Penguin Review, Vol 1, Issue 3

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M S S M ’s p r e m i e r e n e w s l e t t e r


summer 2015


volume 1, issue 3

MSSM’s first employee and current Dean of Enrollment, Alan Forty-five students from throughout Maine and beyond graduated from the Maine School of Science and Mathematics during Whittemore. “It is an exciting time of the year to acknowledge the great commencement exercises that took place on Monday, accomplishments of June 1 at 10:00 a.m. the senior class,” Luke in the Boothby Shorty, Executive Auditorium. As Director of MSSM, part of MSSM’s 20th said. “We have commencement, graduates enrolled Dr. James Patterson, in some of the best one of MSSM’s colleges in the counoriginal founders, try and around the was welcomed back world. They should as the commenceall be very proud and ment speaker. know that the bonds Patterson initially and friendships they’ve laid out the groundattained at MSSM will work in 1993 for last forever. It was also Maine’s first rewarding to recognize residential magnet and reflect on some of school. our early supporters “It’s a pleasure during our 20th year to see the school commencement.” thriving,” Patterson This year’s MSSM’s said. “The school L-R: Judy Yau, Samuel Kupiec, Ivan Zembrusky, Claudia Erickson, and Joshua graduates include continues to grow in Keith-Hardy march into the auditorium. Oliver Adams, its reputation under its Cumberland; Anas Beshir, Gorham; Laura Blackstone, Waterville; terrific leadership. It’s a pleasure to be back to see it firsthand.” Nicholas Chouinard, Bucksport; Lillian Costello, Milo; Michael Patterson served as MSSM’s Executive Director for six years Coyne, Orono; Peter Emidy, Hallowell; Andrew Emond, Auburn; until 2000. He then went on to oversee the University of Maine Claudia Erickson, Auburn; Ethan Eymontt, Cape Neddick; Hutchinson Center in Belfast before retiring in 2006. In 2011, Thomas Giggey, Bowdoin; Megan Goodell, North Haven; Noah Patterson was inducted as a lifetime honorary member of Hall, Raymond; Rebecca Hatt, Lincoln; Samantha Heino, P MSSM’s board of trustees and continues to play an active role in oland; Maxwell Holtzman, Rockport; Max Kay, Industry; Joshua MSSM’s vision. Keith-Hardy, Georgetown; Ryan Kelly, Mapleton; Takujiro As part of the 20th year commencement, MSSM also welcomed back some of its first employees and founding board of Kobayashi, Manchester; Samuel Kupiec, North Monmouth; trustees members, including Gary O’Neal, Art Thompson, Sandra Jae-Jin Lee, Busan, South Korea; Christopher Letourneau, Poland; Thomas Lindell, Frankfort; Marina Mozak, Bath; Timothy Cyr, Walt Elliott, Tom Cote, Fred Edgecomb, Bob Clark, Kevin McCartney, Sue Pines, Leo Keiffer, Judy Paradis and Rosaire wplease turn to page 6w Paradis. They were given special mementos by Patterson and

inside this issue

UMPI & MSSM sign unique agreement page 4

Japanese students visit MSSM page 5

MSSM VEX robotics team competes in World’s page 10



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Hello MSSM Community! I hope that your summer has kicked off to a great start! I know that the summer time can be a great time to rest, relax, recoup, and have some fun. The fun at MSSM is about to be in full swing with another record number of campers and educators coming to Limestone to be part of our summer camp experience! The administrative staff is hard at work getting ready for our next academic year and we are excited to have many wonderful faculty join our MSSM team for the fall. Please join me in welcoming the following individuals to the MSSM community: - Mr. Patric Hamilton comes to us from John Bapst High School and will be a humanities instructor who will also teach a course in drama. - Dr. Sarah Ruddy, Adjunct Instructor at University of Maine (with a background in the distance education program Academ-e) and former Executive Director of the Strand Theater in Rockland, will teach literature and composition fulltime. - Mr. Andrew Sullivan, who has been MSSM’s adjunct music instructor, will become our full time music faculty member! - Dr. Sarah Bernard, who graciously was an interim instructor while Dr. Eustis-Grandy was on sabbatical, will be joining us full time to teach Science. - M. Jason Desneiges will be joining us as our full time French

