The Penguin Review, Volume 1, Issue 1

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M S S M ’s p r e m i e r e n e w s l e t t e r


The Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone recently kicked off its 19th year as a public residential magnet school that serves high school students from around the world from grades 9-12. According to Luke Shorty, executive director of MSSM, this year’s enrollment numbers were some of the highest in over a decade. “We have about 149 students from all 16 counties in Maine enrolled here at MSSM, the most we have had since around 2003. We also have 9 international students, which is the most we’ve ever had,” Shorty said. Among some of the other changes this school year include the hire of MSSM’s first academic dean in two years, Dr. Nancy Richardson. Richardson comes to MSSM from St. Louis, MO where she worked as director of service learning at a private high school. MSSM also acquired a new off-campus dormitory for its growing number of students, located on Church Street in Limestone. This school year, MSSM offers new student-intensive research courses, which are 100 percent student constructed

The Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone has been ranked as the 11th best school in America, according to the 2014 Newsweek ranking. The ranking is based on methodology from Newsweek which weighs last year’s enrollment, graduation rate, weighted SAT composite scores, changes in student enrollment from 9th to 12th grade, and the counselor-to-student ratio. Newsweek also weighted schools based on economically disadvantaged students who performed better than the state average in reading and

MSSM acquires new dormitory page 2

fall 2014


volume 1, issue 1

Dr. Nancy Richardson, new MSSM dean of academics and formalized. MSSM also offers new courses in Quantum Physics and Computational Physics, among others. Shorty also mentioned the number of different projects the school will be undertaking this school year, including a new greenhouse that will break ground next year.

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mathematics. The index automatically categorized schools that performed in the 80th percentile within each state. “It really speaks to the hard work that faculty and staff put in to preparing these students to come to MSSM. Truly, we see ourselves as an extension for all other Maine schools,” Luke Shorty, executive director of MSSM, said. In April of this year MSSM was also ranked by U.S. News

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Kazakhstan, anyone? page 3

inside this issue Photos from Community Service Day page 5



fall 2014



Welcome everybody to the first newsletter of the 2014-2015 school year! We’re off to a great start here! Fall is definitely in the air and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees. Exciting things are a foot at MSSM as you will read in the newsletter and I’m sure you’ve read in the many press releases. Recently, MSSM has been getting a lot of news as it rightfully should with all the hard work from the faculty & students who make this such a wonderful place, along with our residential life and support staff. In other news, we’ve had confirmation of two new board members and the reappointment of five. I’d like to welcome Kate Reilly deLutio to the Maine School of Science and Mathematics board of trustees who is an MSSM alum from 1997 and a former director of advancement here. I’d also like to welcome Dr. Ruth Lyons, an MSSM alum from 1998 who has also returned to the great state of Maine after starting the Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli Gifted and Talented Academy in Hartford, CT.

The Maine School of Science and Mathematics in Limestone acquired a new dormitory off campus on 6 Church Street in Limestone. Originally used as an elderly care facility, the new building brings a much needed relief to the growing number of students that are currently enrolled at MSSM. “It started with the residents of the Limestone Manor moving to their new facility off Access Highway which left officials of the town of Limestone with a newly empty building. After a call to MSSM, our administrators went over to look at the building. After assuring that the building met all codes, an engineering firm was hired. Everyone

Some of the first residents of our new dormitory! L to R- RA Timothy Murphy, Pier Stevens Rosa, Spencer Ward, Brennan Lane, Tyler Simmons, Keith Lenguet, David Zhou and Austin Goodwin.



fall 2014



Things seem to be running smoothly at the new manor. I’m really excited to see parents come up for our parent/teacher conferences on October 24th. We’re looking forward to our Open House in November. We’re also planning for our 20th anniversary in 2016. Everything seems to be going peachy keen here. Do be in touch!


was excited about the prospect of adding another dormitory due to our increased enrollment. Without this new facility, we would have had to wait list another 16 or so students due to lack of room,” Luke Shorty, Executive Director said. In March, the Board of Trustees approved the acquisition of the former Limestone Manor. In full capacity, this building can house approximately 35 students. Every room in the Manor has its own suite complete with its own bathroom. It includes a lounge area in the front of the building complete with its own ping pong table, pool table and furniture such as recliners, sofas, etc. It also includes a study room, a bicycle storage room and a laundromat located in the basement for the residential staff and students’ use. “I think it’s one of the best buildings to be in. It’s mostly for juniors and seniors but a lot of people hang out here every weekend. The more it’s used, the more popular it will become,” Tommy Giggey, an MSSM student from Bowdoin said. Because of time restraints, the north end of the building is the only part being utilized. Shorty believes that the whole building will be used at a later point. MSSM’s enrollment numbers for this year are already some of the highest in over a decade, so the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for this new dormitory to open. “We’re seeing the interest in MSSM grow every year. To attest to that, we already have 16 prospective families registered to attend our open house on November 9th and 10th and that’s before any advertisements,” Shorty said. A new name for the old Limestone Manor is already in the works. Shorty hopes to make the new name public before the end of the fall semester.



