MSSA end term report 2012 2013

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Activities Report 1. About MSSA-Mansoura 2. MSSA Structure 3. MSSA Committees 4. Facts about MSSA 5. General Events 6. Standing Committees' Activities 7. Exchange Report 8. Task Forces 9. MSSA Trainings Report 10. MSSA Publications report 11. Presidency Report 12. MSSA-Mansoura National Situation 13. MSSA Board 2012-2013 14. MSSA Photo Gallery 15. Attached with: o MSSA Updated Constitution o MSSA CI manual 2013

About MSSA Mansoura Students' scientific Association is a student NGO, which is full member of IFMSA "International Federation of Medical Students' Association", through IFMSA – Egypt. MSSA was established 1974 by Dr.Youssif Rezk, we were Called EL –Mansoura Students Scientific Society (MSSS), but then restructured 1999 and named MSSA.

MSSA’s Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

President Secretary General & Treasurer Vice President LEO/LORE Local Officer of Medical Education Local Public health Officer Local Officer of Reproductive Health including AIDS Local Officer of human Rights & Peace Sub Committees & Supportive Division Directors: o Fund Raising Director o Secretary Board Director o Information technology & Publication Director

MSSA’s Committees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) Standing Committee on Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA) Standing Committee on human Rights and Peace (SCORP)

Facts about MSSA  All MSSA related affairs are guided & recognized by the Official Constitution & Bylaws stated by MSSA EB & Adopted in MSSA GA “General Assembly”.  Any change in bylaws or constitution is proposed through EB member and presented in GA to be discussed and either get adopted or rejected.  MSSA Membership is open for all students of Mansoura Faculty of Medicine.  MSSA Membership grades are: Candidate, Associate and Active members.  MSSA GAs: discussing the financial report & committees’ reports with any further recommendation or tasks form Local Officers. There are 4 GAs/Year:    

Preliminary Plans GA: 1st two weeks of November. Midyear GA: 1st two weeks of March Pre Last GA: 1st weeks of August Elections GA: 1st two weeks of October.

 MSSA is the official students' activities in Mansoura faculty of medicine and represented Mansoura medical students' activities in the accreditation visits.  MSSA has an effective role in accreditation of Mansoura faculty of medicine in cooperation with the accreditation and qualification unit.  During the past 6 years, MSSA has successfully been presented in IFMSA Egypt Board through NOME, NPO, NEO and NORP.

General Events 1st Recruitment Campaign September 2013  Venue: Faculty of medicine  Date: September 2012  Activity: 1st Step: Info Disk During the application period of the new students, We assigned a special disk to help all new comers in their application and examination. We finalized more than 400 students' papers in 3 days through which we advertised our seminar "Relax to the Max". 2nd Step: Tours We hold more than 6 tours along the 3 days around the faculty to help new students exploring the faculty 3rd Step: Relax to the Max Seminar We hold a seminar with Dr.Ahmed Dobe'a the head of Agyad psychiatry hospital about stress and stress control during studying. The attendances were students and their families and relations with complete hall. 4th Step: MSSA Gallery Recruitment campaign in the faculty for publication of MSSA and its committees' activities. 5th Step: MSSA Orientation Session

MSSA Hours Venue: MSSA Office Description: Periodic Meetings of MSSA members with MSSA Alumni to keep and spread MSSA Spirit and harmony. Number: 4

MSSA Day outs Venue: Al-Hawar Sporting Club Description: Refreshing and fun days for MSSA members away from loads of work contain different activities and relaxing sessions. Number: 2

Other General Activities - Dean and Vice-Dean Visits. - MSSA Ex. Supervisors honoring. - MSSA newsletter. - Media Visits. - MSSAzine. - Annual MSSA Iftar. - MSSA Annual Conference

Standing Committees' Activities Standing Committee On Medical Education; SCOME

Local Officer: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim

Locally  Presentation competition (present & get a present) 1st step : Publication (1/12/2012)

2nd step: Presentation skills training (13/12/2012) Conducted by: Ahmed Almansour (IFMSA-trainer) 3rd step: Audition for the applicants. (19/12/2012) Evaluation Committee: Dr. Ahmed Elzeki, Ahmed Almansour. 4th step: Final competition (24/12/212) The judgment committee was: Dr. Mohamed Atiya [Vice-Dean] Dr. Eyad Tolba [Lecturer] Dr. Ahmed El-Zeki [MSSA Alumni] Project coordinator: Hadeel Shaarawy. Coordinator Assist.: Mohamed Khidr.

