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MSP MACHINETOOLS CO.,LTD has been in business since 1995. Suppliers in the industry with high quality brand with more than one hundred famous foreign brands. More than ten thousand kings of products. Professional tools and equipment. Intended to be a leader in recruiting and sales management tools and equipment from around the world, with factories throughout the country. We have personnel trained in the product knowledge an excellent services, to meet the demand of goods and services that satisfy custumers. Contact Us : Address: 106/84 Soi Jarunsanitwong 18, Jarunsanitwong Rd., Banchanglo, Bangkok 10700 Thailand Tel :(66)2866-7948-9,(66)2866-8011,(66)2-866-7644,(66)2-866-8044 Hotline :(66)81-578-3278 Fax : 0-2866-4871 E-mail : admin@mspmachinetool.com, sale@mspmachinetool.com