Wisconsin Snowmobile News Dec 2022

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DEC 2022 // $2.95 53rd miss snowflake crowned meet rachyl burzinski fall workshop 600 awsc members meet in rothschild director meeting highlights what you need to know The Official Publication of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs AWSC.org BONUS AWSC COMMERCIAL SPONSORS INSIDE!
2023 SKI-DOO SHOPROBSPERFORMANCE.COM (920)699 3288 X-TEAM JACKET ABSOLUTE 0 JACKET VASA JACKET ©2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved, ® ™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. APPAREL AND GEAR ONLINE NOW!
December 2022 3 Lodging in Park Falls Located in the heart of Park Falls. Direct access to ATV and snowmobile trails; large parking lot for trailers and toy haulers. WiFi and free continental breakfast. Fitness center, pool and banquet room available. Northern Lights Inn, 1113 S 4th Ave, Park Falls, WI 54552 / 715-762-2406 info@northernlightsinn.com Your Four Season Playground ATV & Snowmobile From Your Cabin Door! On Pike Lake off Trail #101 Full liquor Bar - Pizza & Snacks Fuel - Information...and a little bull... (715) 762-3872 idlehourresort@gmail.com IdleHourResortLLC N14516 Shady Knoll Road - Park Falls WI 54552 Welcome Snowmobilers! 715-339-3104 On Snowmobile Trail #102 Phillips PRICE COUNTY - 500 Miles of Groomed Trails These businesses support snowmobiling. Support them! CLOSED WEDNESDAY TEXAS STEAK NIGHT THURSDAY FRYDAY FISH FRY HICKORY SMOKED BABYBACKS SATURDAY SUNDAY FUNDAY SPECIALS 75 CENT BONE IN WINGS AND MORE! 2-4-1 HAPPY HOUR DAILY 3 5 PM (715)339-3456 784 N. LAKE AVE, PHILLIPS WI 54555 PHILLIPS WEEKLY SPECIALS MEATY MONDAY MEATLOAF PLATE TWO DOLLAR TACO TUESDAY CLOSED WEDNESDAY TEXAS STEAK NIGHT THURSDAY FRYDAY FISH FRY HICKORY SMOKED BABYBACKS SATURDAY SUNDAY FUNDAY SPECIALS 75 CENT BONE IN WINGS AND MORE! 2-4-1 HAPPY HOUR DAILY 3—5 PM (715)339-3456 784 N. LAKE AVE, PHILLIPS WI 54555 WEEKLY SPECIALS MEATY MONDAY MEATLOAF PLATE - TWO DOLLAR TACO TUESDAY CLOSED WEDNESDAY - TEXAS STEAK NIGHT THURSDAY FRYDAY FISH FRY - HICKORY SMOKED BABYBACKS SATURDAY SUNDAY FUNDAY SPECIALS - 75 CENT BONE IN WINGS AND MORE! 2-4-1 HAPPY HOUR DAILY 3—5 PM (715)339-3456 Ride up sled parking, Well-marked trails, and Ample Trailer Parking. N10555 E. Solberg Lake Road Phillips, WI 54555 715-339-3566 / sunsethavenresort.com Ride up sled parking, Well-marked trails, and Ample Trailer Parking N10555 E. Solberg Lake Road Phillips, WI 54555 715-339-3566 / sunsethavenresort.com Ride up sled parking, Well-marked trails, and Ample Trailer Parking. N10555 E. Solberg Lake Road Phillips, WI 54555 715-339-3566 / sunsethavenresort.com Ride Up Sled Parking, Well-marked Trails, Clean Comfortable Cabins and Ample Trailer Parking.

For Wild Winter Adventures

Wander and wonder at the quiet magic of the forests and ever changing moods of Lake Superior. Take a journey by Nordic ski, snowshoe or fat-tire bike: the trails are groomed and ready. Fire up the sled and ride like a kid—or bring the kids—for the quintessential snowmobiling experience in Lake County.

So much snow, so many twists and turns, so many memories. Stoke a fire by a lodge. Let your light shine bright in the dark cold night under infinite starry skies.

Visit us online! LovinLakeCounty.com

4 WSN - www.awsc.org
Beaver Bay • Fall Lake • Finland/Isabella • Knife River • Silver Bay • Two Harbors

The Official Publication of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs AWSC Executive Board

President Treasurer

Executive Director

Dave Newman dnewman@ceas.coop Lori Heideman racingator@wctc.net Lauren Levey llevey17@gmail.com Sue Smedegard suesmed@gmail.com Michael Holden holdenmach@outlook.com

Wisconsin Snowmobile News

Kale Wainer - Managing Editor

6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Phone: 218-779-6972 Email: kale@mspninc.com

Advertising Sales

Diane Voight

Joel Mellethin

Dwain Stadie

715-957-0091 diane@mspninc.com 800-989-6776 joel@mspninc.com 847-683-0140 dwain@mspninc.com

Wisconsin Snowmobile News (USPS 683-170 ISSN 0745161X) is published seven times per year –September, October, November, December, January, February and March – by MSPN, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. Periodical postage paid at Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 and additional entries.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Wisconsin Snowmobile News, c/o AWSC, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532.

Subscriptions: Subscriptions are available through membership to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs for $20 per year. Enclose payment and mail to: Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, 529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532. For questions regarding your subscription, including a change of address or multiple copies being received, please contact the AWSC office directly at 800-232-4108.


Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings.Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part.

Notice: The views and opinions expressed by our contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs or the Wisconsin Snowmobile News and MSPN staff.

Warning: Some of the photographs in this publication show action that may be potentially dangerous. We encourage safe operation of all snowmobile equipment and advise you not to attempt to duplicate any action that is seen on these pages. Let your experience and skills guide you.

Copyright © 2022 by MSPN. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.

VISIT AWSC.ORG OR CALL the AWSC at 800-232-4108 facebook.com/AWSC-Association-of-Wisconsin-Snowmobile-Clubs

December 2022 5
More Information
7 President 8 Notes from the VP 10 Office Insights 12 Queen’s Corner 14 Youth Perspective December 2022 • Vol. 38 No. 4 DEPARTMENTS CONTENTS Deadline to Submit Submission deadline for the
Please send
Club News, Club Flashback, Readers Ride and Events to
Digital issues of this magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free at
of WSN is 12/1/22.
kale@mspninc.com or Wisconsin Snowmobile News, 6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346. On the Web
March 24-26, Radisson Hotel & Conference Center,
FEATURES 42 Club News 44 Club Events Calendar 45 Marketplace 46 Did You Know? Don’t
the backstory on this
on pg
Upcoming AWSC Meetings AWSC
Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Wild One 340 F/A
Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Publisher Associate Publisher Managing Editor Art Director Advertising Sales Photo Archives Contributors Joel Mellenthin Paula Jones Kale Wainer Corey Friesen Joel Mellenthin Diane Voight Dwain Stadie CJ Ramstad Dwain Stadie, Diane Voight, Pat Bourgeois, Joel Mellenthin, Rachyl Burzinski, Dave Newman
AWSC Office/Membership 800-232-4108 President
6595 Edenvale Blvd Ste 180, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 800-989-6776 / 952-473-7870 fax: 952-473-7805 info@mspninc.com
a rager
29 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE We help you with a few gift ideas for that special
on your Christmas list. 32
Find out who was
AWSC threw
in Rothschild. This starts our coverage on the AWSC Fall Workshop
includes a photo gallery, speaker overview and Directors Meeting recap.
presented with 2022 Of the Year awards at the AWSC fall

0 2 22 0 2 3 W I S n o w m o b i l e T r a i l P a s s ( D i s c o u n t e d$ 1 0 ) O r d e r F o r m

A W S C / C l u b M e m b e r s w i t h W I R e g i s t e r e d S n o w m o b i l e s S e n d C h e c k t o : A W S C, 5 2 9 T r a i l S i d e D r . , S u i t e 2 0 0 –D e F o r e s t, W I 5 3 5 3 2 / w w w . a w s c . o r g

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Please print clearly –N o c a s h lp e a s e and N O R E F U N D S ! Pa ss is good July 1 , 20 2 2June 30, 202 3 A v a i l a b l e t o o r d e r o n l i n e v i a A W S C w e b s i t e w i t h c r e d i t c a r d s ( M a s t e r C a r d, V I S A o r D i s c o v e r ) T r a i lp a s s e s a r e m a i l e d f r o m t h e S t a t e o f W I a n d c a n t a k e u p t o 2 8 d a y s f o r d e l i v e r y v i a U S m a i l –o r d e r e a r ly ! !

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AWSC website –www.awsc.org or by calling the AWSC office during business hours 608.846.5530/800.232.4108)

I R e g i s t r a t i o n s # ’ s –R e q u i r e d ! ! (Example 8 T O T A L R e ig s t r a t i o n ’# s ( x $ 1 0 . 0 0 P a s s ) = M e t h o d o f P a y m e n t : Check #_____________ (or Money Order p a y a b l e t o A W S C ) Credit card orders are placed through the

date to report undelivered /lost trail passes to the AWSC office. Any trail p ass order reported outside of 60 days will be have to be reordered at members cost



60 days


P l e a s e N o t e : You

Computer>Reception>AWSC Shared Files>Trail Pass>20192020 Trail Pass Order Form

6 WSN - www.awsc.org 2
f o r
T h e A W S C o f f i c e D O E S N O T h a v e t r a i lp a s s e s o n h a n d t o s e l l –a l ly o u c a n d o i s o r d e r t h e m i n t h e o f f i c e ! A W S C M e m b e r # of WI Registration #: 4 N u m b e r s a n d T w o L e t t e r s = 1 2 3 4 A W –Incomple te forms will be sent back!!) 1.
(Please Note : Your AWSC member number is printed on your AWSC Membership Card, WSN mag azine addre s s label, the AWSC website or your club Membership Chair). N a m e : (Should be the same as your AWSC m embership) A d d r e s s : 2. ___________________
A p t : _____ C i t y : _________________________ S t a t e : 3. __________
Z i p : P h o n e N u m b e r : 4. __________________ 5.
E m a i l : N u m b e r o f P a s s e s : 6. ___________________ _


Well December is here and once again, somehow over the past couple of months thousands of miles of snowmobile trails have magically appeared across the state. If you were one of the club members who made that happen, thank you! It takes a lot of volunteers to do all the mowing, brushing, leveling plowed fields, putting up signs and of course contacting all of those landowners to make sure we have their permission for another year.

It was great to see everyone who attended the AWSC Fall Workshop. We had almost 600 attendees this year. I’m sure everyone had a great time, but hopefully you learned something too. If you did, please take that information back home and share it with your fellow club members.

I want to thank our speakers and workshop presenters for participating and inspiring us in some way. We have posted their power points on the home page of our website and they all contain some great information.

Our speakers included Jillian Steffes, Snowmobile Grant Program Manager who provided us with information on how the program is doing and how clubs work with the program to receive their funding. She shared trail pass and registration numbers and showed us a breakdown of where the $10,137,434 in funding was spent this year. She also explained how clubs need to work with

their county when applying for project grants by April 15. Clubs should make sure the applications include the required cost estimates, photos and maps. Check out her power point to see the details of her presentation.

Another speaker, Drew Nusbaum, Regional Tourism Specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism, talked about what snowmobiling does for Wisconsin tourism. He and Abby Hass, WI Governor’s Snowmobile Rec Council, Tourism Committee Chair presented a workshop, How to Promote Your Club. There they talked about how to use your local Destination Marketing Organization and your local elected officials to promote the impact your club makes on the local economy. They also talked about how to partner with local businesses in ways you can both benefit. Of course, Drew promoted the Snow Report that the Department of Tourism provides on their website to show trail conditions across the state. This is where you need to go for trail information.

We also crowned a new Miss Snowflake, Rachyl Bursinski. Congratulations Rachyl and thank you to AJ Kreager for all she did to promote AWSC and our clubs last year.

If you are reading this, thank you. And please encourage other club members you know to read their WSN too. It is surprising how many club members and even club officers we talk to that don’t understand how AWSC operates or how the state snowmobile program works. One of my goals when I became president was to do a better job of educating our members through the magazine. We know everyone is not going to attend our conventions and workshops, but every member receives a magazine. But that can only work if everyone reads it. THINK SNOW!

December 2022 7


Back in September, the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) approached the executive board to ask if Wisconsin would consider hosting the International Snowmobile Congress in 2024. After looking at logistics and giving it much thought and consideration, Secretary Sue Smedegard and I stepped up to be co-chairs for this event on behalf of the AWSC.

The county directors and reps voted at the directors meeting to support Wisconsin holding ISC 2024. Sue and I are working with the Radisson Hotel in Green Bay to be the host site June 12-15, 2024. We are compiling a list of volunteers. If you are interested in getting involved let one of us know. Also, if you are interested in becoming a sponsor of this event, please contact Sue or myself. Our contact information is: my email address is racingator@wctc. net and Sue’s email address is suesmed@gmail.com. We will be assigning committees to handle all aspects of hosting the ISC.


Don Hamilton and I also held a workshop on Snowmobile Friendly Communities. The new applications are on the AWSC website. All applications are due at the end of business on January 6, 2023. The applications need to be in the office promptly so the committee has sufficient time to score and evaluate them. The executive board then makes recommendations. All communities will be notified in late February and awards will be at the Spring Convention in March.

For the communities needing to renew their four year award, the renewal applications are available at awsc.org. Again, the deadline for these applications is end of business day January 6, 2023. Applications after this date and time will not be accepted to give the committee plenty of time to look them over.

Don and I met with as many Snowmobile Friendly Community awardees that could make it to the fall workshop. This process was to share feedback on their original application as well as to help the communities with ideas on what they are doing better or what has made them a stronger snowmobile friendly community.

If at any time, either with a renewal or a first time application, please feel free to contact Don or myself. We are always willing to take questions or give advice. The Snowmobile Friendly Community’s award was founded to promote the sport of snowmobiling in a positive way. To follow the mission statement of the AWSC, by supporting and teaching safe and responsible snowmobiling. It is a partnership with many community stakeholders to promote trails and tourism in each of their specific communities.


And finally, just a thank you to all of our safety instructors. I have been watching Facebook and the DNR website and it appears that we are hosting many classes throughout the state to teach young snowmobilers safety. If you need a class, go to the DNR Go Wild website to sign up for safety classes in your area.

See you on the trails!

8 WSN - www.awsc.org WISCONSIN
YOUR PARTNERS ON THE JOB swiderskiequipment.com/snowpros Mosinee • 715.693.3015 Wausau • 715.675.2391 Thorp • 715.669.5255 Antigo • 715.623.4668 Waupaca • 715.258.3266 Call our grooming experts! GROOMING MACHINE Optimal Traction + Excellent Flotation + Minimum Maintenance = Amazing Trails Minimize your club’s costs while maximizing your productivity with Soucy Tracks and New Holland. THE ULTIMATE SoucyAD_MI_January_2021_V2.indd 1 1/28/21 10:00 PM
December 2022 9



Ican’t believe we are talking about another snowmobile season! Everyone think snow! It has been a busy fall here at the office. Remember AWSC office hours are 8am - 4:30pm (Monday –Thursday) and 8am - 4pm Friday.


I know the membership chairs are extremely busy this time of year processing memberships. When working with your rosters, please take a minute to check who is listed for your officers. When updating the information, please make sure to include telephone numbers and emails for the officers. This information is imperative for communication between AWSC and your club. The other request I want to make is when renewing your members, please be sure to check their address, so we have their current address.


Your AWSC membership expired on 6/30/22 and your yearly AWSC dues are paid through the snowmobile club you are a member of. The AWSC does not process AWSC memberships through our office. Mailing a check for your club dues and information for your trail passes to the office here DOES NOT work — you will only get both of them returned to you in the mail.


We are processing a record number of trail passes this season, please don’t wait until the machines are on the trailer and headed north to get yours. Planning ahead will make the transaction a lot smoother.


1. BY MAIL – Use the form in the front of this December WSN issue

2. ONLINE – Visit awsc.org

3. CALLING – You can call our AWSC office. (AWSC office DOES NOT have trail passes. They are mailed to you from the DNR which takes 10-21 days)

Reminder – You can look up your membership number/club membership on awsc.org under Membership Inquiry.


In this issue, you’ll enjoy the Commercial Sponsor listings insert. If you forget to take it with you on your trip, we have you covered! All Commercial Sponsors have been added to our online listings as another location for everyone to research and patronize the areas you’ll be snowmobiling. It is a printable file, so it can be taken with you!

10 WSN - www.awsc.org WISCONSIN OFFICE
SKI-MY23-Endemic-FALL-MidwestSnowmobiles-MXZ-Bzd-PRINT-7,75x10,125.indd 02 BRP Ski-Doo Endemic Print Ads - Midwest Snowmobiles PS33921 2022-08-09 KS MY23 MXZ-Blizzard ENNA Ad Size: Advertorial Format: 7,75”x10,125” Bleed: 0.125” Safety: 0,25” C M Y K Ad Number: N/A Publication: N/A Insertion Date(s): October 27 BORN FROM RACING BRED FOR THE TRAIL The new 2023 MXZ Blizzard is the race-inspired ride you’ve been waiting for. Get precision handling and agility with maximum comfort thanks to the all-new REV Gen5 platform and a performance shock package. Plus, with your choice of powerful Rotax 850 E-TEC engines, you can be sure no matter what winter throws at you, this sled’s got it handled. © 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Products in the United States (U.S.) are distributed by BRP US Inc. Always ride responsibly and safely. SKI-MY23-Endemic-FALL-MidwestSnowmobiles-MXZ-Bzd-PRINT-7,75x10,125.indd 1 03/10/22 16:52 693 North 4th Street - Tomahawk WI 54487 715-453-5373 - 888-606-4507 Hours: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday 8am-12pm Saturdays tomahawksportscenter.com SKI-MY23-Endemic-FALL-MidwestSnowmobiles-MXZ-Bzd-PRINT-7,75x10,125.indd 02 BORN FROM RACING BRED FOR THE TRAIL The new 2023 MXZ Blizzard is the race-inspired ride you’ve been waiting for. Get precision handling and agility with maximum comfort thanks to the all-new REV Gen5 platform and a performance shock package. Plus, with your choice of powerful Rotax 850 E-TEC engines, you can be sure no matter what winter throws at you, this sled’s got it handled. © 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Products in the United States (U.S.) are distributed by BRP US Inc. Always ride responsibly and safely. DISCOVER MORE AT SKI-DOO.COM SKI-MY23-Endemic-FALL-MidwestSnowmobiles-MXZ-Bzd-PRINT-7,75x10,125.indd 1 03/10/22 16:52 DELIVERING UNRIVALLED RESULTS IN WISCONSIN Reliable and efficient, PRINOTH’s HUSKY trail groomer is the ultimate work tool to take care of Wisconsin’s snowmobile trails. With it’s narrow width, light weight, low fuel consumption and optimal comfort, it delivers results like no other option. Contact our local offices so your club can get the most out of its trail system. PRINOTH Trail Grooming Sales, Bob Wolf 612-251-4094 prinoth.com TAME THE TRAIL PRINOTH TRAIL GROOMING
December 2022 11 Mercer has 250 Miles of Snowmobile Trails Variety of riding from the former railroad grade, to heavily forested land, to the wide open spaces across the Flowage. Riders understand why Iron County is the Snow Capital of Wisconsin. Explore Mercer Home of the Turtle Flambeau Flowage 5070 US Hwy 51 Mercer, WI 715.476.2441 Greatnorthernmercer.com 5070 US Hwy 51 Mercer, WI 715.476.2440 Greatnorthernmercer.com Winter Blast: January 21, 2023 Sled Raffle: March 4, 2023 Mercersnogoers.com


y name is Rachyl Burzinski and I’m proud to be the 20222023 AWSC Miss Snowflake! I am from Beloit, Wis and graduating from Gateway Technical College this Spring with a degree in Graphic Design. Currently, I work as a part time graphic designer and store manager and enjoy being outdoors, four-wheeling, racing, and snowmobiling with family and friends.I have been involved with snowmobiling for my whole life. Growing up, I have had many snowmobiling adventures around the state with family and friends to enjoy the trails and also watched my dad grass drag race while I raced my 120. My Dad taught me how to work on snowmobiles and once I turned 12, I was able to grass drag race the “big” sleds and still currently race. I’m very active in my local club, the Orfordville Country Riders, and help them with trail work, landowner discussions, fundraisers, managing club memberships, and social media. Even more, I am the AWSC Kids and Adults on Sleds (KAOS) Rock County Youth Advisor, KAOS President, Chair for the AWSC Magazine Committee, and was selected the 2022 ACSA Young Snowmobiler of the Year. I am extremely honored to be the 2022-2023 AWSC Miss Snowflake. I’m excited and looking forward to where this journey will take me as well as all the relationships I will build representing the AWSC as Miss Snowflake!

I could not have achieved this if it weren’t for help from my mom and dad, my sister, family, KAOS, the AWSC, the Orfordville Country Riders Snowmobile Club, Rock County Snowmobile Alliance and all of my friends and supporters!

Thank you to all of the Miss Snowflake sponsors: Donahue Super Sports, DSG Outerwear, Floe International Trailers, K+M, Tyler’s Backcountry, Unique Signs and Designs and 1330 Wraps.

If you have any events you would like me to attend please email: misssnowflake2223@gmail.com

Hope to see you soon. Let it snow!

12 WSN - www.awsc.org

Did You Know Polaris Industries started out as Hetteen Hoist & Derrick in 1945? They later changed the name to Polaris in 1954 and developed their first snowmobile in 1955.

“Hetteen Hoist & Derrick was started to build industrial equipment,” recalls Edgar Hetteen. “It remained that until 1954.”

Named after the North Star, Polaris was the northern most company in the United States at that time.

“One of the reasons we changed the company’s name was because people would come to us and say, ‘We know this Hetteen, but who are Hoist and Derrick?’” Edgar always claimed that was a true story.

Founded in Roseau, Minn., Polaris’ hometown lies near the Minnesota-Canada border. Says Hetteen, “Polaris, that’s the North Star… and we were about as far north as you could get.”

The ‘Industries’ part of the company name was added

because, explains Edgar Hetteen “… I learned a name could be too confining. Under the umbrella of Industries, you could be anything you wanted.”

If you want to learn more about Edgar Hetteen and his story of poverty to millionaire as he starts Polaris and Arctic Cat snowmobile companies, purchase his book, Breaking Trail - The Extraordinary Success Story of an Entrepreneur Who Never Gave Up. It’s available at a variety of locations including online at snowmobilehalloffame.com.

The AWSC offers a variety of scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are current members in the AWSC. If you plan to pursue further education at an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning, the application is available on the AWSC website, deadline is Thursday, Jan 5, 2023 and the available scholarships include:

December 2022 13
AWSC Scholarship $2,000 Morris Nelson Memorial Scholarship $1,500 AWSC Scholarship funded by Scholarship Committee $1,000 Liberty Mutual Scholarship $1,000 J F Brennan $1,000 Rome Sno Bandits $1,000 KAOS (Kids & Adults on Snowmobiles) $500 Schwartz & Shea Insurance $500 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Ken’s Sports Academic Excellence Scholarship $300 Track Side $300



The KAOS youth representatives and advisors gathered for yet another wonderful fall workshop in Rothschild, Wisc. We held a food drive and Friday night, we were delighted to be met with a large table full of a wide variety of non-perishable foods. After collecting all the donations from participating counties, the KAOS group excitedly got into our M&M-themed costumes and headed off to the dance. We had so much fun watching the costume contest and the creativity of the amazing group costumes put together. It’s always a pleasure helping out with the event, spending the night socializing with everyone we haven’t seen in so long, sharing our love for snowmobiling and dancing our hearts out.

Saturday morning, we all met for the general session meeting. It was incredible to see a room of 600+ people who all share the same passion for snowmobiling. We learned so much, and enjoyed listening to different guest speakers representing the DNR, Travel Wisconsin and the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame, just to name a few.

After the meeting, KAOS had a pizza lunch and a small meeting to prepare for our afternoon presentation. The available workshops people could attend Saturday afternoon were Promote Your Club, Social Media for Clubs, Snowmobile Friendly Community Program and Ride Like a Girl

KAOS hosted the Social Media for Clubs workshop and had a great turnout for both sessions. We enjoyed teaching everyone about the benefits and cautions of social media, and the importance of promoting their clubs through social media. We also answered many questions about what KAOS is about and how to spread the word of getting youth involved.

Saturday evening, we enjoyed the banquet dinner and a really great meal. We said farewell to our wonderful past Miss Snowflake and Marathon County Youth Rep, AJ Kreager, and watched our Rock County Youth Advisor, Rachyl Burzinski, be crowned the new 20222023 Miss Snowflake! We also got to see Green Lake County Youth Advisor, Maddie Gates-Roehl, accept the Young Snowmobiler of the Year award.

Sunday morning, we ended our amazing weekend with the directors meeting. Here, we were able to break into the individual committees we are interested in, and get to learn even more about what it takes to run the AWSC. The final thing KAOS did was give our youth committee report, which was another great chance for the youth representatives to experience speaking in front of a large group.

After this, we said our farewells and were on our way to share everything we learned over the weekend with our clubs and counties.

14 WSN - www.awsc.org MotorSports Accessories for todays active riders. Check us out @ RoxSpeedFX.com 218-326-1794 @RoxspeedFX @RoxspeedFX @RoxspeedFXINC

The members of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (Arctic Cat, BRP, Polaris and Yamaha) are pleased to announce that this year the ISMA Grant Program will award over $44,000 in grants being distributed to 15 organizations in the United States and Canada. The organizations are active members of the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) or the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA). The ISMA Grants are awarded to the state and provincial associations based on their support of key issues of importance in the grant process.

The ISMA grant process includes but is not limited to:

Supporting efforts which enable snowmobilers to continue snowmobiling in regions and riding areas enjoyed by enthusiasts.

Supporting and participating in Legislative Enlightenment Rides for elected local, federal, provincial, and state representatives.

Supporting introductory rides for non-snowmobilers have also been realized through the grant program.

The Promotion of the Safe Riders! campaign and the Take the Pledge Program – highlighting snowmobile safety and staying on designated trails and legal riding areas.

In this year’s allocation of ISMA grants, ISMA was pleased to support search and rescue educational projects along with continuing to expand and support safe snowmobiling in avalanche country.

The ISMA Grant Program began in the year 2001 and to date ISMA has awarded over $831,000.00 in grants to state snowmobile associations and over $720,000.00 in grants to provincial associations! Well over $1.54 million dollars has been distributed to snowmobile associations in North America supporting key activities that support organized snowmobiling. The manufacturers of ISMA are pleased to note that matching funds raised by the associations in performing these activities has generated over $2 million dollars in economic investments in the organized snowmobile community. These investments help to improve our riding areas, our trails, and safety training. Our joint interaction on the grant program supports the snowmobiling community in so many important ways.

The ISMA grant program has been successful in accomplishing many small to mid-range construction projects, improving riding areas, trailheads, as well as dramatic expansion in the Safe Riders! You make snowmobiling safe Campaign. Thanks to all who have participated in the grant program and who joined the manufacturers in supporting the continuation and expansion of the program.

NEWS December 2022 15
N W W I S C O N S I N . C O M S N O W M O B I L I N G I N N O R T H W E S T W I S C O N S I N I T ' S N O T S I M P L Y A P A S T T I M E , I T ' S A W A Y O F L I F E . F R E E C O R R I D O R M A P D I S C O V E R O U R E X T E N S I V E N E T W O R K O F M O R E T H A N 4 , 0 0 0 M I L E S O F S N O W M O B I L E T R A I L S T H R O U G H S C E N I C N O R T H W E S T W I S C O N S I N . L I N K S T O T R A I L C O N D I T I O N S , M A P S , A N D M R O E A T N W W I S C O N S I N . C O M O R C A L L 7 1 5 - 4 1 6 - 3 2 5 6


Are you aware of the Midwest Snocross Series? This large group was formed by a party of interested racers and race venues to support regional snocross in the Midwest. The mission to provide a circuit for amateur and professional racers alike, has now spread to a six stop series across the Midwest with the majority of the races held in Wisconsin. Whether you want to get into racing, or just spectate, the Midwest Snocross Series can accommodate you this winter!

16 WSN - www.awsc.org NEWS
Northeast Wisconsin’s Newest BRP Dealer Featuring Ski-Doo snowmobiles, Sea-Doo personal watercraft and Can-Am Off Road & On Road lines. Contact us today for current rebates and special offers. Find your ride at “Ken’s Sports of Green Bay” 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com 4455 Veterans Ave. Suamico, WI 54173 © 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Products in the United States (U.S.) are distributed by BRP US Inc. Always ride responsibly and safely. The new 2023 Renegade X-RS is ready to ride whenever you want to. With the all-new REV® Gen5 platform and features like unmatched LED lighting and a 10.25" touchscreen that brings enhanced connectivity, prepare for trips you’ll never want to end. Lucky for you, they don’t have to. SEE MORE AT SKI-DOO.COM REFINED & PRIMED. LET’S RIDE. 2023 RENEGADE ® X-RS ® HURRY IN TO FIND THE PERFECT GIFT FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST!
December 2022 17 *Restrictions apply. See bestwesternrewards.com for program terms and conditions. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated. For a list of most properties, local attractions and events, www.bestwesternwisconsin.com. Best Western and the Best Western marks are service marks or registered service marks of Best Western International, Inc. ©2021 Best Western International, Inc. All rights reserved. Join Best Western Rewards®, our FREE rewards program and earn points for every qualified night you stay. Redeem points* for free room nights, partner rewards, merchandise, dining retail and gift cards. With more than 35 Best Western® Hotels & Resorts in Wisconsin, the adventure of winter fun is a warm and welcome reward. When you’re ready to hit the road, we’re ready to welcome you! Visit bestwesternwisconsin.com | 1.800.237.8483 Over 35 Hotels Free Wi-Fi Parking Available Best Western Rewards Wisconsin’s Rewarding Winter Wonderland Is Waiting Just Up The Road. 2701 Wisconsin Snowmobile final.indd 1 11/10/21 3:49 PM

A+ Power Sports & Trailer Sales Elkhorn - 262-723-8822 aplusride.com

Airtec Sports Menomonie - 715-232-8590 airtecsportsmenomonie.com

Airtec Sports Rice Lake - 715-234-8174 airtecsportsricelake.com

Airtec Sports Roberts - 715-760-3600 airtecsportsroberts.com

Ken’s Sports of Green Bay Suamico - 920-264-0858 kenssportsgreenbay.com

Mittelstaedt Sports & Marine, Inc. LaValle - 608-985-7118 mittelstaedtsports.com

Nextgen Powersports Chippewa Falls - 715-723-2237 nextgen-powersports.com

Nextgen Powersports Clear Lake - 715-263-2244 nextgen-powersports.com


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges ATV/UTV riders and passengers to wear their helmets and seatbelts while out riding. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 71 percent of fatally injured ATV riders were killed in crashes involving no other vehicles in 2020. Helmets and seatbelts dramatically reduce the chance of serious injury, especially in single vehicle crashes.

Reedsburg - 608-768-3297 jayspowercenter.com

John Hartwig Motorsports, Inc. Watertown - 920-699-3180 johnhartwigmotorsports.com

Eagle River - 715-479-2200 tracksideinc.com

Twin Lakes Marine Inc. Twin Lakes - 262-877-2462 twinlakesmarine.com

awsc.org or mspninc.com

“ATVs are popular for work and recreational purposes such as trail riding and hunting. Protect yourself and loved ones by always wearing a helmet. It’s the single most important piece of protection an ATV or UTV rider can wear.”

- Major April Dombrowski, DNR

Recreational Safety Section Chief

In addition to wearing a helmet, follow these tips for a safe ride:

• Use extra caution when operating on pavement.

• Always operate at a responsible speed and within your abilities.

• Never consume alcohol or drugs before or during your ride.

• In addition to a seat belt and helmet, wear protective clothing such as eye protection, gloves, long pants and long sleeves.

• Know before you go. (Educate yourself on all laws)

Wisconsin law requires ATV and UTV operators born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, who are at least 12 years old for an ATV (and at least 16 years old for UTV) must complete an ATV safety certification course to operate in Wisconsin (exception: on private property owned by operator’s immediate family). These safety courses can be taken online or in person. A list of approved safety education classes is available on the DNR Safety Education webpage.