 Clinical courses (Empower your clinical skills). 1st training

Date: 7th & 8th February 2013. Participants: 40 medical students + 5 organizers. Content: Basic injection skills – surgical stitches – Basic life support – communication skills & medical counseling.

2nd training:

Date: 14th & 15th February 2013. Applicants: 40 Malaysian students + organizers. Content: Basic injection skills – surgical stiches – Basic life support – communication skills & medical counseling.

3rd training:

Date: 1st, 3rd & 4th May 2013. Participants: 23 medical students + 2 organizers Content: Medical skills -Surgical skills - Communication skills.

Place: Mansoura Skill Lab. Project Coordinator : Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz Coordinator Assist.: Salma Ismael.

 Cooperation with Mansoura faculty of medicine-skill Lab. Cooperate in publication & promotion for Skill lab courses, Skill lab History & its content and How Mansoura medical students can get the best benefit from skill lab.

 Good Medical Practice (Local Workshop ) Date: 23&24 April 2013 Place: Community Halls Content:  Doctor-Doctor Relationship  Doctor-Patient Relationship  Medical Ethics Trainers:  Dr Basel Refki (Oncology)  Dr Amr Elshahed (Pediatric)  Dr Mosa’b Shetiwy (Oncology)  Dr Rami Magdi (Oncology)  Dr Islam Adel (Oncology) Attendants: 45 students, most of them are intern students. Coordinator: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim Coordinator assist.: Ahmed Ali

 Shouman Summer Training (SST) Medical Training in Mansoura University centers & hospitals.

Timeline: 23rd April till 19th September 2013 Steps:      

Choosing supervisors of centers from MSSA members. Registration &Final lists of trainees. Printing Folders, IDS & Checklists. Extracurricular activities (Communication skills – Medical ethics – Teamwork & leadership) Orientation session about the training ( 21st August 2013) Training started at 24th August 2013 for one month.

Training guide: Dr Basel Refki [Lecturer at Oncology center] Coordinator: Ahmed Abdel-Hay Coordinator Assistant: Salma Ismael.

 Post-graduate seminar Coordinator: Mohamed Ismail Coordinator assistant: Mahmoud Abdelaziz.

Nationally  Hosting Dying a Human Thing (workshop)    

How to deal with terminally ill patients & their families? Date: 29th January 2013. Place: Community Halls. Speakers: 1. Dr. Basel Refky 2. Dr. Ahmed Dobea.

IFMSA trainers: 1. Nora El-gharbawy 2. Hadeer Mamdouh.

  

Attendance: 40 medical students from IFMSA-Egypt LCs. Workshop leader: Ahmed Fouda Organizing Comittee: 1. Mahmoud M. Abdel-Azim (head of OC) 2. Alaa Husien. 3. Mahmoud Yehia Elmohamdy. 4. Mohamed Ramadan Elsayh. Workshop attendance from MSSA-Mansoura: Dalia Elsayd, Sharif Ghatwarya and Mohamed Yasser.

 Good Medical practice (National workshop) Date: 16th February 2013. Place: SSS-Cairo. Participants: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim, Salma Ismael, Ahmed Ali, Dina Fathi, Yassin Radwan

 Attending 1st National postgraduate seminar (TSSA-Tanta) Date: 28th March 2013. Place: TSSA-Tanta Participants: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim, Islam Rasheed, Mohamed Yasser, Ahmed Ali.

