3 minute read
Queen’s Corner
By: Rachyl Burzinski

My name is Rachyl Burzinski and I’m proud to be the 20222023 AWSC Miss Snowflake! I am from Beloit, Wis and graduating from Gateway Technical College this Spring with a degree in Graphic Design. Currently, I work as a part time graphic designer and store manager and enjoy being outdoors, four-wheeling, racing, and snowmobiling with family and friends. I have been involved with snowmobiling for my whole life. Growing up, I have had many snowmobiling adventures around the state with family and friends to enjoy the trails and also watched my dad grass drag race while I raced my 120. My Dad taught me how to work on snowmobiles and once I turned 12, I was able to grass drag race the “big” sleds and still currently race. I’m very active in my local club, the Orfordville Country Riders, and help them with trail work, landowner discussions, fundraisers, managing club memberships, and social media. Even more, I am the AWSC Kids and Adults on Sleds (KAOS) Rock County Youth Advisor, KAOS President, Chair for the AWSC Magazine Committee, and was selected the 2022 ACSA Young Snowmobiler of the Year. I am extremely honored to be the 2022-2023 AWSC Miss Snowflake. I’m excited and looking forward to where this journey will take me as well as all the relationships I will build representing the AWSC as Miss Snowflake! I could not have achieved this if it weren’t for help from my mom and dad, my sister, family, KAOS, the AWSC, the Orfordville Country Riders Snowmobile Club, Rock County Snowmobile Alliance and all of my friends and supporters!
Thank you to all of the Miss Snowflake sponsors: Donahue Super Sports, DSG Outerwear, Floe International Trailers, K+M, Tyler’s Backcountry, Unique Signs and Designs and 1330 Wraps. If you have any events you would like me to attend please email: misssnowflake2223@gmail.com.
Submitted By: AWSC Vintage & History Committee
Did You Know Polaris Industries started out as Hetteen Hoist & Derrick in 1945? They later changed the name to Polaris in 1954 and developed their first snowmobile in 1955.
“Hetteen Hoist & Derrick was started to build industrial equipment,” recalls Edgar Hetteen. “It remained that until 1954.” Named after the North Star, Polaris was the northern most company in the United States at that time. “One of the reasons we changed the company’s name was because people would come to us and say, ‘We know this Hetteen, but who are Hoist and Derrick?’” Edgar always claimed that was a true story.
Founded in Roseau, Minn., Polaris’ hometown lies near the Minnesota-Canada border. Says Hetteen, “Polaris, that’s the North Star… and we were about as far north as you could get.”
The ‘Industries’ part of the company name was added
because, explains Edgar Hetteen “… I learned a name could be too confining. Under the umbrella of Industries, you could be anything you wanted.”
If you want to learn more about Edgar Hetteen and his story of poverty to millionaire as he starts Polaris and Arctic Cat snowmobile companies, purchase his book, Breaking Trail - The Extraordinary Success Story of an Entrepreneur Who Never Gave Up. It’s available at a variety of locations including online at snowmobilehalloffame.com.
The AWSC offers a variety of scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are current members in the AWSC. If you plan to pursue further education at an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning, the application is available on the AWSC website, deadline is Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 and the available scholarships include: AWSC Scholarship
$2,000 Morris Nelson Memorial Scholarship $1,500 AWSC Scholarship funded by Scholarship Committee $1,000 Liberty Mutual Scholarship $1,000 J F Brennan $1,000 Rome Sno Bandits $1,000 KAOS (Kids & Adults on Snowmobiles) $500 Schwartz & Shea Insurance $500 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Track Side $300