18 WSN - www.awsc.org
* Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website on digital edition of WSN. Visit
If you want one sled that can truly do it all, you want a Switchback. New for 2023, the SnowCheck exclusive Switchback Assault is available with the world’s most powerful OEM 2-stroke turbo, the Patriot Boost, 650 or 850 Patriot engines. Knowing that it takes more than just an engine to build the ultimate crossover, it features the IGX 146 rear suspension with its proven on and off-trail handling. Ride in an area that’s on trail only? No problem. The Switchback has the trail manners of an INDY. Ride where you can get off trail? Perfect. The Switchback is built by the same crew that built the world’s best mountain sled... the RMK. We built the Switchback and it’s become the legendary 50/50 crossover family. See the new 2023 Matryx Switchbacks at your local Dealer, on the trail or running powerlines. ©2022 Polaris Industries Inc. Photographed using highly skilled professional operators under controlled conditions. Polaris recommends that all riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. POLARIS.COM WANT A FORCED INDUCTION OR NATURALLY ASPIRATED CROSSOVER? COOL. WE’VE GOT BOTH. POL_MY23-SWB-SC-MI-FP-Ad-Fnl.indd 1 2/21/22 9:28 AM trail? Perfect. The Switchback is built by the same local Dealer, on the trail or running powerlines. ©2022 Polaris Industries Inc. Photographed using highly skilled professional operators under controlled conditions. Polaris recommends that all riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. POL_MY23-SWB-SC-MI-FP-Ad-Fnl.indd 1 2/21/22 9:28 AM

f you are at all curious as to what snowmobile citations are given during a riding season, we’re here to tell you! Below is a top ten listing taken from the 2021 Wisconsin DNR Annual Recreational Vehicle Report, which you can find on their website, widnr.widen.net. For those of you who have fallen into the #1 category, make sure you flip back to page 10 to read Stormy’s Office Insight information for the three ways to purchase a Wisconsin Trail Pass. (This will save you from the $295 fine of not having one.)

1. Owner operating/giving permission to operate snowmobile on public corridor/trail without trail use sticker/valid proof of temporary trail use receipt

2. Fail to comply with regulatory signs

3. Operate snowmobile without valid safety certificate

4. Operate snowmobile without valid registration


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Sugar River State Trail at the trailhead at the New Glarus Depot in New Glarus.

“For 50 years, the Sugar River State Trail has hosted bicyclists, walkers, runners and snowmobilers from New Glarus, Green County, Wisconsin and beyond. Our state trails allow us to expand our horizons and enjoy exploring new places or familiar places from a different perspective,” said Steve Schmelzer, Wisconsin State Park System Director. “The Sugar River State Trail will continue to provide abundant opportunities for locals and tourists for many more years to come.”

The Sugar River Trail is a year-round multi-use trail that goes 24 miles from New Glarus to Brodhead in Green County. Parking, trailheads and restrooms are located in New Glarus, Monticello, Albany and Brodhead.

The trail is named for the river it follows and showcases fourteen trestle bridges, including one covered bridge over Norwegian Creek. It passes by farmlands, woods, rolling hills, remnant prairies and exposed rock cliffs. The trail follows the path of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad line that was constructed in the 1880s and purchased by the state of Wisconsin in 1972.

In 1974, the Sugar River State Trail was designated a National Recreational Trail. It also includes a segment of the Ice Age National and State Scenic Trail. A short connector trail links visitors from the Sugar River Trail to the New Glarus Woods State Park.

Avoid the temptation and the fine (or loss of trail) of riding off-trail and trespassing.

5. Failure of owner to properly display registration decal or trail use sticker on a snowmobile.

6. Operate snowmobile on public property posted closed or where otherwise prohibited by law.

7. Operate snowmobile while under the influence of an intoxicant.

8. Operate snowmobile on private property without owner’s consent.

9. Operate snowmobile on any highway.

10. Operate in careless manner.

AmericInn By Wyndam 906-265-9100 - americinn.com

Chicaugon Lake Inn 906-265-9244 - chicaugonlakeinn.com

Lac O’ Seasons Resort & Stanley Shores Condos 906-265-4881 - lacoseasons.com

Lakeshore Motel Ice Lake 906-265-3611 - lakeshoremotelicelake.com

Pioneer Lodge 800-362-7853 - skibrule.com

Ski Brule Village 906-265-4957 - skibrule.com

Tall Pines 906-822-7713 - tallpinesamasa.com

260+ miles of Snowmobile Trails 100+ miles of ATV/ORV Trails 400,000+ acres of Public Forest 1,200 sq miles with #onestoplight Plan, Play, Stay... IronCountyLodging.com Like Us On @IronCountyUpperPeninsula NEWS 2021’S TOP 10 SNOWMOBILE CITATIONS IN WISCONSIN
December 2022 19


The snowmobile manufacturers (Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski-Doo and Yamaha) of ISMA supported a National Snowmobile Day on October 29, in North America by offering a $400 grant to snowmobile clubs and associations planning a celebration. The following is an account of the Golden Triangle Drifters Snowmobile Club who hosted a snowmobile awareness get together at Mad City Powersports in DeForest. For more information on the success of National Snowmobile Day, visit snowmobile.org.

Zach Thennes wrote - board member, Kent Elliot, spearheaded the effort for the event, working off a grant offered by Ed Klim, president of ISMA. The Drifters had a merch tent with gift cards, free food and drink, swag and other raffle offerings. The groomer was present and we also had a vintage snowmobile display.

Big thanks to Steve Schuster and Tim Webster for bringing out the old girls (snowmobiles, not significant others). In fact, Tim brought two Arctic Cat King Cats, and when he fired them up, the whole area marveled at the sound. The weather was amazing and we ended up signing some new members and fed a bunch of people. Mad City had a variety of 2023 Ski-Doo models on display, which was an amazing contrast to the old iron.

The event was key in getting folks excited about the upcoming season. With our trail system never opening last year, we needed something to keep members and the public enthusiastic about snowmobiling. Completing all the work prepping trails and then removing signage without ever enjoying a ride on them can be tough on morale for all. By the time you read this, we will have completed a trail installation/stake cutting/pizza party with the intent of getting more members involved. Pray for snow.

20 WSN - www.awsc.org Need a Place to Stay on Your Weekend Getaway? Relax & Play Right Here in Wisconsin’s Vacationland! At The AmericInn HAYWARD, WISCONSIN DESIGNED & BUILT FOR THE SAVVY TRAVELER - AmericInn Perks Hot, Homestyle Breakfast - Spacious Indoor Pool Recreation Area - Warm, Inviting Lobby with Fireplace - Large, deluxe rooms with refrigerator and microwave, many with whirlpool FOR RESERVATIONS CALL (715) 634-2700 www.americinn.com Hayward Area’s Finest Full-Service Hotel O昀ering: Indoor Pool/Whirlpool Restaurant/Lounge On Snowmobile Trail #31 NEWLY RENOVATED - 1 Mile From Downtown 715-634-4100 - 877-883-1304 Call today for your Midwest Rider Discount 10290 S. Hwy. 27 - Hayward WI 54843 昀atcreekhotel.com POOL, WHIRLPOOL & SAUNA FREE HOT BREAKFAST LOCATED ON LAKE HAYWARD & TRAIL #31 15586 COUNTY RD. B HAYWARD, WI 54843 www.ihg.com (715)634-0700 The Hayward Area’s Finest Full-Service Hotel Offering: Indoor Pool/Whirlpool Restaurant/Lounge On Snowmobile Trail #31 NEWLY RENOVATED - 1 Mile From Downtown 715-634-4100 - 877-883-1304 Call today for your AWSC Discount 10290 S. Hwy. 27 - Hayward WI 54843 www.flatcreekhotel.com
Submitted by: Zach Thennes, Secretary, Golden Triangle Drifters

ith 600 people in attendance, The AWSC brought the fall workshop to the Central Wisconsin Convention and Expo Center in Rothschild, Wisconsin in late October. AWSC’s Fall Workshop has become so popular, events like this one need 56,000sq ft to host everyone. The activities for attendees are many starting with Friday night’s favorite Halloween mixer where many well thought-out group costumes were showcased to celebrate the holiday while a live DJ provided entertainment and smiles for the crowd. Saturday’s event schedule was a packed one, starting with the general session meeting greeting a full conference center of enthusiastic snowmobilers. A variety of guest speakers were on-hand whose full presentations can be found on awsc.org. The afternoon was filled with several workshop learning classes, and an incredible banquet capped the evening when Of the Year awards were presented, and the excitement to see who would adorn the new Miss Snowflake crown was revealed. The Wisconsin snowmobile comradery of this event is incredible and can be experienced through many hospitality rooms, and seen in the generosity of giving to the silent auction and food shelf donations hosted by KAOS. Put an AWSC event on your calendar, as your state snowmobile association has truly tapped into a fun formula. Make certain you are in these photos next year!

December 2022 21 EASY ACCESS TO DINING, LODGING & GAS HUNDREDS OF MILES OF CONNECTING TRAILS CURRENT & HONEST TRAIL REPORTS 4 Lakeside Condos, 2 Bedroom each Bar & Restaurant Next Door On the area Snowmobile & ATV/UTV Trails webblakecondos.com Hotel Rooms, Cottages, Group Cabins *Hotel Rooms Only - Fuel, Restaurant & Bar Onsite! Direct Trail #8 Access - Trailer Parking Stay 2 nights, get 3rd night Free! RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER HeartwoodResort.com 715-319-3064 OUTDOOR RENTALS 715-466-4377 Semi-Active Smart-Shox Suspension adjusts automatically up to 50 times after long hours. Available on the 2022 Renegade® X-RS®, MXZ® X-RS® and all-new MACH THE INDUSTRY FIRST SEMI-ACTIVE SMART-SHOX SUSPENSION RIDE SMARTER AND HARDER Snowmobile Rentals 4 hr - 7 hr - 23hr+ Rental Times Hayward & Minong Locations petitperformance.com We Are Here For Your Adventure! *Performance Machines Available Upon Request* MINONG: 501 Bus. 53 HAYWARD: 10566 N Ranch Rd. Pool - Hot Tub - Sauna Trailer Parking (715) 635-9770 bestwestern.com/spoonerriverplace Located on Wild River State Trail Spooner Riverplace ORDER YOUR SNOWMOBILE PACKET: 800.367.3306 | VISITWASHCO.COM W
22 WSN - www.awsc.org 1750 19-1/2 Street Rice Lake WI 54868 www.petestrailersales.com We have more in stock and ordered with a wide variety of Options! Also: “PJ” Goosenecks, Equipment, Car Haulers, Deck Overs, Dumps, Utilities, Truck Beds - Steel & Aluminum Aluminum Snow Trailers 7 x 23 x 84” White/Brandy $15,225 7.5 x 29 x 84” White/Black $18,800 Coming Soon... 7 x 19 x 78” Charcoal/Black $13,275 7 x 19 x 78” Single Axle White/Charcoal 7.5 x 23 x 84” Brandy/Charcoal $16,550 7.5 x 23 x 84” White $15,750 7 x 29 x 84” Charcoal $17,075 8.5 x 32 x 84” Charcoal Carhauler Combo Legend Explorer SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME! Coming Soon... *All prices subject to change without notice 1.888.728.2050 • igripstud.com ST20R ST24R ST25R SS28R SS32R Highly Engineered High Quality Designed Screw Stud SAVE Fuel SAVE Weight SAVE Tracks SAVE Heat Exchanger GAIN Speed GAIN Traction GAIN Control WANT Safety? GET iGRiP! FALL WORKSHOP
December 2022 23 A wilderness escape with the comforts of home... LINKED TO THE STATE SNOWMOBILE TRAIL SYSTEM Full Menu - Friday Night Fish Fry The Ultimate Bloody Mary - Rustic Lodge Dining Taproom - Ultra-Deluxe Log Cabins Pet-Friendly Rentals Available Game Room - Gas on Premise - Free Wi-Fi Pitlik’s SAND BEACH RESORT 4833 Sand Beach Drive Eagle River, Wisconsin 54521 833-PITLIKS - www.PitliksResort.com SINCE 1928
24 WSN - www.awsc.org Wherever the trail leads, there’s an AmericInn nearby waiting to offer you friendly service and a comfortable and quiet night’s sleep. And always a place to park your sled. Tofte 218-663-7899 Virginia 218-741-7839 Silver Bay 218-226-4300 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN MICHIGAN Iron River 906-265-9100 Hayward 715-634-2700 Merrill 715-536-7979 International Falls 218-598-8510 Roseau 218-463-1045 Comfortable, quieter rooms I Free hot, home-style breakfast Hotel-wide, high-speed Internet I Indoor pool and whirlpool

53 Years 1969 - 2022



Food/Drink/Lodging 2188 State Highway 13 Adams 608-339-6088 www.adams-inn.com

ANTONIO’S AT THE PINES INC Food/Drink/Lodging 1617 State Highway 13 Friendship 608-339-9090 www.antoniosatthepines.com

BIGHORN BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 899 State Highway 13 Arkdale 608-564-3160


Food/Drink/Lodging 1166 Brown Bear Trl Nekoosa 715-323-4829 www.brownbearlodge.us


Food & Drink 298 Leisure Ln Nekoosa 715-325-5093 www.facebook.com/camelot.lake


Other 383 White Horse Ct Nekoosa 608-469-0839 www.chasingsunsetstravel.com

CONNELL’S CEDAR SHACK Food & Drink 2248 State Highway 13 Adams 608-339-6668

DCM LANDSCAPING LLC Landscaping 258 Oak Dr Nekoosa 715-325-5548 www.dcmlandscapingllc.com

EVENSON’S MARINE LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 590 County Road Z Nekoosa 715-325-6100 www.evensonsmarine.com

GRAND MARSH GENERAL STORE Grocery/Food Related 626 County Road E Grand Marsh


Construction 1475 Alpine Dr Nekoosa 715-325-6200 www.hoffman-trucking.com

HOOZELS AT THE LAKES Food & Drink 1497 Alpine Dr Nekoosa 715-325-9898 www.hoozelsatthelakes.com

KEYSAVINGS BANK Bank/Credit Union 292 Matterhorn Trl Nekoosa 715-325-7900 www.keysavingsbank.com

LAKE ARROWHEAD ASSOCIATION Food & Drink 1195 Apache Ln Nekoosa 715-325-2929 www.lakearrowheadgolf.com

LAKE SHERWOOD LODGE Food & Drink 1146 W Queens Way Nekoosa 715-325-2636 www.lakesherwoodlodge.com

LURE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1735 Archer Ln Nekoosa 715-325-6555 www.barnumbaymarina.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 4150 State Highway 13 Wisconsin Dells 608-254-8341 www.morsepowersports.com


Food & Drink 1348 State Highway 13 Friendship 608-564-1272

MSH CONCRETE INC Construction 1459 Alpine Dr Nekoosa 715-325-6800 www.mshconcrete.com

PONDEROSA PINES EATERY & CAMPGROUND Food & Drink 287 State Highway 73 Bancroft 715-335-2267 www.ponderosapines.biz

PRITZL’S TRADING POST Fuel / Convenience Stores 251 State Highway 13 S Nekoosa 715-325-2281 www.pritzlstradingpost.com

RAYS CLOSE OUTS Grocery/Food Related 1182 State Road 21 Friendship 608-339-6329

REDNECK SALOON Food & Drink N3770 2nd Ave Oxford 608-584-5211

ROME REALTY LLC Real Estate 1154 Apache Ave Nekoosa 715-325-3141 www.rome-realty.com

SERVANT ELECTRIC SERVICE Construction 341 Kings Herald Ct Nekoosa 715-459-5606 www.servantelectricservice.com




For information on how you can join the AWSC, please call 800-232-4108 or visit www.awsc.org.

TRI LAKES STORAGE Other 620 State Highway 13 S Nekoosa 715-213-6400

VISIT ROME WI Other 1154 Apache Ave Nekoosa 715-325-3090 www.visitromewi.com/ WESTERN HOUSE Food/Drink/Lodging 1203 State Highway 13 Friendship FACEBOOK

WOODEN NICKEL BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 634 County Road E Grand Marsh 608-339-6157

HIGH BRIDGE OASIS Food & Drink 39187 State Highway 13 High Bridge 715-274-4200

JONES BAR Food & Drink 75895 Lake Galilee Rd Mellen 715-274-6053

NORTHLAND FOODS, HARDWARE HANK & CLARK Fuel / Convenience Stores 108 S Main St Mellen 715-274-6336

RANSOM’S PLACE Food & Drink 60998 State Highway 77 Clam Lake 715-794-2272

RIDGE RUNNERS Food & Drink 113 E Main St Butternut 715-769-3377


BEAR NECESSITIES Retail 107 W Broadway St Glidden 715-264-3452

BOBBERS ON THE LAKE Food/Drink/Lodging 11633 Lakeview Dr Butternut Facebook Bobbers on the Lake

BUTTERNUT CAFÉ Food & Drink 309 S State Highway 13 Butternut 715-769-3370

CLAM LAKE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC Accommodations PO Box 163 Clam Lake 715-563-3615 www.clamlakewi.com

DOUBLE D’S PUB AND PIZZA LLC Food & Drink 109 2nd St Butternut 715-769-3509

DROP TINE BAR AND GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 29253 Railroad Ave Mellen 715-274-3000

DUSTY’S SALOON Food & Drink 351 Lake Dr Mellen 715-274-9283

ELKHORN LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 60938 Highway 77 Clam Lake 715-794-2378 elkhornlodgeclamlake.com

GLIDD-INN Food & Drink 23258 State Highway 13 & 77 Glidden 715-264-3000

RM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC Accommodations 23742 Cemetery Rd Clam Lake 715-638-0484 www.rentnorthernwi.com

ROXY’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 71 N Grant St Glidden 715-264-6900

THE BEAR CROSSING Fuel / Convenience Stores 171 W Broadway St Glidden 715-264-3451

THE DEAD SQUIRREL Food & Drink 264 Grant St Glidden

TRAIL HEAD LODGE Accommodations 61023 State Highway 77 Clam Lake 715-638-0484 www.rentnorthernwi.com

BARRONETT BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 2976 State Highway 63 N Barronett 715-822-3648 www.barronettbargrill.com

BEST WESTERN INN - RICE LAKE Accommodations 2835 S Main St Rice Lake 800-528-1234 www.bestwesternwisconsin.com/ ricelake-hotels

CUMBERLAND BOAT STORAGE, DOCK & LIFT Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1215 2nd Ave Cumberland 715-671-0125 www.cbsdnl.com

CURRIER’S LAKEVIEW LODGE Accommodations 2010 21 1/4th St Rice Lake 800-433-5253 www.currierslakeview.com

ECONOLODGE Accommodations 1710 S Main St Rice Lake 800-992-1669 www.amerivuinn.com/ricelake

FULL THROTTLE SPORTS LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2098 18 3/4th St Rice Lake 715-736-9494 www.fullthrottlesports.net

HAUCK POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2072 19th St Rice Lake 715-234-6195 www.hauckpowersports.com

HILLTOP RETREAT Food & Drink 2896 1 1/2 St Cumberland 715-822-3230 Hilltopretreat-cumberland.com

HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITESRICE LAKE Accommodations 824 Bear Paw Ave Rice Lake 715-736-7444 www.hiexpress.com/ricelakewi


AIRTEC SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 203 S Main St Rice Lake 715-234-8174 www.airtecsportsricelake.com

AMERICINN MOTEL - RICE LAKE Accommodations 2906 S Pioneer Ave Rice Lake 800-634-3444 www.americinn.com/hotels/wi/ ricelake

LEHMAN’S SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 2911 S Main St Rice Lake 715-234-2428

LONA’S CORNER CAFE Food & Drink 309 County Road SS & N Haugen 715-234-6110

LOUIE’S FINER MEATS Food & Drink 2025 Superior Ave Cumberland 715-822-4728 www.louiesfinermeats.com

LURED IN RESORT Food & Drink 1211 N Potato Lake Rd Chetek 715-353-2725 www.luredinresort.com

Please patronize these businesses who support the AWSC!



2771 Decker Dr Rice Lake 888-202-4223 www.microtelinn.com/ricelake

NEZZY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1345 2nd Ave Cumberland 715-822-4321 www.nezzyssportsbar.com

PULLMAN MOTEL Accommodations 903 Hammond Ave Rice Lake 715-234-7919 www.ourpullmanmotel.net


PERFORMANCE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2040 23rd St Rice Lake 715-234-3630 www.stodolaperformance.com

SUPER 8 MOTEL - RICE LAKE Accommodations 2401 S Main St Rice Lake 800-800-8000 www.super8.com

WOLF’S DEN Food & Drink 1303 21 3/4 Street Cameron 715-458-2032 wolfsdenwi.com


AARON GUSKI CONSTRUCTION LLC Construction 13335 County Road H Iron River 715-209-1094 www.buildagc.net

AMMO’S EVERGREEN TAVERN Food & Drink 20105 County Road M Cable 715-794-2245 www.ammosevergreen.com

BARNES TRADING POSTWILDERNESS INN Food/Drink/Lodging 4170 County Road N Barnes 715-979-1267 www.barnestradingpost.com

BRICK HOUSE CAFE Food & Drink 13485 Reynolds St Cable 715-798-5432 www.thebrickhousecafe.net


Food/Drink/Lodging 65445 Co. Hwy H Iron River 715-372-4580 www.buskeybayresort.com

CABLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organization 13380 County Road M Cable 800-533-7454 www.cable4fun.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 13300 County Road M Cable 715-798-3444

CEDAR LODGE STEAKHOUSE & GRILLE Food & Drink 3760 County Road N Barnes www.cedarlodgesteakhouse.com

DELTA DINER Food & Drink 14385 County Road H Delta 715-372-6666 www.deltadiner.com

DRUMMING WOODS B&B Accommodations 14791 McNaught Rd Cable 715-798-5010 www.drummingwoodsbandb.com

EVERGREEN TAVERN Food & Drink 20105 County Road M Cable 715-794-2245 www.ammosevergreen.com

FLYING EAGLE RV RESORT LLC Food/Drink/Lodging 61925 Basswood Rd Iron River 715-372-4615 www.flyingeagleresorts.com


Accommodations 44705 Birch Point Rd Cable 715-798-2346 www.4seasonsresort.net

FRENCHIE’S LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 115 W Bayfield St Washburn 715-373-5301

FROSTY’S OUTPOST Food & Drink 62480 E County Road H Mason 715-492-7468

GARMISCH USA RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 23040 Garmisch Rd Cable 800-794-2204 www.garmischresort.com

GEORGIA’S BAR-N-GRILL Food & Drink 11050 S Ellison Lake Rd Barnes 715-795-2121

HANK’S LANDING Food/Drink/Lodging 25200 Garden Lake Rd Cable 715-794-2318

Hunter’s General Store Fuel / Convenience Stores 52150 Wisconsin Ave Drummond 715 739-6645

JIM’S BAIT Fuel / Convenience Stores 2995 Lake Rd Barnes 715-795-3150

K D’s Bear Den Food & Drink 52450 Wisconsin Ave Drummond 715 739-6700

LOON SALOON Food & Drink 45135 County Road D Cable 715-794-2265 www.loonsaloon.com

LULICH IMPLEMENT INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 64850 US Highway 63 Mason 715-746-2477 www.lulichimplement.com

MISSION SPRINGS RESORT Lodging 20175 Mission Springs Rd Ashland 715-209-8321 www.missionspringsresort.com

MOGASHEEN RESORT Accommodations 23380 Missionary Point Dr Cable 715-794-2113 www.mogasheen.net

NAPA AUTO PARTS - WASHBURN Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 26 E Bayfield St Washburn 715-373-5669

NORTH COAST INN & CHALETS Food/Drink/Lodging 26 West Bayfield St Washburn 715-373-5512

OTTER BAY RESORT Accommodations 46595 Otter Bay Rd Cable 715-798-3336 www.otterbayresort.net

PAGACS BAR Food & Drink 24895 State Highway 2 Ashland 715-746-2511 www.restaurantji.com/wi/ashland/ pagacs-bar-/

PINE POINT LODGE- IRON RIVER Food/Drink/Lodging 10775 Pine Point Rd Iron River 715-372-8711 www.pinepointlodge.net

PIONEER BAR Food & Drink 47010 County Road D Cable 715-292-7518

PJ’S CABIN STORE Food & Drink 1040 Lake Rd Barnes 715-795-2561

PLA-MOR Food & Drink 44400 County Road D Cable 715-794-2145 www.plamorlakenamakagon.net

R C DECOY INN Food & Drink 53025 State Highway 27 Barnes 715-795-2556

RONDEAU’S SHOPPING CENTER Other 13340 County Road M Box M Cable 715-798-3211 www.truevalue.com/ rondeaustruevalueshpgctr

ROSS MARINE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 77300 Washington Ave Washburn 715-373-2446

SCENIC DRIVE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 12770 Scenic Dr Iron River 715-372-4336 www.scenicdriveresort.com

SELL’S PINE CREEK PIT STOP Food & Drink 21655 Moquah Pit Rd Ashland www.pinecreekpitstop.com

STOKES LIEBMAN POST 487 AMERICAN LEGION Food & Drink 43495 Trail Inn Rd Cable 715-798-4487

SWANSON’S SEAMLESS GUTTERS Construction 16830 County Road H Mason 715-274-2613 www.swansonseamless.com

TELEMARK NORTHWOODS LODGING Lodging 15315 Nordmor Rd Cable 715-798-3999 www.telemarkcondos.com

THE PORTAGE Food & Drink PO Box 220 Cable 715-798-4000 www.theportage.com

THE THIRSTY TROUT Food & Drink 59460 Mason main Street Mason 715-730-0055

TRACKS INN Food & Drink 6935 County Road N Barnes www.facebook.com/tracksinnbarnes

VALHALLA VIEW PUB & GRUB Food & Drink 26490 Freedom Valley Dr Washburn 715-373-2037 www.pubngrub.net

WASHBURN HARDWARE & SPORT LLC Hardware 110 W Bayfield St Washburn 715-373-5401 www.washburnhardware.com

BUFFALO SALOON Food & Drink 101 E 5th St Cochrane 608-248-1230

CROSS RIDGE RETREAT Accommodations W715 Jacob Kiel Rd Fountain City 608-863-1321 www.crossridgeretreat.com

LIL’S COCHRANE INN Food & Drink 101 N Main St Cochrane 608-248-2999

NORTH END PUB AND GRILL Food & Drink 214 N Main St Cochrane 608-248-3773 www.northendpubandgrill.com

RIVER RATZ SALOON Food/Drink/Lodging 356 W 16th St Buffalo City 608-248-2337 www.riverraztz.biz

SUN RISE INN Accommodations 860 E Main St Mondovi 715-926-5926 www.sunriseinnmondovi.com

TELL BAR & GRILL Food & Drink S1480 County Road II Alma 608-685-3202

WALKER’S SILVERMOON Food & Drink S1437 State Highway 88 Alma BURNETT


MCGEORGE’S PUB Food & Drink 415 George St De Pere 920-217-0377

10TH HOLE Food & Drink 7768 County Road U Webster 715-866-7107 10th Hole Bar and Grill (Facebook) A & H COUNTRY MARKET Fuel / Convenience Stores 2398 County Road A Spooner 715-635-8429


ALLIANCE BANK Bank/Credit Union 245 S Eau Claire St Mondovi 715-926-4234 www.alliancebank.us

ALMA HOTEL Food/Drink/Lodging 201 N Main St Alma 608-685-3380

B & S EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 126 S Belvidere St Buffalo City 608-248-2084

BUCKNUCKLES BAR & GRILL Food & Drink S1501 State Highway 88 Alma 608-685-4501

ADVENTURES CAFE & PUB Food & Drink 7710 Park St Siren 715-349-8500

ARCHIE AND ARTHUR’S ICEHOUSE Food & Drink 29460 CCC Rd Danbury 715-257-0960 www.archieandarhursicehouse.com

BENSON ACE HARDWARE Hardware 7435 Main St W Webster

BIG BEAR LAKE CONDOS Accommodations 30579 County Road H Webb Lake 952-367-7460 www.webblakecondos.com

BIG MIKE’S OUTDOOR SPORT SHOP Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6659 State Highway 70 Siren 715-349-2400


Grocery/Food Related 7991 1st St Siren 715-349-7282 www.blockandcleaver.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 25208 State Highway 35 Siren 715-349-2628 www.boonedocksmarine.com

BRANDIS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 29770 Long Lake Rd Webb Lake 715-259-3522


Food & Drink 130 W Olson Dr Grantsburg 715-463-1900 www.brickfieldbrewing.com


Automotive 7496 Main St W Webster 715-866-4100 www.brucesautoandtow.com


Food & Drink 27625 Gables Rd Webster 715-866-4509 www.devilslakeresort.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 11631 State Highway 70 Grantsburg 715-689-2468 www.burnettdairy.com

CABARET Food & Drink 30331 County Road H Webb Lake 715-259-4440

CASHMAN EXCAVATING, LLC Construction 5436 Ham Lake Rd Danbury 715-733-0664 www.CashmanExcavating.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 26548 Lakeland Ave N Webster 715-866-4166 www.connorsservicestation.com

COPYCAT HEARTH AND AND HOME Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 26500 Lakeland Ave N Webster 715-866-2011 www.copycathearthandhome.com


Food & Drink 5046 County Road A Webster 715-866-4777


Fuel / Convenience Stores 200 W Benson Ave Grantsburg 715-463-3003

DIAMOND COLLISION CENTER Automotive 26668 Lakeland Ave N Webster 715-866-8934 www.diamondcollisionwi.com


Food & Drink 30799 State Highway 35 & 77 Danbury 715-656-7076 www.fishbowlbarwi.com


Food & Drink 7576 County Road U Danbury 715-866-9977

HILLSIDE INN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 33595 State Highway 35 Danbury 715-244-3731

HOLLY’S DRIVE IN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 7809 County Road F Danbury 715-733-1157 Holly’s Drive In (Facebook)

HUMMER’S RENDEZVOUS Food & Drink 115 E Madison Ave Grantsburg 715-463-2322

JOHNSON’S YELLOW LAKE LODGE Food & Drink 27924 Yellow Lake Rd Webster 715-866-4354

JOKER’S BAR & FUN ALLEY LLC Food & Drink 110 Madison Ave W Grantsburg 320-336-8157

LEGION - FOX HOLE Food & Drink 108 N Oak St Grantsburg 715-463-5724

LILY LAKE TAVERN Food & Drink 5891 County Road A Webster 715-866-6000

LOG CABIN STORE & EATERY Fuel / Convenience Stores 30217 State Highway 35 & 77 Danbury 715-656-3116 www.logcabinstoredanbury.com

LUMBERJACK SALOON & EATERY Food & Drink 30575 County Road H Webb Lake 715-259-3329 www.lumberjacksaloonandeatery. com

MADSEN PEST MANAGEMENT, LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 24550 State Highway 35 & 70 Siren 715-791-4777 www.madsenpest.com

MALLARD LAKE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 3880 Norman’s Landing Rd Webster 715-866-7576 www.mallardlakeresort.com

MCGRAW LAKE TAVERN Food & Drink 34002 State Highway 35 Danbury 715-244-3056

MIDTOWN TAVERN Food & Drink 25196 State Highway 35 Siren 715-866-4357

NEXTGEN POWER SPORTS OF WEBB LAKE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 30336 County Road H Webb Lake 715-259-3311 www.nextgen-companies.com

NORTHWOODS EXTREME OUTFITTERS Retail 24115 Howe Rd Webster 715-791-8185

OAK RIDGE INN BAR & GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 31453 N Webb Lake Dr Danbury 715-303-1171 www.oakridgecampground.com

OAKLAND STORE Fuel / Convenience Stores 7396 County Road U Danbury 715-866-7315

POUR HOUSE Food & Drink 24136 State Highway 35 & 70 Siren 715-349-2954 www.pourhouse.net

SQUARE ONE FOODS Grocery/Food Related 7991 1st St Siren 715-349-5656

ST CROIX CASINO - DANBURY Food & Drink 30222 State Highway 35 & 77 Danbury 715-656-3444 stcroix-casinos.com

SWEENY’S BAR Food & Drink 8515 County Road FF Webster 715-733-0277 www.sweenysbar.com

T-DAWGS Food & Drink 429 E State Highway 70 Grantsburg 715-463-6888

THE LODGE AT CROOKED LAKE Accommodations 24271 State Highway 35 Siren 715-349-2500

THE MAIN STORE Fuel / Convenience Stores 30328 County Road H Webb Lake 715-468-6686 www.main-store.com

THE PHEASANT INN Food & Drink 7694 W Main St Siren 715-349-5755

THE REC ON YELLOW LAKE Food & Drink 7861 Birch St Danbury The REC on Yellow Lake (Facebook)

THE SAND BAR Food & Drink 3896 County Road A Webster 715-866-7263 www.facebook.com/thesandbar.nsl

THE SHOP BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 28422 County Road H Webster 715-635-6102

THE TAP BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 7408 Main St W Webster 715-866-9950

THROTTLE RX RENTALS Other 7460 Main St E Danbury 715-227-3004 www.throttlerentals.com

TIM’S BLACK & ORANGE BAR & BOWLING Food & Drink 7462 Main St Webster 715-866-8650

TOMMY’S TOO HIGH WINES LLC Food & Drink 6004 E Bass Lake Rd Danbury 715-656-3514 www.Tommystoohighwines.com