 National Tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

SCOME manual editing task force: Mohamed Yasser & Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz SCOME internal regulations task force: Ahmed Fouda National Post-graduate Booklet team: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim National awareness campaign team: Mahmoud Abdel-Azim National SCOME fundraising assistant: Sharif Ghatwreya

Internationally - Ahmed Fouda is International SCOME IT assistant. - International Medical Education Days (IMED) Participants: 1. Ahmed Fouda. 2. Mohamed Yasser. 3. Sharif Ghatwarya

IMED page, its posts & photos were shared Through MSSA Mansoura page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Standing Committee on Reproductive health including AIDS; SCORA Local Officer: Maysoun Mohammed


 Estargel (Anti-Sexual Harassment): 1st Phase: Questionnaire has been done by MSSA members August 2012 Distribution of the Questionnaire among university students Analysis of the questionnaire by MSSA members

2nd Phase: Statistics by Psychiatry Department and documenting the results with a scientific paper that has been published in the International Psychiatry Conference in Cairo.

3rd Phase: Workshop by Psychiatry Department February 2013 Target Group: The puberty age students in both males and females which can be specified accurately to preparatory & secondary school students Project Coordinator: Ahmad Al-Mansour Coordinator Assistant: Doaa Samy

 Female Genital Mutilation [FGM]: Refreshment training given by the project coordinator November 2012 Project Coordinator: Mohammed Essam Refa’t

 International Women's Day [IWD]: Take the Floor event organized by IFMSA-Egypt and making a registration desk for the event. Project coordinator: Ahmed El-Beshbeshy

 HIV\AIDS awareness Campaign: Venue: Faculty of Medicine Target: Enhancing the community awareness about the stigma and discrimination against People Living with HIV in a way to have Zero stigma especially the medical students. Date : December 2012 Project Coordinator: Mohammed Sharaf Coordinator Assistant: Abd-Elhamid Gaballah

 Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign: Target group: 1- Females at Mansoura Zokhrofeyya Secondary School. 2- Females at Garah Village through a medical campaign. 3- Females at clothes shops. 4- University Students. 5- Females at Aljazeera sporting club. Methodology: Initiate I Support campaign that started by several activities to spread awareness among females aging from 15 to 50 years old about breast cancer and how to do the Breast Self Examination and ended by a charity celebration to collect donations for Oncology Center Mansoura University to buy a Mammogram Activities: 1- Workshop by Dr.Omar Farouk assistant professor of surgical oncology 2- Sharing in the health education in a medical campaign 3- Awareness to students of secondary school, clothes shops and university students. 4- Pre-Celebration Advertising March including cyclers and runners in Mansoura streets. 5- Charity Celebration at AlJazeera Sporting Club The campaign collected more than 200.000 L.E for the Mammogram Project Coordinator: Sarah El-Sayed Coordinator Assistant: Ghada Adel

Nationally 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Estargel Project presentation in IFMSA Egypt GA November 2012 2nd place in Estargel Project presentation competition in IFMSA Egypt WC Assiut Feb. 2013. Movie presentation about I SUPPORT campaign in IFMSA Egypt GA April 2013 Adoption of Estargel Project (Anti-Sexual Harassement) nationnaly Representing MSSA by 2 national coordinators: Ms.Maysoun Mohammed as FGM national coordinator Mr.Ahmad Al.Mansour as Anti-Sexual Harassment national coordinator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Standing Committee on human Rights and Peace; SCORP

Local Officer: Amr Elrefaey

 SCORP wall of honor : Project coordinator: Mr.Sharif Ghatwrya

 Human Rights project "‫" حرية‬:

The project begins with 1st main step: Human Rights TOT in Menofya attended by 7 members from MSSA:  Dr.Islam Rasheed  Mohamed El-Sehrawy  Amr Shokry  Sary el-Sayed  Ahmed Al-Mansour  Alaa m.el-Desouky  Yasmine Gaber Roll back:  We held Human Rights TOT for MSSA members on 17,18,19-12-2012 for about 20 members.

 Human Rights Genome TOT: National project of human rights attended from MSSA Mansoura :  Mohamed El-Sehrawy  Mahmoud Yehia El-Mohammedy 

Peace project Coordinator : Mohammed Sehrawy Date : 19/2 till 21/4

Steps: Workshops: 1. Peace workshops in faculty of medicine: 21 attendants 2. Ambassadors for dialogue workshop: 36 attendants 3. Peace workshop at Misr Public library: 37 attendants Twitter account named "peace tweets" reached 186 followers Peace Book club at nile club "Eat Pray&Love": 9 attendants Peace Campaign reached more than 400 students at faculty of medicine "Masr Tegma3na" festival at cairo at Darp787 in 20/4/2013

 Orphans' Project [Healthy Makeover] Coordinator: Nourhan Eltahhan

 Autism Project Coordinator: Islam Eltahhan Coordinator assistant: Mahmoud Abd Elazim -

National Autism celebration In alex Online Local Campaign Reactivation of Autism page on FaceBook.

