WBHS Art Rough Draft

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West Boylston High School Art Program

EducaƟon is not the filling of a pail, but the lighƟng of a fire — William Butler Yeat

The Ellison Founda on provides funding for all supplies, equip‐ ment and materials u lized by Art, Music and Drama classes. The grant also provides scholar‐ ships for students pursuing the arts in college.

Drawing by Monique Bonneau, Class of 2000

In this booklet you will find examples of the fires ignited by the Arts.

Thanks to the Ellison Founda‐ on for all their generous sup‐ port!

In 2005, Students studying the arts for 4 years scored 60 points higher ‐ verbal and 39 points higher ‐ math, on average, than students with no arts involvement on the SAT.

The Arts develop skills and habits of mind that are important for workers in the new “Economy of Ideas”— Alan Greenspan

West Boylston High School is known for its high quality and professional program in Art, that have helped many graduates pursue advanced study and careers in Art. This program has several unique features.

WBHS Art Focus College Graduates

Extensive Art curriculum

Carly White, 2006 BA (Communica ons‐Minor‐Visual Arts) Roger Williams University, 2010 Caryn Benoit, 2006 BS (Interior Design) Endico College, 2010


General Art 1

Janna Rayworth, 2006


General Art 2

BA (Studio Art) Stonehill College, 2010


Studio Art, CP and Honors




Advanced Art, CP and Honors


Independent Study in Art


AP Art


AP Studio Art


Visual Communica ons, CP and Honors


Advanced Visual Communica ons


Independent Study in Visual Comm.

Lila Salem, 2004 BA (Photography) New England School Photography Focus Photography Keith Keirstead, 2004 BS (Graphic Design) NE Ins tute of Art, 2007

Advanced Art students are individually guided through the process of preparing and photographing a por olio for college admissions. AP Art can earn college art credits. Visual Communica ons features a unique curriculum that allows students to design and manage the school website. Advanced Visual Communica ons: emphasizes profes‐ sional cer fica on in Adobe Photoshop 5. This is the industry standard so ware. Honor Socie es provide mo vated students with the chance to gain experience and knowledge about the Arts outside of the classroom. Na onal Art Honor Society founded in 1993, has cur‐ rently graduated 194 members.

Current Art Faculty at WBHS Sheila Tetler Lynne Pelto Leia Roberts

Jordan Smith, 2004 BFA (Graphic Design) Savannah College Art & Design Alicia Ma as, 2004 BA (Fashion Design), minor in studio art. Framingham State College, 2008 Stacey Turco e, 2003 BFA (Art Educa on) U Mass Dartmouth, 2008 Patricia Counihan, 2003 BA (Art History) Suffolk University, 2007 Michael Ki redge, 2003 BA (Graphic Design), Suffolk University, 2007 Steve Forde, 2002 BFA (Electronic Imaging) UMass‐Dartmouth, 2006 Kim Marshall, 2002 BA (Art Educa on) UMass Amherst Eric Kujala, 2001 BFA (Graphic Design), Art Ins tute of Boston, 2005 Kaitlyn Smith, 2001 BS (interior Design) Endico College Monique Bonneau, 2000 Freelance Illustrator , h p://moniquebonneau.com/

In 2005, students studying the arts scored at least 56 points higher ‐ verbal and 39 points higher ‐ math, on average, on SAT scores than students with no arts involvement. Students studying the arts for 4 years scored 60 points higher ‐ verbal and 39 points higher ‐ math, on average, than students with no arts involvement.

Students In College Pursuing Art as Major or Minor Paul Weiskel, 2008 UMass Boston Jared Fancy, 2009 Massachuse s College of Art Intern at Hill Holiday Nicole Carpenter, 2009 Assump on College Catherine Whitney, 2009 University of Har ord Lori Lamberto, 2010 Mount Holyoke College Megan Pelto, 2011 Savannah College Art & Design JIll Pelto, 2011 University of Maine Sarah Hachey, 2011 Massachuse s College of Art David White, 2012 Parsons School of Design

WBHS Career Ar sts Kaitlyn Smith, 2001 BS Interior Design) Endico College, 2005. Interior Designer for Sasaki. Interior Designer for S3 De‐ sign. “Art programs color students'

Leia Roberts, 1997 BA (Art Educa on), UMass‐Amherst Art teacher at West Boylston Co‐chair for Youth Art Month, Worcester Art Museum

Monique Bonneau, 2000 Is a published illustrator and author of children's and young adult literature. I have recently transi‐ oned to the role of author‐illustrator. My first author‐ illustrated children’s tle, O Let Your Song Be Sung, is in con‐ tract nego a ons with Radiant Hen Publishing.

Eric Kujala, 2001 BFA (Graphic Design) Art Ins tute of Boston, 2005 Marke ng Asst. at Human Service Management Corp. Graphic designer Kuj Designs IT Assistant at Easter Seals of Massachuse s

Steve Forde, 2002

the world in a different way. The ability to see things

BFA(Electronic Imaging) UMass‐Dartmouth, 2006 Ar st at Dragonfly Game Design Designer at Third Screen Media Ar st at Imagine Engine

from different perspec ves is essen al for planning

worlds ‐ providing outlets for students to not only express themselves, but also to see

your own path in life. I feel it is really short sighted of high schools to always cut these programs first.”

Mike Ki redge, 2003 Graphic Designer at Big Blue Dot Graphic Designer at MJK4 Designs

Keith Keirstead, 2004 Web Developer at Keepcash Freelance Web‐ Graphic Designer Keirstead Designs h p://www.keithkeirstead.com/

Caryn Benoit, 2006 Intern at Delorey Contract In‐ teriors Intern at Ecomodern Design & Architecture Interior Design at Boston Interiors , Saugus, MA

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