MSSA-Menofia End-term report [2012-2013]

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End-term Report


MSSA is an association that was founded during the early 90s of the last century and fought its way through the years with many fall outs and get ups. It is a long run lead by so many professors and senior colleagues. MSSA was established around 1993, under the patronage of Dr. Awatef Farghaly, Professor of Surgery. A year later, Dr. Sa’eed El-Mallah, also a surgery professor, supervised MSSA for a few years. And since 2000 till the day being, MSSA is back to be under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Awatef Farghaly. Along these years, many senior colleagues were involved in the journey of MSSA. Keeping track of all these seniors was a hard job. So many people moving into MSSA and a lot moving out of it into some place of our wide universe. These senior colleagues have become our raw models. These colleagues had become the energy that feeds our souls and the hand that pushes us towards further achievements and success.

Contents • • • • • • • •

A word from MSSA TO TO structure Facts about MSSA General Events EB report SCs reports Publications SD Report National & international representation • Awards • Parteners & sponsors

Design / Editing / Proofreading : Ibrahim Kandeel Nowrus Emad

Contact : Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

A word from MSSA TO ! Dear IFMSA-Egypt Fellows, It’s my honor and pleasure to present you the Annual Report of MSSA-Menofia Team of Officials for the term 2012-2013! After a splendid term full of enthusiasm from every young member to the board members, we can say (Yes, we did it), a new strategy was adapted locally between our members, we created the best team spirit ever and we are promising to keep it. Building a concrete and tight link between MSSA-Menofia organization and the faculty administration helped us a lot this year in all our activities, we supervised almost all of the faculty non-formal education activities, had been the OC of the Faculty Annual Conference and we crowned our work by leading the Quality Assurance and Accreditation task-force made by our dean and the Quality Chair Doctor and we were trust-worthy that the supervising council mentioned MSSA-Menofia as the best students’ activity in the faculty! Moving to the IFMSA-Egypt side, we have been always serving IFMSA-Egypt’s vision and mission and we are proud to do so, we were contributed in every national event or meeting, attended all the NGAs held adding to it the Winter Camp, our Secretary General Mr.Ibrahim Kandel has been leading the publication team for the AM14 and our President Mr.Ahmed Reda has been elected as the IFMSA Training Director for the term 2013-2014! Our annual report represents a brief about more than 100 members working together for the welfare of a one big association called MSSA-Menofia, part of another big one called IFMSA-Egypt, this report shall talk louder about the work exerted this year that we are proud of and we hope that it helped in the welfare of IFMSA-Egypt.. We will be always serving IFMSA-Egypt values and we are proud to be one of this big family . Thank you for reading our report so far, shall you have any requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us! On behalf of MSSA-Menofia TO,

Ahmed Reda

MSSA-Menofia President 2012-2013


Team of Officials Structure Excutive Board Ahmed Reda President

Ibrahim Kandeel Secretary General & Treasurer


Mohamed Afify LEO-LORE

Ahmed Nasar LOME

Mostafa Harhash LPO

Mohamed Kabeel LORA

Islam El-housiny Co-LORP

Manar Nassem Co-LORP

Nowrus Emad Publications Director Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

Facts About MSSA 1. MSSA was represented in all 3 IFMSA-Egypt General Assemblies • 1st GA Hosted by ZMSA • 2nd GA Hosted by AUSSS • 3rd GA Hosted by ASSA-Alex. 2. MSSA was represented in 4th IFMSA-Egypt winter camp in Assiut. 3. MSSA was represnted in 2nd IFMSA-Egypt SRT by Trainer ( Ahmed Reda) and OC member (Mohmed Afify ). 4. Our local Meetings , • 1st Local GA in January • 2nd GA will be in september • 4 TOMs 5. There are 150 members in MSSA this year . 6. MSSA was represented in the last 3 international events (AM , EMR & Eurgme) 7. MSSA constitution & bylaws was updated and we’ll adopte it in our next Local GA. 8. MSSA-Menofia Headquarters, One of the achivements of this term was getting the final approval for MSSA Headquarters. 9. MSSA Management teams : ( Publications & new technologies , Almuni & database &Fundrasing ) 10. Our Campaign For Quality and accriditation was effective on students as well as professors .visitors asked about MSSA history files and the faculty administration arranged a meeting for MSSA EB with the visitor from The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.