 Ramadan Charity Project Coordinator Hadeel Sha'rawy date : 26/6 till 5/8 Steps: 1- Fair: two days including accessories handmade, cake, juice & publication for the project 2- Play station Tournament 3- Bagging dates, juice and distribution in streets before breakfast. 4- Distribution meals in slums. 5- Visit to orphanage for girls with (accessories handmade workshop). 6- Charity Visit to oncology centre: drawing, toys, competitions & a role play 7- Charity Visit to paediatric hospital: drawing, distribution toys, children songs, mobets show. 8- Charity party for orphans at El-Gezera Sporting club: 25 orphans. - Magician, mobets show, meals, DJ, swings, a clown & drawing on face.

9 - Participation in campaign for collecting data of people for blood donation by: ahmed abd el-hay 10- Clothes fair in Mansoura Stadium: more than 530 person total 1060 pieces. 11- Giving donations for the orphanage of girls. Participants in the project: 52 members Total donations: 2729 L.E. Outcome: 1- Iftar more than 785 person. 2- Clothes for feast: 1060 pieces 3- Workshop of accessories handmade for orphans & making 12 pieces 4- Drawing smiles on more than 100 patients` faces and supporting them 5- Connection between MSSA alumni and MSSA New members ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Standing Committee on Public Health; SCOPH

Local officer: Alaa Hussein

Locally  145 campaign Coordinator: Mr. Mahmoud El-Mohammedy Date: From 11/11 to 6/12/2012 Steps: 1- Meeting for preparation 2- Online Campaign 3- Scientific workshop 4- How to deliver Message 5- Awareness Campaigns: -

Faculty of commerce campaign: 2700 Central Security camp: 250 Streets’ campaign: 700 Awad-Allah Mall campaign: 800 Faculty of pharmacy campaign: 3000 Celebration: 500

 Safe liver campaign: Coordinator: Mr. Ahmed Abdel-Hay Date: 23/ 12 /2012 to 6/ 3/ 2013 Venue: Streets, village, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursery, Education, Arts, Medicine, Governorate building & Al-Hawwar club.

Target group: 1- Public in streets & clubs [different socioeconomic levels] 2- Villagers 3- Students 4- Employees Methodology: I. First meeting II. Scientific workshop III. (First wave): - Online campaign - How to deliver a message - Awareness Campaign: 1. Public 2. Village IV. (Second great wave): - Awareness campaign: 1. Faculty of Pharmacy 2. Faculty of Arts - Needle stick injury prevention workshop - Awareness Final step & feedback meeting - Hepatitis B vaccination - Screening for Hepatitis C Outcome: Delivering the health message between different ages: 3200 Persons Providing Hepatitis B vaccine for: 250 students Hepatitis C virus screening for: 750 students

 Medical campaign (combo): Coordinator: Hesham Ali Partners: Resala [Aga] Date: 1st Feb. 2013 Place: Garah village Target Group: Poor & non educated people Methodology: - Choosing the specialists: 

Internal medicine




Urology & nephrology




The campaign was supported by laboratory and US


Transportation: The urology & nephrology center

- Publication: Fliers, Banners at the village, Announcements in the village's mosques and Tok Tok. - Drugs: Resala provide the campaign with the all needed drugs -

The awareness step: Safe Liver & Breast Cancer awareness.