Greetings from the Admission Office! What an exciting year this has been! Since I last talked to you, we welcomed students and administrators from Hikone-Higashi High School in Japan, signed a unique agreement with the University of Maine at Presque Isle, received a generous grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, hosted an April Open House for prospective students and their families for the 2016-17 school year, and so much more! It is with great pleasure that we introduce the 60 newly enrolled students’ to MSSM for the 2015-16 school year: Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Beaver Cove, Belfast, Benedicta, Benton, Brunswick, Buxton, Camden, Cape Elizabeth, Cape Porpoise, Cumberland Foreside, Damariscotta, Deer Isle, Eddington, Edmonds, Fairfield, Freeport, Glenburn, Gorham, Hampden, Hodgdon, Holden, Jay, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Lebanon, Lewiston, Limestone, Machias, Madawaska, Martinsville, Medford, North



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instructor. This will herald in the return of a French program at MSSM. - Ms. Cindy Berube joins us from Limestone Community School to teach our composition and research courses full time next year. - Mr. Todd Smith, hails from Georgetown High School in Texas where he taught AP Physics C and AP Physics 1, will be joining us to teach Mathematics full time next year. - Mrs. Pam Sweetser will be joining us next year to teach our US History courses and a social science elective. She is a former teacher from Hampden Academy and has been an adjunct instructor at Northern Maine Community College. - Mrs. Millie Rhodes will be joining us to teach Mathematics full time next year with her husband Dr. Mark Rhodes. She was previously working at Southern New Hampshire University in Brunswick, Maine and has extensive experience teaching mathematics through distance education. Other hires that have been finalized for the upcoming year are Ms. Marie Beckum as MSSM’s new Summer Programs Director and Mr. Erich Hunter (Class of ‘96) as the President/CEO of the MSSM Foundation. I wish you and your families a wonderful summer and thank you all for your continued support of MSSM!

-Luke C. Shorty

Waterboro, North Yarmouth, Oakfield, Old Town, Pittsfield, Portland, Princeton, Raymond, Richmond, Rockport, Saco, Skowhegan, South Portland, Thomaston, Trenton, Winslow, Yarmouth, and York. Have a great summer and we’ll see you in the fall!



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summer 2015



MSSM Summer Camp Thriving: Current Director Passes the Torch Article submitted by Lisa Smith

MSSM Summer camp staff have been busily preparing for this season and are eager to meet the nearly 600 campers who will be joining us this summer. Students, ages 10-14 from across the state of Maine and beyond will explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through handson learning opportunities while also enjoying the fun of a traditional summer camp. Our 2015 course selections are available on our website. Campers choose from a variety of courses which include rocketry, astronomy, engineering, robotics, computer programming, code-making & code-breaking, forensic science, and wilderness survival—to name a few. In addition to our classic courses, we also have some fun new options such as “Dragon Genetics” and “Mixing Magic: Beginning Chemistry.” We do still have space in all of the girls’ camp weeks at this time;

families can complete their application online on our website. We continue to offer financial aid and additional scholarships for those who qualify. Thanks to the generous support of Maine sponsors, we have been able to provide over 40 scholarships (in addition to financial aid) this year as well as funds to provide every camper with a camp t-shirt. Sponsors for this year’s camp include: Time Warner Cable, Pratt & Whitney, MMG Insurance, Gibson Realty, Fairchild Semiconductor, Cascon, Matthew Cesare Memorial Fund, Eagleson Institute, Cary Medical Center, Hunting Dearborn, North Atlantic Energy Advisors, Kepware, NorState Federal Credit Union, Kris Way Truck Leasing, Inc., General Dynamics (Bath Iron Works), and the Presque Isle Animal Hospital. Lisa Smith, who has been running the summer programs for the past 5 years, will be hanging up her hat as the director to start medical school this July. The summer programs and the MSSM community at large will be welcoming Marie Beckum as the new summer programs director. Marie has many years of experience with 4-H camps, as well as experience teaching science and social studies at the middle school level. She has served as the director of the 21st century grant program in Limestone and Caribou planning and implementing both after school and summer school programs. Marie has a bachelor’s degree in actuarial sciences and has completed courses towards a masters’ degree in teaching with a specialization in mathematics. She is also an avid runner and has served as coach for cross country runner and cross country skiing in Aroostook County. We look forward to another wonderful summer camp season!