General Events 1. MSSA Festival :

Our annual Festival , this year festival was special because we were celebrating our with our 20th anniversary . Our target from this festival was to introduce MSSA to the new year students, our fesival lasted for 4 days .New members fill the applications to join the team in those 4 days every year. Attendees Number : 1100 Students . ( 45% of the faculty students ) Head of OC : Ahmed Badawy & Mohamed Afify

2. New Members Orientation Session & Interview

We received 300 applications to join MSSA team so we started arranging a new members Orientation session & training in this training they learned more about MSSA and every new member, recieved new commers Manual.

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

3. Organizing Menofia Faculty of Medicine annual Conference Our confrence title was “Quality of Health Services “ . Attendees Number : 340 Students & Doctors. Head Of OC : Nowrus Emad OC members : 25 members

4. Graduation Party

MSSA team was responsible for organizing the day as well as the decorations of the hall , the graduation party was held in Menofia univeristy Stadium Attendees : Dean Faculty of Medicine , President of Menofia Univeristy & Students Head Of OC : Nancy Tharwat & Mohamed Afify OC members : 50 members

5. Quality & accriditation Campaign

1st Step : Our taget of this campaign was mainly students , we talked about the advatages of accreditation for the students and educational process in our faculty . This campaign work continued for 3 days . 2nd Step :we started a campaign about MSSA and our activies in all committees to repesent MSSA work for the visitors .


6. MSSA Training Trainers 4 IFMSA Trainers : • Ahmed Reda • Islam Afify • Ahmed Badawy • Mohamed Afify • 5 Y-Peer Trainers : • Ahmed Magdy • Ibrahim Kandeel • Islam El-husieny • Heba sleem • Nancy Tharwat • Mohamed Essam

Our Trainers Conducted more than 10 Training sessions this year in different fields to MSSA team .

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

EB Report 1. 1st Local GA for the term 2012-2013

During our local GA we had time for the 5 local committees to discuss the new projects and ideas related to the committees then w had 2 training sessions “Project Management & Creative thinking “ then the plenary. During this plenary we presented our reports and finally Our Almuni time by our former presidents ( Dr.Adham Mousa & Dr. Ahmed Tarek ) Attendees : 64 Members Date : January 28, 2013

2. Holding 4 team of officials meetings 3. New Constitution and Bylaws taskforce

This taskforce was to update the old constitution and Bylaws . Head of taskforce : Ahmed Reda & Ibrahim Kandeel Add VP post to become the 3rd member of EB and one of MSSA TO.

4. MSSA Members Evaluation

Update our Members database and Membership status. Head of taskforce : Ibrahim Kandeel

5. MSSA-Menofia Headquarters

One of the achivements of this term was getting the final approval for MSSA headquarters .

6. MSSA Management Teams

At the beginning of this term MSSA TO agreed to Create MSSA Management teams to help us improve the Quality of our events and projects those teams are : ( Publiatons & new technologies , Almuni & database and Fundrasing )

Public Health

“Standing Committee on


by : Mostafa Harhash

MSSA LPO Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

Achieved Projects

1. WDD campaign 2. Stop kidney attack conference 3. Online Campaign for Healthy food in Ramdan 4. World cancer day online campaign (online campaign on our groups , our official page and website videos & info. about disease – 1st step of our local project )

National Events

Participated in 1. National TB training 2. National HY5 training

World Diabetes Day Local Coordinator: Ahmad Macshut


1- Raising and strengthening global awareness of diabetes. 2- Raising awareness of the warning signs of diabetes and promoting the action to encourage early diagnosis