Outcome: Cases: Urology: 41 Pediatrics: 14 Gynecology: 19 Internal Medicine: 67 Dentistry: 74 Ophthalmology: 24 E.N.T: 51 Awareness: Safe liver: 200 Breast cancer: 100

 TB project (To be against TB) Coordinator: Ms. Alaa El Desouky Coordinator assist.: Mr. Ahmed Al Shabrawy Date: From 31th of March 2013 to 20th of April 2013 Methodology: - First TB Meeting: Saturday 30-3-2013 - Scientific TB Workshop: Monday 1-4-2013 - Awareness At:     


25 Jan. Primary School: Saturday 6-4-2013 Ali Mahmoud Taha Primary School : Sunday 7-4-2013 University Cities "Boys and Girls" :Tuesday 9-4-2013 Faculty of Engineering : Monday 15-4-2013 Streets and AwadAllah Mall : Thursday 18-4-2013

Psychological TB workshop : Saturday 20-4-2013

Outcome:  Awareness for more than 1200 Students [Schools and university]  Awareness for more than 1000 in the streets and Awad Allah mall  Awareness to the medical students about how to deal with TB patients

 HY-5 project Coordinator: Alaa Hussein Coordinator Assist.: Shrouk Abol Enein Target Group: Food handlers, Health care workers, School children Steps: - National HY-5 workshop hosted by MMSA MUST : 2-4-2013 - Local scientific workshop

 The second Medical campaign (Combo) Coordinator: Ahmed Abdel-Razek Coordinator assistant : Mr. Ahmed Al Shabrawy Date: Planned to be on : Friday 20-9-2013 Place: Debo Awwam – Mansoura Steps: - Cooperation with clinical pharmacy students - Prep meetings - Survey is a new step in the project

Nationally 1. Shared in SMA O6U's diabetes campaign. 2. Shared in ZMSSA’s diabetes awareness project. 3. Shared also in the national diabetes celebration in Al-Azhar Park 4. National TB workshop 5. Mr. Alaa Hussein is the national TB coordinator 6. National HY-5 Workshop

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next: Exchange Report...

Standing Committee on Professional Exchange Standing Committee on Research Exchange

LEO/LORE: Sary Elsayed

A. Local:

B. National:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Updating SCORE Research Database. Wiki pages Updates. Marketing and advertising. Exchange exam. Outgoing Exchange Papers. Team Building. Incoming Students.

SRT. The Candidate. The Magazine. The CD The Movie National Meeting

Locally 1. Updating SCORE database .  Date: Oct. 2011  Initial goals: update SCORE database.  Coordinator: Amr El Refaey  Achievements: we have 5 projects pending approval from the SB and we modified the already existing researches.  Participants’ list: Sary Elsayed, Amr El Refaey, Ahmed El Beshbeshy, Shrouk abu elenan & Yasmin Gaber. 2. Wiki Pages Update:  Updating Mansoura section of the wiki pages in order to help the incoming have the required information about the city before filling in their AFs. 3. Marketing & Advertising Campaign.    

Date: 15/11/2011 to 15/12/2011 Coordinator: Ahmed El Beshbishy. Initial goals: The campaign's initial goal is to market and advertise our contracts. Steps: - Pre Campaign in the faculty to cultivate the idea of exchange among the students. - We held an online campaign through FB. - 20 days campaign in the faculty. - Posters and flyers in the faculty.

Achievements: - All the countries were chosen as first choices in the applications. - We had 30% increases in the applicants.

4. Exchange Exam.    

Date: 24, 25, 26 / 12/2012 Head of task: Sary Elsayed. Initial goals: Have an exam for the outgoing students selection. Achievements: Followed the criteria of IFMSA-Egypt candidate version.

5. Finalizing eAFs on the database( SCOPE 18, SCORE 6).    

Date: 1/1/2012 to 15/1/2012 Head of task: Sary Elsayed. Initial goals: upload the data of the outgoing students on the database. Participants' list: Sary Elsayed & Ahmed El Beshbishy.

6. Exchange team building.   

Date: June. Initial goals: to select the exchange team members. Results: 3 more contact persons were recruited to the exchange team.

7. Incoming Hosting:  2 students in May, one SCOPE from Hungary and one SCORE from The Netherlands.  2 students in June, SCOPE one from Finland and one from Hungary.  4 students in August, SCOPE, 3 from Romania and 1 from Estonia.  Incoming season was affected by the current events in Egypt and we had a lot of postponing.