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Beginning in the courses because of the Fall of 2015, students qualifications of their attending the Maine faculty and the academSchool of Science ic rigor of their classes,” and Mathematics President Schott will be able to take explained. advantage of the “The dual degree most comprehensive agreement signed early-college pathway today expands upon in Maine, potentially this work and provides completing enough MSSM students with an college-level courseunparalleled head start work to earn an on college, a stronger Associate’s degree in pathway into a public Liberal Studies from university system that the University of leads the nation in Maine at Presque Isle commitment to in addition to a high affordability, and an school diploma. At even greater potential to $15 per credit hour, L-R: Ray Rice, Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at UMPI, join Maine’s workforce the 64-credit Associate’s Linda Schott, President of the University of Maine at Presque Isle, Luke Shorty, as a STEM graduate.” degree could cost stu- Executive Director of MSSM and Nancy Richardson, Academic Dean at MSSM. MSSM students will dents and their families be able to take advantage less than $1,000, a 93% savings over the traditional cost of a similar of the expanded college credit and dual degree opportunities course load for Maine residents attending UMPI. starting in Fall 2015. UMPI President Linda Schott and MSSM Executive Director Luke “This is the next step in the ever important journey of Shorty held a signing ceremony on Friday, February 27, at UMPI’s meeting students where their ability is at and giving them proper Alumni Room, finalizing an articulation agreement that credit and recognition for those who are achieving at the establishes Maine’s fastest and most affordable path to a college collegiate level and I’m excited to be taking this journey with the diploma. The dual-degree agreement will provide MSSM students University of Maine at Presque Isle and the University of Maine with approximately 50 course equivalencies worth more than 150 System,” Luke Shorty, Executive Director of MSSM, said. college credits, providing some of Maine’s most promising students a While there are many early college credit programs available in first-of-its-kind head start at earning an affordable Bachelor’s degree. Maine, the impact and affordability of this agreement has “For nearly three years, students at MSSM have been able to earn captured the attention of state education officials. college credit from our University for several of their high school “With the rising cost of college and the huge student debt burden our young people are facing, it is such great news that more Maine students will now have the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school, not only saving them money but giving them a great advantage over their peers,” Acting Commissioner for the Maine Department of Education, Tom Desjardin, said. “The Dual Degree program between the University of Maine at Presque Isle and the Maine School of Science and Mathematics is an outstanding example of the kind of innovative thinking we must have to increase student opportunity,” said University of Maine System Chancellor James Page. “This creative partnership will result in more STEM graduates for the


wplease turn to page 6w



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During the week They live away of March 16th, the from home at such entire MSSM a young age and community seem to be adjusting welcomed 10 students well. Our students at and their faculty Hikone-Higashi look chaperones from the forward to hosting HikoneMSSM students in Higashi High School the near future,” in Hikone, Shiga, Kozaka said. Japan. The weeklong The partnership visit offered an between the Maine opportunity to bridge School of Science communication and Mathematics and between the Hikone-Higashi High Hikone-Higashi High School first took School and the Maine place in March 2014 School of Science and when Alan Mathematics with the Whittemore, Dean hope MSSM students Hikone-Higashi students with MSSM’s Executive Director Luke Shorty in Bangor. Photo of Enrollment will visit them in the courtesy of Koshuke Tanaka. approached Takashi future. Ohama at the Japan “My colleague Kaz and I were looking for an opportunity to Science and Technology Agency in Washington D.C. From build relationships through cultural exchange,” Koshuka Tanaka, there, Ohama introduced Hikone-Higashi to Kaz Momii, also Academic Programs Coordinator at the American Information a member of the JST, who in turn introduced Yasoki Aoki, the Service, said. “We reached out to Mr. Shorty, MSSM’s Executive principal of Hikone-Higashi High School, to MSSM. Director to make this partnership happen. This was definitely a “To see these 10 young people integrate themselves so successful first step in building a relationship between the Maine quickly allowed our students to see and appreciate our school School of Science and Mathematics and its Japanese counterpart, through their eyes. I never expected tears to be shed upon the Hikone-Higashi High School.” their departure. What an experience!” Whittemore said. Throughout the week, the Hikone-Higashi students Hikone is located in the Shiga Prefecture of Japan, shadowed various MSSM students as they attended class. They about 5 hours west of Tokyo. It has a population of 111,799 also had an opportunity to explore Aroostook County. Their residents. For more information about the Hikone-Higashi first field trip was to the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle School, you are encouraged to visit their website at: for some snowshoeing. The students then proceeded to visit the Frances Malcolm Science Center in Easton for a presentation on the Hubble Telescope. The students also visited the University of Maine at Presque Isle to hear and participate in a lecture from Tim Brooks, the founder of the Endangered Alphabets Project. One of the highlights of the week was a Skype video conference that took place between the Japanese and MSSM students with the faculty of Hikone-Higashi High School. Even though the Japanese guests were over 6,500 miles away from home, there was no sign of homesickness among them. “It has been a fun week,” Kohei Nishimura, a student from Hikone-Higashi High School, said. “I enjoyed the opportunity to see the American way of teaching. I also played a lot of sports while I was here. All of the MSSM students have been kind and I’ve enjoyed talking with and getting to know all of them,” Nishimura said. “I love MSSM,” Akari Yoshida, “I loved it all. I enjoyed every subject here. I want to attend this school!” Hiroshi Kozaka, one of the faculty chaperones from L-R: Koshuka Tanaka, Academic Program Coordinator, Hikone-Higashi High School, said he was impressed with American Information Service; Hamakawa Noriyki and students at MSSM. Hiroshi Kozaka, faculty members of “I couldn’t believe how mature the students at MSSM are. Hikone-Higashi High School.