29th, November 2012


Faculty of Computer Science & IT Shebin Elkom – Menofia Governorate

Methodology 1st stage

• Meeting between the LPO and the Local Coordinator to clarify and discuss the target of the project and means of proceeding. • We decided to proceed in coordination with MSSA-Menofia SCORA Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, joining both projects together in a single huge campaign. • Publications of the project, held by the Local Coordinator and MSSA PSD • Publications Team (Campaign Banner, Team IDs, Facebook Event, Online Campaign & Online Google Application for the training) • World Diabetes Day training for MSSA team and other applicants, held by Dr. Sally, M.D., Biochemistry Department, to form WDD Campaign Blue • The team as formed of about 40 applicants who attended the training, and were totally qualified to spread the awareness.


2nd stage The Campaign Day:

• The Diabetes Blue Team formed of about 15 members. • Our team reached the campaign location (Faculty of computer science) at 9:30 am, started preparations for the campaign, so we could set off at 10:00 am. • The team began spreading across the Faculty Campus spreading the awareness to the targeted crowd of students, • Using printed awareness flyers. • We’ve exceeded 1000 flyers! ; Which means our awareness has reached • more than 1000 persons, and made them ready to spread the same • awareness on their own. • MSSA fundraising team participated actively in this campaign, with handmade accessories and cupcakes. • The campaign lasted for about 3 hours (10:00 am-1:00 pm) • Finally, we had a group photo for the entire team.

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

Stop Kidney Attack Conference


26th, march 2013


Menofia university hotel

This project was in coordination with renal dialysis unit at menofia university hospital


• Meeting between the LPO and doctors of renal dialysis unit to clarify and discuss the target of the project . • Publications of the project, held by ibrahim kandeel who made a great effort in this project and MSSA PSD • Publications Team (Invitations letters, flyers ,Campaign Banner, Team IDs, Facebook Event, Online Campaign & Online Google Application for attending ) • We made a deal with renal unit dialysis to work together in renal failure project

Healthy food

• It was an online campaign about the healthy habits about food in Ramdan Eftar you can find more details here :

Research Exchange”

“Standing Committee on

Professioal Exchange”

“Standing Committee on


by : Mohamed Afify


Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

A) Marketing campaign

• We started an online campaign for 1 week from 25th of November through a facebook event : • Their was an orientation campaign in the hall of the faculty of medicine about exchange on the 2nd , 3rd & 4th of December • Distributing 3000 flyers • A banner sized 2 m*3 m that is still hanged in the hall till this day • Their was an orientation session about exchange before the exam • Outcome was 50 applicants who applied for exchange and orientation to all students of the university

B) Outgoing selection Report

• The Written exam was on the 6th of December (which follows the regulation of IFMSA-Egypt ) • Interview was from the 9th to the 11th of December • The interview is done by the LC President, the LEO & on the last day NEO-In in joined us • Special thanx to MR Karim Salah who honored us in MSSA-Menofia for the interview

C) Training for pre exchange having the first orientation session • • • • •

About the main schedule of the year More details about IFMSA How to fill your AF Most imp Exchange terms What is the CA

D) Follow up outgoing of MSSA Menofia for the next period • CA • CC • Embassy Paper needed

E)Preparing a social program, lodging, boarding, for incoming season

• Preparing outgoing, and incoming package • Send messages to all incoming to insure the safety of Egypt that preserved the high percentage of incoming even the situation in Egypt


F) Contact person orientation meeting:-

• Put the outlines of the incoming season • Put the special marks about what to do and what not to do • Preparing scientific program for all incoming students (pathology , NLI, surgery )

G) Preparing a social program for all students to include for each group: 1. Cairo 2. Hurghada 3. The country side 4. International food and drink 5. Welcome & goodbye party

On the national level 1- Update the descriptive file for MSSA-Menofia 2-Natonal coordinator for the marketing task CD and it will be the representative for IFMSA-Egypt in MM, AM and all international meetings 3- OC of 2nd IFMSA Egypt SRT 4 – MSSA-Menofia was represented in the OC of the NEW but unfortunately it was cancelled for security matters

Empowering Inspiration

Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS”

“Standing Committee on

End-term Report

by : Mohamed Kabeel



World AIDS Campaign

On the National Level : - Participated in WAC questionnaire. - Participated in WAC newsletter . • By preparing an article about MSSA –Menofia experience in WAC this year and sending it to the NORA , Our theme was “ AIDS needs aids “.