fall 2014




fall 2014



our very own Maine School This fall is figuratively of Science & Mathematics. A and literally “flying by!” In representative, Mr. Zlyabekov mid-September, the wheels of “Ben” Bakhur, recently toured Turkish Air Flight 287 rolled our campus and has indicated to a smooth stop in the city a partnership between us is in of Almaty, Kazakhstan with the making. He invited MSSM yours truly onboard. At 5:30 to participate in the Internaa.m. Sunday morning (having tional Olympiad in Mathedeparted dear old Limestone matics, Physics and Computer the previous Friday), I was Science. Hopefully we will quickly startled awake upon send a team in January! witnessing the dramatic The trip included visiting mountains surrounding the the capitol city of Kazakhstan, city to the south. I knew I was Astana. It was here that I was in for another adventure and I Dean of Enrollment Management, Alan Whittemore (center) with introduced to Kazakhstan’s Kazakhstan students was not to be disappointed. Minister of Secondary EducaBefore I continue, I hear you tion, Mrs. Zhontaeva Zhanyl Alpamyskyzy. Ms. Alpamyskyzy ask why was I in Kazakhstan? I accompanied several other Maine was very enthusiastic upon hearing our interest in developing colleges and boarding schools following a meeting in Bangor last a partnership with one of her schools. It is my hope we will be February with Maine International Trade Center’s (MITC) specialist welcomMs. Lucy Sommo, who coordinated this StudyMaine project with ing a few support from the U.S. Department of Commerce. scholars Upon checking into the Dotsky Hotel, we soon found ourselves from this gazing skyward while amidst the peaks of the surrounding mounrugged, tains. Our tour included several historic sites, but the one I found beautiful most interesting was the Ascension Cathedral, which was built in the country early 1900’s without the use of a single nail. Having withstood a masoon. They jor earthquake in 1911, many believe it was saved by divine intervenhave a keen tion. As far as food goes, the folks in Kazakhstan boast a high protein interest in diet with a variety of ways to prepare mutton and beef but also share learning a sweet tooth like many of us. The chocolate factory was full of folks as do our choosing their favorite candies and I did manage to return home students! Rolling hills of Kazakhstan with a handful for the faculty/staff! Back The next home, this year’s veteran Admission Ambassadors include the few days were following: Anastasiya Bershanska, Anas Beshir, Dalton Canona whirlwind ico, Nicholas Chouinard, Justin Hamilton. Rebecca Hatt, Sam of meetings Heino, Sadie Hood, Ashley Jutras, Hui Kennedy, Leah Kihn, with education Jessica Lindsay, Elizaveta Maslak, Gordon McCulloh, Kendal agencies, school Millard, Laura Peteraf, Tom-Henry Reagan, Andrew Reilley, visits/fairs and Corin Rose, Jasmine Waite, Madeline Williams, Sage Williams formal presenand Judy Yau. More will be added after the Organization Fair in tations to some mid-October. of Almaty’s top The Open House registration continues to expand daily. We schools. One have already accepted six students who were wait-listed last year. of the schools Another wonderful enrollment issue worthy of note is thus far we visited, The we have experienced an unprecedented low rate of attrition. Our Republican students have made that crucial adjustment to the wonders of Specialized PhysMSSM in a very efficient manner. It is therefore expected we will ics-Mathematreach capacity once again so please, if you have a summer camp ics Secondary buddy, relative or friend who are interested in applying, make Boarding School sure they have applied no later than November 28th! (RSPhMSBS), demonstrated Ascension Cathedral in Kazybek Bi St, Almaty, great interest in Kazakhstan





fall 2014



Recently, teachers from all over Maine seized the opportunity to become a student once again. The Maine School of Science & Mathematics (MSSM) hosted “S.T.E.M Educators Week,” a professional development summer workshop for science, technology, engineering and/ or math teachers of grades 3-12. The educators could choose between 20 different courses throughout the week to further expand their minds and their teaching practices and knowledge. This is the... third year MSSM has facilitated the educator workshop. “I enjoy the sharing that happens between all the teachers throughout the week. I think it’s really inspiring for them to be able to share their resources and gather resources from fellow teachers. It’s great they get to bring those resources back to the classroom this fall,” Lisa Smith, director of S.T.E.M Educators Week, said. According to Smith, many of the presenters and participants say it’s one of the best professional development opportunities they do throughout the year. “All of the teachers want to share. They want to learn from each other. They’re really motivated teachers that really care about the learning their students do,” Smith said. Courses ranged in topic from astronomy to engineering to the more adventuresome “Get WET! Water Resource Education for