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state with less loan indebtedness for some of our most promising students.” This new articulation agreement was the result of a rigorous review of MSSM’s academic portfolio, including faculty qualifications, course syllabi and texts. More than 40 MSSM courses were deemed to be equivalent in content, rigor, and instructional credentials to UMPI courses and faculty qualifications, paving the way for the awarding of college credit. MSSM students who successfully complete Multivariable Calculus, for example, will receive college credit for its course equivalency at UMPI’s Math 231. Students who want to take advantage of the Associate’s degree opportunity will receive a degree plan that specifies the courses they need to take at each institution, with equivalent courses noted, to earn an Associate of Arts degree at UMPI and a diploma at MSSM. “This is an invaluable and unique opportunity for both of our institutions. I think it’s really going to benefit the state of Maine by helping us to retain more young people,” Nancy Richardson, MSSM Academic Dean, said. “I’m really excited to see this come to fruition and look forward to watching it develop in the coming years.” Officials noted that this agreement comes at an important time with the current national focus on higher education reform. According to Complete College America, only 19% of students across the U.S. complete a 4-year university

Top: Dr. James Patterson giving MSSM’s keynote address Right: Jessica Creelman, class marshal, leading the students out. Bottom: MSSM seniors turning their tassels from right to left, officially becoming alumni.



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degree within four years, and only 4% complete a 2-year degree within two years. In Maine, 64% of college students owe money coming out of college with an average indebtedness of nearly $30,000. That indebtedness can double if students don’t complete a degree in four years. “Allowing students to graduate with an AA degree or its equivalent, and over two years’ worth of guaranteed, highest quality college coursework, is the most meaningful way to achieve a ffordable degree completion,” Ray Rice, UMPI Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, said. “Higher education should be a right for all students—not an increasingly expensive privilege. Our partnership with MSSM, one of the most outstanding high schools in this country, and a true leader in educational reform, is the single most meaningful step ever taken in Maine to accomplishing this goal. This truly is a game changer—for students, their families, and higher education itself.” Marsden Jacques is a sophomore at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics. He sees the agreement between MSSM and UMPI very beneficial for him for the future. “It’s really exciting for me to be able to get a degree while still in high school. I’ve looked into taking courses outside of high school, but those are hard to balance while still in high school,” Jacques said. “Getting recognized for the hard work we’re putting into high school at the college level is really exciting to me.”

Murphy, Rockport; Grier Ostermann, Topsham; Brandon Peterson, Bowdoinham; Christopher Ray, Canton; Andrew Reilley, West Kennebunk; Josephine Sehon, Brunswick; Connor Ozment Schenck, Brunswick; George Spahn, Hallowell; Hannah Stetson, Chelsea; Jasmine Waite, Southport; Hechen Wang, Beijing, China; Jiakang Wang, Beijing, China; Jason Webb, Standish; Andrew Whitman, Holden; Qianru Xu, Shanghai, China; Judy Yau, Newport; Ivan Zembrusky, Deer Isle; Zihan Zhou, Shanghai, China, Anastasiya Bershanska & Anton Bershanskiy, Kharkiv, Ukraine. A reception was held for graduates and their families in the dormitory gym. More festivities and celebrations commemorating MSSM’s 20th year in operation will be announced in the future.