On the Local Level : Local Coordinators : •Islam Elhossiny •Laila Sallam

The event was for 2 days, 1st day was a qualified training for the team: Place : Skill Lab at the Faculty of Medicine Menofia University. Date : 10-12-2012 Trainer : Mr . Ahmed Magdy & Ms. Aliaa Mahfouz Attendees : 47 And the 2nd day was the Campaign:Place : Faculty of medicine hall Date :11-12-2012 Time:09:00am : 02:00pm Team number 45

1- Preparation of the campaign, • Meeting between the LORA and the local coordinators to explain the job description of each. • Online publication of the project. (event, online application to attend the training, small online campaign through posts ) . • Held a Training for the team and new members to be qualified enough and ready for the campaign. • Handmade Red Ribbons and other materials for the campaign Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

2- The day of theCampaign, There were 8 levels : 1- MSSA-SCORA orientation. 2- Pre-questionnaire 3- Predisposing factors.. 4- Mode of transmission.. 5- Symptoms. 6- How to avoid ?.. 7- Communication. 8- Post -questionnaire.. Then ,, take a photo with the plush bear and get a handmade red ribbon , flyers , and “Letters from Egypt book�

Target: 350 person

We focused on the theme AIDS needs aids


Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

It was the 1st SCORA project this year that was the spark that formed the team spirit

Local Coordinators :

Ahmed Rohiem (head of local coordinators) Eman El –menofy (logistics local coordinator) Bussy Eldeken (training coordinator) Abeer Ahmed (publication coordinator)

Date: 29 november 2012 Venue:Faculty of Computer science & IT 1-Preparation of the campaign,

• Meeting between the LORA and the local coordinators to clarify the job description of each. • Online publication of the project. (event, online application to attend the training, small online campaign through posts ) • Held a Training for the team and new members to be qualified enough and ready for the campaign. • About 46 member attended the training, it was a marvelous day. • Handmade accessories and other materials for the campaign by SCORA girls.

2- The day of the Campaign:-

• The pink team was about 25 members, • I think that we have reached the target group of the students and staff of the faculty. • We have exceeded 1000 flyers. • Time was from 10 am to 1:30 pm. • And finally A group photo .

Empowering Inspiration

Medical Education

“Standing Committee on

End-term Report

by : Ahmed Nasar



National level

Participating in all SCOME national projects for term 2012/2013.

A-national projects 1- Good medical practice report It was locally coordinated by Basma Elshikh Place: student union room at menofia faculty of medicine Aim: To increase student knowledge about medical ethics, doctor-doctor & doc-

tor-patient relation ship and some communication skills. Workshop: A one day workshop using data from the national workshop by Dr. Sherif and Dr. Nuoran. Trainers: Ahmed reda. Ahmed Badawy. Ahmed Nassar.

Trainees: about 35 medical students. 2-Dying a human thing

the national workshop was attended and then it was done locally as follows It was locally coordinated by Esraa Yosry El-kilany Place: skill lab at Menofia faculty of medicine. Aim: To increase student and GPs knowledge about dealing with terminal cases. How to deliver bad news to the patient and his family. How to give a patient with an end stage disease hope in life.

Workshop: A one day workshop using data from the national workshop and experience of DR.Mohamed Marzuok. (Lecturer of urology Menofia .univ) who attended something like that in America.

Trainers: DR.Mohamed Marzouk. Ahmed Nasar .

Trainees: About 25 medical students and GPs.

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

3- Post graduation booklet.

It was locally coordinated by Esraa Yosry El-kilany attended the post graduation opportunities conference in tanta university. Our delegation was about 13 members.

