MSS Quality Comparison 2019
Threaded Rod We recently became aware that Threaded Rod is being sold on the Irish market that does not conform to any standard and depending on the application could be dangerous. As an ISO9001:2015 accredited supplier of such products, it is incumbent on us to draw your attention to this as it is a Health and Safety issue that could potentially have harmful consequences. The Standard Threaded rod is primarily sold in 1 and 3 metre lengths and it conforms to the standard DIN 976-1 this is the most up to date standard and has replaced or superseded DIN 975 which no longer exists. Engineers refer to this standard when determining the size, quantity and spacing for the support fixings needed to provide a safe and secure connection. The picture below shows two pieces of threaded rod. The one on the left came from our stock and it is DIN 976-1. The one on the right, which has a much smaller core diameter and a different thread angle, does not comply with the standard. It is also seriously weakened by the smaller core and the altered thread angle. This change in angle produces fins as distinct from threads which in turn results in a much lower surface area contact with the internal thread of a nut, coupler or channel nut and a much lower proof load. The product on the right originated from Asia and is referred to as 8g or 10g (spurious references) and the incentive for making this product is less weight, lower price and bigger profit.
DIN 976-1
Competitor DIN 975
Competitor DIN 975
For your full Unistrut warranty and calculation verified you need to be installing a full Unistrut warranted system. The full system comprises of a Unistrut channel with a full traceable QBN, a Unistrut branded Channel Nut, and a Unistrut stamped bracket. Non-approved product removes all system integrity and cannot be warranted by Unistrut.
Competitors No QBN
MSS With QBN Number
MSS items visibly stamped. Three separate manufacturers of the three non-stamped items. N.B. Square washer is being sold to market as HDG but is in fact a zinc plated finish which is not suitable for outdoor use. All relevant documentation regarding this available on request.
Quality Finish
MSS items visibly stamped. Stamp = Traceability. Competitors items not stamped = zero traceability.
See right hand side illustration for correct shape of P1796.