Nationally 1. SRT:  Member of IFMSA-Egypt 2nd SRT Taskforce.  IFMSA-Egypt 2nd SRT Registration coordinator.  Ahmed El Beshbishy attended the SRT. 2. The Candidate:  Sent the required questions to the national coordinator.  Shared in preparing the interview questions. 3. The CD:  Sent the file about Mansoura to the National Coordinator.

4. The Magazine:  Sent 3 articles to the national coordinator. 5. The Movie:  Uploaded the required photos on the drop box. 6. National Meetings:  Attended all the national GAs and the winter camp.  Attended the Quota distribution meeting in AUSSS.  Ahmed El Beshbishy attended the online meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Task Forces Bylaws Task Force report Reason for starting the Taskforce: To make sure that MSSA bylaws is aligned with IFMSA-Egypt bylaws. Date: May 2012 Members of the Task force: 1. Sary Elsayed (Head of the taskforce). 2. Ahmed El Beshbishy. 3. Mohamed Sharaf. 4. Islam Rasheed. 5. Ahmed Al Mansour. Progress:  Update MSSA Constitution.  Update MSSA structure.  Update the membership section.  Update the General Assembly Section.  Update the elections section.  Creating the Scoring System.  Creating the criteria for the interview of the new members. Upcoming Plans:  Add a section about the conference.  Add the projects regulations to the bylaws.  Reviewing the Bylaws and proofreading. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next: Training Reports…

MSSA Training

Training Assistant: Alaa M. Eldesouky

1st Term of The year

Training Campaign Consisted of two Packages:New Members' Package:1-Communication Skills: Conducted by: Ahmed Fouda & Mohammed Sharaf [IFMSA Trainers] Trainees: 25

2-Team Building: Conducted by: Nora El-Gharabawy & Ahmed Al-Mansour [IFMSA Trainers] Trainees: 35

3-Basic Ways Towards professionalism: Conducted by: Mohamed El-Kholy [Y-Peer Trainer] Trainees: 20

Old Members' Package:1-Proposal Writing: Conducted By: Mohamed El-Mahdy Trainees: 10

2-How to Campaign: Conducted By: Mohammed Sharaf [IFMSA Trainer] & Maysoun Mohamed [Y-Peer Trainer] Trainees: 22

2nd term of the year Trainees were accepted by application to attend Applicants: 28 Members

 Body language: Trainer: Mohammed Sharaf [IFMSA Trainer] Trainees: 12

 Presentation skills: Trainer: Ahmed Fouda [IFMSA Trainer] Trainees: 12

 Etiquette Training: Trainer: Ahmed Al-Mansour [IFMSA Trainer] Trainees: 12

 Photoshop Training Trainer: Mohamed Yasser [IT & Publications director] Trainees: 5

Training assistant report:     

Trainers Database: 14 trainers Constant Evaluation Sheet MSSA Day out Encourage MSSA members to attend national training in GAs Collect recommendations for trainings next year

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next: IT & Publications report…

IT & Publications Report

Publications Director: M. Yasser

Locally     

MSSA Corporate Identity & Promotional Booklet Manual Update MSSA Members’ IDs MSSA website launch ( Two Photoshop Workshops Designs for :  IFMSA-Egypt National Election 2012.  SCORP Wall of Honor Newsletter  SCORA "Anti-sexual Harassment project".  Hepatitis Campaign  SCORA World ADIS Campaign.  Post Graduate Seminar  MSSA official Facebook Page.  Breast Cancer Campaign  World Diabetes Day ( 145 Project )  MSSA 9th Annual Conference  Presentation Competition  Shouman Summer Training  SCOPH TB campaign.  MSSA Ramadan Charity  SCOME Clinical course.  MSSA Iftar 2013  Exchange Marketing Campaign  MSSA recruitment campaign 2012-2013

 Photography editing for :            

End term GA 2012. All MSSA Gas 2012-13. Recruitment Campaign 2012-13. Smile Train. New members Interview. 1st Meetings 2012-2013. 2nd Peace Training. 1st Estargel meeting. SCORA "Anti-sexual Harassment project" 1st MSSA local GA 2013. Regional Day of Action. MSSA orientation Session.