Local Projects :

1-First aid course

I consider this local project as the top achievement for the last period as we made a consent with Egyptian Red Crescent to hold this course in cooperation with them. This course includes first aid & rescue basics.

LCs Visits :

Attended post graduation opportunities conference held at MUST. Attended post graduation opportunities conference held at TSSA.

“Standing Committee on

Human Rights & Peace


by : Manar Nassem Islam El-Husieny

MSSA Co-LORPs Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

Human Rights Awareness Project

Local Coordinators: Mohammed Fekry & Heba Selim A) Training

Date: 18/12 to 20/12 Time: every day from 10 am to 3 pm Place: El Safwa Center - Shebin elkoum – Menofia

Methodology: 1st day:

Presentation skills and team building training sessions by Mr. Ahmed Badawy (IFMSA-Egypt) trainer and MSSA-Menofia Former Sec-Gen. The main goal was that the trainee well know how to deliver their message clearly and how to make a good team able to co-ordinate and co-operate together to achieve their goals.

2nd day:

Conflict management and solutions with Mr. Ahmed Reda (IFMSA-Egypt) Training support division director and MSSA-Menofia president and this training aimed to understand the conflict and processing, when, where and how to deal peacefully with it. Then an overall view on human rights history and historical steps of Human Rights by Mr. Ahmed Arafa MSSA-Menofia former LORP and Human Rights trainer.


3rd day:

This was a long day, all about Human rights in a role play manner and small hints in agree and disagree , I and YOU message with Mr. Mohammed Fekry and Mr. Ahmed Nassar (Human rights trainers).


• 1st day: 37 trainees • 2nd day: 51 trainees • 3rd day: 45 trainees

B) Human rights campaign Methodology 1st step:

Training for who will share in the event and the campaign. These training sessions included presentation skills and volunteering attitude with small workshops for the leaders of the campaign for more brain storming and team building.

2nd step:

Meeting with the team, preparing materials for our campaign and tasks distribution.

3rd step:

The day started at 10 am at the hall of Menofia Faculty of medicine with everyone on their desks and guiding pics. There were 15 desks with 30 photos which represent the 30 rights in the universal declaration. We had a puzzle indicate the symbol of human rights; people who collect the puzzle in the right way forming a surprise. The day continued till 3 pm. It was a great day with a great team. So, I appreciate everyone in my team.

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report


Local Coordinator: Ahmed Rohiem Date: Thursday, 22-11-2012 Place: Sports Stadium of Shebeen El-kom Methodology:

• The day started with reading the Holy Quran. Then, children started their fun day: • Coloring Festival: children enjoyed coloring the pictures in the books. During this festival, everyone was responsible for a group of children. The team was so cooperative with children who were very happy all the time (that was our aim). • After finishing the coloring festival, children were gathered for watching Alarajos that was very funny. • After that, children had a break for lunch. • After lunch, we started to play with the children. • At the end of the day, children were very happy with this day.

Sak El-Odhia

Local Coordinator: Mohammed Fekry Goals:

1- To raise awareness of people about their duty towards the poor. 2- To collect more than 2000 LE. 3- Advocacy about the SCORP & MSSA. Time: Wednesday 24/10/2012

Methodology: 1st stage

• Share the event on the pages on Facebook. • Changing our Facebook profile Pictures of the team to logo of sak el odhya (sheep picture). • Meeting with the team and explain our targets and goals.

2nd stage

We started to collect donations from the students and the doctors. Mr Mohammed fekry and his team contacted other colleges and collected the donations by the Monday 22-10-2012.

3rd stage

We collected about 2115 LE and bought 50 Kg at a price 40 LE per kilo .20 kilo from Prof Dr .Awatef Farghaly. we had 70 Kg. Gave one kilo to each worker. We had a list of names that was as follows 15 from liver institute , 20 from the hospital and 35 from college and we ended our work on Wednesday in a secure and safe manner.


