box)
Folded A� (�.��” x �.�”) | Digitally printed | Blank Interiors Single cards $�.��, � per style number | Boxes of � $�.��, � per style number
holiday sprig spg�� (single)/spg�� (box)
warm wishes wrm�� (single)/wrm�� (box)
candy cane heart cdy�� (single)/cdy�� (box)
joy ribbon joy�� (single)/joy�� (box)
merry christmas mch�� (single)/mch�� (box)
no mistletoe necessary nmn�� (single only)
prints $�.�� � per style number winter camper �" x ��" print wcppt warm this winter kmw�� (single only)
BEST SELLERS �� Single Cards (6 of each style) �� Cards Total - $��� Cooler Type A/B Help from Hens New Love. True Love. Fountain Drinks How We Roll High Five Expectation vs. Reality Hair on the Floor IOU Relax Last Nerve
SNARKY �� Single Cards (6 of each style) �� Cards Total - $��� A.S.A.F.P. Whole Assed Relax New Love. True Love UR ________ AF Shave For You Give One Back Expectation vs. Reality Hair on Floor Love Your Buns
SWEET �� Single Cards (6 of each style) �� Cards Total - $��� Tin Can Hello Handle with Care Deli Number Wish Come True Paperclip Feel Like Home Peace Happy Place Rainbow Eraser
�" Glossy, Die-Cut Vinyl Permanent Stickers Single stickers $�.��, � per style number
plant lover pltskr
mason jars jarskr
cactus makes perfect cmpskr
kamala harris kmhskr
parton my french pmfskr
feminist finger mfoskr (top) mftskr (bottom)
side part sptskr
goal getter ggrskr
ORDERING Opening order minimum: $100 | Reorder minimum: $100 Wanna skip the paper work? Orders can be placed online at www.missprintpaper.com/shop-wholesale. Click the "Shop Wholesale" button.
PAY M E N T Payment is accepted via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and business checks. Checks may be payable to Miss Print Paper LLC, and will need to clear before orders are filled. Payment is due upon placement of your order. All orders ship once payment is received and/or processed. Net30 terms may be available upon request to existing customers with an established relationship.
TURNAROUND & SHIPPING Most orders ship within 1-2 weeks, but may vary. All domestic orders are shipped via USPS Priority unless otherwise noted. Please let us know if you have any special shipping requests at the time of order placement, so we can do our best to accommodate you. Miss Print Paper is not responsible for any carrier delays. International retailers are responsible for any customs fees or duties. All out of stock or backordered items will ship separately from the rest of your order, free of charge, once they become available. Backorders will be charged at the time of shipping. All orders ship from Noblesville, Indiana.
C A N C E L L AT I O N S & R E T U R N S Once an order has been filled and shipped, the sale is final. Changes or cancellations will be honored within 24 hours of order placement. Any damages must be reported to Miss Print Paper within 5 business days of the receipt of the order. All damaged merchandise must be returned unused, unopened, and in original packaging. In the event that you have received an incorrect item, please notify us immediately so we can remedy the situation. Prices and policies are subject to change without notice.
C O N TA C T U S hello@missprintpaper.com
h e l l o @mis s pr in t pa pe r.c om | www.misspr int paper.com | @misspr int pape r