and World Report as the as the best public high school in New England and 14th in the nation. MSSM was also ranked as the best magnet high school in New England and the fourth best magnet school in the nation. U.S. News has awarded MSSM with their award as “Gold Medal School” for the past seven years, a feat only three percent of reviewed schools have achieved. Additional information about the methodology of the rankings as well as a complete list of the Top 500 schools in the country by Newsweek can be found at high-schools/americas-top-schools-2014. U.S. News and World Report’s full ranking list can be found at education/best-high-schools/national-rankings.



fall 2014



Teachers” course where teachers learned about aquatic invaders, stream surveys and macro-invertebrate sampling. On the first night, the teachers were treated to keynote speaker Greg Schwanbeck. Schwanbeck is a physics teacher at Westwood High School in Massachusetts as well as a guest lecturer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bonnie Hadiaris is a sixth grade Math teacher from Saco Middle School in Saco, Maine who made the trek up to MSSM for the week-long summer camp. Hadiaris was interested in some of the unique courses the camp had to offer, including some about technology. “I saw a lot of classes listed ways of teaching and technology is a little intimidating for me sometimes so I decided to come and learn and take something back to the classroom. I feel a lot more comfortable with technology now more than I ever did,” Hadiaris said. Hadiaris said she would come back again next year. “I was very relaxed yet we were learning all the time. You can’t do that during the school year so this was a great way to learn at your own pace. It was just a lot of fun. I would recommend this to anyone,” Hadiaris said. For more information about the S.T.E.M educator’s week, you can e-mail them at



fall 2014




fall 2014



Our annual Community Service Day 2014 was held on Saturday, September 13. All MSSM students and advisors rolled up their sleeves and gave back to the community of Limestone. Students split up in groups and had the opportunity to either paint the new dormitory or volunteer at various places in Limestone, including the Methodist church, food pantry or the new Limestone Nursing Home. Everyone had a blast!!

“We’re currently working with the foundation on finalizing funding for this project, and we’re hoping to break ground in the spring for a new greenhouse,” Shorty said. The new school year once again opened up with its traditional “move-in” weekend. New students moved in to the dormitories on Friday, August 22 with returning students following the next day. All students participated in various outdoor activities and ice-breaker games, including the “Pi Mi Penguin Challenge,” which had students and staff either running or walking 3.14 miles from MSSM to Trafton Lake in Limestone.

“The Pi Mi challenge was my favorite part of the weekend. It was nice to see some of the beautiful scenery of Limestone as well as have some great conversations with some of the students. The brunch afterwards was delicious as well,” Sarah Franklin, new student at MSSM, said. MSSM’s first semester ends on December 19 with J-Term beginning January 12. Classes start for the spring semester on January 26 with the final day of classes ending tentatively on June 5.




fall 2014




fall 2014



It was probably the best two weeks for young Lil Costello, two weeks I was there. Every day was a lot different than the prea senior at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics in vious. I learned to always carry a rag around everywhere because Limestone. Costello had the opportunity in July to intern at the airplanes leak a lot. I also replaced a part for a 1930s airplane. I Owls Head Transportation Museum in Owls Head, ME, which is had to climb into the cockpit of the airplane so I learned how to be roughly 10 minutes south flexible,” Costello said. from Rockland. Costello One of Costello’s most memworked in the hangar at orable parts of her internship the museum for two weeks, was flying the Super Cub, a learning the ins and outs of two-seat monoplane. She wasn’t aircraft maintenance from sure if she would have the some of the experts. chance to test out the aircrafts “I first became interested that she worked on, so suffice it in aviation from talking to say, she was thrilled. to my great-grandfather, “Flying the airplane was one a World War II P-51 pilot. of the best things I had ever He told me stories about done. I also got my first half flying and showed me hour in my log book, which some of his pictures and was also great,” Costello said. quickly became my hero. Costello plans to attend Lil Costello next to the P-51 Mustang aircraft. That really hooked me. Since the US Naval Academy to pursue aviation and aircraft then, I’ve been doing everything I can to fuel my interests in aviamaintenance next year. She had nothing but the highest praise for tion and spaceflight,” Costello said. the MSSM teachers and staff who made this internship possible Before she knew it, Costello found herself at the Owls Head for her. Transportation Museum through an internship that was made “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the support possible by some of her teachers. The two-week experience exof MSSM. It was an amazing experience and I think it really ceeded her expectations. has allowed me to get a sense of the world beyond school,” “I learned a ton. I learned so much more about aviation in the Costello said.