TRAILER CITY Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories

14075 State Highway 70 Grantsburg 715-463-2100 www.trailer-city.com

TRAILSIDE MOTEL Accommodations 30790 State Highway 35 & 77 Danbury 715-656-4050 www.trailsidemoteldanbury.com

VOYAGER VILLAGE Food & Drink 28851 Kilkare Rd Danbury 715-259-3382 www.voyagervillage.com

WEBB LAKE PIZZA Food & Drink 30940 County Road H Webb Lake 715-259-4040

WEBB LAKE TAVERN Food/Drink/Lodging 30925 Namekagon Rd Webb Lake 715-259-4466 www.webblaketavern.com


Food & Drink 27790 County Road A Spooner 715-635-7500 www.whattheheckeateryandspirits. com

WHITETAIL WILDERNESS CAMPGROUND Food & Drink 27225 State Highway 35 Webster 715-866-8276 www.facebook.com/ whitetailbarandgrill

WILD BILL’S CENEX SPORTING GOODS & SPIRITS Fuel / Convenience Stores 26798 Lakeland Ave N Webster 715-866-4220

WILD WATER SPORTS BAR&GRILL & AMERICAN LEGION 403 Food & Drink 7516 Main St E Danbury 715-656-3748 www.wildwater403.com

YELLOW RIVER SALOON & EATERY Food & Drink 27043 State Highway 35 Webster 715-866-7473

ZIA’S Food & Drink 26708 Lakeland Ave N Webster 715-866-4260 www.Ziasitalian.com


ANYTIME TRAILER RENTAL LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 17292 50th Ave Chippewa Falls 715-829-4685 www.anytimetrailer.com

ARNOLD BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 33278 County Road M Sheldon


Fuel / Convenience Stores 19756 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-723-7879

BIG MINNOW Food & Drink 26490 State Highway 27 Holcombe 715-595-6362

BLACK BEAR BAR AND CAMPGROUND Food & Drink 28249 250th St Holcombe 715-595-4639

BROWN HUT TAVERN Food & Drink 2525 N 110th Ave Chippewa Falls 715-835-5880

BUESSER CONCRETE Construction 2680 Fortune Dr Eau Claire

JOHN & MICHELLE’S BATEMAN TAVERN Food & Drink 19990 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-723-9898

COOKIES HOLCOMBE INN Food & Drink 27575 263rd Ave Holcombe 715-595-4092

Curve Inn Bar & Grill Food & Drink 13966 365th St Stanley 715-644-5547

EASTBAY LODGE Food & Drink 27325 268th Ave Holcombe 715-595-6251 www.EastbayHolcombe.com

FLATER’S RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N270 County Road E Holcombe 715-595-4771 www.flatersresort.com

FROG HOP Food & Drink 23027 County Road X Cadott 715-289-4444 www.froghopllc.com

HAWK’S RESORT Food & Drink 30994 122nd St New Auburn 715-967-2302

JOHNSON ROLL-OFF SERVICE Other 8434 149th St Suit A Chippewa Falls

LAKE WISSOTA TRAVEL STOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 17255 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-726-0227

LARSON REALTY LLC Real Estate 9684 296th Ave New Auburn 800-227-2494 www.larsonrealtywi.com

MAX’S ON THE LAKE Food & Drink 28249 State Highway 40 New Auburn 715-967-2337 www.maxsonthelake.com



9443 State Highway 124 Chippewa Falls 715-723-2237 www.nextgen-companies.com


Food/Drink/Lodging 26364 County Road M Holcombe 715-595-4227 www.paradiseshores4.com


Food & Drink 29840 State Highway 27 Holcombe 715-595-4284 www,phatbobs.com


Food & Drink 27339 250th St Holcombe 715-595-4201 www.pinedrive.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 8524 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-723-9377 www.snowmobilesalvageparts.com


Food/Drink/Lodging 26064 County Road M Holcombe 715-595-4424 www.tedstimberlodge.com


Food & Drink 6020 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-874-5590


Food & Drink 24700 County Road X Cadott 715-289-4653 www.whisperingpinesgc.net

WISSOTA LODGE & CONFERENCE CENTER Food & Drink 5424 197th St Chippewa Falls 715-723-1000

Z’S FOOD & SPIRITS Food & Drink 19845 County Road X Chippewa Falls 715-861-5493


Fuel / Convenience Stores N7442 State Highway 146 Cambria 920-348-5005 www.cambriaoilwi.com



N1401 State Highway 113 Lodi 608-592-4705 www.donsmarine.com

FISH TALES RESTAURANT Food & Drink W12690 State Highway 188 Lodi 608-592-4266

FITZ’S ON LAKE WISCONSIN Food & Drink W11602 County Road V Lodi 608-592-3302 www.fitzsonthelake.com

JOHNSON SALES INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N1255 U.S. Hwy 51 Arlington 608-635-7381 www.johnsonsalesinc.com

KD’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N1434 Fair St Lodi 608-592-4696

LAKESIDE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W10960 Corning St Poynette 608-635-2959 www.lakesidelakewisconsin.com

LODI KWIK MART Fuel / Convenience Stores 430 N Main St Lodi 608-592-3848

LODI VALLEY SUITES Accommodations N1440 State Highway 113 Lodi 608-592-7331

LOG TAVERN PIZZA CO Food & Drink W10896 Spring Creek Rd Lodi 608-592-0641 www.logtavernpizza.com

LUCKY’S ON THE LAKE Food/Drink/Lodging W11579 County Road V Lodi 608-592-5825 www.luckysonthelake.com



Food & Drink 121 Division St Withee 715-229-2774


Food & Drink N14395 County Road E Curtiss 715-223-6677

MOJOZ SALOON Food & Drink 129 W Edgewater St Cambria 920-348-6656

NAPA AUTO PARTS - PORTAGE Automotive 125 E Edgewater St Portage 608-742-7191

NESS AUTO SALES & SERVICE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 910 N Main St Lodi 608-592-3848 www.nessautomotive.com

SCHOEPP’S COTTONWOOD RESORT Food & Drink N586 Schoepp Rd Sauk City 608-643-4200

SUNSET HARBOR BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N2103 State Highway 188 Lodi 608-592-7463

THE DUMP Food & Drink 105 W Edgewater St Cambria 920-348-5733

WADDLE INN Food & Drink N1430 State Highway 113 Lodi 608-592-0655

SILK EXOTIC Food & Drink 7302 State Highway 14 Middleton www.silkmadison.com

SPRINGFIELD CORNERS Food & Drink 6136 County Road P Dane 608-849-9593

TOOTSIES BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 115 E Main St Dane 608-850-5515



AESCHBACH AUTOMOTIVE LLC Automotive 7182 State Highway 14 #102 Middleton www.aeschbachautomotive.com

BIO-CLEAN STATEWIDE SUPPLY INC Other 7352 Darlin Dr Ste 1 Dane 800-553-5573 www.bio-clean.com/bioclean

CARL F STATZ & SON INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6101 Hogan Rd Waunakee 608-849-4101 www.carlfstatz.com

CROSS PLAINS STORAGE Other 1451 Bourbon Rd Cross Plains www.crossplainsstorage.com

DAVE’S WHITE ROCK BAR Food & Drink 596 State Highway 14 Brooklyn 608-455-1048 www.daveswhiterock.com

DOTTY’S BAR AND BISTRO Food & Drink 1200 Main St Cross Plains 608-220-9184 www.dottysbarandbistro.com

ENGELHART MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1589 Greenway Cross Madison 608-274-2366 www.engelhart.com

MAIN STREET LANES Food & Drink 1721 Main St Cross Plains

MICKEY D’S CORNER BAR Food & Drink 102 Dane St Dane 608-849-7439

PEG & DOC’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 106 Dane St Dane 608-849-6275

PERFECT TYPE & PRINT INC Printing 106 Commerce St DeForest 608-846-9866

OTTERS INN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 179 Stark St Randolph 920-326-4350

WOODS LIQUOR LANDING Food & Drink N9070 County Road FW Randolph

BEA’S HO-MADE PRODUCTS Grocery/Food Related 763 State Highway 42 Ellison Bay 920-854-2268 www.beashomadeproducts.com

BIRCHWOOD LODGE Accommodations 10571 State Highway 57 Sister Bay 920-854-7195 www.birchwoodlodge.com

BIRMINGHAMS BAR Food & Drink 4709 Bayshore Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-5215

BLEY’S BAR Food & Drink 6549 County Road T Egg Harbor

CARRINGTON PUB & GRILL Food & Drink 7643 Hillside Rd Egg Harbor 800-273-7877 www.carringtonpub.com

CASEY’S BBQ & SMOKEHOUSE Food & Drink 7855 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-3038


AC TAP Food & Drink 9322 State Highway 57 Baileys Harbor 920-839-2426

AL JOHNSON’S SWEDISH RESTAURANT & BUTIK Food & Drink 10698 N Bay Shore Dr Sister Bay 920-854-2626 www.aljohnsons.com

AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITESSTURGEON BAY Accommodations 622 S Ashland Ave Sturgeon Bay 800-634-3444 / 920-743-5898

ANSCHUTZ PLUMBING & HEATING, INC Construction 7537 State Highway 57 Baileys Harbor 920-839-2211

APPLE CREEK RESORT Accommodations 9342 Spring Rd Fish Creek 800-569-0059 www.applecreekresort.com

BAILEYS 57 Fuel / Convenience Stores 7998 State Highway 57 Baileys Harbor 920-839-2114 www.baileys57.com

BAILEYS HARBOR YACHT CLUB & RESORT Accommodations 8151 Ridges Rd Baileys Harbor 800-927-2492 www.bhycr.com



Automotive 205 S Main St Lodi 608-592-3276

STRANDER ROOFING AND SEAMLESS GUTTERS LLC Construction 101 Industrial Park Rd Lodi 608-592-3407 www.stranderroofing.com

R BAR Food & Drink 7773 Martinsville Rd Cross Plains

BAYSIDE TAVERN Food & Drink 4160 State Highway 42 Fish Creek 920-868-3441

BEACH HARBOR RESORT Accommodations 3662 N Duluth Ave Sturgeon Bay 800-388-8055

CHERRY HILLS LODGE & GOLF COURSE Other 5905 Dunn Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-3240 www.golfcherryhills.com CHOP Food & Drink 2345 Mill Rd Sister Bay 920-854-2700 www.thechopsisterbay.com

CORNERSTONE PUB Food & Drink 8123 State Highway 57 Baileys Harbor 920-839-9001 www.baileysharborcornerstonepub.com

COYOTE ROADHOUSE Food & Drink 3026 County Road E Baileys Harbor 920-839-9192

DONNY’S GLIDDEN LODGE RESTAURANT Food & Drink 4670 Glidden Dr Sturgeon Bay 920-746-9460

DOOR COUNTY MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3027 Enterprise Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-3999 www.doorcountymotorsports.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 5581 Gordon Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-8459

DOVETAIL TRADING Fuel / Convenience Stores 10282 State Highway 57 Sister Bay 920-854-2002 www.dovetailtrading.com

ECONO FOODS Grocery/Food Related 1250 N 14th Ave Sturgeon Bay 920-743-8896 www.econotnc.com

FISH CREEK BP Fuel / Convenience Stores 3871 State Highway 42 Fish Creek 920-868-5299


Food & Drink

4690 Rainbow Ridge Ct Egg Harbor 920-868-4321 www.harborridgewinery.com

HEART OF THE DOOR HOMESTEAD Accommodations 7665 County Road A Baileys Harbor 920-559-0418 www.airbnb.com/rooms/4709576

HIGH POINT INN Accommodations 10386 State Highway 42 Ephraim 920-854-9773 www.highpointinn.com

HOMESTEAD SUITES Accommodations 4006 State Highway 42 Fish Creek 920-868-3748

HUSBY’S FOOD & SPIRITS Food & Drink 10641 N Bay Shore Dr Sister Bay 920-854-2624

IDLEWILD GOLF CLUB Food & Drink 4146 Golf Valley Dr Sturgeon Bay 920-743-3334 www.idlewildgolfclub.com

INSTITUTE SALOON Food & Drink 4599 State Highway 57 Sturgeon Bay 920-743-1919

ISLAND FEVER BAR & GRILLE Food & Drink 6301 State Highway 57 Sturgeon Bay 920-823-2700

JILOT INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance 1150 N 14th Ave Sturgeon Bay 920-743-7924


JP EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 5493 Monument Point Rd Egg Harbor 920-743-1700

KELLSTROM-RAY AGENCY Real Estate 2294 Sunset Dr Sister Bay 920-854-2353

LOG DEN FOOD & SPIRITS Food & Drink 6626 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-3888


Grocery/Food Related 7770 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-2120 www.doorcountygrocery.com

MAY’S SPORT CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 75 W Maple St Sturgeon Bay 920-743-3838

MIKE’S PORT PUB Food & Drink 6259 State Highway 57 Sturgeon Bay 920-823-2081 www.innlet-motel.com

MILL SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 4128 State Highway 42 & 57 Sturgeon Bay 920-743-5044 www.themillsupperclub.com

MOJO ROSA’S Food & Drink 7778 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-3247 www.mojorosas-doorcounty.com

NEWPORT RESORT Accommodations 7888 Church Rd Egg Harbor 800-468-6160 www.newportresort.com

ON DECK CLOTHING COMPANY Retail 4168 Main St Fish Creek 920-868-9091 www.ondeckclothing.com

OPEN HEARTH LODGE Accommodations 2669 S Bay Shore Dr Sister Bay 920-854-4890 www.openhearthlodge.com

PENINSULA PUB Food & Drink 7899 County Road A Baileys Harbor 920-839-2141

POLICH EXCAVATING Construction 7731 Heritage Lake Rd Egg Harbor 920-493-7043 www.polichexcavating.com

PTR INSURANCE SERVICES Insurance 3030 Park Dr Suite C Sturgeon Bay 920-746-4017

ROADHOUSE OF CARLSVILLE Food & Drink 5790 State Highway 42 Sturgeon Bay 920-743-4966

S & R TRUCK CENTER INC Automotive 1027 Shiloh Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-746-0715

S STOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 922 S Duluth Ave Sturgeon Bay 920-743-9421

SCANDINAVIAN LODGE Accommodations 10506 State Highway 57 Sister Bay 888-645-6343 www.scandlodge.com

SHIPWRECKED BREW PUB Food & Drink 7791 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-2767 www.shipwreckedmicobrew.com

SISTER BAY MOBIL & SUB EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 2579 S Bay Shore Dr Sister Bay 920-854-6700

STAGE ROAD INN Food & Drink 2049 County Road S Sturgeon Bay 920-743-4807

STEVE RABACH STATE FARM AGENT Insurance 118 N 4th Ave Sturgeon Bay 920-743-7733

STONE HEDGE GOLF & PUB Food & Drink 4320 Co E Egg Harbor 920-868-1861

THE HITCHING POST BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 4849 Glidden Dr Sturgeon Bay 920-818-1114 www.thehitchingpostdoorcounty. com

THE LANDING RESORT Accommodations 7748 State Highway 42 Egg Harbor 920-868-3282

THE LANDMARK RESORT Accommodations 7643 Hillside Rd Egg Harbor 920-868-3205 www.thelandmarkresort.com

THE LODGE AT LEATHEM SMITH Food/Drink/Lodging 1640 Memorial Dr Sturgeon Bay 920-743-5555 www.thelodgeatls.com

THE RUSHES Accommodations 3014 Rushes Rd Baileys Harbor 920-839-2730 www.therushes.com

VALMY HAPPY HOUR Food & Drink 4418 Whitefish Bay Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-6236

WASEDA FARMS Grocery/Food Related 7281 Logerquist Rd Baileys Harbor 920-839-2222 www.wasedafarms.com

WELSING FOODLAND Fuel / Convenience Stores 4436 Whitefish Bay Rd Sturgeon Bay 920-743-4651

WHITE GULL INN Food/Drink/Lodging 4425 Main St Fish Creek 800-624-1987 www.whitegullinn.com

WILD TOMATO Food & Drink 4023 State Highway 42 Fish Creek 920-868-3095 www.wildtomatopizza.com

CIRCLE PINES TAVERN & MOTEL Food/Drink/Lodging 16025 S Crystal Lake Rd Wascott 715-466-4004

CLEARWATER RESORT Accommodations 13933 S Resort Rd Gordon 715-376-2382 www.clearwaterresort.com


CRANBERRY LAKE RESORT Accommodations 16139 S Chipmunk Hollow Rd Wascott 651-261-5621 www.cranberrylakeresort.com

CROSSWINDS Food & Drink 1805 Lakeside Dr Solon Springs www. crosswindsresortandcampground. com

CRYSTAL LAKE BAR Food & Drink 15993 S Crystal Lake Rd Wascott 715-466-2805

DRIFTERS TRAIL Food & Drink 1565 E County Road BB Foxboro 715-392-7433 www.driftersrail.com

FOREST POINT RESORT Accommodations 13702 Crystal Beach Rd Gordon 715-376-2322 www.forestpoint.com

GRONK’S GRILL & BAR Food & Drink 4909 E 2nd St Superior 715-398-0333 www.gronksgrill.com

GRUZY’S Food & Drink W6649 Nancy Lake Rd Minong (715) 466-4601

HALFWAY BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 11933 E County Road Y Gordon 715-376-4285

J & B BACKWOODS BAR & GRILL LLC Food & Drink 14633 SE Mail Rd Gordon



BRIDGES INDIANHEAD TAVERN Food & Drink 6891 S Lake Ave Lake Nebagamon 715-374-3111

BRULE RIVER MOTEL & CAMPGROUND Accommodations 13844 E State Highway 2 Brule 715-372-4815 www.brulerivermotel.com

BUCKHORN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 9696 E County Road Y Gordon 715-376-4530

CONSTRUCTION Construction N12636 Bird Dr Minong 612-669-8134

KRO BAR & GRILL AND KRO’S NEST LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 13920 State Highway 2 Brule 715-372-4876 www.krobarandgrill.com

L & L STORAGE Other PO Box 141 Wascott 612-749-5290

LINK RECREATIONAL Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 304 Business Highway 53 Minong 715-466-2272 www.linkrec.com

LOOKOUT TAVERN Food & Drink 7441 E County Road Y Wascott 715-376-2369

M & M’s Y-GO BY BAR AND CAMPGROUND Food & Drink 13889 E County Road Y Gordon 715-376-2333 www.y.go.by.net

MAKELA EXCAVATING & BULLDOZING Construction 2180 Rankinson Rd Brule 715-372-4912

MOOSE JUNCTION LOUNGE Food & Drink 13195 S State Highway 35 Dairyland 715-244-3370

NORTH SHORE RESORT Food & Drink 8394 E Flowage Ln Gordon 715-316-4200

NORTHVIEW CAMPGROUND Accommodations 7440 E County Road Y Wascott 715-376-4528 www.northviewcampground.com

OLE’S OUTPOST CABIN RENTAL Accommodations 7119 E Cranberry Narrows Rd Wascott 715-821-7378 www.facebook.com/Oles-OutpostCabin-Rental-108924940908328

PETIT’S AUTO & PERFORMANCE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 501 Business 53 Minong 715-466-4377 www.petitperformance.com

POGOS HARBOR INN Food & Drink 7194 E County Road T Wascott 715-466-2836

ED LAKE AREA MINI STORAGE Other 16054 Ahrens Dr Wascott 218-428-4204

ROUND UP NORTH Food & Drink 5831 S Maple St Brule 715-372-4875 www.roundupnorth.com

SEAMAN’S RESORT & BAR Food/Drink/Lodging 16666 S Flowage Rd Wascott 507-202-1825 www.seamansresort.com

SIDELINES BAR, BAIT, AND RESORT Food & Drink 7860 S County Road P Lake Nebagamon 715-374-2273

SPORTSMAN’S HEADQUARTERS Retail 1010 Hoka St Minong 715-466-2171 www.sportsmanshq.com

STOP-A-SEC Fuel / Convenience Stores 16389 S Crystal Lake Rd Wascott 715-472-4220

THE GOLDEN CHIPMUNK AT SCHATZI’S 4 SEASONS RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 16095 S Chipmunk Hollow Rd Gordon 715-466-4095 www.schatzisresort.com


Other 3605 Lindahl Rd Hermantown 218-348-0610 www.trucoatsystems.com

UP NORTH RESORT Accommodations 16592 S Kennedy Rd Wascott 612-987-5029 www.upnorthresortwi.com

VIEWPOINT RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 16640 S Flowage Rd Wascott 715-466-2447 www.viewpointlodgenorth.com

WASCOTT COFFEE AND CONES Food & Drink 6773 E County Road T Wascott 715-939-2903

GIZMO’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 110 E Lincoln Ave Fall Creek 715-877-3218

GOLDEN SPIKE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 228 Division St Altoona 715-552-5526

KORNER STORE LLC Fuel / Convenience Stores 309 E Lincoln Ave Fall Creek 715-877-3316?

M & M TRANSPORT Other E806 W Lowes Creek Rd Eleva 715-828-4444

MAC’S SEAT COVER CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1106 Menomonie St Eau Claire 715-834-1912


400 CLUB Food & Drink 1411 Spooner Ave Altoona

4D LANDSCAPING & MORE LLC Landscaping W570 Birch Rd Eleva 715-878-4792

ALL SEASON HEATING & COOLING SPECIALISTS LLC Construction 7998 Hickory Rd Eau Claire 715-878-4454 www.allseasonspecialists.com

BRACKETT BAR Food & Drink 9150 Beaver Creek Rd Fall Creek 715-878-4142 www.brackettbar.com

BRICK HOUSE PUB & GRUB Food & Drink 2233 Birch St Eau Claire 715-832-6227

CHICKEN CHASERS Food & Drink 155 E Lincoln Ave Fall Creek 715-877-9911


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3582 Mall Dr Eau Claire 715-514-2322

CORNER PUB & GRUB Food & Drink 102 E Lincoln Ave Fall Creek 715-877-8006


Fuel / Convenience Stores 6391 State Highway 93 Eau Claire 715-836-9330 www.hansonscornerstore.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 208 E Lincoln Ave Fall Creek 715-877-1351


Food & Drink S12800 State Highway 53 Foster 715-597-6627

MULLIGAN’S Food & Drink 220 Sandy Hill Dr Augusta 715-286-2242


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1504 Hillcrest Pkwy Altoona 715-834-0244 www.sportriderinc.com


Food & Drink 129 W Lincoln St Augusta 715-286-2654


Fuel / Convenience Stores S5340 State Highway 27 Augusta 715-286-2112 www.woodlandwi.com

UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS, INC. Construction 6000 Alter Rd Eau Claire 715-874-6601 www.undergroundsystems.net


Construction 227 W Main St Campbellsport 920-533-4412 www.drexelteam.com

DUNDEE’S ROADHOUSE Food & Drink N3086 State Highway 67 Campbellsport 920-533-8359 facebook.com/dundees.roadhouse/

HALFWAY HOUSE TAVERN Food & Drink W8306 Forest Avenue Rd Eldorado

KCK’S DRIVE-IN & DINER Food & Drink N2245 State Highway 45 Campbellsport 920-533-3443 facebook.com/kcks-drive-indiner-1958178784201390

MIDSTATE AMUSEMENT GAMES LLC Other 1161 Industrial Pkwy Fond Du Lac 920-921-5000 www.midstateamusements.com

RADISSON HOTEL & BENVENUTOS RESTAURANT & BAR Food/Drink/Lodging 625 W Rolling Meadows Dr Fond du Lac 920-924-9112 www.benvenutos.com

SWEDE’S ST KILLIAN INN Food & Drink W4103 St Kilian Dr Campbellsport 262-626-8786

TIGER’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W12010 Rose Eld Rd Ripon 920-748-3357

TROLLOPS BAR Food & Drink N1690 US Highway 45 Campbellsport 920-533-8588 facebook.com/trollops.bar.7

TUNE UP TAVERN Food & Drink 533 E Main St Campbellsport 920-533-6055


BAHR TIME LLC Food & Drink W2904 Main St Campbellsport 920-533-3336 www.facebook.com/bahrtime

BREWER HEATING & COOLING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N8804 Douglas St Ripon 920-748-6494 www.brewerheating.com

COUNTRY TOUCH LAWN CARE Landscaping W9202 County Road T Rosendale 920-517-1281 www.countrytouchlandscaping.com

COUSTIE BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink N3104 State Highway 45 Campbellsport 920-533-3000 www.facebook.com/ coustiebarandgrill/

CRAVE Food & Drink 128 E Main St Campbellsport 920-533-3663 www.crave128.com

WEBSTER’S MARKETPLACE Food & Drink 1188 W Fond Du Lac St Ripon 920-748-5498 www.webstersmarketplace.com

BURTON TAVERN Food & Drink 8001 Burton Ln Potosi 608-725-5427


R&S LAKEVIEW INN Food & Drink N2905 State Highway 44 Markesan 920-210-5237

COTTONWOOD SPORTS BAR & BANQUET Food & Drink 4716 Green River Rd Fennimore 608-822-6314

DOOLITTLES PUB & EATERY Food & Drink 135 S Jefferson St Lancaster 608-723-7676

HAVERLAND’S BAR Food & Drink 125 Tennyson St Potosi 608-763-2373

HOME-A-GINS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 120 N Centre St Mt Hope 608-988-4417

J & J’S SANDBAR Food & Drink 1110 E Amelia St Cassville 608-725-5055

PINE POINT LODGE - POTOSI Accommodations 219 S Main St Potosi 608-763-2158 / 608-732-5158 www.pinepointlodgepotosi.com

POTOSI SALOON Food & Drink 192 S Main St Potosi 608-763-2230 www.potosisaloon.com

TENNYSON POTOSI COMMUNITY BANK Bank/Credit Union 338 State Highway 61 S Potosi 608-763-3600 www.bentonbank.com

TENOSI PUMP-N-GO Fuel / Convenience Stores 327 State Highway 61 Potosi

YODER’S ROCKVILLE BAR Food & Drink 6090 State Highway 35 & 61 Potosi 608-763-2013


ELVOY TAVERN & RESORT Food & Drink 17995 Bugler Ln Long Lake 715-545-2183

HEADWATERS BAR & GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 10735 W Pine Lake Rd Hiles 715-649-3220

THE HABIT Food & Drink 8416 County Road A Nelma 715-545-2626

THE OL GRIZZLY Food & Drink 108 S Mill St Browntown



HALLADA MOTORS INC Automotive 306 E Leffler St Dodgeville 608-935-2352

IVEY CONSTRUCTION INC Construction 1020 Bollerud St Mineral Point 608-987-2967

MIDWAY LANES SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1850 Midway Rd Mineral Point 608-987-2668

TIBBITS TAXIDERMY & ARCHERY ADVANCEMENT Other 760 Lost Grove Rd Mineral Point 608-574-4327 www.tibbitsarchery.com

TRIPLE P EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 1045 Branger Dr Mineral Point 608-987-3282



Other 2635 W Margaret St Mercer 630-254-2373

AL’S HEAVY TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT SERVICE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories E7928 Bluebird Ln Bessemer 906-285-9875

ALTMAN EXCAVATING Construction 5567N Highway 51 Mercer 715-776-2424

AMERICINN HOTEL Accommodations 1117 E Cloverland Dr Ironwood 906-932-7200

TRAILSIDE INN Food & Drink 101 E Old Highway Rd Browntown

AROUND THE CORNER PUB Food & Drink 2633 Railroad St Mercer 715-476-2472 www.aroundthecornerpub.com

ARROWHEAD RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 5875 N Arrowhead Rd Mercer 847-873-4265



Real Estate 3717 Schofield Ave Wesgon 715-432-0575

ASSOCIATED BANK OF MERCER Bank/Credit Union 5260N Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-3545 www.associatedbank.com

ATTORNEY ERIK C JOHNSON Other W14189 Coombe St Ripon 920-858-2364

AUGUSTINIAK LANDSCAPING Landscaping 5553N E Echo Lake Rd Mercer 715-571-9392

B&B ADVENTURES OF MERCER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 5391N Us Highway 51 Mercer 715-776-8050 www.bbadventuresofmercer.com

BADGER MOTEL Accommodations 11740 N Johnson St Iron Belt 715-561-4510 www.badgermotel.net/

BANK CLUB BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 220 Silver St Hurley 715-561-2544

BASOM TRUCKING Other 6524 W State Highway 2 Hurley


Food & Drink 7688N S Island Lake Rd Hurley 715-476-2799 www.bearchaserslodge.com

BEAVER’S RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 4720 W Lake Of The Falls Rd Mercer 715-476-3412 www.beaversresort.org

BINZ BROS INC Construction 6400 Odanah Rd Hurley 715-561-5590 www.binzbrothers.com

BLUE IRON WELDING Other N7704 S Davis Rd Ironwood 906-364-4459

BRITE SPOT 2 Food & Drink 109 Silver St Hurley 715-561-5311

BUCKO’S SALOON Food & Drink 405 Silver St Hurley 906-285-9407


Food & Drink 7 Nimikon St Gile 715-561-2767 www.burgersbarandgrill.com

CARQUEST Automotive 114 W Ayer St Ironwood 906-364-5672


Fuel / Convenience Stores 603 Cary Rd Hurley 715-561-2995

CBS REPAIR & DETAILING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 14285 Tower Rd Manitowish Waters 715-543-2836

CEDAR COVE CABINS Accommodations 369 Indian Bend Rd Burlington 262-210-5198 www.cedarcovecabins.com

CENTURY 21 PIERCE REALTY OF MERCER Real Estate 5218 N Highway 51 Mercer 715-776-0612

CHICO’S NORTH OF THE BORDER Food & Drink 4185w Branch Rd SPRINGSTEAD 715-583-4423

CHIPPEWA VALLEY BANK-HURLEY Bank/Credit Union 13365 N State Highway 51 Hurley www.chippewavalleybank.com

CHUB AND SANDYS Food & Drink 405 Copper St #116A Hurley 715-561-4944

CLOVERLAND MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 300 E Cloverland Dr Ironwood 906-932-1202 www.cloverlandmotorsports.com

CLUB SIERRA Food & Drink 21 Silver St Hurley 906-364-1461

CRANBERRY INN OF MERCER Food/Drink/Lodging 5491 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-3451

DAN’S AUTO BODY Automotive 1106 Whiteside St Pence 715-360-0938

DAN’S AUTO BODY & TOWING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 110 5th Ave N Hurley 715-561-5635


Accommodations 13355 N State Highway 51 Hurley 715-561-3500 www.hurleydaysinn.com

DEADHORSE LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 4125n Popko Cir W Mercer 715-544-5851

DEAR LODGE INC Food & Drink 4816 County Road FF Mercer 715-476-2549

DIAMOND INSPECTIONS Other PO Box 103 Leroy 309-826-8829

DO DROP INN Food & Drink 801 State Highway 77 Hurley 715-561-4413

DONNER’S BAY RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 2974 N Hiawatha Rd Butternut 715-476-2555

DRENDEL CONCRETE INC Construction 28 W753 Davidson Rd Naperville 630-878-4044

DUBLIN SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 4394 Twin Overlook Conover 715-545-2002 www.dublinsportsbarandgrill.com

DW IMPROVEMENTS LLC Construction 2110 Stewart Rd Muscatine 563-260-2835 www.dwimprovementsllc.com

EAGLE ALLSPORTS RENTALS LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 32 Wisconsin Ave Gile 715-561-2593 www.eagleallsports.net

ERSPAMER PEST MANAGEMENT Other 4155 W County Road G Hurley 715-476-2687

FAIRVIEW FARM LLC Other 6113w Center Dr Hurley 715-562-0642

FLAMBEAU VISTA RETREAT LLC Accommodations 6442 Flambeau Trl Mercer 715-492-4823 www.flambeauvista.com

FORSLUND BUILDING SUPPLY INC Hardware E5108 Jackson Rd Ironwood 906-932-2311

FRONTIER BAR & CAMPGROUND Food/Drink/Lodging 11296 W State Highway 2 Saxon 715-893-2461


GATEWAY LODGE-MERCER Food/Drink/Lodging 4695 N Popko Cir W Mercer 715-476-7878 www.thegatewaylodge.com

GIOVANONI TRUE VALUE Hardware 303 Silver St Hurley 715-561-4141

GLOBAL RECOGNITION INC Retail 980 Velp Ave Green Bay 920-321-1994 www.globalrecognition.com

GREATER NORTHWOODS TAVERN LEAGUE Organization 24 Superior St Gile 715-862-0527

HARBOR LIGHTS Food & Drink 10009 County Road A Saxon 715-893-2242

HARMEL’S BEAR DEN Food & Drink 620 State Highway 51 S Hurley 715-561-3085

HAVEN NORTH CONDOS Accommodations 1075 LaRue Ct Hurley 715-561-5626

HAYS & SONS FARMS Other 28162 Cambridge Rd Girard 217-741-4092

HITT’S FINE FURNITURE Retail 128 E Aurora St Ironwood 906-932-4400 www.hittsfinefurniture.net

HURLEY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organization 316 Silver St Hurley 715-561-4334 www.hurleywi.com