Support Them Project

(In the past we needed them, now they need us)

Local Coordinator: Nervana Ayman Local coordinator assistant: Ammar EL Orabi Workshop coordinator: Kareem Elsayed Vision:

We chose the elderly Club in Shebin EL-kom in order to reach the largest number of this age group that will need the awareness campaign; and therefore we can provide psychological and medical support to them, also we celebrated the mothers’ day with them.

Steps: 1) Preparations

• Meeting with the Club Administration for the approval and setting a date for the campaign day. • Propaganda campaign in the faculty by placing a banner and also through facebook

2) Workshop Date: 24 / 3 / 2013 Time: from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Place: Faculty of medicine, Menofia university Attendance: 25 trainees Methodology:

The workshop was conducted by DR. ENAS Zahran from internal medicine departement about the most important Problems that face this age group mainly diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. Then, there was a discussion between the local coordinators and the team about details of the campaign day.

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

3) Campaign day Date: 27 / 3 / 2013 Time: 3:00 pm Place: The elderly Club in Shebin EL-kom Target group: 50 Methodology:

• We began the day with a simple discussion between us and the elderlies, and it was really fun. • Dr. Howaida El-Shazly and Dr. Hala Marwan from the community department had an open discussion with them about the above mentioned diseases; how to control and how to make a proper management, also the doctors answered all the questions asked by the elderlies about the problems facing them and they were very kind to be honest. • We spent some time for their fun and entertainment including singing and funny talks. • Flyers were distributed and flowers were given to the best mothers as a simple gift. • At the end we took a group photo.

On National Level :

MSSA Menofia was represented in all national events : • Autism celebration • Human Rights Genom Training • All National GAs in SCORP Sessions


Publications Support Division” By : Nowrus Emad Publications Support Division Director

1) Corporate & New technologies Training : 30 Members of MSSA team attended this training . Trainer : Ibrahim Kandeel Topic : Corporate Identity Official Email Do Website Yahoo Groups !

2) MSSA proofreading Manual :

This Manual is created for MSSA , IFMSA-Egypt Proofereaders and Editors to help them in their work as Publications team members .

3) Updating the Corporate Identity.

We are still working on this, we’ve finished a great part of it but it needs to cope with the new updates made by our mother organization.

4) Working on a whole new Website for MSSA Nationally:

IFMSA-Egypt Newsletter. IFMSA-Egypt Promotional Booklet. Post Graduation booklet (SCOME)

Empowering Inspiration

End-term Report

Nationally & Internationally Representation : On the National Level :

• MSSA was represented in the last 2 years in IFMSA-Egypt TO (NORE and TSDD) • MSSA is represented in IFMSA-Egypt’s Publications Team by 3 members: Mr. Ibrahim Kandeel , Ms.Nowrus Emad & Mr. Ahmed Gamal • MSSA was represented in SRT by Trainer (Mr. Ahmed Reda) and OC member (Mr. Mohamed Afify) • MSSA was represented in NWE by OC member (Mr.Mohamed Mousa) • Mr.Mohamed Afify represented MSSA as a national coordinator of the Marketing CD. • Mr. Ibrahim Kandeel represented MSSA in Updating IFMSA-Egypt CI . • MSSA shared in the WAC newsletter by the article “AIDS need aids “ • Mr. Ibrahim Kandeel Represented MSSA as the Head of Publications team of IFMSA-Egypt’s bid for AM 2014

On the International Level :

• Mr. Ahmed Reda Represent MSSA as the new IFMSA TSDD elect. • Mr. Ahmed Reda Represented MSSA as the IFMSA TSDD Assistant. • Ms. Manar Nassem , represent MSSA menofia in the IFMSA-SCORA publications team and shared in editing in SCORA section in the last MSI . • Attended IFMSA GAs and RMs : Mr. Ahmed Reda attended the last AM , 9th EMR and Eurgme

Awards : MSSA-Menofia’s Project “ Healthy Life Style “ has been awarded the 1st Best Project Presentation in 4th IFMSA- Egypt Winter Camp, Feb. 2013 .

Parteners & Sponsors

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