Have you ever wanted to take a trip outdoors, but you are afraid of getting lost? Maybe you want a guide to help you find the best route, but don’t know how? Then maybe you should ask Laura Blackstone, an MSSM senior who recently completed a nine day backpacking trip at Baxter State Park through the Maine Youth Wilderness Leadership Program (MYWLP). She was one of only ten students from Maine accepted in the program. “The MSSM trips got me thinking that maybe I could do this again in the future. I started to research summer camps online and found this one. This trip gave me a huge edge in leadership. Now that I have gone through the program, I know a lot more about what I’m doing. I’d like to lead more than just day trips in the future,” Blackstone said. The goal of the MYWLP is to prepare teens in Maine Laura Blackstone at the summit of Katahdin.


to lead similar outdoor trips in the future. Throughout the nine day excursion, the students backpacked from one end of Baxter State Park to the other, including spending several nights at Russell’s Pond. Accompanying the students were members of the Chewonki Foundation. All students were required to read several books ahead of time and research local folklore, history, geography, and the conservation movement in order for them to better understand and appreciate Baxter State Park. “It’s a wilderness you can’t get anywhere else. It instills a sense of being ‘out there’ in civilization. It was really amazing,” Blackstone said. Blackstone has held an interest in outdoor leadership ever since she took a few MSSM field trips to the Katahdin area. She credits some of her teachers at MSSM who helped and encouraged her to try new things. She hopes to

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fall 2014




we’re ALL over social media!! “Maine School of Science and Mathematics”

@MSSM /MSSMAVISION & /mssmpenguins Search “Maine School of Science and Mathematics”

Congratulations goes out to these MSSM students who were elected to the 2014-2015 student senate! They are from back L-R: Scott Gilley, Timothy Murphy, Paddy Keith-Hardy, Ahmed Beshir. Front L-R: Peter Emidy and Mara McDonough.

/mssmpenguins /mssmpenguins

Congratulations goes out to these MSSM students, who are semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program! They are: Back L-R: Andrew Reilley, Max Kay, Michael Coyne, George Spahn. Front L-R: Joesphine Sehon, Rebecca Hatt, Hannah Stetson & our MSSM penguin.

Not your “average” physics problem. This one took six whiteboards to solve!! From L-R: Laura Blackstone, Lil Costello, Peter Emidy & Grier Ostermann. Great job!!




fall 2014




fall 2014



a l u m n i w update Emily Martis (Lauren) ‘00 recently became a Lead Sys-

tems Engineer at GE Lighting in Cleveland, OH. She and her husband finished renovating a house they bought and recently adopted two kittens, Olive and Gizmo. She maintains a blog about the renovations of her house at http://

Kathe Todd-Brown ‘00

defended her PhD in Earth System Science last december and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oklahoma.

Amanda Chambers (Harrop)‘09

celebrating her 5th anniversary with her husband and her son’s second birthday. She has been with AMHC as a crisis counselor for six months now.

Meghann Derosier (lyons) ‘98

married to Derek Derosier, has two children. Currently working as a Hospitalist at Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor Maine. Honorable discharge from the Air Force. Deployed to Afghanistan from 2012-2013.


Submit your new job, marriage, birth or anything else you want to update us on for our next issue in December! Send your stories to to be featured! We’d LOVE to hear from YOU! Remember to LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter as well!

Mark your calendars! Our Open House is:

November 9th & 10th For more information, go to our website: pursue outdoor leadership after graduating. “I’m hoping to get a job somewhere that will let me do more work with outdoor leadership. I’m looking into leadership opportunities that I could do over the summer. I’m also looking into programs that could send me to other countries, maybe go to AmeriCorps as a gap year. Those are some of my future options,” Blackstone said. Additional information about the Maine Youth Wilderness Leadership Program can be obtained at their website, or you can e-mail them at info@ According to the website, applications for next year’s program are typically due each February with selections taking place in March.


The PENGUIN REVIEW is a quarterly newsletter distrubted by MSSM’s Admission Department. Hard copies of our newsletter are avaliable upon request at our school located at 95 High Street in Limestone, Maine. We encourage staff, students, and alumni to submit articles of intrest to us at any point. The Deadline for our next issue is Monday, December 8. E-mail submissions to Anything received after that will be published in the following issue. Sign up now to recieve the electronic version of our newsletter delivered right to your e-mail! Go to our website, and scroll down to SUBSCRIBE NOW.

w Ben Pinette, editor & layout pinetteb@mssm.og

w Alan Whittemore, Dean of Enrollment Management whittemorea@mssm.og

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