HURLEY PIT STOP Food & Drink 318 Silver St Hurley 715-561-2198

HURLEY PUB Food & Drink 405 Silver St Hurley

IDLE HOUR SALOON Food & Drink 25 Silver St Hurley 715-561-0072

IRON COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ZONE Organization 100 Cary Rd Hurley 715-561-2922 www.ironcountywi.com

IRON COUNTY MINER Other 216 Copper St Hurley 715-561-3405 WWW.ironcountyminer.com

IRON HORSE SALOON Food & Drink 322 Silver St Hurley 715-254-6829

IRON NUGGET RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Food & Drink 404 Silver St Hurley 715-561-9800

ISLAND VIEW LODGE Food & Drink 720W Fisher Lake Rd Mercer 715-476-2347 www.islandviewlodgemercer.com

J&J SERVICES Landscaping 6579w Center Dr Hurley 715-562-0382 www.jjdigs.com

JERRY’S BP Automotive 210 2nd Ave S Hurley 715-561-5445

JOANY’S SIDEKICKS Food & Drink 7833 W State Highway 77 Iron Belt 715-561-5515

JOE’S EXCAVATING Construction 2512 W County Road J Mercer 715-776-4055

JOHNNY’S BAR Food & Drink 5225 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-904-0369

JONES CONSTRUCTION Construction PO Box 65 102 W North St Dakota 815-449-9201

K & H PLUMBING Construction 4250 W County Road FF Mercer 715-776-0194

KRIST OIL COMPANY Fuel / Convenience Stores 201 Silver St Hurley 906-265-6144

LADDER 715 Food & Drink 411 Silver St Hurley 715-329-0023

LAZY ACE SALOON Food & Drink 1704 W Manitowish Rd Mercer 715-476-2257 www.lazyacesaloon.com

LEITCH INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance 174 E Pine St River Falls 715-425-0159

LIBERTY WAY TAP HOUSE Food & Drink 2040w Saarnio Rd Mercer 715-776-0306

LIPSKE’S BAR Food & Drink 9382 W State Highway 77 Upson 715-561-5242

LOONS NEST MOTEL Accommodations 5202 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2330 www.loonsnestmotel.com

LOTTER’S MERCER BP Fuel / Convenience Stores 5247 N Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-3437

LUOMA’S SAXON PUB Food & Drink 14287 N State Highway 122 Saxon 715-893-2228

MERCER AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organization 5150 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2389 www.mercerCC.com

MERCER RENTALS SALES AND SERVICE Other 5235 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-3490 www.mercerrentals.com

MERCER SPEED QUEEN LAUNDRY Other 5182 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-776-2545


Fuel / Convenience Stores 501 State Highway 51 N Hurley 715-561-3444

MIDWEST ELECTRIC Construction PO Box 268 JOHNSON CREEK 920-699-5158

MUSKIES BAR & GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 5206n Crystal Lake Dr W Mercer 715-476-2027

MUSKY POINT RESORT Accommodations 4946 Musky Point Rd Mercer 715-476-7810 www.muskypointresort.com

NORA’S BAR AND RED CARPET LOUNGE Food & Drink 118 Silver St Hurley 715-561-3336

NORTH POLE BAR Food & Drink 4934 W Center Dr Hurley 715-561-5116

NORTH STAR BEVERAGE CO INC Other 1400 Odanah Rd Hurley 715-561-5270

NORTHERN EXPOSURE NITES INN Accommodations 5065 N Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-3586 www.northernexposurenitesinn.net

NORTHERN LAKES AMUSEMENT Other 105 5th Ave N Hurley 715-561-3162

NORTHERNWOODS RENTAL Accommodations 385 Minuet Cir Volo 773-343-4337

NORTHWOODS ACCENTS Other 5079 N US Highway 51 Mercer

NORTHWOODS ELECTRIC Construction 9514 W Shore Dr Oak Lawn 715-776-0255

NORTHWOODS LAWN AND HOME Landscaping 2627W County Road J Mercer


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6850 W State Highway 77 Pence 715-561-3025

OPIE’S TIME OUT Food & Drink 13 Nimikon St Gile

ORBIS CONSGRUCTION COMPANY, INC Construction 4314 W Crystal Lake Rd McHenry 815-482-6148

PASCHKE CONCRETE LLC Construction 3715 S Oriley Rd Darien 262-724-5625

PEA PATCH Food/Drink/Lodging 6011 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-2455

PINE LAKE LODGE Food & Drink 4345 County Road G Hurley 815-238-0850

PIONEER CLEANING AND LODGING, LLC Accommodations 500 1st National St Ironwood 906-364-6566 www.pioneerlodging.com

PITT’S PLACE Food & Drink 14276 State Highway 122 Saxon 715-893-2240

PURE AIR HEATING & COOLIG Other 22609 W Atwater Rd Atwater 217-851-2727

RAVCO (REMOTE ACCESS VEHICLES, CORP) Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6769 W Highway 77 Pence www.ravco.com

REINERIO’S SAUSAGE Grocery/Food Related 309 Maple St Pence 715-561-3428

REMAX ACTION NORTH REALTY Real Estate 5211 N Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2323 www.RemaxActionNorth.com

ROGERS BAR Food & Drink E19605 Old US 2 W Watersmeet

ROSSI WEAR Other 207 Silver St Hurley 906-364-2556?

RYDEN MARINE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 9724 State Highway 70 W Minoqua 715-356-6288 www.rydenmarine.com

SCONNIE SEASONS Accommodations 7615 County Highway G Mercer920-643-0004 www.sconnieseasons.com


Food & Drink 122 Silver St Hurley 715-561-5500 www.sharonscc.com

SILVER DOLLAR SALOON Food & Drink 23 Silver St Hurley 715-561-4072

SILVER STREET PITSTOP Food & Drink 318 Silver St Hurley 906-364-1113

SK FRONTIER INN Food & Drink 1391 N State Highway 182 Park Falls 920-865-7720


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3163 E Dugdale Rd Ashton, IL 815-762-6796 www.sledez.com

SNOWS FAMILY MARKET Grocery/Food Related 5126N Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-9150

SPRINGSTEAD LAKE LODGE Accommodations 3370 Bearskull Rd Park Falls 715-583-4403 www.springsteadlakelodge.com

SS SPORT STORE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 5168N US Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2468


Fuel / Convenience Stores 117 E Lead St Bessemer 906-667-0481

SUNKEN HORSE SALOON Food/Drink/Lodging 4125n Popko Cir W Mercer 715-562-0287

TAILS N TRAILS Food & Drink 19 Silver St Hurley 906-364-3885

THE BAR Food & Drink PO Box 743 Mercer 715-476-0101

THE BELL Food & Drink 10381 State Highway 51 Hurley 715-561-3753

THE BIRCHES RESORT Accommodations 1727 N Boot Lake Rd Springstead 715-583-4500

THE DRIFTWOOD BAR Food & Drink 9936 W County Road A Saxon 715-893-2277

THE PINES RESTAURANT & BEER GARDEN Food & Drink 5234 N State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2933

TOM’S COUNTRY CAFE Food & Drink 5233N STATE HIGHWAY 51 Mercer 715-776-2662

TOWN & COUNTRY LIQUOR Fuel / Convenience Stores 13321 N State Highway 51 Hurley 715-561-3252

TRAILSIDE PUB & GRILL Food & Drink 414 Silver St Hurley 715-329-1400

TRAILZ APP Other N180 Riviera Ave Merrillan 715-429-0739

TRI STATE CAR WASH SOLUTIONS LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 39072 State Highway 2 Griggsville 217-779-4076

TWIN CITY DAIRY Other 404 Florian St Hurley 715-561-4984

ULLMAN’S DING-A-LING SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 1711 W State Highway 51 Mercer 715-476-2270 www.dingalingsupperclub.com

US -2 SERVICE CENTER Fuel / Convenience Stores 1301 E Cloverland Dr Ironwood 906-932-0700

USA AMSOIL Retail 24371 Lime City Rd Perrysburg 567-686-7469

WAMPUM SHOP Retail 5257 LAKEVIEW AVE Mercer 715-476-2465

WHITECAP MOUNTAINS RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 9106 W County Road E Upson 715-561-2227 www.whitecapresort.com

WILLIAMS ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL LLC Construction 1880W Ashe Rd Mercer 715-476-2523 www.mercerelectrician.com

WILLY’S STILL Food & Drink 7114 W Island Lake Rd Hurley 715-329-0152

WISE GUYS SALOON Food & Drink 214 Silver St Hurley 715-329-0152

YUKON 51 Food & Drink 7936 N Highway 51 Hurley 715-360-7734

ZAK’S REALITY INC Real Estate 110 E Aurora St Ironwood 906-932-2688 www.zaksrealty.com


715 DIESEL Automotive W15689 State Highway 121 Northfield 715-533-4810 www.715diesel.com

RUSTIC HAVEN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W15683 State Highway 121 Northfield 715-984-2519


Food & Drink W3326 State Highway 18 Helenville 920-674-4114 www.winginitbarandgrill.com


ASAP REPAIR AND TOWING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N2791 County Road N Lyndon Station 877-272-7922 www.asaprepairwi.com

BUCKHORN GRILL & BAR Food & Drink N8404 19th Ave Necedah www.buckhorngrill&bar.com

BUCKHORN STORE Fuel / Convenience Stores N8414 County Road G Necedah 608-565-2425 www.buckhornstorewi.com

BUNKER AUTOMOTIVE LLC Automotive N6871 County Road M New Lisbon 608-562-6473

CJJ’S AUTO & TRUCK CENTER Automotive 1045 E State St Mauston 608-847-6852 www.cjjsautoandtruckcenter.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N7507 State Highway 58 New Lisbon 608-562-6666

DOWN RANGE LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 970 S Monroe St New Lisbon 608-542-1280

ONSITE AUTO SERVICE Automotive N8414 County Road G Necedah 608-565-6178

ROADHOUSE Food & Drink W5164 State Highway 21 Necedah 608-565-2337

SHIPWRECK BAR & RESTAURANT LLC Food & Drink N7265 Shacks Rd Mauston 608-847-2401 www.shipwreckbay-castlerock.com

SUMMER HIDEAWAY CAMPGROUND Accommodations W4676 30th St E Necedah 608-565-3825 www.summerhideawayrv.com


CRAWFISH JUNCTION Food & Drink W6376 County Road A Johnson Creek 920-648-3550 www.crawfishjunctionline.com

THE BODY SHOP BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink W8303 County Road A New Lisbon 608-562-5777 www.thebodyshop.com



W5250 N Osprey Dr New Lisbon 608-562-5931 www.dirtyturtle.com


Food/Drink/Lodging N9671 State Highway 80 Necedah 608-565-2262 www.thereelcampground.com

THE WAY STATION SALOON & EATERY Food & Drink N4902 County Road HH Mauston 608-847-5209 www.thewaystationsaloon.com

TIMMY’S TIMEOUT BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 522 Gateway Ave Ste A Mauston 608-847-1990


Food & Drink PO Box 225 South Wayne


Food & Drink 18272 Lake Rd Blanchardville 608-523-1543

CROSSROADS BAR Food & Drink 7004 State Highway 78 South Wayne 608-968-3444

DARLINGTON COUNTRY CLUB Food & Drink 17098 Country Club Rd Darlington 608-776-3377 www.darlingtongolfandcountyclub. com

GLENNIE’S Food & Drink 203 Main St Darlington 608-776-3300

GRATIOT FAST STOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 10360 Bridge St Gratiot


JANDAS BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink E1755 County Road F Luxemburg 920-845-2210

SNOW MONKEY GARAGE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 524 Church Rd Luxemburg 920-536-0511

SOUTH END SALOON Food & Drink 1503 Main St Luxemburg 920-845-2488

GRATIOT SPOT Food & Drink 5880 Main St Gratiot

JERRY’S AUTOMOTIVE Automotive 2012 Ervin Johnson Dr Darlington 608-776-1111

LEGENDS PUB & GRILL Food & Drink 347 Main St Suite 1 Darlington 608-776-4797

MATHYS ACE HARDWARE Hardware 121 Pelco Dr Darlington 608-776-3729



Construction N929 Schmaltz Rd Coon Valley

WEIZZ EXCAVATING AND CONSTRUCTION Construction W7466 County Road Z Onalaska

MC CARVILLE’S MY TURN PUB Food & Drink 101 W Commerce St Belmont 608-762-6191

OUTSIDERS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 5890 Main St Gratiot

RACHEL & RAY’S PUB Food/Drink/Lodging 308 S Main St Blanchardville 608-523-4888

RUF EQUIPMENT Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 17096 State Highway 23 Darlington 608-482-1216 www.rufsequipment.com

SPOT TAVERN Food & Drink 120 W Alice St Darlington 608-776-3302

THE VAULT Food & Drink 114 W Center St South Wayne 608-439-1036 www.thevaultwi.com

WOODFORD BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 10740 Main St Woodford

GUPPYS LAKESIDE GRILL Food & Drink 1991 Sumac Ln Tomahawk 715-453-3769

HAPPY SNAPPER Food & Drink 1315 S Tomahawk Ave Tomahawk 715-453-8682

HUB INN Food & Drink N3294 State Highway 17 Merrill 715-536-6169

KATHY & CAL’S CLUB 64 Food & Drink 2405 W Main St Merrill 715-536-3847


ANTIGO YAMAHA Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 919 S Superior St Antigo 715-623-4144

HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES Accommodations 2407 Neva Rd State Highway 45 Antigo 715-627-7500 www.hiexpress.com

VICKIE & THE VETS Food & Drink 1216 Elm St Antigo 715-623-5810

MAPLE BEAR CAMPGROUND Food/Drink/Lodging N9350 County Road H Tomahawk 715-453-5703 www.mynorthwoodcampground.com

MARY’S HANGOUT Food & Drink 515 S Tomahawk Ave Tomahawk 715-453-1943

MERRILL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organization 705 N Center Ave Merrill 715-536-9474 www.merrillchamber.org

NORTH COUNTY YAMAHA Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N10932 County Road A Tomahawk 715-453-2626


AMERICINN LODGE & SUITESMERRILL Accommodations 3300 E Main St Merrill 715-536-7979 www.americinn.com

BILLY BOB’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N12025 County Road L Tomahawk 715-453-4984 www.billybobssportsbarandgrill.com

BOTTOMS UP Food & Drink W4096 County Road A Tomahawk

CHASE’S C STORES LLC Fuel / Convenience Stores 434 S Tomahawk Ave Tomahawk 715-453-4313



Construction 14671 County Shop Rd Darlington 608-482-0658

BACKYARD CAMPGROUND Lodging 1263 County Road KK Gratiot

BOOBY’S BAR Food & Drink 301 Main St Darlington 608-482-0920

RUT-ROH’S FAYETTE SALOON Food & Drink 10990 County Road F Darlington 608-776-2982

SALATHE’S SALOON Food & Drink 414 Main St Darlington 608-776-2477

SHERRELL JEAN`S DINER Food & Drink 108 E Monroe St South Wayne 608-439-5567

SOUTH WAYNE MART Fuel / Convenience Stores 210 State Highway 11 South Wayne 608-439-5900

CLOVER CLUB Food & Drink N8894 County Road H Irma

DEREK’S TOWN AND COUNTRY Food & Drink N10847 State Highway 17 S Gleason 715-369-0404

ERV’S SALES & SERVICE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1598 N 4th St Tomahawk 715-453-2824 www.ervssales.com

GLEASON BOWLING CENTER Food & Drink N4878 State Highway 17 Gleason 715-873-4588

NORTHWOODS COMMUNITY REALTY Real Estate 101 W Mohawk Dr Tomahawk 715-453-2673 www.northwoodscommunityrealty. com

NORTHWOODS VETERANS POST 1638 Food & Drink 601 Johnson St Merrill www.northwoodsveteranspost.org

NUT-ZEE’S RESORT Food & Drink N9831 County Road B Gleason 715-453-8546

PINE POINTE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging W4249 Pine Pointe Ln Tomahawk 715-453-3133

POWERSPORTS REPAIR & MORE LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 329 E 4th St Tomahawk 715-498-0603

SCHULT’S COUNTRY INN Food & Drink W5931 Church Ave Merrill 715-536-8244

SUREWOOD FOREST BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W4276 Sandy Ln Tomahawk 715-453-8844

TOMAHAWK ACE HARDWARE Hardware 986 N 4th St Tomahawk 715-453-5389


ALICE Accommodations W4095 County Road A Tomahawk 715-224-2868 www.tomahawkwi.com

TOMAHAWK SPORT CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 693 N 4th St Tomahawk 715-453-5373 www.tomahawksportscenter.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 981 N 4th St Tomahawk 715-453-8417 www.viegutsdoitexpress.com

WINDING TRAIL GRILL & BAR Food & Drink N10002 County Road B Tomahawk 715-453-2337 www.windingtrailbar.com

Z’S FORK HORNERS Food & Drink N5297 County Road X Gleason 715-873-4538 www.forkhorners.com


BONDE’S QUIK MART & COUNTRY DELI Fuel / Convenience Stores 1517 North Ave Cleveland 920-286-1752

HEADER IN Food & Drink 615 Fremont St Kiel 920-894-7262

HIGHLAND LODGE LLC Food/Drink/Lodging 1278 Alpine Ct Cleveland 920-374-8132 www.highlandlodge.me

KARBON’S RACING & MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3826 Branch River Rd Manitowoc 920-682-3030

PACK’ER INN Food & Drink 6619 County Road F Newton 920-726-4949

T A MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 525 American Dr Francis Creek 920-682-1284 www.tamotorsports.com


BAR-B’S SUNSET BAY GRILL Food & Drink 1135 County Road DB Mosinee 715-496-0362



Construction 201133 Saint John Rd Mosinee 715-302-5144 www.christopherelectricllc.com


Other 1124 Merrill Ave Wausau 800-200-1340 www.kreagerinsurance.com

EDDIES BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 14450 County Road A Athens

EDGAR FAMILY RESTAURANT Food & Drink 127590 Opportunit Ln Edgar

EDGAR IGA Grocery/Food Related 304 S 3rd Ave Edgar 715-352-2381

FRAHM’S LANDMARK BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 117 Alfred St Athens


Food & Drink

143203 State Highway 153 Mosinee 715 693 7222 www.hogcreekbarandgrill.com


Food & Drink 4198 N County Road X Mosinee 715-344-3494

RODEWAY INN Accommodations 300 E Elderberry Rd Abbotsford 715-223-3337 www.choicehotels.com/WI078

WIEKS PUB & GRILL Food & Drink 231745 County Road S Edgar

DARK HORSE BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 816 Main St Wausaukee 715-856-4097 www.facebook.com/Dark-HorseBar-Grill-110822138217073

DOME LANES Food & Drink 801 University Dr Marinette 715-735-3650

ELIAS AUTO PARTS & REPAIR Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories W6622 State Highway 180 Wausaukee 715-856-5886

GATEWAY BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 706 N State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-854-7943

GRAND MOTEL Accommodations

N18379 State Highway 8 & 141 Pembine 715-324-5417 www.thegrandatpembine.com

KOCH’S PERFORMANCE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories

W8529 County Road X Crivitz 715-854-2463

MANOR ON MAIN - FOOD & SPIRITS Food & Drink 722 Main St Wausaukee 715-856-5966

NIMROD INN Food & Drink N12808 Northway Dr Athelstane 715-856-5168 www.nimrodinn.com

PELKIN’S SMOKEY MEAT MARKET Grocery/Food Related 600 S State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-854-3691 www.pelkinsmeat.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N8008 State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-854-7985



Food & Drink W10876 County Road C Athelstane 715-856-6943

BEAR POINT YACHT CLUB & MOTEL Food/Drink/Lodging W5154 State Highway 180 Wausaukee 715-856-5092 www.silvercliff.com/bearpoint


Food & Drink 803 Main St Wausaukee 715-856-6699



W1740 State Highway 41 Marinette 715-732-6501 www.cozzyspolaris.com


Food & Drink N12320 County Road AC Athelstane

DAN & TIM’S RIVERSIDE Food & Drink 1010 Main St Crivitz 715-854-3281

RICHARD’S RESTAURANT & MOTEL Food/Drink/Lodging W11466 State Highway 8 Dunbar 715-324-5444 www.richardsinwisc.com/motel

ROCQUE’S 8-HI CLUB Fuel / Convenience Stores W14681 State Highway 8 Goodman 715-336-2372

S & S GLASS SERVICES LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 402 Main St Wausaukee 715-856-3984 www.sandsglassservice.com

SALLY AND JC’S NORTHWOODS BAR Food & Drink W10707 Benson Lake Rd Amberg 715-759-5981

SOCIABLES BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W8901 County Road C Wausaukee 715-856-5657


Other N9175 State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-927-0488 www.sterzingfirewood.com

THE PINES MOTEL Accommodations N7968 State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-854-7987 www.pinesmotelcrivitz.com

THERMAL CHAOS PUB & GRUB STORAGE & GAS Food & Drink W11515 State Highway 8 Dunbar 715-324-5737

TIMBERLINE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W6296 Circle Dr Crivitz 715-854-2439 www.timberlinecrivitz.com

WAUSAUKEE BOWL Food & Drink 326 Main St Wausaukee 715-856-5531

WINTERS FAMILY RESTURANT Food & Drink N18760 State Highway 141 Pembine 715-324-5792

WITT’S PIGGLY WIGGLY/ACE HARDWARE Grocery/Food Related 214 N State Highway 141 Crivitz 715-854-2115 www.wittspigglywiggly.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 5897 State Highway 27 Sparta 608-272-3155

DOUBLE BARREL BAR Food/Drink/Lodging 10555 Freedom Rd Tomah 608-372-9314

EDDIES CONVENIENCE STORE Fuel / Convenience Stores 9860 State Highway 21 Sparta 608-269-2266

EINSTEINS @ THE 48 Food & Drink 108 W Badger Dr Oakdale 608-374-2111

FOX HOLE PUB Food & Drink 1215 Angelo Rd Sparta 608-269-6271

GRANGERS LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 566 N Oakwood St Oakdale 608-372-4511 www.grangersllc.com

HITCHIN’ POST SPORTS BAR Food & Drink 412 Main St Wilton 608-435-6699

SKINNY DAVES Food & Drink 12848 State Highway 32 Mountain

THE SCHOOLHOUSE BAR Food/Drink/Lodging 14007 State Highway 32/64 Mountain

WATERS EDGE Food/Drink/Lodging 12058 State Highway 32 SURING

WAUBEE LAKE LODGE Accommodations 18398 Waubee Park Ln Lakewood 715-276-6091 / 800-4WAUBEE www.waubeelodge.com


32 SOUTH BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1002 State Highway 32 Three Lakes 715-546-8909


CRYSTAL’S WOOD LAKE SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink W7115 Dakota Ave Westfield 608-296-4129

MIDWEST POWERSPORTS SERVICE LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1707 Winnebago Ave Tomah 608-372-5939

RITE SPOT BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 10076 State Highway 16 Sparta 608-269-2080

SEVENTY-ONE EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 18607 State Highway 71 Norwalk 608-823-7840


DICKENSCHRAUF PLUMBING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 120 N 120th St Wauwatosa 262-510-1709

ORGAN PIPER PIZZA PALACE Food & Drink 4353 S 108th St Greenfield 414-529-1177 www.organpiperpizza.com/

STAGECOACH SALOON Food & Drink 20704 County Road N Camp Douglas 608-427-3400

VFW CLUB POST 2112 Food & Drink 121 S Rusk Ave Sparta 608-269-2278


ACE HARDWARE Fuel / Convenience Stores 1302 State Highway 47 Woodruff 715-356-3555 www.acehardware.com

ADVENTURE NORTH SNOWMOBILE TOURS Other 8579 State Highway 51 N Minocqua 715-892-7777 www.adventuresnowmobiletours. com

AMERICAN FIREPLACE & HEATING INC Other 9789 State Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-358-4335 www.americanfireplaceminocqua. com

AMERICINN MOTEL - MINOCQUA Accommodations 700 State Highway 51 N Minocqua 715-356-3730 www.americinn.com

ANDY GEE FIRST WEBERNORTHWOODS Real Estate 8640 US Highway 51 N MINOCQUA 715-892-3344 www.andygee.firstweber.com

AQUA AIRE MOTEL Accommodations 806 State Highway 51 Minocqua 630-870-9309 cell www.aquaaire.com


ALMOST HOME BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 20704 County Road N Camp Douglas 608-427-3400

BACKWATER BAR & GRILL Food & Drink E832 State Highway 21 Warrens 608-372-4988

ARROWHEAD SALOON Food & Drink 13486 County Road AA Suring 920-242-7089

EVERBREEZE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 13755 Lakeshore Mountain

MY AGENT LLC Real Estate 1181 Lois St De Pere

PRO TRAIL RIDER Other 1366 E Summer St #3 Hartford

BACKWATERS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 4920 State Highway 47 Rhinelander 715-369-5645 www.backwatersbarandgrill.com

BEHNKE’S BUCKSNORT RESORT BAR & GRILL Accommodations 5129 Boyle Rd Tripoli 715-564-2262 www.bucksnortresort.com


Accommodations 320 Front St Minocqua 715-356-1800 www.concordinnofminocqua.com

BITTERS AND BULL Food & Drink 7255 Bradley St Lake Tomahawk 715-277-2488 www.bittersandbull.com

BONNIE’S LAKESIDE Food/Drink/Lodging 1426 State Highway 32 Three Lakes 715-546-2929

BURGER KING Food & Drink 8733 State Highway 51 Minocqua 715-356-5877

CEDAR CREEK CONSTRUCTION Construction N11597 Roberts Rd Tomahawk

DARLINGS GIFTS Retail 7015 State Highway 51 S Hazelhurst 715-358-5683 www.darlingsgifts.com

DIVERSIONS Retail 1770 Superior ST Three Lakes 630-418-3810 www.diversions3lakes.com

DUWAYNE KREAGER INSURANCE CENTER INC Insurance 1774 Superior St Three Lakes 800-200-1340 www/kreagerinsurance.com

FRITZ’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1025 1st Ave Woodruff 715-356-4161

HAPPY’S Food & Drink 1013 1st Ave Woodruff 715-614-7039

HAZELHURST PUB & GRUB Food & Drink 6617 State Highway 51 S Hazelhurst 715-892-2877

INCREDIBLE BANK Bank/Credit Union 8590 State Highway 51 N Minocqua 715-358-3434

ISLAND CAFE Food & Drink 314 Oneida St Minocqua 715-356-6977


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 8354 Camp Pinemere Rd Minocqua 715-358-6111


Food & Drink 896 Leatzow Rd Three Lakes 715-546-3999 www.JakesBar&Grill

KATHY BUTLER-FIRST WEBER Real Estate 8640 State Highway 51 MINOCQUA www.kathybutler.firstweber.com


Construction 522 Balsam St Woodruff 715-892-7080 cell www.kelklandimprovement.com

KIZOREK PHOTOGRAPHY Other 756 Reed Rd Three Lakes 715-356-4132 www.KizorekPhotography.com

KWIK TRIP - MINOCQUA Fuel / Convenience Stores 8690 State Highway 51 N Minocqua 608-791-7635


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 8844 State Highwway 47 E Woodruff 715-356-5551 www.lakelandpowersports.net

LEISURE CITY Retail 157 State Highway 51 Woodruff 715-356-3966

LITTLE BROWN JUG Food & Drink 8634 Lambert Rd Minocqua 715-614-5921 cell

LIZZY T’S TAMARACK TAP Food & Drink 5533 State Highway 47 Lake Tomahawk 715-277-2131

MINOCQUA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Organization 8216 State Highway 51 S Minocqua 715-356-5266 www.minocqua.com

MINOCQUA POPCORN Retail 412 Oneida St Minocqua 608-469-0256 www.minocquapoppuff.com

MINOCQUA PRIME Food & Drink 10486 Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-201-6954 cell


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 9568 State Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-356-4661 www.minocquarentals.com

MINOCQUA YAMAHA Retail 9568 Sate Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-356-6288

NAPA AUTO PARTS - MINOCQUA Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 9732 State Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-356-5279

NORTHERN WATER DISTILLERY LLC Food & Drink 8136 State Highway 51 S Minocqua 715-892-1764 www.northernwatersdistillery.com

NORTHERNAIRE RESORT Lodging 6990 Bengs Rd Three Lakes 715-546-2700 www.northernaire.com

NORTHLAND CLOTHING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6991 W School St Three Lakes 715-546-2742 www.northlandclothing.com

NORTHWOODS PETROLEUM MUSEUM Other 2141 Wykowski Rd Three Lakes 715-617-0566 www.northwoodspetroleummuseum. org

NORWOOD PINES SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 10171 State Highway 70 Minoqua 715-356-3666 www.norwoodpines.com

PIKE’S PINE ISLE LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 1261 Pine Isle Rd Three Lakes 715-546-3333 www.pineislethreelakes.com

PRESS EXPRESS Printing 1869 N Stevens St Rhinelander 715-362-2828 www.PressExpress.org

R & R MOTORSPORTS ARCTIC CAT DEALER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6829 State Highway 51 Hazelhurst 715-892-5349 cell www.rnr-motorsports.com

REDMAN REALTY GROUPMINOCQUA Real Estate 231 Oneida St Minocqua 715-892-2348 www.redmanrealtygroup.com

RITCHIE LAKELAND OIL Other 8783 Hansen Rd Minocqua 715-614-0729

ROCKY REEF BREWING CO Food & Drink 1101 1st Ave Woodruff 262-339-1230 www.rockyreefbrewing.com

RUMMY’S LLC Food/Drink/Lodging 6746 Orchard Dr Sugar Camp 715-272-1760

RUSTIC PINES PUB Food & Drink 11758 Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-614-4424

SCOTTIE’S BAIT & TACKLE Other 1674 Superior St Three Lakes 715-546-3776

SHAMROCK PUB AND EATERY Food & Drink 7235 Bradley St Lake Tomahawk 262-853-9380 www.shamrockpubandeatery.com

SKYLARK MOTEL Accommodations 226 State Highway 51 N Woodruff 715-356-5558 www.skylarkmotel.net

SMILEY’S PUB Food & Drink 7233 Bradley St Lake Tomahawk 715-277-2345

SORGEL FINE ARTS GALLERY Other 1773 Superior St Three Lakes 715-477-0001 www.sorgelfinearts.com

SORGE’S DAYBREAK DINER Food & Drink 1672 Superior ST Three Lakes 715-546-4334

SPORTSMAN’S SERVICE CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6364 US Highway 45 Three Lakes 715-546-2196 www.sportsmansservice.com

STITCHIT Other 348 W Pine ST Eagle River 715-891-0479 www.stitchitstore.com

STONE HARBOR MARINA Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1018 Highway 32 Three Lakes 715-503-0088 www.stone-harbormarina.com

THE BLACK BEAR BAR Food & Drink 11045 State Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-358-2116

THE BOATHOUSE Food & Drink 305 W Park Ave Minocqua 715-892-2877

THE POINTE RESORT AND CLUB Accommodations 8257 S State Highway 51 Minocqua 715-892-6091 www.pointe-resort.com

THE WATERS OF MINOCQUA Accommodations 8116 State Highway 51 S Minocqua 715-358-4000 www.thewatersofminocqua.com

THIRSTY WHALE Food & Drink 453 Park Ave Minocqua 715-356-7108

THREE LAKES AMERICAN LEGION POST 431 Food & Drink 1795 Superior St Three Lakes 715-546-3431 www.

americanlegionpost431threelakes. org

THREE LAKES CHEESE HAUS LLC Grocery/Food Related 1674 Superior St Three Lakes 715-250-3344 www.threelakescheesehaus.com

THREE LAKES C-STORE (SHELL) & TLC CAR WASH Fuel / Convenience Stores 1742 Superior St Three Lakes 715-546-2277 www.find.shell.com/us/ fuel/10047579-1742-superior-st

THREE LAKES TOWN MARKET Grocery/Food Related 1593 State Highway 32 Three Lakes 715-546-3354 www.facebook.com/bakersfoods

TJ’S BUTCHER BLOCKNORTHWOODS FOODS Grocery/Food Related 8762 State Highway 51 Minocqua 715-356-5258 www.tjsbutchermeats.com

TRIG’S FOOD & DRUG Grocery/Food Related 9750 State Highway 70 W Minocqua 715-356-9456 www.trigs.com

TRI-MART BP Fuel / Convenience Stores W11069 State Highway 8 Tripoli 715-564-2440

WATERCRAFT SALES, INC Other 7453 State Highway X Three Lakes 715-546-3351 www.watercraftsales.com

WATERING HOLE CANTINA & GRILLE Food & Drink 6244 State Highway 51 Hazelhurst 715-356-2337

WHITMAN’S COCKTAIL LOUNGE Food & Drink 6930 State Highway 51 Hazelhurst 715-356-3397

WOODRUFF APPLIANCE & TV Retail 905 State Highway 47 E Woodruff 715-356-2107 www.woodruffappliance.com


ALL-LIFT SYSTEMS CONTRX INDUSTRIES INC Other 1377 Kimberly Dr Neenah 920-738-0800 www.all-liftsystems.com & www. contrx.com

BILL RATHSACK EXCAVATING Construction 5400 N Richmond St Appleton 920-739-6624

GARROW OIL & PROPANE Fuel / Convenience Stores 504 W Edgewood Dr Appleton 800-236-1999 www.garrowoil.com

OUTAGAMIE CONSERVATION CLUB Food & Drink N3502 Mayflower Rd Hortonville 920-739-9211


5 CORNERS DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP Automotive 1292 Washington Ave Cedarburg 262-375-3900 www.5cornersdodgechryslerjeep.net

5 CORNERS TRUCK & AUTO INC Automotive 1266 Washington Ave Cedarburg 262-375-1200 www.5cornerstruckauto.com

CEDAR CREEK MOTORSPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 7518 State Highway 60 Cedarburg 262-377-5700 www.cedarcreekmotorsports.com


Food & Drink 6261 State Highway 60 Cedarburg 262-377-8090 www.circlebrecreation.com



Other PO Box 283 Cedarburg 262-476-7669 www.groomertrackingsystems.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1000 Main St #A Belgium 262-483-5399 www.retrospeed.net

SHARBUNO JEWELERS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 216 N Franklin St Port Washington 262-284-4001 www.sharbuno-jewelers.com

STATEWIDE SEPTIC SERVICE Accommodations W4925 Kohler Dr Fredonia 262-692-9742 www.statewidesepticservice.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 540 W Grand Ave Port Washington 262-284-5995 www.portyamaha.com



BRENIZER MOTOR SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2964 150th St Frederic 715-327-5580 www.brenizersalvage.com

BELDENVILLE AUTO REPAIR LLC Automotive N6191 740th St Beldenville

BIG HORN BAR Food & Drink W7485 State Highway 65 Beldenville 715-273-4951

CLYDE’S CORNER BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink W7409 State Road 65 Beldenville 715-273-5607 www.clydescorner.com

DICK’S HOMETOWN LIQUOR Fuel / Convenience Stores 1141 S Main St River Falls 715-425-2973 www.dickshometownliquor.com

GAS LITE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W8945 State Highway 10 Ellsworth 715-273-7839 www.gaslitebarandgrill.com


Food & Drink 200 W Main St Durand 715-672-8580

CORRAL BAR & RIVERSIDE GRILL Food & Drink 318 W Main St Durand 715-672-8874 www.corralbarandriversidegrill.com


Grocery/Food Related N6765 State Highway 25 Durand 715-283-4211 www.eaugallecheese.com

HIDE-A-WHILE Food & Drink W1505 Albany D W Mondovi 715-875-4541 facebook.com/Hide-awhile-196403087050396/


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N5712 Brunner Rd Durand 715-672-8337

RON & ANGIE’S NORTHSIDE BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink N5425 County Road H Mondovi 715-926-4711 facebook.com/RonAngies-Northside-BarGrill-535549716972202?

