Eco s%20project%20report

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ECO-S: ecological wooden window insulation (ECO/10/276746)

Project report - March 2015 –

ECO-S project was a success story for company M SORA JSC and GS Stemeseder. M SORA has produced and sold 565.530 € ECO-S windows. 565 units of ECO-s windows were produced and sold and among these there are single and double casement windows, sliding doors … Four different types of ECO-S windows were produced and sold. We have attended 23 different window fairs, and have been able to establish strong relationships in EU countries and wider (USA, Canada). The projected reduction of CO 2 by the end of 2015 was evaluated to 375 tonnes which was calculated on the basis of LCA on 1.44 m2 units. Based on the amount of produced windows we can state that nearly 7 tonnes of CO2 was reduced. The reduction should however be calculated on the life-time of windows and therefore this reduction is higher. If considered entire lifetime the reductions are: - 897 tonnes of CO2, - 159 tonnes of oil, - 41.449 tonnes of water and - 346 tonnes of wood. /

GS Stemeseder has been strong partner in the project and has been facing real problems to sell our insulation to his customers. He has taken the courage to fight this problem and has made great research and innovative approach how to adjust the profiles to start with the sale. The result is new wood-plastic composite (WPC) profile with same insulation principle. First prototype is done and the production of new profiles will start in 2015. Last but not least, ECO-S has taught us how to apply and coordinate an EU project. We have used the gained knowledge and have applied new project, which was already approved on the second stage of Horizon 2020 call. The project is WinTherWax, where M SORA is once again coordinator, coordinating two partners and six subcontractors, from four different countries. The aim of the project is to produce windows from thermally modified spruce, coated with wax-treatment. /

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