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It has been nearly two years since the Maine School of Science and Mathematics secured a 6,000 square-foot classroom in its academic building for a student engineering space. Since its completion in the spring of 2013, the classroom has been utilized regularly for robotics, art and astronomy classes, as well as the VEX Robotics team. “The makerspace not only provides more physical room, it also serves as a social place where students congregate to create and confer, to discuss, argue and laugh. Its pod bays open to different realms in science, engineering, robotics and technology,” Larry Berz, astronomy teacher at MSSM, said. During MSSM’s last summer camp, nearly 500 students used the space for robotics courses. In addition, approximately 75 teachers throughout Maine made the most of the makerspace to build and outfit underwater robots during the MSSM’s annual STEM Educators’ Makerspace in January 2015. In the fall of 2013, MSSM received a $5,000 donation from Camp held in August 2014. the Katahdin Trust Company to further equip the engineering “I really enjoy the Makerspace because it lets me apply what lab. More recently, Time Warner Cable’s Connect a Million I’ve already learned,” Andy Whitman, an MSSM senior from Minds program donated an additional $5,000 toward the Holden said. “Anyone can sit through a class and absorb efforts of the makerspace. knowledge, but it’s the application of the knowledge that’s “Time Warner Cable’s partnership with MSSM is a win-win essential. To me, that’s the exciting part.” in many ways,” Stephanie Salanger, TWC Northeast Community Investment Manager, said. “By supporting handson, creative STEM content for the students, we are really investing in tomorrow’s workforce as well as in the communities we serve in Maine. Our employees are very passionate about impacting the people and communities in which they live and work. We are very proud of the work we accomplish through Connect a Million Minds and the connections we have with MSSM students.” Robotics instructor Greg Hamlin said the grants have already been put to good use,, supplying the makerspace with basic hand tools, a 3D printer, milling machine and more. “The donation helped us create a space where students can build and create using many different materials and technologies, including wood, metal, plastic, and electronic components. We hope to eventually acquire a laser cutter, which would be useful for a range of student activities and projects: from engineering, robotics, and art classes to the rocketry club,” Hamlin said. For more information about donating to the makerspace, visit the MSSM Foundation website at: and click on “Ways to Give” on the left hand side of the page. L-R: Drew Emond and Oliver Adams utilizing the makerspace in March 2015.




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The Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) and Educate Maine are pleased to announce that MSSM is the recipient of a $36,000 grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (JKCF), a private independent foundation based in Lansdowne, VA. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. JKCF recently awarded $500,000 in grants to six National Consortium of Specialized Secondary Schools (NCSSS) to assist in closing the excellence gap for academically talented students who hail from socio-economic challenged backgrounds. “We want to give students who are really smart an equal opportunity to succeed,” Harold Levy, Executive Director of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, said. “Helping high-ability students with financial need fulfill their potential has significant implications for the social mobility among America’s lower-income families and for the strength of our economy.” In February of this year, Luke Shorty, Executive Director of MSSM, along with other school leaders and experts from around the country, convened at a two-day summit hosted by JKCF to identify solutions to further close the excellence gap. “In attending this conference with other specialized


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secondary schools from across the country, I was inspired to provide a proposal to help close the excellence gap here in Maine by partnering with Educate Maine and utilizing Maine’s MLTI (Maine Learning Technology Initiative) program to improve middle school STEM (Science, Technology, Education, Mathematics) education,” Shorty said. “The $36,000 will be used to complete a planning year for the pilot program.” In the next year, MSSM will identify and partner with at least two under-resourced middle schools in rural Maine and pilot a distance education science/mathematics curriculum similar to the successful traits found in the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics’ online program. Ed Cervone, Educate Maine’s Executive Director is pleased to be working with the Maine School of Science and Mathematics in this new endeavor. “Educate Maine and its business partners are thrilled to be a part of this great work with MSSM. This is an opportunity to take the knowledge and high-quality curriculum at one of the state’s best school and share it beyond its walls. This will help more Maine students be prepared to succeed in college. It will also enhance their career aspirations and will provide them with opportunities to reach their full potential,” Cervone said. The grant will be paid in one installment beginning this month and will run from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016. This project was supported in part by a grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.








G OA L M E T ! ! To donate to the MSSM Foundation, go to our website: and click on the “Support” tab at the top and click on “Ways to Give.” The MSSM Foundation accepts donations via. Visa, Mastercard, and Discover and through PayPal.