THE SPOT BAR Food & Drink 306 W Main St Durand 715-672-8001

KINNI SPORT AND POWER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 151 WI 35 River Falls 715-307-4685 www.kinnisportandpower.com

MIKES BAY TOWN SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W6454 State Highway 35 Bay City 715-594-3888

PLUMMER CONCRETE Construction N5235 635th St Ellsworth 715-272-3481 www.plummerconcrete.com

RIVER CITY DISPOSAL INC Accommodations 314 Luca Ln River Falls 715-760-2141 www.rivercitydisposal.com

THE 715 STEER AND BEER Food & Drink W6087 State Highway 10 Ellsworth 715-273-4847 www.the715steerandbeer.com

THE BLUFFS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N1833 785th St Hager City 715-792-2688 www.thebluffsbar.com

BROW TINE Food & Drink 1361 100th St Amery 715-268-6262 www.thebrowtine.com

COYLAND CREEK Food/Drink/Lodging 5400 Townline Rd Frederic 715-653-4273 www.coyland.com

DN CAMPGROUND Food & Drink 956 165th Ave Balsam Lake 715-268-8980 www.dncampground.com

EAGLE LOUNGE Food & Drink 927 190th Ave Balsam Lake 715-857-5145


Fuel / Convenience Stores 103 Traffic Ave Frederic

FRIENDLY TAVERN Food & Drink 135 Oak St W Frederic www.friendlytavern.net/

HALYN’S TAP & GRILL Food & Drink 647 335th Ave Clam Falls 715-653-2212 www.halyns.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 410 Wisconsin Ave S Frederic


Food/Drink/Lodging 1879 W Bone Lake Dr Balsam Lake 715-857-5679

JONZY MARKET AND LAKE SERVICES UNLIMITED Fuel / Convenience Stores 1043 185th Ave Balsam Lake 715-857-5753 www.jonzymarket.com or www. lakeserviceunlimited.com


Food & Drink 75 State Road 35 Centuria 715-646-2228 www.mckenzielanes.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 1637 80th St Balsam Lake 715-268-8108

PROTEC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 215 Stokley Rd Milltown www.protecmotorsports.com

SHOOTERS BAR-N-GRILL Food & Drink 1161 Main Ave Lewis 715-653-2550

THE HANGOUT BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1161 Main Ave Lewis 715-653-2550

UW WANDEROOS Food & Drink 1629 70th Ave Amery 715-268-9217 www.uwwanderoos.com

VFW 10232 Food & Drink 3474 115th St Frederic 715-653-2220 www.vfw10232.org

WILKINS BONE LAKE BAR & RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 1091 238th Ave Luck 715-857-5555

CLUB FOREST BAR Food & Drink 1176 Club Forest Dr Plover 715-345-1220 www.clubforestbar.com

CUSTER ROADHOUSE BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 2221 Custer Rd Custer 715-592-4311

DAVCO LLC Other 2810 South Dr Plover 715-341-1607

DIAMOND MACHINE LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3401 Welton Dr Amherst Junction 715-824-3995 www.tericksolutions.com

DJ’s CORNER BAR Food & Drink 15810 County Road F Bancroft 715-335-4457



LLC Construction 3011 Patton Dr Plover 715-321-3149 www.abelcomplete.com

ARROW PRECISION ASPHALT MAINTENANCE Construction 4464 County Road J Stevens Point 715-592-3641

BART’S A1 STORAGE Other 1703 N County Road J Custer 715-592-3701

BEST EXCAVATING & TRUCKING LLC Construction 3681 Grey Log Ln Stevens Point 715-344-2333

BIG IRON EQUIPMENT Other 2731 Maple Dr Plover 715-344-3401 www.bigironequipment.com

BILL’S PIZZA SHOP Food & Drink 1101 Main St Stevens Point 715-572-3299 www.billspizza-shop.com

BOOTLEGGER’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 3703 County Road Q Amherst Junction 715-824-2929

BULLHEADS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 3368 Campsite Dr Stevens Point 715-344-5990 www.bullheadsbargrill.com


AMERICAN LEGION POST 396INDIAN CREEK Food & Drink 3456 25th St Frederic 715-653-2671

BLACKSMITH SHOP MOTEL LLC Accommodations 1873 W Bone Lake Dr Balsam Lake 715-857-6481 www.blacksmithshopmotel.com

SUBWAY - FREDERIC Food & Drink 412 Wisconsin Ave S Frederic 715-327-8500

SUNDOWN SALOON BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 3508 State Highway 35 Frederic 715-653-2277


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1430 Contractors Blvd Plover 715-630-8882 www.centraldoorsolutions.com

CHAT-R-BOX RESTAURANT AND CATERING Food & Drink 3821 80th St S Wisconsin Rapids 715-712-3393 www.chatrboxrestaurantandcatering. godaddysites.com

DOUG’S SPORTS PUB Food & Drink 6225 State Highway 54 Plover 715-345-2334

DURALUM SIDING 3250 Mecca Drive Plover 715-344-7363 www.duralumbuildingcenter.com

FAHRNER EXCAVATING INC Construction 5030 Pine Tree Ave Plover 715-341-8902 www.fahrnerexcavating.com

FELTZ OVERHEAD DOORS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2573 Scenic Dr Stevens Point 715-341-6609 www.feltzoverheaddoor.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6572 County Road B Stevens Point 715-252-9596

HITCHIN RAIL SALOON Food & Drink 4471 County Road J Stevens Point 715-592-5055

HOMETOWN BAR Food & Drink 2310 Custer Rd Custer 715-592-4238

JACOWSKI FARMS Organization 10597 County Road D Almond 715-366-8500


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3000 South Dr Plover

JG PLUMBING & HEATING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 4313 Tower Rd Amherst www.Jgplumbingonline.com

JORDAN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 5696 State Highway 66 Stevens Point 715-344-2900


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 5601 E M Copps Dr Stevens Point 715-344-2900 www.maherwater.com



3525 Patch St # B Stevens Point 715-321-2044

MIKE’S QUALITY PRODUCTS & CONSTRUCTION Construction 1930 Brentwood Dr Plover 715-252-9308

OTHER MOTHERS Retail 1917 Post Rd Plover 715-345-0848


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 2540 Plover Rd Plover 715-544-6006 www.plovermotorsports.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 7970 5th St Stevens Point 715-824-4455

RYAN’S CUSTOM CONCRETE Construction 4509 County Road J Stevens Point

SMILEY’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 4020 County Road R Plover 715-341-4530 www.smileysbanquethallplover.com

SMOKEY SPUR BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 4180 Smokey Rd Amherst 715-824-5606

TAILRED STONE INC Construction 1411 Contractors Blvd Plover 715-498-9995

VAN DREEL PLUMBING & HEATING Other 3314 Howard Ave Stevens Point 715-341-7860

WAGON WHEEL BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 270 State Highway 73 Bancroft 715-335-4747

WHITETAIL LANES Food & Drink 3689 County Road Q Amherst Junction 715-824-3108 www.whitetaillanes.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 1791 Railroad Ave Prentice 715-428-2269

CLUB 13 RESTAURANT Food & Drink 784 N Lake Ave Phillips 715-339-3456

COMFORT COVE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N10149 E Solberg Lake Rd Phillips 715-339-3360 www.comfortcoveresort.com

CORNER CONNECTION Food & Drink W9701 County Road W Phillips 715-332-5484


CRANE CHASE TAVERN Food & Drink N10105 County Road F Phillips 715-339-2299


CROSSING POINT Food & Drink W5375 Granberg Rd Prentice 715-428-2140

FUSAK’S TAVERN Food & Drink W4698 County Road D Phillips 715-339-3567

GOEBEL’S SOUTH FORK Food & Drink N11154 County Road F Phillips 715-339-2286

HARBOR VIEW PUB & EATERY Food & Drink 1094 N Lake Ave Phillips 715-339-2626 www.harborviewonline.com

HAZEL HILL Lodging N3131 Rich School Rd Ogema 715-820-1025

HIDDEN COVE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging W7396 S Long Lake Rd Phillips 715-820-3881 www.hiddencoveresort.com

HIDDEN VALLEY INN & RESORT Accommodations W7714 County Road W Phillips 715-820-1297 www.hiddenvalleywi.com



Food/Drink/Lodging W5370 Grandberg Rd Prentice 715-428-2333 www.AmeriVuinn.com/Prentice


Food/Drink/Lodging N15355 East Rd Park Falls


Food/Drink/Lodging N8221 E Wilson Flowage Rd Phillips 715-339-3151 www.birchislandresortllc.com

HILL OF BEANS CAFE Food & Drink W3075 County Road RR Ogema 715-767-5287

JAMMERS BOSSMANS SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W7104 County Road W Phillips 715-339-6767

JC’S NORTH OF 8 LLC Food & Drink N5250 County Road A Prentice 715-428-2010

JEFF SIMEK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC Construction N1360 Hallberg Rd Ogema 715-767-5295 www.jeffsimekconstruction.com

JOBOS LANES Food & Drink N5250 County Road A Prentice 715-428-2010

KWIK TRIP Fuel / Convenience Stores 1424 N Lake Ave Phillips 715-339-2595 www.kwiktrip.com

MEISTERS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 152 N Lake Ave Phillips 715-339-3904 www.meistersbarandgrill.com

MT POCKETS TAVERN Food & Drink N16640 Old State Highway 13 Butternut 715-762-2542

NORTHERN PINES RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N16243 Lakeshore Dr Butternut 715-762-3001 www.northernpines.net

OGEMA HILLS GAS & GO Fuel / Convenience Stores N1826 County Road G Ogema 715-767-5414

PARK FALLS FAMILY RESTAURANT Food & Drink 1171 4th Ave S Park Falls 715-762-2090

PHILLIPS LANES Food & Drink 505 County Road D Phillips 715-399-6663

PRICE COUNTY POWERSPORTS Automotive 315 S Airport Rd Phillips 715-339-1538 www.pricecountypowersports.com/

RAAB’S EXTRA INNINGS Food & Drink W4975 Holmes St Ogema 715-767-5300

RAIL TRAIL CAFE Food & Drink W5016 State Highway 86 Ogema 715-767-5222

RIPSAW SALOON Food & Drink 1117 Railroad Ave Prentice 715-428-2042

RUEBEN’S SALES & SERVICE Fuel / Convenience Stores 727 State Highway 8 Prentice 715-428-2810

SASSY & WISCOS IRON COACH Food & Drink W4971 Holmes St Ogema 715-753-2043

SCHILLING ELECTRIC Construction 276 N Lake Ave Phillips 715-409-3521

SIEGS INN AND OUTHOUSE Food & Drink W9298 County Road E Park Falls www.siegsinnandouthousebar.com

SINGERS OK CORRAL Food & Drink N15549 Tower Rd Park Falls 715-661-8677 www.singersokcorral.com

SOO LAKE RESORT Food & Drink W10030 County Road W Phillips 715-332-5110

SUNSET BAY SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink N10575 E Solberg Lake Rd Phillips 715-339-3357 www.sunsetbaysupperclub.com

SUNSET HAVEN RESORT-POLISH PALACE Food/Drink/Lodging N10555 E Solberg Lake Rd Phillips 715-339-3566 www.sunsethavenresort.com

SUPER ONE FOODS Grocery/Food Related 1347 4th Ave S Park Falls 715-762-4272 www.superonefoods.com

THE BADGER DEN Food & Drink W7104 County Road W Phillips 715-339-6767

WESTWOOD GOLF/SANDTRAP BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N8785 Golf Course Rd Phillips 715-339-3600 www.westwoodsandtrap.com

MARTIN FORD SALES Automotive 19215 Spring St Union Grove 262-878-1241

MARTINS CHRYSLER DODGE Automotive 1422 Main St Union Grove 262-878-1226

MICHAEL’S ON THE LAKE Food & Drink 3101 Eagle Rd Kansasville 262-878-3313 www.michaelsonthelakewi.com

OLD SETTLER’S BOWLING CENTER Food & Drink 1500 15th Ave Union Grove 262-878-3709

ROGER PALMEN CHEVROLET Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 19212 Spring St Union Grove 262-878-2463 www.rogerpalmen.com

SCHAUER POWER CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1621 Main St Union Grove 262-878-3344

STEFFENS INSURANCE GROUP INC Insurance 417 N Milwaukee St Unit T Waterford 262-534-2727


1175 SPORTS PARK & EATERY Food & Drink 22840 Durand Ave Kansasville 262-864-2373 www.1175Sevents.com

BOB’S MOBIL Fuel / Convenience Stores 740 Main St Union Grove 262-878-1359 www.bobsmobil.net

DIRTY HOE SALOON Food & Drink 4614 Sheard Rd Rosewood 262-514-3225

DOVER INN Food & Drink 1909 N Beaumont Ave Kansasville 262-534-2707

FIBER TECH INC Other 4155 Courtney St Franksville 262-835-1300 www.fiber-techinc.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 1380 15th Ave Union Grove 262-878-0911

JASPERSON SOD SERVICE Landscaping 21521 Olson Rd Franksville 262-835-2826

KURK CONCRETE INC Construction 4324 Shianne St Union Grove 262-878-2397

TINCAN ROADHOUSE Food & Drink 20715 Durand Ave Union Grove 262-878-3033 www.tincanroadhouse.com

UNION GROVE AUTO PARTS Automotive 1401 Main St Union Grove 262-878-1374

UNION GROVE LUMBER Retail 1024 10th Ave Union Grove 262-878-1214

WEIS ROOFING Construction 3107 Maurice Dr Union Grove 262-878-3489


BUNKER HILL SALOON Food & Drink 30858 County Road I Cazenovia 608-983-2756

LOUIES BAR Food & Drink 10964 County Road C Yuba 608-528-4312

STATE FARM INSURANCE- JULIE CAIRNS Insurance 172 S Main St Richland Center 608-647-3632 www.juliecairns.com

TURBO’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 15785 State Highway 80 N Richland Center 608-647-3095


A&M FIBERGLASS MANUFACTURING Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories

817 W 7th St N Ladysmith 715-790-5885 www.amfiberglassmfg.com


Other W12733 County Highway D New Auburn 715-450-6873

ADVENTURES RESORT Food & Drink N6557 County Road I Tony 715-415-2667

ANDERSON LANDSCAPING & CONCRETE Landscaping W7645 Mickey Way Ladysmith 715-415-1533

ANTLERS TAVERN & GRILL Food & Drink W2865 Lawrence St Ingram 715-322-5736

BACKWOODS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W14549 Plummer Rd Weyerhauser 715-353-3003 www.backwoodsresortwi.com

BURDY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W14382 Railway Ave Weyerhaeuser 715-353-2873

CEDAR LODGE Food & Drink N8004 State Highway 27 Ladysmith 715-532-6356

CROTTEAU EXCAVATING LLC W13548 tyman rd Weyerhaueser 608-497-3098

DAIRYLAND INSURANCE AGENCY Insurance 703 Lake Ave W Ladysmith

EASTMART Fuel / Convenience Stores W8122 E Edgewood Ave Ladysmith 715-532-6006

FIRESIDE BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 12745 Fireside Lake Rd New Auburn 715-868-1172 www.fireside-barandgrill.com


Food & Drink N7870 Flambeau Rd Ladysmith 715-532-5392


N4038 State Highway 27 Ladysmith 715-532-6550


Food & Drink W9594 State Highway 8 Ladysmith 715-532-7897

JOLLY INN Food & Drink 432 Ellingson Ave Hawkins 715-205-4437

LADYSMITH FAMILY RESTAURANT Food & Drink 820 Miner Ave W Ladysmith 715-532-3735

LADYSMITH HEATING AND AIR LLC Other 201 Maplewood Dr Ladysmith 715-403-1911

LOONY BIN BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 27702 305th Ave Holcombe 715-532-6888

LURED INN RESORT & CAMPGROUND Food/Drink/Lodging 1211 Potato Lake Rd Chetek 715-353-2725

MINER STATION Food & Drink 211 Miner Ave Ladysmith 715-608-1313

NARROWS RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging W15010 County Road D Chetek 715-924-4053 www.narrowsresort.net

NORTHWOODS CONVENIENCE Fuel / Convenience Stores 718 Ellingson Ave Hawkins 715-585-6338

PONDEROSA BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W15630 Buck Lake Rd Chetek 715-924-4913

RED ROCK CAMPGROUND AND PUB Food/Drink/Lodging W16189 Breakneck Rd Birchwood 715-828-2485

ROSE’S BAY RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N1107 Roses Resort Rd Weyerhaeuser 715-353-2527 www.rosesbayresort.com

SHEP’S NORTHSHORE BAR & CAMPGROUND Food/Drink/Lodging N1033 State Highway 40 New Auburn 715-868-3051 www.shepsnorthshore.com

SHINABERY CYCLE SALES Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 120 1st St N Ladysmith 715-532-2737 www.shinaberycycles.com

TEE A WAY GOLF & STEAKHOUSE Food & Drink 1401 E 11th St N Ladysmith 715-532-3766 www.teeaway.net

THE BUNKHOUSE Food/Drink/Lodging W7565 Old 8 Rd Ladysmith 715-415-1091 www.airbnb.com/h/bunkhouseestate

THE INN BETWEEN Food/Drink/Lodging N6386 County Road I Tony 715-532-2762

THE PICKLED GILL Food & Drink W8525 County Road A Ladysmith 715-532-0903

THUNDER & LIGHTNING Food & Drink 810 Main St Hawkins 715-585-6631

TONY DEPOT INC Fuel / Convenience Stores W6164 State Highway 8 Tony 715-532-4834

TOYCEN OF LADYSMITH Automotive 710 W 9th St N Ladysmith

VALENTINE’S VILLAGE STORE Grocery/Food Related 803 Main St Hawkins 715-585-6343

VMA DROP ZONE Food & Drink 605 Summit Ave Ladysmith

WINTER HAVEN RESORT Food & Drink N1460 Pulaski Lake Rd Bruce 715-868-5985

DON-RICK INSURANCE Insurance 313 Oak St Baraboo 608-356-6606 www.don-rick.com

EAGLE VALLEY AG SERVICE LLC Other 843 15th St Prairie Du Sac 608-370-4340 www.eaglevalleyag.com

EDGE OF THE DELLS Food/Drink/Lodging N555 State Highway 12 & 16 Wisconsin Dells 608-254-6144 www.edgeodells.com

FAIR VALLEY PERFORMANCE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories E9688 County Road B Sauk City 608-643-0200 www.fvpdiesel.com

GLACIER VALLEY FORD Automotive 1243 South Blvd Baraboo 608-356-2222 www.glaciervalleybaraboo.com

JAY’S POWER CENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1355 E Main St Reedsburg 608-768-3297 www.jayspowercenter.com


Construction 2227 Rufus Rd Reedsburg 608-393-4486 www.sawdustdesignsllc.com

SPRING BROOK RESORT / SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 242 Lake Shore Dr Wisconsin Dells 608-254-1460 www.spring-brook.com

STAYBRIDGE SUITES-WISCONSIN DELLS/LAKE DELTON Accommodations 1345 Great Wolf Dr Baraboo 608-253-1700 www.staybridge.com/wisconsindells

TERRYTOWN ENTERPRISES INC Construction 465 South Blvd Baraboo www.terrytownplumbing.com

THE SCHELLTER BAR & GRILL Food & Drink E7428 County Road C North Freedom 608-544-3091 www.theschellter.com


Other S5315 Sleepy Hollow Rd Baraboo 608-355-0020 www.totlmktg.com


BADGER GLASS LLC Retail 331 State Highway 136 Baraboo 608-356-8766 www.badgerglassllc.com

BARABOO MOTORS GROUP INC Automotive 640 State Highway 136 Baraboo 608-356-3968 www.baraboomotors.com

BARABOO POWER EQUIPMENT Retail 622 Pate St Baraboo 608-355-7915 www.baraboopower.com

BARABOO STATE BANK Bank/Credit Union 101 3rd Ave Baraboo 608-356-7703 www.baraboonational.com

BIG O’S TRAILERS INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories W10630 State Highway 33 W Portage 608-742-2473 www.bigostrailers.com

BOBBERS Food & Drink 750 Wisconsin Dells Pkwy Wisconsin Dells 608-254-1800 www.bobbersislandgrill.com

BRONCO BILLY’S SALOON AND GRILL Food & Drink S2545 County Road BD Baraboo 608-355-1055 www.broncobillyssaloon.com

DON LARSON SUPERSTORE Automotive S3801 County Road Bd Baraboo 608-356-5512 www.donlarson.com

LUTHER FARMS Other E12434 State Highway 33 Baraboo

MBE CPAS Other 201 8th Ave Baraboo 608-356-7733 www.mbecpa.com

MITTELSTAEDT SPORTS & MARINE INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories S1472B State Highway 33 LaValle 608-985-7118 www.mittelstaedtsports.com

NAPA AUTO PARTS - BARABOO Automotive 104 Broadway St Baraboo 608-356-3948


Other 202 South Blvd Baraboo www.pointon.com

POINTON HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING INC Construction 601 South Blvd Baraboo 608-356-4177 www.pointonheating.com


Insurance E11986 Steinke Rd Baraboo 608-434-5413 www.premierinsurancesolutions.com


Other E9425 State Highway 60 Sauk City 800-566-PEST www.beingbugged.com

SAND TRAP Food & Drink S797 Christmas Mountain Rd Wisconsin Dells 608-678-4444 www.thesandtrapbar&grill.com

TUMBLED ROCK BREWERY & KITCHEN Food & Drink S5718 State Road 136 Baraboo 608-448-4340 www.tumbledrock.com

TURNER’S BP & WATER CARE Fuel / Convenience Stores 413 State Highway 136 Baraboo 608-356-1144 www.turnerwatercare.com

VANDELAY INDUSTRIES Other PO Box 16 Baraboo 608-477-5940

WILD ROSE RANCH Other E12311 County Road W Baraboo 608-772-3403 www.wildroseranchofbaraboo.com



Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 15619 State Highway 63 Hayward 715-934-3273 www.adventurerv.us

AFTER HOURS POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 15956 W Carol Dr Hayward 715-558-2669

ALL MECHANICAL SERVICES Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 8578 N Deerfoot Rd Hayward 715-462-3086

ANGLERS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 10547 S Main St Hayward 715-634-4700 www.anglersbarandgrill.com


ANGLER’S HAVEN Food & Drink 15437 W County Road KK Hayward 715-634-2757 www.anglershavenresort.com

ASPEN ACRES ASSISTED LIVING Other 10214 Rock Creek Rd Hayward 715-634-5700 www.aspenacresassistedliving.com

BEECHMOOR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Food & Drink 15294 W State Highway 27 & 70 Stone Lake 715-865-2482 www.beechmoor.com

BERNIE’S Food & Drink 14451 W County Road K Hayward 715-699-2122

BIG BEAR LODGE Food & Drink W1614 County Road W Winter 715-332-5521

BIG FISH GOLF CLUB Other 14122 W True N Ln Hayward 715-934-4770 www.golfbigfish.com

BIG MUSKY RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 10211 W Big Musky Rd Hayward 715-462-3782

BLACK IRON BAR Food & Drink 12131 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-9515

BLUEBERRY LAKE OASIS Food & Drink 7042 N Lake Shore Dr Couderay 715-945-3330

BOTTOMS UP SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 5165 N Main St Winter 715-266-2029

BOULDER LODGE ON GHOST LAKE Food/Drink/Lodging 7296 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-3002 www.boldlodge.com

BUCKTAIL LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging W7014 Circle B Rd Winter 715-266-8013 www.bucktail.lodge.com

BULLHEAD BOB’S BAR & GRILL Food/Drink/Lodging 15326 W Birch Point Rd Hayward 715-699-1890 www.bullheadbobs.com

CHIEF LAKE LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 7444B N Pat’s Landing Rd Hayward 507-421-7545 www.chieflakelodge.com

CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE LAKE HOME 1 Accommodations 9032 W County Road B Hayward 715-558-2759

CHIPPEWA PINES RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 7230 N Sandy Point Rd Couderay 715-945-2776 www.chippewapines.com

CHIPPEWA VALLEY BANK-WINTER Bank/Credit Union 5150 N Main St Winter 866-282-3501

CHIT CHAT BAR/GRILL & RESORT Food & Drink 15578 W County Road F Birchwood 715-354-3094 www.chitchatbat.com

CHRISTINA’S Y PINE Food & Drink 10874N County Road S Hayward 715-462-3397

COOP’S PIZZA Food & Drink 10588 California Ave Hayward 715-634-3027 www.coopspizza.com

DAVE’S OUTBOARD LLC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N1388 County Road MD Sarona 715-354-3430 www.davesoutboard.com

DEER RUN RESORT Accommodations 9107 N River Rd Hayward 715-462-3276

DEERFOOT LODGE & RESORT Accommodations 8534 N Deerfoot Rd Hayward 715-462-3328 www.deerfootlodge.com

DJ’S MART #5 Fuel / Convenience Stores 6317 N State Highway 27 Stone Lake 715-865-5110

DOWS CORNER BAR Food & Drink 10198 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-3650

DQ GRILL & CHILL-HAYWARD Food & Drink 15641 Railroad St Hayward 715-634-8597

ED’S PIT STOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 701 E State Highway 48 Birchwood 715-354-7991 www.edspitstop.com

FARM BOYZ MERCANTILE Grocery/Food Related W106 Main St Stone Lake 715-957-0064 www.farmboyzmerc.com

FISH TALES Food & Drink 12502 W County Road B Hayward 715-634-8100

FLAMBEAU FOREST INN Accommodations W980 County Road W Winter 715-332-5405 www.flambeauforestinn.net

FLAT CREEK EATERY Food/Drink/Lodging 10290 N State Highway 27 S Hayward 715-634-1466 www.flatcreekeatery.com

FLAT CREEK LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 10290 State Highway 27 Hayward 715-634-4100 www.flatcreekhotel.com

FRANKIE’S PIZZA Food & Drink 16144 W State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-9970

GRAND PINES RESORT & MOTEL Accommodations 9993 N Grand Pines Ln Hayward 715-462-4006 www.grandpines.com

HANSEN FAMILY CHIROPRATIC Other 15770 Guard St Hayward 715-934-3344 www.HansenFamilyChiropractic.com

HAYWARD LAKES VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU Organization 15805 State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-4801 www.haywardlakes.com

HAYWARD POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 12305 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-3674 www.haywardpowersports.com

HEARTLAND AUTO CONNECTION Automotive 22011 Industrial Blvd Rogers 612-210-1225 www.heartlandautoconnection.com

HELSINGS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 3735 N Clark St Radisson 715-945-2335

JB’S MOOSE LAKE SHACK Food & Drink 10949 N County Highway S Hayward 715-462-9790 www.facebook.com/mooselakeshack

JOHNSON’S RESORT Accommodations 9126 W Johnson Rd Hayward 715-462-3225 www.johnsonresort.com

KREYER’S CANDY & SUPPLIES Other 16012 State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-4162

L & M FLEET SUPPLY Hardware 10680 State Highway 27 & 77 Hayward 715-934-2300 www.landmsupply.com

LAKE CHIPPEWA FLOWAGE RESORT ASSOCIATION Organization 7568 N Chief Lake Rd Hayward 715-945-2511 www.chippewaflowage.com

LAKEWOODS RESORT ON LAKE NAMAKAGON Food/Drink/Lodging 21540 County Road M Cable 715-794-2561 www.lakewoodsresort.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 8575 N County Road K Hayward 715-634-4293

LOST LAND LAKE LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 9436 W Brandt Rd Hayward 715-462-3218 www.lostlandlakelodge.com

LOUIE’S BAR AND BITES Food & Drink 10583 Gresylon Dr Hayward 715-934-3276 www.facebook.com/louisbarandbites

LOUIE’S LANDING RESTAURANT Food & Drink 10995 N Louie’s Landing Rd Hayward 715-462-3300 www.louieslanding.com

LYNN’S CUSTOM MEATS Grocery/Food Related 15695 US Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-0751

MUSKY RUN Food & Drink 12503 Townhall Rd Hayward 612-788-5507

MUSKY TALE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 8747 W County Road B Hayward 715-462-3838 www.muskytale.com

NELSON LAKE LANDING Food/Drink/Lodging 10345 N Dam Rd Hayward 715-634-4175 www.nelsonlake.net

NORTH COUNTRY HARDWOODS CAFÉ Food & Drink 3694 W State Highway 70 Loretta 715-266-6306 www.thehardwoodcafe.com

NORTHERN LAKES COOPERATIVE Fuel / Convenience Stores 15846 W State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-2337

NORTHWOOD INSURANCE Insurance 5213 N Strouf Rd Winter 715-266-4181

NORTHWOODS BURGERS & FRIES Food & Drink 15768 US Highway 63 Hayward 715-558-9709 www.nwburgersnfries.com

NORWOOD HAVEN Food & Drink 8709 N Norwis Rd Hayward 715-634-4296

OAK SHORES RESORT Accommodations 7426 N Buckley Dr Hayward 715-579-2847 www.oakshores.com

OJIBWA SERVICE II Automotive 9541 WI-70 Trunk Ojibwa 715-266-5923

OXBO RESORT Food & Drink 6275 N Oxbo Dr Park Falls 352-817-3735 www.theoxboresort.com

PARK ISLAND RESORT Accommodations 12890 County Road T Hayward 651-248-5962

PAT’S LANDING Food/Drink/Lodging 7476 N Pat’s Landing Rd Hayward 715-945-2511 www.patslandingresort.com

PATTI’S ON 70 Food & Drink 6520 State Highway 70 Winter 715-266-6401

PAUL’S PIZZA DEN Food & Drink 204 N Wilson Ave Birchwood 715-354-7058 www.paulspizzaden.com

PHILLIPS 66 Fuel / Convenience Stores 6574 W State Highway 70 Winter 715-266-7676


Grocery/Food Related 9921 N State Highway 27 Hayward 715-634-4448 www.priceriteliquor.com

