Quando il Signore mi chiamò allo stato ecclesiastico mi trovavo
al primo anno di legge all Università di Malta. Adesso faccio il terzo di Teologia alla Gregoriana. L esame per il baccellerato è andato maluccio, da tre voti ho avuto due col vix; perciò tra quel che è in me ed il rigore degli esami, la speranza di ulteriori gradi è molto ridotta. In Diritto Canonico forse ci riesco di più. Siccome nelle mie communioni una delle prime grazie che chiedo al Signore, è appunto di farmi conoscere la sua volontà, credo che il riuto motivato, mi sia stato da Lui suggerito (DPA
1 De Piro, a receiver of love
2 De Piro, a giver of love
The one reason De Piro brought out against his becoming priest showed that he was conscious of the existence and power of his sexual needs, 1. The animal instinct of the conjugal life 2. and so the fear that during my celibate life, in the struggle between spirit and matter the latter might have the upper hand. 142 When Joseph was deciding in favour of his going to St Joseph s, Malta, and on the other hand against his studying at the Accademia , he mentioned another two needs which he felt he had to educate in him:
3 De Piro generated a Society: evangelisation and the charitable institutes in Malta
he, who has suffered so much for me, a sinner.
After the Society was started in 1910, De Piro continued living both the rst and the second particular words , but exactly because the Society was then founded If the Lord there was a change of circumstances and does not build there was therefore the need of another the house, in particular word . And the Lord provided vain do the him with one: If the Lord does not build workers labour. the house, in vain do the workers labour .
The Lay Brothers
4 De Piro and the Society: evangelisation to the Maltese migrants and the ad gentes countries
Appendix I The Founder s Charism or the Charism of a Founder and The Foundational Charism or the Charism of Foundation
Appendix II Further Reading
Appendix III Individual Spirituality