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Grier Ostermann of Topsham, a senior at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics was recently selected to receive the 2015 Principal’s Award. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement and citizenship. “It is a real honor for Grier to have been chosen for this award,” Dr. Richardson, MSSM’s Academic Dean, said. “I know the entire MSSM community is proud to have such an intelligent and promising young man to represent us this year.” Ostermann, Richardson and other award winners and their principals attended an Honors Luncheon at the Spectacular Event Center in Bangor on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. The Honors Luncheon recognizes these outstanding students with the presentation of an individual plaque and the awarding of five $1,000 scholarships in the names of Horace O. McGowan and Richard W. Tyler. McGowan and Tyler were former Maine principals and executive directors of the Association. This year an additional five $1,000 scholarships will be presented through the efforts of the MPA Scholarship Golf Tournament. “I was not expecting to receive this. It’s an honor to receive it,” Ostermann said. “I think any of my classmates could have won this award, as most of us possess academic excellence, outstanding school citizenship and leadership, so it’s an


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honor that I was the one chosen.” The Principal’s Award is presented in more than 100 Maine public and private high schools by member principals of the MPA, the professional association which represents Maine’s school administrators.

Grier Ostermann

Imagine spending three weeks in a foreign country and not being able to speak the native language. For most people, this would certainly be a scary situation, but for senior Josephine (Josie) Sartoris Sehon, she welcomed the idea with open arms. Sehon spent three weeks in Freiburg, Germany learning to speak German at Euer Sprachzentrum, a private German language school. “I’ve always wanted to learn different languages, so I thought this would be a pretty cool opportunity,” Sehon said. “I was lucky enough that my dad and stepmom were already in Germany on sabbatical. My dad knows German so I would often practice with him.” Sehon was part of a class of five non-native German speakers. For three hours a day, Sehon would go to class and spend the remainder of her day traveling throughout Germany and practicing the German language. “I realized during my three weeks how difficult the German l anguage is to learn. Taking this trip made me understand it will be a lot easier to continue my studies in German in college,” Sehon said. As for going to visit Germany again, Sehon was quick to point out that she would love to return. “I definitely want to go back. I had a wonderful time. There is still so much more to see,” Sehon said. MSSM’s Academic Dean, Dr. Nancy Richardson helped oordinate this trip for Josie and checked in with her frequently during J-Term. Richardson used to live and teach in Germany so

she knew she could help Sehon along the way. “It was fun to work with Josie and hear about her experiences as she experienced German culture for the first time. It really took me Josie along the streets of Freiburg, Germany. back to my first trip abroad. Josie has also expressed an interest in starting a German Club at MSSM, which I find very exciting,” Richardson said. If you or someone you know is interested in the Euer Sprachzentrum school, feel free to visit their website at: or you can contact them directly at 49-7613865876.




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notes MSSM vex robotics team competed at worlds! A big congratulations to our VEX robotics teams this past year for placing first and fourth out of thirty teams at the State VEX Robotics Championships held at Hampden Academy in Hampden on February 15. The top five teams qualified for the 2015 VEX Robotics World Championships at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, Kentucky from April 15-April 18. MSSM placed 57th out of 90 teams from throughout the world in the technology division. GO PENGUINS!! Photo courtesy of Traci Gere. Above: MSSM students receiving the “Excellence Award” at the Maine VEX Compeition at Hampden Academy on February 21. This is the higest honor any VEX team could receive. Front L-R: Josh Tung, Nathan Gere, Drew Emond, Gabby Collins, Marina Mozak, Back L-R: Grier Ostermann, Emma Vannorsdall, Emmanuel Tung.

Our LCS/MSSM Varsity Girls Softball team were finalists at the Eastern Maine State Championship game in Brewer on Tuesday, June 16. This was the third year in a row our girls’ softball team competed at the Eastern Maine finals! Congratulations girls!

Summer is here and what better way to carry around your belongings than with one of our tote bags! You will be the envy of all of your friends! For more information on getting your hands on this one-of-a-kind gift, e-mail the admission office at: HURRY while supplies last!!


A huge congratulations is in order for MSSM juniors Ben Schade and Justin Hamilton who presented in May at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh! Their presentation, “Calculating Horizons with Perspective Projection” won a distinguished achievement award and a first place prize of $3,000 from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists! Ben (left) and Justin (right) are shown here with their awards.. Congrats guys!