R&R BAYVIEW RESORT & RESTAURANT Food/Drink/Lodging 10630 W Twin Bay Rd Hayward 715-462-3284 www.rrbayview.com

RAMER SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 16220 W Sate Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-2890 www.ramersmallengine.com

RAYJAY’S BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 10959 W County Road B Hayward 715-462-4697 www.rayjayspizza.com

RED DEER RESORT Accommodations 13019 N Red Deer Rd Hayward 715-462-3232

RED SCHOOLHOUSE WINES Food & Drink 5768N 4th St S Stone Lake 715-865-5038 redschoolhousewines.com

REEL LIVIN’ RESORT & CAMPGROUND Accommodations 12467 N Reel Livin’ Dr Hayward 715-462-3822 www.reellivinresorts.com

REVELLE’S RESORT & CAMPGROUNDS Food/Drink/Lodging 15249 W Bill’s Rd Hayward 715-634-4216 www.nelsonlake.net/revelles

RIVERSIDE GOLF & RECREATION Food & Drink 11701 W State Highway 27 & 70 Radisson 715-558-0346

RIVERSIDE MOTEL Accommodations 10429 State Highway 27 Hayward 715-634-2661 www.riversidemotelhayward.com

ROUND LAKE RETREAT Accommodations 12072 W County Road B Hayward 808-772-3390 www.airbnb.com/h/ haywrdroundlakeretreat

RUNAMUK RIDES Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 13679 W Thannum Fire Ln Hayward 715-634-0656 www.runamukrides.com


10929 W County Road B Hayward 715-462-4031 www.rustyhooksmokehouse.com

SAWMILL SALOON Food & Drink 13505 N State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-5660 www.seeleywis.com

SCHMUCK’S TRAILSIDE RETREAT Accommodations 1411 N Wooddale Rd Birchwood 312-805-9646 www.schmuckstrailside.com

SEVENWINDS CASINO LODGE & CONVENTION CENTER Food/Drink/Lodging 13767 W County Road B Hayward 715-634-5643 www.sevenwindscasino.com

SHADY NOOK RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 7140 N Flowage Rd Couderay 715-945-2265

SISKO’S PINE POINT RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 8766 N County Road CC Hayward 715-699-4057 www.siskosresort.com

SNOWSHOE SALOON & LIQUOR STORE Food & Drink 12622 W County Road B Hayward 715-634-4608


Other 315 Industrial Blvd Sauk Rapids 320-380-3800 www.snxtechnologies.com

SOMEWHERE ELSE Food & Drink 9623 N WI-27 Hayward 573-465-4037

SPIDER LAKE MOTEL Accommodations 11995 N Upper A Hayward 715-558-9732

SPIDER LAKE SALOON AND RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N2586 Spider Lake Trl Birchwood 715-354-3723 www.spiderlakesaloon.com

STONE LAKE POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 16170 WI-70 Stone Lake 715-558-2669

SUNSET STRIP Food & Drink PO BOX 305 Stone Lake 715-957-0333 www.27sunsetstrip.com

TALLY HO SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 10932 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-3646

TAMARACK FARMS PIZZA, BBQ, AND WINE Food & Drink 12679 W County Road B Hayward 715-699-1375 www.tamarackfarmswinery.com

THE BOULEVARD Food & Drink 14392 W County Road K Hayward 715-699-7100 www.theboulevardwi.com

The Dock Food & Drink 12502 W County Road B Hayward 7155587277

THE HUTT Food & Drink 9623 N State Highway 27 Hayward 715-634-8284

THE LANDING Food & Drink 8255 N County Road CC Hayward 715-462-3626 www.thelanding-lco.com

THE RANCH SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 10590 N Ranch Rd Hayward 715-634-2090 www.haywardsoriginalsteakhouse. com

THE RUSTIC LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging N5354 Lake Winter Rd Winter 715-266-2171 www.therusticelodgellc.com

THE STEAKHOUSE & LODGE Food/Drink/Lodging 15860 T-Bone Ln Hayward 715-934-4411 www.steakhouseandlodge.com

THE WANNIGAN RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging N5909 Dam Rd Winter 715-266-5141

TNT’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 10562 Main St Hayward 715-695-1594 www.tntsportsbarandgrill.com

TRAILS END Food/Drink/Lodging 8080 N County Road K Hayward 715-634-2423 www.trails-end-resort.net

TRAILWAYS INN Food & Drink 16021 W County Road K Hayward 563-650-3805 www.trailwaysinn.com

TRAP N FISH LODGE Food & Drink W5598 Log Lodge Rd Winter 715-266-2787

TREELAND RESORTS & MOTEL Accommodations 9630 N Treeland Rd Hayward 715-462-3874 www.treelandresorts.com

TWIN LAKES TAP Food & Drink 12701 W State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-4696

VIRGIN TIMBER RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 10820 N Moose Lake Rd Hayward 715-462-3289

VIRGIN TIMBERS Accommodations 10820 N Moose Lake Rd Hayward 715-462-3269

WANNIGAN Food & Drink N5909 Dam Rd Winter 715-266-5141

WAYSIDE SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 12475 N State Highway 63 Hayward 715-634-4144 www.waysidesportsbarandgrill.com

WHEEL INN Food & Drink 11823 State Highway 77 Hayward 715-462-9463

WINTER NORTHERN LIGHTS MOTEL Accommodations N5202 Strouf Ave Winter 715-266-6621 www.winternorthernlights@ cenurytel.net

WOODHAVEN RESORT Accommodations 9824 N South Shore Rd Hayward 715-462-3606 www.woodhaven-resort.com


Food & Drink 920 S Franklin Shawano 715-526-5031 www.twigsbeverage.net



Fuel / Convenience Stores 127 Edgewood Ave Adell 920-994-2668

CHISSY’S PUB & GRILL Food & Drink 501 N Mill St Waldo 920-528-8656 www.chissys.com

GREG’S TAP Food & Drink 409 Wisconsin St Adell 920-994-4053 www.gregstap.com


AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SUPERCENTER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 830 E Green Bay St Shawano 715-526-4300 www.americanmarina.com

DOCKERS ON THE CORNER Food/Drink/Lodging N5846 Lake Dr. Shawano 715-526-3931

MELODY MILL Food & Drink N11921 State Highway 45 Aniwa 715-449-2000

PB&J’S PLACE ON PELICAN LAKE Food & Drink 885 US Highway 45 Pelican Lake 715-487-3083 www.pb-js-place.business. site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_ medium=referral

PRIME POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1625 E Green Bay St Shawano 715-524-6287 www.primepowersports.com

SEASONS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Food & Drink 201 Airport Dr Shawano 715-201-0090

SHAWANO FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Food/Drink/Lodging 201 N Airport Rd Shawano 715-201-1501 www.shawanofourseasons.com

THE LAUNCHING PAD Food & Drink 221 Airport Rd Shawano 715-524-4098 www.thelaunchingpadbarandgrill.com

TORCH LITE Food & Drink 1276 E Green Bay St Shawano 715-526-5680 www.torchliteshawano.com

KIM’S 5 CORNERS TAVERN Food & Drink N3701 County Road I Sheboygan Falls 920-467-8375

BIRDS NEST Food & Drink 729 McComb Ave Rib Lake 715-427-5524

BOTTOMS UP PUB & GRUB Food & Drink N8847 State Road 13 Westboro 715-905-1555

BRASS RAIL PUB Food & Drink 507 S 8th St Medford 715-785-5351

B-S BAR & CATERING Food & Drink W4782 State Highway 64 Medford 715-748-2974 www.bsbarcatering.com

C & G MINI MART LLC Fuel / Convenience Stores 910 State Highway 102 Rib Lake 715-427-3334

CAMP 28 - RESCH HOLDINGS LLC Food/Drink/Lodging 720 State Highway 102 Rib Lake 715-427-2028 www.camp28.com

CAMPS FRESH MARKET Grocery/Food Related 474 State Highway 70 Saint Germain www.campfreshmarket.com


AMERICAN LEGION POST 330 Food & Drink 250 Main St Wilson 715-772-4266 www.wilegionpost330.org

READY RANDY’S Food & Drink 1490 131st St New Richmond 715-246-4446 www.readyrandy’s.com

ST CROIX POWER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1075 N 4th St New Richmond 715-246-7433 www.stcroixpowersports.com

THE CAVE INN Food & Drink 1228 State Highway 12 Roberts 715-716-0948

THE LAUREL SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 1905 State Highway 64 Deer Park 715-246-5121

VINNY’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1847 County Road T New Richmond 715-954-4002

CATTAIL TAP Food & Drink N5216 County Road C Rib Lake 715-748-0643

HANKE’S LITTLE BOHEMIA Food & Drink 806 McComb Ave Rib Lake 715-427-3355

MONDEAUX DAM LODGE Food & Drink W7969 Park Rd Westboro 715-427-5746

NORTHSIDE CAFÉ Food & Drink 1320 State Highway 102 Rib Lake 715-427-0220

OPIE & TAMMY’S KOUNTRY KORNER Food & Drink W3539 State Highway 64 Medford 715-748-4966

PBR’S LOUNGE AROUND BAR Food & Drink 137 S Main St Medford 715-748-3135

THE RUNDOWN Food & Drink W777 County Road M Rib Lake 715-748-0748

WERNER SALES & SERVICE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 735 W Broadway Ave Medford 715-748-2554


8TH STREET RESTAURANT & SALOON Food & Drink 331 N 8th St Medford 715-748-6300

ZONDLO’S BAR LLC Food & Drink W2407 State Highway 102 Rib Lake 715-427-5877



Insurance 134 Pearl St Arcadia 608-323-3125

ARCADIA BEVERAGE CO Other 415 S Sobotta St Arcadia 608-323-2005

ARCADIA CREDIT UNION Bank/Credit Union 535 S Dettloff Dr Arcadia 800-325-2123 www.arcadiacu.com

ARCADIA FARM & HOME Hardware 1475 E Wilson Ave Arcadia

ARCADIA MOTORS Automotive 731 W Main St Arcadia 608-323-3118 www. arcadiamotorschryslerdodgejeep. com



1310 E Main St Arcadia 608-323-7001 www.dndfarmsupply.com

DJ ELECTRIC Construction N32922 Carpenter Bridge Rd Blair 715-797-3353

DON’S DETOX BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 402 W Main St Arcadia 608-323-3139

EDGE GRAPHICS Other 1330 E Main St Arcadia


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 50913 Elevator St Osseo 715-597-3181 www.electriccleaner.com

FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST Bank/Credit Union 131 W Main St Arcadia 608-323-3331 www.rkdbank.com


Fuel / Convenience Stores 50319 LESLIE ST Osseo 715-597-2351


Fuel / Convenience Stores 1630 Blaschko Ave Arcadia 608-323-2206 www.holidaystationstores.com

HOWARD’S HARDWARE HANK Hardware 379 Dettloff Dr Arcadia 608-323-3939 www.howardshardwarehank.com

JP MECHANICAL LLC Construction 26547 W Mondovi St Eleva 715-287-4244 www.jpmechanicalwi.com

LATINO BAR Food & Drink 116 Grant St Arcadia 608-419-219

LOFT TOWING LLC Automotive PO Box 481 Osseo 715-597-3621 www.lofttowing.com

NAPA AUTO PARTS Automotive 356 S Nelson Dr Arcadia 608-323-7785 www.mpecnapa.com

NELSON’S COLLISION CENTER Automotive 13912 16th St Osseo 715-597-6817

NEWCOMB VALLEY INN Food & Drink W22768 State Highway 95 Arcadia 608-323-3515

PEHLER DISTRIBUTING Other 700 S Clydsdale Dr Arcadia

PIETREK’S SERVICE STATION Fuel / Convenience Stores 23884 Burrow’s Rd Independence 715-985-3715

RED’S BAR Food & Drink 118 E Main St Arcadia 608-323-7136

SANTA FE RESTAURANTE LLC Food & Drink 122 Grant St Arcadia 608-323-2221

SONNEY LODGE Accommodations W22677 Christine Ln Arcadia

SPORTSMAN’S LOUNGE Food & Drink 101 W Main St Arcadia 608-323-2433

THE OSSEO CONSTRUCTION CO Construction 14248 10th St Osseo 715-456-5762

TRACTOR CENTRAL Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1530 Wanek Ave Arcadia www.tractorcentral.com

UP CHUCK’S Food & Drink 120 W Main St Arcadia 608-323-9907


Other 602 Anson St Warren

TABOR BAR & GRILL AND STORAGE Food & Drink S792 County Road V Hillsboro 608-489-4949

TOWNSHIP BOWL Food & Drink S2060 County Road HH Hillsboro 608-333-0057


ABERDEEN RESTAURANT & BAR Food & Drink 5325 Aberdeen Lodge Cir.0 Manitowish Waters 715-543-8700 www.aberdeendining.com

ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Automotive 607 Elm St Woodruff 715-356-5595 advanceautoparts.com

ANGLERS FINE FOOD & SPIRITS Food & Drink 6101 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-614-1820 www.anglersfinefoodandspirits.com

ARBOR VITAE CAMPGROUND Accommodations 10545 Big Arbor Vitae Dr Arbor Vitae 715-356-5146 www.arborvitaecampground.com

ARBOR VITAE MOTEL Accommodations 11073 Woodland Dr Woodruff 715-356-3393

ARROWHEAD GROOMERS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6351 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain 715-479-4200

AURORA BOREALIS RESTAURANT Food & Drink 6047 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-8464

BAD BONES BBQ Food & Drink 1421 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-358-0200 www.grabyourpork.com

BAYSIDE LODGING RENTALS Accommodations 3090 State Highway 70 E Eagle River 715-617-4708 www.baysidelodgingrentals.com

BEAR TRAP INN Food & Drink 4703 County Road B Land O’ Lakes 715-547-3422

BENT’S CAMP Food & Drink 6882 Helen Creek Rd Land O’ Lakes 715-547-3487 www.bents-camp.com

BLUE BAYOU INN Food & Drink 5547 State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters 715-543-2537 www.bluebayouinn.com

BRANDY LAKE BP Fuel / Convenience Stores 211 State Highway 51 Arbor Vitae 715-356-9011

CAMP JORN Organization 28 Red Feather Rd Manitowish Waters 715-543-8808

CENTURY 21 PIERCE REALTY OF MANITOWISH WATERS Real Estate 5975 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-2384

CHIPPEWA RETREAT Food/Drink/Lodging 13049 Deer Park Rd Manitowish Waters 715-904-0020

CK BUILDERS Construction 13134 Spider Cir Manitowish Waters 715-904-0014

CULVER’S FROZEN CUSTARD Food & Drink 123 US Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-358-3494 www.culvers.com

D2CABIN Accommodations 2416 Schuman Rd Arbor Vitae 920-671-9181

DEER LAKE RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging 7641 W Birch Lake Rd Winchester 847-867-0544 www.deerlake.biz

DIETZ’S SERVICE INC Fuel / Convenience Stores 160 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-2144

ELIASON REALTY OF THE NORTH Real Estate 408 Highway 70 St Germain 715-542-3223 / 800-472-3140 www.eliasonrealty.com

FAWN LAKE’S TIMBER LODGE RESORT Accommodations 12901 Timber Lodge Resort Manitowish Waters 715-543-2772

FIBBERS BAR & RESTAURANT Food/Drink/Lodging 7756 Hiawatha Cir St Germain 715-891-5639 www.fibbersresort.com

FIBBER’S BAR & RESTAURANT Food/Drink/Lodging 8690 Big Saint Germain Dr Saint Germain 715-542-3810 www.stgermainlodge.com

HEADWATERS STATE BANK Bank/Credit Union 4175 County Road B Land O’ Lakes 715-547-3383 www.headwatersstatebank.com

HEART II BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 11023 State Highway 70 E Arbor Vitae 715-892-5707

HOWLING DOG SALOON Food & Drink 396 State Highway 51 S Manitowish Waters 715-543-2305

JM SERVICES OF NORTHERN WISCONSIN Construction 13104 Spider Cir Manitowish Waters

KAIG STAND Food & Drink 5659 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain

KNITT’S HARDWARE Hardware 246 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain 715-479-5930

KRAUSE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 30114 52nd St Salem 847-980-8199

LAKE OF THE TORCHES CASINO Food/Drink/Lodging 510 Old Abe Rd Lac Du Flambeau 313-886-9799 www.lakeofthetorches.com

LAKELAND MONUMENTS Other 306 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain 920-420-4520 www.lakelandmonumentsllc.com

LAKELAND TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Hardware 67 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-8036 www.truevalue.com/lakeland

LANCE’S REPAIR Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 120 N State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters 715-543-8087

LAND O’ LAKES RECREATION COMPANY Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1702 State Highway 45 Land O’ Lakes 715-547-3530 www.lolrec.com

LEFEVER ROOFING Construction 675 Industrial Ct Ste G Hartland 202-968-2800

LITTLE BOHEMIA LODGE Food & Drink 142 State Highway 51 S Mantowish Waters 715-543-8800 www.littlebohemialodge.com



Food & Drink 511 N Main St Westby 608-634-4000 www.nordiclaneswestby.wordpress. com

BIG BEAR HIDEAWAY Accommodations 10482 Main St Boulder Junction 920-536-1540 www.bigbearhideaway.com

BLINK BONNIE SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 8997 State Highway 70 W St Germain 715-891-3364

FOUR SEASONS SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 10338 Big Arbor Vitae Dr Arbor Vitae 715-356-5095

GOOCH’S 2 BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink 6215 County Road M Boulder Junction 715-385-9288 www.goochsaone.com/

LITTLE STAR GARAGE Automotive 5699 State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters 715-543-8300 www.littlestargarage.com

M & C EXCAVATING Construction 6222 W 800 N Fountaintown 317-225-8248 www.mandcexcavating.com


Construction 2332 Black Forest Rd Winchester

MANITOWISH WATERS CHAMBER Organization 5733 Airport Rd Manitowish Waters 888-626-9877 www.manitowishwaters.org

MAPLEWOOD RESORT Accommodations 8250 Maplewood Ln Eagle River 715-479-8477 www.maplewood-resort.com

MARLI’S BAR Food & Drink 2530 State Highway 155 Sayner 715-542-4255 www.marlisbar.com

MCGREGOR’S BLINK BONNIE SUPPER CLUB Food & Drink 1506 Jerry Rd Saint Germain

MINOCQUA YACHT CLUB Food & Drink 8290 State Highway 51 S Minocqua 608-931-7072

MONICALS PIZZA Food & Drink 360 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-358-9959 www.monicals.com

NORTHERN CAFE & MOTEL Food & Drink 2685 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-356-4170 www.nmotel.com


11084 State Highway 70 Arbor Vitae 715-297-0625 www.northforkff.com

NORTHWOODS HARLEY DAVIDSON Other 1700 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-358-5054 www.northwoodsharley.com

NORTHWOODS SERENITY Other 11637 County Road W Presque Isle 715-686-2366

OAKFIRE PIZZERIA & BAR Food & Drink 238 Lakeshore Dr Minocqua 312-451-1494 cell www.oakfire.pizza

OUTBACK 51 Food & Drink 106 State Highway 51 Arbor Vitae 715-216-8069


Food & Drink 11583 County Road B Presque Isle 715-614-3350



186 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain 715-479-5841 www.paulsrentall.com

PEA PATCH MOTEL & SALOON Food/Drink/Lodging 145 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-2455 www.thepeapatch.com

POPE’S GRESHAM LODGE Accommodations 4126 Pope Rd Woodruff 715-201-8310 www.popesgreshamlodge.com

PREUSS’S PUB Food & Drink 1455 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-614-1876

REDMAN REALTY GROUP Real Estate 5977 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-904-2540 www.redmanrealtygroup.com

RETREAT BAR Food & Drink 12436 County Road W Presque Isle 715-686-2575

SAYNER MOBIL EXPRESS Fuel / Convenience Stores 2951 State Highway 151 Sayner

SCHMIDT HAUS REALTY Real Estate 6080 County Road W Manitowish Waters 715-543-2300 www.shrealty.com

SERENITY BAY RESORT Accommodations 1276 Halberstadt Rd St Germain 715-479-8866 www.serenitybayresort.com

SISTERS SALOON Food & Drink 8780 State Highway 70 W St Germain 715-542-3483

SISTERS SALOON BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 8780 State Highway 70W Saint Germain

SKYVIEW LODGE & SUPPER CLUB Food/Drink/Lodging 11896 County Road W Presque Isle 715-686-2928 www.skyviewlodge.com

SLO’S PUB Food & Drink 10599 Big Arbor Vitae Dr Arbor Vitae 715-358-3006

SNOBOSS GROOMERS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 7480 State Highway 70 E St Germain 715-617-6948 sbgroomers.com

SNOWMOBILE HALL OF FAME Organization 1246 Sled World Blvd Sain Germain www.snowmobilehalloffame.com

SOME NERVE BREW Food/Drink/Lodging 5586 State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters www.somenervebrewingcompany. com

SPORTSMAN RESORT/HOTEL Accommodations 7117 County Road W Winchester 715-686-2232 www.sportsmanmotelwi.com

ST GERMAIN RENTALS & SERVICE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6255 State Highway 70 E Saint Germain www.stgermainbb--rentals.com

SUNRISE LODGE Accommodations 5894 W Shore Rd Land O’ Lakes 715-547-3684 www.sunriselodge.com

SUNRISE RESORT Accommodations 7632 Sunrise Dr Presque Isle 715-686-2414 www.sunrise-resort.com

THE GRANARY FAMILY RESTAURANT Food & Drink 5367 Park St 5367 Park St Boulder Junction 715-385-3736

THE LODGE IN MANITOWISH WATERS Accommodations 13859 Ilg Rd Manitowish Waters 715-543-2024 www.lodgemw.com

THE NORTHWOODS REVIEW LLC Other 8305 Main St Lower Level Presque Isle 262-221-2465 www.Thenorthwoodsreview.com

THE OUTPOST Food & Drink 8279 Main St Presque Isle 715-686-2193 www.theoutpost.online

THE RUSTIC ROADHAUS Food & Drink 5194 S State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters 715-543-2980

THE TIMBERS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1053 Elbert Rd Saint Germain www.thetimbers.com

THE WILD BOAR Food & Drink 1426 State Highway 51 N Arbor Vitae 715-904-1138

THIRTY POINT TRADING POST & TAP Food & Drink 6683 County Road W Winchester 715-543-8550

THUNDER BAY RESORT Accommodations 2198 S Shore Rd Phelps 715-547-3801 www.thunder-bay-resort.com

TIM & SANDY RILEY REAL ESTATE/ CALDWELL BANKERS Real Estate 5995 County Road W Manitowish Waters www.teamrileyrealestate.com

TOWNLINE SPORTS Other 5198 State Highway 51 S Manitowish Waters 715-543-2371 www.townlinesports.com

TRAPP BROS INC Construction 2030 N Farming Rd Arbor Vitae 715-356-6222

WATERS MARINE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 5668 State Highway 51 Manitowish Waters 715-543-2115 www.watersmarine.com

WHISPERING PINE LODGE Accommodations 8440 Pinewood Dr St Germain 715-479-4828 www.whisperingpinelodge.com

YACHT CLUB BAR Food & Drink 8265 Main St Presque Isle 715-686-2423

YE OLDE SHILLELAGH Food & Drink 35 Tower Rd Manitowish Waters 715-543-2340

ZASTROW’S LYNX LAKE LODGE Accommodations 10683 County Road B Presque Isle 715-686-2249 www.zastrowslynxlakelodge.com

JERSEYS SPORTS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 301 Walnut St Spooner 715-635-4848 www.jerseyssportsbar.com

JOCK’S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR Automotive N4869 Fairgrounds Rd Spooner 715-635-9699

KLOPP’S 5TH AVE BAR Food & Drink 309 W 5th Ave Shell Lake 715-468-7457

LAKEVIEW BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 5 W 5th Ave Shell Lake 715-731-0080

LIPSIE PINES BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 1315 County Road A Spooner 715-635-2446



Food & Drink 6 N Wisconsin St Darien 262-882-2337

BUTTERNUT LAKE LODGE Lodging N16517 Lakeshore Dr Butternut 715-972-3760 www.butternutlakelodge.net


ALLEY CATS COFFEE Food & Drink N9161 Shady Ln Trego 715-635-3438 www.alleycatscoffee.com

ANCHOR WOODS CAMPGROUND Accommodations W9076 County Road E Spooner 715-635-2614 www.anchorcampground.com

BEAR TRACKS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 114 S Main St Birchwood 715-354-7888

BIRCHWOOD MOTEL Accommodations 601 E State Highway 48 Birchwood 715-354-7706 www.birchwoodmotelwi.com

GTC AUTO PARTS - SPOONER Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1024 River St Spooner 715-635-8754 www.carquest.com/stores/wi/ spooner/5482

HEARTWOOD RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER Food/Drink/Lodging N11289 Hoinville Rd Trego 715-319-3064 www.heartwoodresort.com

IGNITE DISPENSARY Retail 761 W Beaverbrook Ave Ste 2 Spooner www.ignitedispensary.com

LONG LAKE BAIT TACKLE & C-STORE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories W2477 County Road B Sarona 715-635-3260 www.longlakebaitshop.com

MCKENZIE LANDING Food & Drink 1350 County Road E Spooner 715-635-2520 www.mckenzielanding.com

NORTHWINDS RESORT & BAR Food/Drink/Lodging 2069 County Road G Spooner 715-635-8089 www.northwindsresort.com

NORTHWOODS HARDWARE HANK Hardware 321 N River St Spooner 715-635-7366

NORTON EXCAVATING Construction W6097 River Rd Trego 715-635-6831

PRIME BAR & FAMILY DINING Food & Drink N7294 Service Rd Trego 715-635-3259

ROCKFORD HOUSE SALOON Food & Drink W2652 Rockford Rd Sarona 715-671-0032

ROUND MAN BREWING CO Food & Drink 234 Walnut St Spooner 612-309-4285

SACCO GROUP - EDINA REALTY Real Estate 206 Vine St Spooner 715-645-0832 www.sacco-group.com

SAW THIS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 110 S River St Spooner 715-635-7337 www.sawthisspooner.com

SEASONAL POWER TOYS & BAIT Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 16878 W State Highway 48 Birchwood 715-354-3886



114 W Lake Dr Shell Lake 715-468-7846

SILVER LAKE SALOON Food & Drink N9698 Lakeside Rd Treso 715-466-4300 www.washburncounty.org/services/ silver-lake-saloon

STONE LAKE PUB Food/Drink/Lodging 5796 Wisconsin 70 Stone Lake 715-865-2141

SYNERGY COOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 331 US Highway 63 Shell Lake www.synergycoop.com

THE 715 FOOD AND SPIRITS Food & Drink 294 Industrial Blvd Shell Lake 715-468-1584 www.the715foodandspirits.com

THE STILL BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N7610 Island Lake Rd Spooner 715-635-6527 www.thestillbargrill.business.site

TONY’S RIVERSIDE Food & Drink 524 S River St Spooner 715-635-8636 www.tonysriversidebar.com

TWIN OAKS BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink W7650 County Road E Spooner 715-635-8024

VFW SPRINGBROOK EARL TREGO POST 10568 Organization N8593 County Road M Springbrook 715-766-2128 vfw10568.org

WHITETAIL RIDGE CAMPGROUND Accommodations N753 Shallow Lake Rd Sarona 715-651-1976 www.whitetailridgecampground.com

WILD RIVER SPORT & MARINE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories N7023 US Highway 53 Trego 715-635-5299 www.wildriversport.com

WOBBLIN’ DUCK SALOON Food & Drink 214 Walnut St Spooner 715-635-2893

WOLF POINT BAR & GRILL Food & Drink W4186 County Road F Springbrook 715-797-2033

HOMETOWN GRUB & PUB Food & Drink 154 W Main St. Campbellsport www.hometowngrubandpub.com

KENICKY’S PUBLIC HOUSE Food/Drink/Lodging 2763 State Highway 175 Richfield 262-674-1604 www.kenickys.com

KIRCHHAYN COUNTRY CLUB Food & Drink 1187 Western Ave Cedarburg

RIDE WISCONSIN RENTALS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 1235 Morgan Dr Hubertus 262-665-9099 www.ridewirentals.com

COLOMA HOTEL & PUB Accommodations 132 Main St Coloma 715-228-2622 www.colomahotel.com

EVERGREEN CAMPSITES AND RESORT Food/Drink/Lodging W5449 Archer Ln Wild Rose 920-622-3498 www.evergreencampsites.com

GOOD OL BOYS BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N4183 4th Ave Hancock 715-249-3200

GRAPHIC ASSOCIATES Printing 710 S Main St Wild Rose 920-622-3106



Construction 3270 N 126th St Brookfield 262-781-6466 www.borthwilson.com

DANNY HASKELLS PUB & GRILL Food & Drink W171 S7260 Lannon Dr Muskego 262-679-9535 www.dannyhaskells.net

GINA’S SPORTS DOCK Food & Drink W278 N2345 Prospect Ave Pewaukee 262-695-9600

OX & CATS SPORTS BAR AND GRILL Food & Drink W302 N9510 County Road E Hartland 262-966-9640

RUSTIC INN Food & Drink W360 N8739 Brown St Oconomowoc 920-474-4419 www.rusticinnoconomowoc.com

SCHRECK AGENCY-ALLSTATE Insurance W189 S7777 Racine Ave Muskego 262-971-0990 www.schreckinsurance.com

HANCOCK CONVENIENCE Fuel / Convenience Stores 231 W North Lake St Hancock 715-249-5561

HANCOCK HOTEL BAR Food & Drink 113 S Main St Hancock 715-249-3425

HIDEAWAY BAR & GRILL Food & Drink N3055 21st Ln Wautoma 920-787-2365

HUDZIAK EXCAVATING & LANDSCAPE LLC Other 220 Industrial Ct Wild Rose 920-622-4560

JOHANN’S BAR & GRILL LLC Food & Drink N1257 County Road B Coloma 715-228-2500 www.johannsbarandgrill.com

K&M SALES & SERVICE INC Retail 211 S Hales Rd Hancock 715-249-5477 www.kmsalespolaris.com

LAURITZENS SPORT SHOP Fuel / Convenience Stores 345 Main St Wild Rose 920-622-3312 www.huntwildrose.com

MR ED’S PLACE Food & Drink W6943 County Road GH Wild Rose 920-622-4439



N1264 County Road B Coloma 715-228-2555 www.mecanriverinn.com

TOM’S GARAGE Automotive 430 Mill St Wild Rose 920-622-3110 www.tomsgarageofwildrose.com

TRAPLINE PUB & GRUB Food & Drink N1321 County Road B Coloma 920-939-0525

WILD ROSE C STORE Fuel / Convenience Stores 1010 Main St Wild Rose 920-622-3561

WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION Construction 14116 Serenity Trl Nekoosa 715-325-2001 www.thewilliamsconstruction.com

WILLIAMS PLUMBING & HEATING Construction 5820 High Point Ct Wisconsin Rapids 715-424-7800 www.p-wplumbing@live.com


CORY’S PUB & GRUB Food & Drink 203 Carver St Winslow 815-367-3020

DA BURG BAR & GRILL INC Food & Drink 145 N Main St Warrensburg 217-972-6431



Food & Drink 6897 State Highway 76 Neenah 920-722-1298 www.beehivebarnandgrill.com

FORT FREMONT MARINE Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 8969 County Road II Fremont 920-446-3220 www.fortfremont.com

VINES & RUSHES WINERY Food/Drink/Lodging 410 County Road E Ripon 920-748-3296 www.vinesandrushes.com

GORMAN FARMS Other 7689 E 8000 North Rd Grant Park 708-567-7545


CENTRAL IOWA TRUCK REPAIR Automotive 692 T Ave Boone 515-230-1119

UNDER CDL . COM Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 3337 Mount Vernon Dr Waterloo 715-642-0308 dave@undercdl.com



COUNTRY SPORTS INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories

10520 State Highway 13 S Wisconsin Rapids 715-325-5381 www.countrysportsinc.com

DONAHUE SUPER SPORTS Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 6821 State Highway 54 E Wisconsin Rapids 715-424-1762 www.donahuesupersports.com


THE IRON GRILLE Food & Drink 604 Water St. Iola 715-445-0044 www.theirongrille.com



Accommodations 900 Prospect Dr Kewaskum 262-626-8414 www.bonnebellemotel.com


BLADER’S DAKOTA INN Food & Drink W9501 County Road JJ Wautoma 920-787-3227

S & S MOTORSPORTS INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories W10324 Bighorn Ln Hancock 715-249-5233

S & J’S R-BAR N GRILL Food & Drink 118 W North St Plainfield 715-335-4131

SNEAKY PETE’S BAR Food & Drink 122 S Main St Hancock 715-249-5111

THE CABIN BAR & GRILL Food & Drink 221 N Front St Coloma 715-228-4995

THE DING TAVERN Food & Drink W4890 Portage St Wild Rose 920-622-3671 www.facebook.com/DingTavern