           

Financial Management team Interview. MSSA Training Camp. 145 Campaign. MSSA Hour. MSSA TOT Human Rights. Presentation Competition Season Two. Hepatitis Campaign. Breast Cancer Campaign. 3rd Peace Training. MSSA Ramadan Charity. MSSA Iftar 2013. Shouman summer training.

 Media Coverage  Media Coverage for 145 Campaign.  Media Coverage for Hepatitis Campaign.  Media Coverage for Breast Cancer Campaign.

Nationally    

Photography Editor at IFMSA-Egypt publication team. Attend LC Management Sessions at IFMSA-Egypt 1st, 3rd GAs and at IFMSA-Egypt Winter camp 2012-2013. Shared in updating of IFMSA-Egypt CI and promotional booklet. Photography Editing for:  Preparation for hosting of AM 2014.  Dying Human thing workshop.  IFMSA-Egypt Human Rights Genome.  Human Rights Genome Workshop.  IFMSA-Egypt National Exchange Meeting.  IFMSA-Egypt 4th winter camp.

Internationally   

Photography Editor at IFMSA publication international team. Share in editing of Medical Students International magazine “MSI Issue 27”. Share in editing all IFMSA Newsletters from November 2012 until March 2013.


Presidency Report Locally  Holding: - 4 local GAs - 2 Extra-ordinary GAs - 3 TO Meetings - 4 EB meetings  Updated constitution is attached.  MSSA 9th annual conference  MSSA Corporate Identity Manual is attached  MSSA Recruitment: 358 new members  MSSA Active members: 53 Members  Applying a new scoring system for upgrading the membership  Enhance relations with Faculty staff.  Keep the contact with accreditation unit.  Encourage MSSA members to work with a high spirit

President: Islam Rasheed

   

Keep MSSA harmony and continuity Monitoring and evaluation [Mid-Term Survey] Membership Database MSSA Alumni database [with Ms.Nora Al-Gharbawey]

National level   

Attended 3 national GAs Attended the 4th IFMSA-Egypt Winter Camp LCs Visits:

 ASSA-Alex  AUSSS  BMSA-Beni swif  BSSS  MMSA-MUST  MSSA-Menofya  SSS     

Continuous communications with IFMSA-Egypt President and TO Follow up Mansoura national coordinators and national tasks of MSSA Members National feedback about MSSA TO and MSSA activities Full fill all national Deadlines Supporting MSSA TOs in their national representation Representing MSSA-Mansoura in the national meeting of IFMSA-Egypt BID 2014

Internationally Representing IFMSA-Egypt in IFMSA Publications Team: M.Yasser Representing IFMSA-Egypt in IFMSA SCOME Team : A. Fouda 5 IFMSA-Certified Trainers from MSSA

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next: MSSA-Mansoura National Situation…

MSSA-Mansoura National Situation  Representing MSSA-Mansoura in IFMSA-Egypt GAs: -

Last IFMSA-Egypt GA 2011-2012 in SSS 1st IFMSA-Egypt GA 2012-2013 in ZMSSA 2nd IFMSA-Egypt GA 2012-2013 in AUSSS 3rd IFMSA-Egypt GA 2012-2013 in ASSA-Alex

 Representing MSSA-Mansoura in 4th IFMSA-Egypt Winter Camp  National Tasks: -

4 National Coordinators [Islam Rasheed, Maysoun Mohammed, Alaa Hussein & Ahmad Al-Mansour] IFMSA-Egypt Task Force Member: Islam Rasheed 2nd IFMSA Egypt SRT TF member: Sary Elsayed IFMSA-Egypt Fundraising Director: Mohammed Sharaf IFMSA-Egypt PSDD training assistant: Ahmad Al-mansour SCOME Fundraising assistant: Sharif Ghatwreya Photography editor in IFMSA-Egypt Publications team: Mohammed Yasser

MSSA BOARD 2012-2013 President

Islam Rasheed


Sec. Gen. & Treasurer

Mohammed Sharaf



Sary Elsayed



Mahmoud Abdel-Azim



Alaa Hussein



Doaa Samy



Maysoun Mohammed


Acting LORP

Amr El-Refaey


IT & Publications Director

Mohammed Yasser


MSSA Photo Gallery:

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