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we’re ALL over social media!! “Maine School of Science and Mathematics”

@MSSM /MSSMAVISION & /mssmpenguins Search “Maine School of Science and Mathematics”

/mssmpenguins /mssmpenguins

Our Envirothon team recently competed at the state competition at Thomas College in Waterville on May 29th! MSSM’s team came in third place! Great job to all of those involved in Envirothon here at MSSM! MSSM qualified for the state competition after placing first in the regional competition on May 20th at Mantle Lake in Presque Isle! L-R: Anas Beshir, Tyler Simmons, Cecilia Howard, Samantha Heino, Judy Yau, and Josephine Sehon at the regional Envirothon competition in Presque Isle.


The Maine School of Science and Mathematics will be hosting its fourth annual STEM Educators’ Camp once again this year from August 2-August 7 in Limestone, Maine. Educators from across Maine, the US, and abroad, join us each year to network, collaborate and learn from one another’s practices in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classrooms. This program is designed for educators who currently work with students grades 3-12. Logan Smalley will be joining us as the keynote speaker for this event. Smalley is the founding director Last year’s STEM Educators’ Camp. Photo courtesy of Andrew Parker. of TED-Ed, the educatioal branch of the TED conference. Smalley will be joined by 20 accomplished presenters who will be offering professional development courses this summer. Educators who join will have the opportunity to take three week-long course and earn continuing education credits. Our hope is to encourage STEM educators to share their passions and talents with one another to form a community vested in improving student learning in Maine and abroad. The Educators’ Camp is $100 for Maine residents and $300 for out-of-state residents. To register, please complete the online registration form available on our website,

A big congratulations goes out to Judy Yau who was one of four student leaders in the state to be chosen to be featured at the “Tomorrow’s Workforce Superstars” program at the Samoset Resort in Rockland on Tuesday, May 5. In addition, Judy receivied a $500 scholarship for attending from the Maine’s SHRM State Council. Congrats Judy!




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a l u m n i


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w u p d a t e

Rachel LeBoeuf ‘07-- has been married for three and a half years. She and her husband just moved to Vermont from Maine. She started a new job recently at a mental health agency working with kids with special needs. Her husband is starting a new job in law enforcement. Rachel graduated from Unity College in 2010; her husband also graduated from Unity a year later in 2011. Next year, she plans on attending graduate school to become a clinical counselor.

Benjamin Freeman ‘05-- attended the University of Maine where he graduated with a Chemical

Engineering degree and went on to earn a PhD in Biological Systems Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the Fall of 2014. After graduating, he accepted a job as a Process Engineer with the company, Illumina, in San Diego, CA. He lives with his girlfriend, Katie and his West Virginia rescue pup, Dixie.

Melissa Curtis ‘99 -- is a program manager for an OEM parts distributor. She now resides in Erie, PA. Caroline Moore ‘01 -- is now a web developer for She now lives in the Houlton, ME area. Nick Bonzey ‘98 -- is a consulting biologist and now lives in Sacramento, CA. << Check out this interactive map which pinpoints where a few of our alums are residing now, courtesy of Rita Cooper ‘06 at: Rita now works as a civil engineer in the Portland, ME area.

If you haven’t already, join the MSSM Alumni Association on Facebook to keep in touch with MSSM Alumni from the past 20 years! Just search “MSSM Alumni Association” and ask to join!

The PENGUIN REVIEW is a quarterly newsletter distributed by MSSM’s Admission Department. Hard copies of our newsletter are available upon request at our school located at 95 High Street in Limestone, Maine. The Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) is a tuition-free, public, residential high school that enrolls students from across the state and serves over 600 students each year through its academic and summer offerings. Opened in 1995, the school provides high school students a rigorous, student-centered curriculum that emphasizes the connections between math, science, and humanities, and culminates in opportunities for authentic research. MSSM’s summer camps inspire Maine middle school students to explore their passion for science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. MSSM also provides professional development opportunities for educators. Sign up now to receive the electronic version of our newsletter delivered right to your e-mail! Go to our website, and scroll down to “Newsletter Subscribe.”

w Ben Pinette, editor & layout

This will be my final MSSM newsletter. I just want to take the time to thank Alan Whittemore, Danielle Deschaine and Gregg Goletz for helping me compile these newsletters this past year. The publication wouldn’t be possible without their continued support, help & guidance along the way. And also, thank you readers for also making this publication possible!

w Alan Whittemore, Dean of Enrollment Management

-Ben Pinette


Editor’s Note:

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