Food & Drink

3372 State Highway 73 N Wisconsin Rapids 715-423-7577 www.facebook.com/ homesteadgolfcourse

HOMESTEAD GOLF COURSE Food & Drink 3372 State Highway 73 Wisconsin Rapids 715-423-7577

NEKOOSA PORT EDWARDS STATE BANK Bank/Credit Union 405 Market St Port Edwards 715-886-3104 www.npesb.bank

POWER PAC INC Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories

3802 S Central Ave Marshfield

DUTCH’S OLD BAR Food & Drink 337 Fair Ave Marenisco 906-787-2375 www.Dutchs-bar.com

HAMILTON’S NORTH COAST ADVENTURES Other 28905 LP Walsh Rd Ontonagon 608-577-6653 www.hamiltonsnorthcoast.com


Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories PO BOX 1509 Watersmeet 906-358-8888 www.headwaterspolaris.com

RAPID GRAFIKS & SIGNS Other 480 W Norrie Park Rd Ironwood 906-932-5962 www.rapidgrafiks.net


CARNEGIE HALL Lodging 101 Lake Ave E Ladysmith 612-867-8285

CY6 Other 22089 Volga St NE Wyoming 612-328-5425


SLEDTRACK.COM Sales/Service/Parts/Accessories 115 Allen Rd Port Crane, NY 607-693-1031 www.sledtrack.com

Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs

529 Trail Side Dr., Suite 200, DeForest, WI 53532 Phone: 800-232-4108 or 608-846-5530 • Fax: 608-846-5534 • Email: awsc@awsc.org • Website: www.awsc.org

President - Dave Newman • dnewman@ceas.coop • 715-212-7914 • Vice President - Lori Heideman • racingator@wctc.net • 715-325-7126

Secretary - Sue Smedegard • suesmed@gmail.com • 715-656-3855/715-791-0082 • Treasurer -Lauren Levey • llevey17@gmail.com • 262-358-3763

Executive Director - Mike Holden • holdenmach@outlook.com • 920-980-2321


Adams County Director | Gary Gevers 920-723-0721 | ggevers@gmail.com

Adams County Rep | Melissa Rhodes 715-459-8001(C) | 715-325-1827(H) romesnobanditssecretary@gmail.com

Ashland County Director John Westfahl 920-740-5020 / jwwestfahl@gmail.com

Ashland County Rep Jim Meisenheimer 618-567-6805 / meisy52@yahoo.com

Barron County Director | Pete Schneider 715-234-6636 | schneiderconst@gmail.com

Barron County Rep | Markie Hansen 715-651-7207 | markie_ann@yahoo.com

Bayfield County Director | Cris Liebhauser 262-246-4627 | namtrails@cheqnet.net

Bayfield County Rep | Laurie Lyons 715-580-0974 | lauriel1960@hotmail.com

Brown County Director | Ron Kucera 920-655-7034 | rsk2140@gmail.com

Brown County Rep | Alan Mazna 920-819-5128/920-321-8551 alanmazna@yahoo.com

Buffalo County Director | Rick Duellman 608-867-3419 | plduellman@centuryte.net

Burnett County Director | Jon Schoepke 715-349-7340 | schoepke@sirentel.net

Burnett County Rep | Jim Smedegard 715-656-3855 | suesmed@gmail.com

Calumet County Director | Tim Gambsky 920-378-0104 | tgambsky@gmail.com

Calumet County Rep Holly Gambsky 920-851-6002 | hgambsky@yahoo.com

Chippewa County Director Don Gunderson | 715-868-0006 back40trailriders@yahoo.com

Chippewa County Rep | Jean Rygiel 715-829-0503 | greenie19446@gmail.com

Clark County Director | Dennis Johnson 715-644-2039 | 500ssskidoo@gmail.com

Clark County Rep | Paul Drescher 715-743-4752 | padrescher@tds.net

Columbia County Director John (Jr) Brozek | 920-382-2620 jnttbrozek@centurytel.net

Crawford County Director | Chris Olson 608-778-9767 | olsonfeed@gmail.com

Dane County Director | Sam Landes 608-849-7680 | slandes58@gmail.com

Dane County Rep Steve Clark 608-843-9546 / clarkslc1@gmail.com

Dodge County Director | Daniel Reinhardt 920-296-0665 | nanapoppyr77@yahoo.com

Dodge County Rep | Brad Lagerman 920-210-9591 cblagerman70@sbcglobal.net

Door County Director Steve Sohns 920-839-1247 / sohns2833@gmil.com

Door County Rep | David Hemp 920-536-0248 | spud62w@yahoo.com

Douglas County Director | Bruce Bergsten 715-364-2741 | snow4us@centurytel.net

Douglas County Rep | Dustin Androski 218-428-3015 | superiorite@gmail.com

Dunn County Director | Steve Baier 715-495-3269 | thebaiers@wwt.net

Dunn County Rep | Kevin Knospe 715-235-9685 | kdknosp@wwt.net

Eau Claire County Director | Ron Larson 715-828-6559 | txlindy@charter.net

Eau Claire County Rep | Max Henning 715-864-6389 | maxhenning4@gmail.com

Florence County Director | Jim Le Fevre 715-528-5392 | legsj3@borderlandnet.net

Florence County Rep | Jerry Heidtke 920-946-7019 | jrheidtke3@gmail.com

Fond Du Lac County Director | Ray Sippel 920-533-4279 | joraysippel@gmail.com

Doug Johnson | 715-268-6025 djsnow@amerytel.net

Orv Langohr | 920-565-4277

Scott Makowski | 262-794-3061 cookymanbev@gmail.com

Bob Staehler | 262-626-2329

Donna White | 920-348-5719 snodirdj@gmail.com

Fond Du Lac County Rep | Tom Hinchliffe 414-322-8483 | hinchdundee@gmail.com

Forest County Director | Calvin Schmidt 414-791-9760 | calschmidt23@gmail.com

Forest County Rep | Robert Erdman 715-484-2277 | ezdock@dwave.net

Grant County Director | Patrick Neff 608-739-3211 | neff0315@gmail.com

Grant County Rep | Theresa Braudt 608-988-6590 | theresabraudt@yahoo.com

Green County Director | Darren Roth 608-214-9760 | roth9400@gmail.com

Green County Rep | Mark Stephens 608-844-0018(C) | mks601@msn.com

Green Lake County Director Michelle Gates | 920-229-5180 mmgates@charter.net

Green Lake County Rep | Tim Beier 920-858-0473 | proplowing@gmail.com

Iowa County Director | Jerry Buol 608-575-4319 | fatboyten@yahoo.com

Iowa County Rep | Scott Carlson 608-425-0063 l acemechanic@mhtc.net

Iron County Director | Larry Erickson 715-561-4834 | lderickson46@gmail.com

Iron County Rep | Joe Olson 715-561-3313 | joeolson@chartermi.net

Jackson County Director | Joe Kniseley 715-896-4695 | joeteresalkniseley@gmail.com

Jackson County Rep | Kris Ward 715-225-8930 | wards2530@gmail.com

Jefferson County Director Sherman Lawson | 920-648-2531 bigsherm@charter.net

Jefferson County Rep | Roger Draeger 920-699-2209 | rdraeger@tds.net

Juneau County Director | Mike Hack 715-886-5999 | mwhack@wctc.net

Kenosha County Director Arlyn Baumgarten | 262-694-8242 abaumgarten@wi.rr.com

Kenosha County Rep | Sean Moore 262-496-4984 | moore.68@outlook.com

Kewaunee County Director Jay Thompson | 920-676-2479 jaysthompson66@yahoo.com

Kewaunee County Rep | Josh Haen 920-819-2289 | jbhaen@yahoo.com

La Crosse County Director | Nancy Olson 608-780-2524(C) | olybsnow@charter.net

Lafayette County Director | Leon Wolfe 608-574-5253 | leonnwolfe81@gmail.com

Lafayette County Rep Brian Bredeson 608-482-5380 /brbredeson@gmail.com

Langlade County Director | Tim Grall 715-216-3910 | tlgrall@hotmail.com

Langlade County Rep | Steve Noskowiak 715-610-1459 | sjjmnosko87@gmail.com

Lincoln County Director | Gary Hilgendorf 715-453-2629 | revitup2@frontier.com

Lincoln County Rep | Mark Swope 715-218-4581 | 715-536-3711 swamper@frontier.com

Manitowoc County Director | Elroy Jaeger 920-980-4665(C) | ecjaeger127@gmail.com

Manitowoc County Rep | Brian Woelfel 920-286-2709 | kbwoelfel@tm.net

Marathon County Director Wayde Kreager | 715-573-7282(C) wayde@kreagerinsurance.com

Marathon County Rep | David Bedroske 715-206-0011 | davidbedroske@gmail.com

Marinette County Director | Jeff Schwaller 715-927-5160 | jschwaller50@gmail.com

Marinette County Rep | Patti Mullarky 715-324-6020 | vintagepats@yahoo.com

Marquette County Director

Mathew Buchholz | 608-354-8708


Marquette County Rep | James Johnson 608-296-2085 | kmjohnson@marqs.net

Milwaukee County Director | Jim Marks 414-810-9526(C) | ja_marks@tds.net

Milwaukee County Rep | Darin Prihoda 414-425-8112

Monroe County Director | Jason Guthrie 608-372-7019 | arlog8891@hotmail.com

Monroe County Rep | Chelsie Engelson 608-343-0950 misssnowflake1314@gmail.com

Oconto County Director Deb Uhlenbrauck | 920-373-8578 uhlenbrauck@centurylink.net

Oconto County Rep | Gary Wagner 920-960-6823 | garywagner577@gmail.com

Oneida County Director Steve (Fuzzy) Moran | 715-367-0676 swamph2ofuzzy@gmail.com

Oneida County Rep | Scott Swendson 414-550-8961 | scott@swendsonmotorsports.com

Outagamie County Director | Gary Timm 920-841-6177 | gbcaetmm@gmail.com

Outagamie County Rep | David Gaskill 920-309-0140 | dgaskill@new.rr.com

Ozaukee County Director | Wally Thill 262-692-9165 | wthill1@wi.rr.com

Pepin County Director | Ryan Bauer 715-495-6246 | bauer0720@gmail.com

Pepin County Rep | Tim Milliren 715-285-5702 | tjmilliren@nelson-tel.net

Pierce County Director | Eric Lebakken 612-209-6424(C) eric.lebakken@gmail.com

Pierce County Rep | Roger Spindler 715-495-8836 | jrsping@bevcomm.net

Polk County Director | Dan Carlson 715-566-0177 | dkcarlson.949@gmail.com

Polk County Rep | Doug Johnson 715-268-6025 | djsnow@amerytel.net

Portage County Director | Brian Swan 715-824-2585 | mrsleddin@gmail.com

Portage County Rep John Spreda 715-347-4072 / johnspread@tds.net

Price County Director | Jim Walcisak 715-905-0100 | jawalcis@gmail.com

Price County Rep | Deric Bilgrien 715-820-3662 | globalderic@hotmail.com

Racine County Director | Greg Roscizewski 262-210-3095 | wldtrky101@wi.rr.com

Racine County Rep | Darren Slotty 414-238-3069 | prayforsnow@wi.rr.com

Richland County Director | Kerry Severson 608-604-5911 | kseverson99@gmail.com

Richland County Rep | Eric Siemandel 608-604-1031 mtnmaxman600@gmail.com

Rock County Director | Rodney Burzinski 608-207-0065


Rock County Rep | Erica Voelker 608-447-1621 | erkeehn@gmail.com

Rusk County Director | Jason Frye 715-595-3047 | jaythepyro@yahoo.com

Rusk County Rep | Terry Merget 715-567-0411 | merget.terry@gmail.com

Sauk County Director | Tim Lins 608-546-2030 | timlins@bugnet.net

Sauk County Rep | Ted Walmer 608-576-2223 | walmer1997@gmail.com

Sawyer County Director | Cathy LaReau 715-558-8966 | cathy@sawyercountytrails. com

Sawyer County Rep | Don Mrotek 715-634-8458 | don.mrotek@gmail.com

Shawano County Director

Carol Grunewald | 715-754-5144 carol_g_1979@frontiernet.net

Shawano County Rep

Katie Ann Grunewald | 715-754-5144 ktang_16@yahoo.com

Sheboygan County Director | Mike Holden 920-980-2321 | holdenmach@outlook.com

Sheboygan County Rep | Larry Rietbrock 920-645-5771 | larryrietbrock@tds.net

St. Croix County Director

Michael Fletcher | 715-386-9016


St. Croix County Rep | Rob Hackworthy 715-977-2173 | hackworo@gmail.com

Taylor County Director | Bob Meyer 715-437-0581 | bobstarla@gmail.com

Taylor County Rep | Nick Meyer 715-965-3682 l


Trempealeau County Director

Norbie Ziegler | 608-865-0362


Trempealeau County Rep | Paula Ziegler 608-865-0645 | pjziegler24@gmail.com

Vernon County Director | Keith Bauer 608-386-7668 | kthbauer1@hotmail.com

Vernon County Rep | Lory Bauer 608-483-2203 | loryb@mwt.net

Vilas County Director | Fred Suchy 815-263-3734 | fredsuchy6r@gmail.com

Vilas County Rep | Dennis Horan 715-542-2952 | greenthing1969@gmail.com

Walworth County Director | Kristine Boivin 414-234-0939 | kboivin@shorewest.com

Walworth County Rep | John Stohr 262-945-0202 | john@lakeareahomes.net

Washburn County Director Gwen Welter 715-635-2614 / gwenga@hotmail.com

Washburn County Rep | Randy King 715-635-7054 | spoonerking@gmail.com

Washington County Director Dean Wandel | 414-322-0872 dwandel1@wi.rr.com

Washington County Rep | Jerry Zier 262-628-2282 | jerryzier50@gmail.com

Waukesha County Director | Karen Jeras 262-617-1137 | sledbugs@hotmail.com

Waukesha County Rep | Andy Slaby 262-424-5917 | andy.slaby@gmail.com

Waupaca County Director | Ronald Fietzer 920-982-2760

Waupaca County Rep | David Sarna 920-470-1429 | sarnadave@gmail.com

Waushara County Director | Stuart McIntyre | 715-258-9316 stuandjoanie@yahoo.com

Waushara County Rep | David Barker 715-335-6561 | wildqwlt@uniontel.net

Winnebago County Director | Mike Giese 920-450-5865 | wabmko@gmail.com

Winnebago County Rep | Paul Kuehnl 920-915-6527 l turfworkspro@yahoo.com

Wood County Director | Mike Herzberg 715-498-3274 |a irideall@yahoo.com

Wood County Rep | Margie Straka 715-305-5040 | mmjajm2@gmail.com


| Makayla Gambsky Columbia | Parker Grams Columbia | Kearsten Sytsma Dane | Tanner Clark Dane | Morgan Elliott Dodge | Nora Buske Dodge | Lindsey Unger Fond du Lac | Evan Conlon Grant | Ahlixander Reed Grant | Jess Braudt Iron | Hana Joustra Jackson | Anessa Olson Jackson | Jake Ward Jefferson | Ethan Degner Jefferson | Jonathon Lenz Kenosha | Samantha Goldman Marathon | AJ Kreager Monroe | Sara Guthrie Oneida | Julia Gray Portage | Abby Bey Price | Lance Walcisak
Shawano | Michaela Gleason Taylor | Hailey Zickert Vilas | Ross Cooper Waukesha | Aubrey Dill Walworth | Madison Knops Racine | Matthew Smith
| Tia Fuchs
Lake |
Madisyn Gates-Roehl Oneida
Kylee Swendson



Here is a summary of the officer and committee reports from the directors meeting held on Sunday, October 23, in Rothschild, Wisconsin.

Dave thanked our speakers and workshop presenters. Hopefully everyone got some good information to take back to share with your clubs. All the power points used will be posted on the AWSC website. Dave asked anyone who has ideas for future workshop topics to talk to an executive board member. He talked about the fall events he and other officers attended with the trailer and show booth. He reported that we are waiting for decisions by the judges in both lawsuits we are following, the Blue Mound State Park and the Stower Seven Lakes Trail. He reported on the DNR’s regional master plans. Both the Central Sands Plains and the North Central Forest plans recently released their summary of comments. We weren’t aware of any red flag issues in either one. The proposed trail in the Buena Vista Wildlife Area received input from the public strongly supporting it, with minimal input in opposition. He reminded clubs that have tax exempt status to remember to file with the IRS within 5 months and 15 days after their fiscal year ends.


Lori reminded the directors and those attending the weekend to take what they learn this weekend home to share with their clubs in their county. She reminded everyone how the Of the Year Awards are chosen. They are selected by several of our committees, not the executive board. The Snowmobile Friendly Community awards are scored by the committee and then voted on by the executive board. She reminded everyone that the KAOS camping

weekend is open for anyone to attend. It is a fun weekend that allows everyone to get to know each other.


Sue reminded the club presidents and membership chairs who receive the information from the office to be sure and share it with the rest of their clubs. She congratulated the clubs that received a $400 Snowmobile Day grant from ISMA. She reported participation in the Snow Goer ad program was up this year, but still only included 31 clubs from Wisconsin.


Lauren presented the income/expense report which was approved. The new credit card reader was used at the silent auction this year and worked well. She provided a signup sheet for those who want to get some ACSA raffle calendars when we get them.


Mike thanked the clubs that hosted a hospitality room, the large rooms were great. He told the directors to work with their local clubs to educate them on how the program works and trails are funded.


Stormy thanked the office staff that helped with the weekend. She presented four bids for the 2025 Fall

December 2022 25

Workshop location. The directors voted to go to the Stevens Point Holiday Inn. Stormy presented a plan on how to handle hospitality rooms when we get more interested than there are rooms available. We will take all who expressed interest by an announced date and then a drawing will be held by the executive board to assign the rooms.


Rachyl congratulated AJ on the amazing year. She thanked her family, KAOS, AWSC, her club and county alliance and all of the Miss Snowflake sponsors. If you want her to attend your event, she can be reached at misssnowflake2223@gmail. com.


Holly is the snowmobile representative on the State Trails Council. She reported on the status of several bridge replacement projects on state properties and how snowmobiling will be affected.


Brain encouraged members to become safety instructors. Reminded those who are signing trails to remember to sign for those that don’t live in your area.


John mentioned concerns with solar farms that are popping up across the state. It is recommended talking with the landowner and solar company early on to work on keeping a trail across the property.


Audit Committee met on October 2, and reviewed financial records and everything looked good.


We plan to have next year’s raffle tickets available at the January directors meeting. Need to do a better job of selling them, with 34 unsold this year.


Dave announced he will be taking over as committee chair. He asked anyone interested in running for office in March to contact

the committee by January.


Larry talked about some of the information provided on the program this weekend. Supplemental will again be paid at 100 percent with the last pro-rate being back in 2013-14. The program looks healthy with the number of registered sleds consistent for the past several years. He mentioned that there are 579 GPS tracker units currently being used. With nearly 20,000 miles of funded trail, that relates to only 29 miles per groomer. There are some northern counties that are exceeding the supplemental cap and the committee is going on

26 WSN - www.awsc.org
Sales d Service d Parts d Accessories Johnson Sales, Inc. “Common Name, Uncommon Service” N1255 US Highway 51, Arlington WI (608) 635-7381 www.johnsonsalesinc.com Sales d Service d Parts d Accessories Johnson Sales, Inc. “Common Name, Uncommon Service” N1255 US Highway 51, Arlington WI (608) 635-7381 www.johnsonsalesinc.com

record in favor of increasing the cap from three times the $300 per mile to five times, which would be $1,500. The committee recommended the Legislative Committee proceed with plans to make that change in state statues. He warned clubs to be aware of the effects of the cost of fuel and new equipment along with the difficulty in getting some parts. He reminded everyone involved in brushing and signing to be safe when working on trails. Concerns with more buried cables was brought up and the need to call diggers hotline if you think you might be in an area where you could hit something. He reminded everyone again to not post pictures of stuck machines on social media. He recommended clubs keep paper records in case you need to rebuild your records after someone leaves or you have an equipment failure. Make sure you watch for changes with property ownership and work to prevent trail closures.


He mentioned the trailer is looking good and being used. They discussed the Wide Open Wisconsin Show in West Bend and recommended looking into having an AWSC presence there.


They reported they collected 15 large boxes of food for their community project this year. Their Leadership Ride will be held February 10 -12, and they are working on activities for the spring convention. They recommended directors go back home and spread the word about KAOS and get your youth involved. There is information on the AWSC website.


Sam talked about the upcoming elections and how they will be working with the new elected officials once they come back in January. We will be looking at increasing the amount available for the County Law Enforcement program and to increase the supplemental cap in the state budget. They continued to discuss how to allow business signs on state property. There will be huge changes in the Assembly and Senate this election. He recommended everyone get to know them and invite them to your meetings. It is easier to go to them for help when they know who you are.


Don and Lori met with the original nine recipients and went over their SWOT analysis. There will be a new re-application form they will need to use. Applications for new participants are on the website and are due January 6, 2023. The new awardees will be honored at convention. Dave thanked Lori, Don and the committee for all of their work. We get a lot of great publicity from this program. This past summer Dave, Lori and Drew Nusbaum traveled to the communities who were awarded last spring to recognize them at their local events.


Chelsie thanked AJ for doing a fantastic job and congratulated Rachyl. If you have potential future Miss Snowflakes in your county, please promote the idea to run and mentor them so they can come prepared and confident.


Theresa thanked all who donated items for the silent auction and bid on them. They raised over $6,000. They will be

December 2022 27
FOR A MAP, TRAIL CONDITIONS, & ACCOMMODATIONS GUIDE: 800-222-7655 discoverpolkcountywis.com

totaling $10,000. The deadline for applications will be January 6. WSN MAGAZINE

RACHYL BURZINSKI Rachyl reminded all


Flashback, Events and Reader Rides stories to kale@mspninc. com. There is a 50 percent discount for clubs wanting to place an ad.


Jim reminded clubs about their contest for cash prizes for clubs that increase their membership by 10 percent over last year. At the end of September, we had 20,653 members, which is up from this time last year and over half of our total memberships for last year.


International Snowmobile Congress 2024 was brought up for discussion. Wisconsin has been asked to host ISC in 2024 due to no other applications. The executive board is recommending we host it in Green Bay and Sue Smedegard and Lori Heideman have volunteered to serve as co-chairs. After providing more information and answering some questions, a motion was made and passed to host ISC 2024. Jefferson County and Burnett County provided information about the summer and winter director meetings to be held in their counties.

28 WSN - www.awsc.org * Red listings denote electronic link to dealer website on the digital edition of Wisconsin Snowmobile News. Visit www.awsc.org or www.mspninc.com Always wear a helmet and don’t drink and ride. c2022 Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc. All rights reserved. Day’s Power Sports Bloomer 715-568-4755 dayspowersports.us Hexco Motorsports Oshkosh 920-233-3313 hexcomotorsports.com Morse Power Sports Center Wisconsin Dells 608-254-8341 morsepowersports.com R & R Motorsports Hazelhurst 715-358-5349 rnr-rentals.com Road, Track and Trail LLC Big Bend 262-662-1500 roadtrackandtrail.com Rock River Marina Edgerton 608-884-9415/608-868-7765 rockrivermarina.com SS Sport Store Mercer 715-476-2468 sssportstore@yahoo.com TA Motorsports Francis Creek 920-682-1284 tamotorsports.com Yamaha of Port Washington Inc Port Washington 262-284-5995 portyamaha.com RIDEGEAR Built to perform. LIFESTYLE Show your Arctic Cat pride.
offering 13
clubs to send in their Club


The holiday season is here, and with it comes the often-arduous task of gift buying for family and friends. However, if you have a snowmobile enthusiast on your list, we’ve done the hard work for you and unearthed a handful of gifts that any snowmobiler would love to find under the tree.

DSG Outerwear – Spectrum Drop Seat Monosuit

Rox Speed FX – Gen 3 Flex-Tec Handguards

Put a pair of these new generation handguards from our friends at Rox under the tree and you’ll be giving the gift of protection, comfort, and style all in one. These new Flex-Tec Handguards are perfect for any challenging riding condition with a new modern look. Using a rigid but flexible backbone, these guards will bend and flex when necessary—but won’t break like many other guards on the market. Used and tested by the pros on all the major snowmobile racing circuits and manufactured right here in the United States by snowmobile enthusiasts just like you.


Bite Harder – Carbide Sharpener

The one-piece monosuit has returned to sport after nearly a 40-year absence and the era of a one-piece snowmobile suit is nothing like the one’s your parents used to wear. This suit is designed specifically for women from our friends at DSG. This uninsulated technical monosuit is packed with features including Sympatex®️, a waterproofing material that ensures you stay dry and comfortable. Plus, it features a drop-seat feature for when nature calls.


Everything is more expensive these days, including carbide runners. It’s safe to say everyone loves the sure-footed feeling and cornering assurance of a fresh pair of carbide wear bars, but instead of swapping out your worn runners, Bite Harder gives you the ability to sharpen your existing runners. When used with a cordless drill, you can sharpen your bars anywhere, even trailside. With Bite Harder you can save money by extending the life of your current wear bars and ride with more control and confidence.


December 2022 29 TAKE CONTROL WWW.STUDBOYTRACTION.COM 231-853-2323

Polaris – Lock & Ride Flex

If you have a Polaris rider on your list, the new Lock & Ride Flex storage and accessory system is a gift they are sure to appreciate. Quick, easy, and secure storage is something that every snowmobiler can appreciate, regardless of their riding passion. Lock & Ride Flex enables multiple configurations to easily add storage and passenger seating to your Matryx snowmobile in one simple click. What’s more, when you purchase the retrofit kit, you can add this same easy to use system to older Axys and Pro-Ride models. With Lock & Ride Flex you can mix and match storage solutions in just seconds.

polaris.com or visit your local Polaris dealer.

Ski-Doo – Exome Sport Radiant Helmet

When it comes to helmets, the folks at Ski-Doo have been leading the charge with some very innovative designs all designed to keep you warm and prevent fogging. Their latest model is dubbed the Exome and is designed to keep you warmer than any other helmet design. Perfect for the Ski-Doo trail rider on your list, the helmet features a dual-lens Radiant electric heated anti-fog visor and Breath Evac fog-resistant mask system to ensure your line of sight remains clear no matter what. In addition, this modular helmet features a removable peak and quick-release chin strap. ski-doo.com or visit your local Ski-Doo dealer.

iGrip – Screw-in Studs

Whether they love to snowmobile, ice fish, or just enjoy getting out during the winter months, these simple and incredibly effective screw-in studs from iGrip will be a much-loved gift this holiday season. Designed for a variety of application including automotive, ATV, boots, and of course snowmobiles, they are simple to install and effectively deliver increased grip and safety. For snowmobiles, simply identify your track type and lug height to find the right iGrip stud. Installation is fast and simple, and the overall installed weight is significantly lighter than traditional studs resulting in less rotating mass for increased performance.


Pete’s Trailers – Legend Baja Trailer

If you want to go big this Christmas and give a gift that will keep on giving year after year and during any riding season, visit our pals at Pete’s Trailers in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. As our go to place for all things trailers, they now have the latest all-terrain and all-weather trailer from Legend in stock. The Baja Trailer features fully insulated walls and ceiling, rugged off-road tires, LED lights, door and windows with screens, and a roof-mounted air-conditioning unit to cut the humidity and heat during the summer.


30 WSN - www.awsc.org

Give the Arctic Cat fan on your list the perfect gift to cheer on Team Arctic racers this winter and keep you warm on and off the trail. Featuring 200 grams of insulation and the added flexibility of a removable Flex Liner (with an additional 120 grams of insulation) you’ll stay warm even during the coldest days and nights of winter. The jacket also has a SNO-TEX waterproof, breathable coated outer shell that keeps you dry, and 360-degree reflectivity to increase your visibility in low light and through snow dust while trail riding. All this is trimmed out in classic Team Arctic green.

arcticcatstore.com or visit your local Arctic Cat dealer.

Mad Skills – Snocross Game

Just in time for the holidays comes a new snowmobile racing inspired game from Mad Skills for both Android and Apple smart phones. Known for their popular games in motocross and BMX, the Mad Skills designers applied that same kind of game play and graphics to an all-new snocross inspired game. The new Mad Skills Snocross game is exactly what you’d expect: A competitive sidescrolling racing game featuring snowmobiles that will keep you coming back for more in search of the checkered flag. Visit your appropriate app store to download.

December 2022 31
Arctic Cat – Ladies Team Arctic Pro Jacket



The AWSC Of The Year awards are applications taken from members either nominating a person, club or dealer. To be given this award you must demonstrate your involvement and commitment to snowmobiling. These awards are judged by a committee of directors and reps. Once selected, they will be forwarded onto ACSA for inclusion in the ACSA Of The Year awards. AWSC commends you on your participation and involvement in snowmobiling in the state of Wisconsin.


Larry Rietbrock has been snowmobiling for over 43 years and joined the Lakeshore Driftbusters 38 years ago and has also been a member of the Northern Kettle Moraine Snowmobile Association for over 15 years. When Larry started riding the northern parts of Wisconsin, he decided to support those areas by joining the Lily Sno-Birds snowmobile club. He is currently the Sheboygan County Representative and a major contributor to Sheboygan County snowmobiling.


The entire Strauss family are members of the Johnson Creek Riders and every family member has passionately snowmobiled for over 20 years and promoted snowmobiling while doing so. Introducing many new riders and club members to the sport through the family dealership, Rob’s Performance Motorsports, has made new riders feel as if they were already a part of the snowmobiling community. The Strauss family attends other club related events when possible and gives back to ATV/UTV and motorcycle groups through many, many donations.

Madisyn Gates-Roehl is a member of the Berlin River Riders and the Princeton Sno Barons. Madisyn is very involved when it comes to her clubs and county association helping to brush, install and remove trail signage and even has her own portion of trail to maintain. Madisyn attends most meetings for clubs and county and is always thinking of ideas to better the snowmobiling community and get youth involved. The past couple years she has spoken at snowmobile safety classes about the importance of joining a club, KAOS and expand on her personal experiences. Madisyn has also been recently elected VP for Green Lake County Association of Snowmobile Clubs. She is involved in KAOS through the AWSC and has attended AWSC Workshop, 2021 Miss Snow Flake Pageant, AWSC Convention, KAOS camping trips, KAOS annual leadership ride and attended 2021 ISC in Omaha, NE.

Frank Dussek is a founding member of the Phillips Chaparrals Snowmobile Club and was president in the early years, but has remained a trail boss for the past 30. Frank was also a founding member of the Price County Snowmobile Trails Association dedicating his efforts to making Price County a destination spot for snowmobiling. He is always concerned about safety and keeping landowners happy. A rarity these days, Frank used his own personal snowmobile and bulldozer to groom trails and even co-signed for the loan to get the first Tucker groomer in Price County. Frank is in his 80s and is still grooming, always willing to train someone and still sitting in the driver’s seat between 30-50 hours annually.

32 WSN - www.awsc.org


The Mercer Area Sno-Goers donate items to other local snowmobile club fundraising events, area non-profit organization events, KAOS, Scholarship and hospitality rooms during the AWSC conventions and workshops. Members are also involved in fundraising events for local fire department and EMS department, Mercer School, Mercer Lions Club and more. The Sno-Goers know it takes all aspects of a community to succeed at what they do, so they give back and assist in any and all ways possible. The club represents snowmobiling in a multitude of ways, by being open and connected with the snowmobilers riding their trails. Over the years, members of the club have been attending different AWSC events and have increased their presence at recent conventions.


Sport-O-Motive, located in Appleton, Wisconsin, attends northern club meetings and expresses safety on trails. They have sponsored races locally as well as at the World Championship Derby in Eagle River. They go out of their way to ensure you are safe and know how to utilize safety mechanisms on your snowmobile. They encourage all patrons to ensure WI DNR courses are completed and has utilized a question and answer period with purchases to ensure customers are fully aware of safety.

Sport-O-Motive is extremely active when it comes to fundraising efforts for many clubs and organizations. They are annual contributors to many including: Outagamie Convservation Club, Red Arrow Snowmobile ATV Club and Chute Pond Snowmobile Club to name a few.

December 2022 33
The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs would like to recognize and honor these outgoing or retiring directors and reps for their dedication and commitment to the sport of snowmobiling. AWSC RECOGNIZES OUTGOING AND RETIRING DIRECTORS AND REPS Steve Bethke - Sawyer County Director 2015-2022 Jim Chambers - Juneau County Director 1998-2021 Jim Drmolka - Portage County Rep 2002-2022 Rick Fetkenheuer - Washburn County Director 2016-2022 John Putz - Buffalo County Director 2010-2022


One of Wisconsin’s newest events, Wide Open Wisconsin, came in hot once again with a record number of visitors and three jam-packed days of excitement. Situated just north of Milwaukee at the Washington County Fairgrounds, thousands of spectators and shoppers were treated to a festival style snow show, all for what its founders like to call “The best five bucks you can spend.”

