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“Attached is a mostly accurate map of the reroute. During the calamity of the trail loss, we had a private landowner, who also works at one of our sponsors where the conversation occurred, reached out to Victor Braun, our board member, and said they’d be open to hosting the trail if it would help and would also be open to an offer to sell a permanent easement, securing connectivity to crucial Old US Highway 2 and the rail bed, which Bessemer Township owns.

We are eager for the MDNR, local governmental entities, and our club to continue pushing toward protecting this vital corridor for good. The road-route section is unfortunate but we believe if you add up the other route’s 7 miles of plowed areas you will find this 3.8 mile reroute having LESS pavement. Where it does run on the road, there is a wide shoulder and the city of Wakefield expressed sincere diligence in working with us to keep the shoulder snow covered and rideable.

We feel the travel time between Bessemer, MI and Wakefield, MI will decrease by 50%. There will be several stop signs on this road route with a signed speed limit that will be enforced regularly to protect the trail.
What’s more, our trail team led by VP Jerry Nezworski, is working on getting even more of the road-route, off-road, potentially bypassing the cemetery road corner/residences. Much discussion is required, but in the future, this route does appear to be the best shot we’ve ever had at protecting snowmobile connectivity in this difficult dynamic region.
As of 11/29/22 10am EST we do not have approval for this route from the MDNR yet. However, the re-route has been developed and planned alongside our critical partners in law enforcement, MDNR Law Enforcement Conservation Officer, Jennifer Hanson, and Gogebic County Sheriff’s office, Jesse Yesney. They sent an evaluation of the route to MDNR with their findings and commented on the improved visibility and safety this option brings to all users, snowmobiles and roadway.
This route eliminates crossing seven lanes of traffic on US Highway 2, twice. They expressed full support, so we feel, given all other documentation requirements necessary we provided, this should be approved soon.”
-Steve Hamilton