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isma grant program reaches $1.54 million in awards

he members of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (Arctic Cat, BRP, Polaris and Yamaha) are pleased to announce that this year the ISMA Grant Program will award over $44,000 in grants being distributed to 15 organizations in the United States and Canada. The organizations are active members of the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) or the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA). The ISMA grants are awarded to the state and provincial associations based on their support of key issues of importance in the grant process.

The ISMA grant process includes but is not limited to: Supporting efforts which enable snowmobilers to continue snowmobiling in regions and riding areas enjoyed by enthusiasts.
Supporting and participating in legislative enlightenment rides for elected local, federal, provincial, and state representatives. Supporting introductory rides for non-snowmobilers have also been realized through the grant program.
The promotion of the Safe Riders! campaign and the Take the Pledge Program – highlighting snowmobile safety and staying on designated trails and legal riding areas.
In this year’s allocation of ISMA grants, ISMA was pleased to support search and rescue educational projects along with continuing to expand and support safe snowmobiling in avalanche country.
The ISMA grant program began in the year 2001 and to date ISMA has awarded over $831,000 in grants to state snowmobile associations and over $720,000 in grants to provincial associations! Well over $1.54 million dollars has been distributed to snowmobile associations in North America supporting key activities that support organized snowmobiling. The manufacturers of ISMA are pleased to note that matching funds raised by the associations in performing these activities has generated over $2 million dollars in economic investments in the organized snowmobile community. These investments help to improve our riding areas, our trails, and safety training. Our joint interaction on the grant program supports the snowmobiling community in so many important ways.
The ISMA grant program has been successful in accomplishing many small to mid-range construction projects, improving riding areas, trailheads, as well as dramatic expansion in the Safe Riders! You make snowmobiling safe campaign. Thanks to all who have participated in the grant program and who joined the manufacturers in supporting the continuation and expansion of the program.