For just $5 entry and Free Parking, Wide Open Wisconsin treated the whole family to a full day of action, with broad entertainment throughout the weekend. Guests got a taste for the season Friday night, as 52,000 square feet of indoor vendors were flooded with customers looking to upgrade and replace last year’s gear. Local favorite, Schwai’s Meat Market, the show’s featured food vendor since 2020, provided their famous Friday Fish Fry, while the bar kept the beer and Old Fashions flowing. As the evening went on, each attendee was able to win some giveaways brought by some great sponsors. A handful of lucky winners went home with a Port Yamaha Kayo TD90 Pit Bike, $500 gift certificate to More Freakin Power, 509 goggles and a FXR monosuit. As the avalanche of giveaways were taken home there were smiles leaving Friday night.

Thrills ramped up Saturday, as snow enthusiasts came back for more. Participating youth in the DNR Certified Snowmobile Course arrived early to be led by licensed experts, who ushered in our next generation of snowmobilers. Swappers arrived bright and early to wheel and deal, then stuck around for Watercross demonstrations across the fair park’s pond, and multiple motorcycle stunt shows provided by Yamaha’s very own Twinstunts team. With Schwai’s again feeding 133 acres worth of attendees, live classic rock favorites provided by Candy Cigarettes set the backdrop to launch the season. At sunset, Bad Medicine serenaded the crowd live with treasured ‘80s rock hits.

More swap, stunt show, and 2023 steals commenced Sunday morning, with the added rush of a very competitive class of Grass Draggers. An early wreck into the timing mechanism injected some drama, but fortunately all was repaired and no injuries resulted, and in the end Loves Park Motorsports’ very own, Blake Jack, was deemed the day’s speediest sled. Mike Eidenberger’s machine took home Best in Show in the vintage exhibition, topping stiff competition among 75 total entrants. Winners multiplied as snow club booths hosted their own raffles, drawing in new members and spreading the word about this sporting tradition we all love.

Wide Open Wisconsin’s organizers would like to thank the countless volunteers, snowmobile clubs, area dealers, and partnered manufacturers Yamaha and Arctic Cat, who helped drive thousands of new visitors through the gates. Wide Open’s partners truly drive their mission and make this weekend happen, and promoters says they always will.

Wide Open Wisconsin returns to Washington County Fairgrounds in West Bend, Wisconsin in late September 2023.

34 WSN - www.awsc.org
“It’s a family business, in the sense everyone we know who loves snowmobiles, is part of the family. We work hard here, so everyone is excited and prepared to live wide open.”
– Benny Carlson, Show Promoter



In 2019, the AWSC awarded St. Germain, Wisconsin a Snowmobile Friendly Town for great reason. The beautiful Northwoods scenery, top notch taverns and restaurants, lodging, lakes, woods and incredible snowmobile trails are why so many snowmobilers return year-after-year for great family fun. Over 100 miles of groomed trail are maintained by the St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. A club who proclaims one of the largest memberships in the state (1,200+ members) and connects their trail to neighboring communities offering over 1,000 miles of signed and groomed perfection. If you needed more excuses to visit the area, here are five in Vilas County you’ll absolutely enjoy.


Sayner, Wisconsin is located just north of St. Germain and is known as the Birthplace of the Snowmobile. The first Eliason snowmobile was built by Carl Eliason in a small garage behind his general store over a two year period during his spare time. The small 1924 snowmobile displayed a front-mounted, liquidcooled 2.5hp outboard engine and slide-rail track guides resembling a motor toboggan. Today, the Vilas County Historical Society Museum has on display this original snowmobile and displays one of every “Motor Toboggan” model built by Eliason/FWD.


Hiller’s radar run combines the fastest shaved ice, manicured snow lanes and the Midwest’s largest bikini run into a weekend festival for racers and snowmobile fans alike. Since 2004 Hiller’s radar run has evolved into the must-see winter race event.

Racers and fans can share the tracks, browse heated tents for winter gear, food and entertainment. Hillers is hosted on the West Bay of Little St. Germain Lake and competes on 1000 feet of the best groomed ice track as well as a fast 660 foot snow track in partnership with the Straight Line Speed Association. Save the date and attend February 3-4, 2023.



In the heart of St. Germain, lies the Snowmobile Hall of Fame and museum. If you love snowmobiling, snowmobile racing, and its history, then you’ll surely enjoy taking part in any one, if not all of their events. Each year The hall of fame host fundraising events, most notably the Ride with the Champs, where snowmobilers of all types get together for an amazing ride from the hall of fame, and an evening of celebrating the sport and hobby we all love. If joining an event isn’t what you’re after, maybe you’ll enjoy looking at SHOF’s large collection of historically significant snowmobiles at their museum. There are many championship sleds from the oval track, drag strip, cross-country, water cross, enduro and hill climbs. There are also historically significant prototypes, consumer machines, memorabilia, photographs, one-of-a-kind pieces and much more.

36 WSN - www.awsc.org



One of the connecting communities to St. Germain is Eagle River, Wisconsin - Officially recognized as the Snowmobile Capital of the World and home of the World Championship Snowmobile Derby. For more than 59 years, it’s also home to the World Snowmobile Headquarters Museum and International Snowmobile Hall of Fame which showcases many snowmobile groups who have been, or are, instrumental in the development and operation of the sport of snowmobiling. This public showcase of both the people and historic machines that have taken the sport from its infancy to the present day have been enjoyed by thousands from around the world who have visited. Stop by to share snowmobile memories, exchange snowmobiling stories and capture some unique photos while there.

2 Brothers Powersports Onalaska 608-781-3360 2brotherspowersports.com

Airtec Sports Rice Lake 715-234-8174 airtecsportsricelake.com

Airtec Sports Roberts 715-760-3600

Monroe Powersports Inc Monroe 608-325-5056 mpsskidoo.com

Nextgen Powersports Chippewa Falls 715-723-2237 nextgen-powersports.com

Nextgen Powersports Clear Lake - 715-263-2244 nextgen-powersports.com



Snowmobile racing and Eagle River have become so deeply intertwined for the past four decades that the names are almost synonymous. Mention “snowmobile race” and most drivers will paint a picture of the wide-banked oval turns and ice track in Eagle River. The Derby Complex has brought the best snowmobile racers in the world together year-after-year. 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the World Championship Derby attracting more than 40,000 spectators annually. Don’t miss this exciting event January 19-22, 2023.

December 2022 37
© 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ® TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Products in the United States (U.S.) are distributed by BRP US Inc. Always ride responsibly and safely. The new 2023 Renegade X-RS is ready to ride whenever you want to. With the all-new REV® Gen5 platform and features like unmatched LED lighting and a 10.25" touchscreen that brings enhanced connectivity, prepare for trips you’ll never want to end. Lucky for you, they don’t have to. SEE MORE AT SKI-DOO.COM REFINED & PRIMED. LET’S RIDE. 2023 RENEGADE ® X-RS ® * Red listings denote electronic link to dealer on web edition of WSN. Visit awsc.org or mspninc.com New Gear to Reach Your Peak Keep tracking That Ski-Doo Feeling all winter long with new Ski-Doo styles.



’s easy to lump Roll-O-Flex with the countless snowmobile manufacturers who came and went in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Most of those companies were looking to get their foot in the door of the snowmobiling world and make a quick buck on the booming sport. Roll-O-Flex may have started on this trajectory, but they quickly changed and emerged as an innovative player in the industry even if for only a short period of time.


Based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Roll-O-Flex got its start as a maker of farm equipment. Seeing a chance for a cash flow stream in the winter months, they started re-branding Boa Ski snowmobiles for the 1968 model year. That year Roll-O-Flex sold four models — the Apache, Cherokee, Comanche, and the Wild One — model names that the company would stick with for its industry tenure. Sales were good, and by 1970 the company’ s president, Herb Padwick, pulled some strings with contacts he had in the Canadian government and secured a government grant for $2-million dollars (interest free) for Roll-O-Flex to begin production of snowmobiles of its own design. This money was part of an employment incentive and was contingent on Roll-O-Flex dumping its farm equipment business and moving strictly to snowmobile

production. It was a daring move, but one the company felt would pay off.

Roll-O-Flex started production of its own snowmobiles in 1970 and rolled out a new line of sleds for the 1971 model year. Everything was designed in-house and manufacturing of the sub-assemblies was farmed out to vendors, with the exception of the wiring harnesses, which they did themselves. By the summer of 1973, as the company ramped up production for the 1974 model year, RollO-Flex had refined its design and even had a compelling marketing strategy behind its sleds. They called it “The System.”

The System consisted of comet primary and secondary clutches which were calibrated in-house, a front-mounted Kohler engine, zinc-plated bulkhead, “no torque distortion” motor mounts, widestance skis, aluminum chassis, a die-cast and adjustable chaincase, disc brake, and an innovative rear suspension called the SuperFlexion, Super-Ride, Super-System. One thing not called out in The System was the exhaust, which was also developed in-house primarily by a guy named Gene Glaze, a self-confessed workaholic who quickly became vice president of the company.

38 WSN - www.awsc.org

Roll-O-Flex started with CCW engines but was unhappy with them. Working directly through Yamaha Motorsports in California, Roll-O-Flex secured Yamaha engines for its snowmobiles starting in 1972. The Glaze-tuned Yamaha engines, combined with the company’s innovative SuperFlexion suspension and rubber track, made the sleds formidable competitors in the performance world. In fact, they were giving production Yamaha and Yamahapowered Sno*Jets a run for their money on the trails.

As the company was poised to head into the 1974 model year, it announced its plans to go Sno Pro racing. Yamaha, already faced with competition on the racetrack from its own engines with Sno*Jet, declined Roll-O-Flex’s request to supply race engines. This was at a point when both production and race machines had already been calibrated for the Yamaha engines. Scrambling, Roll-O-Flex was able to land Kohler as a race engine supplier, but it left virtually no time to develop exhaust and calibrate clutching.

While this was going on, International Harvester had visited Roll-O-Flex in the summer of 1973 and the two were talking buyout. With International Harvester nearly set to write the check and purchase Roll-O-Flex, it backed out, supposedly due to reports of widespread track failures in Massey-Ferguson snowmobiles. On top of this, a change in government in Canada left Padwick without the friends in high places he once had, and the new government came to collect on its grant. Eventually the company went into receivership and held a bankruptcy auction April 19-20, 1974.

Seemingly against all odds, Glaze managed to build three Sno Pro machines, basing the look of the machines straight off the production Wild One. Glaze fabricated an aluminum chassis with an offset front end combined with the company’s Super-Flexion rear suspension. With little snow that winter, Glaze made the decision to not attend big events such as Beausejour and Eagle River, choosing instead to race closer to home. Lack of proper gears for the double roller chain setup meant he struggled with speed and blown belts on the longer half-mile tracks, but on shorter tracks the sled was tough to beat.

Facing bankruptcy, Roll-O-Flex produced less than 500 production Wild One snowmobiles for 1974. Equipped with Kohler race engines, there were 290cc, 340cc, 400cc, and 440cc models available. All 1974 Wild Ones came with twin Mikuni carburetors, CDI ignition, temp gauges, tach, shocks, and hydraulic brake. Tuned racing pipes were optional. Out of all 1974 Wild Ones built, most were burgundy and gold and only 20-25 were white and red. The 1974 Roll-O-Flex Wild One was a hint of what might have been for the company had bankruptcy and low snow not shot them down.

The sled pictured is owned and was meticulously restored by Randy and Teresa Holland along with their son Ross. While the white color alone makes it a rare find, reports of even fewer white Wild One’s outfitted with the 340cc free-air Kohler makes this particular Wild One truly wild and ultra rare.

December 2022 39



One of the key factors to keeping your engine running at peak performance can stem from how well you treat its system’s fuel throughout the year. Modern ethanol-blended and oxygenated fuels can start to deteriorate within a few weeks, and if left in a tank for an extended period untreated, it breaks down and leaves varnish and sludge deposits potentially prohibiting fuel delivery and combustion. Easy as 1-2-3, Quicksilver has removed any guesswork from trying to figure out what fuel additives to use for fill-ups, periodic deep cleaning and long term storage. We’ve outlined those products below as well as some additional fuel treatment tips.

Fuel additives are the first line of defense against fuel-related problems and following these precautions will additionally protect your fuel investment.

Purchase fuel from trusted sources

Keep your fuel tanks clean and check them periodically for water and sediment

Check your fuel filter often and clean or replace if necessary.

Using these three fuel treatments can prevent the potential for unnecessary engine component refurbishing or replacement, and ensure the moving parts in your engine continue to run frictionfree with quick starts and a smooth idle for more time spent enjoying what’s powering them.

QUICKARE STEP 1 – Add a Quality Fuel Stabilizer

Simply stated, degraded fuel doesn’t burn well. An antioxidant or fuel stabilizer like Quicksilver®️ Quickare is the first step to helping prevent the process of oxidation and breakdown in all grades of gasoline including ethanol blends. When used at every fill-up, Quickare helps to control corrosion, gum and varnish build-up associated with ethanol-blended fuel, and controls moisture and corrosion problems associated with non-ethanol fuel. Quickare continually keeps fuel fresh between fill-ups up to 12 months.

QUICKSTOR STEP 3 – Prepare for Long Term Storage

If you are going to store your power equipment or recreational vehicle for an extended period of time, review your owner’s manual first for factory recommendations on the process. By using Quicksilver Quickstor, you can prevent gum and varnish from forming in the fuel and settling in fuel lines, tanks, carburetors and injectors for up to two years.

QUICKLEEN STEP 2 –Periodically Clean Your Fuel System

Quicksilver Quickleen is a fuel treatment with detergents that can be added to your fuel system during its engine run cycle periodically. The detergents bond to carbon and work quickly and thoroughly to remove deposits from carburetors, injectors, intake valves, spark plugs and cylinder heads.

40 WSN - www.awsc.org



Brian & Kris Woelfel set up the chartered bus trip from Kiel to West Yellowstone last February. The group of 48 left at 9pm Friday night, February 11, and returned Sunday, February 20. We drove through the night, stopped for breakfast in Jamestown, North Dakota and stopped in Miles City, Montana for our overnight stay. We arrived in West Yellowstone early Sunday afternoon.

All sleds were rented for the weeklong stay. On Monday we went into Yellowstone National Park, our group was then divided up into 3 smaller groups to be guided along the way. Tuesday thru Friday we rode our rented Polaris sleds and were on our own. Attached are two pictures from Two Top, this is a mustsee attraction for many snowmobilers when going out to West Yellowstone. The snow just sticks to the trees. I am told there is still snow at Two Top in June.

Saturday morning it was time to start our journey home again. We spent the night in Bismarck, North Dakota. We arrived back in Kiel on Sunday evening about 7pm.

We (Brian and Kris) have taken this trip three times now. In 2015, 2018, and what was supposed to be again in 2021, until COVID hit in March of 2020 when the arrangements were starting to be made. The decision to move the trip back a year had to be made.

December 2022 41



We didn’t have many days last season in Southern Wisconsin when we were able to open our trails due to lack of snow. But the few days we had, we made the best of it. January 29, 2022 was one of those days. Our club, the Brooklyn Sno-Hornets, had the opportunity to participate in a training exercise with the Albany and Brooklyn Fire and EMS departments. The exercise was a simulated snowmobile accident involving three sleds which had occurred on a snowmobile trail approximately 1/2-mile from the road. Some club members served as accident victims and other members shuttled the fire fighters and EMTs from the road (staging area) by snowmobile to the accident site. The scenario was repeated so each department had a chance to take the lead as first responders. It was mentioned by many of the firefighters and EMTs that this was one of the most realistic training exercises they have had the opportunity to participate in, in sometime. After the exercise, everyone was invited to the Albany Fire department for a chili luncheon and debriefing.

Over the summer, our club hosted our annual Landowners Appreciation picnic with one of the neighboring clubs, the Oregon Sno-Blazers. The picnic is always well attended by both club members and landowners. We have a cash drawing for the landowners, lots of great food, lively conversations, and we say “Thank you” a lot of times. The two clubs also host the Brooklyn Labor Day Truck & Tractor Pull. A three day event and the largest fund raiser for each club.

The seasons are starting to change and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new 9’6” x 20’ Ultimate drag. The new drag will be pulled by our John Deere tractor, with Sousy tracks. We also have a Tucker Sno-Cat 1000 with an 8’ x 20’ Arrowhead drag. The two units are used to maintain our 36 miles of funded trails, plus another 30 + /- miles of club trails; so we can continue to provide some of the best trails in southern Wisconsin. THINK SNOW!

42 WSN - www.awsc.org WISCONSIN



It was a clear, 70 degree day on September 16, 1971 when 31 people from the town of Burnett, Wisconsin met to discuss the formation of a new snowmobile club. Two motions were passed at that meeting. The first, was to continue meeting over the next few months to decide how an official club might form and what the by-laws might be. The other motion passed, was to throw an end of year party for the trail landowners instead of giving them quarts of brandy at the start of the season which had been done the previous year.

Fast forward 13 months to October 16, 1972 and the Trail to Trail or TT Riders Snowmobile Club was officially formed.

Fall of 2022 marks the 50th year of the club and over that span of time, the group from a town of less than 1,000 people has produced one Snow Queen and six Snowmobiler of the Year award recipients for the Dodge County Association of Snowmobile Clubs. Two founding members, Jim Rieman (front left) and Curtis Bening (front second from left), remain in the club to this day. Four of the club’s 40 members are third-generation members who keep the traditions of bowling outings, Christmas parties, Friday night fish frys and nights out on the town going strong.

Winter breakfasts and brat fry fund raisers have helped keep the bank account full. The money raised goes to maintain several miles of Corridor 9 and Corridor 34 on the west side of the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge. These trails include a heavily traveled portion of the Wild Goose State Trail that is not only open to snowmobiles, but also to ATV and UTV traffic in the winter months. Special thanks go to the Juneau Snow Marauders, who partner with the TT Riders for trail grooming.

The longevity of the club is a testament to its members, their attitudes, and their work ethic. The family ties and fun times will keep the rides happening for years to come. Cheers to another 50 years!

December 2022 43 WISCONSIN



8: Hayward, WI. Sno-Trails Groomer Shed Open House at Groomer Shed, 10059N Ocker Rd, 1pm-4pm, Open house and Family Fun Day, Darlene / 715-558-5263

15: Marathon City, WI. Rib Knights Snowmobile Club Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142457 County Road NN – Doors 5:30pm, Bingo 6:30,pm, 50/50 raffles, bar open for food, Laurie / 715-3705473

25-4 March: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies 4th Annual Poker Run, Get game cards at local area businesses, Draw March 4, 2023 at Twin Lake Pub, Randy Remblake / 847-980-0349 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com

31: Woodruff, WI. Cross Country Cruisers Kids New Years Eve Party, Woodruff Town Hall, 1418 1st Ave, 3pm start, fireworks 7pm, games, sledding, ice skating, horse drawn sleigh rides, food and beverages. Glenn / glennspeich@gmail.com / crosscountrycruisers. com


8: Sullivan, WI. Sullivan Sno-Drifters Breakfast, The Sullivan Saloon, 165 Main Street, 7am-11:30am, pancakes, eggs, hash browns sausage, ham, biscuits and gravy, milk, coffee and orange juice, Tickets $9 advance, $10 door adults, $5 Children 5-10, under 5 free, Tickets at The Sullivan Saloon, Sullivan Premier Bank and Gaugert’s Buss Stop or Tammy / 262-490-2840

8: West Bend, WI. Kohlsville Kruisers SC Brat Fry & Fisheree. Jug’s Hitching Post, 5781 Main Street,10am-5pm, Raffles, plus NEW-Gun Raffle, Located on Corridor 34, Fisheree on Kohlsville Pond starts 7am, Brat Fry 10-5pm, Julie Steger / 262-483-9312 / kohlsvillekruiserssecretary@gmail.com / Facebook

14: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies & Phelps Snowmobile Club Trailside Roast, Vilas County Intersection #500, Intersection of Trails 8/45 & 6 near Blong Road, hot dogs, brats, S’mores, hot cocoa and more, Randy / 847-980-0349 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com

14: Rosholt, WI. Rosholt Blizzard Busters Fisheree, Lake Helen, 3190 Lake Helen Rd,10am-4pm, adults and children in multiple fish categories, raffle tickets, large prize raffles, food and beverages, free Kids Raffle, Liz / 715-677-3854 / rbbtreasurere18@gmail.com

14: Star Lake, WI. Saynor Barnstormers Brats on the Trail Fundraiser, Ride your sleds to trail marker #217 for brats, hot dogs, hot chocolate, campfire and more, 11am-3pm, Kelly / 715-536-9845

15: Batavia, WI. Beechwood Night Fliers-Annual Brat & Burger Fry. Town of Scott Community Center, 1360 Hwy 28, 10am-5pm, Brats, burgers, potato salad, beans and homemade tortes, basket raffles, walk around raffles, ½ hog raffle, Sportman’s Raffle and Annual Raffle, plus kids games, Jenny / 920-948-2071 / rjfeider1@gmail. com

15: Manitowish, WI. Manitowish Waters Sno-Skeeters Snowmobile Breakfast Fundraiser at Ye Olde Shillelagh, 14202 Tower Rd, 8amNoon

19: Marathon City, WI. Rib Knights Snowmobile Club Bingo, Memories Ballroom, 142457 County Road NN – Doors 5:30pm, Bingo 6:30,pm, 50/50 raffles, bar open for food, Laurie / 715-3705473

20-21: Lakewood, WI. 36th Annual Waubee Women On Snow, Waubee Lodge, 18398 Waubee Park Ln, 3pm, Weekend includes lodging, meals, banquet Saturday night, DJ Friday, Hawaiian theme and prizes Saturday night. Registration Nov 1 – Dec 8th Becky / 715581-3971 or Marie / 920-845-5845

21: Baraboo, WI. Rock Springs Snowdrifters Annual Vintage Ride, Intersection of Hwy 23 & 33, 10:30am, All sleds welcome, vintage and new, John / 608-963-1689

21: Holcombe, WI. Flambeau Area Trail Tenders Snowmobile Club Brat and Chili Feed at Flater’s Resort N270 County Road E, On Trail #27, 11am-4pm, raffles, music, chili & brat feed, over $2500 cash prizes and 2023 Ski Doo 600 Blizzard Grand Prize drawing, Joe / 715-595-4771 / FB flambeauareatrailtenders

21: Star Lake, WI. Sayner Barnstormers Snomobilers at Stillwaters Bar, Best French toast, raffles 8am - 11am, Kelly / 715-536-9845

20-22: Winter, WI. Winter Huskies MWSS Midwest Sno-Cross Series Race, Winter Huskies Groomer Building, 9am. Open to all ages, Dale / 715-661-1294

26-29: Eagle River, WI. Annual Women on Snow, Eagle Waters Resort, 3958 Eagle Water Rd, Weekend package includes condominium lodging, guided trail riding, fuel, lunch, and dinners, Saturday banquet Registration Oct 1 – Dec 15, 2022, womenonsnow.org / womenonsnowwi1@gmail.com

28: Tomahawk, WI. Hooligan’s Snowmobile Club Radar Runs, held at Holly’s Bar and Grill, W5698 County Rd N, food, raffles, Registration 8am, Racing 10am, Kitty Cats Noon, Ron / 414-430-2570

28: Conover, WI. Conover Sno-Buddies Annual Chili & Soup Cook-Off, Wild Turkey, 306 Hwy 45 North, 1pm-4pm, Sample or Enter chili, 50/50 raffles, Randy / 847-980-0349 / conoversnobuddies@gmail.com.

28: Delavan, WI Delavan-Williams Bay Sno-Buddies & Elkhorn SnoDrifters Drag the Turtle Radar Run, Turtle Lake, N6513 Anderson Dr, 11am-4pm, Ice/Snow 1000’ Radar Run, Raffles, 50/50, Food and fun, Joe / 262-275-0107

28: Hawkins, WI. Annual Hawkins Sno-Hawks Brat Feed, Grooming Shed, 801 Washington St, on Trail #25, 11am - 4pm. Terry / 715567-0411

28-29: Winter, WI. Winter Huskies Fish Fest, Trap Fish Lodge, Log Lodge Road, 6am Saturday – 6pm Sunday, Cash prizes, many raffles, Andy / 715-266-9291

30: Three Lakes, WI. Three Lakes-Brule River Trails Chili Cook-Off and Meat Raffle, Pike’s Pine Isle, 1261 Pine Isle Rd, Noon – 3pm, Gerri / 262-844-9037 / gerri.zodrow@att.net


4: Adams, WI. Grand Marsh Pathfinders Annual Review, Connells Cedar Shack, 2248 St Highway 13, south of Adams. Plaques, registration 9am-noon, presentation 2pm, Food, Drinks and Raffles, Todd / 608-548-3745 / FB Grand Marsh Pathfinders

4: Crandon, WI. Lumberjack Memorial Trails Meat Raffle, Poker Run and Raffle Draw, Charlie’s Lake Megtonga Resort, 4163 E Lakeview St, Noon - 6pm, Brent / 920-379-2164 / LMTSnowmobiletrails.org / FB: Lumberjack Memorial Trails-LMT

4: Fond du lac, WI. Holyland Snowflyers 8th Annual Vintage Piston Burners Winter Show & Ride the Bol, Kiekhaefer Park, Start 8am, 93 & Older sleds, Kids 120 track, Groomer Rides, Heated Tent, Meat & Bucket Raffles, Food & Drinks, Darrin / 920-273-9601 / sno-bol. com / holylandsnowflyers.com

44 WSN - www.awsc.org WISCONSIN

4: Jefferson, WI. Jefferson Snowstormers Annual Meat Raffle, Fairview Sports Bar, 711 W Racine St, 1pm, Brenda / 920-988-7655 / jskaife@sbcglobal.net / FB Jefferson Snowstormers

4: Ladysmith, WI. Ladysmith Driftbusters Snowmobile Club Chili & Pulled Port Feed, J & S Supper Club, W9594 US 8, on Trail #12/27 10am-3pm, Dennis / 715-570-7050

4: St. Germain, WI. Sayner Barnstormers Chili Fundraiser at Murmuring Waters Lodge, raffles and more, 2pm – 5pm, Kelly / 715-536-9845

4: Tomahawk, WI. Harshaw Wanderers SC Meat Madness and More! Twin Bay, 2173 County Road L, 4pm-6pm. Many raffles, Everyone welcome! harshawwanderers45@gmail.com / FB: Harshaw Wanderers

4: Pulaski, WI. Chase Sno Chasers Winter Raffle Bash, South Chase Saloon, 494 County Road C, 4pm -7pm, Raffle tickets for large prize items can be purchased before the event, basket & bucket raffles, Jeremy / 920-619-7825 / webmaster@chasesnochasers.org / chasesnochasers.org

4: Stetsonville, WI. Tired Iron Vintage Riders Snowmobile Show & Ride, Centennial Community Center, 412 E Centennial Ave, Registration 8:30-11am, Trail Ride 1pm, Awards 3pm, Food and refreshments ALL DAY, Leon / 715-427-5441 or Jesse / 608-5163669 / FB: Tired Iron Vintage Riders-snowmobile club

5: Johnson Creek, WI. Twin River Riders Snowmobile Club Breakfast at Crawfish Junction, W6376 Co Rd A, Denise / 920-7237766

10-12: Plymouth, WI. Plymouth Snow Rangers & Midwest Sno Cross Series 45th annual Budweiser Classic Race of Champions at Ranger Park, Hwy 57 & County Rd C across from Fleet Farm. plymouthsnowrangers.com / FB: Plymouth Snow Rangers

11: Neosho WI. Ridge and Valley Cruisers Annual Neosho Cup Snowmobile Races on Neosho Pond, Lakecross and Radar Runs, 10am Start, Hot food & cold drinks, DJ, Raffles, FREE admission, Mike / 262-629-9575 or Facebook

11: Pickerel, WI. Tombstone Pickerel SC Annual Chili Ride In, N9398 County Rod DD, 3pm – 6pm, at the clubhouse, Free chili, hot dogs and desserts, many raffle baskets, Marg / 920-676-7504 / tombstonepickerelsnoclub@gmail.com

11: Island Lake, WI. Neighborly Sno-Goers Snowmobile Club Chicken Dinner at Shep’s Northshore Bay & Campground, N1033 WI 40, Trail #31/Hwy 40, Noon-4pm, Jason / 715-595-3047

11: Tomahawk, WI. Northwoods Passage Snowmobile Club Inc. Smooth Trail Fund Raffle – Sled Raffle. Somo Lake Resort, N10750 Somo Lake Dr, Noon - 5pm – Drawing 4pm, Raffle of a 2023 Ski-Doo MXZ 600 EFI, Hamburger & Brat Cookout, Games and Prizes, Lori / 715-966-4385 / secretarynwp@gmail.com

11: Winter, WI. Winter Huskies 20th Annual Big Boys Toys Vintage Ride, Winter Huskies Groomer Shed, 9am-6pm, Twenty mile round trip ride, Food at halfway point and chicken dinner with trophies and door prizes at groomer shed, Mitch / Dale / 651-303-5940 / 715-661-1294 / FB WinterHuskies

December 2022 45 MARKETPLACE N6728 County Rd Y Watertown WI 53094 920.699.3180 Past “ACSA and AWSC Dealer of the Year” I-94 & Hwy. Y, North of Johnson Creek WI Mon.-Thur. 11a.m.-7 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sun. Closed Your BEST connection to products for more than 40+ years! Sales f Service f Parts f Accessories 715-546-2196 Located on the trail 2 miles South of Three Lakes on Hwy. 45 www.sportsmansservice.com N15921 Schubert Road Galesville, WI 54630 608.539.4600 greg@universaltruckequipment.com www.ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com If you’ve tried the rest IT’S TIME TO TRY THE BEST!  Ultimate Drag: 8’ 12 1/2’ (W) x 20’ (L) Ultimate Junior Drag:  6’ (W) x 12’ (L)  Groomers with SKI” design Over 10 Different Features & Add-Ons N15921 Schubert Road Galesville, WI 54630 608.539.4600 greg@universaltruckequipment.com www.ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com If you’ve tried the rest IT’S TIME TO TRY THE BEST!  Ultimate Drag: 8’ 12 /2 (W) x 20’ (L)  Ultimate Junior Drag: 6’ (W) x 12’ (L)  Groomers with SKI” design Over 10 Different Features & Add-Ons Ultimate Jr. w/Tool Box If you’ve tried the rest... IT’S TIME TO TRY THE BEST! F 8’- 121/2’(W) x 20’(L) F Ultimate Junior Drag: F 6’ (W) x 12’ (L) F Groomers with “SKI” Design F Over 10 Different Features & Add-Ons N15921 Schubert Road Galesville, WI 54630 608.539.4600 greg@universaltruckequipment.com www.ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com If you’ve tried the rest IT S TIME TO TRY THE BEST! Ultimate Drag: 8’ 12 / ’ (W) x 20’ (L)  Ultimate Junior Drag: 6’ (W) x 12’ (L)  Groomers with SKI” design Over 10 Different Features & Add-Ons greg@universaltruckequipment.com ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com N15921 Schubert Road Galesville, WI 54630 608.539.4600 greg@universaltruckequipment.com www.ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com If you’ve tried the rest IT’S TIME TO TRY THE BEST! Ultimate Drag:  8’ 12 / (W) x 20’ (L) Ultimate Junior Drag:  6’ (W) x 12’ (L) Groomers with “SKI” design  Over 10 Different Features & Add-Ons Picture Shown w/ Retractable Wings Ultimate Jr. w/Tool Box Ultimate N15921 Schubert Road - Galesville, WI 54630 608.539.4600 Greg@ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com www.ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com Ultimate Ultimate Jr. w/Tool Box Picture Shown w/ Retractable Wings HAMBLEN EQUIPMENT INC. 715-479-4200 Email: info@arrowheadgroomers.com PO BOX 340, St. Germain, WI 54558 2013 New Holland T7.190 w/soucy track kit 2013 Case Puma 215 w/soucy track kit 2016 Case Puma 165 w/soucy track kit 2009 Pisten Bully 400 Swiderski Equipment Inc. N4660 US-45, Antigo, WI
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L-TX GT EPS Rock solid performance and practical comfort. SNOW
©2022 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Product and specifications subject to change without notice. Professional rider on closed course under controlled conditions. Model shown with optional accessories. Always wear an approved helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Ride responsibly and always ride within your capabilities, allowing time and distance for maneuvering, and respect others around you. Know the conditions. Observe all state and local laws. Don’t drink and ride.
Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Product and specifications subject to change without notice. Professional rider on closed course under controlled conditions. Model
with optional accessories. Always wear an approved helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Ride responsibly and always ride within your capabilities, allowing time and distance for maneuvering, and respect others around you. Know the conditions. Observe all state and local laws. Don’t drink and ride.
879 TWIN
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